[Openmp-commits] [openmp] r247583 - Removing the Makefile/Perl build system.

Jonathan Peyton via Openmp-commits openmp-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 14 10:20:30 PDT 2015

Author: jlpeyton
Date: Mon Sep 14 12:20:30 2015
New Revision: 247583

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=247583&view=rev
Removing the Makefile/Perl build system.

This change deletes the Makefile+Perl build system and all files used by it
which aren't used by the CMake build system. This included many Perl files,
*.mk files, iomp* files.  This change also updates the README's and
index.html to instruct the user to use the CMake build system. All mentioning
of the Perl+Makefile based system are removed.

Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D12331


Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/Makefile
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/Makefile?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/Makefile (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/Makefile (removed)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-include $(omp_root)/tools/common.inc
-.PHONY: default all omp
-default: omp
-all: omp stubs
-omp: info mkdir
-	@echo $(omp_root)/tools/build.pl $(build_args) --arch=$(arch) --mode=$(mode) lib inc common -- -j$(jobs)
-	$(omp_root)/tools/build.pl $(build_args) --arch=$(arch) --mode=$(mode) lib inc common -- -j$(jobs)
-stubs: mkdir
-	@echo $(omp_root)/tools/build.pl $(build_args) --arch=$(arch) --mode=$(mode) --stubs lib inc common -- -j$(jobs)
-	$(omp_root)/tools/build.pl $(build_args) --arch=$(arch) --mode=$(mode) --stubs lib inc common -- -j$(jobs)
-.PHONY: clean info
-	$(shell $(RM) -rf $(omp_root)$(SLASH)tmp)
-	@echo clean done
-	$(shell $(MD) $(omp_root)$(SLASH)tmp >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL))
-	@echo Created $(omp_root)$(SLASH)tmp directory
-	@echo omp_root=$(omp_root)
-	@echo omp_os=$(omp_os)
-	@echo arch=$(arch)
-ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
-	@echo mic_arch=$(mic_arch)	
-	@echo compiler=$(compiler)	
-	@echo mic=$(mic)
-	@echo mode=$(mode)
-	@echo jobs=$(jobs)
-libomp_path=$(shell $(omp_root)/tools/check-openmp.pl)
-test_path=$(shell $(omp_root)/tools/check-openmp-test.pl)
-# Please do not change this rule.
-# -------------------------------
-# Intentionally changing directory into "testsuite" in order to generate output results and errors
-# over there and keep this directory clean.
-test: omp	
-	@$(Verb) if which llvm-lit &> /dev/null; then \
-        if [ -d "$(omp_root)$(SLASH)..$(SLASH)testsuite$(SLASH)LLVM-IR" ] ; then \
-			export TESTSUITE_TEMP=$(realpath $(omp_root))$(SLASH)tmp ; \
-			export LIBRARY_PATH=$(libomp_path):$(LIBRARY_PATH) ; \
-			export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$(libomp_path)$(SLASH)..$(SLASH)..$(SLASH)common$(SLASH)include:$(C_INCLUDE_PATH) ; \
-			export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(libomp_path):$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) ; \
-			export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(libomp_path):$(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH) ; \
-			cd $(omp_root)$(SLASH)..$(SLASH)testsuite ; \
-			make ctest ; \
-			python adding_xfails.py ; \
-			llvm-lit -j 1 $(realpath $(omp_root))$(SLASH)..$(SLASH)testsuite$(SLASH)LLVM-IR$(SLASH)$(test_path) -v ; \
-        else \
-        	echo "No test directory" ; exit 1; \
-        fi; else echo "No llvm-lit in $(PATH)"; exit 1; fi
-	make -C ..$(SLASH)testsuite cleanall

Modified: openmp/trunk/runtime/README.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/README.txt?rev=247583&r1=247582&r2=247583&view=diff
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/README.txt (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/README.txt Mon Sep 14 12:20:30 2015
@@ -23,77 +23,35 @@ www.doxygen.org.
 How to Build the LLVM* OpenMP* Runtime Library
+In-tree build:
-The library can be built either using Cmake, or using a makefile that
-in turn invokes various Perl scripts. For porting, non X86
-architectures, and for those already familiar with Cmake that may be
-an easier route to take than the one described here.
-Building with CMake
-The runtime/Build_With_CMake.txt file has a description of how to
-build with Cmake.
-Building with the Makefile
-The Makefile at the top-level will attempt to detect what it needs to
-build the LLVM* OpenMP* Runtime Library.  To see the default settings, 
-make info
-You can change the Makefile's behavior with the following options:
-omp_root:    The path to the top-level directory containing the top-level
-	     Makefile.  By default, this will take on the value of the 
-	     current working directory.
-omp_os:      Operating system.  By default, the build will attempt to 
-	     detect this. Currently supports "linux", "freebsd", "macos", and
-	     "windows".
-arch:        Architecture. By default, the build will attempt to 
-	     detect this if not specified by the user. Currently 
-	     supported values are
-                 "32" for IA-32 architecture 
-                 "32e" for Intel(R) 64 architecture
-                 "mic" for Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture
-                 "arm" for ARM* architecture
-                 "aarch64" for Aarch64 (64-bit ARM) architecture
-                 "ppc64" for IBM(R) Power architecture (big endian)
-                 "ppc64le" for IBM(R) Power architecture (little endian)
-             If "mic" is specified then "icc" will be used as the
-	     compiler, and appropriate k1om binutils will be used. The
-	     necessary packages must be installed on the build machine
-	     for this to be possible (but an Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM)
-	     coprocessor card is not required to build the library).
-compiler:    Which compiler to use for the build.  Defaults to "icc" 
-	     or "icl" depending on the value of omp_os. Also supports 
-	     some versions of "gcc"* when omp_os is "linux". The selected 
-	     compiler should be installed and in the user's path. The 
-	     corresponding Fortran compiler should also be in the path. 
-	     See "Supported RTL Build Configurations" below for more 
-	     information on compiler versions.
-mode:        Library mode: default is "release".  Also supports "debug".
-jobs:        The number of parallel jobs for the underlying call to make.
-         This value is sent as the parameter to the -j flag for make.
-         This value defaults to "1", but can be set to any positive integer.
-To use any of the options above, simple add <option_name>=<value>.  For 
-example, if you want to build with gcc instead of icc, type:
-make compiler=gcc
-On OS X* machines, it is possible to build universal (or fat) libraries which
-include both IA-32 architecture and Intel(R) 64 architecture objects in a
-single archive; just build the 32 and 32e libraries separately, then invoke 
-make again with a special argument as follows:
-make compiler=clang build_args=fat
+$ cd where-you-want-to-live
+Check out openmp into llvm/projects
+$ cd where-you-want-to-build
+$ mkdir build && cd build
+$ cmake path/to/llvm -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler>
+$ make omp
+Out-of-tree build:
+$ cd where-you-want-to-live
+Check out openmp
+$ cd where-you-want-to-live/openmp/runtime
+$ mkdir build && cd build
+$ cmake path/to/openmp -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler>
+$ make
+For details about building, please look at Build_With_CMake.txt
+Architectures Supported
+* IA-32 architecture 
+* Intel(R) 64 architecture
+* Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture
+* ARM* architecture
+* Aarch64 (64-bit ARM) architecture
+* IBM(R) Power architecture (big endian)
+* IBM(R) Power architecture (little endian)
 Supported RTL Build Configurations
@@ -112,7 +70,7 @@ Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architectu
 (1) On IA-32 architecture and Intel(R) 64, icc/icl versions 12.x are 
     supported (12.1 is recommended).
-(2) GCC* version 4.6.2 is supported.
+(2) GCC* version 4.7 is supported.
 (3) For icc on OS X*, OS X* version 10.5.8 is supported.
 (4) Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture not supported.
 (5) On Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture, icc/icl versions 13.0 

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/defs.mk
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/defs.mk?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/defs.mk (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/defs.mk (removed)
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# defs.mk
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This file contains definitions common for OpenMP RTL and DSL makefiles.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Include really common definitions.
-include $(LIBOMP_WORK)tools/src/common-defs.mk
-# Directories.
-# Check and normalize LIBOMP_EXPORTS.
-ifeq "$(LIBOMP_EXPORTS)" ""
-    $(error LIBOMP_EXPORTS environment variable must be set)
-ifneq "$(words $(LIBOMP_EXPORTS))" "1"
-    $(error LIBOMP_EXPORTS must not contain spaces)
-override LIBOMP_EXPORTS := $(subst \,/,$(LIBOMP_EXPORTS))
-ifeq "$(filter %/,$(LIBOMP_EXPORTS))" ""
-# Output directories.
-out_dir      = $(LIBOMP_EXPORTS)
-out_cmn_dir  = $(out_dir)common$(suffix)/
-out_ptf_dir  = $(out_dir)$(platform)$(suffix)/
-_out_lib_dir = $(out_dir)$(1)$(suffix)/lib$(if $(filter mac_%,$(1)),.thin)/
-out_lib_dir  = $(call _out_lib_dir,$(platform))
-ifneq "$(arch)" "mic"
-out_l10n_dir = $(out_lib_dir)$(if $(filter lin mac,$(os)),locale/)
-out_l10n_dir = $(out_lib_dir)
-ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
-    _out_lib_fat_dir = $(out_dir)$(1)$(suffix)/lib/
-    out_lib_fat_dir  = $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,$(platform))
-    out_l10n_fat_dir = $(out_lib_fat_dir)locale/
-# Retrieve build number,
-ifeq "$(clean)" ""
-    # Parse kmp_version.c file, look for "#define KMP_VERSION_BUILD yyyymmdd" string,
-    # leave only "yyyymmdd". Note: Space after $$1 is important, it helps to detect possible errors.
-    build := $(strip $(shell $(perl) -p -e '$$_ =~ s{^(?:\s*\#define\s+KMP_VERSION_BUILD\s+([0-9]{8})|.*)\s*\n}{$$1 }' $(LIBOMP_WORK)src/kmp_version.c))
-    ifneq "$(words $(build))" "1"
-        $(error Failed to pase "kmp_version.c", cannot extract build number)
-    endif
-    $(call say,Build  : $(build)$(if $(filter 00000000,$(build)), (development)))
-# end of file #

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/30/iomp.h.var
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/30/iomp.h.var?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/30/iomp.h.var (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/30/iomp.h.var (removed)
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * include/30/iomp.h.var
- */
-//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-#ifndef __IOMP_H
-#   define __IOMP_H
-#   define KMP_BUILD_DATE       "$KMP_BUILD_DATE"
-#   ifdef __cplusplus
-        extern "C" {
-#   endif
-#       define kmp_set_stacksize            kmpc_set_stacksize
-#       define kmp_set_stacksize_s          kmpc_set_stacksize_s
-#       define kmp_set_blocktime            kmpc_set_blocktime
-#       define kmp_set_library              kmpc_set_library
-#       define kmp_set_defaults             kmpc_set_defaults
-#       define kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc   kmpc_set_affinity_mask_proc
-#       define kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_unset_affinity_mask_proc
-#       define kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc   kmpc_get_affinity_mask_proc
-#       define kmp_malloc                   kmpc_malloc
-#       define kmp_calloc                   kmpc_calloc
-#       define kmp_realloc                  kmpc_realloc
-#       define kmp_free                     kmpc_free
-#   if defined(_WIN32)
-#       define __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION __cdecl
-#   else
-#       define __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION
-#   endif
-#   include <stdlib.h>
-    /* kmp API functions */
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_stacksize          (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_stacksize          (int);
-    extern size_t __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_stacksize_s        (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_stacksize_s        (size_t);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_blocktime          (void);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_library            (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_blocktime          (int);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library            (int);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library_serial     (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library_turnaround (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library_throughput (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_defaults           (char const *);
-    /* affinity API functions */
-    typedef void * kmp_affinity_mask_t;
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_affinity             (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_affinity             (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_affinity_max_proc    (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_create_affinity_mask     (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_destroy_affinity_mask    (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc   (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc   (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_malloc  (size_t);
-    extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_calloc  (size_t, size_t);
-    extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_realloc (void *, size_t);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_free    (void *);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_warnings_on(void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_warnings_off(void);
-    /* Warning:
-       The following typedefs are not standard, deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
-    */
-    typedef int     omp_int_t;
-    typedef double  omp_wtime_t;
-#   ifdef __cplusplus
-        }
-#   endif
-#endif /* __IOMP_H */

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/30/iomp_lib.h.var
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/30/iomp_lib.h.var?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/30/iomp_lib.h.var (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/30/iomp_lib.h.var (removed)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-! include/30/iomp_lib.h.var
-!//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-!// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-!// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-!*** omp_integer_kind and omp_logical_kind appear to be predefined by gcc and
-!*** gfortran (definitions do not appear in the omp.h / omp_lib.h /omp_lib.f).
-!*** omp_real_kind is not predefined, however.
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_version_major = $KMP_VERSION_MAJOR
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_version_minor = $KMP_VERSION_MINOR
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_version_build = $KMP_VERSION_BUILD
-        character(*)          kmp_build_date
-        parameter( kmp_build_date = '$KMP_BUILD_DATE' )
-        integer, parameter :: omp_real_kind = 4
-!*** kmp_* type extensions
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_pointer_kind       = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_size_t_kind        = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_affinity_mask_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
-!*** kmp_* entry points
-        external kmp_set_stacksize
-        external kmp_set_stacksize_s
-        external kmp_set_blocktime
-        external kmp_set_library_serial
-        external kmp_set_library_turnaround
-        external kmp_set_library_throughput
-        external kmp_set_library
-        external kmp_set_defaults
-        external kmp_get_stacksize
-        integer kmp_get_stacksize
-        external kmp_get_stacksize_s
-        integer (kind = kmp_size_t_kind) kmp_get_stacksize_s
-        external kmp_get_blocktime
-        integer kmp_get_blocktime
-        external kmp_get_library
-        integer kmp_get_library
-        external kmp_set_affinity
-        integer kmp_set_affinity
-        external kmp_get_affinity
-        integer kmp_get_affinity
-        external kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
-        integer kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
-        external kmp_create_affinity_mask
-        external kmp_destroy_affinity_mask
-        external kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
-        integer kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
-        external kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
-        integer kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
-        external kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
-        integer kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
-        external kmp_malloc
-        integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_malloc
-        external kmp_calloc
-        integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_calloc
-        external kmp_realloc
-        integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_realloc
-        external kmp_free
-        external kmp_set_warnings_on
-        external kmp_set_warnings_off

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/40/iomp.h.var
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/40/iomp.h.var?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/40/iomp.h.var (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/40/iomp.h.var (removed)
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- * include/40/iomp.h.var
- */
-//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-#ifndef __IOMP_H
-#   define __IOMP_H
-#   define KMP_BUILD_DATE       "$KMP_BUILD_DATE"
-#   ifdef __cplusplus
-        extern "C" {
-#   endif
-#       define kmp_set_stacksize            kmpc_set_stacksize
-#       define kmp_set_stacksize_s          kmpc_set_stacksize_s
-#       define kmp_set_blocktime            kmpc_set_blocktime
-#       define kmp_set_library              kmpc_set_library
-#       define kmp_set_defaults             kmpc_set_defaults
-#       define kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc   kmpc_set_affinity_mask_proc
-#       define kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_unset_affinity_mask_proc
-#       define kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc   kmpc_get_affinity_mask_proc
-#       define kmp_malloc                   kmpc_malloc
-#       define kmp_calloc                   kmpc_calloc
-#       define kmp_realloc                  kmpc_realloc
-#       define kmp_free                     kmpc_free
-#   if defined(_WIN32)
-#       define __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION __cdecl
-#   else
-#       define __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION
-#   endif
-#   include <stdlib.h>
-    /* kmp API functions */
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_stacksize          (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_stacksize          (int);
-    extern size_t __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_stacksize_s        (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_stacksize_s        (size_t);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_blocktime          (void);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_library            (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_blocktime          (int);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library            (int);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library_serial     (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library_turnaround (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library_throughput (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_defaults           (char const *);
-    /* affinity API functions */
-    typedef void * kmp_affinity_mask_t;
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_affinity             (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_affinity             (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_affinity_max_proc    (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_create_affinity_mask     (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_destroy_affinity_mask    (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc   (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc   (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_malloc  (size_t);
-    extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_calloc  (size_t, size_t);
-    extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_realloc (void *, size_t);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_free    (void *);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_warnings_on(void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_warnings_off(void);
-    /* schedule kind constants */
-    typedef enum kmp_cancel_kind_t {
-        kmp_cancel_parallel  = 1,
-        kmp_cancel_loop = 2,
-        kmp_cancel_sections  = 3,
-        kmp_cancel_taskgroup = 4
-    } kmp_cancel_kind_t;
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_cancellation_status(kmp_cancel_kind_t);
-    /* Warning:
-       The following typedefs are not standard, deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
-    */
-    typedef int     omp_int_t;
-    typedef double  omp_wtime_t;
-#   ifdef __cplusplus
-        }
-#   endif
-#endif /* __IOMP_H */

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/40/iomp_lib.h.var
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/40/iomp_lib.h.var?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/40/iomp_lib.h.var (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/40/iomp_lib.h.var (removed)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-! include/40/iomp_lib.h.var
-!//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-!// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-!// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-!*** omp_integer_kind and omp_logical_kind appear to be predefined by gcc and
-!*** gfortran (definitions do not appear in the omp.h / omp_lib.h /omp_lib.f).
-!*** omp_real_kind is not predefined, however.
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_version_major = $KMP_VERSION_MAJOR
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_version_minor = $KMP_VERSION_MINOR
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_version_build = $KMP_VERSION_BUILD
-        character(*)          kmp_build_date
-        parameter( kmp_build_date = '$KMP_BUILD_DATE' )
-        integer, parameter :: omp_real_kind = 4
-!*** kmp_* type extensions
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_pointer_kind       = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_size_t_kind        = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_affinity_mask_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
-!*** kmp_* entry points
-        external kmp_set_stacksize
-        external kmp_set_stacksize_s
-        external kmp_set_blocktime
-        external kmp_set_library_serial
-        external kmp_set_library_turnaround
-        external kmp_set_library_throughput
-        external kmp_set_library
-        external kmp_set_defaults
-        external kmp_get_stacksize
-        integer kmp_get_stacksize
-        external kmp_get_stacksize_s
-        integer (kind = kmp_size_t_kind) kmp_get_stacksize_s
-        external kmp_get_blocktime
-        integer kmp_get_blocktime
-        external kmp_get_library
-        integer kmp_get_library
-        external kmp_set_affinity
-        integer kmp_set_affinity
-        external kmp_get_affinity
-        integer kmp_get_affinity
-        external kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
-        integer kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
-        external kmp_create_affinity_mask
-        external kmp_destroy_affinity_mask
-        external kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
-        integer kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
-        external kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
-        integer kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
-        external kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
-        integer kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
-        external kmp_malloc
-        integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_malloc
-        external kmp_calloc
-        integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_calloc
-        external kmp_realloc
-        integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_realloc
-        external kmp_free
-        external kmp_set_warnings_on
-        external kmp_set_warnings_off

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/41/iomp.h.var
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/41/iomp.h.var?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/41/iomp.h.var (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/41/iomp.h.var (removed)
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- * include/41/iomp.h.var
- */
-//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-#ifndef __IOMP_H
-#   define __IOMP_H
-#   define KMP_BUILD_DATE       "$KMP_BUILD_DATE"
-#   ifdef __cplusplus
-        extern "C" {
-#   endif
-#       define kmp_set_stacksize            kmpc_set_stacksize
-#       define kmp_set_stacksize_s          kmpc_set_stacksize_s
-#       define kmp_set_blocktime            kmpc_set_blocktime
-#       define kmp_set_library              kmpc_set_library
-#       define kmp_set_defaults             kmpc_set_defaults
-#       define kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc   kmpc_set_affinity_mask_proc
-#       define kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_unset_affinity_mask_proc
-#       define kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc   kmpc_get_affinity_mask_proc
-#       define kmp_malloc                   kmpc_malloc
-#       define kmp_calloc                   kmpc_calloc
-#       define kmp_realloc                  kmpc_realloc
-#       define kmp_free                     kmpc_free
-#   if defined(_WIN32)
-#       define __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION __cdecl
-#   else
-#       define __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION
-#   endif
-#   include <stdlib.h>
-    /* kmp API functions */
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_stacksize          (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_stacksize          (int);
-    extern size_t __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_stacksize_s        (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_stacksize_s        (size_t);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_blocktime          (void);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_library            (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_blocktime          (int);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library            (int);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library_serial     (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library_turnaround (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_library_throughput (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_defaults           (char const *);
-    /* affinity API functions */
-    typedef void * kmp_affinity_mask_t;
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_affinity             (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_affinity             (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_affinity_max_proc    (void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_create_affinity_mask     (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_destroy_affinity_mask    (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc   (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc   (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
-    extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_malloc  (size_t);
-    extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_calloc  (size_t, size_t);
-    extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_realloc (void *, size_t);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_free    (void *);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_warnings_on(void);
-    extern void   __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_set_warnings_off(void);
-    /* schedule kind constants */
-    typedef enum kmp_cancel_kind_t {
-        kmp_cancel_parallel  = 1,
-        kmp_cancel_loop = 2,
-        kmp_cancel_sections  = 3,
-        kmp_cancel_taskgroup = 4
-    } kmp_cancel_kind_t;
-    extern int    __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION  kmp_get_cancellation_status(kmp_cancel_kind_t);
-    /* Warning:
-       The following typedefs are not standard, deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
-    */
-    typedef int     omp_int_t;
-    typedef double  omp_wtime_t;
-#   ifdef __cplusplus
-        }
-#   endif
-#endif /* __IOMP_H */

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/41/iomp_lib.h.var
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/41/iomp_lib.h.var?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/41/iomp_lib.h.var (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/include/41/iomp_lib.h.var (removed)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-! include/41/iomp_lib.h.var
-!//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-!// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-!// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-!*** omp_integer_kind and omp_logical_kind appear to be predefined by gcc and
-!*** gfortran (definitions do not appear in the omp.h / omp_lib.h /omp_lib.f).
-!*** omp_real_kind is not predefined, however.
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_version_major = $KMP_VERSION_MAJOR
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_version_minor = $KMP_VERSION_MINOR
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_version_build = $KMP_VERSION_BUILD
-        character(*)          kmp_build_date
-        parameter( kmp_build_date = '$KMP_BUILD_DATE' )
-        integer, parameter :: omp_real_kind = 4
-!*** kmp_* type extensions
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_pointer_kind       = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_size_t_kind        = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
-        integer, parameter :: kmp_affinity_mask_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
-!*** kmp_* entry points
-        external kmp_set_stacksize
-        external kmp_set_stacksize_s
-        external kmp_set_blocktime
-        external kmp_set_library_serial
-        external kmp_set_library_turnaround
-        external kmp_set_library_throughput
-        external kmp_set_library
-        external kmp_set_defaults
-        external kmp_get_stacksize
-        integer kmp_get_stacksize
-        external kmp_get_stacksize_s
-        integer (kind = kmp_size_t_kind) kmp_get_stacksize_s
-        external kmp_get_blocktime
-        integer kmp_get_blocktime
-        external kmp_get_library
-        integer kmp_get_library
-        external kmp_set_affinity
-        integer kmp_set_affinity
-        external kmp_get_affinity
-        integer kmp_get_affinity
-        external kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
-        integer kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
-        external kmp_create_affinity_mask
-        external kmp_destroy_affinity_mask
-        external kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
-        integer kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
-        external kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
-        integer kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
-        external kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
-        integer kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
-        external kmp_malloc
-        integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_malloc
-        external kmp_calloc
-        integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_calloc
-        external kmp_realloc
-        integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_realloc
-        external kmp_free
-        external kmp_set_warnings_on
-        external kmp_set_warnings_off

