[Openmp-commits] [openmp] r343380 - [libomptarget-nvptx] Fix number of threads in parallel

Jonas Hahnfeld via Openmp-commits openmp-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sat Sep 29 09:02:18 PDT 2018

Author: hahnfeld
Date: Sat Sep 29 09:02:17 2018
New Revision: 343380

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=343380&view=rev
[libomptarget-nvptx] Fix number of threads in parallel

If there is no num_threads() clause we must consider the
nthreads-var ICV. Its value is set by omp_set_num_threads()
and can be queried using omp_get_max_num_threads().
The rewritten code now closely resembles the algorithm given
in the OpenMP standard.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D51783


Modified: openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/libcall.cu
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/libcall.cu?rev=343380&r1=343379&r2=343380&view=diff
--- openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/libcall.cu (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/libcall.cu Sat Sep 29 09:02:17 2018
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ EXTERN int omp_get_max_threads(void) {
   omptarget_nvptx_TaskDescr *currTaskDescr = getMyTopTaskDescriptor();
   int rc = 1; // default is 1 thread avail
   if (!currTaskDescr->InParallelRegion()) {
-    // not currently in a parallel region... all are available
-    rc = GetNumberOfProcsInTeam();
+    // Not currently in a parallel region, return what was set.
+    rc = currTaskDescr->NThreads();
     ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, rc >= 0, "bad number of threads");
   PRINT(LD_IO, "call omp_get_max_threads() return %d\n", rc);

Modified: openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/parallel.cu
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/parallel.cu?rev=343380&r1=343379&r2=343380&view=diff
--- openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/parallel.cu (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/src/parallel.cu Sat Sep 29 09:02:17 2018
@@ -193,25 +193,38 @@ EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_end_convergent
 // support for parallel that goes parallel (1 static level only)
-// return number of cuda threads that participate to parallel
-// calculation has to consider simd implementation in nvptx
-// i.e. (num omp threads * num lanes)
-// cudathreads =
-//    if(num_threads != 0) {
-//      if(thread_limit > 0) {
-//        min (num_threads*numLanes ; thread_limit*numLanes);
-//      } else {
-//        min (num_threads*numLanes; blockDim.x)
-//      }
-//    } else {
-//      if (thread_limit != 0) {
-//        min (thread_limit*numLanes; blockDim.x)
-//      } else { // no thread_limit, no num_threads, use all cuda threads
-//        blockDim.x;
-//      }
-//    }
+static INLINE uint16_t determineNumberOfThreads(uint16_t NumThreadsClause,
+                                                uint16_t NThreadsICV,
+                                                uint16_t ThreadLimit) {
+  uint16_t ThreadsRequested = NThreadsICV;
+  if (NumThreadsClause != 0) {
+    ThreadsRequested = NumThreadsClause;
+  }
+  uint16_t ThreadsAvailable = GetNumberOfWorkersInTeam();
+  if (ThreadLimit != 0 && ThreadLimit < ThreadsAvailable) {
+    ThreadsAvailable = ThreadLimit;
+  }
+  uint16_t NumThreads = ThreadsAvailable;
+  if (ThreadsRequested != 0 && ThreadsRequested < NumThreads) {
+    NumThreads = ThreadsRequested;
+  }
+#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
+  // On Volta and newer architectures we require that all lanes in
+  // a warp participate in the parallel region.  Round down to a
+  // multiple of WARPSIZE since it is legal to do so in OpenMP.
+  if (NumThreads < WARPSIZE) {
+    NumThreads = 1;
+  } else {
+    NumThreads = (NumThreads & ~((uint16_t)WARPSIZE - 1));
+  }
+  return NumThreads;
 // This routine is always called by the team master..
 EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_prepare_parallel(void *WorkFn,
                                            int16_t IsOMPRuntimeInitialized) {
@@ -234,78 +247,26 @@ EXTERN void __kmpc_kernel_prepare_parall
-  uint16_t CudaThreadsForParallel = 0;
-  uint16_t NumThreadsClause =
+  uint16_t &NumThreadsClause =
-  // we cannot have more than block size
-  uint16_t CudaThreadsAvail = GetNumberOfWorkersInTeam();
+  uint16_t NumThreads =
+      determineNumberOfThreads(NumThreadsClause, currTaskDescr->NThreads(),
+                               currTaskDescr->ThreadLimit());
-  // currTaskDescr->ThreadLimit(): If non-zero, this is the limit as
-  // specified by the thread_limit clause on the target directive.
-  // GetNumberOfWorkersInTeam(): This is the number of workers available
-  // in this kernel instance.
-  //
-  // E.g: If thread_limit is 33, the kernel is launched with 33+32=65
-  // threads.  The last warp is the master warp so in this case
-  // GetNumberOfWorkersInTeam() returns 64.
-  // this is different from ThreadAvail of OpenMP because we may be
-  // using some of the CUDA threads as SIMD lanes
-  int NumLanes = 1;
   if (NumThreadsClause != 0) {
-    // reset request to avoid propagating to successive #parallel
-    omptarget_nvptx_threadPrivateContext->NumThreadsForNextParallel(threadId) =
-        0;
-    // assume that thread_limit*numlanes is already <= CudaThreadsAvail
-    // because that is already checked on the host side (CUDA offloading rtl)
-    if (currTaskDescr->ThreadLimit() != 0)
-      CudaThreadsForParallel =
-          NumThreadsClause * NumLanes < currTaskDescr->ThreadLimit() * NumLanes
-              ? NumThreadsClause * NumLanes
-              : currTaskDescr->ThreadLimit() * NumLanes;
-    else {
-      CudaThreadsForParallel = (NumThreadsClause * NumLanes > CudaThreadsAvail)
-                                   ? CudaThreadsAvail
-                                   : NumThreadsClause * NumLanes;
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (currTaskDescr->ThreadLimit() != 0) {
-      CudaThreadsForParallel =
-          (currTaskDescr->ThreadLimit() * NumLanes > CudaThreadsAvail)
-              ? CudaThreadsAvail
-              : currTaskDescr->ThreadLimit() * NumLanes;
-    } else
-      CudaThreadsForParallel = CudaThreadsAvail;
-  }
-#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
-  // On Volta and newer architectures we require that all lanes in
-  // a warp participate in the parallel region.  Round down to a
-  // multiple of WARPSIZE since it is legal to do so in OpenMP.
-  // CudaThreadsAvail is the number of workers available in this
-  // kernel instance and is greater than or equal to
-  // currTaskDescr->ThreadLimit().
-  if (CudaThreadsForParallel < CudaThreadsAvail) {
-    CudaThreadsForParallel =
-        (CudaThreadsForParallel < WARPSIZE)
-            ? 1
-            : CudaThreadsForParallel & ~((uint16_t)WARPSIZE - 1);
+    // Reset request to avoid propagating to successive #parallel
+    NumThreadsClause = 0;
-  ASSERT(LT_FUSSY, CudaThreadsForParallel > 0,
-         "bad thread request of %d threads", CudaThreadsForParallel);
+  ASSERT(LT_FUSSY, NumThreads > 0, "bad thread request of %d threads",
+         NumThreads);
   ASSERT0(LT_FUSSY, GetThreadIdInBlock() == GetMasterThreadID(),
           "only team master can create parallel");
-  // set number of threads on work descriptor
-  // this is different from the number of cuda threads required for the parallel
-  // region
+  // Set number of threads on work descriptor.
   omptarget_nvptx_WorkDescr &workDescr = getMyWorkDescriptor();
-  workDescr.WorkTaskDescr()->CopyToWorkDescr(currTaskDescr,
-                                             CudaThreadsForParallel / NumLanes);
+  workDescr.WorkTaskDescr()->CopyToWorkDescr(currTaskDescr, NumThreads);
 // All workers call this function.  Deactivate those not needed.

