[PATCH] D101057: [clangd] Allow AST request without range

Sam McCall via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Apr 23 02:34:47 PDT 2021

sammccall added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.cpp:895
+          auto Node = DynTypedNode::create(
+                *Inputs->AST.getASTContext().getTranslationUnitDecl());
+          return CB(dumpAST(Node, Inputs->AST.getTokens(),
Ooh, there's a problem here...

TraverseDecl(TranslationUnitDecl) is going to deserialize the whole preamble and try to return the AST for every decl in every included header.
Apart from a huge amount of data, it's going to be extremely slow, we try to avoid ever doing this.

I think this should be observable in a unit test: if you set TestTU.Code and TestTU.HeaderCode, we want decls from the latter not to be visible in the dumped tree.


Instead, dumpAST should call DumpVisitor.TraverseAST(), which runs over the TraversalScope forest (i.e. all the top-level decls of the current file). But we still need the TranslationUnitDecl in order to have a single root.

Therefore I think we need this logic for "full tree" dumping:
DumpVisitor.traverseNode("declaration", TUDecl, [&] { DumpVisitor.TraverseAST() });

I think it's OK to keep the dumpAST signature as-is (i.e. pass a DynTypedNode with TUDecl in it as you're doing now) and just override TraverseTranslationUnitDecl with this special case. However both dumpAST() and the callsite should have a comment saying that TranslationUnitDecl is safe/has these special semantics, as that's not typical in clangd.


(The previous version of this patch had this problem too, it was just less obvious. Sorry for not catching it in the first round!)

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.h:347
   /// Describe the AST subtree for a piece of code.
-  void getAST(PathRef File, Range R, Callback<llvm::Optional<ASTNode>> CB);
+  void getAST(PathRef File, const llvm::Optional<Range> &R,
+              Callback<llvm::Optional<ASTNode>> CB);
Nit: we tend to pass Range etc by value rather than const ref.
I actually have no idea why! But probably best to be consistent and if we clean this up we can do it everywhere at once.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/Protocol.h:1728
   /// The highest-level node that entirely contains the range will be returned.
-  Range range;
+  /// If no range is given, the top-level translation unit node will be
+  /// returned.
nit: top-level->root
(We usually use "top-level" to mean children of TUDecl)

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/DumpASTTests.cpp:160
+TEST(DumpASTTests, NoRange) {
+  ParsedAST AST = TestTU::withCode("int x;").build();
as mentioned, this test should have decls in the header file too (HeaderCode, which is implicitly included) to make sure that we're not returning those

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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