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/libiomp.rc.var
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/libiomp.rc.var?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/libiomp.rc.var (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/libiomp.rc.var (removed)
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// libiomp.rc.var
-////                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-//// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-//// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-#include "winres.h"
-#pragma code_page(1252)
-    // Parts of FILEVERSION and PRODUCTVERSION are 16-bit fields, entire build date yyyymmdd
-    // does not fit into one version part, so we need to split it into yyyy and mmdd:
-    FILEFLAGS      0
-        | VS_FF_DEBUG
-    #endif
-    #if $KMP_VERSION_BUILD == 0
-    #endif
-    FILEOS          VOS_NT_WINDOWS32    // Windows* Server* 2003, XP*, 2000, or NT*
-    FILETYPE        VFT_DLL
-    BEGIN
-        BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
-        BEGIN
-            BLOCK "040904b0"            // U.S. English, Unicode (0x04b0 == 1200)
-            BEGIN
-                // FileDescription and LegalCopyright should be short.
-                VALUE "FileDescription",  "Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library${{ our $MESSAGE_CATALOG; $MESSAGE_CATALOG ? " Message Catalog" : "" }}\0"
-                // Following values may be relatively long.
-                VALUE "CompanyName",      "Intel Corporation\0"
-                // VALUE "LegalTrademarks",  "\0"  // Not used for now.
-                VALUE "ProductName",      "Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library\0"
-                VALUE "ProductVersion",   "$KMP_VERSION_MAJOR.$KMP_VERSION_MINOR\0"
-                VALUE "FileVersion",      "$KMP_VERSION_BUILD\0"
-                VALUE "InternalName",     "$KMP_FILE\0"
-                VALUE "OriginalFilename", "$KMP_FILE\0"
-                VALUE "Comments",
-                    "Intel(R) OpenMP* ${{ our ( $MESSAGE_CATALOG, $KMP_TYPE ); $MESSAGE_CATALOG ? "Runtime Library Message Catalog" : "$KMP_TYPE Library" }} "
-                    "for $KMP_ARCH architecture built on $KMP_BUILD_DATE.\0"
-                #if $KMP_VERSION_BUILD == 0
-                    VALUE "PrivateBuild",
-                        "This is a development build for internal testing purposes only. "
-                        "Do not distribute it outside of Intel.\0"
-                #endif
-                // VALUE "SpecialBuild",     "\0"    // Not used for now.
-            END
-        END
-        BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
-        BEGIN
-            VALUE "Translation", ${{ our ( $MESSAGE_CATALOG, $LANGUAGE ); $MESSAGE_CATALOG ? $LANGUAGE : 1033 }}, 1200
-            // 1033 -- U.S. English, 1200 -- Unicode
-        END
-    END
-// end of file //

