[Openmp-commits] [openmp] r208472 - Add testsuite from OpenUH

Jim Cownie james.h.cownie at intel.com
Sat May 10 10:02:11 PDT 2014

Author: jimcownie
Date: Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
New Revision: 208472

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=208472&view=rev
Add testsuite from OpenUH

    openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts.conf   (with props)
    openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_makeHeader.pl   (with props)
    openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parser.pl   (with props)
    openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parserFunctions.pm   (with props)
    openmp/trunk/testsuite/runtest.pl   (with props)
    openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_c.pl   (with props)
    openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_fortran.pl   (with props)

Modified: openmp/trunk/CREDITS.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/CREDITS.txt?rev=208472&r1=208471&r2=208472&view=diff
--- openmp/trunk/CREDITS.txt (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/CREDITS.txt Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -8,10 +8,33 @@ beautification by scripts.  The fields a
 (W), PGP key ID and fingerprint (P), description (D), and snail-mail address
+N: Sunita Chandrasekaran
+D: Contributor to testsuite from OpenUH
+N: Barbara Chapman
+D: Contributor to testsuite from OpenUH
+N: University of Houston 
+W: http://web.cs.uh.edu/~openuh/download/
+D: OpenUH test suite
 N: Intel Corporation OpenMP runtime team
 W: http://openmprtl.org
 D: Created the runtime.
+N: Matthias Muller
+D: Contributor to testsuite from OpenUH
+N: Pavel Neytchev
+D: Contributor to testsuite from OpenUH
 N: Steven Noonan
 E: steven at uplinklabs.net
-D: Patches for the ARM architecture and several inconsistency removal.
+D: Patches for the ARM architecture and removal of several inconsistencies.
+N: Alp Toker
+E: alp at nuanti.com
+D: Making build work for FreeBSD.
+N: Cheng Wang 
+D: Contributor to testsuite from OpenUH

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/LICENSE
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/LICENSE?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/LICENSE (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/LICENSE Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+  Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 
+  University of Houston System
+  All rights reserved.
+  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+  are met:
+  o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  o Neither the name of the University of Houston System nor the names of its
+  contributors may be used to
+    endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
+    prior written permission.

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/Makefile
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/Makefile?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/Makefile (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/Makefile Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# General Makefile containing all the necessary compiler flags for the tests
+# modify CC and CFLAGS for OpenMP C compilers
+# modify FC and FFLAGS for OpenMP Fortran compilers
+# Content:
+# 1. Basic usage
+# 2. General testsuite settings
+# 3. Compiler selection and Flags
+# 1. Basic usage
+# 	make ctest		generate c test "ctest"
+# 	make ftest		generate fortran test "ftest"
+#	make clean		removes all sources and binaries
+# 	make cleanall	removes sources,binaries and logfiles
+# 2. General testsuite settings
+# For general testsuite settings see the configuration file
+# ompts.conf
+# 3. Compiler selection and Flags
+# GNU Compiler
+CC     = gcc
+CFLAGS = -fopenmp -lm -O3
+CFLAGS = -fopenmp -lm -O3
+FC     = gfortran
+FFLAGS = -fopenmp -lm
+FFLAGS = -fopenmp -lm -O3
+# Fujitsu Compilers:
+#CC = fcc
+#CFLAGS = -KOMP,fast_GP2=2
+#FFLAGS=-KOMP,fast_GP2=2 -w -Am -X9 -Fixed
+# PGI compilers
+#CC = pgcc
+#CFLAGS = -mp
+#CFLAGS = -fast -mp
+#FC = pgf90
+#FFLAGS = -fast -mp
+#FFLAGS = -mp -g
+# Intel compilers:
+#CC = icc
+#CFLAGS = -O3 -ip -openmp
+#CFLAGS = -Wall -O0 -openmp
+#CFLAGS =  -openmp -lm
+#CFLAGS =  -openmp -lm -DVERBOSE
+#FC = ifort
+#FFLAGS = -openmp -lm -fpp
+# Omni compilers:
+#CC = ompcc
+#CFLAGS = -O3 -lm
+# Assure compilers:
+#CC = assurec
+#CFLAGS = -O3 -WApname=project -DUSE_ASSURE=1
+#FC =
+# NEC:
+#CC = c++
+#CC = sxc++
+#CFLAGS = -Popenmp
+#FFLAGS= -Popenmp
+# Hitachi:
+#CC = xcc
+#CFLAGS = -O4 -pvec +Op -parallel -omp
+#FC =
+# SGI:
+#CC = cc
+#CFLAGS = -mp -lm
+#FC =
+# IBM compilers:
+#CC = xlc_r
+#CFLAGS = -qsmp=omp -lm
+#FFLAGS=-qsmp=omp -qfixed=132 -qlanglvl=extended
+# SUN compilers
+#CC = cc
+#CFLAGS = -fast -xopenmp -lm
+#FC =f90
+#FFLAGS = -xopenmp -fast -lm
+# open64 compilers
+# remark: -I. was a workaround because the installation came without omp.h file
+#CC = opencc
+#CFLAGS = -O0 -openmp -lm -I. -lomp -lpthread
+#CFLAGS = -O0 -openmp -lm -I /home/matthew/opt/usr/include -lpthread
+#CFLAGS = -openmp -lm
+#FC = openf90
+#FFLAGS = -O0 -openmp -lm  -lomp -lpthread
+#Pathscale Compiler
+#CC = pathcc
+#CFLAGS = -mp -Ofast -lm
+#FFLAGS= -mp -Ofast -lm
+#OpenUH Compiler
+#CC = uhcc
+#CFLAGS = -mp
+#FC = uhf90
+#FFLAGS = -mp
+	@echo "OpenMP Validation Suite, v3.0"
+	@echo "(C) University of Stuttgart, University of Houston"
+	@echo ""
+	@echo "Do make [rule], where rule may be one of:"
+	@echo "  ctest"
+	@echo "    Build and run the OpenMP/C validation tests."
+	@echo "  ftest"
+	@echo "    Build and run the OpenMP/Fortran validation tests."
+	@echo "  print_compile_options"
+	@echo "    Display the default compiler and compiler options being tested"
+	@echo "  cleansrcs"
+	@echo "    Remove sources generated from the templates"
+	@echo "  cleanbins"
+	@echo "    Remove executables from bin/ directory"
+	@echo "  cleanouts"
+	@echo "    Remove all *.out files from bin/ directory"
+	@echo "  cleanlogs"
+	@echo "    Remove all *.log files from bin/ directory"
+	@echo "  clean"
+	@echo "    Remove all sources and executables from bin/ directory"
+	@echo "  cleanall"
+	@echo "    Remove the entire bin/ directory"
+	mkdir -p bin/c
+	cp omp_my_sleep.h bin/c/
+omp_testsuite: omp_testsuite.h
+	mkdir -p bin/c
+	cp omp_testsuite.h bin/c/
+omp_testsuite.h: ompts-c.conf c/*
+	./ompts_makeHeader.pl -f=ompts-c.conf -t=c
+.c.o: omp_testsuite omp_my_sleep
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
+ctest: omp_my_sleep omp_testsuite
+	./runtest.pl --lang=c testlist-c.txt
+	mkdir -p bin/fortran
+	cp omp_testsuite.f bin/fortran
+	cp omp_my_sleep.f bin/fortran
+	./runtest.pl --lang=fortran testlist-f.txt
+	@echo "-------------------"
+	@echo "C compiler"
+	@echo "-------------------"
+	@echo "compilation: $(CC) $(CFLAGS)"
+	@$(CC) --version
+	@echo "-------------------"
+	@echo "Fortran compiler"
+	@echo "-------------------"
+	@echo "compilation: $(FC) $(FFLAGS)"
+	@$(FC) --version
+	find bin/ -iname "*.[cf]" -exec rm {} \;
+	find bin/ -perm /a+x -type f -exec rm {} \;
+	find bin/ -iname "*.out" -exec rm {} \;
+	find bin/ -iname "*.log" -exec rm {} \;
+clean: cleansrcs cleanbins
+	rm -rf bin/

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/README
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/README?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/README (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/README Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+ ============================================================================
+|                   OpenMP Validation Suite  V 3.0                           |
+|              High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart                  |
+|       High Performance Computing and Tools, University of Houston          |
+|                              Jan. 2012                                     |
+ ============================================================================
+I.1.	  Aims and general function
+I.2. 	  Files and directories
+II.1.	  First run with make
+II.2	  Where to search for results
+II.3.	  Using the runtest script
+III		Adding and modifying tests
+III.1.	  The template structure
+IV		Known Issues and Workaround
+V       Contact and Support
+I.1.  Aims and general function
+The OpenMP validation suite is designed to verify the correct implementation
+of OpenMP in compilers. It is capable of checking Fortran as well as c
+Testing the implementation is based on statistics. Each directive is tested
+by computing and verifying the result with the already known value. In most
+cases a wrong implementation can result in the right values. So the tests are
+run several times.
+Additionally, the validation suite creates so called crosstests for each
+directive. These are tests in which either the directive is missing or used
+with different arguments. If this so called crosstest fails, this indicates
+strongly that the previous test is capable of testing the directive.
+Lastly, an orphaned test is also run to determine if the directive being
+tested is able to correctly run when 'orphaned' from the main function.
+Essentially, the directive's code is placed into its own function which is
+called during execution of the main function and often inside a parallel
+I.2.  Files and directories
+d c                         directory containing the templates for the c tests
+d fortran                   directory containing the templates for the Fortran
+                            tests
+  Makefile                  Makefile containing options for compilation
+  common_utility.f
+  omp_my_sleep.h            thread save sleep function
+  omp_testsuite.f           Fortran header file
+  omp_testsuite.h           autogenerated c-header file
+  ompts-c.conf              configuration file for the c tests about how often
+                            the tests shall be executed or how large the loop size
+                            is
+  ompts_makeHeader.pl	    perl module for automatically generation of an up
+                            to date header file
+  ompts_parserFunctions.pm	perl module containing general functions for
+				            the parser.pl script
+  ompts_parser.pl	        script for generating the source code out of the templates
+  ompts_standaloneProc.c	framework for the c tests
+  ompts_standaloneProc.f	framework for the Fortran tests
+  README		            the README file you've already found ;-)
+  LICENSE                   contains license information
+  runtest.pl		        the frame program of the test suite
+  testlist-f.txt	        test list containing the available tests for Fortran
+  testlist-c.txt	        test list containing the available tests for c
+II.1. First run with make
+You can do a first simple run of the testsuite only after one step of
+1) Modify the ompts.conf and ompts-c.conf file, change the number of threads
+and number of repetitions of each test.
+2) Modify the Makefile, uncommenting the CC/FC and CFLAGS/FFLAGS variables for
+the compiler of your choice.
+And now you can run the testsuite either for a C compiler with:
+>	make ctest
+or for a Fortran compiler with:
+>	make ftest
+II.2. Running custom tests
+In order to run single tests or custom groups of tests, two make commmands
+are defined: make stest and make fstest. These two command reference the file
+customtest.txt when looking for a testlist to use. Simply edit customtest.txt
+to include the desired test or tests. If customtest.txt contains c tests,
+>      make stest
+or for fortran tests
+>      make fstest
+In order to change the number of threads used in the tests, simply edit the
+Makefile variables MINTHREADS and MAXTHREADS. By default, they are configured
+to use 2 threads. To change the number of times each test is run, for c tests
+edit the REPETITIONS variable in the file ompts-c.conf. The LOOPCOUNT and
+SLEEPTIME variables can also be changed here. For fortran tests, edit the file
+omp_testsuite.f to change both the LOOPCOUNT and the number of times each test
+is run.
+II.3. Understanding the results
+When running the testsuite the results will be shown on the screen.
+If you need the results for further purpose you can use the results.txt, which
+is a simple list containing the results for each directive
+in a single line. Each line starts with the name of the directive. Then follows
+the result of the test given in the percentage of the passed tests. If 100% of
+the tests passed successfully, the second number gives the result of the
+corresponding crosstest. Crosstests will only be run if the normal test passes
+with 100% accuracy. If a crosstest was not run or a test does not exist, it is
+denotated by a "-".
+After the results of the normal tests, there follow a series of tests in the
+orphaned mode. If there were no orphaned tests available this is shown by a "-".
+If you run the testsuite with different numbers of threads (e.g. using the
+runtest.pl script) the results are shown in blocks of 4 columns for each number
+of threads.
+If a test fails you can find more detailed information in the ompts.log,
+bin/c/*.out and *.log files. While the ompts.log file contains all compiler
+error messages for all tests, the *.out and *.log files contain detailed inforamtion
+on the execution process of the single tests.
+In the *.out files there are listed all the results of the single executions of
+the tests. In the *.log files there are error messages of the tests itself.
+II.4. Cleaning Up
+Because many files are generated for each tested directive, it is often necessary
+to clean the main directory after a battery of tests. To clean all generated files
+in the main directory including the results and log files,
+>     make clean
+To clean only the logs and out files,
+>     make cleanlogs
+To clean only the results,
+>     make cleanresults
+II.4. Using the runtest script
+So for special purpose you can use the runtest.pl script, which allows a lot
+more options for the execution process than the execution with make.
+Using the runtest.pl script is rather easy. You can use the the test suite only
+after two steps of modifications:
+1.) Modify the Makefile to your wishes choosing your compiler and the necessary
+    compiler flags.
+2.) If necessary edit one of the test lists (testlist-c.txt) and comment out the
+    tests you do not want to run using # at the beginning of a line. Testlists for Fortran end
+    with -f.txt while test lists for c with -c.txt.
+And now you can run the test suite either for Fortran using
+	#	>  ./runtest.pl -lang=fortran -d=fortran testlist-f.txt
+or for c
+	#	>  ./runtest.pl -lang=c -d=c testlist-c.txt
+With the --help option you can show the complete list of options and their
+The test results are summarized in cresults or fresults.txt while *.log keep
+details for individual tests. There is also a file (ompts.log) keeping
+compilation information. (see section II.2 )
+If you don't want to test the directives in orphaned mode you can use the
+-norphan option. You also can use the runtest.pl script either to compile all
+tests or run compiled tests e.g. for cross compilation on other platforms. For
+this there are the options -norun and -nocompile.
+Happy testing!
+III.	How to add new tests / The structure of test templates
+III.1  The template structure
+The test suite is based on templates so that you only have one file for test,
+crosstest and the orphaned versions of them.
+	A) Description of the template structure
+The syntax of the templates is much like xml. So each test begins with
+'<ompts:test>' and ends with '</ompts:test>'.
+In between there are several other blocks holding information:
+- <ompts:testdescription> </ompts:testdescription> In between this tag you can
+  give a description on what the test checks and how it works.
+- <ompts:ompversion> </ompts:version> This tag is used to specify the
+  OpenMP-version which includes the tested directive.
+- <ompts:directive> </ompts:directive> Used to specify the directive how it is
+  called in the programming language.
+- <ompts:dependences> </ompts:dependences> With this tag you can specify other
+  omp directives which are necessary for the correct execution of your test.
+The directives have to be listed by their directive names as it is called in
+the programming language. Multiple directives are separated by ','.
+- <ompts:testcode> </ompts:testcode> In this tag stands the whole source code
+for the test / crosstest.  Each test has to be written as a function. The
+syntax of the functions differs between C and Fortran: In C it has to take a
+file pointer 'FILE * logFile' and return an int. If the test has been passed
+successful it has to return a value unequal to 0. The file pointer can be used
+to write information into a log file.  In Fortran the function takes no
+argument and the function name must not exceed XX characters.  The return value
+has to be specified using the '<testfunctionname>' tags. It has to be 1 if the
+test succeeded and 0 if the test failed. For details see the example.
+To tell the test suite the name of your test function you have to enclose it
+into the '<ompts:testcode:functionname> </ompts:testcode:functionname>' tag.
+If there are differences between test and crosstest you can use the
+<ompts:check> </ompts:check> and <ompts:crosscheck> </ompts:crosscheck> tag.
+When generating the test the parser will use the code enclosed in
+<ompts:check> tags and cut out the code written in <ompts:crosscheck> tags. So
+you have two possibilities to write your template for test and crosstest: The
+first way you can write the complete code is to write the test in one
+<ompts:check> tag and later the crosstest in one <ompts:crosscheck> tag.  The
+second way is to write both tests only by enclosing differing parts in
+corresponding tags.
+The first method should be preferred if test and crosstest differ much from
+each other. The second e.g. if you only want to change a few options like
+replacing an omp singleprivate clause by an omp private clause or to cut out
+a directive like omp flush.  When you use the first way you have to take care
+of the function name! You have to declare it twice with
+- <ompts:orphan> </ompts:orphan> This tag can be used if you want to enable
+  your test to check the directive in orphan regions, too.  The code enclosed
+in this part will be written to a separate function which will be called
+instead.  If you have variables which are used outside this region you have to
+declare them as global variables enclosed in an <ompts:orphan:vars> tag. For
+further information see the description of the <ompts:orphan:vars> tag.
+- <ompts:orphan:vars> </ompts:orphan:vars> This tag is used to specify global
+  variables for an orphan region which allow the exchange of values between
+the main program and the orphaned functions. The usage differs between C and
+Fortran.  In C you have to use a single declaration for each variable. You can
+either declare all variables in one single or in several different regions. You
+must not initialize the variables inside!  In Fortran you have to put all
+declarations in one single tag. Because there exist no global variables as in
+C you have to use common blocks. For further information see the examples.
+III.2.  Adding tests to the test lists
+After you have created a new test you have to add them to a testlist. Simply
+add the function name in a new Line into a file.
+IV.   Known Issues and Workaround
+The Sun OS has a problem with the -maxdepth option on the 'make cleanall'
+command. This prevents the tests from being removed from the working directory
+and can cause problems with future tests. To remedy, edit the makefile line
+under the clean command:
+     -rm [cf]test*.[cf] [cf]crosstest*.[cf] [cf]ctest*.[cf] [cf]orphan*.[cf]
+Change to:
+     -rm [cf]test* [cf]crosstest* [cf]ctest* [cf]orphan*
+V.   Contact and Support
+Contact: http://www.cs.uh.edu/~hpctools

