[Openmp-commits] [openmp] r295343 - Run-time library part of OpenMP 5.0 task reduction implementation.

Andrey Churbanov via Openmp-commits openmp-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Feb 16 09:49:49 PST 2017

Author: achurbanov
Date: Thu Feb 16 11:49:49 2017
New Revision: 295343

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=295343&view=rev
Run-time library part of OpenMP 5.0 task reduction implementation.
Added test kmp_task_reduction_nest.cpp which has an example of
possible compiler codegen.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D29600

    openmp/trunk/runtime/test/tasking/kmp_task_reduction_nest.cpp   (with props)

Modified: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/dllexports
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/dllexports?rev=295343&r1=295342&r2=295343&view=diff
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/dllexports (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/dllexports Thu Feb 16 11:49:49 2017
@@ -397,6 +397,15 @@ kmpc_set_defaults
 kmpc_aligned_malloc                         265
 kmpc_set_disp_num_buffers                   267
+# OpenMP 5.0 entry points
+# TODO: change to OMP_50 once it is implemented
+%ifndef stub
+    %ifdef OMP_45
+        __kmpc_task_reduction_init          268
+        __kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data   269
+    %endif
 # User API entry points that have both lower- and upper- case versions for Fortran.
 # Number for lowercase version is indicated.  Number for uppercase is obtained by adding 1000.
 # User API entry points are entry points that start with 'kmp_' or 'omp_'.

Modified: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/kmp.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/kmp.h?rev=295343&r1=295342&r2=295343&view=diff
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/kmp.h (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/kmp.h Thu Feb 16 11:49:49 2017
@@ -1979,9 +1979,14 @@ typedef struct kmp_taskgroup {
     kmp_uint32            count;   // number of allocated and not yet complete tasks
     kmp_int32             cancel_request; // request for cancellation of this taskgroup
     struct kmp_taskgroup *parent;  // parent taskgroup
+// TODO: change to OMP_50_ENABLED, need to change build tools for this to work
+    // Block of data to perform task reduction
+    void                 *reduce_data; // reduction related info
+    kmp_int32             reduce_num_data; // number of data items to reduce
 } kmp_taskgroup_t;
 // forward declarations
 typedef union kmp_depnode       kmp_depnode_t;
 typedef struct kmp_depnode_list  kmp_depnode_list_t;
@@ -3421,6 +3426,11 @@ KMP_EXPORT void __kmpc_taskloop(ident_t
                 kmp_uint64 *lb, kmp_uint64 *ub, kmp_int64 st,
                 kmp_int32 nogroup, kmp_int32 sched, kmp_uint64 grainsize, void * task_dup );
+// TODO: change to OMP_50_ENABLED, need to change build tools for this to work
+KMP_EXPORT void* __kmpc_task_reduction_init(int gtid, int num_data, void *data);
+KMP_EXPORT void* __kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(int gtid, void *tg, void *d);

Modified: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/kmp_tasking.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/kmp_tasking.cpp?rev=295343&r1=295342&r2=295343&view=diff
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/kmp_tasking.cpp (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/kmp_tasking.cpp Thu Feb 16 11:49:49 2017
@@ -1596,6 +1596,204 @@ __kmpc_omp_taskyield( ident_t *loc_ref,
+// TODO: change to OMP_50_ENABLED, need to change build tools for this to work
+// Task Reduction implementation
+typedef struct kmp_task_red_flags {
+    unsigned  lazy_priv : 1;  // hint: (1) use lazy allocation (big objects)
+    unsigned  reserved31 : 31;
+} kmp_task_red_flags_t;
+// internal structure for reduction data item related info
+typedef struct kmp_task_red_data {
+    void       *reduce_shar; // shared reduction item
+    size_t      reduce_size; // size of data item
+    void       *reduce_priv; // thread specific data
+    void       *reduce_pend; // end of private data for comparison op
+    void       *reduce_init; // data initialization routine
+    void       *reduce_fini; // data finalization routine
+    void       *reduce_comb; // data combiner routine
+    kmp_task_red_flags_t flags; // flags for additional info from compiler
+} kmp_task_red_data_t;
+// structure sent us by compiler - one per reduction item
+typedef struct kmp_task_red_input {
+    void       *reduce_shar; // shared reduction item
+    size_t      reduce_size; // size of data item
+    void       *reduce_init; // data initialization routine
+    void       *reduce_fini; // data finalization routine
+    void       *reduce_comb; // data combiner routine
+    kmp_task_red_flags_t flags; // flags for additional info from compiler
+} kmp_task_red_input_t;
+ at ingroup TASKING
+ at param gtid      Global thread ID
+ at param num       Number of data items to reduce
+ at param data      Array of data for reduction
+ at return The taskgroup identifier
+Initialize task reduction for the taskgroup.
