[PATCH] D103317: [Analyzer][engine][solver] Simplify complex constraints

Gabor Marton via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jun 4 02:36:54 PDT 2021

martong added a comment.

In D103317#2794099 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D103317#2794099>, @ASDenysPetrov wrote:

>> ! In D103317#2793797 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D103317#2793797>, @vsavchenko wrote:
>> I replied to you earlier that assignments are not producing constraints.  The analyzer has some sort of SSA (not really, but anyways), so every time we reassign the variable it actually becomes a different symbol. So, from this perspective `DeclRefExpr` `x` and symbol `x` are two different things:
>>   int x = foo(); // after this DeclRefExpr and VarDecl x are associated with conjured symbol #1 (aka conj#1)
>>   int c = x + 10; // c is associated with `$conj#1 + 10`
>>   x = a + 1; // DeclRefExpr x is now associated with `$a + 1`
>>   x = c + x; // and now it is `conj#1 + 11`
>> There is no symbolic assignment in the static analyzer.  Symbols are values, values don't change.  We can only obtain more information of what particular symbolic value represents.
>> I hope it makes it more clear.
>> As for equality, we already track equivalence classes of symbols and they can have more than 2 symbols in them.  Actually, this whole data structure mostly makes sense for cases when the class has more than 2 elements in it.
> Thanks for the clarifications.
> I'm trying to say that we need to keep our attention on assignments/initializations as well if we want to solve this problem efficiently. I didn't say that assignments produce constraints. Of course they do not :-). I want we produce more //bindings(associations)// on //assignments// to use them as mapping for further substitutions and traversing to get the right range.
> As for the equivalence classes. I think we should go away from special cases. I mean what about lower-then classes or greater-or-equal classes. I think you got what I mean. I'm trying to find a general approach which can cover almost all individual improvements around CSA codebase(about ranges).
> I started working on this when saw your discussion. Just what you also consider the direction I'm moving. A lot of corner-examples, like you gave me, are welcome. Thank you for the feedbacks!

Thank you for your comments Denys! It's great to see that some else is also bothered by these problems, and the more approaches we have the deeper the overall understanding is.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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