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/makefile.mk
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/makefile.mk?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/makefile.mk (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/makefile.mk (removed)
@@ -1,1565 +0,0 @@
-# makefile.mk #
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-# Check and normalize LIBOMP_WORK.
-# This piece of code is common, but it cannot be moved to common file.
-ifeq "$(LIBOMP_WORK)" ""
-    $(error LIBOMP_WORK environment variable must be set)
-ifneq "$(words $(LIBOMP_WORK))" "1"
-    $(error LIBOMP_WORK must not contain spaces)
-override LIBOMP_WORK := $(subst \,/,$(LIBOMP_WORK))
-ifeq "$(filter %/,$(LIBOMP_WORK))" ""
-    override LIBOMP_WORK := $(LIBOMP_WORK)/
-# Include definitions common for RTL and DSL.
-include $(LIBOMP_WORK)src/defs.mk
-src_dir      = $(LIBOMP_WORK)src/
-inc_dir      = $(LIBOMP_WORK)src/include/$(OMP_VERSION)/
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Configuration options.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Build compiler
-BUILD_COMPILER := $(call check_variable,BUILD_COMPILER,icc gcc clang icl icl.exe)
-# Distribution type: com (commercial) or oss (open-source)
-DISTRIBUTION  := $(call check_variable,DISTRIBUTION,com oss)
-ifeq "$(c)" ""
-    c = $(BUILD_COMPILER)
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-        c = icl.exe
-    endif
-ifeq "$(dist)" ""
-    dist = $(DISTRIBUTION)
-ifeq "$(dist)" ""
-    dist = com
-# Compile all C files as C++ source.
-CPLUSPLUS    := $(call check_variable,CPLUSPLUS,on)
-# Turn on instrumentation for code coverage.
-COVERAGE     := $(call check_variable,COVERAGE,off on)
-# Instruct compiler to emit debug information.
-DEBUG_INFO   := $(call check_variable,DEBUG_INFO,on off)
-# Turn on debug support in library code, assertions and traces.
-DIAG         := $(call check_variable,DIAG,on off)
-LIB_TYPE     := $(call check_variable,LIB_TYPE,norm prof stub)
-# Type of library: dynamic or static linking.
-LINK_TYPE    := $(call check_variable,LINK_TYPE,dyna stat)
-# Supported OpenMP version, 2.5 or 3.0.
-OMP_VERSION  := $(call check_variable,OMP_VERSION,41 40 30 25)
-# Generate optimized code.
-OPTIMIZATION := $(call check_variable,OPTIMIZATION,off on)
-# Library version: 4 -- legacy, 5 -- compat.
-VERSION      := $(call check_variable,VERSION,5 4)
-# quad precision floating point
-HAVE_QUAD     = 1
-VPATH += $(src_dir)
-VPATH += $(src_dir)i18n/
-VPATH += $(inc_dir)
-VPATH += $(src_dir)thirdparty/ittnotify/
-# Define config.
-define curr_config
-    DIAG=$(DIAG)
-    CPPFLAGS=$(subst $(space),_,$(CPPFLAGS))
-    CFLAGS=$(subst $(space),_,$(CFLAGS))
-    CXXFLAGS=$(subst $(space),_,$(CXXFLAGS))
-    FFLAGS=$(subst $(space),_,$(FFLAGS))
-    LDFLAGS=$(subst $(space),_,$(LDFLAGS))
-# And check it.
-include $(tools_dir)src/common-checks.mk
-# Function to convert LIB_TYPE to printable one.
-legal_type = $(if $(filter norm,$(LIB_TYPE)),Performance,$(if $(filter prof,$(LIB_TYPE)),Profiling,Stub))
-# Check the OS X version (we need it to decide which tool use for objects accumulation)
-ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
-    mac_os_new := $(shell /bin/sh -c 'if [[ `sw_vers -productVersion` > 10.6 ]]; then echo "1"; else echo "0"; fi')
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Dev tools and general options (like -fpic, -O2 or -g).
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-include $(tools_dir)src/common-tools.mk
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Project-specific tools options.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --- Assembler options ---
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
-        as-flags += -coff
-        as-flags += -D_M_IA32
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(arch)" "32e"
-        as-flags  += -D_M_AMD64
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(arch)" "64"
-    endif
-# --- C/C++ options ---
-# Enable _Quad type.
-ifneq "$(filter icc icl icl.exe,$(c))" ""
-    c-flags   += -Qoption,cpp,--extended_float_types
-    cxx-flags += -Qoption,cpp,--extended_float_types
-ifeq "$(c)" "gcc"
-    ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
-        c-flags += -m32 -msse
-        cxx-flags += -m32 -msse
-        fort-flags += -m32 -msse
-        ld-flags += -m32 -msse
-        as-flags += -m32 -msse
-    endif
-ifeq "$(c)" "clang"
-    c-flags += -Wno-unused-value -Wno-switch -Wno-deprecated-register
-    cxx-flags += -Wno-unused-value -Wno-switch -Wno-deprecated-register
-    ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
-        c-flags += -m32 -msse
-        cxx-flags += -m32 -msse
-        fort-flags += -m32 -msse
-        ld-flags += -m32 -msse
-        as-flags += -m32 -msse
-    endif
-    HAVE_QUAD = 0
-ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "dyna"
-# debug-info
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-        c-flags    += -Zi
-        cxx-flags  += -Zi
-        fort-flags += -Zi
-    else
-      ifneq "$(os)" "mac"
-        c-flags    += -g
-        cxx-flags  += -g
-        fort-flags += -g
-        ld-flags   += -g
-      endif
-    endif
-# Enable 80-bit "long double".
-# ??? In original makefile, it was enabled for all files on win_32 and win_64, and only for one
-# file kmp_atomic.c on win_32e.
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    c-flags   += -Qlong_double
-    cxx-flags += -Qlong_double
-# Enable saving compiler options and version in object files and libraries.
-ifeq "$(filter gcc clang,$(c))" ""
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-        # Newer MS linker issues warnings if -Qsox is used:
-        # "warning LNK4224: /COMMENT is no longer supported;  ignored"
-        # so let us comment it out (and delete later).
-        # ifneq "$(arch)" "32e"
-        #     c-flags   += -Qsox
-        #     cxx-flags += -Qsox
-        # endif
-        fort-flags += -Qsox
-    else
-        # For unknown reason, icc and ifort on mac does not accept this option.
-        ifneq "$(filter lin,$(os))" ""
-            c-flags    += -sox
-            cxx-flags  += -sox
-            fort-flags += -sox
-        endif
-    endif
-# On Linux and Windows Intel64 we need offload attribute for all Fortran entries
-# in order to support OpenMP function calls inside Device constructs
-ifeq "$(fort)" "ifort"
-    ifeq "$(os)_$(arch)" "lin_32e"
-        # TODO: change to -qoffload... when we stop supporting 14.0 compiler (-offload is deprecated)
-        fort-flags += -offload-attribute-target=mic
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(os)_$(arch)" "win_32e"
-        fort-flags += /Qoffload-attribute-target:mic
-    endif
-ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
-    c-flags    += -mmic
-    cxx-flags  += -mmic
-    fort-flags += -mmic
-    ld-flags   += -mmic
-    as-flags   += -mmic
-    cpp-flags  += -mmic
-# Exception handling.
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    # ??? Enable exception handling?
-    ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "dyna"
-        c-flags   += -EHsc
-        cxx-flags += -EHsc
-    endif
-    # Disable exception handling.
-    c-flags   += -fno-exceptions
-    cxx-flags += -fno-exceptions
-# Disable use of EBP as general purpose register.
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
-        c-flags   += -Oy-
-        cxx-flags += -Oy-
-    endif
-ifeq "$(os)" "lin"
-    ifneq "$(arch)" "mic"
-    c-flags   += -Wsign-compare
-    cxx-flags += -Wsign-compare
-    ld-flags  += -Wsign-compare
-    ifeq "$(filter gcc clang,$(c))" ""
-        c-flags   += -Werror
-        cxx-flags += -Werror
-        ld-flags  += -Werror
-    endif
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    c-flags   += -WX
-    cxx-flags += -WX
-    ld-flags  += -WX:NO
-ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
-    # With "-ftls-model=initial-exec" the compiler generates faster code for static TLS
-    # accesses, it generates slower calls to glibc otherwise. We don't use this
-    # feature on Linux because it prevents dynamic loading (use of dlopen) of the library.
-    # Reliable dynamic loading is more important than slightly faster access to TLS.
-    # On Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) coprocessor we haven't encountered dynamic loading problem yet, so use faster
-    # access to static TLS.
-    c-flags   += -ftls-model=initial-exec
-    cxx-flags += -ftls-model=initial-exec
-    # disable streaming stores in order to work on A0 Si
-    c-flags   += -opt-streaming-stores never
-    cxx-flags += -opt-streaming-stores never
-# Select C runtime.
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    # Regardless of following -Zl option, we should specify -MT or -MTd, otherwise test-touch
-    # wil fails due to unresolved reference "_errno".
-    ifeq "$(OPTIMIZATION)" "on"
-        c-flags   += -MT
-        cxx-flags += -MT
-    else
-        c-flags   += -MTd
-        cxx-flags += -MTd
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "stat"
-        # Do not emit C runtime library to object file. It will allows link OpenMP RTL with either static
-        # or dynamic C runtime. Windows* OS specific, applicable only to static RTL.
-        c-flags   += -Zl
-        cxx-flags += -Zl
-    endif
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    c-flags   += -W3
-    cxx-flags += -W3
-    # Disable warning: "... declared but never referenced"
-    # Disable remark #5082: Directive ignored - Syntax error, found IDENTIFIER 'LRB'...
-    fort-flags   += -Qdiag-disable:177,5082
-    c-flags      += -Qdiag-disable:177
-    cxx-flags    += -Qdiag-disable:177
-ifeq "$(CPLUSPLUS)" "on"
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-        c-flags   += -TP
-    else ifeq "$(arch)" "ppc64"
-    # c++11 on ppc64 linux removes definition of preproc. macros, needed in .hs
-      c-flags   += -x c++ -std=gnu++11
-    else
-        ifneq "$(filter gcc clang,$(c))" ""
-            c-flags   += -x c++ -std=c++11
-        else
-            c-flags   += -Kc++
-        endif
-    endif
-# --- Linker options ---
-ifeq "$(os)" "lin"
-    ifneq "$(arch)" "mic"
-    ifneq "$(LIB_TYPE)" "stub"
-        ifeq "$(ld)" "ld"
-            # Warn about non-PIC code presence
-            ld-flags += --warn-shared-textrel
-            ld-flags += -fini=__kmp_internal_end_fini
-            ld-flags += -lpthread
-        else # $(c) or $(cxx)
-            ld-flags += -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel
-            ld-flags += -Wl,-fini=__kmp_internal_end_fini
-            ld-flags += -pthread
-        endif
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(ld)" "$(c)"
-        ld-flags += -fPIC
-        ifeq "$(DEBUG_INFO)" "on"
-            ld-flags += -g
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(OPTIMIZATION)" "off"
-            ld-flags += -O0
-        endif
-        ld-flags += -Wl,--version-script=$(src_dir)exports_so.txt
-    else
-        ld-flags += --version-script=$(src_dir)exports_so.txt
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(ld)" "$(c)"
-        # to remove dependency on libimf, libsvml, libintlc:
-        ifeq "$(c)" "icc"
-            ld-flags-dll += -static-intel
-        endif
-        ld-flags-dll += -Wl,--as-needed
-        # to remove dependency on libgcc_s:
-        ifeq "$(c)" "gcc"
-            ld-flags-dll += -static-libgcc
-            # omp_os is non-empty only in the open-source code
-            ifneq "$(omp_os)" "freebsd"
-                ld-flags-extra += -Wl,-ldl
-            endif
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(c)" "clang"
-            ifneq "$(omp_os)" "freebsd"
-                ld-flags-extra += -Wl,-ldl
-            endif
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
-            ifeq "$(filter gcc clang,$(c))" ""
-            # to workaround CQ215229 link libirc_pic manually
-            ld-flags-extra += -lirc_pic
-            endif
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(filter 32 32e 64 ppc64 ppc64le,$(arch))" ""
-            ld-flags-extra += $(shell pkg-config --libs libffi)
-        endif
-    else
-        ifeq "$(arch)" "32e"
-            # ???
-            ld-flags += -Bstatic -L/usr/lib64 -lc_nonshared -Bdynamic
-        endif
-    endif
-    else # Below are Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture linker flags
-  ifeq "$(ld)" "ld"
-    ifneq "$(LIB_TYPE)" "stub"
-        ld-flags += -lthr
-        ld-flags += -fini=__kmp_internal_end_atexit
-        # Warn about non-PIC code presence
-        ld-flags += --warn-shared-textrel
-    endif
-    ld-flags += --version-script=$(src_dir)exports_so.txt
-  endif
-  ifeq "$(ld)" "$(c)"
-    ld-flags += -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel
-    ld-flags += -Wl,--version-script=$(src_dir)exports_so.txt
-    ld-flags += -static-intel
-    # Don't link libcilk*.
-    ld-flags += -no-intel-extensions
-    # Discard unneeded dependencies.
-    ld-flags += -Wl,--as-needed
-#    ld-flags += -nodefaultlibs
-    # To check which libraries the compiler links comment above line and uncomment below line
-#    ld-flags += -\#
-    # link libraries in the order the icc compiler uses (obtained using "icc -shared -#" command line)
-    # Compiler 20101017 uses "-lintlc -lthr -lc -lintlc -lirc_s" sequence, we follow it:
-#    ld-flags += -lintlc
-    ifneq "$(LIB_TYPE)" "stub"
-        ld-flags += -pthread
-            ld-flags += -ldl
-        endif
-    # include the c++ library for stats-gathering code
-    ifeq "$(stats)" "on"
-        ld-flags-extra += -Wl,-lstdc++
-    endif
-  endif
-ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
-    ifeq "$(ld)" "icc"
-        ld-flags += -no-intel-extensions
-    endif
-    ld-flags += -single_module
-    ld-flags += -current_version $(VERSION).0 -compatibility_version $(VERSION).0
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    ld-flags += -incremental:no
-    ld-flags += -version:$(VERSION).0
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Project-specific preprocessor definitions.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-cpp-flags += -D KMP_ARCH_STR="\"$(call legal_arch,$(arch))\""
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    cpp-flags += -D _WINDOWS -D _WINNT -D _WIN32_WINNT=0x0501
-    # 0x0501 means Windows* XP* OS or Windows* Server 2003* OS or later.
-    # We need this for GetModuleHanleEx function.
-    ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "dyna"
-        cpp-flags += -D _USRDLL
-    endif
-else # lin, mic or mac
-    cpp-flags += -D _GNU_SOURCE
-    cpp-flags += -D _REENTRANT
-# TODO: DIAG leads to DEBUG. Confusing a bit. Raname KMP_DEBUG to KMP_DIAG?
-ifeq "$(DIAG)" "on"
-    cpp-flags += -D KMP_DEBUG
-ifeq "$(COVERAGE)" "on"
-    cpp-flags += -D COVER
-# Assertions in OMP RTL code are controlled by two macros: KMP_DEBUG enables or disables assertions
-# iff KMP_USE_ASSERT is defined. If KMP_USE_ASSERT is not defined, assertions disabled regardless of
-# KMP_DEBUG. It was implemented for code coverage -- to have debug build with no assertion, but it
-# does not have much effect. TODO: Remove macro.
-ifeq "$(COVERAGE)" "off"
-    cpp-flags += -D KMP_USE_ASSERT
-cpp-flags += -D BUILD_I8
-ifneq "$(os)" "win"
-    cpp-flags += -D BUILD_TV
-cpp-flags += -D KMP_LIBRARY_FILE=\"$(lib_file)\"
-# Customize ppc64 and aarch64 cache line size to 128, use 64 otherwise
-# Almost all data structures (kmp.h) are aligned to a cache line to reduce false sharing, thus
-# increasing performance.  For heavily accessed data structures (e.g., kmp_base_info), there are
-# members of the data structure that are grouped together according to their memory access 
-# pattern.  For example, readonly data is put on cache lines together. Then, on separate cachelines,
-# private data used by the working thread is put on its own cache lines. etc.
-ifneq "$(filter aarch64 ppc64 ppc64le,$(arch))" ""
-	cpp-flags += -D CACHE_LINE=128
-	cpp-flags += -D CACHE_LINE=64
-cpp-flags += -D KMP_ADJUST_BLOCKTIME=1
-cpp-flags += -D KMP_ASM_INTRINS
-# Linux and MIC compile with version symbols
-# ppc64 and ppc64le architectures don't compile with version symbols
-ifneq "$(filter lin,$(os))" ""
-ifeq "$(filter ppc64 ppc64le,$(arch))" ""
-    cpp-flags += -D KMP_USE_VERSION_SYMBOLS
-ifneq "$(arch)" "mic"
-    cpp-flags += -D USE_LOAD_BALANCE
-ifneq "$(os)" "win"
-    cpp-flags += -D USE_CBLKDATA
-    # ??? Windows* OS: USE_CBLKDATA defined in kmp.h.
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    cpp-flags += -D KMP_WIN_CDECL
-ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "dyna"
-    cpp-flags += -D KMP_DYNAMIC_LIB
-ifeq "$(LIB_TYPE)" "stub"
-    cpp-flags += -D KMP_STUB
-ifeq "$(VERSION)" "4"
-else # 5
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    else
-        cpp-flags += -D KMP_GOMP_COMPAT
-    endif
-cpp-flags += -D KMP_NESTED_HOT_TEAMS
-ifneq "$(filter 32 32e mic,$(arch))" ""
-# is the std c++ library needed? (for stats-gathering, it is)
-ifneq "$(filter lin,$(os))" ""
-    ifeq "$(stats)" "on"
-        cpp-flags += -D KMP_STATS_ENABLED=1
-        std_cpp_lib=1
-    else
-        cpp-flags += -D KMP_STATS_ENABLED=0
-    endif
-else # no mac or windows support for stats-gathering
-    ifeq "$(stats)" "on"
-        $(error Statistics-gathering functionality not available on $(os) platform)
-    endif
-    cpp-flags += -D KMP_STATS_ENABLED=0
-# define compatibility with different OpenMP versions
-ifeq "$(OMP_VERSION)" "50"
-	have_omp_50=1
-	have_omp_41=1
-	have_omp_40=1
-ifeq "$(OMP_VERSION)" "41"
-	have_omp_50=0
-	have_omp_41=1
-	have_omp_40=1
-ifeq "$(OMP_VERSION)" "40"
-	have_omp_50=0
-	have_omp_41=0
-	have_omp_40=1
-ifeq "$(OMP_VERSION)" "30"
-	have_omp_50=0
-	have_omp_41=0
-	have_omp_40=0
-cpp-flags += -D OMP_50_ENABLED=$(have_omp_50) -D OMP_41_ENABLED=$(have_omp_41) -D OMP_40_ENABLED=$(have_omp_40)
-# Using ittnotify is enabled by default.
-ifeq "$(os)-$(arch)" "win-64"
-ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "stat"
-ifeq "$(USE_ITT_NOTIFY)" "0"
-    # Disable all ittnotify calls.
-    cpp-flags += -D INTEL_NO_ITTNOTIFY_API
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-        ittnotify_static$(obj) : cpp-flags += -D UNICODE
-    endif
-# Specify prefix to be used for external symbols. Prefix is required even if ITT Nofity turned off
-# because we have some functions with __itt_ prefix (__itt_error_handler) and want prefix to be
-# changed to __kmp_itt_.
-cpp-flags += -D INTEL_ITTNOTIFY_PREFIX=__kmp_itt_
-# Linux* OS: __declspec(thread) TLS is still buggy on static builds.
-# Windows* OS: This define causes problems with LoadLibrary + declspec(thread) on Windows* OS. See CQ50564,
-#     tests kmp_load_library_lib*.c, and the following MSDN reference:
-#     http://support.microsoft.com/kb/118816
-ifneq "$(filter lin ,$(os))" ""
-    ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "dyna"
-        cpp-flags += -D KMP_TDATA_GTID
-    else
-        # AC: allow __thread in static build for Intel(R) 64, looks like it is
-        # working there. It is broken on IA-32 architecture for RHEL4 and SLES9.
-        ifeq "$(arch)" "32e"
-            cpp-flags += -D KMP_TDATA_GTID
-        endif
-    endif
-# Defining KMP_BUILD_DATE for all files leads to warning "incompatible redefinition", because the
-# same macro is also defined in omp.h. To avoid conflict, let us define macro with different name,
-kmp_version$(obj) : cpp-flags += -D _KMP_BUILD_TIME="\"$(date)\""
-# --- Macros for generate-def.pl ---
-gd-flags += -D arch_$(arch)
-gd-flags += -D $(LIB_TYPE)
-ifeq "$(HAVE_QUAD)" "1"
-    gd-flags += -D HAVE_QUAD
-ifeq "$(OMP_VERSION)" "41"
-    gd-flags += -D OMP_41 -D OMP_40 -D OMP_30
-    ifeq "$(OMP_VERSION)" "40"
-        gd-flags += -D OMP_40 -D OMP_30
-    else
-        ifeq "$(OMP_VERSION)" "30"
-            gd-flags += -D OMP_30
-        endif
-    endif
-ifneq "$(VERSION)" "4"
-    gd-flags += -D msvc_compat
-ifeq "$(DIAG)" "on"
-    gd-flags += -D KMP_DEBUG
-# --- Macro for expand-vars.pl ---
-# $Revision and $Date often occur in file header, so define these variables to satisfy expand-vars.pl.
-ev-flags += -D Revision="\$$Revision" -D Date="\$$Date"
-# Various variables.
-ev-flags += -D KMP_TYPE="$(call legal_type,$(LIB_TYPE))" -D KMP_ARCH="$(call legal_arch,$(arch))"
-ev-flags += -D KMP_BUILD_DATE="$(date)"
-ev-flags += -D KMP_DIAG=$(if $(filter on,$(DIAG)),1,0)
-ev-flags += -D KMP_DEBUG_INFO=$(if $(filter on,$(DEBUG_INFO)),1,0)
-ifeq "$(OMP_VERSION)" "40"
-    ev-flags += -D OMP_VERSION=201307
-    ifeq "$(OMP_VERSION)" "30"
-        ev-flags += -D OMP_VERSION=201107
-    else
-        ev-flags += -D OMP_VERSION=200505
-    endif
-# -- Options specified in command line ---
-cpp-flags  += $(CPPFLAGS)
-c-flags    += $(CFLAGS)
-cxx-flags  += $(CXXFLAGS)
-fort-flags += $(FFLAGS)
-ld-flags   += $(LDFLAGS)
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Files.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ifeq "$(OMPT_SUPPORT)" "on"
-    ompt_items = ompt-general
-    cpp-flags += -D OMPT_SUPPORT=1
-    ifeq "$(OMPT_BLAME)" "on"
-        cpp-flags += -D OMPT_BLAME=1
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(OMPT_TRACE)" "on"
-        cpp-flags += -D OMPT_TRACE=1
-    endif
-# Library files. These files participate in all kinds of library.
-lib_c_items :=      \
-    kmp_ftn_cdecl   \
-    kmp_ftn_extra   \
-    kmp_version     \
-    $(ompt_items)   \
-    $(empty)
-lib_cpp_items :=
-lib_asm_items :=
-# Files to be linked into import library.
-imp_c_items :=
-do_test_touch_mt := 1
-ifeq "$(LIB_TYPE)" "stub"
-    lib_c_items += kmp_stub
-else # norm or prof
-    lib_c_items +=                   \
-        kmp_alloc                    \
-        kmp_atomic                   \
-        kmp_csupport                 \
-        kmp_debug                    \
-        kmp_debugger                 \
-        kmp_itt                      \
-        $(empty)
-    ifeq "$(USE_ITT_NOTIFY)" "1"
-        lib_c_items +=  ittnotify_static
-    endif
-    lib_cpp_items +=                 \
-        kmp_environment              \
-        kmp_error                    \
-        kmp_global                   \
-        kmp_i18n                     \
-        kmp_io                       \
-        kmp_runtime                  \
-        kmp_wait_release             \
-        kmp_barrier                  \
-        kmp_settings                 \
-        kmp_str                      \
-        kmp_tasking                  \
-        kmp_taskq                    \
-        kmp_threadprivate            \
-        kmp_utility                  \
-        kmp_affinity                 \
-        kmp_dispatch                 \
-        kmp_lock                     \
-        kmp_sched                    \
-        $(empty)
-ifeq ($(OMP_VERSION),$(filter $(OMP_VERSION),40 41))
-    lib_cpp_items += kmp_taskdeps
-    lib_cpp_items += kmp_cancel
-ifeq "$(stats)" "on"
-    lib_cpp_items += kmp_stats
-    lib_cpp_items += kmp_stats_timing
-    # OS-specific files.
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-        lib_c_items += z_Windows_NT_util
-        # Arch-specific files.
-        lib_c_items   += z_Windows_NT-586_util
-        lib_asm_items += z_Windows_NT-586_asm
-        ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "dyna"
-            imp_c_items += kmp_import
-            # for win_32/win_32e dynamic libguide40.dll,
-            # build the shim lib instead
-            ifeq "$(VERSION)" "4"
-                ifneq "$(arch)" "64"
-                    ifeq "$(LIB_TYPE)" "norm"
-                    lib_c_items   = kmp_shim
-                        lib_cpp_items =
-                        lib_asm_items =
-                        gd-flags += -D shim
-                        # for some reason, test-touch-md is able to work with
-                        # the build compiler's version of libompmd.dll, but
-                        # test-touch-mt can't load it.
-                        do_test_touch_mt := 0
-                    endif
-                endif
-            endif
-        endif
-    else # lin, mic or mac
-        lib_c_items += z_Linux_util
-        # GCC Compatibility files
-        ifeq "$(VERSION)" "4"
-        else # 5
-            lib_c_items += kmp_gsupport
-        endif
-        lib_asm_items += z_Linux_asm
-    endif
-lib_obj_files := $(sort $(addsuffix $(obj),$(lib_c_items) $(lib_cpp_items) $(lib_asm_items)))
-imp_obj_files := $(sort $(addsuffix $(obj),$(imp_c_items) $(imp_cpp_items) $(imp_asm_items)))
-dep_files     := $(sort $(addsuffix .d,$(lib_c_items) $(lib_cpp_items) $(imp_c_items) $(imp_cpp_items)))
-i_files       := $(sort $(addsuffix .i,$(lib_c_items) $(lib_cpp_items) $(imp_c_items) $(imp_cpp_items)))
-# --- Construct library file name ---
-ifeq "$(VERSION)" "4"
-    ifeq "$(LIB_TYPE)" "stub"
-        _lib_item = libompstub
-    else # norm or prof
-        _lib_item = libguide
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(os)-$(LINK_TYPE)" "win-dyna"
-        _lib_item += 40
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(LIB_TYPE)" "prof"
-        _lib_item += _stats
-    endif
-    _lib_item = libomp
-    ifeq "$(LIB_TYPE)" "prof"
-        _lib_item += prof
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(LIB_TYPE)" "stub"
-        _lib_item += stubs
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-        ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "dyna"
-            _lib_item += md
-        else
-            _lib_item += mt
-        endif
-    endif
-# _lib_item is a list of space separated name parts. Remove spaces to form final name.
-lib_item = $(subst $(space),,$(_lib_item))
-ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "dyna"
-    lib_ext = $(dll)
-    lib_ext = $(lib)
-lib_file  = $(lib_item)$(lib_ext)
-ifeq "$(os)-$(LINK_TYPE)" "win-dyna"
-    imp_file  = $(lib_item)$(lib)
-    def_file  = $(lib_item).def
-    res_file  = $(lib_item).res
-    # PDB file should be generated if: ( DEBIG_INFO is on ) OR ( we are building 32-bit normal
-    # library AND version is 5 ).
-    ifneq "$(filter on,$(DEBUG_INFO))$(filter norm-5,$(LIB_TYPE)-$(VERSION))" ""
-        pdb_file = $(lib_item).pdb
-    endif
-ifneq "$(filter lin,$(os))" ""
-    ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "dyna"
-      ifneq "$(DEBUG_INFO)" "on"
-        dbg_file = $(lib_item).dbg
-      endif
-    else
-        dbg_strip = "on"
-    endif
-# --- Output files ---
-out_lib_files  = $(addprefix $(out_lib_dir),$(lib_file) $(imp_file) $(pdb_file) $(dbg_file))
-out_mod_files  = \
-    $(addprefix $(out_ptf_dir)include/,omp_lib.mod omp_lib_kinds.mod)
-out_cmn_files  = \
-    $(addprefix $(out_cmn_dir)include/,omp.h omp_lib.h omp_lib.f omp_lib.f90)
-ifeq "$(OMPT_SUPPORT)" "on"
-    out_cmn_files  += $(addprefix $(out_cmn_dir)include/,ompt.h)
-ifneq "$(out_lib_fat_dir)" ""
-    out_lib_fat_files  = $(addprefix $(out_lib_fat_dir),$(lib_file) $(imp_file))
-# --- Special dependencies ---
-# We have to encode dependencies on omp.h manually, because automatic dependency generation
-# by compiler produces depedency on omp.h file located in compiler include directory.
-kmp_csupport$(obj) : omp.h
-kmp_stub$(obj)     : omp.h
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# External libraries to link in.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# We (actually, our customers) do no want OpenMP RTL depends on external libraries, so we have to
-# pick up some object files from libirc library (Intel compiler generate code with calls to libirc)
-# and link them into OMP RTL.
-# libipgo is required only for collecting code coverage data, but is is convenient to link in into
-# OMP RTL as well, not to depend on extra libs and paths.
-# libirc does matter only if Intel compiler is used.
-ifneq "$(filter icc icl icl.exe,$(c))" ""
-    ifneq "$(ICC_LIB_DIR)" ""
-        icc_lib_dir := $(ICC_LIB_DIR)
-    else
-        #
-        # Let us find path to Intel libraries first. (don't use tabs in these lines!)
-        #
-        icc_path := $(shell which $(c))
-        $(call debug,icc_path)
-        ifeq "$(words $(icc_path))" "0"
-            $(error Path to "$(c)" not found, reported path: $(icc_path))
-        endif
-        ifneq "$(words $(icc_path))" "1"
-            $(error Path to "$(c)" contains spaces: "$(icc_path)")
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(os)" "win"  # Windows* OS specific.
-            # `which' can return path with backslashes. Convert them.
-            icc_path := $(subst \,/,$(icc_path))
-            # icc's "bin/" directory may be named as "Bin/" or even "BIN/". Convert it to lower case.
-            icc_path := $(subst B,b,$(icc_path))
-            icc_path := $(subst I,i,$(icc_path))
-            icc_path := $(subst N,n,$(icc_path))
-            $(call debug,icc_path)
-        endif
-        # icc 10.x directory layout:
-        #         bin/
-        #         lib/
-        # icc 11.x directory layout:
-        #         bin/{ia32,intel64}/
-        #         lib/{ia32,intel64}/
-        # icc 12.x directory layout:
-        #         bin/{ia32,intel64}/
-        #         compiler/lib/{ia32,intel64}/
-        # Note: On OS X* fat libraries reside in lib/ directory. On other systems libraries are in
-        # lib/<arch>/.
-        icc_path_up1 := $(dir $(icc_path))
-        icc_path_up2 := $(dir $(patsubst %/,%,$(icc_path_up1)))
-        $(call debug,icc_path_up1)
-        $(call debug,icc_path_up2)
-        ifneq "$(filter %/bin/,$(icc_path_up1))" ""
-            # Look like 10.x compiler.
-            icc_lib_dir := $(patsubst %/bin/,%/lib/,$(icc_path_up1))
-        else
-            ifneq "$(filter %/bin/,$(icc_path_up2))" ""
-                # It looks like 11.x or later compiler.
-                ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
-                    icc_lib12 := $(patsubst %/bin/,%/compiler/lib/,$(icc_path_up2))
-                    ifneq "$(wildcard $(icc_lib12)libirc*$(lib))" ""
-                        # 12.x
-                        icc_lib_dir := $(icc_lib12)
-                    else
-                        # 11.x
-                        icc_lib_dir := $(patsubst %/bin/,%/lib/,$(icc_path_up2))
-                    endif
-                else
-                    icc_lib12 := $(patsubst %/bin/,%/compiler/lib/,$(icc_path_up2))$(notdir $(patsubst %/,%,$(icc_path_up1)))/
-                    ifneq "$(wildcard $(icc_lib12)libirc*$(lib))" ""
-                        # 12.x
-                        icc_lib_dir := $(icc_lib12)
-                    else
-                        # 11.x
-                        icc_lib_dir := $(patsubst %/bin/,%/lib/,$(icc_path_up2))$(notdir $(patsubst %/,%,$(icc_path_up1)))/
-                    endif
-                endif
-            endif
-        endif
-        $(call debug,icc_lib_dir)
-        ifeq "$(icc_lib_dir)" ""
-            $(error Path to $(c) lib/ dir not found)
-        endif
-    endif
-    #
-    # Then select proper libraries.
-    #
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-        libirc  = $(icc_lib_dir)\libircmt$(lib)
-        libipgo = $(icc_lib_dir)\libipgo$(lib)
-    else # lin, mic or mac
-        ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "dyna"
-            # In case of dynamic linking, prefer libi*_pic.a libraries, they contains
-            # position-independent code.
-            libirc  = $(icc_lib_dir)libirc_pic$(lib)
-            libipgo = $(icc_lib_dir)libipgo_pic$(lib)
-            # If libi*_pic.a is not found (it is missed in older compilers), use libi*.a.
-            ifeq "$(wildcard $(libirc))" ""
-                libirc = $(icc_lib_dir)libirc$(lib)
-            endif
-            ifeq "$(wildcard $(libipgo))" ""
-                libipgo = $(icc_lib_dir)libipgo$(lib)
-            endif
-        else
-            libirc  = $(icc_lib_dir)libirc$(lib)
-            libipgo = $(icc_lib_dir)libipgo$(lib)
-        endif
-    endif
-    # Ok, now let us decide when linked
-    # Linux* OS:
-    # We link in libraries to static library only.
-    ifeq "$(os)-$(LINK_TYPE)" "lin-stat"
-        ifneq "$(arch)" "mic"
-        linked_in_libs += libirc
-    endif
-    endif
-    # OS X*:
-    # The trick is not required in case of dynamic library, but on Intel(R) 64 architecture we have a
-    # problem: libirc.a is a fat, so linker (libtool) produces fat libguide.dylib... :-( (Only
-    # functions from libirc are presented for both architectures, libguide functions are for Intel(R) 64
-    # only.) To avoid this undesired effect, libirc trick is enabled for both static and dynamic
-    # builds. Probably we can instruct libtool to produce "thin" (not fat) library by using
-    # -arch_only option...
-    ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
-        linked_in_libs += libirc
-    endif
-    # Windows* OS:
-    # The trick is required only in case of static OMP RTL. In case of dynamic OMP RTL linker does
-    # the job.
-    ifeq "$(os)-$(LINK_TYPE)" "win-stat"
-        linked_in_libs += libirc
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(COVERAGE)" "on"
-        linked_in_libs += libipgo
-    endif
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Main targets.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-all    : lib inc mod
-lib    : tests $(out_lib_files) libomp_aliases
-mod    : $(out_mod_files)
-clean  :
-	$(rm) $(out_lib_files) $(out_lib_fat_files)
-	$(rm) $(out_mod_files)
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Building library.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-$(lib_file) : $(if $(dbg_file),stripped,unstripped)/$(lib_file)
-	$(target)
-	$(cp) $< $@
-ifneq "$(dbg_file)" ""
-    $(dbg_file) : unstripped/$(dbg_file)
-	$(target)
-	$(cp) $< $@
-ifneq "$(filter lin,$(os))" ""
-    lib_file_deps = $(if $(linked_in_libs),required/.objs,$(lib_obj_files))
-ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
-    lib_file_deps = omp$(obj)
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    lib_file_deps = $(if $(linked_in_libs),wiped/.objs,$(lib_obj_files))
-# obj_dep_files -- object files, explicitly specified in dependency list. Other files (non-object)
-# are filtered out.
-obj_deps_files = $(filter %$(obj),$^)
-# obj_deps_flags -- object files corresponding to flags, specified in dependency list. Flag is a
-# special file like "required/.objs". Flag file is replaced with a list of all object files in flag
-# directory, for example, "required/*.o"
-obj_deps_flags = $(addsuffix *$(obj),$(dir $(filter %/.objs,$^)))
-# obj_deps_all -- list of all object files specified in dependency list, either explicit or found
-# in flagged directories.
-obj_deps_all   = $(obj_deps_files) $(obj_deps_flags)
-unstripped/$(lib_file).lst : $(lib_file_deps) unstripped/.dir .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	echo $(obj_deps_all) > $@
-ifeq "$(os)-$(LINK_TYPE)" "lin-dyna"
-    $(lib_file) : exports_so.txt
-# Copy object files, wiping out references to libirc library. Object files (ours and extracted
-# from libirc.lib) have "-defaultlib:libirc.lib" linker directive, so linker will require libirc.lib
-# regardless of absence of real dependency. Actually, this rule is required only on Windows* OS, but
-# there is no Windows* OS-specific commands, so I omit conditions to keep code shorter and be able test
-# the rule on Linux* OS.
-# Note: If we are not going to pick up objects from libirc, there is no point in wiping out
-# libirc references.
-# Addition: Wipe also references to C++ runtime (libcpmt.lib) for the same reason: sometimes C++
-# runtime routines are not actually used, but compiler puts "-defaultlib:libcpmt.lib" directive to
-# object file. Wipe it out, if we have real dependency on C++ runtime, test-touch will fail.
-wiped/.objs : required/.objs \
-    $(tools_dir)wipe-string.pl wiped/.dir .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(rm) $(dir $@)*$(obj)
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-	$(perl) $(tools_dir)wipe-string.pl --quiet \
-	    --wipe-regexp="(-|/)(defaultlib|DEFAULTLIB):\"(libir|libc|LIBC|OLDN|libmm|libde|svml).*?\"" \
-	    --target-directory=$(dir $@) $(obj_deps_all)
-    else
-	$(perl) $(tools_dir)wipe-string.pl --quiet \
-	    --wipe-regexp="(-|/)(defaultlib|DEFAULTLIB):\"(libir|libc|LIBC|OLDN).*?\"" \
-	    --target-directory=$(dir $@) $(obj_deps_all)
-    endif
-	$(touch) $@
-# required-objects.pl uses "objcopy" utility to rename symbols in object files. On Linux* OS this is a
-# standard utility (from binutils package). On Windows* OS we provides homebrew implementation (very
-# limited, but enough for our purposes).
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    objcopy = objcopy$(exe)
-# required/ is a directory containing OMP RTL object files and really required files from external
-# libraries. required/.obj is a flag. If this file present, it means all required objects already
-# in place. Note, required-objects.pl copies files to specified directory. It is necessary, because
-# object files are edited during copying -- symbols defined in external object files are renamed.
-required/.objs : $(lib_obj_files) $(addsuffix /.objs,$(linked_in_libs)) \
-    $(tools_dir)required-objects.pl $(objcopy) required/.dir .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(rm) $(dir $@)*$(obj)
-	$(perl) $(tools_dir)required-objects.pl --quiet $(oa-opts) --prefix=__kmp_external_ \
-	    --base $(obj_deps_files) --extra $(obj_deps_flags) --copy-all=$(dir $@)
-	$(touch) $@
-# Extracting object files from libirc. File "libirc/.obj" is a flag. If the file present, make
-# thinks files are extracted.
-ifneq "$(libirc)" ""
-    libirc/.objs : $(libirc) \
-	$(tools_dir)extract-objects.pl libirc/.dir .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    $(rm) $(dir $@)*$(obj)
-	    $(perl) $(tools_dir)extract-objects.pl --quiet $(oa-opts) --output=$(dir $@) $<
-	    $(touch) $@
-# Extracting object files from libipgo. File "/libipgo/.obj" is a flag. If the file present, make
-# thinks objects are extracted.
-ifneq "$(libipgo)" ""
-    libipgo/.objs : $(libipgo) \
-	$(tools_dir)extract-objects.pl libipgo/.dir .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    $(rm) $(dir $@)*$(obj)
-	    $(perl) $(tools_dir)extract-objects.pl --quiet $(oa-opts) --output=$(dir $@) $<
-	    $(touch) $@
-stripped/$(lib_file) : unstripped/$(lib_file) $(dbg_file) stripped/.dir .rebuild
-	$(target)
-        ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
-	    x86_64-k1om-linux-objcopy --strip-debug $< $@.tmp
-	    x86_64-k1om-linux-objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=$(dbg_file) $@.tmp $@
-        else
-	objcopy --strip-debug $< $@.tmp
-	objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=$(dbg_file) $@.tmp $@
-        endif
-ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
-    # These targets are under condition because of some OS X*-specific ld and nm options. For
-    # example, GNU nm does not accept -j, GNU ld does not know -filelist.
-    # omp.o is a big object file including all the OMP RTL object files and object files from
-    # external libraries (like libirc). It is partially linked, references to external symbols
-    # (e. g. references to libirc) already resolved, symbols defined in external libraries are
-    # hidden by using -unexported-symbol-list and -non_global_symbols_strip_list linker options
-    # (both options are required).
-    # AC: 2012-04-12: after MAC machines upgrade compiler fails to create object, so use linker instead
-ifeq "$(mac_os_new)" "1"
-    omp$(obj) : $(lib_obj_files) external-symbols.lst external-objects.lst .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    ld -r -unexported_symbols_list external-symbols.lst \
-		-non_global_symbols_strip_list external-symbols.lst \
-		-filelist external-objects.lst \
-		-o $@ $(obj_deps_files)
-    omp$(obj) : $(lib_obj_files) external-symbols.lst external-objects.lst .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    $(c) -r -nostartfiles -static-intel  -no-intel-extensions \
-		-Wl,-unexported_symbols_list,external-symbols.lst \
-		-Wl,-non_global_symbols_strip_list,external-symbols.lst \
-		-filelist external-objects.lst \
-		-o $@ $(obj_deps_files)
-    # external-objects.lst is a list of object files extracted from external libraries, which should
-    # be linked into omp.o. kmp_dummy.o is added to the list to avoid empty list -- OS X* utilities
-    # nm and ld do not like empty lists.
-    external-objects.lst : $(lib_obj_files) $(addsuffix /.objs,$(linked_in_libs)) kmp_dummy$(obj) \
-	$(tools_dir)required-objects.pl .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    $(perl) $(tools_dir)required-objects.pl $(oa-opts) \
-		--base $(obj_deps_files) --extra $(obj_deps_flags) --print-extra > $@.tmp
-	    echo "kmp_dummy$(obj)" >> $@.tmp
-	    mv $@.tmp $@
-    # Prepare list of symbols in external object files. We will hide all these symbols.
-    # Note: -j is non-GNU option which means "Just display the symbol names (no value or type)."
-    external-symbols.lst : external-objects.lst .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    nm -goj $$(cat external-objects.lst) > $@.0.tmp
-	    cut -f2 -d" " $@.0.tmp > $@.1.tmp
-	    mv $@.1.tmp $@
-endif # mac
-# Import library tricks are Windows* OS-specific.
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-    import$(lib) : $(lib_item)$(dll)
-    # Change the name of import library produced by the linker, we will combine it with some more
-    # object files to produce "extended import lib".
-    $(lib_item)$(dll) : imp_file := import$(lib)
-    # Default rule "c to obj" will compile sources with -MT option, which is not desired.
-    # Cancel effect of -MT with -Zl.
-    # AC: Currently we only have one object that does not need any special
-    #     compiler options, so use minimal set. With standard set of options we used
-    #     there were problems with debug info leaked into the import library
-    #     with this object (bug report #334565).
-    $(imp_obj_files) : c-flags := -Zl -nologo -c
-    $(imp_file).lst : $(imp_obj_files) import$(lib) .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    echo $(filter-out .rebuild,$^) > $@
-kmp_i18n_id.inc : en_US.txt \
-    $(tools_dir)message-converter.pl .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(perl) $(tools_dir)message-converter.pl $(oa-opts) --prefix=kmp_i18n --enum=$@ $<
-kmp_i18n_default.inc : en_US.txt \
-    $(tools_dir)message-converter.pl .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(perl) $(tools_dir)message-converter.pl $(oa-opts) --prefix=kmp_i18n --default=$@ $<
-# Rebuilt kmp_version.o on any change to have actual build time string always updated.
-kmp_version$(obj): $(filter-out kmp_version$(obj),$(lib_obj_files) $(imp_obj_files))
-$(def_file) : dllexports \
-    $(tools_dir)generate-def.pl .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(perl) $(tools_dir)generate-def.pl $(gd-flags) -o $@ $<
-libomp.rc : libomp.rc.var kmp_version.c
-libomp.rc : ev-flags += -D KMP_FILE=$(lib_file)
-kmp_dummy.c : .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	echo "void __kmp_dummy() {}" > $@
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Tests.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --- test-touch ---
-# test-touch is not available for mic.
-ifneq "$(arch)" "mic"
-    # Compile a simple C test and link it with the library. Do it two times: the first link gives us
-    # clear message if there are any problems, the second link run in verbose mode, linker output
-    # searched for "libirc" string -- should not be any libirc references. Finally, test executable
-    # run with KMP_VERBOSE=1.
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-        ifneq "$(do_test_touch_mt)" "0"
-            test_touch_items += test-touch-md test-touch-mt
-        else
-            test_touch_items += test-touch-md
-        endif
-    else
-        test_touch_items += test-touch-rt
-    endif
-    force-test-touch : $(addsuffix /.force,$(test_touch_items)) $(addsuffix /.test,$(test_touch_items))
-    test-touch       : $(addsuffix /.test,$(test_touch_items))
-    tt-exe-file = $(dir $@)test-touch$(exe)
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-        # On Windows* OS the test quality is problematic, because LIB environment variable is set up for
-        # Intel compiler so Microsoft compiler is able to find libirc if it is specified in defaultlib
-        # directive within object file... This disadvantage is compensated by grepping verbose link
-        # output for "libirc" string.
-        tt-c            = cl
-        tt-c-flags     += -nologo
-        ifeq "$(OPTIMIZATION)" "on"
-            tt-c-flags-mt = -MT
-            tt-c-flags-md = -MD
-        else
-            tt-c-flags-mt = -MTd
-            tt-c-flags-md = -MDd
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "stat"
-            tt-libs  += $(lib_file)
-        else
-            tt-libs  += $(imp_file)
-        endif
-        ifneq "$(arch)" "32"
-            # To successfully build with VS2008
-            # tt-libs += bufferoverflowu.lib
-            # Preventing "unresolved external symbol __security_cookie" (and
-            # "... __security_check_cookie") linker errors on win_32e and win_64.
-        endif
-        tt-c-flags  += -Fo$(dir $@)test-touch$(obj) -Fe$(tt-exe-file)
-        tt-ld-flags += -link
-        # Some Posix but non-ISO functions (like strdup) are defined in oldnames.lib, which is used
-        # implicitly. Drop oldnames.lib library, so we can catch
-        tt-ld-flags += -nodefaultlib:oldnames
-        ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
-            tt-ld-flags += -safeseh
-        endif
-        tt-ld-flags-v += -verbose
-    else # lin or mac
-        # On Linux* OS and OS X* the test is good enough because GNU compiler knows nothing
-        # about libirc and Intel compiler private lib directories, but we will grep verbose linker
-        # output just in case.
-        # Using clang on OS X* because of discontinued support of GNU compilers.
-        ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
-            ifeq "$(std_cpp_lib)" "1"
-                tt-c        = clang++
-            else
-                tt-c        = clang
-            endif
-        else # lin
-            ifeq "$(std_cpp_lib)" "1"
-                tt-c        = g++
-            else
-                tt-c        = gcc
-            endif
-            # GCC on OS X* does not recognize -pthread.
-            tt-c-flags  += -pthread
-        endif
-        tt-c-flags += -o $(tt-exe-file)
-        ifneq "$(filter 32 32e 64,$(arch))" ""
-            tt-c-flags += $(if $(filter 64,$(arch)),,$(if $(filter 32,$(arch)),-m32,-m64))
-        endif
-        tt-libs    += $(lib_file)
-        ifeq "$(os)-$(COVERAGE)-$(LINK_TYPE)" "lin-on-stat"
-            # Static coverage build on Linux* OS fails due to unresolved symbols dlopen, dlsym, dlclose.
-            # Explicitly add dl library to avoid failure.
-            tt-ld-flags += -ldl
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
-            tt-ld-flags-v += -Wl,-t
-            tt-env        += DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=".:$(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH)"
-        else # lin
-            tt-ld-flags-v += -Wl,--verbose
-            tt-env        += LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".:$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)"
-        endif
-    endif
-    tt-c-flags += $(tt-c-flags-rt)
-    tt-env     += KMP_VERSION=1
-    tt-i        = $(if $(filter off,$(TEST_TOUCH)),-)
-    ifndef test-touch-commands
-        # The first building gives short and clear error message in case of any problem.
-        # The second building runs linker in verbose mode and saves linker output for grepping.
-      define test-touch-commands
-	    $(rm) $(dir $@)*
-	    $(tt-i)$(tt-c) $(tt-c-flags) $< $(tt-libs) $(tt-ld-flags)
-	    $(rm) $(tt-exe-file)
-	    $(tt-i)$(tt-c) $(tt-c-flags) \
-		$< $(tt-libs) \
-		$(tt-ld-flags) $(tt-ld-flags-v) \
-		> $(dir $@)build.log 2>&1
-	    $(tt-i)$(tt-env) $(tt-exe-file)
-	    $(tt-i)grep -i -e "[^_]libirc" $(dir $@)build.log > $(dir $@)libirc.log; \
-		[ $$? -eq 1 ]
-      endef
-    endif
-    test-touch-rt/.test : tt-c-flags-rt =
-    test-touch-mt/.test : tt-c-flags-rt = $(tt-c-flags-mt)
-    test-touch-md/.test : tt-c-flags-rt = $(tt-c-flags-md)
-    test-touch-rt/.test : test-touch.c $(lib_file) test-touch-rt/.dir .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    $(test-touch-commands)
-	    $(touch) $@
-    test-touch-mt/.test : test-touch.c $(lib_file) $(imp_file) test-touch-mt/.dir .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    $(test-touch-commands)
-	    $(touch) $@
-    test-touch-md/.test : test-touch.c $(lib_file) $(imp_file) test-touch-md/.dir .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    $(test-touch-commands)
-	    $(touch) $@
-# --- test-relo ---
-# But test-relo does actual work only on Linux* OS and
-# Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture in case of dynamic linking.
-ifeq "$(if $(filter lin,$(os)),os)-$(LINK_TYPE)" "os-dyna"
-    # Make sure dynamic library does not contain position-dependent code.
-    force-test-relo : test-relo/.force test-relo/.test
-    test-relo       : test-relo/.test
-    test-relo/.test : $(lib_item)$(dll) test-relo/.dir .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-        ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
-	    x86_64-k1om-linux-readelf -d $< > $(dir $@)readelf.log
-        else
-	    readelf -d $< > $(dir $@)readelf.log
-        endif
-	    grep -e TEXTREL $(dir $@)readelf.log; [ $$? -eq 1 ]
-	    $(touch) $@
-# --- test-execstack ---
-# But test-execstack does actual work only on Linux* OS in case of dynamic linking.
-ifeq "$(if $(filter lin,$(os)),os)-$(LINK_TYPE)" "os-dyna"
-    tests += test-execstack
-    # Make sure stack is not executable.
-    force-test-execstack : test-execstack/.force test-execstack/.test
-    test-execstack       : test-execstack/.test
-    test-execstack/.test : $(lib_item)$(dll) test-execstack/.dir .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-		$(perl) $(tools_dir)check-execstack.pl $(oa-opts) $<
-	    $(touch) $@
-# --- test-instr ---
-# But test-instr does actual work only on Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture.
-ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
-    # Make sure dynamic library does not contain position-dependent code.
-    force-test-instr : test-instr/.force test-instr/.test
-    test-instr       : test-instr/.test
-    test-instr/.test : $(lib_file) $(tools_dir)check-instruction-set.pl test-instr/.dir .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-		$(perl) $(tools_dir)check-instruction-set.pl $(oa-opts) --show --mic-arch=$(MIC_ARCH) $<
-	    $(touch) $@
-# --- test-deps ---
-# test-deps does actual work for dymanic linking (all OSes), and Windows* OS (all linking types).
-ifneq "$(filter %-dyna win-%,$(os)-$(LINK_TYPE))" ""
-    force-test-deps : test-deps/.force test-deps/.test
-    test-deps       : test-deps/.test
-    td_exp =
-    ifeq "$(os)" "lin"
-        ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
-            td_exp += libc.so.6
-            td_exp += ld-linux.so.2
-            td_exp += libgcc_s.so.1
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(arch)" "32e"
-            td_exp += libc.so.6
-            td_exp += ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
-            td_exp += libgcc_s.so.1
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(arch)" "64"
-            td_exp += libc.so.6.1
-            td_exp += libgcc_s.so.1
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(arch)" "arm"
-            td_exp += libc.so.6
-            td_exp += ld-linux-armhf.so.3
-            td_exp += libgcc_s.so.1
-        endif
-        ifneq "$(filter ppc64 ppc64le,$(arch))" ""
-            td_exp += libc.so.6
-            td_exp += ld64.so.1
-            # warning: this is for ppc64le, but as we do not currently
-            # distinguish it from ppc64, we need to add this dep here
-            td_exp += ld64.so.2
-            td_exp += libgcc_s.so.1
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(arch)" "aarch"
-            td_exp += libc.so.6
-            td_exp += ld-linux-aarch64.so.1
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(arch)-$(MIC_ARCH)" "mic-knf"
-            td_exp += ld-linux-l1om.so.2
-            td_exp += libc.so.6
-            td_exp += libgcc_s.so.1
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(arch)-$(MIC_ARCH)" "mic-knc"
-            td_exp += ld-linux-k1om.so.2
-            td_exp += libc.so.6
-        endif
-        ifeq "$(std_cpp_lib)" "1"
-            td_exp += libstdc++.so.6
-        endif
-        td_exp += libdl.so.2
-        ifeq "$(filter 32 32e 64 ppc64 ppc64le mic,$(arch))" ""
-            td_exp += libffi.so.6
-            td_exp += libffi.so.5
-        endif
-        ifneq "$(LIB_TYPE)" "stub"
-            td_exp += libpthread.so.0
-        endif
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
-#        td_exp += /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
-        td_exp += /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-        ifeq "$(LINK_TYPE)" "dyna"
-            td_exp += kernel32.dll
-        else
-            td_exp += uuid
-        endif
-    endif
-    ifeq "$(omp_os)" "freebsd"
-        td_exp = 
-        td_exp += libc.so.7
-        td_exp += libthr.so.3
-        td_exp += libunwind.so.5
-    endif
-    test-deps/.test : $(lib_file) $(tools_dir)check-depends.pl test-deps/.dir .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    $(td-i)$(perl) $(tools_dir)check-depends.pl $(oa-opts) \
-		$(if $(td_exp),--expected="$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(td_exp))") $<
-	    $(touch) $@
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Fortran files.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-omp_lib_f = omp_lib.f90
-omp_lib_kinds.mod : $(omp_lib_f) .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(fort) $(fort-flags) $<
-omp_lib.mod : omp_lib_kinds.mod
-omp_lib.h  : ev-flags += -D KMP_INT_PTR_KIND="int_ptr_kind()"
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Common files.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-common : $(out_cmn_files)
-clean-common :
-	$(rm) $(out_cmn_files)
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Dependency files and common rules.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.PHONY : dep
-dep    : $(dep_files)
-	$(target)
-include $(LIBOMP_WORK)src/rules.mk
-# Initiate rebuild if any of makefiles or build sript is changed.
-# When developing makefiles, it is useful to comment it, otherwise make will perform full rebuild
-# on every change of makefiles.
-.rebuild : $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(tools_dir)build.pl $(tools_dir)lib/Build.pm
-ifeq "$(clean)" ""
-    # Do not include dependency files if "clean" goal is specified.
-    -include $(dep_files)
-# end of file #

