[PATCH] D105328: [Frontend] Only compile modules if not already finalized

Ben Barham via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jul 7 20:52:16 PDT 2021

bnbarham added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/unittests/Serialization/ModuleCacheTest.cpp:125-126
+  ASSERT_TRUE(Invocation2);
+  CompilerInstance Instance2(Instance.getPCHContainerOperations(),
+                             &Instance.getModuleCache());
+  Instance2.setDiagnostics(Diags.get());
vsapsai wrote:
> Haven't rechecked the code more carefully but had an idea is that if we want to allow InMemoryModuleCache reuse between multiple CompilerInstance, safer API would be to transfer ModuleCache ownership to the new CompilerInstance and maybe make all records in the cache purgeable. But that's applicable only if ModuleCache reuse is important.
Every module compilation runs in a separate thread with a separate CompilerInstance (but shared cache). So ownership would have to be transferred back to the original instance once complete. I might be misunderstanding what you mean here though.

Another point to note is that eg. Swift doesn't actually create another CompilerInstance, it's just re-used across module loading and `CompilerInstance::loadModule` is called directly. I went with this way in the test as otherwise we'd need to inline most of `ExecuteAction` and have a custom `FrontendAction`.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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