+__kmpc_task_reduction_init(int gtid, int num, void *data)
+    kmp_info_t * thread = __kmp_threads[gtid];
+    kmp_taskgroup_t * tg = thread->th.th_current_task->td_taskgroup;
+    kmp_int32 nth = thread->th.th_team_nproc;
+    kmp_task_red_input_t *input = (kmp_task_red_input_t*)data;
+    kmp_task_red_data_t *arr;
+    // check input data just in case
+    KMP_ASSERT(tg != NULL);
+    KMP_ASSERT(data != NULL);
+    KMP_ASSERT(num > 0);
+    if (nth == 1) {
+        KA_TRACE(10, ("__kmpc_task_reduction_init: T#%d, tg %p, exiting nth=1\n",
+                gtid, tg));
+        return (void*)tg;
+    }
+    KA_TRACE(10,("__kmpc_task_reduction_init: T#%d, taskgroup %p, #items %d\n",
+                 gtid, tg, num));
+    arr = (kmp_task_red_data_t*)__kmp_thread_malloc(thread, num * sizeof(kmp_task_red_data_t));
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+        void(*f_init)(void*) = (void(*)(void*))(input[i].reduce_init);
+        size_t size = input[i].reduce_size - 1;
+        // round the size up to cache line per thread-specific item
+        size += CACHE_LINE - size % CACHE_LINE;
+        KMP_ASSERT(input[i].reduce_comb != NULL); // combiner is mandatory
+        arr[i].reduce_shar = input[i].reduce_shar;
+        arr[i].reduce_size = size;
+        arr[i].reduce_init = input[i].reduce_init;
+        arr[i].reduce_fini = input[i].reduce_fini;
+        arr[i].reduce_comb = input[i].reduce_comb;
+        arr[i].flags       = input[i].flags;
+        if (!input[i].flags.lazy_priv) {
+            // allocate cache-line aligned block and fill it with zeros
+            arr[i].reduce_priv = __kmp_allocate(nth * size);
+            arr[i].reduce_pend = (char*)(arr[i].reduce_priv) + nth * size;
+            if (f_init != NULL) {
+                // initialize thread-specific items
+                for (int j = 0; j < nth; ++j) {
+                    f_init((char*)(arr[i].reduce_priv) + j * size);
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            // only allocate space for pointers now,
+            // objects will be lazily allocated/initialized once requested
+            arr[i].reduce_priv = __kmp_allocate(nth * sizeof(void*));
+        }
+    }
+    tg->reduce_data = (void*)arr;
+    tg->reduce_num_data = num;
+    return (void*)tg;
+ at ingroup TASKING
+ at param gtid    Global thread ID
+ at param tskgrp  The taskgroup ID (optional)
+ at param data    Shared location of the item
+ at return The pointer to per-thread data
+Get thread-specific location of data item
+__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(int gtid, void *tskgrp, void *data)
+    kmp_info_t * thread = __kmp_threads[gtid];
+    kmp_int32 nth = thread->th.th_team_nproc;
+    if (nth == 1)
+        return data; // nothing to do
+    kmp_taskgroup_t *tg = (kmp_taskgroup_t*)tskgrp;
+    if (tg == NULL)
+        tg = thread->th.th_current_task->td_taskgroup;
+    KMP_ASSERT(tg != NULL);
+    kmp_task_red_data_t *arr = (kmp_task_red_data_t*)(tg->reduce_data);
+    kmp_int32 num = tg->reduce_num_data;
+    kmp_int32 tid = thread->th.th_info.ds.ds_tid;
+    KMP_ASSERT(data != NULL);
+    while (tg != NULL) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+        if (!arr[i].flags.lazy_priv) {
+          if (data == arr[i].reduce_shar ||
+             (data >= arr[i].reduce_priv && data < arr[i].reduce_pend))
+            return (char*)(arr[i].reduce_priv) + tid * arr[i].reduce_size;
+        } else {
+          // check shared location first
+          void **p_priv = (void**)(arr[i].reduce_priv);
+          if (data == arr[i].reduce_shar)
+            goto found;
+          // check if we get some thread specific location as parameter
+          for (int j = 0; j < nth; ++j)
+            if (data == p_priv[j])
+              goto found;
+          continue; // not found, continue search
+        found:
+          if (p_priv[tid] == NULL) {
+            // allocate thread specific object lazily
+            void(*f_init)(void*) = (void(*)(void*))(arr[i].reduce_init);
+            p_priv[tid] = __kmp_allocate(arr[i].reduce_size);
+            if (f_init != NULL) {
+              f_init(p_priv[tid]);
+            }
+          }
+          return p_priv[tid];
+        }
+      }
+      tg = tg->parent;
+      arr = (kmp_task_red_data_t*)(tg->reduce_data);
+      num = tg->reduce_num_data;
+    }
+    KMP_ASSERT2(0, "Unknown task reduction item");
+    return NULL; // ERROR, this line never executed
+// Finalize task reduction.
