[Openmp-commits] [openmp] [OpenMP][libomp] Remove Perl in favor of Python (PR #95307)

via Openmp-commits openmp-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jun 12 13:47:50 PDT 2024

github-actions[bot] wrote:


:warning: Python code formatter, darker found issues in your code. :warning:

You can test this locally with the following command:

darker --check --diff -r 4d95850d052336a785651030eafa0b24651801a0...96005e1a1f2e7fac92596f159cd4988e177949a5 openmp/runtime/tools/check-depends.py openmp/runtime/tools/check-execstack.py openmp/runtime/tools/generate-def.py openmp/runtime/tools/libomputils.py openmp/runtime/tools/message-converter.py


View the diff from darker here.

--- check-depends.py	2024-06-12 20:17:46.000000 +0000
+++ check-depends.py	2024-06-12 20:47:26.879492 +0000
@@ -1,48 +1,55 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-#// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-#// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-#// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+# //
+# // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+# // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+# // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# //
+# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
 import argparse
 import os
 import platform
 import re
 import sys
-from libomputils import ScriptError, error, execute_command, print_info_line, \
-                        print_error_line
+from libomputils import (
+    ScriptError,
+    error,
+    execute_command,
+    print_info_line,
+    print_error_line,
 def get_deps_readelf(filename):
-    ''' Get list of dependencies from readelf '''
+    """Get list of dependencies from readelf"""
     deps = []
     # Force readelf call to be in English
-    os.environ['LANG'] = 'C'
-    r = execute_command(['readelf', '-d', filename])
+    os.environ["LANG"] = "C"
+    r = execute_command(["readelf", "-d", filename])
     if r.returncode != 0:
-        error('readelf -d {} failed'.format(filename))
-    neededRegex = re.compile(r'\(NEEDED\)\s+Shared library: \[([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)\]')
+        error("readelf -d {} failed".format(filename))
+    neededRegex = re.compile(r"\(NEEDED\)\s+Shared library: \[([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)\]")
     for line in r.stdout.split(os.linesep):
         match = neededRegex.search(line)
         if match:
     return deps
 def get_deps_otool(filename):
-    ''' Get list of dependencies from otool '''
+    """Get list of dependencies from otool"""
     deps = []
-    r = execute_command(['otool', '-L', filename])
+    r = execute_command(["otool", "-L", filename])
     if r.returncode != 0:
-        error('otool -L {} failed'.format(filename))
-    libRegex = re.compile(r'([^ \t]+)\s+\(compatibility version ')
-    thisLibRegex = re.compile(r'@rpath/{}'.format(os.path.basename(filename)))
+        error("otool -L {} failed".format(filename))
+    libRegex = re.compile(r"([^ \t]+)\s+\(compatibility version ")
+    thisLibRegex = re.compile(r"@rpath/{}".format(os.path.basename(filename)))
     for line in r.stdout.split(os.linesep):
         match = thisLibRegex.search(line)
         if match:
             # Don't include the library itself as a needed dependency
@@ -50,70 +57,78 @@
         if match:
     return deps
 def get_deps_link(filename):
-    ''' Get list of dependecies from link (Windows OS) '''
+    """Get list of dependecies from link (Windows OS)"""
     depsSet = set([])
     f = filename.lower()
-    args = ['link', '/DUMP']
-    if f.endswith('.lib'):
-        args.append('/DIRECTIVES')
-    elif f.endswith('.dll') or f.endswith('.exe'):
-        args.append('/DEPENDENTS')
+    args = ["link", "/DUMP"]
+    if f.endswith(".lib"):
+        args.append("/DIRECTIVES")
+    elif f.endswith(".dll") or f.endswith(".exe"):
+        args.append("/DEPENDENTS")
-        error('unrecognized file extension: {}'.format(filename))
+        error("unrecognized file extension: {}".format(filename))
     r = execute_command(args)
     if r.returncode != 0:
-        error('{} failed'.format(args.command))
-    if f.endswith('.lib'):
-        regex = re.compile(r'\s*[-/]defaultlib:(.*)\s*$')
+        error("{} failed".format(args.command))
+    if f.endswith(".lib"):
+        regex = re.compile(r"\s*[-/]defaultlib:(.*)\s*$")
         for line in r.stdout.split(os.linesep):
             line = line.lower()
             match = regex.search(line)
             if match:
         started = False
-        markerStart = re.compile(r'Image has the following depend')
-        markerEnd = re.compile(r'Summary')
-        markerEnd2 = re.compile(r'Image has the following delay load depend')
+        markerStart = re.compile(r"Image has the following depend")
+        markerEnd = re.compile(r"Summary")
+        markerEnd2 = re.compile(r"Image has the following delay load depend")
         for line in r.stdout.split(os.linesep):
             if not started:
                 if markerStart.search(line):
                     started = True
-            else: # Started parsing the libs
+            else:  # Started parsing the libs
                 line = line.strip()
                 if not line:
                 if markerEnd.search(line) or markerEnd2.search(line):
     return list(depsSet)
 def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check library dependencies')
-    parser.add_argument('--bare', action='store_true',
-                        help='Produce plain, bare output: just a list'
-                             ' of libraries, a library per line')
-    parser.add_argument('--expected', metavar='CSV_LIST',
-                        help='CSV_LIST is a comma-separated list of expected'
-                             ' dependencies (or "none"). checks the specified'
-                             ' library has only expected dependencies.')
