[PATCH] D94844: [VFS] Add support to RedirectingFileSystem for mapping a virtual directory to one in the external FS.

Duncan P. N. Exon Smith via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Jan 21 17:54:23 PST 2021

dexonsmith added a comment.

I don't see a test for a case where the mapped directory already exists in the external FS, something like:

  # external fs
  # redirect fs from yaml (fallthrough: true)
  /d1 -> /d2

Unless I just missed it, can you add one?

My intuition is we'd want to overlay the directory contents, not replace them:

  # overlayed contents (my intuition for fallthrough: true)
  # replaced contents (I think unexpected)

If you agree, it might be good to test that the recursive directory iterator does the right thing.

Might also be valuable to test the non-fallthrough case, which I assume should give this view:

  # fallthrough: false

@JDevlieghere, I'm hoping you can help review the details of the code here, as I don't know the iteration code well. Also, are these API changes okay for LLDB (I seem to remember LLDB subclassing this...)?

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h:608-610
+  /// A file or directory in the vfs that is mapped to a file or directory in
+  /// the external filesystem.
+  class RemapEntry : public Entry {
Is it easy to move this declaration after `DirectoryEntry`? If so, I think that'd reduce the diff a bit, and make it more clear what parts of this were being used verbatim from the old `FileEntry`. Up to you though.

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/Support/VirtualFileSystem.h:776-778
   /// Looks up \p Path in \c Roots.
-  ErrorOr<Entry *> lookupPath(const Twine &Path) const;
+  ErrorOr<Entry *> lookupPath(const Twine &Path,
+                              SmallVectorImpl<char> &ExternalRedirect) const;
It's not entirely clear what the extra parameters do / when they're filled in / etc; can you add a bit more documentation?

Also, I see that the public caller ignores the `ExternalRedirect` parameter. I wonder if this should be renamed to `lookupPathWithName` or `lookupPathImpl`, leaving behind a `lookupPath` wrapper that creates the ignored buffer for the public interface... no strong opinion though.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Support/VirtualFileSystem.cpp:1831
+  // directory's external contents path plus any remaining path components.
+  auto SetExtRedirect = [&](RedirectingFileSystem::Entry *E) {
+    auto *DRE = dyn_cast<RedirectingFileSystem::DirectoryRemapEntry>(From);
Could this return `E`, and then the callers `return SetExtRedirect(...)`? Not sure if it'd actually be cleaner, up to you.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Support/VirtualFileSystem.cpp:2039
-    return;
+  } else if (Kind == RedirectingFileSystem::EK_RemapDirectory) {
+    auto *DR = dyn_cast<RedirectingFileSystem::DirectoryRemapEntry>(SrcE);
Nit: please keep the early return.

Comment at: llvm/lib/Support/VirtualFileSystem.cpp:2047
+        YAMLVFSEntry(VPath.c_str(), DR->getExternalContentsPath()));
+  } else {
+    assert(Kind == RedirectingFileSystem::EK_File && "Must be a EK_File");
Nit: please use an early return here to avoid unnecessary indentation (I think the rest of this diff goes away...).

Comment at: llvm/lib/Support/VirtualFileSystem.cpp:2068-2070
+  SmallString<256> ExternalRedirect;
+  ErrorOr<RedirectingFileSystem::Entry *> RootE =
+      VFS->lookupPath("/", ExternalRedirect);
This seems a bit unfortunate to have to change, but not a big deal...



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