[Openmp-commits] [clang] [llvm] [openmp] [OpenMP] Use generic IR for the OpenMP DeviceRTL (PR #119091)

Joseph Huber via Openmp-commits openmp-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Dec 8 05:23:14 PST 2024

@@ -288,18 +258,11 @@ function(compileDeviceRTLLibrary target_cpu target_name target_triple)
-# Generate a Bitcode library for all the gpu architectures the user requested.
-  if("${gpu_arch}" IN_LIST all_amdgpu_architectures)
-    compileDeviceRTLLibrary(${gpu_arch} amdgpu amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -Xclang -mcode-object-version=none)
-  elseif("${gpu_arch}" IN_LIST all_nvptx_architectures)
-    compileDeviceRTLLibrary(${gpu_arch} nvptx nvptx64-nvidia-cuda --cuda-feature=+ptx63)
-  else()
-    message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown GPU architecture '${gpu_arch}'")
-  endif()
+compileDeviceRTLLibrary(amdgpu amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -Xclang -mcode-object-version=none)
+compileDeviceRTLLibrary(nvptx nvptx64-nvidia-cuda --cuda-feature=+ptx63)
jhuber6 wrote:

I didn't feel like it was strictly necessary since if you can build one you can build the other. The only thing you save is disk space, but if you feel like it's really needed I can re-use the architectures thing or something.


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