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Check library dependencies")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--bare",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Produce plain, bare output: just a list"
+        " of libraries, a library per line",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--expected",
+        metavar="CSV_LIST",
+        help="CSV_LIST is a comma-separated list of expected"
+        ' dependencies (or "none"). checks the specified'
+        " library has only expected dependencies.",
+    )
-    parser.add_argument('library', help='The library file to check')
+    parser.add_argument("library", help="The library file to check")
     commandArgs = parser.parse_args()
     # Get dependencies
     deps = []
     system = platform.system()
-    if system == 'Windows':
+    if system == "Windows":
         deps = get_deps_link(commandArgs.library)
-    elif system == 'Darwin':
+    elif system == "Darwin":
         deps = get_deps_otool(commandArgs.library)
         deps = get_deps_readelf(commandArgs.library)
     deps = sorted(deps)
@@ -124,27 +139,28 @@
     # Calculate unexpected dependencies if expected list specified
     unexpected = []
     if commandArgs.expected:
         # none => any dependency is unexpected
-        if commandArgs.expected == 'none':
+        if commandArgs.expected == "none":
             unexpected = list(deps)
-            expected = [d.strip() for d in commandArgs.expected.split(',')]
+            expected = [d.strip() for d in commandArgs.expected.split(",")]
             unexpected = [d for d in deps if d not in expected]
     # Regular output
-    print_info_line('Dependencies:')
+    print_info_line("Dependencies:")
     for dep in deps:
-        print_info_line('    {}'.format(dep))
+        print_info_line("    {}".format(dep))
     if unexpected:
-        print_error_line('Unexpected Dependencies:')
+        print_error_line("Unexpected Dependencies:")
         for dep in unexpected:
-            print_error_line('    {}'.format(dep))
-        error('found unexpected dependencies')
+            print_error_line("    {}".format(dep))
+        error("found unexpected dependencies")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
     except ScriptError as e:
--- check-execstack.py	2024-06-12 20:17:46.000000 +0000
+++ check-execstack.py	2024-06-12 20:47:26.904382 +0000
@@ -1,56 +1,63 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-#// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-#// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-#// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+# //
+# // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+# // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+# // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# //
+# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
 import argparse
 import os
 import re
 import sys
 from libomputils import ScriptError, error, print_error_line, execute_command
 def is_stack_executable_readelf(library):
-    ''' Returns true if stack of library file is executable '''
-    r = execute_command(['readelf', '-l', '-W', library])
+    """Returns true if stack of library file is executable"""
+    r = execute_command(["readelf", "-l", "-W", library])
     if r.returncode != 0:
-        error('{} failed'.format(r.command))
+        error("{} failed".format(r.command))
     stack_lines = []
     for line in r.stdout.split(os.linesep):
-        if re.search('STACK', line):
+        if re.search("STACK", line):
     if not stack_lines:
-        error('{}: Not stack segment found'.format(library))
+        error("{}: Not stack segment found".format(library))
     if len(stack_lines) > 1:
-        error('{}: More than one stack segment found'.format(library))
-    h = r'0x[0-9a-fA-F]+'
-    m = re.search(r'((GNU_)?STACK)\s+({0})\s+({0})\s+({0})\s+({0})\s+({0})'
-                   ' ([R ][W ][E ])'.format(h), stack_lines[0])
+        error("{}: More than one stack segment found".format(library))
+    h = r"0x[0-9a-fA-F]+"
+    m = re.search(
+        r"((GNU_)?STACK)\s+({0})\s+({0})\s+({0})\s+({0})\s+({0})"
+        " ([R ][W ][E ])".format(h),
+        stack_lines[0],
+    )
     if not m:
-        error('{}: Cannot parse stack segment line'.format(library))
+        error("{}: Cannot parse stack segment line".format(library))
     if m:
-       flags = m.group(8)
-       if 'E' in flags:
-           return True
+        flags = m.group(8)
+        if "E" in flags:
+            return True
     return False
 def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check library does not have'
-                                                 ' executable stack')
-    parser.add_argument('library', help='The library file to check')
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Check library does not have" " executable stack"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("library", help="The library file to check")
     commandArgs = parser.parse_args()
     if is_stack_executable_readelf(commandArgs.library):
-        error('{}: Stack is executable'.format(commandArgs.library))
+        error("{}: Stack is executable".format(commandArgs.library))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
     except ScriptError as e:
--- generate-def.py	2024-06-12 20:17:46.000000 +0000
+++ generate-def.py	2024-06-12 20:47:26.971937 +0000
@@ -1,76 +1,86 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-#// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-#// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-#// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+# //
+# // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+# // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+# // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# //
+# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
 import argparse
 import os
 import re
 import sys
 from libomputils import error, ScriptError, print_error_line
 class DllExports(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self.filename = None
         self.exports = {}
         self.ordinals = set([])
     def add_uppercase_entries(self):
         # Ignored entries are C/C++ only functions
-        ignores = ['omp_alloc', 'omp_free', 'omp_calloc', 'omp_realloc',
-                   'omp_aligned_alloc', 'omp_aligned_calloc']
+        ignores = [
+            "omp_alloc",
+            "omp_free",
+            "omp_calloc",
+            "omp_realloc",
+            "omp_aligned_alloc",
+            "omp_aligned_calloc",
+        ]
         keys = list(self.exports.keys())
         for entry in keys:
             info = self.exports[entry]
-            if info['obsolete'] or info['is_data'] or entry in ignores:
+            if info["obsolete"] or info["is_data"] or entry in ignores:
-            if entry.startswith('omp_') or entry.startswith('kmp_'):
+            if entry.startswith("omp_") or entry.startswith("kmp_"):
                 newentry = entry.upper()
-                if info['ordinal']:
-                    newordinal = info['ordinal'] + 1000
+                if info["ordinal"]:
+                    newordinal = info["ordinal"] + 1000
                     newordinal = None
                 self.exports[newentry] = {
-                    'obsolete': False,
-                    'is_data' : False,
-                    'ordinal' : newordinal}
+                    "obsolete": False,
+                    "is_data": False,
+                    "ordinal": newordinal,
+                }
     def create(inputFile, defs=None):
-        ''' Creates DllExports object from inputFile '''
+        """Creates DllExports object from inputFile"""
         dllexports = DllExports()
         dllexports.filename = inputFile
         # Create a (possibly empty) list of definitions
         if defs:
             definitions = set(list(defs))
             definitions = set([])
         # Different kinds of lines to parse
-        kw = r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
-        ifndef = re.compile(r'%ifndef\s+({})'.format(kw))
-        ifdef = re.compile(r'%ifdef\s+({})'.format(kw))
-        endif = re.compile(r'%endif')
-        export = re.compile(r'(-)?\s*({0})(=({0}))?(\s+([0-9]+|DATA))?'.format(kw))
+        kw = r"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
+        ifndef = re.compile(r"%ifndef\s+({})".format(kw))
+        ifdef = re.compile(r"%ifdef\s+({})".format(kw))
+        endif = re.compile(r"%endif")
+        export = re.compile(r"(-)?\s*({0})(=({0}))?(\s+([0-9]+|DATA))?".format(kw))
         def err(fil, num, msg):
-            error('{}: {}: {}'.format(fil, num, msg))
+            error("{}: {}: {}".format(fil, num, msg))
         defs_stack = []
         with open(inputFile) as f:
             for lineNumber, line in enumerate(f):
                 line = line.strip()
                 # Skip empty lines
                 if not line:
                 # Skip comment lines
-                if line.startswith('#'):
+                if line.startswith("#"):
                 # Encountered %ifndef DEF
                 m = ifndef.search(line)
                 if m:
                     defs_stack.append(m.group(1) not in definitions)
@@ -82,110 +92,151 @@
                 # Encountered %endif
                 m = endif.search(line)
                 if m:
                     if not defs_stack:
-                        err(inputFile, lineNumber, 'orphan %endif directive')
+                        err(inputFile, lineNumber, "orphan %endif directive")
                 # Skip lines when not all %ifdef or %ifndef are true
                 if defs_stack and not all(defs_stack):
                 # Encountered an export line
                 m = export.search(line)
                 if m:
-                    obsolete = (m.group(1) is not None)
+                    obsolete = m.group(1) is not None
                     entry = m.group(2)
                     rename = m.group(4)
                     ordinal = m.group(6)
                     if entry in dllexports.exports:
-                        err(inputFile, lineNumber, 'already specified entry: {}'.format(entry))
+                        err(
+                            inputFile,
+                            lineNumber,
+                            "already specified entry: {}".format(entry),
+                        )
                     if rename:
-                        entry += '={}'.format(rename)
+                        entry += "={}".format(rename)
                     # No ordinal number nor DATA specified
                     if not ordinal:
                         ordinal = None
                         is_data = False
                     # DATA ordinal
-                    elif ordinal == 'DATA':
+                    elif ordinal == "DATA":
                         ordinal = None
                         is_data = True
                     # Regular ordinal number
                         is_data = False
                             ordinal = int(ordinal)
-                            err(inputFile, lineNumber, 'Bad ordinal value: {}'.format(ordinal))
-                        if (ordinal >= 1000 and (entry.startswith('omp_') or
-                                                 entry.startswith('kmp_'))):
-                            err(inputFile, lineNumber,
-                                'Ordinal of user-callable entry must be < 1000')
-                        if (ordinal >= 1000 and ordinal < 2000):
-                            err(inputFile, lineNumber,
-                                'Ordinals between 1000 and 1999 are reserved.')