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/src/rules.mk
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/src/rules.mk?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/src/rules.mk (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/src/rules.mk (removed)
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# rules.mk #
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-# --- Copy files to out directories ---
-$(out_cmn_dir)include/% : % $(out_cmn_dir)include/.dir .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(cp) $< $@
-$(out_cmn_dir)include_compat/% : % $(out_cmn_dir)include_compat/.dir .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(cp) $< $@
-# Fat: touch .touch file on every update in $(out_lib_dir), so we will know should we update fat
-# goal or not.
-$(out_lib_dir)% : % $(out_lib_dir).dir .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(cp) $< $@
-        ifneq "$(out_lib_fat_dir)" ""
-	    $(touch) $(dir $@).touch
-        endif
-.PHONY: libomp_aliases
-libomp_aliases: $(out_lib_dir).dir .rebuild $(out_lib_dir)$(lib_file)
-	$(target)
-ifeq "$(os)" "win"
-	cd $(out_lib_dir) ; $(cp) $(lib_file) libiomp5md$(dll) ; $(cp) $(imp_file) libiomp5md$(lib)
-	cd $(out_lib_dir) ; ln -sf $(lib_file) libiomp5$(dll)
-$(out_ptf_dir)include/% : % $(out_ptf_dir)include/.dir .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(cp) $< $@
-$(out_ptf_dir)include_compat/% : % $(out_ptf_dir)include_compat/.dir .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(cp) $< $@
-$(out_l10n_dir)%/$(cat_file) : l10n/%/$(cat_file) $(out_l10n_dir)%/.dir .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(cp) $< $@
-ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
-    $(out_l10n_fat_dir)%/$(cat_file) : l10n/%/$(cat_file) $(out_l10n_fat_dir)%/.dir .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    $(cp) $< $@
-# --- Include really common rules ---
-include $(LIBOMP_WORK)tools/src/common-rules.mk
-# --- Building helper tools from sources ---
-.PRECIOUS: %$(exe)                     # Do not delete automatically created files.
-%$(exe) : $(tools_dir)%.cpp .rebuild
-	$(target)
-	$(cxx) $(cxx-out)$@ $<
-# --- Fat libraries ---
-# Every time new file is copied to $(out_lib_dir) directory we update $(out_lib_dir).rebuild file,
-# so we know should we rebuild fat libraries or not.
-# Note: Original implementation built fat libraries in mac_32 directory, then copied all the
-# libraries from mac_32 to mac_32e directory. However, this may work wrong if exports/mac_*/lib/
-# contains other libraries. So now we build fat libraries twice: in both mac_32
-# and mac_32e directories.
-ifeq "$(platform)" "mac_32e"
-    .PHONY : fat
-    fat    : $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32).done $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32e).done
-    $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32).done \
-    $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32e).done : \
-        $(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32).touch \
-        $(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32e).touch \
-        $(tools_dir)make-fat-binaries.pl \
-        $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32).dir $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32e).dir .rebuild
-	    $(target)
-	    $(perl) $(tools_dir)make-fat-binaries.pl \
-	        --output=$(dir $@) $(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32) $(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32e)
-	    $(touch) $@
-# end of file #

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/build.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/build.pl?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/build.pl (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/build.pl (removed)
@@ -1,756 +0,0 @@
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-# Pragmas.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# Standard modules.
-use Data::Dumper;    # Not actually used, but useful for debugging dumps.
-# Enable `libomp/tools/lib/' module directory.
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-# LIBOMP modules.
-use Build;
-use LibOMP;
-use Platform ":vars";
-use Uname;
-use tools;
-our $VERSION = "0.017";
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Important variables.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-my $root_dir  = $ENV{ LIBOMP_WORK };
-my %makefiles = (
-    rtl       => cat_file( $root_dir, "src",                       "makefile.mk" ),
-    timelimit => cat_file( $root_dir, "tools", "src", "timelimit", "makefile.mk" ),
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Parse command line.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Possible options.
-#     * targets: comma separated list of targets the option has meaning for. For example,
-#         "version" option (4 or 5) has a meaning only for "rtl" target, while "mode" option has
-#         meaning for all targets.
-#     * base: If base is true this is a base option. All the possible values of base options are
-#         iterated if "--all" option is specified. If base is 0, this is an extra option.
-#     * params: A hash of possible option values. "*" denotes default option value. For example,
-#         if "versio" option is not specified, "--version=5" will be used implicitly.
-#     * suffux: Only for extra options. Subroutine returning suffix for build and output
-#         directories. ** When you do not want an option to be part of the suffix, set its base=2
-my $opts = {
-    "target"          => { targets => "",                  base => 1, parms => { map( ( $_ => "" ), keys( %makefiles ) ), rtl => "*" }, },
-    "version"         => { targets => "rtl",               base => 1, parms => { 5       => "*", 4         => ""              }, },
-    "lib-type"        => { targets => "rtl",               base => 1, parms => { normal  => "*", stubs => ""                  }, },
-    "link-type"       => { targets => "rtl",               base => 1, parms => { dynamic => "*", static    => ""              }, },
-    "mode"            => { targets => "rtl,dsl,timelimit", base => 0, parms => { release => "*", diag      => "", debug => "" }, suffix => sub { substr( $_[ 0 ], 0, 3 );       } },
-    "omp-version"     => { targets => "rtl",               base => 0, parms => { 40      => "", 30        => "", 41 => "*"   }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ]; } },
-    "coverage"        => { targets => "rtl",               base => 0, parms => { off     => "*", on        => ""              }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ] eq "on" ? "c1" : "c0"; } },
-    "stats"           => { targets => "rtl",               base => 0, parms => { off     => "*", on        => ""              }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ] eq "on" ? "s1" : "s0"; } },
-    "ompt-support"    => { targets => "rtl",               base => 0, parms => { off     => "*", on        => ""              }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ] eq "on" ? "ompt" : "" } },
-    "ompt-blame"      => { targets => "rtl",               base => 0, parms => { off     => "",  on        => "*"             }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ] eq "on" ? "" : "no-ompt-blame" } },
-    "ompt-trace"      => { targets => "rtl",               base => 0, parms => { off     => "",  on        => "*"             }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ] eq "on" ? "" : "no-ompt-trace" } },
-my $synonyms = {
-    "debug" => [ qw{ dbg debg } ],
-# This array specifies order of options to process, so it cannot be initialized with keys( %$opts ).
-my @all_opts   = qw{ target version lib-type link-type mode omp-version coverage stats ompt-support ompt-blame ompt-trace };
-# This is the list of base options.
-my @base_opts  = grep( $opts->{ $_ }->{ base } == 1, @all_opts );
-# This is the list of extra options.
-my @extra_opts = grep( $opts->{ $_ }->{ base } == 0, @all_opts );
-sub suffix($$$) {
-    my ( $opt, $value, $skip_if_default ) = @_;
-    my $suffix = "";
-    if ( not $skip_if_default or $value ne $opts->{ $opt }->{ dflt } ) {
-        $suffix = $opts->{ $opt }->{ suffix }->( $value );
-    }; # if
-    return $suffix;
-}; # sub suffix
-my $scuts = {};     # Shortcuts. Will help to locate proper item in $opts.
-foreach my $opt ( keys( %$opts ) ) {
-    foreach my $parm ( keys( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) {
-        if ( $parm !~ m{\A(?:[012]|on|off)\z} ) {
-            $scuts->{ $parm } = $opts->{ $opt };
-        }; # if
-        if ( $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } eq "*" ) {
-            $opts->{ $opt }->{ dflt } = $parm;
-        }; # if
-    }; # foreach $parm
-}; # foreach $opt
-sub parse_option(@) {
-    # This function is called to process every option. $name is option name, $value is option value.
-    # For boolean options $value is either 1 or 0,
-    my ( $name, $value ) = @_;
-    if ( $name eq "all" or $name eq "ALL" ) {
-        foreach my $opt ( keys( %$opts ) ) {
-            if ( $opts->{ $opt }->{ base } or $name eq "ALL" ) {
-                foreach my $parm ( keys( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) {
-                    $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } = 1;
-                }; # foreach $parm
-            }; # if
-        }; # foreach $opt
-        return;
-    }; # if
-    if ( exists( $opts->{ $name } ) ) {
-        # Suppose it is option with explicit value, like "target=normal".
-        if ( $value eq "all" ) {
-            foreach my $parm ( keys( %{ $opts->{ $name }->{ parms } } ) ) {
-                $opts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ $parm } = 1;
-            }; # foreach
-            return;
-        } elsif ( exists( $opts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ $value } ) ) {
-            $opts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ $value } = 1;
-            return;
-        } elsif ( $value eq "" and exists( $opts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ on } ) ) {
-            $opts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ on } = 1;
-            return;
-        } else {
-            cmdline_error( "Illegal value of \"$name\" option: \"$value\"" );
-        }; # if
-    }; # if
-    # Ok, it is not an option with explicit value. Try to treat is as a boolean option.
-    if ( exists( $scuts->{ $name } ) ) {
-        ( $value eq "1" or $value eq "0" ) or die "Internal error; stopped";
-        $scuts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ $name } = $value;
-        return;
-    }; # if
-    # No, it is not a valid option at all.
-    cmdline_error( "Illegal option: \"$name\"" );
-}; # sub parse_option
-my $clean        = 0;
-my $clean_common = 0;
-my $clobber      = 0;
-my $test_deps    = 1;
-my $test_touch   = 1;
-my @goals;
-sub synonyms($) {
-    my ( $opt ) = @_;
-    return exists( $synonyms->{ $opt } ) ? "|" . join( "|", @{ $synonyms->{ $opt } } ) : "";
-}; # sub synonyms
-my @specs = (
-    map( ( "$_" . synonyms( $_ ) . "=s" => \&parse_option ), keys( %$opts  ) ),
-    map( ( "$_" . synonyms( $_ ) . "!"  => \&parse_option ), keys( %$scuts ) ),
-my $answer;
-    @specs,
-    Platform::target_options(),
-    "all"           => \&parse_option,
-    "ALL"           => \&parse_option,
-    "answer=s"      => \$answer,
-    "test-deps!"    => \$test_deps,
-    "test-touch!"   => \$test_touch,
-    "version|ver:s" =>
-        sub {
-            # It is a tricky option. It specifies library version to build and it is also a standard
-            # option to request tool version.
-            if ( $_[ 1 ] eq "" ) {
-                # No arguments => version request.
-                print( "$tool version $VERSION\n" );
-                exit( 0 );
-            } else {
-                # Arguments => version to build.
-                parse_option( @_ )
-            };
-        },
- at goals = @ARGV;
-if ( grep( $_ eq "clobber", @goals ) ) {
-    $clobber = 1;
-}; # if
-if ( grep( $_ eq "clean", @goals ) ) {
-    $clean = 1;
-}; # if
-# Ok, now $opts is fulfilled with 0, 1 (explicitly set by the user) and "" and "*" (original
-# values). In each option at least one 1 should be present (otherwise there is nothing to build).
-foreach my $opt ( keys( %$opts ) ) {
-    if ( not grep( $_ eq "1", values( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) ) {
-        # No explicit "1" found. Enable default choice by replacing "*" with "1".
-        foreach my $parm ( keys( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) {
-            if ( $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } eq "*" ) {
-                $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } = 1;
-            }; # if
-        }; # foreach $parm
-    }; # if
-}; # foreach $opt
-# Clear $opts. Leave only "1".
-foreach my $opt ( keys( %$opts ) ) {
-    foreach my $parm ( keys( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) {
-        if ( $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } ne "1" ) {
-            delete( $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } );
-        }; # if
-    }; # foreach $parm
-}; # foreach $opt
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Fill job queue.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub enqueue_jobs($$@);
-sub enqueue_jobs($$@) {
-    my ( $jobs, $set, @rest ) = @_;
-    if ( @rest ) {
-        my $opt = shift( @rest );
-        if (
-            exists( $set->{ target } )
-            and
-            $opts->{ $opt }->{ targets } !~ m{(?:\A|,)$set->{ target }(?:,|\z)}
-        ) {
-            # This option does not have meananing for the target,
-            # do not iterate, just use default value.
-            enqueue_jobs( $jobs, { $opt => $opts->{ $opt }->{ dflt }, %$set }, @rest );
-        } else {
-            foreach my $parm ( sort( keys( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) ) {
-                enqueue_jobs( $jobs, { $opt => $parm, %$set }, @rest );
-            }; # foreach $parm
-        }; # if
-    } else {
-        my $makefile  = $makefiles{ $set->{ target } };
-        my @base      = map( substr( $set->{ $_ }, 0, 3 ), @base_opts );
-        my @extra     = map( suffix( $_, $set->{ $_ }, 0 ), @extra_opts );
-        my @ex        = grep( $_ ne "", map( suffix( $_, $set->{ $_ }, 1 ), @extra_opts ) );
-            # Shortened version of @extra -- only non-default values.
-        my $suffix    = ( @extra ? "." . join( ".", @extra ) : "" );
-        my $knights   = index( $suffix, "kn" ) - 1;
-        if ( $target_arch !~ "mic" and $knights > 0 ) {
-            $suffix = substr( $suffix, 0, $knights );
-        }
-        my $suf       = ( @ex ? "." . join( ".", @ex ) : "" );
-            # Shortened version of $siffix -- only non-default values.
-        my $build_dir = join( "-", $target_platform, join( "_", @base ) . $suffix, Uname::host_name() );
-        my $out_arch_dir = cat_dir( $ENV{ LIBOMP_EXPORTS }, $target_platform . $suf );
-        my $out_cmn_dir  = cat_dir( $ENV{ LIBOMP_EXPORTS }, "common" );
-        push(
-            @$jobs,
-            {
-                makefile => $makefile,
-                make_args => [
-                    "os="   . $target_os,
-                    "arch=" . $target_arch,
-                    "MIC_ARCH=" . $target_mic_arch,
-                    "date=" . Build::tstr( $Build::start ),
-                    "TEST_DEPS=" . ( $test_deps   ? "on" : "off" ),
-                    "TEST_TOUCH=" . ( $test_touch ? "on" : "off" ),
-                    "CPLUSPLUS=on",
-                    "COVERAGE=" . $set->{ coverage },
-                    # Option "mode" controls 3 make flags:
-                    #     debug   => Full debugging   :    diagnostics,    debug info, no optimization.
-                    #     diag    => Only diagnostics :    diagnostics,    debug info,    optimization.
-                    #     release => Production build : no diagnostics, no debug info,    optimization.
-                    "DEBUG_INFO=" .   ( $set->{ mode } ne "release" ? "on" : "off" ),
-                    "DIAG=" .         ( $set->{ mode } ne "release" ? "on" : "off" ),
-                    "OPTIMIZATION=" . ( $set->{ mode } ne "debug"   ? "on" : "off" ),
-                    "LIB_TYPE=" . substr( $set->{ "lib-type" }, 0, 4 ),
-                    "LINK_TYPE=" . substr( $set->{ "link-type" }, 0, 4 ),
-                    "OMP_VERSION=" . $set->{ "omp-version" },
-                    "VERSION=" . $set->{ version },
-                    "suffix=" . $suf,
-                    "stats=" . $set->{ stats },
-                    "OMPT_SUPPORT=" . $set->{ "ompt-support" },
-                    "OMPT_BLAME=" . $set->{ "ompt-blame" },
-                    "OMPT_TRACE=" . $set->{ "ompt-trace" },
-                    @goals,
-                ],
-                build_dir  => $build_dir
-            }
-        ); # push
-    }; # if
-}; # sub enqueue_jobs
-my @jobs;
-enqueue_jobs( \@jobs, {}, @all_opts );
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Do the work.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-my $exit = 0;
-if ( $clobber ) {
-    my @dirs = ( $ENV{ LIBOMP_TMP }, $ENV{ LIBOMP_EXPORTS }, cat_dir( $root_dir, "tools", "bin"  ) );
-    my $rc = 0;
-    question(
-        "Clobber " . join( ", ", map( "\"" . Build::shorter( $_ ) . "\"", @dirs ) ) . " dirs? ",
-        $answer,
-        qr{\A(y|yes|n|no)\z}i
-    );
-    if ( $answer =~ m{\Ay}i ) {
-        info( "Clobbering..." );
-        $rc = Build::clean( @dirs );
-        info( Build::rstr( $rc ) );
-    }; # if
-    if ( $rc != 0 ) {
-        $exit = 3;
-    }; # if
-} else { # Build or clean.
-    if ( @jobs ) {
-        my $total = @jobs;    # Total number of jobs.
-        my $n     = 0;        # Current job number.
-        Build::progress( "", "" );     # Output empty line to log file.
-        my $goals = join( " ", @goals );
-        Build::progress( "Goals", $goals eq "" ? "(all)" : $goals );
-        Build::progress( "Configurations", scalar( @jobs ) );
-        foreach my $job ( @jobs ) {
-            ++ $n;
-            my $base = get_file( $job->{ build_dir } );
-            Build::progress( "Making", "%3d of %3d : %s", $n, $total, $base );
-            $job->{ rc } = Build::make( $job, $clean, sprintf( "%d/%d", $n, $total ) );
-        }; # my $job
-        my $failures = Build::summary();
-        if ( $failures > 0 ) {
-            $exit = 3;
-        }; # if
-    } else {
-        info( "Nothing to do." );
-    }; # if
-}; # if
-# And exit.
-exit( $exit );
-=head1 NAME
-B<build.pl> -- Build one or more configurations of OMP RTL libraries.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<build.pl> I<option>... [B<-->] I<make-option>... I<variable>... I<goal>...
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item B<--all>
-Build all base configurations.
-=item B<--ALL>
-Build really all configurations, including extra ones.
-=item B<--answer=>I<str>
-Use specified string as default answer to all questions.
-=item B<--architecture=>I<arch>
-Specify target architecture to build. Default is architecture of host machine. I<arch> can be C<32>,
-C<32e>, C<mic>, or one of known aliases like C<IA32>.
-If architecture is not specified explicitly, value of LIBOMP_ARCH environment variable is used.
-If LIBOMP_ARCH is not defined, host architecture detected.
-=item B<--os=>I<os>
-Specify target OS. Default is OS of host machine. I<os> can be C<lin>, C<mac>, C<win>,
-or one of known aliases like C<Linux>, C<WinNT>, etc.
-=item B<--mic-arch=>I<arch>
-Specify architecture of Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture card. Default is C<knf>. I<arch> can be C<knf>, C<knc>, C<knl>.
-=item B<-->[B<no->]B<test-deps>
-Enable or disable C<test-deps>. The test runs in any case, but result of disabled test is ignored.
-By default, test is enabled.
-=item B<-->[B<no->]B<test-touch>
-Enable or disable C<test-touch>. The test runs in any case, but result of disabled test is ignored.
-By default, test is enabled.
-=item Base Configuration Selection Options
-=item B<--target=>I<target>
-Build specified target, either C<rtl> (OMP Runtime Library; default),
-or C<timelimit> (program used in testing), or C<all>.
-=item B<--lib-type=>I<lib>
-Build specified library, either C<normal> (default), or C<stubs>, or C<all>.
-=item B<--link-type=>I<type>
-Build specified link type, either C<dynamic> (default) or C<all>.
-=item Extra Configuration Selection Options
-=item B<--cover=>I<switch>
-Build for code coverage data collection. I<switch> can be C<off> (default), C<on>
-or C<all>.
-=item B<--mode=>I<mode>
-Build library of specified I<mode>, either C<debug>, C<diag>, C<release> (default), or C<all>.
-Mode controls 3 features:
-    ---------------------------------------------------
-    feature/mode                   debug  diag  release
-    ---------------------------------------------------
-    debug info                       o      o
-    diagnostics (asserts, traces)    o      o
-    code optimization                       o      o
-    ---------------------------------------------------
-=item Shortcuts
-If option with C<no> prefix is used, corresponding configuration will B<not> be built.
-Useful for excluding some configurations if one or more other options specified with C<all>
-value (see Examples).
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<11>
-Build files for compiler C<11>.
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<12>
-Build files for compiler C<12>.
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<debug>
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<debg>
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<dbg>
-Build debuggable library.
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<diag>
-Build library with diagnostics enabled.
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<dynamic>
-Build dynamic library (default).
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<normal>
-Build normal library (default).
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<release>
-Build release library (default).
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<rtl>
-Build OMP RTL (default).
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<stubs>
-Build stubs library.
-=item B<-->[B<no>]B<timelimit>
-Build timelimit utility program.
-=item Standard Options
-=item B<--doc>
-=item B<--manual>
-Print full help message and exit.
-=item B<--help>
-Print short help message and exit.
-=item B<--usage>
-Print very short usage message and exit.
-=item B<--verbose>
-Do print informational messages.
-=item B<--version>
-Print program version and exit.
-=item B<--quiet>
-Work quiet, do not print informational messages.
-=item I<make-option>
-Any option for makefile, for example C<-k> or C<-n>. If you pass some options to makefile, C<-->
-delimiter is mandatory, otherwise C<build.pl> processes all the options internally.
-=item I<variable>
-Define makefile variable in form I<name>B<=>I<value>. Most makefile capabilities are
-accessible through C<build.pl> options, so there is no need in defining make variables in command
-=item I<goal>
-Makefile goal to build (or clean).
-=item B<all>
-Build C<lib>, C<tests>, C<inc>.
-=item B<common>
-Build common (architecture-independent) files. Common files are not configuration-dependent, so
-there is no point in building it for more than one configuration (thought it is harmless).
-However, do not build common files on many machines simultaneously.
-=item B<clean>
-Delete the export files and clean build directory of configuration(s) specified by options. Note
-that C<clean> goal cannot be mixed with other goals (except for C<clean-common>).
-=item B<clean-common>
-Delete the common files in F<exports/> directory.
-=item B<clobber>
-Clean F<export/> and F<tmp/> directories. If C<clobber> is specified, other goals and/or options
-do not matter.
-Note: Clobbering is potentialy dangerous operation, because it deletes content of directory
-pointed by If C<LIBOMP_TMP> environment variable, so C<build.pl> asks a confirmation before
-clobbering. To suppress the question, use option C<--answer=yes>.
-=item B<fat>
-C<mac_32e> only: Build fat libraries for both mac_32 and mac_32e. Should be run when C<lib>
-goal is built on both C<mac_32> and C<mac_32e>.
-=item I<file.o>
-(Windows* OS: I<file.obj>) Build specified object file only.
-=item I<file.i>
-Create preprocessed source file.
-=item B<force-tests>
-Force performing tests.
-=item B<force-test-deps>
-Force performing test-deps.
-=item B<force-test-instr>
-Force performing test-instr.
-=item B<force-test-relo>
-Force performing test-relo.
-=item B<force-test-touch>
-Force performing test-touch.
-=item B<inc>
-Build Fortran include files, omp_lib.h, omp_lib.mod and omp_lib_kinds.mod.
-=item B<lib>
-Build library (on Windows* OS in case of dynamic linking, it also builds import library).
-=item B<tests>
-Perform tests: C<test-deps>, C<test-instr>, C<test-relo>, and C<test-touch>.
-=item B<test-deps>
-Check the library dependencies. 
-=item B<test-instr>
-Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture only: check the library does not contain undesired instructions.
-=item B<test-relo>
-Linux* OS with dynamic linking only: check the library does not contain position-dependent
-=item B<test-touch>
-Build a very simple application with native compiler (GNU on Linux* OS and OS X*, MS
-on Windows* OS), check it does not depend on C<libirc> library, and run it.
-C<build.pl> constructs the name of a build directory, creates the directory if it
-does not exist, changes to it, and runs make to build the goals in specified configuration.
-If more than one configuration are specified in command line C<build.pl> builds them all.
-Being run with C<clean> goal, C<build.pl> does not build but deletes export files and
-cleans build directories of configuration specified by other options. For example,
-C<build.pl --all clean> means "clean build directories for all configurations",
-it does B<not> mean "clean then build all".
-C<clear-common> goal deletes common files in F<exports/> directory.
-Since common files are really common and not architecture and/or configuration dependent,
-there are no much meaning in combining C<clear-common> with configuration selection options.
-For example, C<build.pl --all clean-common> deletes the same files 13 times.
-However, it does not hurt and can be used in conjunction with C<clear> goal.
-C<clobber> goal instructs C<build.pl> to clean exports and all build
-directories, e. g. clean everything under F<exports/> and F<tmp/> directories.
-Logs are saved automatically, there is no need in explicit output redirection.
-Log file for each particular configuration is named F<build.log> and located in build directory.
-Summary log file (just result of each configuration) is saved in F<tmp/> directory.
-Log files are never overwritten. C<build.pl> always appends output to log files.
-However (obviously), C<clear> deletes log file for cleared configurations,
-and C<clobber> deletes all summary log files.
-=head2 Environment Variables
-Specifies target architecture. If not present, host architecture is used. Environment variable may
-be overriden by C<--architecture> command line option.
-Specifies directory for output files. If not set, C<$LIBOMP_WORK/exports/> used by default.
-=item B<LIBOMP_OS>
-Specifies target OS. If not present, host OS is used. Environment variable may
-be overriden by C<--os> command line option.
-=item B<LIBOMP_TMP>
-Directory for temporary files. C<build.pl> creates build directories there. If not set,
-C<$LIBOMP_WORK/tmp/> used by default.
-On Windows* OS F<tmp/> directory on local drive speeds up the build process.
-Root of libomp directory tree, contains F<src/>, F<tools/>, and F<exports/> subdirs.
-If not set, C<build.pl> guesses the root dir (it is a parent of dir containing C<build.pl>).
-Note: Guessing it not reliable. Please set C<LIBOMP_WORK> environment variable appropriately.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-=head2 Development
-Build normal (performance) dynamic library for debugging:
-    $ build.pl --debug
-Build all libraries (normal, stub; dynamic RTL) for debugging:
-    $ build.pl --all --debug
-Do a clean build for all:
-    $ build.pl --all --debug clean && build.pl --all --debug
-Debugging libraries are saved in F<exports/I<platform>.deb/>.
-=head2 Promotion
-=item 1
-Clobber everything; on one machine:
-    $ build.pl clobber
-=item 2
-Build common headers, on one machine:
-    $ build.pl common
-=item 3
-Build all platform-dependent files, on all machines:
-    $ build.pl --all
-=item 4
-Build OS X* universal (fat) libraries, on C<mac_32e>:
-    $ build.pl fat
-# end of file #

