[Openmp-dev] GPU Accelerator Offloading Benchmarks

Jeff Hammond via Openmp-dev openmp-dev at lists.llvm.org
Tue Oct 10 07:37:12 PDT 2017

https://github.com/ParRes/Kernels/tree/master/Cxx11 implements at least two kernels in OpenCL, GPU-oriented OpenMP4 (#pragma omp teams distribute parallel for simd collapse(2) schedule(static,1) as recommended by NVIDIA), RAJA, Kokkos, and numerous CPU implementations.

You’ll need to (1) tune the OpenCL code for your GPU as it is currently not optimized for any architecture and (2) tweak the RAJA and KOKKOS implementations to target GPU models in addition to CPU ones. Neither should be very difficult and the PRK team is happy to provide assistance.

That project contains one C++ CUDA and two Fortran OpenACC implementations but these are unfinished and need work. However, I’m very happy to see others contribute better versions.  It may not be the easiest route to fame and fortune, but it’s not the worst either 😂

Write me privately or create GitHub issues if you have questions. I am currently on leave from my day job but will be responsive via GMail and GitHub.

Sorry if this is a repost. I intended to reply early but didn’t and can’t find it if I did, but mistakes have been known to occur.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 10, 2017, at 6:56 AM, Jonas Hahnfeld via Openmp-dev <openmp-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> some (public) benchmarks that come to my mind:
> * LULESH: https://codesign.llnl.gov/lulesh.php
> * CloverLeaf: http://uk-mac.github.io/CloverLeaf/
> * my own, a Conjugate Gradient solver: https://github.com/hahnjo/CGxx
> As James wrote, SPEC ACCEL also has an OpenMP suite, but you need a license.
> Regards
> Jonas
> Am 2017-10-10 09:43, schrieb Daniel Schürmann via Openmp-dev:
>> Hello together,
>> as the title states, I am looking for benchmarks which are
>> particularly suitable for GPU accelerators (or at least make use of
>> the #teams pragma).
>> I already tried rodinia benchmark suite, but they seem to be written
>> for CPU acceleration only.
>> I would be very pleased if someone could provide me with one or more
>> kernels which can be used with the NVPTX backend.
>> The purpose is a master thesis about using OpenCL and SPIR-V as OpenMP backend.
>> Thank you in advance and
>> kind regards,
>> Daniel
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