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/has_openmp.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/has_openmp.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/has_openmp.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/has_openmp.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the OpenMp support.</ompts:testdescription>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>has_openmp</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int rvalue = 0;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    <ompts:orphan>
+    <ompts:check>
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+	rvalue = 1;
+    </ompts:check>
+    <ompts:crosscheck>
+#if 0
+	rvalue = 1;
+    </ompts:crosscheck>
+      </ompts:orphan>
+	return (rvalue);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_atomic.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_atomic.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_atomic.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_atomic.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp atomic directive by counting up a variable in a parallelized loop with an atomic directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp atomic</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_atomic</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int sum;
+        int diff;
+        double dsum = 0;
+        double dt = 0.5;	/* base of geometric row for + and - test*/
+        double ddiff;
+        int product;
+        int x;
+        int *logics;
+        int bit_and = 1;
+        int bit_or = 0;
+        int exclusiv_bit_or = 0;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+#define DOUBLE_DIGITS 20	/* dt^DOUBLE_DIGITS */
+#define MAX_FACTOR 10
+#define KNOWN_PRODUCT 3628800	/* 10! */
+    int j;
+    int known_sum;
+    int known_diff;
+    int known_product;
+    int result = 0;
+    int logic_and = 1;
+    int logic_or = 0;
+    double dknown_sum;
+    double rounding_error = 1.E-9;
+    double dpt, div;
+    int logicsArray[LOOPCOUNT];
+    logics = logicsArray;
+    sum = 0;
+    diff = 0;
+    product = 1;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int i;
+#pragma omp for
+	    for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	    {
+		<ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+		sum += i;
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+    if (known_sum != sum)
+    {
+        fprintf (logFile, 
+                 "Error in sum with integers: Result was %d instead of %d.\n", 
+                 sum, known_sum);
+        result++;
+    }
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>   
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+            {
+                 <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                 diff -= i;
+            }
+        </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    known_diff = ((LOOPCOUNT - 1) * LOOPCOUNT) / 2 * -1;
+    if (diff != known_diff)
+    {
+        fprintf (logFile,
+              "Error in difference with integers: Result was %d instead of 0.\n",
+               diff);
+        result++;
+    }
+    /* Tests for doubles */
+    dsum = 0;
+    dpt = 1;
+    for (j = 0; j < DOUBLE_DIGITS; ++j)
+      {
+        dpt *= dt;
+      }
+    dknown_sum = (1 - dpt) / (1 -dt);
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < DOUBLE_DIGITS; ++i)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                dsum += pow (dt, i);
+            }
+        </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (dsum != dknown_sum && (fabs (dsum - dknown_sum) > rounding_error))
+    {
+        fprintf (logFile,
+                 "Error in sum with doubles: Result was %f instead of: %f (Difference: %E)\n",
+                 dsum, dknown_sum, dsum - dknown_sum);
+        result++;
+    }
+    dpt = 1;
+    for (j = 0; j < DOUBLE_DIGITS; ++j)
+    {
+        dpt *= dt;
+    }
+    ddiff = (1 - dpt) / (1 - dt);
+#pragma omp parallel
+   {
+         <ompts:orphan>
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < DOUBLE_DIGITS; ++i)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                ddiff -= pow (dt, i);
+            }
+         </ompts:orphan>
+    } 
+    if (fabs (ddiff) > rounding_error)
+    {
+        fprintf (logFile,
+                 "Error in difference with doubles: Result was %E instead of 0.0\n",
+                 ddiff);
+        result++;
+    }
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+         <ompts:orphan>
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 1; i <= MAX_FACTOR; i++)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                product *= i;
+            }
+         </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    known_product = KNOWN_PRODUCT;
+    if (known_product != product)
+    {
+        fprintf (logFile,
+                 "Error in product with integers: Result was %d instead of %d\n",
+                 product, known_product);
+        result++;
+    }
+    product = KNOWN_PRODUCT;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+           int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 1; i <= MAX_FACTOR; ++i)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                product /= i;
+            }
+         </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (product != 1)
+    {
+        fprintf (logFile,
+                 "Error in product division with integers: Result was %d instead of 1\n",
+                 product);
+        result++;
+    }
+    div = 5.0E+5;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 1; i <= MAX_FACTOR; i++)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                div /= i;
+            }
+    }
+    if (fabs(div-0.137787) >= 1.0E-4 )
+    {
+        result++;
+        fprintf (logFile,
+                 "Error in division with double: Result was %f instead of 0.137787\n", div);
+    }
+    x = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; ++i)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                x++;
+            }
+         </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (x != LOOPCOUNT)
+    {
+        result++;
+        fprintf (logFile, "Error in ++\n");
+    }
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; ++i)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                x--;
+            }
+        </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (x != 0)
+    {
+        result++;
+        fprintf (logFile, "Error in --\n");
+    }
+    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; ++j)
+    {
+        logics[j] = 1;
+    }
+    bit_and = 1;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+           int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; ++i)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                bit_and &= logics[i];
+            }
+         </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (!bit_and)
+    {
+        result++;
+        fprintf (logFile, "Error in BIT AND part 1\n");
+    }
+    bit_and = 1;
+    logics[LOOPCOUNT / 2] = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; ++i)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                bit_and &= logics[i];
+            }
+        </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (bit_and)
+    {
+        result++;
+        fprintf (logFile, "Error in BIT AND part 2\n");
+    }
+    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; j++)
+    {
+        logics[j] = 0;
+    }
+    bit_or = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; ++i)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                bit_or |= logics[i];
+            }
+        </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (bit_or)
+    {
+        result++;
+        fprintf (logFile, "Error in BIT OR part 1\n");
+    }
+    bit_or = 0;
+    logics[LOOPCOUNT / 2] = 1;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; ++i)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                bit_or |= logics[i];
+            }
+        </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (!bit_or)
+    {
+        result++;
+        fprintf (logFile, "Error in BIT OR part 2\n");
+    }
+    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; j++)
+    {
+        logics[j] = 0;
+    }
+    exclusiv_bit_or = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan> 
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; ++i)
+            {
+                 <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                 exclusiv_bit_or ^= logics[i];
+            }
+        </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (exclusiv_bit_or) 
+    {
+        result++;
+        fprintf (logFile, "Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 1\n");
+    }
+    exclusiv_bit_or = 0;
+    logics[LOOPCOUNT / 2] = 1;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan> 
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; ++i)
+            {
+                 <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                 exclusiv_bit_or ^= logics[i];
+            }
+        </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (!exclusiv_bit_or) 
+    {
+        result++;
+        fprintf (logFile, "Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 2\n");
+    }
+    x = 1;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+            {
+                 <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                 x <<= 1;
+            }
+        </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if ( x != 1024)
+    {
+        result++;
+        fprintf (logFile, "Error in <<\n");
+        x = 1024;
+    }
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+            int i;
+#pragma omp for
+            for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+            {
+                <ompts:check>#pragma omp atomic</ompts:check>
+                x >>= 1;
+            }
+        </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (x != 1)
+    {
+        result++;
+        fprintf (logFile, "Error in >>\n");
+    }
+    return (result == 0);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_barrier.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_barrier.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_barrier.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_barrier.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp barrier directive. The test creates several threads and sends one of them sleeping before setting a flag. After the barrier the other ones do some littel work depending on the flag.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp barrier</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_barrier</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int result1;
+	int result2;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    result1 = 0;
+    result2 = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+    <ompts:orphan>
+	int rank;
+	rank = omp_get_thread_num ();
+	if (rank ==1) {
+        my_sleep(SLEEPTIME_LONG);
+        result2 = 3;
+	}
+<ompts:check>#pragma omp barrier</ompts:check>
+	if (rank == 2) {
+	    result1 = result2;
+	}
+    </ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    printf("result1=%d\n",result1);
+    return (result1 == 3);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_critical.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_critical.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_critical.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_critical.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp critical directive by counting up a variable in a parallelized loop within a critical section.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp critical</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_critical</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int sum;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    sum=0;
+    int known_sum;
+    <ompts:orphan>
+    #pragma omp parallel
+    {
+      int mysum=0;
+      int i;
+      #pragma omp for
+	    for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
+	      mysum = mysum + i;
+    <ompts:check>#pragma omp critical</ompts:check>
+	    sum = mysum +sum;
+    }	/* end of parallel */
+    </ompts:orphan>
+    printf("sum=%d\n",sum);
+    known_sum = 999 * 1000 / 2;
+    return (known_sum == sum);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_flush.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_flush.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_flush.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_flush.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp flush directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp flush</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp barrier</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_flush</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int result1;
+	int result2;
+	int dummy;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+	result1 = 0;
+	result2 = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+	int rank;
+	rank = omp_get_thread_num ();
+#pragma omp barrier
+	if (rank == 1) {
+	    result2 = 3;
+	    <ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>#pragma omp flush (result2)</ompts:check>
+		dummy = result2;
+	    </ompts:orphan>
+	}
+	if (rank == 0) {
+	    <ompts:check>my_sleep(SLEEPTIME_LONG);</ompts:check>
+	    <ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>#pragma omp flush (result2)</ompts:check>
+		result1 = result2;
+	    </ompts:orphan>
+	}
+    }	/* end of parallel */
+    return ((result1 == result2) && (result2 == dummy) && (result2 == 3));

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_collapse.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_collapse.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_collapse.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_collapse.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test with omp for collapse clause. Bind with two loops. Without the collapse clause, the first loop will not be ordered</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp for collapse</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp for schedule</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+/* Utility function to check that i is increasing monotonically 
+   with each call */
+static int check_i_islarger (int i)
+    static int last_i;
+    int islarger;
+    if (i==1)
+      last_i=0;
+    islarger = ((i >= last_i)&&(i - last_i<=1));
+    last_i = i;
+    return (islarger);
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_collapse</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int is_larger = 1;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    #pragma omp parallel
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	  int i,j;
+	  int my_islarger = 1;
+      #pragma omp for private(i,j) schedule(static,1) <ompts:check>collapse(2)</ompts:check> ordered
+	    for (i = 1; i < 100; i++){
+          <ompts:crosscheck>my_islarger = check_i_islarger(i)&& my_islarger;</ompts:crosscheck>
+          for (j =1; j <100; j++)
+          {
+            <ompts:check>
+		    #pragma omp ordered
+		      my_islarger = check_i_islarger(i)&&my_islarger;
+            </ompts:check>
+	      }	/* end of for */
+        }
+      #pragma omp critical
+		is_larger = is_larger && my_islarger;
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    return (is_larger);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_firstprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_firstprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_firstprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_firstprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp for firstprivate clause by counting up a variable in a parallelized loop. Each thread has a firstprivate variable (1) and an variable (2) declared by for firstprivate. First it stores the result of its last iteration in variable (2). Then it stores the value of the variable (2) in its firstprivate variable (1). At the end all firstprivate variables (1) are added to a total sum in a critical section and compared with the correct result.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp for firstprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp parallel firstprivate</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int sum1;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(sum1)
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    int sum;
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int sum0;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int known_sum;
+    int threadsnum;
+    sum = 0;
+    sum0 = 12345;
+    sum1 = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+#pragma omp single
+        {
+            threadsnum=omp_get_num_threads();
+        }
+	/* sum0 = 0; */
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	int i;
+#pragma omp for <ompts:check>firstprivate(sum0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(sum0)</ompts:crosscheck>
+	for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	    sum0 = sum0 + i;
+	    sum1 = sum0;
+	}	/* end of for */
+	</ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	    sum = sum + sum1;
+	}	/* end of critical */
+    }	/* end of parallel */    
+    known_sum = 12345* threadsnum+ (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+    return (known_sum == sum);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_lastprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_lastprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_lastprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_lastprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp for lastprivate clause by counting up a variable in a parallelized loop. Each thread saves the next summand in a lastprivate variable i0. At the end i0 is compared to the value of the expected last summand.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp for lastprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp parallel firstprivate,omp schedule</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int sum0;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(sum0)
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_lastprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+	int sum = 0;
+	int known_sum;
+	<ompts:orphan:vars>
+	    int i0;
+	</ompts:orphan:vars>
+	i0 = -1;
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+	    sum0 = 0;
+	    {	/* Begin of orphaned block */
+	    <ompts:orphan>
+		int i;
+#pragma omp for schedule(static,7) <ompts:check>lastprivate(i0)</ompts:check>
+		for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+		{
+		    sum0 = sum0 + i;
+		    i0 = i;
+		}	/* end of for */
+	    </ompts:orphan>
+	    }	/* end of orphaned block */
+#pragma omp critical
+	    {
+		sum = sum + sum0;
+	    }	/* end of critical */
+	}	/* end of parallel */    
+	known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+	fprintf(logFile," known_sum = %d , sum = %d \n",known_sum,sum);
+	fprintf(logFile," LOOPCOUNT = %d , i0 = %d \n",LOOPCOUNT,i0);
+	return ((known_sum == sum) && (i0 == LOOPCOUNT) );

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_nowait.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_nowait.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_nowait.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_nowait.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<ompts:description>Test which checks the omp parallel for nowait directive. It fills an array with values and operates on these in the following.</ompts:description>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel for nowait</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel for, omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_nowait</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+	<ompts:orphan:vars>
+		int result;
+		int count;
+	</ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int j;
+	int myarray[LOOPCOUNT];
+	result = 0;
+	count = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+	{
+	<ompts:orphan>
+		int rank;
+		int i;
+		rank = omp_get_thread_num();
+#pragma omp for <ompts:check>nowait</ompts:check> 
+		for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++) {
+			if (i == 0) {
+				fprintf (logFile, "Thread nr %d entering for loop and going to sleep.\n", rank);
+				my_sleep(SLEEPTIME);
+				count = 1;
+#pragma omp flush(count)
+				fprintf (logFile, "Thread nr %d woke up and set count = 1.\n", rank);
+			}
+		}
+		fprintf (logFile, "Thread nr %d exited first for loop and enters the second.\n", rank);
+#pragma omp for
+		for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++) 
+		{
+#pragma omp flush(count)
+			if (count == 0)
+				result = 1;
+		}
+	</ompts:orphan>
+	}
+	return result;

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_ordered.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_ordered.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_ordered.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_ordered.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp ordered directive by counting up an variable in an parallelized loop and watching each iteration if the sumand is larger as the last one.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp for ordered</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp for schedule</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+static int last_i = 0;
+/* Utility function to check that i is increasing monotonically 
+   with each call */
+static int check_i_islarger (int i)
+    int islarger;
+    islarger = (i > last_i);
+    last_i = i;
+    return (islarger);
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_ordered</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int sum;
+	int is_larger = 1;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int known_sum;
+    last_i = 0;
+    sum = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int i;
+	    int my_islarger = 1;
+#pragma omp for schedule(static,1) ordered
+	    for (i = 1; i < 100; i++)
+	    {
+		<ompts:check>#pragma omp ordered</ompts:check>
+		{
+		    my_islarger = check_i_islarger(i) && my_islarger;
+		    sum = sum + i;
+		}	/* end of ordered */
+	    }	/* end of for */
+#pragma omp critical
+	    {
+		is_larger = is_larger && my_islarger;
+	    }	/* end of critical */
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    known_sum=(99 * 100) / 2;
+    return ((known_sum == sum) && is_larger);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_private.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_private.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_private.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_private.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp for private clause by counting up a variable in a parallelized loop. Each thread has a private variable (1) and a variable (2) declared by for private. First it stores the result of its last iteration in variable (2). Then this thread waits some time before it stores the value of the variable (2) in its private variable (1). At the beginning of the next iteration the value of (1) is assigned to (2). At the end all private variables (1) are added to a total sum in a critical section and compared with the correct result.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp for private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel,omp flush,omp critical,omp threadprivate</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+/* Utility function do spend some time in a loop */
+static void do_some_work (){
+    int i;
+    double sum = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
+	sum += sqrt ((double) i);
+    }
+int sum1;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(sum1)
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_private</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    int sum = 0;
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int sum0;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int known_sum;
+    sum0 = 0;	/* setting (global) sum0 = 0 */
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+	sum1 = 0;	/* setting sum1 in each thread to 0 */
+	{	/* begin of orphaned block */
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int i;
+#pragma omp for <ompts:check>private(sum0)</ompts:check> schedule(static,1)
+	    for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	    {
+		sum0 = sum1;
+#pragma omp flush
+		sum0 = sum0 + i;
+		do_some_work ();
+#pragma omp flush
+		sum1 = sum0;
+	    }	/* end of for */
+	</ompts:orphan>
+	}	/* end of orphaned block */
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	    sum = sum + sum1;
+	}	/*end of critical*/
+    }	/* end of parallel*/    
+    known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+    return (known_sum == sum);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_reduction.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_reduction.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_reduction.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_reduction.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp for reduction directive wich all its options.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp for reduction</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_reduction</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	double dt;
+	int sum;
+	int diff;
+	int product = 1;
+	double dsum;
+	double dknown_sum;
+	double ddiff;
+	int logic_and;
+	int logic_or;
+	int bit_and;
+	int bit_or;
+	int exclusiv_bit_or;
+	int *logics;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+#define DOUBLE_DIGITS 20	/* dt^DOUBLE_DIGITS */
+#define MAX_FACTOR 10
+#define KNOWN_PRODUCT 3628800	/* 10! */
+    int i;
+    int known_sum;
+    int known_product;
+    double rounding_error = 1.E-9;	/* over all rounding error to be ignored in the double tests */
+    double dpt;
+    int result = 0;
+    int logicsArray[LOOPCOUNT];
+    /* Variables for integer tests */
+    sum = 0;
+    product = 1;
+    known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+    /* variabels for double tests */
+    dt = 1. / 3.;	/* base of geometric row for + and - test*/
+    dsum = 0.;
+    /* Variabeles for logic  tests */
+    logics = logicsArray;
+    logic_and = 1;
+    logic_or = 0;
+    /* Variabeles for bit operators tests */
+    bit_and = 1;
+    bit_or = 0;
+    /* Variables for exclusiv bit or */
+    exclusiv_bit_or = 0;
+/** Tests for integers                                                     **/
+/**** Testing integer addition ****/
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(+:sum)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	    for (j = 1; j <= LOOPCOUNT; j++)
+	    {
+		sum = sum + j;
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (known_sum != sum) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in sum with integers: Result was %d instead of %d.\n", sum, known_sum); 
+    }
+/**** Testing integer subtracton ****/
+    diff = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(-:diff)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	    for (j = 1; j <= LOOPCOUNT; j++)
+	    {
+		diff = diff - j;
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (diff != 0) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in difference with integers: Result was %d instead of 0.\n", diff);
+    }
+/**** Testing integer multiplication ****/
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(*:product)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	    for (j = 1; j <= MAX_FACTOR; j++)
+	    {
+		product *= j;
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    known_product = KNOWN_PRODUCT;
+    if(known_product != product)
+    {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile,"Error in Product with integers: Result was %d instead of %d\n",product,known_product);
+    }
+/** Tests for doubles                                                      **/
+/**** Testing double addition ****/
+    dsum = 0.;
+    dpt = 1.;
+    for (i = 0; i < DOUBLE_DIGITS; ++i)
+    {
+	dpt *= dt;
+    }
+    dknown_sum = (1 - dpt) / (1 - dt);
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(+:dsum)</ompts:check>
+	    for (j = 0; j < DOUBLE_DIGITS; j++)
+	    {	
+		dsum += pow (dt, j);
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (fabs (dsum - dknown_sum) > rounding_error) {
+	result++; 
+	fprintf (logFile, "\nError in sum with doubles: Result was %f instead of: %f (Difference: %E)\n", dsum, dknown_sum, dsum-dknown_sum);
+    }
+#if 0
+    dpt = 1.;
+    for (i = 0; i < DOUBLE_DIGITS; ++i)
+    {
+	dpt *= dt;
+    }
+/**** Testing double subtraction ****/
+    ddiff = (1 - dpt) / (1 - dt);
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(-:ddiff)</ompts:check>
+	    for (j = 0; j < DOUBLE_DIGITS; ++j)
+	    {
+		ddiff -= pow (dt, j);
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (fabs (ddiff) > rounding_error) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in Difference with doubles: Result was %E instead of 0.0\n", ddiff);
+    }
+/** Tests for logical values                                               **/
+/**** Testing logic and ****/
+    for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+    {
+	logics[i] = 1;
+    }
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(&&:logic_and)</ompts:check>
+	    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; ++j)
+	    {
+		logic_and = (logic_and && logics[j]);
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if(!logic_and) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in logic AND part 1\n");
+    }
+    logic_and = 1;
+    logics[LOOPCOUNT / 2] = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(&&:logic_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; ++j)
+	    {
+		logic_and = logic_and && logics[j];
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if(logic_and) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in logic AND part 2\n");
+    }
+/**** Testing logic or ****/
+    for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+    {
+	logics[i] = 0;
+    }
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(||:logic_or)  </ompts:check>
+	    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; ++j)
+	    {
+		logic_or = logic_or || logics[j];
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (logic_or) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in logic OR part 1\n");
+    }
+    logic_or = 0;
+    logics[LOOPCOUNT / 2] = 1;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(||:logic_or)</ompts:check>
+	    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; ++j)
+	    {
+		logic_or = logic_or || logics[j];
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if(!logic_or) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in logic OR part 2\n");
+    }
+/** Tests for bit values                                                   **/
+/**** Testing bit and ****/
+    for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; ++i)
+    {
+	logics[i] = 1;
+    }
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(&:bit_and)  </ompts:check>
+	    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; ++j)
+	    {
+		bit_and = (bit_and & logics[j]);
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (!bit_and) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in BIT AND part 1\n");
+    }
+    bit_and = 1;
+    logics[LOOPCOUNT / 2] = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(&:bit_and)</ompts:check>
+	    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; ++j)
+	    {
+		bit_and = bit_and & logics[j];
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (bit_and) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in BIT AND part 2\n");
+    }
+/**** Testing bit or ****/
+    for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+    {
+	logics[i] = 0;
+    }
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(|:bit_or)</ompts:check>
+	    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; ++j)
+	    {
+		bit_or = bit_or | logics[j];
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (bit_or) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in BIT OR part 1\n");
+    }
+    bit_or = 0;
+    logics[LOOPCOUNT / 2] = 1;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(|:bit_or)</ompts:check>
+	    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; ++j)
+	    {
+		bit_or = bit_or | logics[j];
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (!bit_or) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in BIT OR part 2\n");
+    }
+/**** Testing exclusive bit or ****/
+    for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+    {
+	logics[i] = 0;
+    }
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(^:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check>
+	    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; ++j)
+	    {
+		exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[j];
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (exclusiv_bit_or) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 1\n");
+    }
+    exclusiv_bit_or = 0;
+    logics[LOOPCOUNT / 2] = 1;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int j;
+#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(^:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check>
+	    for (j = 0; j < LOOPCOUNT; ++j)
+	    {
+		exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[j];
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    }
+    if (!exclusiv_bit_or) {
+	result++;
+	fprintf (logFile, "Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 2\n");
+    }
+    /*fprintf ("\nResult:%d\n", result);*/
+    return (result == 0);
+    free (logics);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_auto.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_auto.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_auto.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_auto.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test with omp for schedule auto</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp for auto</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp parallel firstprivate</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int sum1;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(sum1)
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_auto</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    int sum;
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int sum0;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int known_sum;
+    int threadsnum;
+    sum = 0;
+    sum0 = 12345;
+    sum1 = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+#pragma omp single
+        {
+            threadsnum=omp_get_num_threads();
+        }
+	/* sum0 = 0; */
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	int i;
+#pragma omp for <ompts:check>firstprivate(sum0) schedule(auto)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(sum0)</ompts:crosscheck>
+	for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	    sum0 = sum0 + i;
+	    sum1 = sum0;
+	}	/* end of for */
+	</ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	    sum = sum + sum1;
+	}	/* end of critical */
+    }	/* end of parallel */    
+    known_sum = 12345* threadsnum+ (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+    return (known_sum == sum);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_dynamic.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_dynamic.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_dynamic.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_dynamic.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the dynamic option of the omp for schedule directive</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp for schedule(dynamic)</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush,omp for nowait,omp critical,omp single</ompts:dependences>
+* Test for dynamic scheduling with chunk size
+* Method: caculate how many times the iteration space is dispatched
+*         and judge if each dispatch has the requested chunk size
+*         unless it is the last one.
+* It is possible for two adjacent chunks are assigned to the same thread
+* Modifyied by Chunhua Liao
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+#define CFDMAX_SIZE 100
+const int chunk_size = 7;
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_schedule_dynamic</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+  int tid;
+  int *tids;
+  int i;
+  int tidsArray[CFDMAX_SIZE];
+  int count = 0;
+  int tmp_count = 0; /*dispatch times*/
+  int *tmp;  /*store chunk size for each dispatch*/
+  int result = 0;
+  tids = tidsArray;
+#pragma omp parallel private(tid) shared(tids)
+  {				/* begin of parallel */
+     <ompts:orphan>
+      int tid;
+    tid = omp_get_thread_num ();
+#pragma omp for <ompts:check>schedule(dynamic,chunk_size)</ompts:check>
+    for (i = 0; i < CFDMAX_SIZE; i++)
+      {
+	tids[i] = tid;
+      }
+     </ompts:orphan>
+  }				/* end of parallel */
+  for (i = 0; i < CFDMAX_SIZE - 1; ++i)
+    {
+      if (tids[i] != tids[i + 1])
+	{
+	  count++;
+	}
+    }
+  tmp = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * (count + 1));
+  tmp[0] = 1;
+  for (i = 0; i < CFDMAX_SIZE - 1; ++i)
+    {
+      if (tmp_count > count)
+	{
+	  printf ("--------------------\nTestinternal Error: List too small!!!\n--------------------\n");	/* Error handling */
+	  break;
+	}
+      if (tids[i] != tids[i + 1])
+	{
+	  tmp_count++;
+	  tmp[tmp_count] = 1;
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  tmp[tmp_count]++;
+	}
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < CFDMAX_SIZE; ++i)
+	printf("%d ",tids[i]);
+/* is dynamic statement working? */
+  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+    {
+      if ((tmp[i]%chunk_size)!=0) 
+/*it is possible for 2 adjacent chunks assigned to a same thread*/
+	{
+         result++;
+  fprintf(logFile,"The intermediate dispatch has wrong chunksize.\n");
+	  /*result += ((tmp[i] / chunk_size) - 1);*/
+	}
+    }
+  if ((tmp[count]%chunk_size)!=(CFDMAX_SIZE%chunk_size))
+   { 
+   result++;
+  fprintf(logFile,"the last dispatch has wrong chunksize.\n");
+   }
+  /* for (int i=0;i<count+1;++i) printf("%d\t:=\t%d\n",i+1,tmp[i]); */
+  return (result==0);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_guided.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_guided.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_guided.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_guided.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the guided option of the omp for schedule directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp for schedule(guided)</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush,omp for nowait,omp critical,omp single</ompts:dependences>
+/* Test for guided scheduling
+ * Ensure threads get chunks interleavely first
+ * Then judge the chunk sizes are decreasing to a stable value
+ * Modified by Chunhua Liao
+ * For example, 100 iteration on 2 threads, chunksize 7
+ * one line for each dispatch, 0/1 means thread id
+ * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  24
+ * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1              18
+ * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0                      14
+ * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1                              10
+ * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0                                   8
+ * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1                                     7
+ * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0                                     7
+ * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1                                     7
+ * 0 0 0 0 0                                         5
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+#define CFSMAX_SIZE 1000
+#define MAX_TIME  0.005
+#define SLEEPTIME 0.0001
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_schedule_guided</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int * tids;
+	int * chunksizes;
+	int notout;
+	int maxiter;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int threads;
+    int i;
+    int result;
+    tids = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * (CFSMAX_SIZE + 1));
+	maxiter = 0;
+    result = 1;
+    notout = 1;
+/* Testing if enought threads are available for this check. */
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+#pragma omp single
+	  {
+		threads = omp_get_num_threads ();
+	  } /* end of single */
+	} /* end of parallel */
+	if (threads < 2) {
+	  printf ("This test only works with at least two threads .\n");
+	  fprintf (logFile, "This test only works with at least two threads. Available were only %d thread(s).\n", threads);
+	  return (0);
+	} /* end if */
+    /* Now the real parallel work:  
+     *
+	 * Each thread will start immediately with the first chunk.
+     */
+#pragma omp parallel shared(tids,maxiter)
+    {	/* begin of parallel */
+      <ompts:orphan>
+      double count;
+      int tid;
+      int j;
+      tid = omp_get_thread_num ();
+#pragma omp for nowait <ompts:check>schedule(guided)</ompts:check>
+      for(j = 0; j < CFSMAX_SIZE; ++j)
+      {
+	count = 0.;
+#pragma omp flush(maxiter)
+	if (j > maxiter)
+	{
+#pragma omp critical
+	  {
+	    maxiter = j;
+	  }	/* end of critical */ 
+	}
+	/*printf ("thread %d sleeping\n", tid);*/
+#pragma omp flush(maxiter,notout)	
+	while (notout && (count < MAX_TIME) && (maxiter == j))
+	{
+#pragma omp flush(maxiter,notout)
+	  my_sleep (SLEEPTIME);
+	  count += SLEEPTIME;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	  printf(".");
+	}
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	if (count > 0.) printf(" waited %lf s\n", count);
+	/*printf ("thread %d awake\n", tid);*/
+	tids[j] = tid;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	printf("%d finished by %d\n",j,tid);
+      }	/* end of for */
+      notout = 0;
+#pragma omp flush(maxiter,notout)
+      </ompts:orphan>
+    }	/* end of parallel */
+ * evaluation of the values                            *
+ *******************************************************/
+	{
+	  int determined_chunksize = 1;
+	  int last_threadnr = tids[0];
+	  int global_chunknr = 0;
+	  int local_chunknr[NUMBER_OF_THREADS];
+	  int openwork = CFSMAX_SIZE;
+	  int expected_chunk_size;
+	  double c = 1;
+	  for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_THREADS; i++)
+		local_chunknr[i] = 0;
+	  tids[CFSMAX_SIZE] = -1;
+      /*
+	   * determine the number of global chunks
+	   */
+	  /*fprintf(logFile,"# global_chunknr thread local_chunknr chunksize\n"); */
+	  for(i = 1; i <= CFSMAX_SIZE; ++i)
+	  {
+		if (last_threadnr==tids[i]) { 
+		  determined_chunksize++; 
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		  /* fprintf (logFile, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", global_chunknr,last_threadnr, local_chunknr[last_threadnr], m); */
+		  global_chunknr++;
+		  local_chunknr[last_threadnr]++;
+		  last_threadnr = tids[i];
+		  determined_chunksize = 1;
+		}
+	  }
+	  /* now allocate the memory for saving the sizes of the global chunks */
+	  chunksizes = (int*)malloc(global_chunknr * sizeof(int));
+      /*
+	   * Evaluate the sizes of the global chunks
+	   */
+	  global_chunknr = 0;
+	  determined_chunksize = 1;
+	  last_threadnr = tids[0];	    
+	  for (i = 1; i <= CFSMAX_SIZE; ++i)
+	  {
+		/* If the threadnumber was the same as before increase the detected chunksize for this chunk
+		 * otherwise set the detected chunksize again to one and save the number of the next thread in last_threadnr. 
+		 */
+		if (last_threadnr == tids[i]) { 
+		  determined_chunksize++; 
+		}
+		else {
+		  chunksizes[global_chunknr] = determined_chunksize;
+		  global_chunknr++;
+		  local_chunknr[last_threadnr]++;
+		  last_threadnr = tids[i];
+		  determined_chunksize = 1;
+		}
+	  }
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	  fprintf (logFile, "found\texpected\tconstant\n");
+	  /* identify the constant c for the exponential decrease of the chunksize */
+	  expected_chunk_size = openwork / threads;
+	  c = (double) chunksizes[0] / expected_chunk_size;
+	  for (i = 0; i < global_chunknr; i++)
+	  {
+		/* calculate the new expected chunksize */
+		if (expected_chunk_size > 1) 
+		  expected_chunk_size = c * openwork / threads;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+		fprintf (logFile, "%8d\t%8d\t%lf\n", chunksizes[i], expected_chunk_size, c * chunksizes[i]/expected_chunk_size);
+		/* check if chunksize is inside the rounding errors */
+		if (abs (chunksizes[i] - expected_chunk_size) >= 2) {
+		  result = 0;
+#ifndef VERBOSE
+		  fprintf (logFile, "Chunksize differed from expected value: %d instead of %d\n", chunksizes[i], expected_chunk_size);
+		  return 0;
+		} /* end if */
+#ifndef VERBOSE
+		if (expected_chunk_size - chunksizes[i] < 0 )
+		  fprintf (logFile, "Chunksize did not decrease: %d instead of %d\n", chunksizes[i],expected_chunk_size);
+		/* calculating the remaining ammount of work */
+		openwork -= chunksizes[i];
+	  }	
+	}
+    return result;

