[Openmp-commits] [openmp] [OpenMP][NFC] Separate OpenMP/OpenACC specific mapping code (PR #73817)

via Openmp-commits openmp-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Nov 29 08:44:06 PST 2023

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Johannes Doerfert (jdoerfert)


While this does not really encapsulate the mapping code, it at least moves most of the declarations out of the way.


Patch is 38.31 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/73817.diff

6 Files Affected:

- (added) openmp/libomptarget/include/OpenMP/Mapping.h (+427) 
- (modified) openmp/libomptarget/include/device.h (+3-347) 
- (modified) openmp/libomptarget/src/CMakeLists.txt (+2) 
- (added) openmp/libomptarget/src/OpenMP/Mapping.cpp (+40) 
- (modified) openmp/libomptarget/src/omptarget.cpp (+1) 
- (modified) openmp/libomptarget/src/private.h (-81) 

diff --git a/openmp/libomptarget/include/OpenMP/Mapping.h b/openmp/libomptarget/include/OpenMP/Mapping.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000000..b01831c61f6c823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openmp/libomptarget/include/OpenMP/Mapping.h
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+//===-- OpenMP/Mapping.h - OpenMP/OpenACC pointer mapping -------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// Declarations for managing host-to-device pointer mappings.
+#include "omptarget.h"
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
+struct DeviceTy;
+class AsyncInfoTy;
+using map_var_info_t = void *;
+/// Information about shadow pointers.
+struct ShadowPtrInfoTy {
+  void **HstPtrAddr = nullptr;
+  void *HstPtrVal = nullptr;
+  void **TgtPtrAddr = nullptr;
+  void *TgtPtrVal = nullptr;
+  bool operator==(const ShadowPtrInfoTy &Other) const {
+    return HstPtrAddr == Other.HstPtrAddr;
+  }
+inline bool operator<(const ShadowPtrInfoTy &lhs, const ShadowPtrInfoTy &rhs) {
+  return lhs.HstPtrAddr < rhs.HstPtrAddr;
+/// Map between host data and target data.
+struct HostDataToTargetTy {
+  const uintptr_t HstPtrBase; // host info.
+  const uintptr_t HstPtrBegin;
+  const uintptr_t HstPtrEnd;       // non-inclusive.
+  const map_var_info_t HstPtrName; // Optional source name of mapped variable.
+  const uintptr_t TgtAllocBegin; // allocated target memory
+  const uintptr_t TgtPtrBegin; // mapped target memory = TgtAllocBegin + padding
+  static const uint64_t INFRefCount = ~(uint64_t)0;
+  static std::string refCountToStr(uint64_t RefCount) {
+    return RefCount == INFRefCount ? "INF" : std::to_string(RefCount);
+  }
+  struct StatesTy {
+    StatesTy(uint64_t DRC, uint64_t HRC)
+        : DynRefCount(DRC), HoldRefCount(HRC) {}
+    /// The dynamic reference count is the standard reference count as of OpenMP
+    /// 4.5.  The hold reference count is an OpenMP extension for the sake of
+    /// OpenACC support.
+    ///
+    /// The 'ompx_hold' map type modifier is permitted only on "omp target" and
+    /// "omp target data", and "delete" is permitted only on "omp target exit
+    /// data" and associated runtime library routines.  As a result, we really
+    /// need to implement "reset" functionality only for the dynamic reference
+    /// counter.  Likewise, only the dynamic reference count can be infinite
+    /// because, for example, omp_target_associate_ptr and "omp declare target
+    /// link" operate only on it.  Nevertheless, it's actually easier to follow
+    /// the code (and requires less assertions for special cases) when we just
+    /// implement these features generally across both reference counters here.
+    /// Thus, it's the users of this class that impose those restrictions.
+    ///
+    uint64_t DynRefCount;
+    uint64_t HoldRefCount;
+    /// A map of shadow pointers associated with this entry, the keys are host
+    /// pointer addresses to identify stale entries.
+    llvm::SmallSet<ShadowPtrInfoTy, 2> ShadowPtrInfos;
+    /// Pointer to the event corresponding to the data update of this map.
+    /// Note: At present this event is created when the first data transfer from
+    /// host to device is issued, and only being used for H2D. It is not used
+    /// for data transfer in another direction (device to host). It is still
+    /// unclear whether we need it for D2H. If in the future we need similar
+    /// mechanism for D2H, and if the event cannot be shared between them, Event
+    /// should be written as <tt>void *Event[2]</tt>.