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-openmp-test.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-openmp-test.pl?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-openmp-test.pl (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-openmp-test.pl (removed)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-# LIBOMP modules.
-use Build;
-use LibOMP;
-use Platform ":vars";
-use Uname;
-use tools;
-my $root_dir  = $ENV{ LIBOMP_WORK };
-print join('', $target_platform, "/");

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-openmp.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-openmp.pl?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-openmp.pl (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-openmp.pl (removed)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-# LIBOMP modules.
-use Build;
-use LibOMP;
-use Platform ":vars";
-use Uname;
-use tools;
-my $root_dir  = $ENV{ LIBOMP_WORK };
-print join('', $root_dir, "/", "exports", "/", $target_platform, "/", "lib");

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-tools.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-tools.pl?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-tools.pl (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/check-tools.pl (removed)
@@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-# Pragmas.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-# LIBOMP modules.
-use Platform ":vars";
-use tools;
-our $VERSION = "0.015";
-my $pedantic;
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Helper functions
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub run($\$\$;\$) {
-    my ( $cmd, $stdout, $stderr, $path ) = @_;
-    my ( @path, $rc );
-    @path = which( $cmd->[ 0 ], -all => 1 );
-    if ( @path > 0 ) {
-        if ( @path > 1 and $pedantic ) {
-            warning( "More than one \"$cmd->[ 0 ]\" found in PATH:", map( "    $_", @path ) );
-        }; # if
-        debug( "\"$cmd->[ 0 ]\" full path is \"$path[ 0 ]\"." );
-        if ( defined( $path ) ) {
-            $$path = $path[ 0 ];
-        }; # if
-        debug( "Executing command: \""  . join ( " ", @$cmd ) . "\"." );
-        $rc =
-            execute(
-                $cmd,
-                -ignore_signal => 1, -ignore_status => 1,
-                -stdout => $stdout, -stderr => $stderr, -stdin => undef
-            );
-        if ( $rc < 0 ) {
-            warning( "Cannot run \"$cmd->[ 0 ]\": $@" );
-        }; # if
-        debug( "stdout:", $$stdout, "(eof)", "stderr:", $$stderr, "(eof)" );
-    } else {
-        warning( "No \"$cmd->[ 0 ]\" found in PATH." );
-        $rc = -1;
-    }; # if
-    return $rc;
-}; # sub run
-sub get_arch($$$) {
-    my ( $name, $str, $exps ) = @_;
-    my ( $arch, $count );
-    $count = 0;
-    foreach my $re ( keys( %$exps ) ) {
-        if ( $str =~ $re ) {
-            $arch = $exps->{ $re };
-            ++ $count;
-        }; # if
-    }; # for
-    if ( $count != 1 or not Platform::canon_arch( $arch ) ) {
-        warning( "Cannot detect $name architecture: $str" );
-        return undef;
-    }; # if
-    return $arch;
-}; # sub get_arch
-sub encode($) {
-    my ( $str ) = @_;
-    $str =~ s{ }{_}g;
-    return $str;
-}; # sub encode
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# get_xxx_version subroutines.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Some of get_xxx_version() subroutines accept an argument -- a tool name. For example,
-# get_intel_compiler_version() can report version of C, C++, or Fortran compiler. The tool for
-# report should be specified by argument, for example: get_intel_compiler_version( "ifort" ).
-# get_xxx_version() subroutines returns list of one or two elements:
-#     1. The first element is short tool name (like "gcc", "g++", "icl", etc).
-#     2. The second element is version string.
-# If returned list contain just one element, it means there is a problem with the tool.
-sub get_perl_version() {
-    my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
-    my $tool = "perl";
-    my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
-    $rc = run( [ $tool, "--version" ], $stdout, $stderr );
-    if ( $rc >= 0 ) {
-        # Typical perl output:
-        #    This is perl, v5.10.0 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
-        #    This is perl, v5.8.8 built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread
-        #    This is perl, v5.10.1 (*) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
-        if ( $stdout !~ m{^This is perl.*v(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)).*built for}m ) {
-            warning( "Cannot parse perl output:", $stdout, "(oef)" );
-        }; # if
-        $version = $1;
-        if ( $target_os eq "win" ) {
-            if ( $stdout !~ m{Binary build (.*) provided by ActiveState } ) {
-                warning( "Perl is not ActiveState one" );
-            }; # if
-        }; # if
-    }; # if
-    push( @ret, $version );
-    return @ret;
-}; # sub get_perl_version
-sub get_gnu_make_version() {
-    my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
-    my $tool = "make";
-    my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
-    my ( $path );
-    $rc = run( [ $tool, "--version" ], $stdout, $stderr, $path );
-    if ( $rc >= 0 ) {
-        # Typical make output:
-        #     GNU Make version 3.79.1, by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath.
-        #     GNU Make 3.81
-        if ( $stdout =~ m{^GNU Make (?:version )?(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(?:,|\s)} ) {
-            $version = $1;
-        }; # if
-        if ( $target_os eq "win" and $stdout =~ m{built for ([a-z0-9-]+)} ) {
-            my $built_for = $1;
-            debug( "GNU Make built for: \"$built_for\"." );
-            if ( $built_for =~ m{cygwin}i ) {
-                warning( "\"$path\" is a Cygwin make, it is *not* suitable." );
-                return @ret;
-            }; # if
-        }; # if
-    }; # if
-    push( @ret, $version );
-    return @ret;
-}; # sub get_gnu_make_version
-sub get_intel_compiler_version($) {
-    my ( $tool ) = @_;    # Tool name, like "icc", "icpc", "icl", or "ifort".
-    my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
-    my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $tool_re );
-    my $version;
-    my $ic_archs = {
-        qr{32-bit|IA-32}        => "32",
-        qr{Intel\(R\) 64} => "32e",
-        qr{Intel\(R\) [M][I][C] Architecture} => "32e",
-    };
-    $tool_re = quotemeta( $tool );
-    $rc = run( [ $tool, ( $target_os eq "win" ? () : ( "-V" ) ) ], $stdout, $stderr );
-    if ( $rc < 0 ) {
-        return @ret;
-    }; # if
-    # Intel compiler version string is in the first line of stderr. Get it.
-    #$stderr =~ m{\A(.*\n?)};
-    # AC: Let's look for version string in the first line which contains "Intel" string.
-    #     This allows to use 11.1 and 12.0 compilers on new MAC machines by ignoring
-    #     huge number of warnings issued by old compilers.
-    $stderr =~ m{^(Intel.*)$}m;
-    my $vstr = $1;
-    my ( $apl, $ver, $bld, $pkg );
-    if ( 0 ) {
-    } elsif ( $vstr =~ m{^Intel.*?Compiler\s+(.*?),?\s+Version\s+(.*?)\s+Build\s+(\S+)(?:\s+Package ID: (\S+))?} ) {
-        # 9.x, 10.x, 11.0.
-        ( $apl, $ver, $bld, $pkg ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 );
-    } elsif ( $vstr =~ m{^Intel's (.*?) Compiler,?\s+Version\s+(.*?)\s+Build\s+(\S+)} ) {
-        # 11.1
-        ( $apl, $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
-    } else {
-        warning( "Cannot parse ${tool}'s stderr:", $stderr, "(eof)" );
-        return @ret;
-    }; # if
-    my $ic_arch = get_arch( "Intel compiler", $apl, $ic_archs );
-    if ( not defined( $ic_arch ) ) {
-        return @ret;
-    }; # if
-    if ( Platform::canon_arch( $ic_arch ) ne $target_arch and not (Platform::canon_arch($ic_arch) eq "32e" and $target_arch eq "mic" )) {
-        warning( "Target architecture is $target_arch, $tool for $ic_arch found." );
-        return @ret;
-    }; # if
-    # Normalize version.
-    my $stage;
-    $ver =~ s{\s+}{ }g;
-    $ver = lc( $ver );
-    if ( $ver =~ m{\A(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?) ([a-z]+)\a}i ) {
-        ( $version, $stage ) = ( $1, $2 );
-    } else {
-        ( $version, $stage ) = ( $ver, "" );
-    }; # if
-    # Parse package.
-    if ( defined( $pkg ) ) {
-        if ( $pkg !~ m{\A[lwm]_[a-z]+_[a-z]_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\z}i ) {
-            warning( "Cannot parse Intel compiler package: $pkg" );
-            return @ret;
-        }; # if
-        $pkg = $1;
-        $version = $pkg;
-    }; # if
-    push( @ret, "$version " . ( $stage ? "$stage " : "" ) . "($bld) for $ic_arch" );
-    # Ok, version of Intel compiler found successfully. Now look at config file.
-    # Installer of Intel compiler tends to add a path to MS linker into compiler config file.
-    # It leads to troubles. For example, all the environment set up for MS VS 2005, but Intel
-    # compiler uses lnker from MS VS 2003 because it is specified in config file.
-    # To avoid such troubles, make sure:
-    #     ICLCFG/IFORTCFG environment variable exists or
-    #     compiler config file does not exist, or
-    #     compiler config file does not specify linker.
-    if ( $target_os eq "win" ) {
-        if ( not exists( $ENV{ uc( $tool . "cfg" ) } ) ) {
-            # If ICLCFG/IFORTCFG environment varianle exists, everything is ok.
-            # Otherwise check compiler's config file.
-            my $path = which( $tool );
-            $path =~ s{\.exe\z}{}i;     # Drop ".exe" suffix.
-            $path .= ".cfg";            # And add ".cfg" one.
-            if ( -f $path ) {
-                # If no config file exists, it is ok.
-                # Otherwise analyze its content.
-                my $bulk = read_file( $path );
-                $bulk =~ s{#.*\n}{}g;    # Remove comments.
-                my @options = ( "Qvc", "Qlocation,link," );
-                foreach my  $opt ( @options ) {
-                    if ( $bulk =~ m{[-/]$opt} ) {
-                        warning( "Compiler config file \"$path\" contains \"-$opt\" option." );
-                    }; # if
-                }; # foreach
-            }; # if
-        }; # if
-    }; # if
-    return @ret;
-}; # sub get_intel_compiler_version
-sub get_gnu_compiler_version($) {
-    my ( $tool ) = @_;
-    my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
-    my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
-    $rc = run( [ $tool, "--version" ], $stdout, $stderr );
-    if ( $rc >= 0 ) {
-        my ( $ver, $bld );
-        if ( $target_os eq "mac" ) {
-            # i686-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)
-            # i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5484)
-            # i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.9.00)
-            $stdout =~ m{^.*? \(GCC\) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+) \(.*Apple.*?Inc\. build (\d+)\)}m;
-            ( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2 );
-        } else {
-            if ( 0 ) {
-            } elsif ( $stdout =~ m{^.*? \(GCC\) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(?: (\d+))?}m ) {
-                # g++ (GCC) 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-20)
-                # GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)
-                ( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2 );
-            } elsif ( $stdout =~ m{^.*? \(SUSE Linux\) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+\[.*? (\d+)\]}m ) {
-                # gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291]
-                ( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2 );
-            } elsif ( $stdout =~ m{^.*? \(SUSE Linux\) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+\d+\s+\[.*? (\d+)\]}m ) {
-                # gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.7.2 20130108 [gcc-4_7-branch revision 195012]
-                ( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2 );
-            } elsif ( $stdout =~ m{^.*? \((Debian|Ubuntu).*?\) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)}m ) {
-                # gcc (Debian 4.7.2-22) 4.7.2
-                # Debian support from Sylvestre Ledru 
-                # Thanks!
-                $ver = $2;
-            }; # if
-        }; # if
-        if ( defined( $ver ) ) {
-            $version = $ver . ( defined( $bld ) ? " ($bld)" : "" );
-        } else {
-            warning( "Cannot parse GNU compiler version:", $stdout, "(eof)" );
-        }; # if
-    }; # if
-    push( @ret, $version );
-    return @ret;
-}; # sub get_gnu_compiler_version
-sub get_clang_compiler_version($) {
-    my ( $tool ) = @_;
-    my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
-    my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
-    $rc = run( [ $tool, "--version" ], $stdout, $stderr );
-    if ( $rc >= 0 ) {
-        my ( $ver, $bld );
-        if ( $target_os eq "mac" ) {
-            # Apple LLVM version 4.2 (clang-425.0.28) (based on LLVM 3.2svn)
-            $stdout =~ m{^.*? (\d+\.\d+) \(.*-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\)}m;
-            ( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2 );
-            # For custom clang versions.
-            if ( not defined($ver) and $stdout =~ m{^.*? (\d+\.\d+)( \((.*)\))?}m ) {
-                ( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $3 );
-            }
-        } else {
-            if ( 0 ) {
-            } elsif ( $stdout =~ m{^.*? (\d+\.\d+)( \((.*)\))?}m ) {
-                # clang version 3.3 (tags/RELEASE_33/final)
-                ( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $3 );
-            } 
-        }; # if
-        if ( defined( $ver ) ) {
-            $version = $ver . ( defined( $bld ) ? " ($bld)" : "" );
-        } else {
-            warning( "Cannot parse Clang compiler version:", $stdout, "(eof)" );
-        }; # if
-    }; # if
-    push( @ret, $version );
-    return @ret;
-}; # sub get_gnu_compiler_version
-sub get_ms_compiler_version() {
-    my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
-    my $tool = "cl";
-    my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
-    my $mc_archs = {
-        qr{80x86|x86}     => "IA-32 architecture",
-        qr{AMD64|x64}     => "Intel(R) 64",
-    };
-    $rc = run( [ $tool ], $stdout, $stderr );
-    if ( $rc < 0 ) {
-        return @ret;
-    }; # if
-    if ( $stderr !~ m{^Microsoft .* Compiler Version (.*?) for (.*)\s*$}m ) {
-        warning( "Cannot parse MS compiler output:", $stderr, "(eof)" );
-        return @ret;
-    }; # if
-    my ( $ver, $apl ) = ( $1, $2 );
-    if ( $ver !~ m{\A\d+(?:\.\d+)+\z} ) {
-        warning( "Cannot parse MS compiler version: $ver" );
-        return @ret;
-    }; # if
-    my $mc_arch = get_arch( "MS compiler", $apl, $mc_archs );
-    if ( not defined( $mc_arch ) ) {
-        return @ret;
-    }; # if
-    if ( Platform::canon_arch( $mc_arch ) ne $target_arch ) {
-        warning( "Target architecture is $target_arch, $tool for $mc_arch found" );
-        return @ret;
-    }; # if
-    $version = "$ver for $target_arch";
-    push( @ret, $version );
-    return @ret;
-}; # sub get_ms_compiler_version
-sub get_ms_linker_version() {
-    my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
-    my $tool = "link";
-    my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
-    my ( $path );
-    $rc = run( [ $tool ], $stdout, $stderr, $path );
-    if ( $rc < 0 ) {
-        return @ret;
-    }; # if
-    if ( $stdout !~ m{^Microsoft \(R\) Incremental Linker Version (\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\s*$}m ) {
-        warning( "Cannot parse MS linker output:", $stdout, "(eof)" );
-        if ( $stderr =~ m{^link: missing operand} ) {
-            warning( "Seems \"$path\" is a Unix-like \"link\" program, not MS linker." );
-        }; # if
-        return @ret;
-    }; # if
-    $version = ( $1 );
-    push( @ret, $version );
-    return @ret;
-}; # sub get_ms_linker_version
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# "main" program.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-my $make;
-my $intel       = 1;             # Check Intel compilers.
-my $fortran     = 0;             # Check for corresponding Fortran compiler, ifort for intel 
-                                 #                                           gfortran for gnu 
-                                 #                                           gfortran for clang 
-my $clang       = 0;             # Check Clang Compilers.
-my $intel_compilers = {
-    "lin" => { c => "icc", cpp => "icpc", f => "ifort" },
-    "mac" => { c => "icc", cpp => "icpc", f => "ifort" },
-    "win" => { c => "icl", cpp => undef,  f => "ifort" },
-my $gnu_compilers = {
-    "lin" => { c => "gcc", cpp =>  "g++", f => "gfortran" },
-    "mac" => { c => "gcc", cpp =>  "g++", f => "gfortran" },
-my $clang_compilers = {
-    "lin" => { c => "clang", cpp =>  "clang++" },
-    "mac" => { c => "clang", cpp =>  "clang++" },
-    Platform::target_options(),
-    "intel!"         => \$intel,
-    "fortran"        => \$fortran,
-    "clang"          => \$clang,
-    "make"           => \$make,
-    "pedantic"       => \$pedantic,
-my @versions;
-push( @versions, [ "Perl",     get_perl_version() ] );
-push( @versions, [ "GNU Make", get_gnu_make_version() ] );
-if ( $intel ) {
-    my $ic = $intel_compilers->{ $target_os };
-    push( @versions, [ "Intel C Compiler",       get_intel_compiler_version( $ic->{ c } ) ] );
-    if ( defined( $ic->{ cpp } ) ) {
-        # If Intel C++ compiler has a name different from C compiler, check it as well.
-        push( @versions, [ "Intel C++ Compiler", get_intel_compiler_version( $ic->{ cpp } ) ] );
-    }; # if
-    # fortran check must be explicitly specified on command line with --fortran
-    if ( $fortran ) {
-        if ( defined( $ic->{ f } ) ) {
-            push( @versions, [ "Intel Fortran Compiler", get_intel_compiler_version( $ic->{ f } ) ] );
-        }; # if
-    };
-}; # if
-if ( $target_os eq "lin" or $target_os eq "mac" ) {
-    # check for clang/gnu tools because touch-test.c is compiled with them.
-    if ( $clang or $target_os eq "mac" ) { # OS X* >= 10.9 discarded GNU compilers.
-        push( @versions, [ "Clang C Compiler",     get_clang_compiler_version( $clang_compilers->{ $target_os }->{ c   } ) ] );
-        push( @versions, [ "Clang C++ Compiler",   get_clang_compiler_version( $clang_compilers->{ $target_os }->{ cpp } ) ] );
-    } else {
-        push( @versions, [ "GNU C Compiler",     get_gnu_compiler_version( $gnu_compilers->{ $target_os }->{ c   } ) ] );
-        push( @versions, [ "GNU C++ Compiler",   get_gnu_compiler_version( $gnu_compilers->{ $target_os }->{ cpp } ) ] );
-    };
-    # if intel fortran has been checked then gnu fortran is unnecessary
-    # also, if user specifies clang as build compiler, then gfortran is assumed fortran compiler
-    if ( $fortran and not $intel ) {
-        push( @versions, [ "GNU Fortran Compiler", get_gnu_compiler_version( $gnu_compilers->{ $target_os }->{ f } ) ] );
-    }; 
-if ( $target_os eq "win" ) {
-    push( @versions, [ "MS C/C++ Compiler",  get_ms_compiler_version() ] );
-    push( @versions, [ "MS Linker",          get_ms_linker_version() ] );
-}; # if
-my $count = 0;
-foreach my $item ( @versions ) {
-    my ( $title, $tool, $version ) = @$item;
-    if ( not defined( $version ) ) {
-        $version = "--- N/A ---";
-        ++ $count;
-    }; # if
-    if ( $make ) {
-        printf( "%s=%s\n", encode( $tool ), encode( $version ) );
-    } else {
-        printf( "%-25s: %s\n", $title, $version );
-    }; # if
-}; # foreach
-exit( $count == 0 ? 0 : 1 );
-=head1 NAME
-B<check-tools.pl> -- Check development tools availability and versions.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<check-tools.pl> I<OPTION>...
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item B<--make>
-Produce output suitable for using in makefile: short tool names (e. g. "icc" instead of "Intel C
-Compiler"), spaces in version strings replaced with underscores.
-=item Tools selection
-=item B<-->[B<no->]B<-gnu-fortran>
-Check GNU Fortran compiler. By default, it is not checked.
-=item B<-->[B<no->]B<intel>
-Check Intel C, C++ and Fortran compilers. This is default.
-=item Platform selection
-=item B<--architecture=>I<str>
-Specify target architecture. Used in cross-builds, for example when building 32-bit applications on
-Intel(R) 64 machine.
-If architecture is not specified explicitly, value of LIBOMP_ARCH environment variable is used.
-If LIBOMP_ARCH is not defined, host architecture detected.
-=item B<--os=>I<str>
-Specify target OS name. Used in cross-builds, for example when building Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture applications on
-Windows* OS.
-If OS is not specified explicitly, value of LIBOMP_OS environment variable is used.
-If LIBOMP_OS is not defined, host OS detected.
-=head2 Standard Options
-=item B<--doc>
-=item B<--manual>
-Print full help message and exit.
-=item B<--help>
-Print short help message and exit.
-=item B<--usage>
-Print very short usage message and exit.
-=item B<--verbose>
-Do print informational messages.
-=item B<--version>
-Print version and exit.
-=item B<--quiet>
-Work quiet, do not print informational messages.
-This script checks availability and versions of development tools. By default, the script checks:
-Perl, GNU Make, Intel compilers, GNU C and C++ compilers (Linux* OS and OS X*),
-Microsoft C/C++ compiler and linker (Windows* OS).
-The sript prints nice looking table or machine-readable strings.
-=head2 EXIT
-=item *
-0 -- All programs found.
-=item *
-1 -- Some of tools are not found.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-    $ check-tools.pl
-    Perl                     : 5.8.0
-    GNU Make                 : 3.79.1
-    Intel C Compiler         : 11.0 (20080930) for 32e
-    Intel C++ Compiler       : 11.0 (20080930) for 32e
-    Intel Fortran Compiler   : 10.1.008 (20070913) for 32e
-    GNU C Compiler           : 3.2.3 (20030502)
-    GNU C++ Compiler         : 3.2.3 (20030502)
-    > check-tools.pl --make
-    perl=5.8.8
-    make=3.81
-    icl=10.1_(20070913)_for_32e
-    ifort=10.1_(20070913)_for_32e
-    cl=14.00.40310.41_for_32e
-    link=8.00.40310.39
-# end of file #