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_static.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_static.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_static.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_static.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the static option of the omp for schedule directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp for schedule(static)</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp for nowait,omp flush,omp critical,omp single</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+#define CFSMAX_SIZE 1000
+#define MAX_TIME 0.01
+#define SLEEPTIME 0.0005
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_schedule_static</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+  int threads;
+  int i,lasttid;
+  <ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int * tids;
+  int notout;
+  int maxiter;
+  int chunk_size;
+  </ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int counter = 0;
+  int tmp_count=1;
+  int lastthreadsstarttid = -1;
+  int result = 1;
+  chunk_size = 7;
+  tids = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * (CFSMAX_SIZE + 1));
+  notout = 1;
+  maxiter = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel shared(tids,counter)
+  {	/* begin of parallel*/
+#pragma omp single
+    {
+      threads = omp_get_num_threads ();
+    }	/* end of single */
+  }	/* end of parallel */
+  if (threads < 2)
+  {
+    printf ("This test only works with at least two threads");
+    fprintf (logFile,"This test only works with at least two threads");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  else 
+  {
+    fprintf (logFile,"Using an internal count of %d\nUsing a specified chunksize of %d\n", CFSMAX_SIZE, chunk_size);
+    tids[CFSMAX_SIZE] = -1;	/* setting endflag */
+#pragma omp parallel shared(tids)
+    {	/* begin of parallel */
+      <ompts:orphan>
+	double count;
+      int tid;
+      int j;
+      tid = omp_get_thread_num ();
+#pragma omp for nowait <ompts:check>schedule(static,chunk_size)</ompts:check>
+      for(j = 0; j < CFSMAX_SIZE; ++j)
+      {
+	count = 0.;
+#pragma omp flush(maxiter)
+	if (j > maxiter)
+	{
+#pragma omp critical
+	  {
+	    maxiter = j;
+	  }	/* end of critical */ 
+	}
+	/*printf ("thread %d sleeping\n", tid);*/
+	while (notout && (count < MAX_TIME) && (maxiter == j))
+	{
+#pragma omp flush(maxiter,notout)
+	  my_sleep (SLEEPTIME);
+	  count += SLEEPTIME;
+	  printf(".");
+	}
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	if (count > 0.) printf(" waited %lf s\n", count);
+	/*printf ("thread %d awake\n", tid);*/
+	tids[j] = tid;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	printf("%d finished by %d\n",j,tid);
+      }	/* end of for */
+      notout = 0;
+#pragma omp flush(maxiter,notout)
+      </ompts:orphan>
+    }	/* end of parallel */
+    /**** analysing the data in array tids ****/
+    lasttid = tids[0];
+    tmp_count = 0; 
+    for (i = 0; i < CFSMAX_SIZE + 1; ++i)
+    {
+      /* If the work  was done by the same thread increase tmp_count by one. */
+      if (tids[i] == lasttid) {
+	tmp_count++;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	fprintf (logFile, "%d: %d \n", i, tids[i]);
+	continue;
+      }
+      /* Check if the next thread had has the right thread number. When finding 
+       * threadnumber -1 the end should be reached. 
+       */	  
+      if (tids[i] == (lasttid + 1) % threads || tids[i] == -1) {
+	/* checking for the right chunk size */
+	if (tmp_count == chunk_size) {
+	  tmp_count = 1;
+	  lasttid = tids[i];
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	  fprintf (logFile, "OK\n");
+	}
+	/* If the chunk size was wrong, check if the end was reached */
+	else {
+	  if (tids[i] == -1) {
+	    if (i == CFSMAX_SIZE) {
+	      fprintf (logFile, "Last thread had chunk size %d\n", tmp_count);
+	      break;
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      fprintf (logFile, "ERROR: Last thread (thread with number -1) was found before the end.\n");
+	      result = 0;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    fprintf (logFile, "ERROR: chunk size was %d. (assigned was %d)\n", tmp_count, chunk_size);
+	    result = 0;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	fprintf(logFile, "ERROR: Found thread with number %d (should be inbetween 0 and %d).", tids[i], threads - 1);
+	result = 0;
+      }
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+      fprintf (logFile, "%d: %d \n", i, tids[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  return result;

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_static_3.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_static_3.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_static_3.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_for_schedule_static_3.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the static option of the omp for schedule directive considering the specifications for the chunk distribution of several loop regions is the same as specified in the Open MP standard version 3.0.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp for schedule(static)</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp for nowait,omp flush,omp critical,omp single</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+#define CFSMAX_SIZE 1000
+#define MAX_TIME 0.01
+#define SLEEPTIME 0.0005
+#define VERBOSE 0
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_for_schedule_static_3</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+  int threads;
+  int i,lasttid;
+  <ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int * tids;
+  int * tids2;
+  int notout;
+  int maxiter;
+  int chunk_size;
+  </ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int counter = 0;
+  int tmp_count=1;
+  int lastthreadsstarttid = -1;
+  int result = 1;
+  chunk_size = 7;
+  tids = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * (CFSMAX_SIZE + 1));
+  notout = 1;
+  maxiter = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel shared(tids,counter)
+  {	/* begin of parallel*/
+#pragma omp single
+    {
+      threads = omp_get_num_threads ();
+    }	/* end of single */
+  }	/* end of parallel */
+  if (threads < 2)
+  {
+    printf ("This test only works with at least two threads");
+    fprintf (logFile,"This test only works with at least two threads");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  else 
+  {
+    fprintf (logFile,"Using an internal count of %d\nUsing a specified chunksize of %d\n", CFSMAX_SIZE, chunk_size);
+    tids[CFSMAX_SIZE] = -1;	/* setting endflag */
+#pragma omp parallel shared(tids)
+    {	/* begin of parallel */
+      <ompts:orphan>
+	double count;
+      int tid;
+      int j;
+      tid = omp_get_thread_num ();
+#pragma omp for nowait <ompts:check>schedule(static,chunk_size)</ompts:check>
+      for(j = 0; j < CFSMAX_SIZE; ++j)
+      {
+	count = 0.;
+#pragma omp flush(maxiter)
+	if (j > maxiter)
+	{
+#pragma omp critical
+	  {
+	    maxiter = j;
+	  }	/* end of critical */ 
+	}
+	/*printf ("thread %d sleeping\n", tid);*/
+	while (notout && (count < MAX_TIME) && (maxiter == j))
+	{
+#pragma omp flush(maxiter,notout)
+	  my_sleep (SLEEPTIME);
+	  count += SLEEPTIME;
+	  printf(".");
+	}
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	if (count > 0.) printf(" waited %lf s\n", count);
+	/*printf ("thread %d awake\n", tid);*/
+	tids[j] = tid;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	printf("%d finished by %d\n",j,tid);
+      }	/* end of for */
+      notout = 0;
+#pragma omp flush(maxiter,notout)
+      </ompts:orphan>
+    }	/* end of parallel */
+    /**** analysing the data in array tids ****/
+    lasttid = tids[0];
+    tmp_count = 0; 
+    for (i = 0; i < CFSMAX_SIZE + 1; ++i)
+    {
+      /* If the work  was done by the same thread increase tmp_count by one. */
+      if (tids[i] == lasttid) {
+	tmp_count++;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	fprintf (logFile, "%d: %d \n", i, tids[i]);
+	continue;
+      }
+      /* Check if the next thread had has the right thread number. When finding 
+       * threadnumber -1 the end should be reached. 
+       */	  
+      if (tids[i] == (lasttid + 1) % threads || tids[i] == -1) {
+	/* checking for the right chunk size */
+	if (tmp_count == chunk_size) {
+	  tmp_count = 1;
+	  lasttid = tids[i];
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	  fprintf (logFile, "OK\n");
+	}
+	/* If the chunk size was wrong, check if the end was reached */
+	else {
+	  if (tids[i] == -1) {
+	    if (i == CFSMAX_SIZE) {
+	      fprintf (logFile, "Last thread had chunk size %d\n", tmp_count);
+	      break;
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      fprintf (logFile, "ERROR: Last thread (thread with number -1) was found before the end.\n");
+	      result = 0;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    fprintf (logFile, "ERROR: chunk size was %d. (assigned was %d)\n", tmp_count, chunk_size);
+	    result = 0;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	fprintf(logFile, "ERROR: Found thread with number %d (should be inbetween 0 and %d).", tids[i], threads - 1);
+	result = 0;
+      }
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+      fprintf (logFile, "%d: %d \n", i, tids[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Now we check if several loop regions in one parallel region have the same 
+   * logical assignement of chunks to threads.
+   * We use the nowait clause to increase the probability to get an error. */
+  /* First we allocate some more memmory */
+ free (tids);
+  tids = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * LOOPCOUNT);
+  tids2 = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * LOOPCOUNT);
+#pragma omp parallel 
+  {
+      <ompts:orphan>
+      {
+          int n;
+#pragma omp for <ompts:check>schedule(static)</ompts:check> nowait
+          for (n = 0; n < LOOPCOUNT; n++)
+          {
+              if (LOOPCOUNT == n + 1 )
+                  my_sleep(SLEEPTIME);
+              tids[n] = omp_get_thread_num();
+          }
+      }
+      </ompts:orphan>
+      <ompts:orphan>
+      {
+          int m;
+#pragma omp for <ompts:check>schedule(static)</ompts:check> nowait
+          for (m = 1; m <= LOOPCOUNT; m++)
+          {
+              tids2[m-1] = omp_get_thread_num();
+          }
+      }
+      </ompts:orphan>
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+      if (tids[i] != tids2[i]) {
+          fprintf (logFile, "Chunk no. %d was assigned once to thread %d and later to thread %d.\n", i, tids[i],tids2[i]);
+          result = 0;
+      }
+  free (tids);
+  free (tids2);
+  return result;

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_num_threads.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_num_threads.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_num_threads.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_num_threads.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks that the omp_get_num_threads returns the correct number of threads. Therefor it counts up a variable in a parallelized section and compars this value with the result of the omp_get_num_threads function.</ompts:testdescription>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_get_num_threads</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    /* checks that omp_get_num_threads is equal to the number of
+       threads */
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int nthreads_lib;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int nthreads = 0;
+    nthreads_lib = -1;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	    nthreads++;
+	}	/* end of critical */
+#pragma omp single
+	{ 
+	    <ompts:check>nthreads_lib = omp_get_num_threads ();</ompts:check>
+	}	/* end of single */
+    }	/* end of parallel */
+	fprintf (logFile, "Counted %d threads. get_num_threads returned %d.\n", nthreads, nthreads_lib);
+    return (nthreads == nthreads_lib);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_wtick.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_wtick.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_wtick.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_wtick.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_get_wtick function.</ompts:testdescription>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_get_wtick</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	double tick;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    tick = -1.;
+    <ompts:orphan>
+	<ompts:check>tick = omp_get_wtick ();</ompts:check>
+    </ompts:orphan>
+    fprintf (logFile, "Work took %lf sec. time.\n", tick);
+    return ((tick > 0.0) && (tick < 0.01));

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_wtime.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_wtime.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_wtime.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_get_wtime.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_get_wtime function. It compares the time with which is called a sleep function with the time it took by messuring the difference between the call of the sleep function and its end.</ompts:testdescription>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_get_wtime</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	double start;
+	double end;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    double measured_time;
+    int wait_time = 1; 
+    start = 0;
+    end = 0;
+    <ompts:orphan>
+	<ompts:check>start = omp_get_wtime ();</ompts:check>
+    </ompts:orphan>
+	my_sleep (wait_time); 
+    <ompts:orphan>
+	<ompts:check>end = omp_get_wtime ();</ompts:check>
+    </ompts:orphan>
+	measured_time = end-start;
+    fprintf(logFile, "Work took %lf sec. time.\n", measured_time);
+    return ((measured_time > 0.99 * wait_time) && (measured_time < 1.01 * wait_time)) ;

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_in_parallel.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_in_parallel.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_in_parallel.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_in_parallel.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks that omp_in_parallel returns false when called from a serial region and true when called within a parallel region.</ompts:testdescription>
+ * Checks that false is returned when called from serial region
+ * and true is returned when called within parallel region. 
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_in_parallel</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int serial;
+	int isparallel;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    serial = 1;
+    isparallel = 0;
+    <ompts:check>
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    serial = omp_in_parallel ();
+	</ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+#pragma omp single
+	{
+	    <ompts:orphan>
+		isparallel = omp_in_parallel ();
+	    </ompts:orphan>
+	}
+    }
+    </ompts:check>
+    <ompts:crosscheck>
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+#pragma omp single
+	    {
+	    }
+	}
+    </ompts:crosscheck>
+	return (!(serial) && isparallel);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_lock.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_lock.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_lock.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_lock.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_set_lock  and the omp_unset_lock function by counting the threads entering and exiting a single region with locks.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+omp_lock_t lck;
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_lock</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+  int nr_threads_in_single = 0;
+  int result = 0;
+  int nr_iterations = 0;
+  int i;
+  omp_init_lock (&lck);
+#pragma omp parallel shared(lck)
+  {
+    #pragma omp for
+    for(i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+      {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    <ompts:check>omp_set_lock (&lck);</ompts:check>
+	</ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp flush
+	nr_threads_in_single++;
+#pragma omp flush           
+	nr_iterations++;
+	nr_threads_in_single--;
+	result = result + nr_threads_in_single;
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    <ompts:check>omp_unset_lock(&lck);</ompts:check>
+	</ompts:orphan>
+      }
+  }
+  omp_destroy_lock (&lck);
+  return ((result == 0) && (nr_iterations == LOOPCOUNT));

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_master.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_master.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_master.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_master.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp master directive by counting up a variable in a omp master section.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp master</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_master</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int nthreads;
+	int executing_thread;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    nthreads = 0;
+    executing_thread = -1;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    <ompts:check>#pragma omp master </ompts:check>
+	    {
+#pragma omp critical
+		{
+		    nthreads++;
+		}
+		executing_thread = omp_get_thread_num ();
+	    } /* end of master*/
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    } /* end of parallel*/
+    return ((nthreads == 1) && (executing_thread == 0));

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_master_3.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_master_3.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_master_3.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_master_3.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp master directive by counting up a variable in a omp master section. It also checks that the master thread has the thread number 0 as specified in the Open MP standard version 3.0.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp master</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_master_3</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int nthreads;
+	int executing_thread;
+        int tid_result = 0; /* counts up the number of wrong thread no. for
+                               the master thread. (Must be 0) */
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    nthreads = 0;
+    executing_thread = -1;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    <ompts:check>#pragma omp master </ompts:check>
+	    {
+                int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
+                if (tid != 0) {
+#pragma omp critical
+                    { tid_result++; }
+                }
+#pragma omp critical
+		{
+		    nthreads++;
+		}
+		executing_thread = omp_get_thread_num ();
+	    } /* end of master*/
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    } /* end of parallel*/
+    return ((nthreads == 1) && (executing_thread == 0) && (tid_result == 0));

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_nest_lock.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_nest_lock.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_nest_lock.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_nest_lock.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_set_nest_lock and the omp_unset_nest_lock function.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+omp_nest_lock_t lck;
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_nest_lock</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    int nr_threads_in_single = 0;
+    int result = 0;
+    int nr_iterations = 0;
+    int i;
+    omp_init_nest_lock (&lck);
+#pragma omp parallel shared(lck)  
+    {
+#pragma omp for
+	for(i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	    <ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>omp_set_nest_lock (&lck);</ompts:check>
+	    </ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp flush
+		nr_threads_in_single++;
+#pragma omp flush           
+	    nr_iterations++;
+	    nr_threads_in_single--;
+	    result = result + nr_threads_in_single;
+	    <ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>omp_unset_nest_lock (&lck);</ompts:check>
+	    </ompts:orphan>
+	}
+    }
+    omp_destroy_nest_lock (&lck);
+    return ((result == 0) && (nr_iterations == LOOPCOUNT));