+    void *Event = nullptr;
+    /// Number of threads currently holding a reference to the entry at a
+    /// targetDataEnd. This is used to ensure that only the last thread that
+    /// references this entry will actually delete it.
+    int32_t DataEndThreadCount = 0;
+  };
+  // When HostDataToTargetTy is used by std::set, std::set::iterator is const
+  // use unique_ptr to make States mutable.
+  const std::unique_ptr<StatesTy> States;
+  HostDataToTargetTy(uintptr_t BP, uintptr_t B, uintptr_t E,
+                     uintptr_t TgtAllocBegin, uintptr_t TgtPtrBegin,
+                     bool UseHoldRefCount, map_var_info_t Name = nullptr,
+                     bool IsINF = false)
+      : HstPtrBase(BP), HstPtrBegin(B), HstPtrEnd(E), HstPtrName(Name),
+        TgtAllocBegin(TgtAllocBegin), TgtPtrBegin(TgtPtrBegin),
+        States(std::make_unique<StatesTy>(UseHoldRefCount ? 0
+                                          : IsINF         ? INFRefCount
+                                                          : 1,
+                                          !UseHoldRefCount ? 0
+                                          : IsINF          ? INFRefCount
+                                                           : 1)) {}
+  /// Get the total reference count.  This is smarter than just getDynRefCount()
+  /// + getHoldRefCount() because it handles the case where at least one is
+  /// infinity and the other is non-zero.
+  uint64_t getTotalRefCount() const {
+    if (States->DynRefCount == INFRefCount ||
+        States->HoldRefCount == INFRefCount)
+      return INFRefCount;
+    return States->DynRefCount + States->HoldRefCount;
+  }
+  /// Get the dynamic reference count.
+  uint64_t getDynRefCount() const { return States->DynRefCount; }
+  /// Get the hold reference count.
+  uint64_t getHoldRefCount() const { return States->HoldRefCount; }
+  /// Get the event bound to this data map.
+  void *getEvent() const { return States->Event; }
+  /// Add a new event, if necessary.
+  /// Returns OFFLOAD_FAIL if something went wrong, OFFLOAD_SUCCESS otherwise.
+  int addEventIfNecessary(DeviceTy &Device, AsyncInfoTy &AsyncInfo) const;
+  /// Functions that manages the number of threads referencing the entry in a
+  /// targetDataEnd.
+  void incDataEndThreadCount() { ++States->DataEndThreadCount; }
+  [[nodiscard]] int32_t decDataEndThreadCount() {
+    return --States->DataEndThreadCount;
+  }
+  [[nodiscard]] int32_t getDataEndThreadCount() const {
+    return States->DataEndThreadCount;
+  }
+  /// Set the event bound to this data map.
+  void setEvent(void *Event) const { States->Event = Event; }
+  /// Reset the specified reference count unless it's infinity.  Reset to 1
+  /// (even if currently 0) so it can be followed by a decrement.
+  void resetRefCount(bool UseHoldRefCount) const {
+    uint64_t &ThisRefCount =
+        UseHoldRefCount ? States->HoldRefCount : States->DynRefCount;
+    if (ThisRefCount != INFRefCount)
+      ThisRefCount = 1;
+  }
+  /// Increment the specified reference count unless it's infinity.
+  void incRefCount(bool UseHoldRefCount) const {
+    uint64_t &ThisRefCount =
+        UseHoldRefCount ? States->HoldRefCount : States->DynRefCount;
+    if (ThisRefCount != INFRefCount) {
+      ++ThisRefCount;
+      assert(ThisRefCount < INFRefCount && "refcount overflow");
+    }
+  }
+  /// Decrement the specified reference count unless it's infinity or zero, and
+  /// return the total reference count.
+  uint64_t decRefCount(bool UseHoldRefCount) const {
+    uint64_t &ThisRefCount =
+        UseHoldRefCount ? States->HoldRefCount : States->DynRefCount;
+    uint64_t OtherRefCount =
+        UseHoldRefCount ? States->DynRefCount : States->HoldRefCount;
+    (void)OtherRefCount;
+    if (ThisRefCount != INFRefCount) {
+      if (ThisRefCount > 0)
+        --ThisRefCount;
+      else
+        assert(OtherRefCount >= 0 && "total refcount underflow");
+    }
+    return getTotalRefCount();
+  }
+  /// Is the dynamic (and thus the total) reference count infinite?
+  bool isDynRefCountInf() const { return States->DynRefCount == INFRefCount; }
+  /// Convert the dynamic reference count to a debug string.