+// Called from __kmpc_end_taskgroup()
+static void
+__kmp_task_reduction_fini(kmp_info_t *th, kmp_taskgroup_t *tg)
+    kmp_int32 nth = th->th.th_team_nproc;
+    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nth > 1); // should not be called if nth == 1
+    kmp_task_red_data_t *arr = (kmp_task_red_data_t*)tg->reduce_data;
+    kmp_int32 num = tg->reduce_num_data;
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+        void *sh_data = arr[i].reduce_shar;
+        void(*f_fini)(void*) = (void(*)(void*))(arr[i].reduce_fini);
+        void(*f_comb)(void*,void*) = (void(*)(void*,void*))(arr[i].reduce_comb);
+        if (!arr[i].flags.lazy_priv) {
+            void *pr_data = arr[i].reduce_priv;
+            size_t size = arr[i].reduce_size;
+            for (int j = 0; j < nth; ++j) {
+                void * priv_data = (char*)pr_data + j * size;
+                f_comb(sh_data, priv_data); // combine results
+                if (f_fini)
+                    f_fini(priv_data); // finalize if needed
+            }
+        } else {
+            void **pr_data = (void**)(arr[i].reduce_priv);
+            for (int j = 0; j < nth; ++j) {
+                if (pr_data[j] != NULL) {
+                    f_comb(sh_data, pr_data[j]); // combine results
+                    if (f_fini)
+                        f_fini(pr_data[j]); // finalize if needed
+                    __kmp_free(pr_data[j]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        __kmp_free(arr[i].reduce_priv);
+    }
+    __kmp_thread_free(th, arr);
+    tg->reduce_data = NULL;
+    tg->reduce_num_data = 0;
@@ -1612,6 +1810,11 @@ __kmpc_taskgroup( ident_t* loc, int gtid
     tg_new->count = 0;
     tg_new->cancel_request = cancel_noreq;
     tg_new->parent = taskdata->td_taskgroup;
+// TODO: change to OMP_50_ENABLED, need to change build tools for this to work
+    tg_new->reduce_data = NULL;
+    tg_new->reduce_num_data = 0;
     taskdata->td_taskgroup = tg_new;
@@ -1660,6 +1863,11 @@ __kmpc_end_taskgroup( ident_t* loc, int
     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( taskgroup->count == 0 );
+// TODO: change to OMP_50_ENABLED, need to change build tools for this to work
+    if( taskgroup->reduce_data != NULL ) // need to reduce?