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/common.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/common.inc?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/common.inc (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/common.inc (removed)
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-ifndef omp_os
-  # Windows sets environment variable OS; for other systems, ask uname
-  ifeq ($(OS),)
-    OS:=$(shell uname)
-    ifeq ($(OS),)
-      $(error "Cannot detect operating system")
-    endif
-    export omp_os=$(OS)
-  endif
-  ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
-    export omp_os=windows
-  endif
-  ifeq ($(OS), Linux)
-    export omp_os=linux
-  endif
-  ifeq ($(OS), FreeBSD)
-    export omp_os=freebsd
-  endif
-  ifeq ($(OS), Darwin)
-    export omp_os=macos
-  endif
-endif # !omp_os
-# Compiling for the Intel(R) Many Integrated Core architecture is non-trivial at the next layer
-# of script down, but we can make it consistent here.
-ifneq "$(filter knf knc knl, $(arch))" ""
-    # I really do mean this...
-    # have top-level arch=mic and then mic_arch = flavor of mic
-    override mic_arch:=$(arch)
-    override arch:=mic
-    override mic:=yes
-    ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
-        # default flavor of mic is knc
-        mic_arch?=knc
-        override mic:=yes
-    else
-        override mic:=no
-    endif
-ifeq (,$(wildcard $(omp_root)/tools/$(omp_os).inc))
-  $(error "$(omp_os)" is not supported. Add tools/$(omp_os).inc file with os-specific settings )
-# detect arch and runtime versions, provide common host-specific definitions
-include $(omp_root)/tools/$(omp_os).inc
-ifeq ($(arch),)
- $(error Architecture not detected)
-# Setting defaults
-ifeq "$(filter 32 32e 64 mic,$(arch))" ""
-    compiler?=gcc
-    ifeq "$(omp_os)" "windows"
-        compiler?=icl
-    else
-        compiler?=icc
-    endif
-ifneq "$(mic)" "no"
-    ifeq "$(compiler)" "gcc"
-        $(error Compiling the runtime with gcc is not supported on Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture)
-    endif
-    # Add Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture kind (knf, knc, knl, etc.)
-    build_args += --mic-arch=$(mic_arch)
-    # Check that the binutils for Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture are available
-    # First we see whether the objdump on the user's path supports the k1om architecture.
-    hask1om = $(shell if (x86_64-k1om-linux-objdump --help | grep -s k1om); then echo OK; else echo KO; fi)
-    ifneq "$(hask1om)" "OK"
-        # Appropriate binutils are not already set up, so try to add them from the default place.
-        micBinPath = /usr/linux-k1om-4.7/bin
-        micBinPresent = $(shell if test -d $(micBinPath); then echo OK; else echo KO; fi)
-        ifneq "$(micBinPresent)" "OK"
-            # We can't find them in the normal place, so complain.
-            $(error Compiling for Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture requires that the cross-hosted binutils are available in $(micBinPath).\
-See the Tools tab at http://software.intel.com/mic-developer)
-        endif
-        export PATH := $(micBinPath):${PATH}
-    endif
-# number of parallel build jobs
-export BUILD_COMPILER := $(compiler)

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/expand-vars.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/expand-vars.pl?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/expand-vars.pl (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/expand-vars.pl (removed)
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use tools;
-our $VERSION = "0.005";
-my $name_rexp    = qr{[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*};
-my $keyword_rexp = qr{if|else|end|omp};
-sub error($$$) {
-    my ( $input, $msg, $bulk ) = @_;
-    my $pos = pos( $$bulk );
-    $$bulk =~ m{^(.*?)\G(.*?)$}m or die "Internal error";
-    my ( $pre, $post ) = ( $1, $2 );
-    my $n = scalar( @{ [ substr( $$bulk, 0, $pos ) =~ m{\n}g ] } ) + 1;
-    runtime_error( "\"$input\" line $n: $msg:", ">>> " . $pre . "--[HERE]-->" . $post );
-}; # sub error
-sub evaluate($$$\$) {
-    my ( $expr, $strict, $input, $bulk ) = @_;
-    my $value;
-    { # Signal handler will be restored on exit from this block.
-        # In case of "use strict; use warnings" eval issues warnings to stderr. This direct
-        # output may confuse user, so we need to catch it and prepend with our info.
-        local $SIG{ __WARN__ } = sub { die @_; };
-        $value =
-            eval(
-                "package __EXPAND_VARS__;\n" .
-                ( $strict ? "use strict; use warnings;\n" : "no strict; no warnings;\n" ) .
-                $expr
-            );
-    };
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        # Drop location information -- increasing eval number and constant "line 3"
-        # is useless for the user.
-        $@ =~ s{ at \(eval \d+\) line \d+}{}g;
-        $@ =~ s{\s*\z}{};
-        error( $input, "Cannot evaluate expression \"\${{$expr}}\": $@", $bulk );
-    }; # if
-    if ( $strict and not defined( $value ) ) {
-        error( $input, "Substitution value is undefined", $bulk );
-    }; # if
-    return $value;
-}; # sub evaluate
-# Parse command line.
-my ( @defines, $input, $output, $strict );
-    "D|define=s" => \@defines,
-    "strict!"    => \$strict,
-if ( @ARGV < 2 ) {
-    cmdline_error( "Not enough argument" );
-}; # if
-if ( @ARGV > 2 ) {
-    cmdline_error( "Too many argument(s)" );
-}; # if
-( $input, $output ) = @ARGV;
-foreach my $define ( @defines ) {
-    my ( $equal, $name, $value );
-    $equal = index( $define, "=" );
-    if ( $equal < 0 ) {
-        $name = $define;
-        $value = "";
-    } else {
-        $name = substr( $define, 0, $equal );
-        $value = substr( $define, $equal + 1 );
-    }; # if
-    if ( $name eq "" ) {
-        cmdline_error( "Illegal definition: \"$define\": variable name should not be empty." );
-    }; # if
-    if ( $name !~ m{\A$name_rexp\z} ) {
-        cmdline_error(
-            "Illegal definition: \"$define\": " .
-                "variable name should consist of alphanumeric characters."
-        );
-    }; # if
-    eval( "\$__EXPAND_VARS__::$name = \$value;" );
-    if ( $@ ) {
-        die( "Internal error: $@" );
-    }; # if
-}; # foreach $define
-# Do the work.
-my $bulk;
-# Read input file.
-$bulk = read_file( $input );
-# Do the replacements.
-$bulk =~
-    s{(?:\$($keyword_rexp)|\$($name_rexp)|\${{(.*?)}})}
-    {
-        my $value;
-        if ( defined( $1 ) ) {
-            # Keyword. Leave it as is.
-            $value = "\$$1";
-        } elsif ( defined( $2 ) ) {
-            # Variable to expand.
-            my $name = $2;
-            $value = eval( "\$__EXPAND_VARS__::$name" );
-            if ( $@ ) {
-                die( "Internal error" );
-            }; # if
-            if ( $strict and not defined( $value ) ) {
-                error( $input, "Variable \"\$$name\" not defined", \$bulk );
-            }; # if
-        } else {
-            # Perl code to evaluate.
-            my $expr = $3;
-            $value = evaluate( $expr, $strict, $input, $bulk );
-        }; # if
-        $value;
-    }ges;
-# Process conditionals.
-# Dirty patch! Nested conditionals not supported!
-# TODO: Implement nested constructs.
-$bulk =~
-    s{^\$if +([^\n]*) *\n(.*\n)\$else *\n(.*\n)\$end *\n}
-    {
-        my ( $expr, $then_part, $else_part ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
-        my $value = evaluate( $expr, $strict, $input, $bulk );
-        if ( $value ) {
-            $value = $then_part;
-        } else {
-            $value = $else_part;
-        }; # if
-    }gesm;
-# Write output.
-write_file( $output, \$bulk );
-exit( 0 );
-=head1 NAME
-B<expand-vars.pl> -- Simple text preprocessor.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<expand-vars.pl> I<OPTION>... I<input> I<output>
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item B<-D> I<name>[B<=>I<value>]
-=item B<--define=>I<name>[B<=>I<value>]
-Define variable.
-=item B<--strict>
-In strict mode, the script issues error on using undefined variables and executes Perl code
-with C<use strict; use warnings;> pragmas.
-=head2 Standard Options
-=item B<--doc>
-=item B<--manual>
-Print full help message and exit.
-=item B<--help>
-Print short help message and exit.
-=item B<--usage>
-Print very short usage message and exit.
-=item B<--verbose>
-Do print informational messages.
-=item B<--version>
-Print version and exit.
-=item B<--quiet>
-Work quiet, do not print informational messages.
-=item I<input>
-Input file name.
-=item I<output>
-Output file name.
-This script reads input file, makes substitutes and writes output file.
-There are two form of substitutes:
-=item Variables
-Variables are referenced in input file in form:
-    $name
-Name of variable should consist of alphanumeric characters (Latin letters, digits, and underscores).
-Variables are defined in command line with C<-D> or C<--define> options.
-=item Perl Code
-Perl code is specified in input file in form:
-    ${{ ...code... }}
-The code is evaluated, and is replaced with its result. Note: in strict mode, you should declare
-variable before use. See examples.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-Replace occurrences of C<$year>, C<$month>, and C<$day> in C<input.txt> file with C<2007>, C<09>, C<01>
-respectively and write result to C<output.txt> file:
-    $ cat input.var
-    Today is $year-$month-$day.
-    $ expand-vars.pl -D year=2007 -D month=09 -D day=01 input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
-    Today is 2007-09-01.
-Using Perl code:
-    $ cat input.var
-    ${{ localtime(); }}
-    $ expand-vars.pl -D year=2007 -D month=09 -D day=01 input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
-    Now Tue May  5 20:54:13 2009
-Using strict mode for catching bugs:
-    $ cat input.var
-    ${{ "year : " . substr( $date, 0, 4 ); }}
-    $ expand-vars.pl input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
-    year :
-Oops, why it does not print year? Let us use strict mode:
-    $ expand-vars.pl --strict input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
-    expand-vars.pl: (x) "test.var": Cannot evaluate expression "${{ "year : " . substr( $date, 0, 4 ); }}": Global symbol "$date" requires explicit package name
-Ok, variable is not defined. Let us define it:
-    $ expand-vars.pl --strict -D date=20090501 input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
-    expand-vars.pl: (x) "test.var": Cannot evaluate expression "${{ "year : " . substr( $date, 0, 4 ); }}": Variable "$date" is not imported
-What is wrong? Variable should be declared:
-    $ cat input.var
-    ${{ our $date; "year : " . substr( $date, 0, 4 ); }}
-    $ expand-vars.pl --strict -D date=20090501 input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
-    year : 2009
-# end of file #

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/extract-objects.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/extract-objects.pl?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/extract-objects.pl (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/extract-objects.pl (removed)
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use File::Glob ":glob";
-use File::Temp;
-use Cwd;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use tools;
-use Uname;
-use Platform ":vars";
-our $VERSION = "0.005";
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Subroutines.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub windows {
-    my ( $arch, $output, @args ) = @_;
-    my %files;
-    # TODO: Check the archives are of specified architecture.
-    foreach my $arg ( @args ) {
-        foreach my $archive ( bsd_glob( $arg ) ) {
-            info( "Processing \"$archive\"..." );
-            my $bulk;
-            execute( [ "lib.exe", "/nologo", "/list", $archive ], -stdout => \$bulk );
-            my @members = split( "\n", $bulk );
-            foreach my $member ( @members ) {
-                my $file = get_file( $member );
-                my $path = cat_file( $output, $file );
-                if ( exists( $files{ $file } ) ) {
-                    runtime_error(
-                        "Extraction \"$file\" member from \"$archive\" archive failed:",
-                        "\"$file\" member has already been extracted from \"$files{ $file }\" archive"
-                    );
-                }; # if
-                $files{ $file } = $archive;
-                info( "    Writing \"$path\"..." );
-                execute( [ "lib.exe", "/nologo", "/extract:" . $member, "/out:" . $path, $archive ] );
-            }; # foreach $member
-        }; # foreach $archive
-    }; # foreach $arg
-}; # sub windows
-sub linux {
-    my ( $arch, $output, @archives ) = @_;
-    # TODO: Check the archives are of specified architecture.
-    my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
-    change_dir( $output );
-    foreach my $archive ( @archives ) {
-        info( "Processing \"$archive\"..." );
-        my $path = abs_path( $archive, $cwd );
-        execute( [ "ar", "xo", $path ] );
-    }; # foreach $archive
-    change_dir( $cwd );
-}; # sub linux
-my %mac_arch = (
-    "32"  => "i386",
-    "32e" => "x86_64"
-sub darwin {
-    my ( $arch, $output, @archives ) = @_;
-    my $cwd = getcwd();
-    change_dir( $output );
-    if ( defined( $arch ) ) {
-        if ( not defined( $mac_arch{ $arch } ) ) {
-            runtime_error( "Architecture \"$arch\" is not a valid one for OS X*" );
-        }; # if
-        $arch = $mac_arch{ $arch };
-    }; # if
-    foreach my $archive ( @archives ) {
-        info( "Processing \"$archive\"..." );
-        my $path = abs_path( $archive, $cwd );
-        my $temp;
-        # Whether archive is a fat or thin?
-        my $bulk;
-        execute( [ "file", $path ], -stdout => \$bulk );
-        if ( $bulk =~ m{Mach-O universal binary} ) {
-            # Archive is fat, extracy thin archive first.
-            if ( not defined( $arch ) ) {
-                runtime_error(
-                    "\"$archive\" archive is universal binary, " .
-                        "please specify architecture to work with"
-                );
-            }; # if
-            ( undef, $temp ) = File::Temp::tempfile();
-            execute( [ "libtool", "-static", "-arch_only", $arch, "-o", $temp, $path ] );
-            $path = $temp;
-        }; # if
-        execute( [ "ar", "xo", $path ] );     # Extract members.
-        if ( defined( $temp ) ) {             # Delete temp file, if any.
-            del_file( $temp );
-        }; # if
-    }; # foreach $archive
-    change_dir( $cwd );
-}; # sub darwin
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Main.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Parse command line.
-my $output = ".";
-my @args;
-    Platform::target_options(),
-    "o|output-directory=s" => \$output,
- at args = @ARGV;
-if ( not -e $output ) {
-    runtime_error( "Output directory \"$output\" does not exist" );
-}; # if
-if ( not -d $output ) {
-    runtime_error( "\"$output\" is not a directory" );
-}; # if
-if ( not -w $output ) {
-    runtime_error( "Output directory \"$output\" is not writable" );
-}; # if
-if ( $target_os eq "win" ) {
-    *process = \&windows;
-} elsif ( $target_os eq "lin") {
-    *process = \&linux;
-} elsif ( $target_os eq "mac" ) {
-    *process = \&darwin;
-} else {
-    runtime_error( "OS \"$target_os\" not supported" );
-}; # if
-# Do the work.
-process( $target_arch, $output, @args );
-exit( 0 );
-=head1 NAME
-B<extract-objects.pl> -- Extract all object files from static library.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<extract-objects.pl> I<option>... I<archive>...
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item B<--architecture=>I<arch>
-Specify architecture to work with. The option is mandatory on OS X* in case of universal archive.
-In other cases the option should not be used. I<arch> may be one of C<32> or C<32e>.
-=item B<--os=>I<str>
-Specify OS name. By default OS is autodetected.
-Depending on OS, B<extract-objects.pl> uses different external tools for handling static
-libraries: F<ar> (in case of "lin" and "mac") or F<lib.exe> (in case of "win").
-=item B<--output-directory=>I<dir>
-Specify directory to write extracted members to. Current directory is used by default.
-=item B<--help>
-Print short help message and exit.
-=item B<--doc>
-=item B<--manual>
-Print full documentation and exit.
-=item B<--quiet>
-Do not print information messages.
-=item B<--version>
-Print version and exit.
-=item I<archive>
-A name of archive file (static library). Multiple archives may be specified.
-The script extracts all the members (object files) from archive (static library) to specified
-directory. Commands to perform this action differ on different OSes. On Linux* OS, simple command
-    ar xo libfile.a
-is enough (in case of extracting files to current directory).
-On OS X*, it is a bit compilicated with universal ("fat") binaries -- C<ar> cannot
-operate on fat archives, so "thin" archive should be extracted from the universal binary first.
-On Windows* OS, library manager (C<lib.exe>) can extract only one object file, so operation should be
-repeated for every object file in the library.
-B<extract-objects.pl> detects OS automatically. But detection can be overrided with B<--os> option.
-It may be helpful in cross-build environments.
-B<extract-objects.pl> effectively encapsulates all these details and provides uniform way for
-extracting object files from static libraries, which helps to keep makefiles simple and clean.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-Extract object files from library F<libirc.lib>, and put them into F<obj/> directory:
-    $ extract-objects.pl --output=obj libirc.lib
-Extract object files from library F<libirc.a>. Use Linux* OS tools (F<ar>), even if run on another OS:
-    $ extract-objects.pl --os=lin libirc.a
-Extract object files from library F<libirc.a>, if it is a OS X* universal binary, use i386
-architecture. Be quiet:
-    $ extract-objects.pl --quiet --arch=i386 libirc.a
-# end of file #

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/freebsd.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/freebsd.inc?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/freebsd.inc (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/freebsd.inc (removed)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-include tools/linux.inc

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/linux.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/linux.inc?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/linux.inc (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/linux.inc (removed)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-####### Detections and Commands ###############################################
-ifndef arch
-        uname_m:=$(shell uname -m)
-        ifeq ($(uname_m),i686)
-                export arch:=32
-        endif
-        ifeq ($(uname_m),x86_64)
-                export arch:=32e
-        endif
-        ifndef arch
-                export arch:=$(uname_m)
-        endif
-CMD=sh -c
-CWD=$(shell pwd)
-RM?=rm -f
-RMR?=rm -rf
-MD?=mkdir -p
-NUL= /dev/null

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/macos.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/macos.inc?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/macos.inc (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/macos.inc (removed)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-####### Detections and Commands ###############################################
-ifndef arch
- ifeq ($(shell /usr/sbin/sysctl -n hw.machine),Power Macintosh)
-   ifeq ($(shell /usr/sbin/sysctl -n hw.optional.64bitops),1)
-     export arch:=ppc64
-   else
-     export arch:=ppc32
-   endif
- else
-   ifeq ($(shell /usr/sbin/sysctl -n hw.optional.x86_64 2>/dev/null),1)
-     export arch:=intel64
-   else
-     export arch:=ia32
-   endif
- endif
-CMD=$(SHELL) -c
-CWD=$(shell pwd)
-RM?=rm -f
-RMR?=rm -rf
-MD?=mkdir -p
-NUL= /dev/null