+                            err(
+                                inputFile,
+                                lineNumber,
+                                "Bad ordinal value: {}".format(ordinal),
+                            )
+                        if ordinal >= 1000 and (
+                            entry.startswith("omp_") or entry.startswith("kmp_")
+                        ):
+                            err(
+                                inputFile,
+                                lineNumber,
+                                "Ordinal of user-callable entry must be < 1000",
+                            )
+                        if ordinal >= 1000 and ordinal < 2000:
+                            err(
+                                inputFile,
+                                lineNumber,
+                                "Ordinals between 1000 and 1999 are reserved.",
+                            )
                         if ordinal in dllexports.ordinals:
-                            err(inputFile, lineNumber,
-                                'Ordinal {} has already been used.'.format(ordinal))
-                    dllexports.exports[entry] = {'ordinal': ordinal,
-                                                 'obsolete': obsolete,
-                                                 'is_data': is_data}
-                    continue
-                err(inputFile, lineNumber,
-                    'Cannot parse line:{}"{}"'.format(os.linesep, line))
+                            err(
+                                inputFile,
+                                lineNumber,
+                                "Ordinal {} has already been used.".format(ordinal),
+                            )
+                    dllexports.exports[entry] = {
+                        "ordinal": ordinal,
+                        "obsolete": obsolete,
+                        "is_data": is_data,
+                    }
+                    continue
+                err(
+                    inputFile,
+                    lineNumber,
+                    'Cannot parse line:{}"{}"'.format(os.linesep, line),
+                )
         if defs_stack:
-            error('syntax error: Unterminated %if directive')
+            error("syntax error: Unterminated %if directive")
         return dllexports
 def generate_def(dllexports, f, no_ordinals=False, name=None):
-    ''' Using dllexports data, write the exports to file, f '''
+    """Using dllexports data, write the exports to file, f"""
     if name:
-        f.write('LIBRARY {}\n'.format(name))
-    f.write('EXPORTS\n')
+        f.write("LIBRARY {}\n".format(name))
+    f.write("EXPORTS\n")
     for entry in sorted(list(dllexports.exports.keys())):
         info = dllexports.exports[entry]
-        if info['obsolete']:
+        if info["obsolete"]:
-        f.write('    {:<40} '.format(entry))
-        if info['is_data']:
-            f.write('DATA\n')
-        elif no_ordinals or not info['ordinal']:
-            f.write('\n')
+        f.write("    {:<40} ".format(entry))
+        if info["is_data"]:
+            f.write("DATA\n")
+        elif no_ordinals or not info["ordinal"]:
+            f.write("\n")
-            f.write('@{}\n'.format(info['ordinal']))
+            f.write("@{}\n".format(info["ordinal"]))
 def main():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description='Reads input file of dllexports, processes conditional'
-                    ' directives, checks content for consistency, and generates'
-                    ' output file suitable for linker')
-    parser.add_argument('-D', metavar='DEF', action='append', dest='defs',
-                        help='Define a variable. Can specify'
-                             ' this more than once.')
-    parser.add_argument('--no-ordinals', action='store_true',
-                        help='Specify that no ordinal numbers should be generated')
-    parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', dest='name',
-                        help='Specify library name for def file LIBRARY statement')
-    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='FILE', dest='output',
-                        help='Specify output file name. If not specified,'
-                             ' output is sent to stdout')
-    parser.add_argument('dllexports',
-                        help='The input file describing dllexports')
+        description="Reads input file of dllexports, processes conditional"
+        " directives, checks content for consistency, and generates"
+        " output file suitable for linker"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-D",
+        metavar="DEF",
+        action="append",
+        dest="defs",
+        help="Define a variable. Can specify" " this more than once.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--no-ordinals",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Specify that no ordinal numbers should be generated",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-n",
+        "--name",
+        dest="name",
+        help="Specify library name for def file LIBRARY statement",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-o",
+        "--output",
+        metavar="FILE",
+        dest="output",
+        help="Specify output file name. If not specified," " output is sent to stdout",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("dllexports", help="The input file describing dllexports")
     commandArgs = parser.parse_args()
     defs = set([])
     if commandArgs.defs:
         defs = set(commandArgs.defs)
     dllexports = DllExports.create(commandArgs.dllexports, defs)
-        output = open(commandArgs.output, 'w') if commandArgs.output else sys.stdout
+        output = open(commandArgs.output, "w") if commandArgs.output else sys.stdout
         generate_def(dllexports, output, commandArgs.no_ordinals, commandArgs.name)
         if commandArgs.output:
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
     except ScriptError as e:
--- libomputils.py	2024-06-12 20:17:46.000000 +0000
+++ libomputils.py	2024-06-12 20:47:27.002677 +0000
@@ -1,55 +1,65 @@
-#// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-#// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-#// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+# //
+# // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+# // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+# // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# //
+# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
 import os
 import subprocess
 import sys
 class ScriptError(Exception):
-    ''' Convenience class for user errors generated '''
+    """Convenience class for user errors generated"""
     def __init__(self, msg):
         super(Exception, self).__init__(msg)
 def error(msg):
     raise ScriptError(msg)
-def print_line(msg, form='i'):
-    print('{}: ({}) {}'.format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), form, msg))
+def print_line(msg, form="i"):
+    print("{}: ({}) {}".format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), form, msg))
 def print_info_line(msg):
 def print_error_line(msg):
-    print_line(msg, form='x')
+    print_line(msg, form="x")