+  std::string dynRefCountToStr() const {
+    return refCountToStr(States->DynRefCount);
+  }
+  /// Convert the hold reference count to a debug string.
+  std::string holdRefCountToStr() const {
+    return refCountToStr(States->HoldRefCount);
+  }
+  /// Should one decrement of the specified reference count (after resetting it
+  /// if \c AfterReset) remove this mapping?
+  bool decShouldRemove(bool UseHoldRefCount, bool AfterReset = false) const {
+    uint64_t ThisRefCount =
+        UseHoldRefCount ? States->HoldRefCount : States->DynRefCount;
+    uint64_t OtherRefCount =
+        UseHoldRefCount ? States->DynRefCount : States->HoldRefCount;
+    if (OtherRefCount > 0)
+      return false;
+    if (AfterReset)
+      return ThisRefCount != INFRefCount;
+    return ThisRefCount == 1;
+  }
+  /// Add the shadow pointer info \p ShadowPtrInfo to this entry but only if the
+  /// the target ptr value was not already present in the existing set of shadow
+  /// pointers. Return true if something was added.
+  bool addShadowPointer(const ShadowPtrInfoTy &ShadowPtrInfo) const {
+    auto Pair = States->ShadowPtrInfos.insert(ShadowPtrInfo);
+    if (Pair.second)
+      return true;
+    // Check for a stale entry, if found, replace the old one.
+    if ((*Pair.first).TgtPtrVal == ShadowPtrInfo.TgtPtrVal)
+      return false;
+    States->ShadowPtrInfos.erase(ShadowPtrInfo);
+    return addShadowPointer(ShadowPtrInfo);
+  }
+  /// Apply \p CB to all shadow pointers of this entry. Returns OFFLOAD_FAIL if
+  /// \p CB returned OFFLOAD_FAIL for any of them, otherwise this returns
+  /// OFFLOAD_SUCCESS. The entry is locked for this operation.
+  template <typename CBTy> int foreachShadowPointerInfo(CBTy CB) const {
+    for (auto &It : States->ShadowPtrInfos)
+      if (CB(const_cast<ShadowPtrInfoTy &>(It)) == OFFLOAD_FAIL)
+        return OFFLOAD_FAIL;
+    return OFFLOAD_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  /// Lock this entry for exclusive access. Ensure to get exclusive access to
+  /// HDTTMap first!
+  void lock() const { Mtx.lock(); }
+  /// Unlock this entry to allow other threads inspecting it.
+  void unlock() const { Mtx.unlock(); }
+  // Mutex that needs to be held before the entry is inspected or modified. The
+  // HDTTMap mutex needs to be held before trying to lock any HDTT Entry.
+  mutable std::mutex Mtx;
+/// Wrapper around the HostDataToTargetTy to be used in the HDTT map. In
+/// addition to the HDTT pointer we store the key value explicitly. This
+/// allows the set to inspect (sort/search/...) this entry without an additional
+/// load of HDTT. HDTT is a pointer to allow the modification of the set without
+/// invalidating HDTT entries which can now be inspected at the same time.
+struct HostDataToTargetMapKeyTy {
+  uintptr_t KeyValue;
+  HostDataToTargetMapKeyTy(void *Key) : KeyValue(uintptr_t(Key)) {}
+  HostDataToTargetMapKeyTy(uintptr_t Key) : KeyValue(Key) {}
+  HostDataToTargetMapKeyTy(HostDataToTargetTy *HDTT)
+      : KeyValue(HDTT->HstPtrBegin), HDTT(HDTT) {}
+  HostDataToTargetTy *HDTT;
+inline bool operator<(const HostDataToTargetMapKeyTy &LHS,
+                      const uintptr_t &RHS) {
+  return LHS.KeyValue < RHS;
+inline bool operator<(const uintptr_t &LHS,
+                      const HostDataToTargetMapKeyTy &RHS) {
+  return LHS < RHS.KeyValue;
+inline bool operator<(const HostDataToTargetMapKeyTy &LHS,
+                      const HostDataToTargetMapKeyTy &RHS) {
+  return LHS.KeyValue < RHS.KeyValue;
+/// This struct will be returned by \p DeviceTy::getTargetPointer which provides
+/// more data than just a target pointer. A TargetPointerResultTy that has a non
+/// null Entry owns the entry. As long as the TargetPointerResultTy (TPR) exists
+/// the entry is locked. To give up ownership without destroying the TPR use the
+/// reset() function.
