[Openmp-dev] [cfe-dev] [llvm-dev] RFC: Switching from Bugzilla to Github Issues [UPDATED]
Anton Korobeynikov via Openmp-dev
openmp-dev at lists.llvm.org
Wed Apr 22 04:54:17 PDT 2020
Hi Konrad,
Thanks for the scripts – look useful! For the record, here is the
result of previous experiments
On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 2:21 PM Konrad Kleine via cfe-dev
<cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> I wanted to try importing llvm bugs into a fresh github repo and here's my result so far (import is still running): https://github.com/kwk/test-llvm-bz-import-4 . I've written the scripts (https://github.com/kwk/bz2gh) myself because I wanted to remain in control and don't make my life more complicated than it needs to be. The README.md describes in great length what's imported and how. For now I import the bugzillas just as placeholder issues. Then I lock those issues in github to avoid messing with them. Before I created labels based on <BZPRODUCT>/<BZCOMPONENT>. Those are assigned to each issue. It should give a good start to at least reserve all github #IDs so they map 1:1 to LLVM BZs.
> On Wed, 22 Apr 2020 at 09:23, Dimitry Andric via cfe-dev <cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>> Since Bugzilla numbers are all under 50,000 (at least for now:), can't we simply bump the GitHub issue/pull request numbers to 50,000, and start from there?
>> Then it would be easy to identify: < 50000 means Bugzilla, >= 50000 means GitHub.
>> Now somebody's only gotta find a way to file 50000-200 bogus GitHub tickets. :) (Or ask GitHub support to bump the number synthetically.)
>> -Dimitry
>> On 22 Apr 2020, at 09:10, James Henderson via cfe-dev <cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>> Similar to other people's experiences, I've worked on a common code base that supported three different platforms, and each platform used a different bugzilla with it's own numbering scheme. I regularly came across references to "BZ123456" with no indication as to which of the three systems that referred to. This would often mean having to go to each in turn and seeing if the corresponding bug looked like it had anything to do with the related topic. Fortunately, given that there were many other things using the same bugzilla instances, this was usually pretty clear, but not always. Typos in bug numbers sometimes made things even harder, since you had to spend three times as long trying to guess.
>> In other words +1 to using unique numbers, however we do it.
>> On Wed, 22 Apr 2020 at 03:44, Johannes Doerfert via cfe-dev <cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>>> On 4/21/20 7:00 PM, Tom Stellard via llvm-dev wrote:
>>> > On 04/21/2020 03:36 PM, Richard Smith via llvm-dev wrote:
>>> >> On Tue, 21 Apr 2020 at 11:04, Philip Reames via cfe-dev <cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org <mailto:cfe-dev at lists.llvm.org>> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> +1 to James's take
>>> >>
>>> >> I'd prefer simplicity of implementation over perfection here.
>>> >>
>>> >> If we end up with two different bug numbering systems, that's a problem that we will be paying for for many years. It's worth some investment now to avoid that problem. And it doesn't seem like it really requires much investment.
>>> >>
>>> >> Here's another path we could take:
>>> >>
>>> >> 1) Fork the llvm repository to a private "bugs" repository. Mirror the bugzilla issues there. Iterate until we're happy, as per James's proposal.
>>> >> 2) Sync the forked repository to the llvm repository, delete the llvm repository, rename "bugs" to "llvm", and make it public.
>>> >>
>>> >> Then we'll have the first N bugs in llvm-project/llvm being *exactly* the bugzilla bugs, and we'll have excised the existing github issues that we want to pretend never existed anyway.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> I think we've missed an important step in the planning here: we've not agreed on a set of goals for the transition. Here are mine:
>>> >>
>>> >> * We end up with one single issue tracking system containing all issues, both old and new, both open and closed.
>>> >> * All links and references to existing bugs still work.
>>> >> * We have a single bug numbering system covering all bugs, and old bugs retain their numbers.
>>> > Why are the bug numbers important? Could you help give some example use cases that require having
>>> > a non-intersecting set of bug numbers for bugzilla bugs and github issues?
>>> While I have no experience in bugzilla or github tooling, the two step
>>> process described by Richard doesn't seem to be very complicated.
>>> As mentioned by others, we have commits and tests (and sometimes source
>>> files) that explicitly mention bug numbers. I do regularly look up bugs
>>> from a decade ago to determine if a test or some code still has
>>> relevance or not. If PR3214 can be one of two bugs, it does not only
>>> increase lookup time but also add confusion to everyone involved.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Johannes
>>> > -Tom
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >> It sounds like we don't all agree that the last point is important, but if we can achieve it without any significant additional cost, why not do so?