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_nested.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_nested.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_nested.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_nested.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_nested function.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+ * Test if the compiler supports nested parallelism
+ * By Chunhua Liao, University of Houston
+ * Oct. 2005
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_nested</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        int counter = 0;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+    <ompts:check>omp_set_nested(1);</ompts:check>
+    <ompts:crosscheck>omp_set_nested(0);</ompts:crosscheck>
+#pragma omp parallel shared(counter)
+#pragma omp critical
+    counter ++;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+#pragma omp critical
+        counter --;
+    }
+    return (counter != 0);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_copyin.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_copyin.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_copyin.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_copyin.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel copyin directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel copyin</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp threadprivate</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+static int sum1 = 789;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(sum1)
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_copyin</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int sum, num_threads;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int known_sum;
+    sum = 0;
+    sum1 = 7;
+    num_threads = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel <ompts:check>copyin(sum1)</ompts:check>
+    {
+	/*printf("sum1=%d\n",sum1);*/
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	int i;
+#pragma omp for 
+	    for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++)
+	    {
+		sum1 = sum1 + i;
+	    } /*end of for*/
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	    sum = sum + sum1;
+            num_threads++;
+	} /*end of critical*/
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    } /* end of parallel*/    
+    known_sum = (999 * 1000) / 2 + 7 * num_threads;
+    return (known_sum == sum);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_default.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_default.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_default.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_default.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the default option of the parallel construct.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel default</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_default</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+  <ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int i;
+  int sum;
+  int mysum;
+  </ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int known_sum;
+  sum =0;
+  known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2 ;
+  <ompts:orphan>
+  #pragma omp parallel <ompts:check>default(shared)</ompts:check> private(i) private(mysum<ompts:crosscheck>,sum</ompts:crosscheck>)
+  {
+	mysum = 0;
+  #pragma omp for
+	for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	  mysum = mysum + i;
+	} 
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	  sum = sum + mysum;
+	}   /* end of critical */
+  }   /* end of parallel */
+  </ompts:orphan>
+  if (known_sum != sum) {
+  	fprintf(logFile, "KNOWN_SUM = %d; SUM = %d\n", known_sum, sum);
+  }
+  return (known_sum == sum);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_firstprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_firstprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_firstprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_firstprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel firstprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel firstprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp for omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+//static int sum1 = 789;
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int sum, num_threads,sum1;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int known_sum;
+    sum = 0;
+    sum1=7;
+    num_threads = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel <ompts:check>firstprivate(sum1)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(sum1)</ompts:crosscheck>
+    {
+	/*printf("sum1=%d\n",sum1);*/
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	int i;
+#pragma omp for 
+	    for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++)
+	    {
+		sum1 = sum1 + i;
+	    } /*end of for*/
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	    sum = sum + sum1;
+            num_threads++;
+	} /*end of critical*/
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    } /* end of parallel*/    
+    known_sum = (999 * 1000) / 2 + 7 * num_threads;
+    return (known_sum == sum);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_firstprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_firstprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_firstprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_firstprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel for firstprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel for firstprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel for reduction,omp parallel for private</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_for_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int sum ;
+    int i2;
+    int i;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    sum=0;
+    i2=3;
+    int known_sum;
+    #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum) private(i) <ompts:check>firstprivate(i2)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(i2)</ompts:crosscheck>
+    <ompts:orphan>
+    for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+    {
+	  sum = sum + (i + i2);
+    } /*end of for*/
+    </ompts:orphan>
+    known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2 + i2 * LOOPCOUNT;
+    return (known_sum == sum);
+} /* end of check_parallel_for_fistprivate */

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_if.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_if.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_if.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_if.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel for if directive. Needs at least two threads.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel for if</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_for_if</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    int known_sum;
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int num_threads;
+    int sum, sum2;
+    int i;
+    int control;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    control = 0;
+    num_threads=0;
+    sum = 0;
+    sum2 = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel for private(i) <ompts:check>if (control==1)</ompts:check>
+    <ompts:orphan>
+    for (i=0; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+    {
+        num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
+	sum = sum + i;
+    } /*end of for*/
+    </ompts:orphan>
+    known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+    fprintf (logFile, "Number of threads determined by omp_get_num_threads: %d\n", num_threads);
+    return (known_sum == sum && num_threads == 1);
+} /* end of check_paralel_for_private */

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_lastprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_lastprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_lastprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_lastprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel for lastprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel for lastprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel for reduction,omp parallel for private</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_for_lastprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int sum;
+    int i;
+    int i0;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    sum =0;
+    i0 = -1;
+    int known_sum;
+#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum) schedule(static,7) private(i) <ompts:check>lastprivate(i0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(i0)</ompts:crosscheck>
+    <ompts:orphan>
+    for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+    {
+	sum = sum + i;
+	i0 = i;
+    } /*end of for*/
+    /* end of parallel*/    
+    </ompts:orphan>
+    known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+    return ((known_sum == sum) && (i0 == LOOPCOUNT));
+} /* end of check_parallel_for_lastprivate */

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_ordered.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_ordered.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_ordered.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_ordered.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel for ordered directive</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel for ordered</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel schedule(static)</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+static int last_i = 0;
+int i;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(i)
+/* Variable ii is used to avoid problems with a threadprivate variable used as a loop
+ * index. See test omp_threadprivate_for.
+ */
+static int ii;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(ii)
+  Utility function: returns true if the passed argument is larger than 
+  the argument of the last call of this function.
+  */
+static int check_i_islarger2 (int i){
+	int islarger;
+	islarger = (i > last_i);
+	last_i = i;
+	return (islarger);
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_for_ordered</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+	<ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int sum;
+	int is_larger;
+	</ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int known_sum;
+	int i;
+	sum = 0;
+	is_larger = 1;
+	last_i = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,1) private(i) <ompts:check>ordered</ompts:check>
+	for (i = 1; i < 100; i++)
+	{
+		ii = i;
+	<ompts:orphan>
+<ompts:check>#pragma omp ordered</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+			is_larger = check_i_islarger2 (ii) && is_larger;
+			sum  = sum + ii;
+		}
+	</ompts:orphan>
+	}
+	known_sum = (99 * 100) / 2;
+	fprintf (logFile," known_sum = %d , sum = %d \n", known_sum, sum);
+	fprintf (logFile," is_larger = %d\n", is_larger);
+	return (known_sum == sum) && is_larger;

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_private.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_private.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_private.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_private.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel for private directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel for private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel for reduction,omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+/*! Utility function to spend some time in a loop */
+static void do_some_work (void){
+    int i;
+    double sum = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
+	sum += sqrt (i);
+    }
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_for_private</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int sum;
+    int i;
+    int i2;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    sum =0;
+    i2=0;
+    int known_sum;
+#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum) schedule(static,1) private(i) <ompts:check>private(i2)</ompts:check>
+    <ompts:orphan>
+    for (i=1;i<=LOOPCOUNT;i++)
+    {
+	i2 = i;
+#pragma omp flush
+	do_some_work ();
+#pragma omp flush
+	sum = sum + i2;
+    } /*end of for*/
+    </ompts:orphan>
+    known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+    return (known_sum == sum);
+} /* end of check_paralel_for_private */

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_reduction.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_reduction.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_reduction.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_for_reduction.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel for reduction directive with all its options.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel for reduction</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_for_reduction</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+	<ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int sum;
+	int known_sum;
+	double dsum;
+	double dknown_sum;
+	double dt=0.5;				/* base of geometric row for + and - test*/
+	double rounding_error= 1.E-9;
+#define DOUBLE_DIGITS 20		/* dt^DOUBLE_DIGITS */
+	int diff;
+	double ddiff;
+	int product;
+	int known_product;
+#define MAX_FACTOR 10
+#define KNOWN_PRODUCT 3628800	/* 10! */
+	int logic_and;
+	int logic_or;
+	int bit_and;
+	int bit_or;
+	int exclusiv_bit_or;
+	int logics[LOOPCOUNT];
+	int i;
+	double dpt;
+	int result;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    sum =0;
+    dsum=0;
+	dt = 1./3.;
+    result = 0;
+    product = 1;
+	logic_and=1;
+	logic_or=0;
+	bit_and=1;
+	bit_or=0;
+	exclusiv_bit_or=0;
+	known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(+:sum)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for (i=1;i<=LOOPCOUNT;i++)
+	{
+		sum=sum+i;
+	}
+	if(known_sum!=sum)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in sum with integers: Result was %d instead of %d\n",sum,known_sum); 
+	}
+	diff = (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(-:diff)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for (i=1;i<=LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		diff=diff-i;
+	}
+	if(diff != 0)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in difference with integers: Result was %d instead of 0.\n",diff);
+	}
+	/* Tests for doubles */
+	dsum=0;
+	dpt=1;
+	for (i=0;i<DOUBLE_DIGITS;++i)
+	{
+		dpt*=dt;
+	}
+	dknown_sum = (1-dpt)/(1-dt);
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(+:dsum)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for (i=0;i<DOUBLE_DIGITS;++i)
+	{
+		dsum += pow(dt,i);
+	}
+	if( fabs(dsum-dknown_sum) > rounding_error )
+	{
+		result++; 
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in sum with doubles: Result was %f instead of %f (Difference: %E)\n",dsum,dknown_sum, dsum-dknown_sum);
+	}
+	dpt=1;
+	for (i=0;i<DOUBLE_DIGITS;++i)
+	{
+		dpt*=dt;
+	}
+	fprintf(logFile,"\n");
+	ddiff = (1-dpt)/(1-dt);
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(-:ddiff)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for (i=0;i<DOUBLE_DIGITS;++i)
+	{
+		ddiff -= pow(dt,i);
+	}
+	if( fabs(ddiff) > rounding_error)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in Difference with doubles: Result was %E instead of 0.0\n",ddiff);
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(*:product)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=1;i<=MAX_FACTOR;i++)
+	{
+		product *= i;
+	}
+	known_product = KNOWN_PRODUCT;
+	if(known_product != product)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in Product with integers: Result was %d instead of %d\n\n",product,known_product);
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=1;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&&:logic_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+	}
+	if(!logic_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic AND part 1.\n");
+	}
+	logic_and = 1;
+	logics[LOOPCOUNT/2]=0;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&&:logic_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		logic_and = logic_and && logics[i];
+	}
+	if(logic_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic AND part 2.\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(||:logic_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		logic_or = logic_or || logics[i];
+	}
+	if(logic_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic OR part 1.\n");
+	}
+	logic_or = 0;
+	logics[LOOPCOUNT/2]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(||:logic_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		logic_or = logic_or || logics[i];
+	}
+	if(!logic_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic OR part 2.\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		logics[i]=1;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&:bit_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		bit_and = (bit_and & logics[i]);
+	}
+	if(!bit_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT AND part 1.\n");
+	}
+	bit_and = 1;
+	logics[LOOPCOUNT/2]=0;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&:bit_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		bit_and = bit_and & logics[i];
+	}
+	if(bit_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT AND part 2.\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(|:bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+	}
+	if(bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT OR part 1\n");
+	}
+	bit_or = 0;
+	logics[LOOPCOUNT/2]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(|:bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+	}
+	if(!bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT OR part 2\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(^:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+	}
+	if(exclusiv_bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 1\n");
+	}
+	exclusiv_bit_or = 0;
+	logics[LOOPCOUNT/2]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(^:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+	}
+	if(!exclusiv_bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 2\n");
+	}
+	/*printf("\nResult:%d\n",result);*/
+	return (result==0);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_if.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_if.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_if.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_if.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the if option of the parallel construct.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel if</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_if</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+  int i;
+  int sum;
+  int known_sum;
+  int mysum;
+  int control=1;
+  sum =0;
+  known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2 ;
+#pragma omp parallel private(i) <ompts:check>if(control==0)</ompts:check>
+  {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+    mysum = 0;
+	for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	  mysum = mysum + i;
+	} 
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	  sum = sum + mysum;
+	}   /* end of critical */
+  </ompts:orphan>
+  }   /* end of parallel */
+  return (known_sum == sum);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_num_threads.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_num_threads.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_num_threads.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_num_threads.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_parallel_num_threads directive by counting the threads in a parallel region which was started with an explicitly stated number of threads.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parellel num_threads</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp master,omp parallel reduction,omp atomic</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_num_threads</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int failed;
+	int threads;
+	int nthreads;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int max_threads = 0;
+    failed = 0;
+    /* first we check how many threads are available */
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+#pragma omp master
+	max_threads = omp_get_num_threads ();
+    }
+    /* we increase the number of threads from one to maximum:*/
+    for (threads = 1; threads <= max_threads; threads++)
+    {
+	nthreads = 0;
+	<ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp parallel reduction(+:failed) <ompts:check>num_threads(threads)</ompts:check>
+	    {
+		failed = failed + !(threads == omp_get_num_threads ());
+#pragma omp atomic
+	    nthreads += 1;
+	    }
+	</ompts:orphan>
+	failed = failed + !(nthreads == threads);
+    }
+    return (!failed);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_private.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_private.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_private.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_private.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel private directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp for omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+//static int sum1 = 789;
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_private</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int sum, num_threads,sum1;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int known_sum;
+    sum = 0;
+    <ompts:crosscheck> sum1=0; </ompts:crosscheck>
+    num_threads = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel <ompts:check>private(sum1)</ompts:check>
+    {
+	<ompts:check>
+	sum1 = 7;
+	</ompts:check>
+	/*printf("sum1=%d\n",sum1);*/
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	int i;
+#pragma omp for 
+	    for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++)
+	    {
+		sum1 = sum1 + i;
+	    } /*end of for*/
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	    sum = sum + sum1;
+            num_threads++;
+	} /*end of critical*/
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    } /* end of parallel*/    
+    known_sum = (999 * 1000) / 2 + 7 * num_threads;
+    return (known_sum == sum);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_reduction.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_reduction.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_reduction.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_reduction.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel reduction directive with all its options.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel reduction</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_reduction</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+	<ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int sum;
+	int known_sum;
+	double dsum;
+	double dknown_sum;
+	double dt=0.5;				/* base of geometric row for + and - test*/
+	double rounding_error= 1.E-9;
+#define DOUBLE_DIGITS 20		/* dt^DOUBLE_DIGITS */
+	int diff;
+	double ddiff;
+	int product;
+	int known_product;
+#define MAX_FACTOR 10
+#define KNOWN_PRODUCT 3628800	/* 10! */
+	int logic_and;
+	int logic_or;
+	int bit_and;
+	int bit_or;
+	int exclusiv_bit_or;
+	int logics[LOOPCOUNT];
+	int i;
+	double dpt;
+	int result;
+    sum =0;
+    dsum=0;
+    product=1;
+	logic_and=1;
+	logic_or=0;
+	bit_and=1;
+	bit_or=0;
+	exclusiv_bit_or=0;
+    result=0;
+	dt = 1./3.;
+	known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(+:sum)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for (i=1;i<=LOOPCOUNT;i++)
+	{
+		sum=sum+i;
+	}
+	if(known_sum!=sum)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in sum with integers: Result was %d instead of %d\n",sum,known_sum); 
+	}
+	diff = (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(-:diff)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for (i=1;i<=LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		diff=diff-i;
+	}
+	if(diff != 0)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in difference with integers: Result was %d instead of 0.\n",diff);
+	}
+	/* Tests for doubles */
+	dsum=0;
+	dpt=1;
+	for (i=0;i<DOUBLE_DIGITS;++i)
+	{
+		dpt*=dt;
+	}
+	dknown_sum = (1-dpt)/(1-dt);
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(+:dsum)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for (i=0;i<DOUBLE_DIGITS;++i)
+	{
+		dsum += pow(dt,i);
+	}
+	if( fabs(dsum-dknown_sum) > rounding_error )
+	{
+		result++; 
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in sum with doubles: Result was %f instead of %f (Difference: %E)\n",dsum,dknown_sum, dsum-dknown_sum);
+	}
+	dpt=1;
+	for (i=0;i<DOUBLE_DIGITS;++i)
+	{
+		dpt*=dt;
+	}
+	fprintf(logFile,"\n");
+	ddiff = (1-dpt)/(1-dt);
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(-:ddiff)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for (i=0;i<DOUBLE_DIGITS;++i)
+	{
+		ddiff -= pow(dt,i);
+	}
+	if( fabs(ddiff) > rounding_error)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in Difference with doubles: Result was %E instead of 0.0\n",ddiff);
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(*:product)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=1;i<=MAX_FACTOR;i++)
+	{
+		product *= i;
+	}
+	known_product = KNOWN_PRODUCT;
+	if(known_product != product)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in Product with integers: Result was %d instead of %d\n\n",product,known_product);
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=1;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&&:logic_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+	}
+	if(!logic_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic AND part 1.\n");
+	}
+	logic_and = 1;
+	logics[LOOPCOUNT/2]=0;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&&:logic_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		logic_and = logic_and && logics[i];
+	}
+	if(logic_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic AND part 2.\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(||:logic_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		logic_or = logic_or || logics[i];
+	}
+	if(logic_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic OR part 1.\n");
+	}
+	logic_or = 0;
+	logics[LOOPCOUNT/2]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(||:logic_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		logic_or = logic_or || logics[i];
+	}
+	if(!logic_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic OR part 2.\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		logics[i]=1;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&:bit_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		bit_and = (bit_and & logics[i]);
+	}
+	if(!bit_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT AND part 1.\n");
+	}
+	bit_and = 1;
+	logics[LOOPCOUNT/2]=0;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&:bit_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		bit_and = bit_and & logics[i];
+	}
+	if(bit_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT AND part 2.\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(|:bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+	}
+	if(bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT OR part 1\n");
+	}
+	bit_or = 0;
+	logics[LOOPCOUNT/2]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(|:bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+	}
+	if(!bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT OR part 2\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(^:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+	}
+	if(exclusiv_bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 1\n");
+	}
+	exclusiv_bit_or = 0;
+	logics[LOOPCOUNT/2]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,1) private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(^:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	for(i=0;i<LOOPCOUNT;++i)
+	{
+		exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+	}
+	if(!exclusiv_bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 2\n");
+	}
+    </ompts:orphan>
+	/*printf("\nResult:%d\n",result);*/
+	return (result==0);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_firstprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_firstprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_firstprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_firstprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel sections firstprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel sections firstprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_sections_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+  <ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int sum;
+  int sum0;
+  </ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int known_sum;
+  sum =7;
+  sum0=11;
+#pragma omp parallel sections <ompts:check>firstprivate(sum0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(sum0)</ompts:crosscheck>
+  {
+#pragma omp section 
+    {
+#pragma omp critical
+      {
+	sum= sum+sum0;
+      }                         /*end of critical */
+    }    
+#pragma omp section
+    {
+#pragma omp critical
+      {
+	sum= sum+sum0;
+      }                         /*end of critical */
+    }
+#pragma omp section
+    {
+#pragma omp critical
+      {
+	sum= sum+sum0;
+      }                         /*end of critical */
+    }               
+    }      /*end of parallel sections*/
+return (known_sum==sum); 
+}                              /* end of check_section_firstprivate*/

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_lastprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_lastprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_lastprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_lastprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel sections lastprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel sections lastprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp parallel sections private</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_sections_lastprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+  <ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int sum;
+  int sum0;
+  int i;
+  int i0;
+  </ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int known_sum;
+  sum =0;
+  sum0 = 0;
+  i0 = -1;
+  <ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i,sum0) <ompts:check>lastprivate(i0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(i0)</ompts:crosscheck>
+    {
+#pragma omp section  
+      {
+	sum0=0;
+	for (i=1;i<400;i++)
+	  {
+	    sum0=sum0+i;
+	    i0=i;
+	  }
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	  sum= sum+sum0;
+	}                         /*end of critical*/
+      }/* end of section */
+#pragma omp section 
+      {
+	sum0=0;
+	for(i=400;i<700;i++)
+	  {
+	    sum0=sum0+i;                       /*end of for*/
+	    i0=i;
+	  }
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	  sum= sum+sum0;
+	}                         /*end of critical*/
+      }
+#pragma omp section 
+      {
+	sum0=0;
+	for(i=700;i<1000;i++)
+	  {
+	    sum0=sum0+i;
+      i0=i;
+	  }
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	  sum= sum+sum0;
+	}                         /*end of critical*/
+      }
+    }/* end of parallel sections*/
+  </ompts:orphan> 
+  known_sum=(999*1000)/2;
+  return ((known_sum==sum) && (i0==999) );

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_private.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_private.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_private.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_private.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel sections private directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel sections private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_sections_private</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+  <ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int sum;
+  int sum0;
+  int i;
+  </ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int known_sum;
+  sum = 7;
+  sum0=0;
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(<ompts:check>sum0,</ompts:check> i)
+  {
+#pragma omp section 
+    {
+      <ompts:check>
+      sum0=0;
+      </ompts:check>
+      for (i=1;i<400;i++)
+	sum0=sum0+i;
+#pragma omp critical
+      {
+	sum= sum+sum0;
+      }                         /*end of critical */
+    }    
+#pragma omp section
+    {
+      <ompts:check>
+      sum0=0;
+      </ompts:check>
+      for(i=400;i<700;i++)
+	sum0=sum0+i;
+#pragma omp critical
+      {
+	sum= sum+sum0;
+      }                         /*end of critical */
+    }
+#pragma omp section
+    {
+      <ompts:check>
+      sum0=0;
+      </ompts:check>
+      for(i=700;i<1000;i++)
+	sum0=sum0+i;
+#pragma omp critical
+      {
+	sum= sum+sum0;
+      }                         /*end of critical */
+    }               
+  }        /*end of paralell sections*/
+return (known_sum==sum); 
+}                              /* end of check_section_private*/