Added: openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/num_threads.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/num_threads.c?rev=343380&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/num_threads.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/libomptarget/deviceRTLs/nvptx/test/parallel/num_threads.c Sat Sep 29 09:02:17 2018
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// RUN: %compile-run-and-check
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <omp.h>
+const int WarpSize = 32;
+const int NumThreads1 = 1 * WarpSize;
+const int NumThreads2 = 2 * WarpSize;
+const int NumThreads3 = 3 * WarpSize;
+const int MaxThreads = 1024;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+  int check1[MaxThreads];
+  int check2[MaxThreads];
+  int check3[MaxThreads];
+  int check4[MaxThreads];
+  for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+    check1[i] = check2[i] = check3[i] = check4[i] = 0;
+  }
+  int maxThreads1 = -1;
+  int maxThreads2 = -1;
+  int maxThreads3 = -1;
+  #pragma omp target map(check1[:], check2[:], check3[:], check4[:]) \
+                     map(maxThreads1, maxThreads2, maxThreads3)
+  {
+    #pragma omp parallel num_threads(NumThreads1)
+    {
+      check1[omp_get_thread_num()] += omp_get_num_threads();
+    }
+    // API method to set number of threads in parallel regions without
+    // num_threads() clause.
+    omp_set_num_threads(NumThreads2);
+    maxThreads1 = omp_get_max_threads();
+    #pragma omp parallel
+    {
+      check2[omp_get_thread_num()] += omp_get_num_threads();
+    }
+    maxThreads2 = omp_get_max_threads();
+    // num_threads() clause should override nthreads-var ICV.
+    #pragma omp parallel num_threads(NumThreads3)
+    {
+      check3[omp_get_thread_num()] += omp_get_num_threads();
+    }
+    maxThreads3 = omp_get_max_threads();
+    // Effect from omp_set_num_threads() should still be visible.
+    #pragma omp parallel
+    {
+      check4[omp_get_thread_num()] += omp_get_num_threads();
+    }
+  }
+  // CHECK: maxThreads1 = 64
+  printf("maxThreads1 = %d\n", maxThreads1);
+  // CHECK: maxThreads2 = 64
+  printf("maxThreads2 = %d\n", maxThreads2);
+  // CHECK: maxThreads3 = 64
+  printf("maxThreads3 = %d\n", maxThreads3);
+  // CHECK-NOT: invalid
+  for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreads; i++) {
+    if (i < NumThreads1) {
+      if (check1[i] != NumThreads1) {
+        printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, NumThreads1, check1[i]);
+      }
+    } else if (check1[i] != 0) {
+      printf("invalid: check1[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check1[i]);
+    }
+    if (i < NumThreads2) {
+      if (check2[i] != NumThreads2) {
+        printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, NumThreads2, check2[i]);
+      }
+    } else if (check2[i] != 0) {
+      printf("invalid: check2[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check2[i]);
+    }
+    if (i < NumThreads3) {
+      if (check3[i] != NumThreads3) {
+        printf("invalid: check3[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, NumThreads3, check3[i]);
+      }
+    } else if (check3[i] != 0) {
+      printf("invalid: check3[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check3[i]);
+    }
+    if (i < NumThreads2) {
+      if (check4[i] != NumThreads2) {
+        printf("invalid: check4[%d] should be %d, is %d\n", i, NumThreads2, check4[i]);
+      }
+    } else if (check4[i] != 0) {
+      printf("invalid: check4[%d] should be 0, is %d\n", i, check4[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;

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