[PATCH] D91297: Frontend: Take VFS and MainFileBuffer by reference in PrecompiledPreamble::CanReuse, NFC

Duncan P. N. Exon Smith via Phabricator via cfe-commits cfe-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Dec 1 16:26:49 PST 2020

dexonsmith added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Frontend/PrecompiledPreamble.h:108
   bool CanReuse(const CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
-                const llvm::MemoryBuffer *MainFileBuffer, PreambleBounds Bounds,
-                llvm::vfs::FileSystem *VFS) const;
+                const llvm::MemoryBufferRef &MainFileBuffer,
+                PreambleBounds Bounds, llvm::vfs::FileSystem &VFS) const;
jansvoboda11 wrote:
> dexonsmith wrote:
> > kadircet wrote:
> > > why not accept a value directly here? (i.e. drop const and ref)
> > Ah, yes, I've done this a few times, and it still seems not quite right. But the alternative also doesn't feel right when it's not necessary:
> > ```
> > #include "llvm/Basic/MemoryBufferRef.h"
> > ```
> > I'm happy either way since that file is fairly careful to avoid bloating includes.
> I agree this looks a bit odd, but avoiding an unnecessary include seems like a good excuse.
@kadircet , WDYT?



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