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_reduction.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_reduction.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_reduction.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_sections_reduction.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel sections reduction directive with all its option.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel sections reduction</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_sections_reduction</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+	<ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int sum;
+	int known_sum;	
+	double dpt;
+    double dsum;
+	double dknown_sum;
+	double dt=0.5;				/* base of geometric row for + and - test*/
+	double rounding_error= 1.E-5;
+	int diff;
+	double ddiff;
+	int product;
+	int known_product;
+	int logic_and;
+	int bit_and;
+	int logic_or;
+	int bit_or;
+	int exclusiv_bit_or;
+	int logics[1000];
+	int i;
+	int result;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    sum = 7;
+    dsum=0;
+    product =1;
+    dpt = 1;
+	logic_and=1;
+	bit_and=1;
+	logic_or=0;
+	bit_or=0;
+	exclusiv_bit_or=0;
+    result =0;
+	/*  int my_islarger;*/
+	/*int is_larger=1;*/
+	known_sum = (999*1000)/2+7;
+    <ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(+:sum)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+			{
+				sum=sum+i;
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+			{
+				sum=sum+i;
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+			{
+				sum=sum+i;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(known_sum!=sum)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in sum with integers: Result was %d instead of %d.\n",sum, known_sum);
+	}
+	diff = (999*1000)/2;
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(-:diff)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+			{
+				diff=diff-i;
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+			{
+				diff=diff-i;
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+			{
+				diff=diff-i;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(diff != 0)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in Difference with integers: Result was %d instead of 0.\n",diff);
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<20;++i)
+	{
+		dpt*=dt;
+	}
+	dknown_sum = (1-dpt)/(1-dt);
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(+:dsum)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=0;i<6;++i)
+			{
+				dsum += pow(dt,i);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=6;i<12;++i)
+			{
+				dsum += pow(dt,i);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=12;i<20;++i)
+			{
+				dsum += pow(dt,i);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if( fabs(dsum-dknown_sum) > rounding_error )
+	{
+		result++; 
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in sum with doubles: Result was %f instead of %f (Difference: %E)\n",dsum,dknown_sum, dsum-dknown_sum);
+	}
+	dpt=1;
+	for (i=0;i<20;++i)
+	{
+		dpt*=dt;
+	}
+	fprintf(logFile,"\n");
+	ddiff = (1-dpt)/(1-dt);
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(-:ddiff)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=0;i<6;++i)
+			{
+				ddiff -= pow(dt,i);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=6;i<12;++i)
+			{
+				ddiff -= pow(dt,i);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=12;i<20;++i)
+			{
+				ddiff -= pow(dt,i);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if( fabs(ddiff) > rounding_error)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in Difference with doubles: Result was %E instead of 0.0\n",ddiff);
+	}
+	known_product = 3628800;
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(*:product)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{	
+			for(i=1;i<3;i++)
+			{
+				product *= i;
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=3;i<7;i++)
+			{
+				product *= i;
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=7;i<11;i++)
+			{
+				product *= i;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(known_product != product)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in Product with integers: Result was %d instead of %d\n",product,known_product);
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<1000;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=1;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&&:logic_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+			{
+				logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+			{
+				logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+			{
+				logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(!logic_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic AND part 1\n");
+	}
+	logic_and = 1;
+	logics[501] = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&&:logic_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+			{
+				logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+			{
+				logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+			{
+				logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(logic_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic AND part 2");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<1000;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(||:logic_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+			{
+				logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+			{
+				logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+			{
+				logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(logic_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic OR part 1\n");
+	}
+	logic_or = 0;
+	logics[501]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(||:logic_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+			{
+				logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+			{
+				logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+			{
+				logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(!logic_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic OR part 2\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<1000;++i)
+	{
+		logics[i]=1;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&:bit_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{	
+			for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+			{
+				bit_and = (bit_and & logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{	
+			for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+			{
+				bit_and = (bit_and & logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{	
+			for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+			{
+				bit_and = (bit_and & logics[i]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(!bit_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT AND part 1\n");
+	}
+	bit_and = 1;
+	logics[501]=0;
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&:bit_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+			{
+				bit_and = bit_and & logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+			{
+				bit_and = bit_and & logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+			{
+				bit_and = bit_and & logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(bit_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT AND part 2");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<1000;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(|:bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+			{
+				bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+			{
+				bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+			{
+				bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT OR part 1\n");
+	}
+	bit_or = 0;
+	logics[501]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(|:bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+			{
+				bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+			{
+				bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+			{
+				bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(!bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT OR part 2\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<1000;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(^:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{	
+			for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+			{
+				exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{	
+			for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+			{
+				exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{	
+			for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+			{
+				exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(exclusiv_bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 1\n");
+	}
+	exclusiv_bit_or = 0;
+	logics[501]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(^:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+			{
+				exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+			{
+				exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+#pragma omp section
+		{
+			for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+			{
+				exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(!exclusiv_bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 2\n");
+	}
+	/*printf("\nResult:%d\n",result);*/
+	return (result==0);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_shared.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_shared.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_shared.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_parallel_shared.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the shared option of the parallel construct.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel shared</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_parallel_shared</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+  <ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int i;
+  int sum;
+  </ompts:orphan:vars>
+  sum = 0;
+  int known_sum;
+  known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2 ;
+#pragma omp parallel private(i) <ompts:check>shared(sum)</ompts:check> <ompts:crosscheck>firstprivate(sum)</ompts:crosscheck>
+  {
+    <ompts:orphan>
+    int mysum = 0;
+#pragma omp for
+	for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	  mysum = mysum + i;
+	} 
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	  sum = sum + mysum;
+	}   /* end of critical */
+  }   /* end of parallel */
+  if (known_sum != sum) {
+  	fprintf(logFile, "KNOWN_SUM = %d; SUM = %d\n", known_sum, sum);
+  }
+  return (known_sum == sum);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_firstprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_firstprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_firstprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_firstprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp section firstprivate directive by adding a variable which is defined before the parallel region.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp firstprivate</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_section_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+	<ompts:orphan:vars>
+	    int sum;
+	    int sum0;
+	</ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int known_sum;
+	sum0 = 11;
+	sum = 7;
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+#pragma omp  sections <ompts:check>firstprivate(sum0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(sum0)</ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section 
+			{
+#pragma omp critical
+				{
+					sum = sum + sum0;
+				} /*end of critical */
+			}    
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+#pragma omp critical
+				{
+					sum = sum + sum0;
+				} /*end of critical */
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+#pragma omp critical
+				{
+					sum = sum + sum0;
+				} /*end of critical */
+			}               
+		} /*end of sections*/
+	} /* end of parallel */
+	known_sum = 11 * 3 + 7;
+	return (known_sum == sum); 
+} /* end of check_section_firstprivate*/

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_lastprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_lastprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_lastprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_lastprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp section lastprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp section lastprivate</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_section_lastprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int i0 = -1;
+	int sum = 0;
+        int i;
+        int sum0 = 0;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int known_sum;
+    i0 = -1;
+    sum = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp sections <ompts:check>lastprivate(i0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(i0)</ompts:crosscheck> private(i,sum0)
+	{
+#pragma omp section  
+	    {
+		sum0 = 0;
+		for (i = 1; i < 400; i++)
+		{
+		    sum0 = sum0 + i;
+		    i0 = i;
+		}
+#pragma omp critical
+		{
+		    sum = sum + sum0;
+		} /*end of critical*/
+	    } /* end of section */
+#pragma omp section 
+	    {
+		sum0 = 0;
+		for(i = 400; i < 700; i++)
+		{
+		    sum0 = sum0 + i;
+		    i0 = i;
+		}
+#pragma omp critical
+		{
+		    sum = sum + sum0;
+		} /*end of critical*/
+	    }
+#pragma omp section 
+	    {
+		sum0 = 0;
+		for(i = 700; i < 1000; i++)
+		{
+		    sum0 = sum0 + i;
+		    i0 = i;
+		}
+#pragma omp critical
+		{
+		    sum = sum + sum0;
+		} /*end of critical*/
+	    }
+	} /* end of sections*/
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    } /* end of parallel*/    
+    known_sum = (999 * 1000) / 2;
+    return ((known_sum == sum) && (i0 == 999) );

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_private.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_private.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_private.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_section_private.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp section private directive by upcounting a variable in a to several sections splitted loop.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp section private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_section_private</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int sum;
+	int sum0;
+    int i;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int known_sum;
+    sum = 7;
+    sum0 = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp  sections <ompts:check>private(sum0,i)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(i)</ompts:crosscheck>
+	{
+#pragma omp section 
+	    {
+		<ompts:check>
+        sum0 = 0;
+        </ompts:check>
+		for (i = 1; i < 400; i++)
+		    sum0 = sum0 + i;
+#pragma omp critical
+		{
+		    sum = sum + sum0;
+		} /*end of critical */
+	    }    
+#pragma omp section
+	    {
+          <ompts:check>
+		sum0 = 0;
+          </ompts:check>
+		for (i = 400; i < 700; i++)
+		    sum0 = sum0 + i;
+#pragma omp critical
+		{
+		    sum = sum + sum0;
+		} /*end of critical */
+	    }
+#pragma omp section
+	    {
+          <ompts:check>
+		sum0 = 0;
+          </ompts:check>
+		for (i = 700; i < 1000; i++)
+		    sum0 = sum0 + i;
+#pragma omp critical
+		{
+		    sum = sum + sum0;
+		} /*end of critical */
+	    }               
+	} /*end of sections*/
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    } /* end of parallel */
+    known_sum = (999 * 1000) / 2 + 7;
+    return (known_sum == sum); 
+} /* end of check_section_private*/

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_sections_nowait.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_sections_nowait.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_sections_nowait.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_sections_nowait.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<ompts:description>Test which checks the omp parallel for nowait directive. It fills an array with values and operates on these in the following.</ompts:description>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel sections nowait</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel sections, omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_sections_nowait</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+	<ompts:orphan:vars>
+		int result;
+		int count;
+	</ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int j;
+	result = 0;
+	count = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+	{
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	int rank;
+	rank = omp_get_thread_num ();
+#pragma omp sections <ompts:check>nowait</ompts:check>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				fprintf (logFile, "Thread nr %d enters first section and gets sleeping.\n", rank);
+				my_sleep(SLEEPTIME);
+				count = 1;
+				fprintf (logFile, "Thread nr %d woke up an set count to 1.\n", rank);
+#pragma omp flush(count)
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				fprintf (logFile, "Thread nr %d executed work in the first section.\n", rank);
+			}
+		}
+/* Begin of second sections environment */
+#pragma omp sections
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				fprintf (logFile, "Thread nr %d executed work in the second section.\n", rank);
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				fprintf (logFile, "Thread nr %d executed work in the second section and controls the value of count\n", rank);
+				if (count == 0)
+					result = 1;
+				fprintf (logFile, "cout was %d", count);
+			}
+		}
+	</ompts:orphan>
+	}
+	return result;

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_sections_reduction.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_sections_reduction.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_sections_reduction.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_sections_reduction.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp sections reduction directive with all its options.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp sections reduction</ompts:directive>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_sections_reduction</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+	<ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int sum;
+	int known_sum;
+	double dpt,dsum;
+	double dknown_sum;
+	double dt=0.5;				/* base of geometric row for + and - test*/
+	double rounding_error= 1.E-9;
+	int diff;
+	double ddiff;
+	int product;
+	int known_product;
+	int logic_and;
+	int bit_and;
+	int logic_or;
+	int bit_or;
+	int exclusiv_bit_or;
+	int logics[1000];
+	int i;
+	int result;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+	/*  int my_islarger;*/
+	/*int is_larger=1;*/
+    sum =7;
+    dpt =1;
+    dsum=0;
+    product =1;
+	logic_and=1;
+	bit_and=1;
+	logic_or=0;
+	bit_or=0;
+	exclusiv_bit_or=0;
+    result = 0;
+	dt = 1./3.;
+	known_sum = (999*1000)/2+7;
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(+:sum)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+				{
+					sum=sum+i;
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+				{
+					sum=sum+i;
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+				{
+					sum=sum+i;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(known_sum!=sum)
+	{
+		++result;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in sum with integers: Result was %d instead of %d\n", sum,known_sum);
+	}
+	diff = (999*1000)/2;
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(-:diff)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+				{
+					diff=diff-i;
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+				{
+					diff=diff-i;
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+				{
+					diff=diff-i;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(diff != 0)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in Difference with integers: Result was %d instead of 0.\n",diff);
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<20;++i)
+	{
+		dpt*=dt;
+	}
+	dknown_sum = (1-dpt)/(1-dt);
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(+:dsum)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=0;i<6;++i)
+				{
+					dsum += pow(dt,i);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=6;i<12;++i)
+				{
+					dsum += pow(dt,i);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=12;i<20;++i)
+				{
+					dsum += pow(dt,i);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if( fabs(dsum-dknown_sum) > rounding_error )
+	{
+		result++; 
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in sum with doubles: Result was %f instead of %f (Difference: %E)\n",dsum,dknown_sum, dsum-dknown_sum);
+	}
+	dpt=1;
+	for (i=0;i<20;++i)
+	{
+		dpt*=dt;
+	}
+	fprintf(logFile,"\n");
+	ddiff = (1-dpt)/(1-dt);
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(-:ddiff)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=0;i<6;++i)
+				{
+					ddiff -= pow(dt,i);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=6;i<12;++i)
+				{
+					ddiff -= pow(dt,i);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=12;i<20;++i)
+				{
+					ddiff -= pow(dt,i);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if( fabs(ddiff) > rounding_error)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in Difference with doubles: Result was %E instead of 0.0\n",ddiff);
+	}
+	known_product = 3628800;
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(*:product)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{	
+				for(i=1;i<3;i++)
+				{
+					product *= i;
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=3;i<7;i++)
+				{
+					product *= i;
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=7;i<11;i++)
+				{
+					product *= i;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(known_product != product)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in Product with integers: Result was %d instead of %d\n",product,known_product);
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<1000;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=1;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&&:logic_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+				{
+					logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+				{
+					logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+				{
+					logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(!logic_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic AND part 1\n");
+	}
+	logic_and = 1;
+	logics[501] = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&&:logic_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+				{
+					logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+				{
+					logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+				{
+					logic_and = (logic_and && logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(logic_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic AND part 2\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<1000;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel 
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(||:logic_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+				{
+					logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+				{
+					logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+				{
+					logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(logic_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"\nError in logic OR part 1\n");
+	}
+	logic_or = 0;
+	logics[501]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(||:logic_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=1;i<300;i++)
+				{
+					logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=300;i<700;i++)
+				{
+					logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for (i=700;i<1000;i++)
+				{
+					logic_or = (logic_or || logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(!logic_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in logic OR part 2\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<1000;++i)
+	{
+		logics[i]=1;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel 
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&:bit_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{	
+				for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+				{
+					bit_and = (bit_and & logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{	
+				for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+				{
+					bit_and = (bit_and & logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{	
+				for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+				{
+					bit_and = (bit_and & logics[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(!bit_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT AND part 1\n");
+	}
+	bit_and = 1;
+	logics[501]=0;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(&:bit_and)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+				{
+					bit_and = bit_and & logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+				{
+					bit_and = bit_and & logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+				{
+					bit_and = bit_and & logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(bit_and)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT AND part 2\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<1000;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel 
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(|:bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+				{
+					bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+				{
+					bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+				{
+					bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT OR part 1\n");
+	}
+	bit_or = 0;
+	logics[501]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(|:bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+				{
+					bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+				{
+					bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+				{
+					bit_or = bit_or | logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(!bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in BIT OR part 2\n");
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<1000;i++)
+	{
+		logics[i]=0;
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel 
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(^:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{	
+				for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+				{
+					exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{	
+				for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+				{
+					exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{	
+				for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+				{
+					exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(exclusiv_bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 1\n");
+	}
+	exclusiv_bit_or = 0;
+	logics[501]=1;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+	{
+#pragma omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(^:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck></ompts:crosscheck>
+		{
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=0;i<300;++i)
+				{
+					exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=300;i<700;++i)
+				{
+					exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+#pragma omp section
+			{
+				for(i=700;i<1000;++i)
+				{
+					exclusiv_bit_or = exclusiv_bit_or ^ logics[i];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(!exclusiv_bit_or)
+	{
+		result++;
+		fprintf(logFile,"Error in EXCLUSIV BIT OR part 2\n");
+	}
+	/*printf("\nResult:%d\n",result);*/
+	return (result==0);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp single directive by controling how often a directive is called in an omp single region.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp single</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel private,omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_single</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int nr_threads_in_single;
+	int result;
+	int nr_iterations;
+	int i;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    nr_threads_in_single = 0;
+    result = 0;
+    nr_iterations = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel private(i)
+    {
+	for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	    <ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>#pragma omp single </ompts:check>
+		{  
+#pragma omp flush
+		    nr_threads_in_single++;
+#pragma omp flush                         
+		    nr_iterations++;
+		    nr_threads_in_single--;
+		    result = result + nr_threads_in_single;
+		} /* end of single */    
+	    </ompts:orphan>
+	} /* end of for  */
+    } /* end of parallel */
+    return ((result == 0) && (nr_iterations == LOOPCOUNT));
+} /* end of check_single*/

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_copyprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_copyprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_copyprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_copyprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp single copyprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp single copyprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parllel,omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int j;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(j)
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_single_copyprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)                                   
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int result;
+	int nr_iterations;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    result = 0;
+    nr_iterations = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+	<ompts:orphan>
+	    int i;
+            for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	    {
+		/*
+		   int thread;
+		   thread = omp_get_thread_num ();
+		 */
+#pragma omp single <ompts:check>copyprivate(j)</ompts:check>
+		{
+		    nr_iterations++;
+		    j = i;
+		    /*printf ("thread %d assigns, j = %d, i = %d\n", thread, j, i);*/
+		}
+		/*	#pragma omp barrier*/
+#pragma omp critical
+		{
+		    /*printf ("thread = %d, j = %d, i = %d\n", thread, j, i);*/
+		    result = result + j - i;
+		}
+#pragma omp barrier
+	    } /* end of for */
+	</ompts:orphan>
+    } /* end of parallel */
+    return ((result == 0) && (nr_iterations == LOOPCOUNT));

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_nowait.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_nowait.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_nowait.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_nowait.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<ompts:directive>omp single nowait</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp atomic</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int my_iterations;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(my_iterations)
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_single_nowait</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int nr_iterations;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int total_iterations = 0;
+    int i;
+    nr_iterations = 0;
+    my_iterations = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel private(i)
+    {
+	for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	    <ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>#pragma omp single nowait</ompts:check>
+		{
+#pragma omp atomic  
+		    nr_iterations++;
+		} /* end of single*/    
+	    </ompts:orphan>
+	} /* end of for  */
+    } /* end of parallel */
+#pragma omp parallel private(i) 
+    {
+	my_iterations = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	    <ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>#pragma omp single nowait</ompts:check>
+		{
+		    my_iterations++;
+		} /* end of single*/    
+	    </ompts:orphan>
+	} /* end of for  */
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+	    total_iterations += my_iterations;
+	}
+    } /* end of parallel */
+    return ((nr_iterations == LOOPCOUNT) && (total_iterations == LOOPCOUNT));
+} /* end of check_single_nowait*/

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_private.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_private.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_private.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_single_private.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp single private directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp singel private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp flush,omp single nowait</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int myit = 0;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(myit)
+int myresult = 0;
+#pragma omp threadprivate(myresult)
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_single_private</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+	int nr_threads_in_single;
+	int result;
+	int nr_iterations;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int i;
+    myit = 0;
+    nr_threads_in_single = 0;
+    nr_iterations = 0;
+    result = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel private(i)
+    {
+	myresult = 0;
+	myit = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	<ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp single <ompts:check>private(nr_threads_in_single) </ompts:check>nowait
+	    {  
+		nr_threads_in_single = 0;
+#pragma omp flush
+		nr_threads_in_single++;
+#pragma omp flush                         
+		myit++;
+		myresult = myresult + nr_threads_in_single;
+	    } /* end of single */    
+	</ompts:orphan>
+	} /* end of for */
+#pragma omp critical
+	{
+            result += nr_threads_in_single;
+	    nr_iterations += myit;
+	}
+    } /* end of parallel */
+    return ((result == 0) && (nr_iterations == LOOPCOUNT));
+} /* end of check_single private */ 

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp task directive. The idea of the tests is to generate a set of tasks in a single region. We let pause the tasks generated so that other threads get sheduled to the newly opened tasks.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int tids[NUM_TASKS];
+    int i;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+#pragma omp parallel 
+#pragma omp single
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) {
+            <ompts:orphan>
+            /* First we have to store the value of the loop index in a new variable
+             * which will be private for each task because otherwise it will be overwritten
+             * if the execution of the task takes longer than the time which is needed to 
+             * enter the next step of the loop!
+             */
+            int myi;
+            myi = i;
+<ompts:check>#pragma omp task</ompts:check>
+            {
+                my_sleep (SLEEPTIME);
+                tids[myi] = omp_get_thread_num();
+            } /* end of omp task */
+            </ompts:orphan>
+        } /* end of for */
+    } /* end of single */
+} /*end of parallel */
+/* Now we ckeck if more than one thread executed the tasks. */
+    for (i = 1; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) {
+        if (tids[0] != tids[i])
+            return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+} /* end of check_paralel_for_private */

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_final.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_final.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_final.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_final.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp task directive. The idea of the tests is to generate a set of tasks in a single region. We let pause the tasks generated so that other threads get sheduled to the newly opened tasks.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task final</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_final</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int tids[NUM_TASKS];
+    int i;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int error;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+#pragma omp single
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) {
+            <ompts:orphan>
+            /* First we have to store the value of the loop index in a new variable
+             * which will be private for each task because otherwise it will be overwritten
+             * if the execution of the task takes longer than the time which is needed to 
+             * enter the next step of the loop!
+             */
+            int myi;
+            myi = i;
+            #pragma omp task <ompts:check>final(i>=10)</ompts:check>
+            {
+                my_sleep (SLEEPTIME);
+                tids[myi] = omp_get_thread_num();
+            } /* end of omp task */
+            </ompts:orphan>
+        } /* end of for */
+    } /* end of single */
+} /*end of parallel */
+/* Now we ckeck if more than one thread executed the tasks. */
+    for (i = 10; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) {
+        if (tids[10] != tids[i])
+            error++;
+    }
+    return (error==0);
+} /* end of check_paralel_for_private */

