r197252 - Tighten test regexes checking for __attribute__((thiscall)) on function types.

Alp Toker alp at nuanti.com
Sun Dec 15 03:40:20 PST 2013

Hans, do you think it'd make sense to make the MSVC syntax default in 
the diagnostic pretty printer?

At least "__thiscall" syntax is easier on the eyes and easier to match 
with a regex.


> -  (pc->*pmv)(); // expected-error{{call to pointer to member function of type 'void () volatile' drops 'const' qualifier}}

> +  (pc->*pmv)(); // expected-error-re{{call to pointer to member function of type 'void (){{( __attribute__\(\(thiscall\)\))?}} volatile' drops 'const' qualifier}}
>     (pc->*pmcv)();

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