+        __kmp_task_reduction_fini(thread, taskgroup);
     // Restore parent taskgroup for the current task
     taskdata->td_taskgroup = taskgroup->parent;
     __kmp_thread_free( thread, taskgroup );

Added: openmp/trunk/runtime/test/tasking/kmp_task_reduction_nest.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/test/tasking/kmp_task_reduction_nest.cpp?rev=295343&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/test/tasking/kmp_task_reduction_nest.cpp (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/test/tasking/kmp_task_reduction_nest.cpp Thu Feb 16 11:49:49 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+// RUN: %libomp-compile-and-run
+// RUN: %libomp-compile -DFLG=1 && %libomp-run
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <omp.h>
+// Total number of loop iterations, should be multiple of T for this test
+#define N 10000
+// Flag to request lazy (1) or eager (0) allocation of reduction objects
+#ifndef FLG
+#define FLG 0
+  // initial user's code that corresponds to pseudo code of the test
+  #pragma omp taskgroup task_reduction(+:i,j) task_reduction(*:x)
+  {
+    for( int l = 0; l < N; ++l ) {
+      #pragma omp task firstprivate(l) in_reduction(+:i) in_reduction(*:x)
+      {
+        i += l;
+        if( l%2 )
+          x *= 1.0 / (l + 1);
+        else
+          x *= (l + 1);
+      }
+    }
+    #pragma omp taskgroup task_reduction(-:i,k) task_reduction(+:y)
+    {
+      for( int l = 0; l < N; ++l ) {
+        #pragma omp task firstprivate(l) in_reduction(+:j,y) \
+            in_reduction(*:x) in_reduction(-:k)
+        {
+          j += l;
+          k -= l;
+          y += (double)l;
+          if( l%2 )
+            x *= 1.0 / (l + 1);
+          else
+            x *= (l + 1);
+        }
+        #pragma omp task firstprivate(l) in_reduction(+:y) in_reduction(-:i,k)
+        {
+          i -= l;
+          k -= l;
+          y += (double)l;
+        }
+        #pragma omp task firstprivate(l) in_reduction(+:j) in_reduction(*:x)
+        {
+          j += l;
+          if( l%2 )
+            x *= 1.0 / (l + 1);
+          else
+            x *= (l + 1);
+        }
+      }
+    } // inner reduction
+    for( int l = 0; l < N; ++l ) {
+      #pragma omp task firstprivate(l) in_reduction(+:j)
+        j += l;
+    }
+  } // outer reduction
+// OpenMP runtime library routines
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+extern void* __kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(int gtid, void* tg, void* item);
+extern void* __kmpc_task_reduction_init(int gtid, int num, void* data);
+extern int __kmpc_global_thread_num(void*);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+// Compiler-generated code
+typedef struct _task_red_item {
+    void       *shar; // shared reduction item
+    size_t      size; // size of data item
+    void       *f_init; // data initialization routine
+    void       *f_fini; // data finalization routine
+    void       *f_comb; // data combiner routine
+    unsigned    flags;
+} _task_red_item_t;
+// int:+   no need in init/fini callbacks, valid for subtraction
+void __red_int_add_comb(void *lhs, void *rhs) // combiner
+{ *(int*)lhs += *(int*)rhs; }
+// long long:+   no need in init/fini callbacks, valid for subtraction
+void __red_llong_add_comb(void *lhs, void *rhs) // combiner
+{ *(long long*)lhs += *(long long*)rhs; }
+// double:*   no need in fini callback
+void __red_dbl_mul_init(void *data) // initializer
+{ *(double*)data = 1.0; }
+void __red_dbl_mul_comb(void *lhs, void *rhs) // combiner
+{ *(double*)lhs *= *(double*)rhs; }
+// double:+   no need in init/fini callbacks
+void __red_dbl_add_comb(void *lhs, void *rhs) // combiner
+{ *(double*)lhs += *(double*)rhs; }
+// ==============================
+void calc_serial(int *pi, long long *pj, double *px, long long *pk, double *py)
+    for( int l = 0; l < N; ++l ) {
+        *pi += l;
+        if( l%2 )
+          *px *= 1.0 / (l + 1);
+        else
+          *px *= (l + 1);
+    }
+    for( int l = 0; l < N; ++l ) {
+        *pj += l;
+        *pk -= l;
+        *py += (double)l;
+        if( l%2 )
+            *px *= 1.0 / (l + 1);
+        else
+            *px *= (l + 1);
+        *pi -= l;
+        *pk -= l;
+        *py += (double)l;
+        *pj += l;
+        if( l%2 )
+            *px *= 1.0 / (l + 1);
+        else
+            *px *= (l + 1);
+    }
+    for( int l = 0; l < N; ++l ) {
+        *pj += l;
+    }
+// Test case
+int main()
+  int nthreads = omp_get_max_threads();
+  int err = 0;
+  void** ptrs = (void**)malloc(nthreads*sizeof(void*));
+  // user's code ======================================
+  // variables for serial calculations:
+  int is = 3;
+  long long js = -9999999;
+  double xs = 99999.0;
+  long long ks = 99999999;
+  double ys = -99999999.0;