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_firstprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_firstprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_firstprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_firstprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the firstprivate clause of the task directive. We create a set of tasks in a single region. We defines a variable named sum unequal zero which gets declared firstprivate for each task. Now each task calcualtes a sum using this private variable. Before each calcualation step we introduce a flush command so that maybe the private variabel gets bad. At the end we check if the calculated sum was right.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task firstprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single,omp flush,omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    int i;
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int sum = 1234;
+    int known_sum;
+    int result = 0; /* counts the wrong sums from tasks */
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    known_sum = 1234 + (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+#pragma omp single
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++)
+            {
+                <ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp task <ompts:check>firstprivate(sum)</ompts:check>
+                {
+                    int j;
+                    for (j = 0; j <= LOOPCOUNT; j++) {
+#pragma omp flush
+                        sum += j;
+                    }
+                    /* check if calculated sum was right */
+                    if (sum != known_sum) {
+#pragma omp critical 
+                      { result++; }
+                    }
+                } /* end of omp task */
+                </ompts:orphan>
+            }	/* end of for */
+        } /* end of single */
+    }	/* end of parallel*/
+    return (result == 0);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_if.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_if.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_if.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_if.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the if clause of the omp task directive. The idear of the tests is to generate a tasks in a single region and pause it immediately. The parent thread now shall set a counter variable which the paused task shall evaluate when woke up.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task if</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single,omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_if</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int condition_false;
+    int count;
+    int result;
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    count=0;
+    condition_false = (logFile == NULL);
+#pragma omp parallel 
+#pragma omp single
+    {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp task <ompts:check>if (condition_false)</ompts:check> shared(count, result)
+        {
+            my_sleep (SLEEPTIME_LONG);
+//#pragma omp flush (count)
+            result = (0 == count);
+        } /* end of omp task */
+        </ompts:orphan>
+        count = 1;
+//#pragma omp flush (count)
+    } /* end of single */
+} /*end of parallel */
+    return result;

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_imp_firstprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_imp_firstprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_imp_firstprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_imp_firstprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<ompts:testdescription> Test to see if implied private works properly</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+/* Utility function do spend some time in a loop */
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_imp_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    int i=5;
+    int k = 0;
+    int result = 0;
+    int task_result = 1;
+   #pragma omp parallel firstprivate(i)
+    {
+      #pragma omp single
+      {
+          for (k = 0; k < NUM_TASKS; k++)
+	        {
+                    #pragma omp task shared(result , task_result<ompts:crosscheck>, i</ompts:crosscheck>)
+                        {
+                          int j;
+			  //check if i is private
+                          if(i != 5)
+                            task_result = 0;
+                          for(j = 0; j < NUM_TASKS; j++)
+                              i++;
+                          //this should be firstprivate implicitly
+                        }
+		}
+	  #pragma omp taskwait
+	  result = (task_result && i==5);
+       }
+    }
+    return result;

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_private.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_private.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_private.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_private.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the private clause of the task directive. We create a set of tasks in a single region. We defines a variable named sum which gets declared private for each task. Now each task calcualtes a sum using this private variable. Before each calcualation step we introduce a flush command so that maybe the private variabel gets bad. At the end we check if the calculated sum was right.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single,omp flush,omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+/* Utility function do spend some time in a loop */
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_private</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+    int i;
+    <ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int known_sum;
+    int sum = 0;
+    int result = 0; /* counts the wrong sums from tasks */
+    </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+#pragma omp parallel
+    {
+#pragma omp single
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++)
+            {
+                <ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp task <ompts:check>private(sum)</ompts:check> shared(result, known_sum)
+                {
+                    int j;
+		    //if sum is private, initialize to 0
+		    <ompts:check>sum = 0;</ompts:check>
+                    for (j = 0; j <= LOOPCOUNT; j++) {
+#pragma omp flush
+                        sum += j;
+                    }
+                    /* check if calculated sum was right */
+                    if (sum != known_sum) {
+#pragma omp critical 
+                        result++;
+                    }
+                } /* end of omp task */
+                </ompts:orphan>
+            }	/* end of for */
+        } /* end of single */
+    }	/* end of parallel*/
+    return (result == 0);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_shared.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_shared.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_shared.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_shared.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<ompts:testdescription> Test to see if implied shared works correctly</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single, omp task firstprivate</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+/* Utility function do spend some time in a loop */
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_imp_shared</ompts:testcode:functionname> (FILE * logFile)
+   <ompts:orphan:vars>
+    int i;
+   </ompts:orphan:vars>
+    i=0;
+    int k = 0;
+    int result = 0;
+   #pragma omp parallel
+    {
+       #pragma omp single
+          for (k = 0; k < NUM_TASKS; k++)           
+                  {
+                    <ompts:orphan>
+                    #pragma omp task <ompts:crosscheck> firstprivate(i) </ompts:crosscheck> <ompts:check> shared(i)</ompts:check>
+                        {
+                          #pragma omp atomic
+                            i++;
+                          //this should be shared implicitly
+                        }
+                  </ompts:orphan> 
+                  }
+    }
+result = i;
+return ((result == NUM_TASKS));

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_untied.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_untied.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_untied.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_task_untied.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test for untied clause. First generate a set of tasks and pause it immediately. Then we resume half of them and check whether they are scheduled by different threads</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task untied</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp taskwait</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_untied</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+  <ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int i;
+  int count;
+  int start_tid[NUM_TASKS];
+  int current_tid[NUM_TASKS];
+  </ompts:orphan:vars>
+  count = 0;
+  /*initialization*/
+  for (i=0; i< NUM_TASKS; i++){
+    start_tid[i]=0;
+    current_tid[i]=0;
+  }
+  #pragma omp parallel firstprivate(i)
+  {
+    #pragma omp single
+    {
+      for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+        int myi = i;
+        #pragma omp task <ompts:check>untied</ompts:check>
+        {
+          my_sleep(SLEEPTIME);
+          start_tid[myi] = omp_get_thread_num();
+          current_tid[myi] = omp_get_thread_num();
+          #pragma omp taskwait
+          <ompts:check>if((start_tid[myi] %2) !=0){</ompts:check>
+            my_sleep(SLEEPTIME);
+            current_tid[myi] = omp_get_thread_num();
+          <ompts:check>
+          } /* end of if */ 
+          else {
+            current_tid[myi] = omp_get_thread_num();
+          }
+          </ompts:check>
+        } /*end of omp task */
+        </ompts:orphan>
+      } /* end of for */
+    } /* end of single */
+  } /* end of parallel */
+  for (i=0;i<NUM_TASKS; i++)
+  {
+    printf("start_tid[%d]=%d, current_tid[%d]=%d\n",i, start_tid[i], i , current_tid[i]);
+    if (current_tid[i] == start_tid[i])
+      count++;
+  }
+  return (count<NUM_TASKS);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_taskwait.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_taskwait.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_taskwait.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_taskwait.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp taskwait directive. First we generate a set of tasks, which set the elements of an array to a specific value. Then we do a taskwait and check if all tasks finished meaning all array elements contain the right value. Then we generate a second set setting the array elements to another value. After the parallel region we check if all tasks of the second set finished and were executed after the tasks of the first set.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp taskwait</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single,omp task</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_taskwait</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+    int result1 = 0;     /* Stores number of not finished tasks after the taskwait */
+    int result2 = 0;     /* Stores number of wrong array elements at the end */
+    int array[NUM_TASKS];
+    int i;
+    /* fill array */
+    for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) 
+        array[i] = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel 
+    {
+#pragma omp single
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) {
+                /* First we have to store the value of the loop index in a new variable
+                 * which will be private for each task because otherwise it will be overwritten
+                 * if the execution of the task takes longer than the time which is needed to 
+                 * enter the next step of the loop!
+                 */
+                int myi;
+                myi = i;
+#pragma omp task
+                {
+                    my_sleep (SLEEPTIME);
+                    array[myi] = 1;
+                } /* end of omp task */
+            } /* end of for */
+<ompts:check>#pragma omp taskwait</ompts:check>
+            /* check if all tasks were finished */
+            for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) 
+                if (array[i] != 1)
+                    result1++;
+            /* generate some more tasks which now shall overwrite 
+             * the values in the tids array */
+            for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) {
+                int myi;
+                myi = i;
+#pragma omp task
+                {
+                    array[myi] = 2;
+                } /* end of omp task */
+            } /* end of for */
+        } /* end of single */
+    } /*end of parallel */
+    /* final check, if all array elements contain the right values: */
+    for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) {
+        if (array[i] != 2)
+            result2++;
+    }
+    return ((result1 == 0) && (result2 == 0));

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_taskyield.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_taskyield.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_taskyield.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_taskyield.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test taskyield directive. First generate a set of tasks and pause it immediately. Then we resume half of them and check whether they are scheduled by different threads</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp taskyield</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp taskwait</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include "omp_my_sleep.h"
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_taskyield</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile){
+  <ompts:orphan:vars>
+  int i;
+  int count = 0;
+  int start_tid[NUM_TASKS];
+  int current_tid[NUM_TASKS];
+  </ompts:orphan:vars>
+  for (i=0; i< NUM_TASKS; i++){
+    start_tid[i]=0;
+    current_tid[i]=0;
+  }
+  #pragma omp parallel
+  {
+    #pragma omp single
+    {
+      for (i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++) {
+        <ompts:orphan>
+        int myi = i;
+        <ompts:check>#pragma omp task untied</ompts:check>
+        {
+          my_sleep(SLEEPTIME);
+          start_tid[myi] = omp_get_thread_num();
+          #pragma omp taskyield
+          if((start_tid[myi] %2) ==0){
+            my_sleep(SLEEPTIME);
+            current_tid[myi] = omp_get_thread_num();
+          } /*end of if*/
+        } /* end of omp task */
+        </ompts:orphan>
+      } /* end of for */
+    } /* end of single */
+  } /* end of parallel */
+  for (i=0;i<NUM_TASKS; i++)
+  {
+    //printf("start_tid[%d]=%d, current_tid[%d]=%d\n",i, start_tid[i], i , current_tid[i]);
+    if (current_tid[i] == start_tid[i])
+      count++;
+  }
+  return (count<NUM_TASKS);

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_test_lock.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_test_lock.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_test_lock.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_test_lock.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_testlock function. The test counts the threads entering and exiting a single region which is build with a test_lock in an endless loop.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+omp_lock_t lck;
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_test_lock</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    int nr_threads_in_single = 0;
+    int result = 0;
+    int nr_iterations = 0;
+    int i;
+    omp_init_lock (&lck);
+#pragma omp parallel shared(lck)  
+    {
+#pragma omp for
+	for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	    /*omp_set_lock(&lck);*/
+	    <ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>while (!omp_test_lock (&lck))
+		{};</ompts:check>
+	    </ompts:orphan>
+#pragma omp flush
+	    nr_threads_in_single++;
+#pragma omp flush           
+	    nr_iterations++;
+	    nr_threads_in_single--;
+	    result = result + nr_threads_in_single;
+	    <ompts:check>omp_unset_lock (&lck);</ompts:check>
+	}
+    }
+    omp_destroy_lock(&lck);
+    return ((result == 0) && (nr_iterations == LOOPCOUNT));

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_test_nest_lock.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_test_nest_lock.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_test_nest_lock.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_test_nest_lock.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_test_nest_lock function.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+static omp_nest_lock_t lck;
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_test_nest_lock</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+    int nr_threads_in_single = 0;
+    int result = 0;
+    int nr_iterations = 0;
+    int i;
+    omp_init_nest_lock (&lck);
+#pragma omp parallel shared(lck) 
+    {
+#pragma omp for
+	for (i = 0; i < LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+	{
+	    /*omp_set_lock(&lck);*/
+	    <ompts:check>while(!omp_test_nest_lock (&lck))
+	    {};</ompts:check>
+#pragma omp flush
+	    nr_threads_in_single++;
+#pragma omp flush           
+	    nr_iterations++;
+	    nr_threads_in_single--;
+	    result = result + nr_threads_in_single;
+	    <ompts:check>omp_unset_nest_lock (&lck);</ompts:check>
+	}
+    }
+    omp_destroy_nest_lock (&lck);
+    return ((result == 0) && (nr_iterations == LOOPCOUNT));

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_threadprivate.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_threadprivate.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_threadprivate.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_threadprivate.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp threadprivate directive by filling an array with random numbers in an parallelised region. Each thread generates one number of the array and saves this in a temporary threadprivate variable. In a second parallelised region the test controls, that the temporary variable contains still the former value by comparing it with the one in the array.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp threadprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp_set_dynamic,omp_get_num_threads</ompts:dependences>
+ * Threadprivate is tested in 2 ways:
+ * 1. The global variable declared as threadprivate should have
+ *    local copy for each thread. Otherwise race condition and 
+ *    wrong result.
+ * 2. If the value of local copy is retained for the two adjacent
+ *    parallel regions
+ */
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+static int sum0=0;
+static int myvalue = 0;
+<ompts:check>#pragma omp threadprivate(sum0)</ompts:check>
+<ompts:check>#pragma omp threadprivate(myvalue)</ompts:check>
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_threadprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+	int sum = 0;
+	int known_sum;
+	int i; 
+	int iter;
+	int *data;
+	int size;
+	int failed = 0;
+	int my_random;
+	omp_set_dynamic(0);
+    #pragma omp parallel private(i) 
+    {
+	  sum0 = 0;
+      #pragma omp for 
+	    for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+		{
+			sum0 = sum0 + i;
+		} /*end of for*/
+      #pragma omp critical
+	  {
+	      sum = sum + sum0;
+	  } /*end of critical */
+	} /* end of parallel */    
+	known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+	if (known_sum != sum ) {
+		fprintf (logFile, " known_sum = %d, sum = %d\n", known_sum, sum);
+	}
+	/* the next parallel region is just used to get the number of threads*/
+	omp_set_dynamic(0);
+    #pragma omp parallel
+	{
+      #pragma omp master
+	  {
+			size=omp_get_num_threads();
+			data=(int*) malloc(size*sizeof(int));
+	  }
+	}/* end parallel*/
+	srand(45);
+	for (iter = 0; iter < 100; iter++){
+		my_random = rand();	/* random number generator is called inside serial region*/
+	/* the first parallel region is used to initialiye myvalue and the array with my_random+rank*/
+    #pragma omp parallel
+	{
+	    int rank;
+		rank = omp_get_thread_num ();
+		myvalue = data[rank] = my_random + rank;
+	}
+	/* the second parallel region verifies that the value of "myvalue" is retained */
+    #pragma omp parallel reduction(+:failed)
+	{
+	    int rank;
+		rank = omp_get_thread_num ();
+		failed = failed + (myvalue != data[rank]);
+		if(myvalue != data[rank]){
+		  fprintf (logFile, " myvalue = %d, data[rank]= %d\n", myvalue, data[rank]);
+		}
+	}
+  }
+  free (data);
+	return (known_sum == sum) && !failed;
+} /* end of check_threadprivate*/

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_threadprivate_for.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_threadprivate_for.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_threadprivate_for.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/c/omp_threadprivate_for.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks if a variable declared as threadprivate can be used as a loopindex.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp threadprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+#include "omp_testsuite.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+static int i;
+<ompts:check>#pragma omp threadprivate(i)</ompts:check>
+int <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_threadprivate_for</ompts:testcode:functionname>(FILE * logFile)
+		int known_sum;
+		int sum;
+		known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2;
+		sum = 0;
+#pragma omp parallel
+	{
+		int sum0 = 0;
+#pragma omp for
+		for (i = 1; i <= LOOPCOUNT; i++)
+		{
+			sum0 = sum0 + i;
+		} /*end of for*/
+#pragma omp critical
+		{
+			sum = sum + sum0;
+		} /*end of critical */
+	} /* end of parallel */    
+	if (known_sum != sum ) {
+		fprintf (logFile, " known_sum = %d, sum = %d\n", known_sum, sum);
+	}
+	return (known_sum == sum);
+} /* end of check_threadprivate*/

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/common_utility.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/common_utility.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/common_utility.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/common_utility.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+      subroutine print_result(s,crossfailed,M,name)     
+      implicit none
+      character (len=*)::name
+	   real cert
+	   integer M,crossfailed
+	   integer s
+	   character (len=11) :: c
+ 	   character (len=18) :: c2
+	   cert=100.0*crossfailed/M
+!           print *, "cert", cert, "cross ", crossfailed
+!	test1=hundred*crossfailed
+	   c="% certainty"
+	   c2=" ... verified with "
+      if(s.eq.1) then
+         write (*,"(A, A, F7.2, A)") name, c2, cert, c
+      else
+         write (*,"(A,A)") name," ... FAILED"
+      endif
+	   end
+      subroutine do_test(test_func,cross_test_func,name,N,failed,
+     x  num_tests,crosschecked)
+      implicit none
+      integer succeed
+      integer crossfail
+      integer failed
+      integer, external::test_func
+      integer, external::cross_test_func
+      character (len=*)::name
+      integer fail
+      integer N,i
+      integer num_tests,crosschecked
+      num_tests=num_tests+1
+      succeed=1
+      crossfail=0
+      fail=0
+      do i=1,N
+         if(test_func().eq.0) then
+            succeed=0
+            fail=fail+1
+            exit
+         end if
+         if(cross_test_func().eq.0) then
+!            print *, crossfail
+            crossfail=crossfail+1.0 
+         end if
+      enddo
+      if (fail .ne. 0) then
+         failed=failed+1
+      else
+         if(crossfail .ne. 0) then
+            crosschecked=crosschecked+1
+         end if
+      endif
+      call print_result(succeed,crossfail,N,name)
+      end

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/customtest.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/customtest.txt?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/customtest.txt (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/customtest.txt Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Add custom tests in this list

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/OMP1_TEST
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/OMP1_TEST?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/OMP1_TEST (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/OMP1_TEST Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/OMP2_TEST
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/OMP2_TEST?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/OMP2_TEST (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/OMP2_TEST Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/common_utility.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/common_utility.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/common_utility.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/common_utility.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+      subroutine print_result(s,crossfailed,M,name)     
+      implicit none
+      character (len=*)::name
+	   real cert
+	   integer M,crossfailed
+	   integer s
+	   character (len=11) :: c
+ 	   character (len=18) :: c2
+	   cert=100.0*crossfailed/M
+!           print *, "cert", cert, "cross ", crossfailed
+!	test1=hundred*crossfailed
+	   c="% certainty"
+	   c2=" ... verified with "
+      if(s.eq.1) then
+         write (*,"(A, A, F7.2, A)") name, c2, cert, c
+      else
+         write (*,"(A,A)") name," ... FAILED"
+      endif
+	   end
+      subroutine do_test(test_func,cross_test_func,name,N,failed,
+     x  num_tests,crosschecked)
+      implicit none
+      integer succeed
+      integer crossfail
+      integer failed
+      integer, external::test_func
+      integer, external::cross_test_func
+      character (len=*)::name
+      integer fail
+      integer N,i
+      integer num_tests,crosschecked
+      num_tests=num_tests+1
+      succeed=1
+      crossfail=0
+      fail=0
+      do i=1,N
+         if(test_func().eq.0) then
+            succeed=0
+            fail=fail+1
+            exit
+         end if
+         if(cross_test_func().eq.0) then
+!            print *, crossfail
+            crossfail=crossfail+1.0 
+         end if
+      enddo
+      if (fail .ne. 0) then
+         failed=failed+1
+      else
+         if(crossfail .ne. 0) then
+            crosschecked=crosschecked+1
+         end if
+      endif
+      call print_result(succeed,crossfail,N,name)
+      end

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_collapse.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_collapse.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_collapse.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_collapse.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test with omp for collapse clause. Bind with two loops. Without the collapse clause, the first loop will not be ordered</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp do collapse</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp do schedule</ompts:dependences>
+      LOGICAL FUNCTION check_is_larger(i)
+        implicit none
+        INTEGER :: i
+        INTEGER, save :: last_i
+        LOGICAL :: is_larger
+        if (i .eq. 1) last_i = 0
+        is_larger = (i .ge. last_i) .and. ((i-last_i) .le. 1)
+        last_i = i
+        check_is_larger = is_larger
+      END FUNCTION check_is_larger
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>do_collapse</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER i, j
+        LOGICAL check_is_larger
+        LOGICAL my_is_larger
+        LOGICAL is_larger
+        COMMON /orphvars/ is_larger
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        is_larger = .true.
+!$omp parallel private(my_is_larger)
+        my_is_larger = .true.
+!$omp do private(i,j) schedule(static,1) <ompts:check>collapse(2)</ompts:check>
+!$omp+   ordered
+        DO i=1,100
+          <ompts:crosscheck>
+          my_is_larger = check_is_larger(i) .and. my_is_larger
+          </ompts:crosscheck>
+          DO j=1,00
+          <ompts:check>
+!$omp ordered
+            my_is_larger = check_is_larger(i) .and. my_is_larger
+!$omp end ordered
+          </ompts:check>
+          END DO
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp critical
+        is_larger = is_larger .and. my_is_larger
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel
+      if (is_larger) then
+        <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+      else
+        <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+      end if

