[Openmp-dev] offloading library

C Bergström cbergstrom at pathscale.com
Tue Jun 9 05:30:10 PDT 2015

liboffload is not only useful for OMP alone. There's c++AMP, OpenCL
(potentially) and other programming models which are doing
"offloading". Gluing it to OMP reduces the visibility just as much the
reason as why you haven't heard about other offloading runtimes. (They
exist already)

Not to mention the build infrastructure reasons. Look at the whole
libunwind mess and how that eventually needed to get moved to an
independent repo.

I wish people (esp researchers) would look into the current state of
things a bit more before just proposing the thing which seems obvious,
but probably not the best long term plan.

New repo, new project - has 3 layers: top layer API is exposed and
meant for programming models to build on top of, middle is the
transition to the bottom and exposes hardware hooks and bottom layer
is hardware speicifc. I have this model today and it supports (PHI,
AMD dGPU/APU and NVIDIA) across multiple programming models -
including OMP4, OpenACC, C++AMP.. etc

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