>>> >>
>>> >> Philip
>>> >>
>>> >> On 4/20/20 4:08 PM, James Y Knight via llvm-dev wrote:
>>> >>> In a previous discussion, one other suggestion had been to migrate all the bugzilla bugs to a separate initially-private "bug archive" repository in github. This has a few benefits:
>>> >>> 1. If the migration is messed up, the repo can be deleted, and the process run again, until we get a result we like.
>>> >>> 2. The numbering can be fully-controlled.
>>> >>> Once the bugs are migrated to /some/ github repository, individual issues can then be "moved" between repositories, and github will redirect from the movefrom-repository's bug to the target repository's bug.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> We could also just have llvm.org/PR### <http://llvm.org/PR#%23%23> be the url only for legacy bugzilla issue numbers -- and have it use a file listing the mappings of bugzilla id -> github id to generate the redirects. (GCC just did this recently for svn revision number redirections, https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc/2020-April/232030.html).
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Then we could introduce a new naming scheme for github issue shortlinks.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 3:50 PM Richard Smith via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org <mailto:llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org>> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Mon, 20 Apr 2020 at 12:31, Tom Stellard via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org <mailto:llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org>> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Hi,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I wanted to continue discussing the plan to migrate from Bugzilla to Github.
>>> >>> It was suggested that I start a new thread and give a summary of the proposal
>>> >>> and what has changed since it was originally proposed in October.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> == Here is the original proposal:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2019-October/136162.html
>>> >>>
>>> >>> == What has changed:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> * You will be able to subscribe to notifications for a specific issue
>>> >>> labels. We have a proof of concept notification system using github actions
>>> >>> that will be used for this.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> * Emails will be sent to llvm-bugs when issues are opened or closed.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> * We have the initial list of labels: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/labels
>>> >>>
>>> >>> == Remaining issue:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> * There is one remaining issue that I don't feel we have consensus on,
>>> >>> and that is what to do with bugs in the existing bugzilla. Here are some options
>>> >>> that we have discussed:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 1. Switch to GitHub issues for new bugs only. Bugs filed in bugzilla that are
>>> >>> still active will be updated there until they are closed. This means that over
>>> >>> time the number of active bugs in bugzilla will slowly decrease as bugs are closed
>>> >>> out. Then at some point in the future, all of the bugs from bugzilla will be archived
>>> >>> into their own GitHub repository that is separate from the llvm-project repo.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 2. Same as 1, but also create a migration script that would allow anyone to
>>> >>> manually migrate an active bug from bugzilla to a GitHub issue in the llvm-project
>>> >>> repo. The intention with this script is that it would be used to migrate high-traffic
>>> >>> or important bugs from bugzilla to GitHub to help increase the visibility of the bug.
>>> >>> This would not be used for mass migration of all the bugs.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> 3. Do a mass bug migration from bugzilla to GitHub and enable GitHub issues at the same time.
>>> >>> Closed or inactive bugs would be archived into their own GitHub repository, and active bugs
>>> >>> would be migrated to the llvm-project repo.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Can we preserve the existing bug numbers if we migrate this way? There are lots of references to "PRxxxxx" in checked in LLVM artifacts and elsewhere in the world, as well as links to llvm.org/PRxxxxx <http://llvm.org/PRxxxxx>, and if we can preserve all the issue numbers this would ease the transition pain substantially.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The key difference between proposal 1,2 and 3, is when bugs will be archived from bugzilla
>>> >>> to GitHub. Delaying the archiving of bugs (proposals 1 and 2) means that we can migrate
>>> >>> to GitHub issues sooner (within 1-2 weeks), whereas trying to archive bugs during the
>>> >>> transition (proposal 3) will delay the transition for a while (likely several months)
>>> >>> while we evaluate the various solutions for moving bugs from bugzilla to GitHub.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The original proposal was to do 1 or 2, however there were some concerns raised on the list
>>> >>> that having 2 different places to search for bugs for some period of time would
>>> >>> be very inconvenient. So, I would like to restart this discussion and hopefully we can
>>> >>> come to some kind of conclusion about the best way forward.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Thanks,
>>> >>> Tom
>>> >>>
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With best regards, Anton Korobeynikov
Department of Statistical Modelling, Saint Petersburg State University
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