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/make-fat-binaries.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/make-fat-binaries.pl?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/make-fat-binaries.pl (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/make-fat-binaries.pl (removed)
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use IO::Dir;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use tools;
-our $VERSION = "0.003";
-# Subroutines.
-sub check_dir($$) {
-    # Make sure a directory is a readable directory.
-    my ( $dir, $type ) = @_;
-    -e $dir or runtime_error( "Directory \"$dir\" does not exist" );
-    -d $dir or runtime_error( "\"$dir\" is not a directory" );
-    -r $dir or runtime_error( "Directory \"$dir\" is not readable" );
-}; # sub check_dir
-sub read_dir($) {
-    # Return list of files (not subdirectories) of specified directory.
-    my ( $dir ) = @_;
-    my $handle;
-    my $entry;
-    my @files;
-    $handle = IO::Dir->new( $dir ) or runtime_error( "Cannot open \"$dir\" directory: $!" );
-    while ( $entry = $handle->read() ) {
-        my $path = "$dir/$entry";
-        if ( $entry !~ m{\A\.} and -f $path ) {
-            push( @files, $entry );
-        }; # if
-    }; # while
-    $handle->close();
-    @files = sort( @files );
-    return @files;
-}; # sub read_dir
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Main program.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Parse command line.
-my @dirs;    # List of input directories.
-my @files;   # List of files.
-my $output;  # Output directory.
-    "output=s" => \$output
- at ARGV == 0 and cmdline_error( "No input directories specified" );
-# Check input and output directories.
-# Make shure there is no duplicated directories.
-my %dirs;
-$dirs{ $output } = "";
-foreach my $dir ( @ARGV ) {
-    if ( exists( $dirs{ $dir } ) ) {
-        cmdline_error( "Directory \"$dir\" has already been specified" );
-    }; # if
-    $dirs{ $dir } = "";
-    push( @dirs, $dir );
-}; # foreach $dir
-undef( %dirs );
-# Make sure all dirs are exist, dirs, and readable.
-check_dir( $output, "output" );
-foreach my $dir ( @dirs ) {
-    check_dir( $dir,  "input" );
-}; # foreach $dir
-# All input dirs should contain exactly the same list of files.
-my @errors;
- at files = read_dir( $dirs[ 0 ] );
-foreach my $dir ( @dirs ) {
-    my %files = map( ( $_ => 0 ), @files );
-    foreach my $file ( read_dir( $dir ) ) {
-        if ( not exists( $files{ $file } ) ) {
-            push( @errors, "Extra file: `" . cat_file( $dir, $file ) . "'." );
-        }; # if
-        $files{ $file } = 1;
-    }; # foreach $file
-    foreach my $file ( keys( %files ) ) {
-        if ( $files{ $file } == 0 ) {
-            push( @errors, "Missed file: `" . cat_file( $dir, $file ) . "'." );
-        }; # if
-    }; # foreach $file
-}; # foreach $dir
-if ( @errors ) {
-    runtime_error( @errors );
-}; # if
-# Make fat binaries.
-foreach my $file ( sort( @files ) ) {
-    info( "Making \"$file\"..." );
-    my $output_file = cat_file( $output, $file );
-    del_file( $output_file );
-    execute(
-        [
-            "lipo",
-            "-create",
-            "-output", $output_file,
-            map( cat_file( $_, $file ), @dirs )
-        ]
-    );
-}; # foreach $entry
-exit( 0 );
-=head1 NAME
-B<make-fat-binaries.pl> -- Make set of fat (universal) binaries.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<make-fat-binaries.pl> I<OPTION>... I<INPUT_DIR>...
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item B<--output=>I<DIR>
-Name of output directory to place fat binaries to. Directory must exist and be writable.
-=item Standard Options
-=item B<--doc>
-=item B<--manual>
-Print full help message and exit.
-=item B<--help>
-Print short help message and exit.
-=item B<--usage>
-Print very short usage message and exit.
-=item B<--verbose>
-Do print informational messages.
-=item B<--version>
-Print program version and exit.
-=item B<--quiet>
-Work quiet, do not print informational messages.
-=item I<INPUT_DIR>
-Name of input directory to get thin files from. Directory must exist and be readable. At least one
-directory required.
-The script creates set of Mac-O fat (universal, multi-architecture) binaries from set of thin
-(single-architecture) files.
-The scripts reads files from input directory (or directoriers). It is assumed that one input
-directory keeps files for one architecture (e. g. i386), another directory contains files for
-another architecture (e. g. x86_64), etc. All input directories must contain the same set of files.
-The script issues an error if sets of files in input directories differ.
-If the script finishes successfully, output directory will contain the set universal binaries
-built from files with the same name in input directories.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-Get thin binaries from C<mac_32.thin/> and C<mac_32e.thin/> directories, and put fat binaries to
-C<mac.fat/> directory:
-    $ make-fat-binaries.pl --output=mac.fat mac_32.thin mac_32e.thin
-# end of file #

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/objcopy.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/objcopy.cpp?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/objcopy.cpp (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/objcopy.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
- */
-//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <strstream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <set>
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstring>
-using namespace std;
-typedef std::string                      string_t;
-typedef std::vector< string_t >          strings_t;
-typedef std::map< string_t, string_t >   str_hash_t;
-typedef std::pair< string_t, string_t >  str_pair_t;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    typedef long long  int64_t;
-shift( strings_t & strs ) {
-    string_t first = strs.front();
-    strs.erase( strs.begin() );
-    return first;
-} // shift
-    str_hash_t const & hash,
-    string_t const &   key
-) {
-    string_t value;
-    str_hash_t::const_iterator it = hash.find( key );
-    if ( it != hash.end() ) {
-        value = it->second;
-    }; // if
-    return value;
-} // find
-void die( string_t const & message ) {
-    std::cerr << message << std::endl;
-    exit( 1 );
-} // die
-void stop( string_t const & message ) {
-    printf( "%s\n", message.c_str() );
-    exit( 1 );
-// An entry in the symbol table of a .obj file.
-struct symbol_t {
-    long long        name;
-    unsigned         value;
-    unsigned  short  section_num;
-    unsigned  short  type;
-    char             storage_class;
-    char             nAux;
-}; // struct symbol_t
-class _rstream_t : public std::istrstream {
-    private:
-        const char * buf;
-    protected:
-        _rstream_t( pair< const char *, streamsize > p )
-            : istrstream( p.first, p.second ), buf( p.first )
-        {
-        }
-        ~_rstream_t() {
-            delete [] buf;
-        }
-}; // class _rstream_t
-/* A stream encapuslating the content of a file or the content of a string, overriding the
-   >> operator to read various integer types in binary form, as well as a symbol table
-   entry.
-class rstream_t : public _rstream_t {
-    template< typename type_t >
-    inline rstream_t & do_read( type_t & x ) {
-	read( (char*) & x, sizeof( type_t ) );
-	return * this;
-    }
-    static pair<const char*, streamsize> getBuf(const char *fileName) {
-	ifstream raw(fileName,ios::binary | ios::in);
-	if(!raw.is_open())
-	    stop("rstream.getBuf: Error opening file");
-	raw.seekg(0,ios::end);
-	streampos fileSize = raw.tellg();
-	if(fileSize < 0)
-	    stop("rstream.getBuf: Error reading file");
-	char *buf = new char[fileSize];
-	raw.seekg(0,ios::beg);
-	raw.read(buf, fileSize);
-	return pair<const char*, streamsize>(buf,fileSize);
-    }
-    // construct from a string
-    rstream_t( const char * buf, streamsize size ) :
-        _rstream_t( pair< const char *, streamsize >( buf, size ) )
-    {}
-    /* construct from a file whole content is fully read once to initialize the content of
-       this stream
-    */
-    rstream_t( string_t const & fileName )
-        : _rstream_t( getBuf( fileName.c_str() ) )
-    {
-    }
-    rstream_t & operator >>( int & x ) {
-	return do_read(x);
-    }
-    rstream_t & operator >>(unsigned &x) {
-	return do_read(x);
-    }
-    rstream_t & operator>>(short &x) {
-	return do_read(x);
-    }
-    rstream_t & operator>>(unsigned short &x) {
-	return do_read(x);
-    }
-    rstream_t & operator>>( symbol_t & e ) {
-	read((char*)&e, 18);
-	return *this;
-    }
-}; // class rstream_t
-// string table in a .OBJ file
-class StringTable {
-    map<string, unsigned> directory;
-    size_t length;
-    char *data;
-    // make <directory> from <length> bytes in <data>
-    void makeDirectory(void) {
-	unsigned i = 4;
-	while(i < length) {
-	    string s = string(data + i);
-	    directory.insert(make_pair(s, i));
-	    i += s.size() + 1;
-	}
-    }
-    // initialize <length> and <data> with contents specified by the arguments
-    void init(const char *_data) {
-	unsigned _length = *(unsigned*)_data;
-	if(_length < sizeof(unsigned) || _length != *(unsigned*)_data)
-	    stop("StringTable.init: Invalid symbol table");
-	if(_data[_length - 1]) {
-	    // to prevent runaway strings, make sure the data ends with a zero
-	    data = new char[length = _length + 1];
-	    data[_length] = 0;
-	} else {
-	    data = new char[length = _length];
-	}
-	*(unsigned*)data = length;
-	memcpy( data + sizeof(unsigned), _data + sizeof(unsigned), length - sizeof(unsigned) );
-	makeDirectory();
-    }
-    StringTable( rstream_t & f ) {
-	/* Construct string table by reading from f.
-	 */
-	streampos s;
-	unsigned strSize;
-	char *strData;
-	s = f.tellg();
-	f>>strSize;
-	if(strSize < sizeof(unsigned))
-	    stop("StringTable: Invalid string table");
-	strData = new char[strSize];
-	*(unsigned*)strData = strSize;
-	// read the raw data into <strData>
-	f.read(strData + sizeof(unsigned), strSize - sizeof(unsigned));
-	s = f.tellg() - s;
-	if(s < strSize)
-	    stop("StringTable: Unexpected EOF");
-	init(strData);
-	delete[]strData;
-    }
-    StringTable(const set<string> &strings) {
-	/* Construct string table from given strings.
-	 */
-	char *p;
-	set<string>::const_iterator it;
-	size_t s;
-	// count required size for data
-	for(length = sizeof(unsigned), it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); ++it) {
-	    size_t l = (*it).size();
-	    if(l > (unsigned) 0xFFFFFFFF)
-		stop("StringTable: String too long");
-	    if(l > 8) {
-		length += l + 1;
-		if(length > (unsigned) 0xFFFFFFFF)
-		    stop("StringTable: Symbol table too long");
-	    }
-	}
-	data = new char[length];
-	*(unsigned*)data = length;
-	// populate data and directory
-	for(p = data + sizeof(unsigned), it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); ++it) {
-	    const string &str = *it;
-	    size_t l = str.size();
-	    if(l > 8) {
-		directory.insert(make_pair(str, p - data));
-		memcpy(p, str.c_str(), l);
-		p[l] = 0;
-		p += l + 1;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    ~StringTable() {
-	delete[] data;
-    }
-    /* Returns encoding for given string based on this string table.
-       Error if string length is greater than 8 but string is not in
-       the string table--returns 0.
-    */
-    int64_t encode(const string &str) {
-	int64_t r;
-	if(str.size() <= 8) {
-	    // encoded directly
-	    ((char*)&r)[7] = 0;
-	    strncpy((char*)&r, str.c_str(), 8);
-	    return r;
-	} else {
-	    // represented as index into table
-	    map<string,unsigned>::const_iterator it = directory.find(str);
-	    if(it == directory.end())
-		stop("StringTable::encode: String now found in string table");
-	    ((unsigned*)&r)[0] = 0;
-	    ((unsigned*)&r)[1] = (*it).second;
-	    return r;
-	}
-    }
-    /* Returns string represented by x based on this string table.
-       Error if x references an invalid position in the table--returns
-       the empty string.
-    */
-    string decode(int64_t x) const {
-	if(*(unsigned*)&x == 0) {
-	    // represented as index into table
-	    unsigned &p = ((unsigned*)&x)[1];
-	    if(p >= length)
-		stop("StringTable::decode: Invalid string table lookup");
-	    return string(data + p);
-	} else {
-	    // encoded directly
-	    char *p = (char*)&x;
-	    int i;
-	    for(i = 0; i < 8 && p[i]; ++i);
-	    return string(p, i);
-	}
-    }
-    void write(ostream &os) {
-	os.write(data, length);
-    }
-    string_t const &    src,    // Name of source file.
-    string_t const &    dst,    // Name of destination file.
-    str_hash_t const &  redefs  // List of redefinititions.
-) {
-    set< string > strings; // set of all occurring symbols, appropriately prefixed
-    streampos fileSize;
-    size_t strTabStart;
-    unsigned symTabStart;
-    unsigned symNEntries;
-    int i;
-    string const error_reading = "Error reading \"" + src + "\" file: ";
-    rstream_t in( src );
-    in.seekg( 0, ios::end );
-    fileSize = in.tellg();
-    in.seekg( 8 );
-    in >> symTabStart >> symNEntries;
-    strTabStart = symTabStart + 18 * size_t( symNEntries );
-    in.seekg( strTabStart );
-    if ( in.eof() ) {
-        stop( error_reading + "Unexpected end of file" );
-    }
-    StringTable stringTableOld( in ); // Read original string table.
-    if ( in.tellg() != fileSize ) {
-        stop( error_reading + "Unexpected data after string table" );
-    }
-    // compute set of occurring strings with prefix added
-    for ( i = 0; i < symNEntries; ++ i ) {
-	symbol_t e;
-	in.seekg( symTabStart + i * 18 );
-	if ( in.eof() ) {
-            stop("hideSymbols: Unexpected EOF");
-        }
-	in >> e;
-	if ( in.fail() ) {
-            stop("hideSymbols: File read error");
-        }
-	if ( e.nAux ) {
-            i += e.nAux;
-        }
-	const string & s = stringTableOld.decode( e.name );
-	// if symbol is extern and found in <hide>, prefix and insert into strings,
-	// otherwise, just insert into strings without prefix
-        string_t name = find( redefs, s );
-	strings.insert( name != "" && e.storage_class == 2 ? name : s );
-    }
-    ofstream out( dst.c_str(), ios::trunc | ios::out | ios::binary );
-    if ( ! out.is_open() ) {
-        stop("hideSymbols: Error opening output file");
-    }
-    // make new string table from string set
-    StringTable stringTableNew = StringTable( strings );
-    // copy input file to output file up to just before the symbol table
-    in.seekg( 0 );
-    char * buf = new char[ symTabStart ];
-    in.read( buf, symTabStart );
-    out.write( buf, symTabStart );
-    delete [] buf;
-    // copy input symbol table to output symbol table with name translation
-    for ( i = 0; i < symNEntries; ++ i ) {
-	symbol_t e;
-	in.seekg( symTabStart + i * 18 );
-	if ( in.eof() ) {
-            stop("hideSymbols: Unexpected EOF");
-        }
-	in >> e;
-	if ( in.fail() ) {
-            stop("hideSymbols: File read error");
-        }
-	const string & s = stringTableOld.decode( e.name );
-	out.seekp( symTabStart + i * 18 );
-        string_t name = find( redefs, s );
-	e.name = stringTableNew.encode( ( e.storage_class == 2 && name != "" ) ? name : s );
-	out.write( (char*) & e, 18 );
-	if ( out.fail() ) {
-            stop( "hideSymbols: File write error" );
-        }
-	if ( e.nAux ) {
-	    // copy auxiliary symbol table entries
-	    int nAux = e.nAux;
-	    for (int j = 1; j <= nAux; ++j ) {
-		in >> e;
-		out.seekp( symTabStart + ( i + j ) * 18 );
-		out.write( (char*) & e, 18 );
-	    }
-	    i += nAux;
-	}
-    }
-    // output string table
-    stringTableNew.write( out );
-split( string_t const & str, char ch, string_t & head, string_t & tail ) {
-    string_t::size_type pos = str.find( ch );
-    if ( pos == string_t::npos ) {
-        head = str;
-        tail = "";
-    } else {
-        head = str.substr( 0, pos );
-        tail = str.substr( pos + 1 );
-    }; // if
-} // split
-void help() {
-    std::cout
-        << "NAME\n"
-        << "    objcopy -- copy and translate object files\n"
-        << "\n"
-        << "SYNOPSIS\n"
-        << "    objcopy options... source destination\n"
-        << "\n"
-        << "OPTIONS\n"
-        << "    --help  Print this help and exit.\n"
-        << "    --redefine-sym old=new\n"
-        << "            Rename \"old\" symbol in source object file to \"new\" symbol in\n"
-        << "            destination object file.\n"
-        << "    --redefine-syms sym_file\n"
-        << "            For each pair \"old new\" in sym_file rename \"old\" symbol in \n"
-        << "            source object file to \"new\" symbol in destination object file.\n"
-        << "\n"
-        << "ARGUMENTS\n"
-        << "    source  The name of source object file.\n"
-        << "    destination\n"
-        << "            The name of destination object file.\n"
-        << "\n"
-        << "DESCRIPTION\n"
-        << "    This program implements a minor bit of Linux* OS's objcopy utility on Windows* OS.\n"
-        << "    It can copy object files and edit its symbol table.\n"
-        << "\n"
-        << "EXAMPLES\n"
-        << "    \n"
-        << "        > objcopy --redefine-sym fastcpy=__xxx_fastcpy a.obj b.obj\n"
-        << "\n";
-} // help
-main( int argc, char const * argv[] ) {
-    strings_t   args( argc - 1 );
-    str_hash_t  redefs;
-    strings_t   files;
-    std::copy( argv + 1, argv + argc, args.begin() );
-    while ( args.size() > 0 ) {
-        string_t arg = shift( args );
-        if ( arg.substr( 0, 2 ) == "--" ) {
-            // An option.
-            if ( 0  ) {
-            } else if ( arg == "--help" ) {
-                help();
-                return 0;
-            } else if ( arg == "--redefine-sym" ) {
-                if ( args.size() == 0 ) {
-                    die( "\"" + arg + "\" option requires an argument" );
-                }; // if
-                // read list of symbol pairs "old new" from command line.
-                string_t redef = shift( args );
-                string_t old_sym;
-                string_t new_sym;
-                split( redef, '=', old_sym, new_sym );
-                if ( old_sym.length() == 0 || new_sym.length() == 0 ) {
-                    die( "Illegal redefinition: \"" + redef + "\"; neither old symbol nor new symbol may be empty" );
-                }; // if
-                redefs.insert( str_pair_t( old_sym, new_sym ) );
-            } else if ( arg == "--redefine-syms" ) {
-                if ( args.size() == 0 ) {
-                    die( "\"" + arg + "\" option requires an argument" );
-                }; // if
-                // read list of symbol pairs "old new" from file.
-                string_t fname = shift( args );
-                string_t redef;
-		ifstream ifs( fname.c_str() );
-		while ( ifs.good() ) {
-                    getline( ifs, redef );// get pair of old/new symbols separated by space
-                    string_t old_sym;
-                    string_t new_sym;
-                    // AC: gcount() does not work here (always return 0), so comment it
-                    //if ( ifs.gcount() ) { // skip empty lines
-                    split( redef, ' ', old_sym, new_sym );
-                    if ( old_sym.length() == 0 || new_sym.length() == 0 ) {
-                        break;  // end of file reached (last empty line)
-                        //die( "Illegal redefinition: \"" + redef + "\"; neither old symbol nor new symbol may be empty" );
-                    }; // if
-                    redefs.insert( str_pair_t( old_sym, new_sym ) );
-                    //}
-		}
-            } else {
-                die( "Illegal option: \"" + arg + "\"" );
-            }; // if
-        } else {
-            // Not an option, a file name.
-            if ( files.size() >= 2 ) {
-                die( "Too many files specified; two files required (use --help option for help)" );
-            }; // if
-            files.push_back( arg );
-        }; // if
-    }; // while
-    if ( files.size() < 2 ) {
-        die( "Not enough files specified; two files required (use --help option for help)" );
-    }; // if
-    obj_copy( files[ 0 ], files[ 1 ], redefs );
-    return 0;
-} // main
-// end of file //

