[PATCH] D108621: [HIPSPV] Add CUDA->SPIR-V address space mapping

Alexey Bader via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Aug 26 07:56:47 PDT 2021

bader added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/SPIR.h:59
+    // translation). This mapping is enabled when the language mode is HIP.
+    1, // cuda_device
+    // cuda_constant pointer can be casted to default/"flat" pointer, but in
Anastasia wrote:
> I am slightly confused as in the LLVM project those address spaces are for SPIR not SPIR-V though. It is however used outside of LLVM project by some tools like SPIRV-LLVM Translator as a path to SPIR-V, but it has only been done as a workaround since we had no SPIR-V support in the LLVM project yet. And if we are adding it let's do it clean to avoid/resolve any confusion.
> I think we need to keep both because some vendors do target/use SPIR but not SPIR-V.
> So if you are interested in SPIR-V and not SPIR you should probably add a new target that will make things cleaner.
> I think we need to keep both because some vendors do target/use SPIR but not SPIR-V.

@Anastasia, could you elaborate more on the difference between SPIR and SPIR-V?
I would like to understand what these terms mean in the context of LLVM project.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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