 class RunResult:
-    '''
+    """
     Auxiliary class for execute_command() containing the
     results of running a command
-    '''
+    """
     def __init__(self, args, stdout, stderr, returncode):
         self.executable = args[0]
-        self.stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8')
-        self.stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8')
+        self.stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8")
+        self.stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8")
         self.returncode = returncode
-        self.command = ' '.join(args)
+        self.command = " ".join(args)
 def execute_command(args):
-    '''
+    """
     Run a command with arguments: args
     Return RunResult containing stdout, stderr, returncode
-    '''
+    """
     handle = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
     stdout, stderr = handle.communicate()
     returncode = handle.wait()
     return RunResult(args, stdout, stderr, returncode)
 # end of file
--- message-converter.py	2024-06-12 20:17:46.000000 +0000
+++ message-converter.py	2024-06-12 20:47:27.114111 +0000
@@ -1,318 +1,371 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-#// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-#// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-#// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+# //
+# // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+# // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+# // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+# //
+# //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
 import argparse
 import datetime
 import os
 import platform
 import re
 import sys
 from libomputils import ScriptError, error
 class ParseMessageDataError(ScriptError):
-    ''' Convenience class for parsing message data file errors '''
+    """Convenience class for parsing message data file errors"""
     def __init__(self, filename, line, msg):
         super(ParseMessageDataError, self).__init__(msg)
         self.filename = filename
         self.line = line
 def parse_error(filename, line, msg):
     raise ParseMessageDataError(filename, line, msg)
 def display_language_id(inputFile):
-    ''' Quickly parse file for LangId and print it '''
+    """Quickly parse file for LangId and print it"""
     regex = re.compile(r'^LangId\s+"([0-9]+)"')
-    with open(inputFile, encoding='utf-8') as f:
+    with open(inputFile, encoding="utf-8") as f:
         for line in f:
             m = regex.search(line)
             if not m:
 class Message(object):
     special = {
-        'n': '\n',
-        't': '\t',
+        "n": "\n",
+        "t": "\t",
     def __init__(self, lineNumber, name, text):
         self.lineNumber = lineNumber
         self.name = name
         self.text = text
     def toSrc(self):
-        if platform.system() == 'Windows':
-            return re.sub(r'%([0-9])\$(s|l?[du])', r'%\1!\2!', self.text)
+        if platform.system() == "Windows":
+            return re.sub(r"%([0-9])\$(s|l?[du])", r"%\1!\2!", self.text)
         return str(self.text)
     def toMC(self):
         retval = self.toSrc()
         for special, substitute in Message.special.items():
-            retval = re.sub(r'\\{}'.format(special), substitute, retval)
+            retval = re.sub(r"\\{}".format(special), substitute, retval)
         return retval
 class MessageData(object):
-    '''
+    """
     Convenience class representing message data parsed from i18n/* files
     Generate these objects using static create() factory method
-    '''
+    """
     sectionInfo = {
-        'meta': {'short': 'prp', 'long': 'meta', 'set': 1, 'base': 1 << 16},
-        'strings': {'short': 'str', 'long': 'strings', 'set': 2, 'base': 2 << 16},
-        'formats': {'short': 'fmt', 'long': 'formats', 'set': 3, 'base': 3 << 16},
-        'messages': {'short': 'msg', 'long': 'messages', 'set': 4, 'base': 4 << 16},
-        'hints': {'short': 'hnt', 'long': 'hints', 'set': 5, 'base': 5 << 16},
+        "meta": {"short": "prp", "long": "meta", "set": 1, "base": 1 << 16},
+        "strings": {"short": "str", "long": "strings", "set": 2, "base": 2 << 16},
+        "formats": {"short": "fmt", "long": "formats", "set": 3, "base": 3 << 16},
+        "messages": {"short": "msg", "long": "messages", "set": 4, "base": 4 << 16},
+        "hints": {"short": "hnt", "long": "hints", "set": 5, "base": 5 << 16},
-    orderedSections = ['meta', 'strings', 'formats', 'messages', 'hints']
+    orderedSections = ["meta", "strings", "formats", "messages", "hints"]
     def __init__(self):
         self.filename = None
         self.sections = {}
     def getMeta(self, name):
-        metaList = self.sections['meta']
+        metaList = self.sections["meta"]
         for meta in metaList:
             if meta.name == name:
                 return meta.text
-        error('No "{}" detected in meta data'
-              ' for file {}'.format(name, self.filename))
+        error(
+            'No "{}" detected in meta data' " for file {}".format(name, self.filename)
+        )
     def create(inputFile):
-        ''' Creates MessageData object from inputFile '''
+        """Creates MessageData object from inputFile"""
         data = MessageData()
         data.filename = os.path.abspath(inputFile)
         obsolete = 1
-        sectionRegex = re.compile(r'-\*- ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) -\*-')
+        sectionRegex = re.compile(r"-\*- ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) -\*-")
         keyValueRegex = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s+"(.*)"')
         moreValueRegex = re.compile(r'"(.*)"')
-        with open(inputFile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        with open(inputFile, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
             currentSection = None
             currentKey = None
             for lineNumber, line in enumerate(f, 1):
                 line = line.strip()
                 # Skip empty lines
                 if not line:
                 # Skip comment lines
-                if line.startswith('#'):
+                if line.startswith("#"):
                 # Matched a section header
                 match = sectionRegex.search(line)
                 if match:
                     currentSection = match.group(1).lower()
                     if currentSection in data.sections:
-                        parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber,
-                                    'section: {} already defined'.format(currentSection))
+                        parse_error(
+                            inputFile,
+                            lineNumber,
+                            "section: {} already defined".format(currentSection),
+                        )
                     data.sections[currentSection] = []
                 # Matched a Key "Value" line (most lines)
                 match = keyValueRegex.search(line)
                 if match:
                     if not currentSection:
-                        parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber,
-                                    'no section defined yet.')