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/required-objects.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/required-objects.pl?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/required-objects.pl (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/required-objects.pl (removed)
@@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use File::Glob ":glob";
-use Data::Dumper;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use tools;
-use Platform ":vars";
-our $VERSION = "0.004";
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Set of objects:       # Ref to hash, keys are names of objects.
-#     object0:          # Ref to hash of two elements with keys "defined" and "undefined".
-#         defined:      # Ref to array of symbols defined in object0.
-#             - symbol0 # Symbol name.
-#             - ...
-#         undefined:    # Ref to array of symbols referenced in object0.
-#             - symbol0
-#             - ...
-#     object1:
-#         ...
-#     ...
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Set of symbols:       # Ref to hash, keys are names of symbols.
-#    symbol0:           # Ref to array of object names where the symbol0 is defined.
-#        - object0      # Object file name.
-#        - ...
-#    symbol1:
-#        ...
-#    ...
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub dump_objects($$$) {
-    my ( $title, $objects, $dump ) = @_;
-    if ( $dump > 0 ) {
-        STDERR->print( $title, "\n" );
-        foreach my $object ( sort( keys( %$objects ) ) ) {
-            STDERR->print( "    $object\n" );
-            if ( $dump > 1 ) {
-                STDERR->print( "        Defined symbols:\n" );
-                foreach my $symbol ( sort( @{ $objects->{ $object }->{ defined } } ) ) {
-                    STDERR->print( "            $symbol\n" );
-                }; # foreach $symbol
-                STDERR->print( "        Undefined symbols:\n" );
-                foreach my $symbol ( sort( @{ $objects->{ $object }->{ undefined } } ) ) {
-                    STDERR->print( "            $symbol\n" );
-                }; # foreach $symbol
-            }; # if
-        }; # foreach $object
-    }; # if
-}; # sub dump_objects
-sub dump_symbols($$$) {
-    my ( $title, $symbols, $dump ) = @_;
-    if ( $dump > 0 ) {
-        STDERR->print( $title, "\n" );
-        foreach my $symbol ( sort( keys( %$symbols ) ) ) {
-            STDERR->print( "    $symbol\n" );
-            if ( $dump > 1 ) {
-                foreach my $object ( sort( @{ $symbols->{ $symbol } } ) ) {
-                    STDERR->print( "        $object\n" );
-                }; # foreach
-            }; # if
-        }; # foreach $object
-    }; # if
-}; # sub dump_symbols
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Name:
-#     load_symbols -- Fulfill objects data structure with symbol names.
-# Synopsis:
-#     load_symbols( $objects );
-# Arguments:
-#     $objects (in/out) -- Set of objects. On enter, it is expected that top-level hash has filled
-#         with object names only. On exit, it is completely fulfilled with lists of symbols
-#         defined or referenced in each object file.
-# Returns:
-#     Nothing.
-# Example:
-#     my $objects = { foo.o => {} };
-#     load_symbols( $objects );
-#     # Now $objects is { goo.o => { defined => [ ... ], undefined => [ ... ] } }.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This version of load_symbols parses output of nm command and works on Linux* OS and OS X*.
-sub _load_symbols_nm($) {
-    my $objects = shift( @_ );
-        # It is a ref to hash. Keys are object names, values are empty hashes (for now).
-    my @bulk;
-    if ( %$objects ) {
-        # Do not run nm if a set of objects is empty -- nm will try to open a.out in this case.
-        my $tool;
-        if($target_arch eq "mic") {
-            $tool = "x86_64-k1om-linux-nm"
-        } else {
-            $tool = "nm"
-        }
-        execute(
-            [
-                $tool,
-                "-g",    # Display only external (global) symbols.
-                "-o",    # Precede each symbol by the name of the input file.
-                keys( %$objects )
-                    # Running nm once (rather than once per object) improves performance
-                    # drastically.
-            ],
-            -stdout => \@bulk
-        );
-    }; # if
-    foreach my $line ( @bulk ) {
-        if ( $line !~ m{^(.*):(?: ?[0-9a-f]*| *) ([A-Za-z]) (.*)$} ) {
-            die "Cannot parse nm output, line:\n    $line\n";
-        }; # if
-        my ( $file, $tag, $symbol ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
-        if ( not exists( $objects->{ $file } ) ) {
-            die "nm reported unknown object file:\n    $line\n";
-        }; # if
-        # AC: exclude some libc symbols from renaming, otherwise we have problems
-        #     in tests for gfortran + static libomp on Lin_32.
-        #     These symbols came from libtbbmalloc.a
-        if ( $target_os eq "lin" ) {
-            if ( $symbol =~ m{__i686} ) {
-                next;
-            }
-        }
-        # AC: added "w" to tags of undefined symbols, e.g. malloc is weak in libirc v12.1.
-        if ( $tag eq "U" or $tag eq "w" ) { # Symbol not defined.
-            push( @{ $objects->{ $file }->{ undefined } }, $symbol );
-        } else {             # Symbol defined.
-            push( @{ $objects->{ $file }->{ defined } }, $symbol );
-        }; # if
-    }; # foreach
-    return undef;
-}; # sub _load_symbols_nm
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This version of load_symbols parses output of link command and works on Windows* OS.
-sub _load_symbols_link($) {
-    my $objects = shift( @_ );
-        # It is a ref to hash. Keys are object names, values are empty hashes (for now).
-    my @bulk;
-    if ( %$objects ) {
-        # Do not run nm if a set of objects is empty -- nm will try to open a.out in this case.
-        execute(
-            [
-                "link",
-                "/dump",
-                "/symbols",
-                keys( %$objects )
-                    # Running nm once (rather than once per object) improves performance
-                    # drastically.
-            ],
-            -stdout => \@bulk
-        );
-    }; # if
-    my $num_re   = qr{[0-9A-F]{3,4}};
-    my $addr_re  = qr{[0-9A-F]{8}};
-    my $tag_re   = qr{DEBUG|ABS|UNDEF|SECT[0-9A-F]+};
-    my $class_re = qr{Static|External|Filename|Label|BeginFunction|EndFunction|WeakExternal|\.bf or\.ef};
-    my $file;
-    foreach my $line ( @bulk ) {
-        if ( $line =~ m{\ADump of file (.*?)\n\z} ) {
-            $file = $1;
-            if ( not exists( $objects->{ $file } ) ) {
-                die "link reported unknown object file:\n    $line\n";
-            }; # if
-        } elsif ( $line =~ m{\A$num_re } ) {
-            if ( not defined( $file ) ) {
-                die "link reported symbol of unknown object file:\n    $line\n";
-            }; # if
-            if ( $line !~ m{\A$num_re $addr_re ($tag_re)\s+notype(?: \(\))?\s+($class_re)\s+\| (.*?)\n\z} ) {
-                die "Cannot parse link output, line:\n    $line\n";
-            }; # if
-            my ( $tag, $class, $symbol ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
-            # link.exe /dump sometimes prints comments for symbols, e. g.:
-            # ".?0_memcopyA ([Entry] ?0_memcopyA)", or "??_C at _01A@r?$AA@ (`string')".
-            # Strip these comments.
-            $symbol =~ s{ \(.*\)\z}{};
-            if ( $class eq "External" ) {
-                if ( $tag eq "UNDEF" ) { # Symbol not defined.
-                    push( @{ $objects->{ $file }->{ undefined } }, $symbol );
-                } else {                 # Symbol defined.
-                    push( @{ $objects->{ $file }->{ defined } }, $symbol );
-                }; # if
-            }; # if
-        } else {
-            # Ignore all other lines.
-        }; # if
-    }; # foreach
-    return undef;
-}; # sub _load_symbols_link
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Name:
-#     symbols -- Construct set of symbols with specified tag in the specified set of objects.
-# Synopsis:
-#     my $symbols = defined_symbols( $objects, $tag );
-# Arguments:
-#     $objects (in) -- Set of objects.
-#     $tag (in) -- A tag, "defined" or "undefined".
-# Returns:
-#     Set of symbols with the specified tag.
-sub symbols($$) {
-    my $objects = shift( @_ );
-    my $tag     = shift( @_ );
-    my $symbols = {};
-    foreach my $object ( keys( %$objects ) ) {
-        foreach my $symbol ( @{ $objects->{ $object }->{ $tag } } ) {
-            push( @{ $symbols->{ $symbol } }, $object );
-        }; # foreach $symbol
-    }; # foreach $object
-    return $symbols;
-}; # sub symbols
-sub defined_symbols($) {
-    my $objects = shift( @_ );
-    my $defined = symbols( $objects, "defined" );
-    return $defined;
-}; # sub defined_symbols
-sub undefined_symbols($) {
-    my $objects = shift( @_ );
-    my $defined = symbols( $objects, "defined" );
-    my $undefined = symbols( $objects, "undefined" );
-    foreach my $symbol ( keys( %$defined ) ) {
-        delete( $undefined->{ $symbol } );
-    }; # foreach symbol
-    return $undefined;
-}; # sub undefined_symbols
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Name:
-#     _required_extra_objects -- Select a subset of extra objects required to resolve undefined
-#         symbols in a set of objects. It is a helper sub for required_extra_objects().
-# Synopsis:
-#     my $required = _required_extra_objects( $objects, $extra, $symbols );
-# Arguments:
-#     $objects (in) -- A set of objects to be searched for undefined symbols.
-#     $extra (in) -- A set of extra objects to be searched for defined symbols to resolve undefined
-#         symbols in objects.
-#     $symbols (in/out) -- Set of symbols defined in the set of external objects. At the first call
-#         it should consist of all the symbols defined in all the extra objects. Symbols defined in
-#         the selected subset of extra objects are removed from set of defined symbols, because
-#         they are out of interest for subsequent calls.
-# Returns:
-#     A subset of extra objects required by the specified set of objects.
-sub _required_extra_objects($$$$) {
-    my $objects = shift( @_ );
-    my $extra   = shift( @_ );
-    my $symbols = shift( @_ );
-    my $dump    = shift( @_ );
-    my $required = {};
-    if ( $dump > 0 ) {
-        STDERR->print( "Required extra objects:\n" );
-    }; # if
-    foreach my $object ( keys( %$objects ) ) {
-        foreach my $symbol ( @{ $objects->{ $object }->{ undefined } } ) {
-            if ( exists( $symbols->{ $symbol } ) ) {
-                # Add all objects where the symbol is defined to the required objects.
-                foreach my $req_obj ( @{ $symbols->{ $symbol } } ) {
-                    if ( $dump > 0 ) {
-                        STDERR->print( "    $req_obj\n" );
-                        if ( $dump > 1 ) {
-                            STDERR->print( "        by $object\n" );
-                            STDERR->print( "            due to $symbol\n" );
-                        }; # if
-                    }; # if
-                    $required->{ $req_obj } = $extra->{ $req_obj };
-                }; # foreach $req_obj
-                # Delete the symbol from list of defined symbols.
-                delete( $symbols->{ $symbol } );
-            }; # if
-        }; # foreach $symbol
-    }; # foreach $object
-    return $required;
-}; # sub _required_extra_objects
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Name:
-#     required_extra_objects -- Select a subset of extra objects required to resolve undefined
-#         symbols in a set of base objects and selected extra objects.
-# Synopsis:
-#     my $required = required_extra_objects( $base, $extra );
-# Arguments:
-#     $base (in/out) -- A set of base objects to be searched for undefined symbols. On enter, it is
-#         expected that top-level hash has filled with object names only. On exit, it is completely
-#         fulfilled with lists of symbols defined and/or referenced in each object file.
-#     $extra (in/out) -- A set of extra objects to be searched for defined symbols required to
-#         resolve undefined symbols in a set of base objects. Usage is similar to base objects.
-# Returns:
-#     A subset of extra object files.
-sub required_extra_objects($$$) {
-    my $base    = shift( @_ );
-    my $extra   = shift( @_ );
-    my $dump    = shift( @_ );
-    # Load symbols for each object.
-    load_symbols( $base );
-    load_symbols( $extra );
-    if ( $dump ) {
-        dump_objects( "Base objects:", $base, $dump );
-        dump_objects( "Extra objects:", $extra, $dump );
-    }; # if
-    # Collect symbols defined in extra objects.
-    my $symbols = defined_symbols( $extra );
-    my $required = {};
-    # Select extra objects required by base objects.
-    my $delta = _required_extra_objects( $base, $extra, $symbols, $dump );
-    while ( %$delta ) {
-        %$required = ( %$required, %$delta );
-        # Probably, just selected objects require some more objects.
-        $delta = _required_extra_objects( $delta, $extra, $symbols, $dump );
-    }; # while
-    if ( $dump ) {
-        my $base_undefined = undefined_symbols( $base );
-        my $req_undefined = undefined_symbols( $required );
-        dump_symbols( "Symbols undefined in base objects:", $base_undefined, $dump );
-        dump_symbols( "Symbols undefined in required objects:", $req_undefined, $dump );
-    }; # if
-    return $required;
-}; # sub required_extra_objects
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Name:
-#     copy_objects -- Copy (and optionally edit) object files to specified directory.
-# Synopsis:
-#     copy_objects( $objects, $target, $prefix, @symbols );
-# Arguments:
-#     $objects (in) -- A set of object files.
-#     $target (in) -- A name of target directory. Directory must exist.
-#     $prefix (in) -- A prefix to add to all the symbols listed in @symbols. If prefix is undefined,
-#         object files are just copied.
-#     @symbols (in) -- List of symbol names to be renamed.
-# Returns:
-#     None.
-sub copy_objects($$;$\@) {
-    my $objects = shift( @_ );
-    my $target  = shift( @_ );
-    my $prefix  = shift( @_ );
-    my $symbols = shift( @_ );
-    my $tool;
-    my @redefine;
-    my @redefine_;
-    my $syms_file = "__kmp_sym_pairs.log";
-    if ( $target_arch eq "mic" ) {
-        $tool = "x86_64-k1om-linux-objcopy"
-    } else {
-        $tool = "objcopy"
-    }
-    if ( not -e $target ) {
-        die "\"$target\" directory does not exist\n";
-    }; # if
-    if ( not -d $target ) {
-        die "\"$target\" is not a directory\n";
-    }; # if
-    if ( defined( $prefix ) and @$symbols ) {
-        my %a = map ( ( "$_ $prefix$_" => 1 ), @$symbols );
-        @redefine_ = keys( %a );
-    }; # if
-    foreach my $line ( @redefine_ ) {
-        $line =~ s{$prefix(\W+)}{$1$prefix};
-        push( @redefine, $line );
-    }
-    write_file( $syms_file, \@redefine );
-    foreach my $src ( sort( keys( %$objects ) ) ) {
-        my $dst = cat_file( $target, get_file( $src ) );
-        if ( @redefine ) {
-            execute( [ $tool, "--redefine-syms", $syms_file, $src, $dst ] );
-        } else {
-            copy_file( $src, $dst, -overwrite => 1 );
-        }; # if
-    }; # foreach $object
-}; # sub copy_objects
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Main.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-my $base  = {};
-my $extra = {};
-my $switcher = $base;
-my $dump = 0;
-my $print_base;
-my $print_extra;
-my $copy_base;
-my $copy_extra;
-my $prefix;
-# Parse command line.
-Getopt::Long::Configure( "permute" );
-    Platform::target_options(),
-    "base"         => sub { $switcher = $base;  },
-    "extra"        => sub { $switcher = $extra; },
-    "print-base"   => \$print_base,
-    "print-extra"  => \$print_extra,
-    "print-all"    => sub { $print_base = 1; $print_extra = 1; },
-    "copy-base=s"  => \$copy_base,
-    "copy-extra=s" => \$copy_extra,
-    "copy-all=s"   => sub { $copy_base = $_[ 1 ]; $copy_extra = $_[ 1 ]; },
-    "dump"         => sub { ++ $dump; },
-    "prefix=s"     => \$prefix,
-    "<>"    =>
-        sub {
-            my $arg = $_[ 0 ];
-            my @args;
-            if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) {
-                # Windows* OS does not expand wildcards. Do it...
-                @args = bsd_glob( $arg );
-            } else {
-                @args = ( $arg );
-            }; # if
-            foreach my $object ( @args ) {
-                if ( exists( $base->{ $object } ) or exists( $extra->{ $object } ) ) {
-                    die "Object \"$object\" has already been specified.\n";
-                }; # if
-                $switcher->{ $object } = { defined => [], undefined => [] };
-            }; # foreach
-        },
-if ( not %$base ) {
-    cmdline_error( "No base objects specified" );
-}; # if
-if ( $target_os eq "win" ) {
-    *load_symbols = \&_load_symbols_link;
-} elsif ( $target_os eq "lin" ) {
-    *load_symbols = \&_load_symbols_nm;
-} elsif ( $target_os eq "mac" ) {
-    *load_symbols = \&_load_symbols_nm;
-} else {
-    runtime_error( "OS \"$target_os\" not supported" );
-}; # if
-# Do the work.
-my $required = required_extra_objects( $base, $extra, $dump );
-if ( $print_base ) {
-    print( map( "$_\n", sort( keys( %$base ) ) ) );
-}; # if
-if ( $print_extra ) {
-    print( map( "$_\n", sort( keys( %$required ) ) ) );
-}; # if
-my @symbols;
-if ( defined( $prefix ) ) {
-    foreach my $object ( sort( keys( %$required ) ) ) {
-        push( @symbols, @{ $required->{ $object }->{ defined } } );
-    }; # foreach $objects
-}; # if
-if ( $copy_base ) {
-    copy_objects( $base, $copy_base, $prefix, @symbols );
-}; # if
-if ( $copy_extra ) {
-    copy_objects( $required, $copy_extra, $prefix, @symbols );
-}; # if
-exit( 0 );
-=head1 NAME
-B<required-objects.pl> -- Select a required extra object files.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<required-objects.pl> I<option>... [--base] I<file>... --extra I<file>...
-B<required-objects.pl> works with two sets of object files -- a set of I<base> objects
-and a set of I<extra> objects, and selects those extra objects which are required for resolving
-undefined symbols in base objects I<and> selected extra objects.
-Selected object files may be copied to specified location or their names may be printed to stdout,
-a name per line. Additionally, symbols defined in selected extra objects may be renamed.
-Depending on OS, different external tools may be used. For example, B<required-objects.pl> uses
-F<link.exe> on "win" and F<nm> on "lin" and "mac" OSes. Normally OS is autodetected, but
-detection can be overrided with B<--os> option. It may be helpful in cross-build environments.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item B<--base>
-The list of base objects follows this option.
-=item B<--extra>
-List of extra objects follows this option.
-=item B<--print-all>
-Print list of base objects and list of required extra objects.
-=item B<--print-base>
-Print list of base objects.
-=item B<--print-extra>
-Print list of selected extra objects.
-=item B<--copy-all=>I<dir>
-Copy all base and selected extra objects to specified directory. The directory must exist. Existing
-files are overwritten.
-=item B<--copy-base=>I<dir>
-Copy all base objects to specified directory.
-=item B<--copy-extra=>I<dir>
-Copy selected extra objects to specified directory.
-=item B<--prefix=>I<str>
-If prefix is specified, copied object files are edited -- symbols defined in selected extra
-object files are renamed (in all the copied object files) by adding this prefix.
-F<objcopy> program should be available for performing this operation.
-=item B<--os=>I<str>
-Specify OS name. By default OS is autodetected.
-Depending on OS, B<required-objects.pl> uses different external tools.
-=item B<--help>
-Print short help message and exit.
-=item B<--doc>
-=item B<--manual>
-Print full documentation and exit.
-=item B<--version>
-Print version and exit.
-=item I<file>
-A name of object file.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-    $ required-objects.pl --base obj/*.o --extra ../lib/obj/*.o --print-extra > required.lst
-    $ ar cr libx.a obj/*.o $(cat required.lst)
-    $ required-objects.pl --base internal/*.o --extra external/*.o --prefix=__xyz_ --copy-all=obj
-    $ ar cr xyz.a obj/*.o
-# end of file #

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/windows.inc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/windows.inc?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/windows.inc (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/windows.inc (removed)
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-export SHELL = cmd
-# TODO give an error if archs doesn't match
-ifndef arch
-    $(error Could not detect arch: please specify on command line.)
-CMD=cmd /C
-CWD=$(shell cmd /C echo %CD%)
-RM=cmd /C del /Q /F
-RD=cmd /C rmdir
-MD=cmd /c mkdir
-NUL = nul

Removed: openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/wipe-string.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/wipe-string.pl?rev=247582&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/wipe-string.pl (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/runtime/tools/wipe-string.pl (removed)
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
-#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use File::Glob ":glob";
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use tools;
-our $VERSION = "0.02";
-sub wipe($$$) {
-    my ( $input, $output, $wipe ) = @_;
-    my $bulk = read_file( $input, -binary => 1 );
-    $bulk =~ s{($wipe)}{ " " x length( $1 ) }ge;
-    write_file( $output, \$bulk, -binary => 1 );
-    return undef;
-}; # sub wipe
-my @wipe;
-my $target = ".";
-    "wipe-literal=s"     =>
-        sub { my $arg = $_[ 1 ]; push( @wipe, qr{@{ [ quotemeta( $arg ) ] }} ); },
-    "wipe-regexp=s"      =>
-        sub { my $arg = $_[ 1 ]; push( @wipe, qr{$arg} ); },
-    "target-directory=s" => \$target,
-# Convert strings to regular expression.
-my $wipe = qr{@{ [ join( "|", @wipe ) ] }};
-my %jobs;
-# Collect files to process.
-# jobs: output -> input.
-foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) {
-    my @inputs = ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ? bsd_glob( $arg ) : ( $arg ) );
-    foreach my $input ( @inputs ) {
-        my $file   = get_file( $input );
-        my $output = cat_file( $target, $file );
-        if ( exists( $jobs{ $output } ) ) {
-            runtime_error(
-                "\"$jobs{ $output }\" and \"$input\" input files tend to be written " .
-                    "to the same output file \"$output\""
-            );
-        }; # if
-        $jobs{ $output } = $input;
-    }; # foreach
-}; # foreach $file
-# Process files.
-%jobs = reverse( %jobs ); # jobs: input -> output.
-foreach my $input ( sort( keys( %jobs ) ) ) {
-    my $output = $jobs{ $input };
-    info( "\"$input\" -> \"$output\"" );
-    wipe( $input, $output, $wipe );
-}; # foreach $input
-exit( 0 );
-# Embedded documentation.
-=head1 NAME
-B<wipe-string.pl> -- Wipe string in text or binary files.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<wipe-string.pl> I<OPTION>... I<FILE>...
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=item B<--doc>
-=item B<--manual>
-Print full help message and exit.
-=item B<--help>
-Print short help message and exit.
-=item B<--target-directory=>I<dir>
-Directory to put result files to. By default result files are written in the current working
-=item B<--usage>
-Print very short usage message and exit.
-=item B<--version>
-Print version and exit.
-=item B<--wipe-literal=>I<str>
-Specify literal string to wipe. Multiple literals are allowed.
-=item B<--wipe-regexp=>I<str>
-Specify Perl regular expression to wipe. Multiple regular expressions may be specified.
-Be careful. Protect special characters from beign interpreted by shell.
-=item I<file>
-File name to wipe string in.
-The script wipes strings in files. String may be specified literally or by Perl regular expression.
-Strings are wiped by replacing characters with spaces, so size of file remains the same. The script
-may be applied to both text and binary files.
-Result files are written by default to current directory, or to directory specified by
-B<--target-directory> option, if any. If multiple input files tend to be written to the same output
-file (e. g. identically named input files located in different directories), the script generates an
-The script reads entire file, process it, and the writes to disk. Therefore it is (almost) safe to
-update files in-place (see examples).
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-Wipe "Copyright" word in all the files with "txt" suffix in current directory, overwrite original
-files (update them in-place):
-    wipe-string.pl --wipe-literal="Copyright" *.txt
-Wipe "Copyright" and "Copyleft" words in all the files with "txt" suffix in current directory,
-write result files to ../wiped directory:
-    wipe-string.pl --wipe-literal=Copyright --wipe-literal=Copyleft --target-dir=../wiped *.txt
-Wipe "Copyright" and "Copyleft" words in files from "doc" directory, write result files to current
-    wipe-string.pl --wipe-regexp="Copyright|Copyleft" doc/*
-Wipe "defaultlib" directive in all the library files:
-    wipe-string.pl --wipe-regexp="-defaultlib:[A-Za-z0-9_.]+" *.lib
-(Be careful: the script does not analyze structure of library and object files, it just wipes
-U<strings>, so it wipes all the occurrences of strings matching to specified regular expression.)
-# end of file #

Modified: openmp/trunk/www/README.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/www/README.txt?rev=247583&r1=247582&r2=247583&view=diff
--- openmp/trunk/www/README.txt (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/www/README.txt Mon Sep 14 12:20:30 2015
@@ -23,77 +23,35 @@ www.doxygen.org.
 How to Build the LLVM* OpenMP* Runtime Library
+In-tree build:
-The library can be built either using Cmake, or using a makefile that
-in turn invokes various Perl scripts. For porting, non X86
-architectures, and for those already familiar with Cmake that may be
-an easier route to take than the one described here.
-Building with CMake
-The runtime/Build_With_CMake.txt file has a description of how to
-build with Cmake.
-Building with the Makefile
-The Makefile at the top-level will attempt to detect what it needs to
-build the LLVM* OpenMP* Runtime Library.  To see the default settings, 
-make info
-You can change the Makefile's behavior with the following options:
-omp_root:    The path to the top-level directory containing the top-level
-	     Makefile.  By default, this will take on the value of the 
-	     current working directory.
-omp_os:      Operating system.  By default, the build will attempt to 
-	     detect this. Currently supports "linux", "freebsd", "macos", and
-	     "windows".
-arch:        Architecture. By default, the build will attempt to 
-	     detect this if not specified by the user. Currently 
-	     supported values are
-                 "32" for IA-32 architecture 
-                 "32e" for Intel(R) 64 architecture
-                 "mic" for Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture
-                 "arm" for ARM* architecture
-                 "aarch64" for Aarch64 (64-bit ARM) architecture
-                 "ppc64" for IBM(R) Power architecture (big endian)
-                 "ppc64le" for IBM(R) Power architecture (little endian)
-             If "mic" is specified then "icc" will be used as the
-	     compiler, and appropriate k1om binutils will be used. The
-	     necessary packages must be installed on the build machine
-	     for this to be possible (but an Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM)
-	     coprocessor card is not required to build the library).
-compiler:    Which compiler to use for the build.  Defaults to "icc" 
-	     or "icl" depending on the value of omp_os. Also supports 
-	     some versions of "gcc"* when omp_os is "linux". The selected 
-	     compiler should be installed and in the user's path. The 
-	     corresponding Fortran compiler should also be in the path. 
-	     See "Supported RTL Build Configurations" below for more 
-	     information on compiler versions.
-mode:        Library mode: default is "release".  Also supports "debug".
-jobs:        The number of parallel jobs for the underlying call to make.
-         This value is sent as the parameter to the -j flag for make.
-         This value defaults to "1", but can be set to any positive integer.
-To use any of the options above, simple add <option_name>=<value>.  For 
-example, if you want to build with gcc instead of icc, type:
-make compiler=gcc
-On OS X* machines, it is possible to build universal (or fat) libraries which
-include both IA-32 architecture and Intel(R) 64 architecture objects in a
-single archive; just build the 32 and 32e libraries separately, then invoke 
-make again with a special argument as follows:
-make compiler=clang build_args=fat
+$ cd where-you-want-to-live
+Check out openmp into llvm/projects
+$ cd where-you-want-to-build
+$ mkdir build && cd build
+$ cmake path/to/llvm -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler>
+$ make omp
+Out-of-tree build:
+$ cd where-you-want-to-live
+Check out openmp
+$ cd where-you-want-to-live/openmp/runtime
+$ mkdir build && cd build
+$ cmake path/to/openmp -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler>
+$ make
+For details about building, please look at Build_With_CMake.txt
+Architectures Supported
+* IA-32 architecture 
+* Intel(R) 64 architecture
+* Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture
+* ARM* architecture
+* Aarch64 (64-bit ARM) architecture
+* IBM(R) Power architecture (big endian)
+* IBM(R) Power architecture (little endian)
 Supported RTL Build Configurations
@@ -112,7 +70,7 @@ Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architectu
 (1) On IA-32 architecture and Intel(R) 64, icc/icl versions 12.x are 
     supported (12.1 is recommended).
-(2) GCC* version 4.6.2 is supported.
+(2) GCC* version 4.7 is supported.
 (3) For icc on OS X*, OS X* version 10.5.8 is supported.
 (4) Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture not supported.
 (5) On Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture, icc/icl versions 13.0 

Modified: openmp/trunk/www/index.html
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/www/index.html?rev=247583&r1=247582&r2=247583&view=diff
--- openmp/trunk/www/index.html (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/www/index.html Mon Sep 14 12:20:30 2015
@@ -159,19 +159,31 @@
-     Next:
+     Note that for an in-tree build, you should check out openmp to llvm/projects.
+  <p>In-tree build:</p>
+  <ul>
+    <li><code>cd where-you-want-to-live</code></li>
+    <li>Check out openmp into llvm/projects</li>
+    <li><code>cd where-you-want-to-build</code></li>
+    <li><code>mkdir build && cd build</code></li>
+    <li><code>cmake path/to/llvm -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler></code></li>
+    <li><code>make omp</code></li>
+  </ul>
+  <p>Out-of-tree build:</p>
-    <li><code>cd openmp/runtime</code></li>
-    <li><code>make compiler=gcc</code></li>
+    <li><code>cd where-you-want-to-live</code></li>
+    <li>Check out openmp</li>
+    <li><code>cd where-you-want-to-live/openmp/runtime</code></li>
+    <li><code>mkdir build && cd build</code></li>
+    <li><code>cmake path/to/openmp -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler></code></li>
+    <li><code>make</code></li>
   <p>Full details of how to build are in the
-    <a href="README.txt">README.txt</a>
-    which also describes a CMake based build system which may be more
-    convenient on some platforms and for porting to new platforms than
-    the make and Perl based system.
+    <a href="README.txt">README.txt</a> and Build_With_CMake.txt (inside the runtime/ subdirectory)

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