+  // variables for parallel calculations:
+  int ip = 3;
+  long long jp = -9999999;
+  double xp = 99999.0;
+  long long kp = 99999999;
+  double yp = -99999999.0;
+  calc_serial(&is, &js, &xs, &ks, &ys);
+  // ==================================================
+  for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; ++i)
+    ptrs[i] = NULL;
+  #pragma omp parallel
+  {
+    #pragma omp single nowait
+    {
+      // outer taskgroup reduces (i,j,x)
+      #pragma omp taskgroup // task_reduction(+:i,j) task_reduction(*:x)
+      {
+        _task_red_item_t red_data[3];
+        red_data[0].shar = &ip;
+        red_data[0].size = sizeof(ip);
+        red_data[0].f_init = NULL; // RTL will zero thread-specific objects
+        red_data[0].f_fini = NULL; // no destructors needed
+        red_data[0].f_comb = (void*)&__red_int_add_comb;
+        red_data[0].flags = FLG;
+        red_data[1].shar = &jp;
+        red_data[1].size = sizeof(jp);
+        red_data[1].f_init = NULL; // RTL will zero thread-specific objects
+        red_data[1].f_fini = NULL; // no destructors needed
+        red_data[1].f_comb = (void*)&__red_llong_add_comb;
+        red_data[1].flags = FLG;
+        red_data[2].shar = &xp;
+        red_data[2].size = sizeof(xp);
+        red_data[2].f_init = (void*)&__red_dbl_mul_init;
+        red_data[2].f_fini = NULL; // no destructors needed
+        red_data[2].f_comb = (void*)&__red_dbl_mul_comb;
+        red_data[2].flags = FLG;
+        int gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
+        void* tg1 = __kmpc_task_reduction_init(gtid, 3, red_data);
+        for( int l = 0; l < N; l += 2 ) {
+          // 2 iterations per task to get correct x value; actually any even
+          // number of iters per task will work, otherwise x looses precision
+          #pragma omp task firstprivate(l) //in_reduction(+:i) in_reduction(*:x)
+          {
+            int gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
+            int *p_ip = (int*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(gtid, tg1, &ip);
+            double *p_xp = (double*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(
+                                        gtid, tg1, &xp);
+            if (!ptrs[gtid]) ptrs[gtid] = p_xp;
+            // user's pseudo-code ==============================
+            *p_ip += l;
+            *p_xp *= (l + 1);
+            *p_ip += l + 1;
+            *p_xp *= 1.0 / (l + 2);
+            // ==================================================
+          }
+        }
+        // inner taskgroup reduces (i,k,y), i is same object as in outer one
+        #pragma omp taskgroup // task_reduction(-:i,k) task_reduction(+:y)
+        {
+          _task_red_item_t red_data[3];
+          red_data[0].shar = &ip;
+          red_data[0].size = sizeof(ip);
+          red_data[0].f_init = NULL; // RTL will zero thread-specific objects
+          red_data[0].f_fini = NULL; // no destructors needed
+          red_data[0].f_comb = (void*)&__red_int_add_comb;
+          red_data[0].flags = FLG;
+          red_data[1].shar = &kp;
+          red_data[1].size = sizeof(kp);
+          red_data[1].f_init = NULL; // RTL will zero thread-specific objects
+          red_data[1].f_fini = NULL; // no destructors needed
+          red_data[1].f_comb = (void*)&__red_llong_add_comb; // same for + and -
+          red_data[1].flags = FLG;
+          red_data[2].shar = &yp;
+          red_data[2].size = sizeof(yp);
+          red_data[2].f_init = NULL; // RTL will zero thread-specific objects
+          red_data[2].f_fini = NULL; // no destructors needed
+          red_data[2].f_comb = (void*)&__red_dbl_add_comb;
+          red_data[2].flags = FLG;
+          int gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
+          void* tg2 = __kmpc_task_reduction_init(gtid, 3, red_data);
+          for( int l = 0; l < N; l += 2 ) {
+            #pragma omp task firstprivate(l)
+            // in_reduction(+:j,y) in_reduction(*:x) in_reduction(-:k)
+            {
+              int gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
+              long long *p_jp = (long long*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(
+                                                gtid, tg1, &jp);
+              long long *p_kp = (long long*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(
+                                                gtid, tg2, &kp);
+              double *p_xp = (double*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(
+                                          gtid, tg1, &xp);
+              double *p_yp = (double*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(
+                                          gtid, tg2, &yp);
+              // user's pseudo-code ==============================
