[Openmp-dev] OpenMP offloading app gets in unresponsive

Itaru Kitayama via Openmp-dev openmp-dev at lists.llvm.org
Fri Sep 18 19:35:37 PDT 2020

Libomptarget error: Failed to synchronize device.
Libomptarget error: Call to targetDataEnd failed, abort target.
Libomptarget error: Failed to process data after launching the kernel.
Libomptarget error: run with env LIBOMPTARGET_INFO>1 to dump
host-targetpointer maps
Libomptarget fatal error 1: failure of target construct while
offloading is mandatory

after this point, the process gets in the state of unresponsive and
don't receive a signal from the user. Is this due to a new feature of

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