+struct TargetPointerResultTy {
+  struct FlagTy {
+    /// If the map table entry is just created
+    unsigned IsNewEntry : 1;
+    /// If the pointer is actually a host pointer (when unified memory enabled)
+    unsigned IsHostPointer : 1;
+    /// If the pointer is present in the mapping table.
+    unsigned IsPresent : 1;
+    /// Flag indicating that this was the last user of the entry and the ref
+    /// count is now 0.
+    unsigned IsLast : 1;
+    /// If the pointer is contained.
+    unsigned IsContained : 1;
+  } Flags = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+  TargetPointerResultTy(const TargetPointerResultTy &) = delete;
+  TargetPointerResultTy &operator=(const TargetPointerResultTy &TPR) = delete;
+  TargetPointerResultTy() {}
+  TargetPointerResultTy(FlagTy Flags, HostDataToTargetTy *Entry,
+                        void *TargetPointer)
+      : Flags(Flags), TargetPointer(TargetPointer), Entry(Entry) {
+    if (Entry)
+      Entry->lock();
+  }
+  TargetPointerResultTy(TargetPointerResultTy &&TPR)
+      : Flags(TPR.Flags), TargetPointer(TPR.TargetPointer), Entry(TPR.Entry) {
+    TPR.Entry = nullptr;
+  }
+  TargetPointerResultTy &operator=(TargetPointerResultTy &&TPR) {
+    if (&TPR != this) {
+      std::swap(Flags, TPR.Flags);
+      std::swap(Entry, TPR.Entry);
+      std::swap(TargetPointer, TPR.TargetPointer);
+    }
+    return *this;
+  }
+  ~TargetPointerResultTy() {
+    if (Entry)
+      Entry->unlock();
+  }
+  bool isPresent() const { return Flags.IsPresent; }
+  bool isHostPointer() const { return Flags.IsHostPointer; }
+  bool isContained() const { return Flags.IsContained; }
+  /// The corresponding target pointer
+  void *TargetPointer = nullptr;
+  HostDataToTargetTy *getEntry() const { return Entry; }
+  void setEntry(HostDataToTargetTy *HDTTT,
+                HostDataToTargetTy *OwnedTPR = nullptr) {
+    if (Entry)
+      Entry->unlock();
+    Entry = HDTTT;
+    if (Entry && Entry != OwnedTPR)
+      Entry->lock();
+  }
+  void reset() { *this = TargetPointerResultTy(); }
+  /// The corresponding map table entry which is stable.
+  HostDataToTargetTy *Entry = nullptr;
+struct LookupResult {
+  struct {
+    unsigned IsContained : 1;
+    unsigned ExtendsBefore : 1;
+    unsigned ExtendsAfter : 1;
+  } Flags;
+  LookupResult() : Flags({0, 0, 0}), TPR() {}
+  TargetPointerResultTy TPR;
+// This structure stores information of a mapped memory region.
+struct MapComponentInfoTy {
+  void *Base;
+  void *Begin;
+  int64_t Size;
+  int64_t Type;
+  void *Name;
+  MapComponentInfoTy() = default;
+  MapComponentInfoTy(void *Base, void *Begin, int64_t Size, int64_t Type,
+                     void *Name)
+      : Base(Base), Begin(Begin), Size(Size), Type(Type), Name(Name) {}
+// This structure stores all components of a user-defined mapper. The number of
+// components are dynamically decided, so we utilize C++ STL vector
+// implementation here.
+struct MapperComponentsTy {
+  llvm::SmallVector<MapComponentInfoTy> Components;
+  int32_t size() { return Components.size(); }
+// The mapper function pointer type. It follows the signature below:
+// void .omp_mapper.<type_name>.<mapper_id>.(void *rt_mapper_handle,
+//                                           void *base, void *begin,
+//                                           size_t size, int64_t type,
+//                                           void * name);
+typedef void (*MapperFuncPtrTy)(void *, void *, void *, int64_t, int64_t,
+                                void *);
+// Function pointer type for targetData* functions (targetDataBegin,
+// targetDataEnd and targetDataUpdate).