+              *p_jp += l;
+              *p_kp -= l;
+              *p_yp += (double)l;
+              *p_xp *= (l + 1);
+              *p_jp += l + 1;
+              *p_kp -= l + 1;
+              *p_yp += (double)(l + 1);
+              *p_xp *= 1.0 / (l + 2);
+              // =================================================
+  // the following code is here just to check __kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data:
+  int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
+  void *addr1;
+  void *addr2;
+  addr1 = __kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(gtid, tg1, &xp); // from shared
+  addr2 = __kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(gtid, tg1, addr1); // from private
+  if (addr1 != addr2) {
+    #pragma omp atomic
+      ++err;
+    printf("Wrong thread-specific addresses %d s:%p p:%p\n", tid, addr1, addr2);
+  }
+  // from neighbour w/o taskgroup (should start lookup from current tg2)
+  if (tid > 0) {
+    if (ptrs[tid-1]) {
+      addr2 = __kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(gtid, NULL, ptrs[tid-1]);
+      if (addr1 != addr2) {
+        #pragma omp atomic
+          ++err;
+        printf("Wrong thread-specific addresses %d s:%p n:%p\n",
+               tid, addr1, addr2);
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (ptrs[nthreads-1]) {
+      addr2 = __kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(gtid, NULL, ptrs[nthreads-1]);
+      if (addr1 != addr2) {
+        #pragma omp atomic
+          ++err;
+        printf("Wrong thread-specific addresses %d s:%p n:%p\n",
+               tid, addr1, addr2);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // ----------------------------------------------
+            }
+            #pragma omp task firstprivate(l)
+            // in_reduction(+:y) in_reduction(-:i,k)
+            {
+              int gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
+              int *p_ip = (int*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(
+                                    gtid, tg2, &ip);
+              long long *p_kp = (long long*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(
+                                                gtid, tg2, &kp);
+              double *p_yp = (double*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(
+                                          gtid, tg2, &yp);
+              // user's pseudo-code ==============================
+              *p_ip -= l;
+              *p_kp -= l;
+              *p_yp += (double)l;
+              *p_ip -= l + 1;
+              *p_kp -= l + 1;
+              *p_yp += (double)(l + 1);
+              // =================================================
+            }
+            #pragma omp task firstprivate(l)
+            // in_reduction(+:j) in_reduction(*:x)
+            {
+              int gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
+              long long *p_jp = (long long*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(
+                                                gtid, tg1, &jp);
+              double *p_xp = (double*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(
+                                          gtid, tg1, &xp);
+              // user's pseudo-code ==============================
+              *p_jp += l;
+              *p_xp *= (l + 1);
+              *p_jp += l + 1;
+              *p_xp *= 1.0 / (l + 2);
+              // =================================================
+            }
+          }
+        } // inner reduction
+        for( int l = 0; l < N; l += 2 ) {
+          #pragma omp task firstprivate(l) // in_reduction(+:j)
+          {
+            int gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
+            long long *p_jp = (long long*)__kmpc_task_reduction_get_th_data(
+                                              gtid, tg1, &jp);
+            // user's pseudo-code ==============================
+            *p_jp += l;
+            *p_jp += l + 1;
+            // =================================================
+          }
+        }
+      } // outer reduction
+    } // end single
+  } // end parallel
+  // check results
+#if _DEBUG
+  printf("reduction flags = %u\n", FLG);
+  if (ip == is && jp == js && ks == kp &&
+      fabs(xp - xs) < 0.01 && fabs(yp - ys) < 0.01)
+    printf("passed\n");
+  else
+    printf("failed,\n ser:(%d %lld %f %lld %f)\n par:(%d %lld %f %lld %f)\n",
+      is, js, xs, ks, ys,
+      ip, jp, xp, kp, yp);
+  return 0;

Propchange: openmp/trunk/runtime/test/tasking/kmp_task_reduction_nest.cpp
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Propchange: openmp/trunk/runtime/test/tasking/kmp_task_reduction_nest.cpp
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