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_firstprivate.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_firstprivate.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_firstprivate.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_firstprivate.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp do firstprivate clause by counting up a variable in a parallelized loop. Each thread has a firstprivate variable (1) and an variable (2) declared by do firstprivate. First it stores the result of its last iteration in variable (2). Then it stores the value of the variable (2) in its firstprivate variable (1). At the end all firstprivate variables (1) are added to a total sum in a critical section and compared with the correct result.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp do firstprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel private, omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>do_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum, known_sum
+        INTEGER numthreads
+        INTEGER omp_get_num_threads
+        INTEGER sum0, sum1, i
+        COMMON /orphvars/ sum0, sum1, i
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        sum = 0
+        sum0 = 12345
+        sum1 = 0
+!$omp parallel firstprivate(sum1)
+!$omp single
+        numthreads = omp_get_num_threads()
+!$omp end single
+!$omp do <ompts:check>firstprivate(sum0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private (sum0)</ompts:crosscheck>
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+          sum1 = sum0
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp critical
+        WRITE (1,*) sum0
+        sum = sum + sum1
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel
+        known_sum=12345*numthreads+ (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          WRITE (1,*) "Found sum was", sum, "instead of", known_sum
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_lastprivate.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_lastprivate.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_lastprivate.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_lastprivate.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp do lastprivate clause by counting up a variable in a parallelized loop. Each thread saves the next summand in a lastprivate variable i0. At the end i0 is compared to the value of the expected last summand.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp do private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel firstprivate, omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>do_lastprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum,known_sum
+        INTEGER sum0,i0,i
+        COMMON /orphvars/ sum0,i0,i
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        sum = 0
+        sum0 = 0
+        i0 = -1
+!$omp parallel firstprivate(sum0)
+!$omp do schedule(static,7) <ompts:check>lastprivate(i0)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+          i0 = i
+        END DO
+<ompts:check>!$omp end do</ompts:check>
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel
+      known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum .AND. i0 .EQ. LOOPCOUNT ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_ordered.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_ordered.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_ordered.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_ordered.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<ompts:directive>do ordered</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>parallel private, critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION i_islarger(i)
+        INTEGER i, islarger
+        INTEGER last_i
+        COMMON /mycom/ last_i
+        IF ( i .GT. last_i) THEN
+          islarger = 1
+        ELSE
+          islarger = 0
+        END If
+        last_i = i
+        i_islarger = islarger
+      END
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>do_ordered</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER known_sum, is_larger
+        INTEGER last_i
+        INTEGER i_islarger
+        COMMON /mycom/ last_i
+<ompts:orphan:parms> i </ompts:orphan:parms>
+        INTEGER sum, i, my_islarger
+        COMMON /orphvars/ my_islarger, sum
+        sum = 0
+        is_larger = 1
+        last_i = 0
+!$omp parallel private(my_islarger)
+        my_islarger = 1
+!$omp do schedule(static,1) ordered
+        DO i=1, 99
+!$omp ordered
+          IF (i_islarger(i) .EQ. 1 .AND. my_islarger .EQ. 1) THEN
+            my_islarger = 1
+          ELSE
+            my_islarger = 0
+          END IF
+          sum = sum + i
+!$omp end ordered
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp critical
+        IF (is_larger .EQ. 1 .AND. my_islarger .EQ. 1 ) THEN
+          is_larger = 1
+        ELSE
+          is_larger = 0
+        END IF
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel
+        known_sum = (99*100)/2
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum .AND. is_larger .EQ. 1) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_private.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_private.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_private.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_private.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp do private clause by counting up a variable in a parallelized loop. Each thread has a private variable (1) and an variable (2) declared by for private. First it stores the result of its last iteration in variable (2). Then this thread waits some time before it stores the value of the variable (2) in its private variable (1). At the beginning of the next iteration the value of (1) is assigned to (2). At the end all private variables (1) are added to a total sum in a critical section and compared with the correct result.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp do private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel private, omp flush, omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      SUBROUTINE do_some_work()
+        INTEGER i
+        INTRINSIC sqrt
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        sum=0.0
+        DO i=0, LOOPCOUNT-1
+          sum = sum + sqrt(REAL(i))
+        ENDDO
+      END
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>do_private</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum, known_sum
+        INTEGER sum0, sum1, i
+        COMMON /orphvars/ sum0, sum1, i
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        sum  = 0
+        sum0 = 0
+        sum1 = 0
+!$omp parallel private(sum1)
+        sum0 = 0
+        sum1 = 0
+!$omp do <ompts:check>private(sum0)</ompts:check> schedule(static,1)
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          sum0 = sum1
+!$omp flush
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+          CALL do_some_work()
+!$omp flush
+!          print *, sum0
+          sum1 = sum0
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum1
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel
+        known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2
+!        print *, "sum:", sum, "known_sum", known_sum
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_reduction.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_reduction.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_reduction.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_reduction.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp do reduction directive wich all its options.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp do reduction</ompts:directive>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>do_reduction</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum2, known_sum
+        INTEGER known_product
+        DOUBLE PRECISION rounding_error, dpt
+        INTEGER double_DIGITS
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dknown_sum
+        INTEGER result
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        PARAMETER (known_product=3628800)
+        PARAMETER (rounding_error=1.E-6)
+        INTEGER sum,diff,product,i
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dsum,ddiff,dt
+        LOGICAL logic_and, logic_or, logic_eqv,logic_neqv
+        LOGICAL logics(LOOPCOUNT)
+        INTEGER bit_and, bit_or
+        INTEGER exclusiv_bit_or
+        INTEGER min_value, max_value
+        INTEGER int_array(LOOPCOUNT)
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dmin, dmax
+        COMMON /orphvars/ sum,product,diff,i,dsum,ddiff,dt,logic_and,
+     &    logic_or,logic_eqv,logic_neqv,logics,bit_and,bit_or,int_array,
+     &    exclusiv_bit_or,min_value,dmin,dmax,d_array,max_value
+        PARAMETER (double_DIGITS=20,MAX_FACTOR=10)
+        dt = 1./3.
+        known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2
+        product = 1
+        sum2 = 0
+        sum = 0
+        dsum = 0.
+        result =0 
+        logic_and = .true.
+        logic_or = .false.
+        bit_and = 1
+        bit_or = 0
+        exclusiv_bit_or = 0
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic, 1) <ompts:check>reduction(+:sum)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+          sum = sum + i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (known_sum .NE. sum) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in sum with integers: Result was ",
+     &    sum,"instead of ", known_sum
+        END IF
+        diff = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic, 1) <ompts:check>reduction (-: diff)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+          diff = diff - i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( diff .NE. 0 ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in difference with integers: Result was ",
+     &    sum,"instead of 0."
+        END IF
+!... Test for doubles
+        dsum =0.
+        dpt = 1
+        DO i=1, DOUBLE_DIGITS
+          dpt= dpt * dt
+        END DO
+        dknown_sum = (1-dpt)/(1-dt)
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(+:dsum)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=0,DOUBLE_DIGITS-1
+          dsum = dsum + dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF(dsum .NE. dknown_sum .AND. 
+     &     ABS(dsum - dknown_sum) .GT. rounding_error ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in sum with doubles: Result was ",
+     &       dsum,"instead of ",dknown_sum,"(Difference: ",
+     &       dsum - dknown_sum,")"
+        END IF
+        dpt = 1
+        DO i=1, DOUBLE_DIGITS
+           dpt = dpt*dt
+        END DO
+        ddiff = ( 1-dpt)/(1-dt)
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(-:ddiff)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=0, DOUBLE_DIGITS-1
+          ddiff = ddiff - dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( ABS(ddiff) .GT. rounding_error ) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in Difference with doubles: Result was ",
+     &       ddiff,"instead of 0.0"
+        END IF
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(*:product)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,MAX_FACTOR
+           product = product * i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (known_product .NE. product) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           write(1,*) "Error in Product with integers: Result was ",
+     &       product," instead of",known_product 
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          logics(i) = .TRUE.
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.AND.:logic_and)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (.NOT. logic_and) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic AND part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_and = .TRUE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.AND.:logic_and)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (logic_and) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic AND pass 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .FALSE.
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.OR.:logic_or)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (logic_or) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic OR part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_or = .FALSE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.OR.:logic_or)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( .NOT. logic_or ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic OR part 2"
+        END IF
+!... Test logic EQV, unique in Fortran
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .TRUE.
+        END DO
+        logic_eqv = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.EQV.:logic_eqv)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (.NOT. logic_eqv) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic EQV part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_eqv = .TRUE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.EQV.:logic_eqv)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( logic_eqv ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic EQV part 2"
+        END IF
+!... Test logic NEQV, which is unique in Fortran
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .FALSE.
+        END DO
+        logic_neqv = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.NEQV.:logic_neqv)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (logic_neqv) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic NEQV part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_neqv = .FALSE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.neqv.:logic_neqv)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( .NOT. logic_neqv ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic NEQV part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+           int_array(i) = 1
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(IAND:bit_and)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+!... iand(I,J): Returns value resulting from boolean AND of 
+!... pair of bits in each of I and J. 
+          bit_and = IAND(bit_and,int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( bit_and .LT. 1 ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in IAND part 1"
+        END IF
+        bit_and = 1
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 0
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(IAND:bit_and)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          bit_and = IAND ( bit_and, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF( bit_and .GE. 1) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in IAND part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 0
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(IOR:bit_or)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+!... Ior(I,J): Returns value resulting from boolean OR of 
+!... pair of bits in each of I and J. 
+          bit_or = IOR(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( bit_or .GE. 1) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ior part 1"
+        END IF
+        bit_or = 0
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 1
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(IOR:bit_or)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          bit_or = IOR(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( bit_or .LE. 0) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ior part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 0
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(IEOR:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+          exclusiv_bit_or = ieor(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( exclusiv_bit_or .ge. 1) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ieor part 1"
+        END IF
+        exclusiv_bit_or = 0
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 1
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(IEOR:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+          exclusiv_bit_or = IEOR(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( exclusiv_bit_or .LE. 0) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ieor part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 10 - i
+        END DO
+        min_value = 65535
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(MIN:min_value)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+          min_value = MIN(min_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( min_value .GT. (10-LOOPCOUNT) )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in integer MIN"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           int_array(i) = i
+        END DO
+        max_value = -32768
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(MAX:max_value)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+          max_value = MAX(max_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( max_value .LT. LOOPCOUNT )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in integer MAX"
+        END IF
+!... test double min, max
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           d_array(i) = 10 - i*dt
+        END DO
+        dmin = 2**10
+        dt = 0.5
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(MIN:dmin)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+            dmin= MIN(dmin,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( dmin .GT. (10-dt) )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in double MIN"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           d_array(i) = i * dt
+        END DO
+        dmax= - (2**10)
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(MAX:dmax)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+            dmax= MAX(dmax,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( dmax .LT. LOOPCOUNT*dt )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in double MAX"
+        END IF
+        IF ( result .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> =  1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> =  0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_dynamic.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_dynamic.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_dynamic.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_dynamic.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the dynamic option of the omp do schedule directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp do schedule(dynamic)</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush,omp do nowait,omp critical,omp single</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>do_schedule_dynamic</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        CHARACTER*30 logfile
+        INTEGER omp_get_thread_num,omp_get_num_threads
+        INTEGER threads
+        INTEGER count, tmp_count
+        INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE:: tmp(:)
+        INTEGER ii
+        INTEGER result
+        PARAMETER (CFDMAX_SIZE = 1000)
+        INTEGER i,tids(0:CFDMAX_SIZE-1),tid,chunk_size
+        COMMON /orphvars/ i,tids,tid,chunk_size
+        chunk_size = 7
+        count = 0
+        tmp_count = 0
+        result = 0
+        ii = 0
+!$omp parallel private(tid)
+        tid = omp_get_thread_num()
+!$omp do <ompts:check>schedule(dynamic,chunk_size)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=0, CFDMAX_SIZE-1
+          tids(i) = tid
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        DO i=0, CFDMAX_SIZE - 2
+          IF ( tids(i) .ne. tids(i+1) ) THEN
+            count = count + 1
+          END IF
+        END DO
+        ALLOCATE( tmp(0:count) )
+        tmp(0) = 1
+        DO i = 0, CFDMAX_SIZE - 2
+          IF ( tmp_count .GT. count ) THEN
+            WRITE(*,*) "--------------------"
+            WRITE(*,*) "Testinternal Error: List too small!!!"
+            WRITE(*,*) "--------------------"
+            GOTO 10
+          END If
+          IF ( tids(i) .NE. tids(i+1) ) then
+            tmp_count = tmp_count + 1
+            tmp(tmp_count) = 1
+          ELSE
+            tmp(tmp_count) = tmp(tmp_count) +1
+          END IF 
+        END DO          
+!... is dynamic statement working? 
+ 10     DO i=0, count -1
+          IF ( MOD(tmp(i),chunk_size) .ne. 0 ) THEN
+! ... it is possible for 2 adjacent chunks assigned to a same thread 
+            result = result + 1
+            WRITE(1,*) "The intermediate dispatch has wrong chunksize."
+          END IF
+        END DO
+        IF ( MOD(tmp(count), chunk_size) .NE. 
+     &     MOD (CFDMAX_SIZE, chunk_size) ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "the last dispatch has wrong chunksize."
+        END IF
+        IF ( result .eq. 0) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_guided.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_guided.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_guided.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_guided.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the guided option of the omp do schedule directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp do schedule(guided)</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush,omp do nowait,omp critical,omp single</ompts:dependences>
+  ! TODO:
+  ! C. Niethammer:
+  !       Find check to decide if the test was run as schedule(static) because
+  !       this also can pass the test if the work is devided into thread-counts 
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>do_schedule_guided</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER omp_get_thread_num,omp_get_num_threads
+        CHARACTER*20 logfile
+        INTEGER threads
+        INTEGER tmp_count
+        INTEGER, allocatable :: tmp(:)
+        INTEGER ii, flag
+        INTEGER result
+        INTEGER expected
+        INTEGER openwork
+                <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER i
+        INTEGER tid
+        INTEGER count
+! ... choose small iteration space for small sync. overhead
+        PARAMETER (DELAY = 1)
+        PARAMETER (MAX_TIME = 5)
+        PARAMETER (CFSMAX_SIZE = 150)
+        INTEGER notout
+        INTEGER maxiter
+        INTEGER tids(0:CFSMAX_SIZE-1)
+        COMMON /orphvars/ notout,maxiter,tids
+                </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        result = 0
+        notout = 1
+        maxiter = 0
+        count = 0
+        tmp_count = 0
+        openwork = CFSMAX_SIZE
+! Determine the number of available threads
+!$omp parallel 
+!$omp single
+        threads = omp_get_num_threads()
+!$omp end single
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( threads .LT. 2) THEN
+          PRINT *,"This test only works with at least two threads"
+          WRITE(1,*) "This test only works with at least two threads"
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+          STOP
+        END IF
+! ... Now the real parallel work:
+! ... Each thread will start immediately with the first chunk.
+!$omp parallel private(tid,count) shared(tids,maxiter)
+        tid = omp_get_thread_num()
+        <ompts:orphan>
+!$omp do schedule(guided)
+        DO i = 0 , CFSMAX_SIZE-1
+          count = 0
+!$omp flush(maxiter)
+          IF ( i .GT. maxiter ) THEN                 
+!$omp critical
+            maxiter = i
+!$omp end critical
+          END IF
+!..         if it is not our turn we wait
+!           a) until another thread executed an iteration
+!           with a higher iteration count
+!           b) we are at the end of the loop (first thread finished
+!             and set notout=0 OR
+!           c) timeout arrived 
+!$omp flush(maxiter,notout)
+          IF ( notout .GE. 1 .AND. count .LT. MAX_TIME
+     &         .AND. maxiter .EQ. i ) THEN
+              DO WHILE ( notout .GE. 1 .AND. count .LT. MAX_TIME
+     &          .AND. maxiter .EQ. i )
+                CALL sleep(DELAY)
+                count = count + DELAY
+              END DO         
+          END IF
+           tids(i) = tid
+        END DO
+!$omp end do nowait
+        </ompts:orphan>
+        notout = 0
+!$omp flush(notout)
+!$omp end parallel 
+! evaluation of the values
+        count = 0
+        DO i=0, CFSMAX_SIZE - 2
+          IF ( tids(i) .NE. tids(i+1) ) THEN
+            count = count + 1
+          END IF
+        END DO
+        ALLOCATE( tmp(0:count)  )
+        tmp_count = 0
+        tmp(0) = 1
+! ... calculate the chunksize for each dispatch
+        DO i=0, CFSMAX_SIZE - 2
+          IF ( tids(i) .EQ. tids(i+1) ) THEN
+           tmp(tmp_count) = tmp(tmp_count) + 1
+          ELSE
+            tmp_count = tmp_count + 1
+            tmp(tmp_count) = 1
+          END IF
+        END DO
+! ... Check if chunk sizes are decreased until equals to 
+! ... the specified one, ignore the last dispatch 
+! ... for possible smaller remainder
+! Determine the constant 
+        expected = openwork / threads
+        c = real(tmp(0)) / real(expected)
+        WRITE(1,*) "Found constant to be ", c
+        DO i = 0, count - 2
+          WRITE(1,*) "open:", openwork, "size:", tmp(i)
+          IF (expected .GT. 1) THEN
+            expected = c * openwork / threads
+          END IF
+          IF (abs(tmp(i) - expected) .GE. 2 ) THEN
+            result = 1
+            WRITE(1,*) "Chunksize differed from expected ",
+     &         "value: ",tmp(i), "instead ", expected
+          END IF
+          IF (i .GT. 0 .AND. (tmp(i-1) - tmp(i)) .LT. 0) THEN
+            WRITE(1,*) "Chunksize did not decrease: ", tmp(i),
+     &         "instead",tmp(i-1)
+          END IF
+          openwork = openwork - tmp(i)  
+        END DO
+        IF ( result .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1 
+        ELSE
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END
+      <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_static.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_static.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_static.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/do_schedule_static.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the static option of the omp do schedule directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp do schedule(static)</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp do nowait,omp flush,omp critical,omp single</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>do_schedule_static</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER omp_get_thread_num,omp_get_num_threads
+        CHARACTER*30 logfile
+        INTEGER threads
+        INTEGER count
+        INTEGER ii
+        INTEGER result
+        PARAMETER (CFSMAX_SIZE = 1000)
+        INTEGER i,tids(0:CFSMAX_SIZE-1), tid, chunk_size
+        COMMON /orphvars/ i,tid,tids,chunk_size
+        chunk_size = 7
+        result = 0
+        ii = 0
+!$omp parallel 
+!$omp single
+        threads = omp_get_num_threads()
+!$omp end single
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( threads .LT. 2) THEN
+          PRINT *,"This test only works with at least two threads"
+          WRITE(1,*) "This test only works with at least two threads"
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+          STOP
+        ELSE
+          WRITE(1,*) "Using an internal count of ",CFSMAX_SIZE
+          WRITE(1,*) "Using a specified chunksize of ",chunk_size
+!$omp parallel private(tid) shared(tids)
+          tid = omp_get_thread_num()
+!$omp do <ompts:check>schedule(static,chunk_size)</ompts:check>
+          DO i = 0 ,CFSMAX_SIZE -1
+            tids(i) = tid
+          END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+          DO i = 0, CFSMAX_SIZE-1
+!... round-robin for static chunk
+            ii = mod( i/chunk_size,threads)
+            IF (tids(i) .NE. ii ) THEN
+              result = result + 1
+              WRITE(1,*)"Iteration ",i,"should be assigned to ",
+     &           ii,"instead of ",tids(i)
+            END IF
+          END DO
+          IF ( result .EQ. 0 )THEN
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+          ELSE
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+          END IF
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/has_openmp.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/has_openmp.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/has_openmp.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/has_openmp.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Testing if the conditional compilation is supported or not.  
+Yi Wen at 05032004: Do we want to write two versions of has_omp?  both C23456789 
+and #ifdef formats are supposed to work. At least Sun's compiler cannot deal with 
+the second format (#ifdef)</ompts:testdescription>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>has_openmp</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+!version 1.
+!$        <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+! version 2.
+!#ifdef _OPENMP
+        <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_atomic.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_atomic.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_atomic.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_atomic.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp atomic directive by counting up a variable in a parallelized loop with an atomic directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp atomic</ompts:directive>
+! Functions: omp_atomic
+! change "character*20" into "character (LEN=20)::"
+! get rid of the "tab" key by Zhenying Liu, on Oct. 16, 2005.
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_atomic</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        INTEGER sum2, known_sum
+        INTEGER known_product, int_const
+        DOUBLE PRECISION rounding_error, dpt
+        INTEGER double_DIGITS
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dknown_sum
+        INTEGER result
+        PARAMETER (int_const=10,known_product=3628800)
+        PARAMETER (rounding_error=1.E-2)
+        INTEGER sum,i,diff,product
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dsum,dt,ddiff
+        LOGICAL logic_and, logic_or, logic_eqv,logic_neqv
+        INTEGER bit_and, bit_or
+        INTEGER exclusiv_bit_or
+        INTEGER min_value, max_value
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dmin, dmax
+        LOGICAL logics(LOOPCOUNT)
+        INTEGER int_array(LOOPCOUNT)
+        COMMON /orphvars/ sum,product,diff,i,dsum,ddiff,dt,logic_and,
+     &    logic_or,logic_eqv,logic_neqv,logics,bit_and,bit_or,int_array,
+     &    exclusiv_bit_or,min_value,dmin,dmax,d_array,max_value
+        PARAMETER (double_DIGITS=20,MAX_FACTOR=10)
+        dt = 1./3.
+        known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2
+        product = 1
+        sum2 = 0
+        sum = 0
+        dsum = 0.
+        result =0 
+        logic_and = .true.
+        logic_or = .false.
+        bit_and = 1
+        bit_or = 0
+        exclusiv_bit_or = 0
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i =1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+          sum = sum + i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (known_sum .NE. sum) THEN
+             result = result + 1
+        WRITE(1,*) "Error in sum with integers: Result was ",
+     &   sum,"instead of ", known_sum
+        END If
+        diff = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i =1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+          diff = diff - i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( diff .NE. 0 ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+        WRITE(1,*) "Error in difference with integers: Result was ",
+     &   diff,"instead of 0."
+        END IF
+!... Test for doubles
+        dsum = 0.
+        dpt = 1
+        DO i=1, DOUBLE_DIGITS
+          dpt= dpt * dt
+        END DO
+        dknown_sum = (1-dpt)/(1-dt)
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i=0,DOUBLE_DIGITS-1
+!$omp atomic
+              dsum = dsum + dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (dsum .NE. dknown_sum .AND. 
+     &     ABS(dsum - dknown_sum) .GT. rounding_error ) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in sum with doubles: Result was ",
+     &       dsum,"instead of ",dknown_sum,"(Difference: ",
+     &       dsum - dknown_sum,")"
+        END IF
+        dpt = 1
+        DO i=1, DOUBLE_DIGITS
+           dpt = dpt*dt
+        END DO
+        ddiff = ( 1-dpt)/(1-dt)
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i=0, DOUBLE_DIGITS-1
+!$omp atomic
+          ddiff = ddiff - dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( ABS(ddiff) .GT. rounding_error ) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in Difference with doubles: Result was ",
+     &       ddiff,"instead of 0.0"
+        END IF
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i=1,MAX_FACTOR
+!$omp atomic
+           product = product * i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (known_product .NE. product) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in Product with integers: Result was ",
+     &       product," instead of",known_product 
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          logics(i) = .TRUE.
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (.NOT. logic_and) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic AND part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_and = .TRUE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (logic_and) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic AND pass 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .FALSE.
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+           logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (logic_or) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic OR part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_or = .FALSE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+           logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( .NOT. logic_or ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic OR part 2"
+        END IF
+!... Test logic EQV, unique in Fortran
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .TRUE.
+        END DO
+        logic_eqv = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (.NOT. logic_eqv) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic EQV part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_eqv = .TRUE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( logic_eqv ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic EQV part 2"
+        END IF
+!... Test logic NEQV, which is unique in Fortran
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .FALSE.
+        END DO
+        logic_neqv = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (logic_neqv) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic NEQV part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_neqv = .FALSE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( .NOT. logic_neqv ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic NEQV part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 1
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+!... iand(I,J): Returns value resulting from boolean AND of 
+!... pair of bits in each of I and J. 
+!$omp atomic
+          bit_and = IAND(bit_and,int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( bit_and .LT. 1 ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in IAND part 1"
+        END If
+        bit_and = 1
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 0
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+          bit_and = IAND ( bit_and, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF( bit_and .GE. 1) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in IAND part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 0
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+!... Ior(I,J): Returns value resulting from boolean OR of 
+!... pair of bits in each of I and J. 
+!$omp atomic
+          bit_or = Ior(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( bit_or .GE. 1) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ior part 1"
+        END IF
+        bit_or = 0
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 1
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+          bit_or = IOR(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( bit_or .le. 0) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ior part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 0
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+            exclusiv_bit_or = IEOR(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( exclusiv_bit_or .GE. 1) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ieor part 1"
+        END IF
+        exclusiv_bit_or = 0
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 1
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+            exclusiv_bit_or = ieor(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( exclusiv_bit_or .LE. 0) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ieor part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           int_array(i) = 10 - i
+        END DO
+        min_value = 65535
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+            min_value = min(min_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( min_value .GT. (10-LOOPCOUNT) )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in integer MIN"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           int_array(i) = i
+        END DO
+        max_value = -32768
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+            max_value = max(max_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( max_value .LT. LOOPCOUNT )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in integer MAX"
+        END IF
+!... test double min, max
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           d_array(i) = 10 - i*dt
+        END DO
+        dmin = 2**10
+        dt = 0.5
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+            dmin= MIN(dmin,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( dmin .GT. (10-dt) )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in double MIN"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          d_array(i) = i * dt
+        END DO
+        dmax= - (2**10)
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp do 
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp atomic
+          dmax= max(dmax,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( dmax .LT. LOOPCOUNT*dt )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in double MAX"
+        END IF
+        IF ( result .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=  1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=  0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_barrier.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_barrier.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_barrier.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_barrier.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp barrier directive. The test    creates several threads and sends one of them sleeping before setting a flag.  After the barrier the other ones do some littel work depending on the flag.</   ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp barrier</ompts:directive>
+      SUBROUTINE do_some_work3()
+        REAL i
+        INTRINSIC sqrt
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        sum = 0.0
+        DO WHILE (i < LOOPCOUNT-1)
+          sum = sum + sqrt(i)
+          i = i + 1
+        END DO
+      END
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_barrier</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sleeptime
+        INTEGER omp_get_thread_num
+        INTEGER result1, result2, rank
+        result1 = 0
+        result2 = 0
+        sleeptime = 1
+!$omp parallel private(rank)
+        rank = omp_get_thread_num()
+!        PRINT *, "rank", rank
+        IF ( rank .EQ. 1 ) THEN
+          CALL sleep(sleeptime)
+          result2 = 3
+        END IF
+        <ompts:orphan>
+        <ompts:check>
+!$omp barrier
+        </ompts:check>
+        </ompts:orphan>
+        IF ( rank .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+          result1 = result2
+        END IF
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( result1 .EQ. 3 ) THEN
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_copyin.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_copyin.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_copyin.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_copyin.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel copyin directive.</   ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel copyin</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp threadprivate</ompts:dependences>
+! Changelog:
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_copyin</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER known_sum
+		<ompts:orphan:vars>
+!        INTEGER, SAVE::sum1 
+!        implicitly by omp_threadprivate, see spec25 Chap. 2.8.2
+        INTEGER sum1
+        COMMON /csum1/ sum1
+        INTEGER sum, i, threads
+        COMMON /orphvars/ sum, i, threads
+!   C. Niethammer 30.11.06: moved threadprivate statement into the orphaned
+!      function
+!$omp threadprivate(/csum1/)
+		</ompts:orphan:vars>
+        sum = 0
+        sum1 = 7
+        threads = 0
+		<ompts:orphan>
+!$omp parallel <ompts:check>copyin(sum1)</ompts:check>
+!        print *,"sum1",sum1
+!$omp do
+        DO i=1, 999
+          sum1 = sum1 + i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum1
+        threads = threads + 1
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel
+		</ompts:orphan>
+        known_sum = 999*1000/2 + 7*threads
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum ) THEN
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_critical.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_critical.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_critical.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_critical.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp critical directive by counting up a variable in a parallelized region within a critical section.
+<ompts:directive>omp critical</ompts:directive>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_critical</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER known_sum
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER i,j,myi,myj, sum
+        COMMON /orphvars/ sum, myi, myj
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        sum = 0
+        myi = 0
+        myj = 500
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 0 , 499
+                <ompts:orphan>
+                <ompts:check>
+!$omp critical
+                </ompts:check>
+           sum = sum + myi
+           myi = myi + 1
+                <ompts:check>
+!$omp end critical
+                </ompts:check>
+                </ompts:orphan>
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO j = 500 , 999
+                <ompts:orphan>
+                <ompts:check>
+!$omp critical
+                </ompts:check>
+           sum = sum + myj
+           myj = myj + 1
+                <ompts:check>
+!$omp end critical
+                </ompts:check>
+                </ompts:orphan>
+        END DO
+!$omp end sections
+!$omp end parallel
+        known_sum = 999*1000/2
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          WRITE (1,*) "Found sum was", sum, "instead", known_sum
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_flush.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_flush.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_flush.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_flush.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp flush directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp flush</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp barrier</ompts:dependences>
+        INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_flush</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER result1, dummy, rank
+        INTEGER omp_get_thread_num
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER result2
+        COMMON /orphvars/ result2
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        result1=0
+        result2=0
+!$omp parallel private(rank)
+        rank = omp_get_thread_num()
+!$omp barrier
+        IF ( rank .EQ. 1 ) THEN
+          result2 = 3
+          <ompts:orphan>
+          <ompts:check>
+!$omp flush(result2)
+          </ompts:check>
+          </ompts:orphan>
+          dummy = result2
+        END IF
+        IF ( rank .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+          call sleep(1)
+          <ompts:orphan>
+          <ompts:check>
+!$omp flush(result2)
+          </ompts:check>
+          </ompts:orphan>
+          result1 = result2
+        END IF
+!$omp end parallel
+!        PRINT *,"1:", result1, "2:", result2, "dummy", dummy
+        IF ( (result1 .EQ. result2) .AND. (result2 .EQ. dummy) .AND.
+     &       (result2 .EQ. 3) ) THEN
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_get_num_threads.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_get_num_threads.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_get_num_threads.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_get_num_threads.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks that the omp_get_num_threads returns the correct number of threads. Therefor it counts up a variable in a parallelized section and compars this value with the result of the omp_get_num_threads function.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,somp single</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_get_num_threads</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER nthreads
+        INTEGER omp_get_num_threads
+		<ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER nthreads_lib
+        COMMON /orphvars/ nthreads_lib
+		</ompts:orphan:vars>
+        nthreads=0
+        nthreads_lib=-1
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp critical
+        nthreads = nthreads + 1
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp single
+		<ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>
+        nthreads_lib=omp_get_num_threads()
+		</ompts:check>
+		</ompts:orphan>
+!$omp end single
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (nthreads .EQ. nthreads_lib) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_get_wticks.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_get_wticks.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_get_wticks.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_get_wticks.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_get_wtick function.</ompts:testdescription>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_get_wticks</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        DOUBLE PRECISION tick
+        COMMON /orphvars/ tick
+        include "omp_lib.h"
+!        DOUBLE PRECISION omp_get_wtick
+        tick = 1
+                <ompts:orphan>
+        tick=omp_get_wticK()
+                </ompts:orphan>
+        WRITE(1,*) "work took",tick,"sec. time."
+        IF(tick .GT. 0. .AND. tick .LT. 0.01) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_in_parallel.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_in_parallel.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_in_parallel.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_in_parallel.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks that omp_in_parallel returns false when called from a serial region and true when called within a parallel region.</ompts:testdescription>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_in_parallel</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+!   checks that false is returned when called from serial region
+!   and true is returned when called within parallel region
+        LOGICAL omp_in_parallel
+		<ompts:orphan:vars>
+!        LOGICAL omp_in_parallel
+        LOGICAL serial, parallel
+        COMMON /orphvars/ serial, parallel
+		</ompts:orphan:vars>
+        serial=.TRUE.
+        parallel=.FALSE.
+		<ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>
+        serial=omp_in_parallel()
+		</ompts:check>
+		</ompts:orphan>
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp single
+		<ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>
+        parallel=omp_in_parallel();
+		</ompts:check>
+		</ompts:orphan>
+!$omp end single
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( (.NOT. serial) .AND. (parallel) ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_lock.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_lock.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_lock.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_lock.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_set_lock  and the omp_unset_lock function by counting the threads entering and exiting a single region with locks.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_lock</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER result
+        INTEGER nr_threads_in_single
+        INTEGER nr_iterations
+        INTEGER i
+!lock variable
+                <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INCLUDE "omp_lib.h"
+        INTEGER (KIND=OMP_LOCK_KIND) :: lock
+        COMMON /orphvars/ lock
+                </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+!result is:
+!  0 -- if the test fails
+!  1 -- if the test succeeds
+        CALL omp_init_lock(lock)
+        nr_iterations=0
+        nr_threads_in_single=0
+        result=0
+!$omp parallel shared(lock,nr_threads_in_single,nr_iterations,result)
+!$omp do
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+                  <ompts:orphan>
+                  <ompts:check>
+          CALL omp_set_lock(lock)
+                  </ompts:check>
+                  </ompts:orphan>
+!$omp flush
+          nr_threads_in_single=nr_threads_in_single+1
+!$omp flush
+          nr_iterations=nr_iterations+1
+          nr_threads_in_single=nr_threads_in_single-1
+          result=result+nr_threads_in_single
+                  <ompts:orphan>
+                  <ompts:check>
+          CALL omp_unset_lock(lock)
+                  </ompts:check>
+                  </ompts:orphan>
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        CALL omp_destroy_lock(lock)
+        IF(result.EQ.0 .AND. nr_iterations .EQ. LOOPCOUNT) THEN
+              <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=1
+        ELSE
+              <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=0
+        ENDIf
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_master.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_master.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_master.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_master.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp master directive by counting up a variable in a omp master section.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp master</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_master</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER omp_get_thread_num
+		<ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER nthreads, executing_thread
+        COMMON /orphvars/ nthreads, executing_thread
+		</ompts:orphan:vars>
+        nthreads=0
+        executing_thread=-1
+!$omp parallel
+		<ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>
+!$omp master
+		</ompts:check>
+!$omp critical
+        nthreads = nthreads + 1
+!$omp end critical
+        executing_thread=omp_get_thread_num()
+		<ompts:check>
+!$omp end master
+		</ompts:check>
+		</ompts:orphan>
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( (nthreads .EQ. 1) .AND. (executing_thread .EQ. 0) ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_master_3.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_master_3.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_master_3.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_master_3.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp master directive by counting up a variable in a omp master section. It also checks that the master thread has the thread number 0 as specified in the OpenMP standard version 3.0.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp master</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_master_3</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER omp_get_thread_num
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER nthreads, executing_thread
+        INTEGER tid_result ! counts up the number of wrong thread no.
+                           ! for the master thread
+        COMMON /orphvars/ nthreads, executing_thread, tid_result
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        tid_result = 0
+        nthreads=0
+        executing_thread=-1
+!$omp parallel
+        <ompts:orphan>
+        <ompts:check>
+!$omp master
+        </ompts:check>
+        if (omp_get_thread_num() .ne. 0) then
+!$omp critical
+            tid_result = tid_result + 1
+!$omp end critical
+        end if
+!$omp critical
+        nthreads = nthreads + 1
+!$omp end critical
+        executing_thread=omp_get_thread_num()
+        <ompts:check>
+!$omp end master
+        </ompts:check>
+        </ompts:orphan>
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( (nthreads .EQ. 1) .AND. (executing_thread .EQ. 0) .AND.
+     &       (tid_result .EQ. 0) ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_nest_lock.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_nest_lock.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_nest_lock.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_nest_lock.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_set_nest_lock and the omp_unset_nest_lock function.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_nest_lock</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+!result is:
+!  0 -- if the test fails
+!  1 -- if the test succeeds
+        INTEGER result
+        INTEGER nr_threads_in_single
+        INTEGER nr_iterations
+        INTEGER i
+                <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INCLUDE "omp_lib.h"
+        COMMON /orphvars/ lock
+                </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        nr_iterations=0
+        nr_threads_in_single=0
+        CALL omp_init_nest_lock(lock)
+        result=0
+!$omp parallel shared(lock,nr_threads_in_single,nr_iterations,result)
+!$omp do
+      DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+                <ompts:orphan>
+                <ompts:check>
+        CALL omp_set_nest_lock(lock)
+                </ompts:check>
+                </ompts:orphan>
+!$omp flush
+        nr_threads_in_single=nr_threads_in_single+1
+!$omp flush
+        nr_iterations=nr_iterations+1
+        nr_threads_in_single=nr_threads_in_single-1
+        result=result+nr_threads_in_single
+                <ompts:orphan>
+                <ompts:check>
+        CALL omp_unset_nest_lock(lock)
+                </ompts:check>
+                </ompts:orphan>
+      END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+      CALL omp_destroy_nest_lock(lock)
+!               PRINT *, result, nr_iterations
+        IF(result.EQ.0 .AND. nr_iterations .EQ. LOOPCOUNT) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_nested.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_nested.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_nested.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_nested.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test if the compiler support nested parallelism.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_nested</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        INTEGER counter
+        COMMON /orphvars/ counter
+        counter =0
+        <ompts:check>
+!#ifdef _OPENMP
+        </ompts:check>
+        <ompts:crosscheck>
+!#ifdef _OPENMP
+        </ompts:crosscheck>
+!$omp parallel
+        <ompts:orphan>
+!$omp critical
+          counter = counter + 1
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp critical
+          counter = counter - 1
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel
+        </ompts:orphan>
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF (counter .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+           WRITE (1,*) "Counter was 0"
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        ELSE
+           WRITE (1,*) "Counter was", counter
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        END IF 