+                        parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber, "no section defined yet.")
                     key = match.group(1)
-                    if key == 'OBSOLETE':
-                        key = 'OBSOLETE{}'.format(obsolete)
+                    if key == "OBSOLETE":
+                        key = "OBSOLETE{}".format(obsolete)
                         obsolete += 1
                     value = match.group(2)
                     currentKey = key
-                    data.sections[currentSection].append(Message(lineNumber, key, value))
+                    data.sections[currentSection].append(
+                        Message(lineNumber, key, value)
+                    )
                 # Matched a Continuation of string line
                 match = moreValueRegex.search(line)
                 if match:
                     value = match.group(1)
                     if not currentSection:
-                        parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber,
-                                    'no section defined yet.')
+                        parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber, "no section defined yet.")
                     if not currentKey:
-                        parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber,
-                                    'no key defined yet.')
+                        parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber, "no key defined yet.")
                     data.sections[currentSection][-1].text += value
                 # Unknown line syntax
-                parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber, 'bad line:\n{}'.format(line))
+                parse_error(inputFile, lineNumber, "bad line:\n{}".format(line))
         return data
-def insert_header(f, data, commentChar='//'):
-    f.write('{0} Do not edit this file! {0}\n'
-            '{0} The file was generated from'
-            ' {1} by {2} on {3}. {0}\n\n'.format(
+def insert_header(f, data, commentChar="//"):
+    f.write(
+        "{0} Do not edit this file! {0}\n"
+        "{0} The file was generated from"
+        " {1} by {2} on {3}. {0}\n\n".format(
-            datetime.datetime.now().ctime()))
+            datetime.datetime.now().ctime(),
+        )
+    )
 def generate_enum_file(enumFile, prefix, data):
-    ''' Create the include file with message enums '''
+    """Create the include file with message enums"""
     global g_sections
-    with open(enumFile, 'w') as f:
+    with open(enumFile, "w") as f:
         insert_header(f, data)
-        f.write('enum {0}_id {1}\n'
-                '\n'
-                '    // A special id for absence of message.\n'
-                '    {0}_null = 0,\n'
-                '\n'.format(prefix, '{'))
+        f.write(
+            "enum {0}_id {1}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "    // A special id for absence of message.\n"
+            "    {0}_null = 0,\n"
+            "\n".format(prefix, "{")
+        )
         for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
             messages = data.sections[section]
             info = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]
-            shortName = info['short']
-            longName = info['long']
-            base = info['base']
-            setIdx = info['set']
-            f.write('    // Set #{}, {}.\n'
-                    '    {}_{}_first = {},\n'.format(
-                    setIdx, longName, prefix, shortName, base))
+            shortName = info["short"]
+            longName = info["long"]
+            base = info["base"]
+            setIdx = info["set"]
+            f.write(
+                "    // Set #{}, {}.\n"
+                "    {}_{}_first = {},\n".format(
+                    setIdx, longName, prefix, shortName, base
+                )
+            )
             for message in messages:
-                f.write('    {}_{}_{},\n'.format(prefix, shortName, message.name))
-            f.write('    {}_{}_last,\n\n'.format(prefix, shortName))
-        f.write('    {0}_xxx_lastest\n\n'
-                '{1}; // enum {0}_id\n\n'
-                'typedef enum {0}_id  {0}_id_t;\n\n\n'
-                '// end of file //\n'.format(prefix, '}'))
+                f.write("    {}_{}_{},\n".format(prefix, shortName, message.name))
+            f.write("    {}_{}_last,\n\n".format(prefix, shortName))
+        f.write(
+            "    {0}_xxx_lastest\n\n"
+            "{1}; // enum {0}_id\n\n"
+            "typedef enum {0}_id  {0}_id_t;\n\n\n"
+            "// end of file //\n".format(prefix, "}")
+        )
 def generate_signature_file(signatureFile, data):
-    ''' Create the signature file '''
-    sigRegex = re.compile(r'(%[0-9]\$(s|l?[du]))')
-    with open(signatureFile, 'w') as f:
-        f.write('// message catalog signature file //\n\n')
-        for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
-            messages = data.sections[section]
-            longName = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]['long']
-            f.write('-*- {}-*-\n\n'.format(longName.upper()))
+    """Create the signature file"""
+    sigRegex = re.compile(r"(%[0-9]\$(s|l?[du]))")
+    with open(signatureFile, "w") as f:
+        f.write("// message catalog signature file //\n\n")
+        for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
+            messages = data.sections[section]
+            longName = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]["long"]
+            f.write("-*- {}-*-\n\n".format(longName.upper()))
             for message in messages:
                 sigs = sorted(list(set([a for a, b in sigRegex.findall(message.text)])))
                 i = 0
                 # Insert empty placeholders if necessary
                 while i != len(sigs):
                     num = i + 1
-                    if not sigs[i].startswith('%{}'.format(num)):
-                        sigs.insert(i, '%{}$-'.format(num))
+                    if not sigs[i].startswith("%{}".format(num)):
+                        sigs.insert(i, "%{}$-".format(num))
                         i += 1
-                f.write('{:<40} {}\n'.format(message.name, ' '.join(sigs)))
-            f.write('\n')
-        f.write('// end of file //\n')
+                f.write("{:<40} {}\n".format(message.name, " ".join(sigs)))
+            f.write("\n")
+        f.write("// end of file //\n")
 def generate_default_messages_file(defaultFile, prefix, data):
-    ''' Create the include file with message strings organized '''
-    with open(defaultFile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+    """Create the include file with message strings organized"""
+    with open(defaultFile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
         insert_header(f, data)
         for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
-            f.write('static char const *\n'
-                    '__{}_default_{}[] =\n'
-                    '    {}\n'
-                    '        NULL,\n'.format(prefix, section, '{'))
+            f.write(
+                "static char const *\n"
+                "__{}_default_{}[] =\n"
+                "    {}\n"
+                "        NULL,\n".format(prefix, section, "{")
+            )
             messages = data.sections[section]
             for message in messages:
                 f.write('        "{}",\n'.format(message.toSrc()))
-            f.write('        NULL\n'
-                    '    {};\n\n'.format('}'))
-        f.write('struct kmp_i18n_section {0}\n'
-                '    int           size;\n'
-                '    char const ** str;\n'
-                '{1}; // struct kmp_i18n_section\n'
-                'typedef struct kmp_i18n_section  kmp_i18n_section_t;\n\n'
-                'static kmp_i18n_section_t\n'
-                '__{2}_sections[] =\n'
-                '    {0}\n'
-                '        {0} 0, NULL {1},\n'.format('{', '}', prefix))
-        for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
-            messages = data.sections[section]
-            f.write('        {} {}, __{}_default_{} {},\n'.format(
-                    '{', len(messages), prefix, section, '}'))
+            f.write("        NULL\n" "    {};\n\n".format("}"))
+        f.write(
+            "struct kmp_i18n_section {0}\n"
+            "    int           size;\n"
+            "    char const ** str;\n"
+            "{1}; // struct kmp_i18n_section\n"
+            "typedef struct kmp_i18n_section  kmp_i18n_section_t;\n\n"
+            "static kmp_i18n_section_t\n"
+            "__{2}_sections[] =\n"
+            "    {0}\n"
+            "        {0} 0, NULL {1},\n".format("{", "}", prefix)
+        )
+        for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
+            messages = data.sections[section]
+            f.write(
+                "        {} {}, __{}_default_{} {},\n".format(
+                    "{", len(messages), prefix, section, "}"
+                )
+            )
         numSections = len(MessageData.orderedSections)
-        f.write('        {0} 0, NULL {1}\n'
-                '    {1};\n\n'
-                'struct kmp_i18n_table {0}\n'
-                '    int                   size;\n'
-                '    kmp_i18n_section_t *  sect;\n'
-                '{1}; // struct kmp_i18n_table\n'
-                'typedef struct kmp_i18n_table  kmp_i18n_table_t;\n\n'
-                'static kmp_i18n_table_t __kmp_i18n_default_table =\n'
-                '    {0}\n'
-                '        {3},\n'
-                '        __{2}_sections\n'
-                '    {1};\n\n'
-                '// end of file //\n'.format('{', '}', prefix, numSections))
+        f.write(
+            "        {0} 0, NULL {1}\n"
+            "    {1};\n\n"
+            "struct kmp_i18n_table {0}\n"
+            "    int                   size;\n"
+            "    kmp_i18n_section_t *  sect;\n"
+            "{1}; // struct kmp_i18n_table\n"
+            "typedef struct kmp_i18n_table  kmp_i18n_table_t;\n\n"
+            "static kmp_i18n_table_t __kmp_i18n_default_table =\n"
+            "    {0}\n"
+            "        {3},\n"
+            "        __{2}_sections\n"
+            "    {1};\n\n"
+            "// end of file //\n".format("{", "}", prefix, numSections)
+        )
 def generate_message_file_unix(messageFile, data):
-    '''
+    """
     Create the message file for Unix OSes
     Encoding is in UTF-8
-    '''
-    with open(messageFile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
-        insert_header(f, data, commentChar='$')
+    """
+    with open(messageFile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+        insert_header(f, data, commentChar="$")
         f.write('$quote "\n\n')
         for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
-            setIdx = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]['set']
-            f.write('$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
-                    '$ {}\n'
-                    '$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n'
-                    '$set {}\n\n'.format(section, setIdx))
+            setIdx = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]["set"]