+typedef int (*TargetDataFuncPtrTy)(ident_t *, DeviceTy &, int32_t, void **,
+                                   void **, int64_t *, int64_t *,
+                                   map_var_info_t *, void **, AsyncInfoTy &,
+                                   bool);
+void dumpTargetPointerMappings(const ident_t *Loc, DeviceTy &Device);
+int targetDataBegin(ident_t *Loc, DeviceTy &Device, int32_t ArgNum,
+                    void **ArgsBase, void **Args, int64_t *ArgSizes,
+                    int64_t *ArgTypes, map_var_info_t *ArgNames,
+                    void **ArgMappers, AsyncInfoTy &AsyncInfo,
+                    bool FromMapper = false);
+int targetDataEnd(ident_t *Loc, DeviceTy &Device, int32_t ArgNum,
+                  void **ArgBases, void **Args, int64_t *ArgSizes,
+                  int64_t *ArgTypes, map_var_info_t *ArgNames,
+                  void **ArgMappers, AsyncInfoTy &AsyncInfo,
+                  bool FromMapper = false);
+int targetDataUpdate(ident_t *Loc, DeviceTy &Device, int32_t ArgNum,
+                     void **ArgsBase, void **Args, int64_t *ArgSizes,
+                     int64_t *ArgTypes, map_var_info_t *ArgNames,
+                     void **ArgMappers, AsyncInfoTy &AsyncInfo,
+                     bool FromMapper = false);
diff --git a/openmp/libomptarget/include/device.h b/openmp/libomptarget/include/device.h
index 74b59a4ab367c75..9cea6e6c9393012 100644
--- a/openmp/libomptarget/include/device.h
+++ b/openmp/libomptarget/include/device.h
@@ -19,15 +19,15 @@
 #include <cstring>
 #include <list>
 #include <map>
-#include <memory>
 #include <mutex>
 #include <set>
-#include <thread>
 #include "ExclusiveAccess.h"
 #include "omptarget.h"
 #include "rtl.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
+#include "OpenMP/Mapping.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 // Forward declarations.
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ struct RTLInfoTy;
 struct __tgt_bin_desc;
 struct __tgt_target_table;
-using map_var_info_t = void *;
 // enum for OMP_TARGET_OFFLOAD; keep in sync with kmp.h definition
 enum kmp_target_offload_kind {
   tgt_disabled = 0,
@@ -45,348 +43,6 @@ enum kmp_target_offload_kind {
 typedef enum kmp_target_offload_kind kmp_target_offload_kind_t;
-/// Information about shadow pointers.
-struct ShadowPtrInfoTy {
-  void **HstPtrAddr = nullptr;
-  void *HstPtrVal = nullptr;
-  void **TgtPtrAddr = nullptr;
-  void *TgtPtrVal = nullptr;
-  bool operator==(const ShadowPtrInfoTy &Other) const {
-    return HstPtrAddr == Other.HstPtrAddr;
-  }
-inline bool operator<(const ShadowPtrInfoTy &lhs, const ShadowPtrInfoTy &rhs) {
-  return lhs.HstPtrAddr < rhs.HstPtrAddr;
-/// Map between host data and target data.
-struct HostDataToTargetTy {
-  const uintptr_t HstPtrBase; // host info.
-  const uintptr_t HstPtrBegin;
-  const uintptr_t HstPtrEnd;       // non-inclusive.
-  const map_var_info_t HstPtrName; // Optional source name of mapped variable.
-  const uintptr_t TgtAllocBegin; // allocated target memory
-  const uintptr_t TgtPtrBegin; // mapped target memory = TgtAllocBegin + padding
-  static const uint64_t INFRefCount = ~(uint64_t)0;
-  static std::string refCountToStr(uint64_t RefCount) {
-    return RefCount == INFRefCount ? "INF" : std::to_string(RefCount);
-  }
-  struct StatesTy {
-    StatesTy(uint64_t DRC, uint64_t HRC)
-        : DynRefCount(DRC), HoldRefCount(HRC) {}
-    /// The dynamic reference count is the standard reference count as of OpenMP
-    /// 4.5.  The hold reference count is an OpenMP extension for the sake of
-    /// OpenACC support.
-    ///
-    /// The 'ompx_hold' map type modifier is permitted only on "omp target" and
-    /// "omp target data", and "delete" is permitted only on "omp target exit
-    /// data" and associated runtime library routines.  As a result, we really
-    /// need to implement "reset" functionality only for the dynamic reference
-    /// counter.  Likewise, only the dynamic reference count can be infinite
-    /// because, for example, omp_target_associate_ptr and "omp declare target
-    /// link" operate only on it.  Nevertheless, it's actually easier to follow
-    /// the code (and requires less assertions for special cases) when we just
-    /// implement these features generally across both reference counters here.
-    /// Thus, it's the users of this class that impose those restrictions.
-    ///
-    uint64_t DynRefCount;
-    uint64_t HoldRefCount;
-    /// A map of shadow pointers associated with this entry, the keys are host
-    /// pointer addresses to identify stale entries.
-    llvm::SmallSet<ShadowPtrInfoTy, 2> Sha...




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