+            f.write(
+                "$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+                "$ {}\n"
+                "$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"
+                "$set {}\n\n".format(section, setIdx)
+            )
             messages = data.sections[section]
             for num, message in enumerate(messages, 1):
                 f.write('{} "{}"\n'.format(num, message.toSrc()))
-            f.write('\n')
-        f.write('\n$ end of file $')
+            f.write("\n")
+        f.write("\n$ end of file $")
 def generate_message_file_windows(messageFile, data):
-    '''
+    """
     Create the message file for Windows OS
     Encoding is in UTF-16LE
-    '''
-    language = data.getMeta('Language')
-    langId = data.getMeta('LangId')
-    with open(messageFile, 'w', encoding='utf-16-le') as f:
-        insert_header(f, data, commentChar=';')
-        f.write('\nLanguageNames = ({0}={1}:msg_{1})\n\n'.format(language, langId))
-        f.write('FacilityNames=(\n')
-        for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
-            setIdx = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]['set']
-            shortName = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]['short']
-            f.write(' {}={}\n'.format(shortName, setIdx))
-        f.write(')\n\n')
-        for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
-            shortName = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]['short']
+    """
+    language = data.getMeta("Language")
+    langId = data.getMeta("LangId")
+    with open(messageFile, "w", encoding="utf-16-le") as f:
+        insert_header(f, data, commentChar=";")
+        f.write("\nLanguageNames = ({0}={1}:msg_{1})\n\n".format(language, langId))
+        f.write("FacilityNames=(\n")
+        for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
+            setIdx = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]["set"]
+            shortName = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]["short"]
+            f.write(" {}={}\n".format(shortName, setIdx))
+        f.write(")\n\n")
+        for section in MessageData.orderedSections:
+            shortName = MessageData.sectionInfo[section]["short"]
             n = 0
             messages = data.sections[section]
             for message in messages:
                 n += 1
-                f.write('MessageId={}\n'
-                        'Facility={}\n'
-                        'Language={}\n'
-                        '{}\n.\n\n'.format(n, shortName, language,
-                                           message.toMC()))
-        f.write('\n; end of file ;')
+                f.write(
+                    "MessageId={}\n"
+                    "Facility={}\n"
+                    "Language={}\n"
+                    "{}\n.\n\n".format(n, shortName, language, message.toMC())
+                )
+        f.write("\n; end of file ;")
 def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate message data files')
-    parser.add_argument('--lang-id', action='store_true',
-        help='Print language identifier of the message catalog source file')
-    parser.add_argument('--prefix', default='kmp_i18n',
-        help='Prefix to be used for all C identifiers (type and variable names)'
-             ' in enum and default message files.')
-    parser.add_argument('--enum', metavar='FILE',
-        help='Generate enum file named FILE')
-    parser.add_argument('--default', metavar='FILE',
-        help='Generate default messages file named FILE')
-    parser.add_argument('--signature', metavar='FILE',
-        help='Generate signature file named FILE')
-    parser.add_argument('--message', metavar='FILE',
-        help='Generate message file named FILE')
-    parser.add_argument('inputfile')
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate message data files")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--lang-id",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Print language identifier of the message catalog source file",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--prefix",
+        default="kmp_i18n",
+        help="Prefix to be used for all C identifiers (type and variable names)"
+        " in enum and default message files.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("--enum", metavar="FILE", help="Generate enum file named FILE")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--default", metavar="FILE", help="Generate default messages file named FILE"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--signature", metavar="FILE", help="Generate signature file named FILE"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--message", metavar="FILE", help="Generate message file named FILE"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("inputfile")
     commandArgs = parser.parse_args()
     if commandArgs.lang_id:
@@ -323,18 +376,19 @@
     if commandArgs.default:
         generate_default_messages_file(commandArgs.default, prefix, data)
     if commandArgs.signature:
         generate_signature_file(commandArgs.signature, data)
     if commandArgs.message:
-        if platform.system() == 'Windows':
+        if platform.system() == "Windows":
             generate_message_file_windows(commandArgs.message, data)
             generate_message_file_unix(commandArgs.message, data)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
     except ScriptError as e:
-        print('error: {}'.format(e))
+        print("error: {}".format(e))
 # end of file




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