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_num_threads.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_num_threads.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_num_threads.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_num_threads.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks that the omp_get_num_threads returns the correct number of threads. Therefor it counts up a variable in a parallelized section and compars this value with the result of the omp_get_num_threads function.</ompts:testdescription>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_num_threads</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER i, max_threads
+        INTEGER omp_get_num_threads
+        INTEGER failed,threads,nthreads,tmp
+        COMMON /orphvars/ failed,threads,nthreads
+        failed = 0
+        max_threads = 0
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp master
+        max_threads = OMP_GET_NUM_THREADS()       
+!$omp end master
+!$omp end parallel
+!         print *, "max threads:",max_threads
+!Yi Wen added omp_Set_dynamics here to make sure num_threads clause work
+!Thanks to Dr. Yin Ma in Absoft. should be not be called before the test loop
+!becuase it allows the dynamic adjustment of the number of threads at runtime
+!instead of using the max_threads set. 
+        DO threads = 1, max_threads
+          nthreads = 0
+           <ompts:orphan>
+!$omp parallel num_threads(threads) reduction(+:failed)
+!          print *, threads, omp_get_num_threads()
+          tmp = omp_get_num_threads()
+          IF ( threads .NE. tmp ) THEN
+            failed = failed + 1
+            WRITE (1,*) "Error: found ", tmp, " instead of ",
+     &          threads, " threads"
+          END IF
+!$omp atomic
+          nthreads = nthreads + 1
+!$omp end parallel
+          </ompts:orphan>
+!            print *, threads, nthreads
+          <ompts:check>IF ( nthreads .NE. threads ) THEN</ompts:check>
+          <ompts:crosscheck>IF ( nthreads .EQ. threads ) THEN</ompts:crosscheck>
+            failed = failed + 1
+          END IF
+        END DO
+        IF(failed .NE. 0) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_single.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_single.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_single.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_single.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp single directive by controling how often a directive is called in an omp single region.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp single</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parallel private,omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_single</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER i
+		<ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER nr_threads_in_single,nr_iterations,result
+        COMMON /orphvars/ nr_threads_in_single,nr_iterations,result
+		</ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        nr_threads_in_single=0
+        result=0
+        nr_iterations=0
+!$omp parallel
+        DO i=0, LOOPCOUNT-1
+		<ompts:orphan>
+!$omp single
+!$omp flush
+          nr_threads_in_single = nr_threads_in_single + 1
+!$omp flush
+          nr_iterations = nr_iterations + 1
+          <ompts:check>nr_threads_in_single = nr_threads_in_single - 1</ompts:check>
+          <ompts:crosscheck>nr_threads_in_single = nr_threads_in_single + 1</ompts:crosscheck>
+          result = result + nr_threads_in_single
+!$omp end single
+		</ompts:orphan>
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( result .EQ. 0 .AND. nr_iterations .EQ. LOOPCOUNT ) THEN
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp task directive. The idea of the tests is to generate a set of tasks in a single region. We let pause the tasks generated so that other threads get sheduled to the newly opened tasks.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single</ompts:dependences>
+      INCLUDE "omp_my_sleep.f"
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER omp_get_num_threads, omp_get_thread_num
+        EXTERNAL my_sleep
+        INTEGER myj
+        INTEGER i,j
+        INTEGER tids(NUM_TASKS)
+        COMMON /orphvars/ j,tids
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+!$omp parallel private(myj) shared(j)
+!$omp single
+        do i=1, NUM_TASKS
+        j = i
+        <ompts:orphan>
+        myj = j
+        <ompts:check>
+!$omp task
+        </ompts:check>
+          call my_sleep(SLEEPTIME)
+          tids(myj) = omp_get_thread_num()
+        <ompts:check>
+!$omp end task
+        </ompts:check>
+        </ompts:orphan>
+        end do
+!$omp end single
+!$omp end parallel
+        <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        ! check if more than one thread executed the tasks.
+        do i=1, NUM_TASKS
+          if (tids(1) .ne. tids(i)) then
+               <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+          end if
+        end do

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_firstprivate.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_firstprivate.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_firstprivate.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_firstprivate.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the firstprivate clause of the task directive. We create a set of tasks in a single region. We defines a variable named sum unequal zero which gets declared firstprivate for each task. Now each task calcualtes a sum using this private variable. Before each calcualation step we introduce a flush command so that maybe the private variabel gets bad. At the end we check if the calculated sum was right.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task firstprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single,omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INCLUDE "omp_my_sleep.f"
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        INTEGER j,i
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        external my_sleep
+        INTEGER my_sum
+        INTEGER known_sum
+        INTEGER rslt
+        COMMON /orphvars/ my_sum, known_sum, rslt
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        my_sum = 1234
+        known_sum = 1234 + (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2
+!$omp parallel private(j)
+!$omp single
+        do i=1, NUM_TASKS
+        <ompts:orphan>
+!$omp task <ompts:check>firstprivate(my_sum)</ompts:check>
+          do j = 0, LOOPCOUNT
+!$omp flush
+            my_sum = my_sum + j
+          end do
+          ! check if calculated my_sum was right
+          if (my_sum .ne. known_sum) then
+!$omp critical
+            rslt = rslt + 1
+!$omp end critical
+          end if
+!$omp end task
+        </ompts:orphan>
+        end do
+!$omp end single
+!$omp end parallel
+        if (rslt .eq. 0) then
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        else
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        end if

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_if.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_if.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_if.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_if.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the if clause of the omp task directive. The idear of the tests is to generate a tasks in a single region and pause it immediately. The parent thread now shall set a counter variable which the paused task shall evaluate when woke up.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task if</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single,omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+      INCLUDE "omp_my_sleep.f"
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_if</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        external my_sleep
+        INTEGER dummy
+        LOGICAL condition_false
+        INTEGER cnt
+        INTEGER rslt
+        COMMON /orphvars/ condition_false, cnt, rslt
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        cnt = 0
+        condition_false = (dummy .eq. 314159)
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp single
+        <ompts:orphan>
+!$omp task <ompts:check>if (condition_false)</ompts:check> shared(cnt,rslt)
+          call my_sleep(SLEEPTIME_LONG)
+!$omp flush
+          if (cnt .eq. 0) then
+              rslt = 1
+          else
+              rslt = 0
+          end if
+!$omp end task
+        </ompts:orphan>
+        cnt = 1
+!$omp end single
+!$omp end parallel
+        <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = rslt

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_private.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_private.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_private.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_private.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the private clause of the task directive. We create a set of tasks in a single region. We defines a variable named sum which gets declared private for each task. Now each task calcualtes a sum using this private variable. Before each calcualation step we introduce a flush command so that maybe the private variabel gets bad. At the end we check if the calculated sum was right.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single,omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INCLUDE "omp_my_sleep.f"
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        INTEGER j,i
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        external my_sleep
+        INTEGER my_sum
+        INTEGER known_sum
+        INTEGER rslt
+        COMMON /orphvars/ my_sum, known_sum, rslt
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        my_sum = 0
+        rslt = 0
+        known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2
+!$omp parallel private(j)
+!$omp single
+        do i=1, NUM_TASKS
+        <ompts:orphan>
+!$omp task <ompts:check>private(my_sum)</ompts:check> shared(rslt, known_sum)
+          <ompts:check>my_sum = 0</ompts:check>
+          do j = 0, LOOPCOUNT
+            my_sum = my_sum + j
+          end do
+          ! check if calculated my_sum was right
+          if (my_sum .ne. known_sum) then
+!$omp critical
+            rslt = rslt + 1
+!$omp end critical
+          end if
+!$omp end task
+        </ompts:orphan>
+        end do
+!$omp end single
+!$omp end parallel
+        if (rslt .eq. 0) then
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        else
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        end if

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_shared.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_shared.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_shared.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_shared.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<ompts:testdescription> Test to see if implied shared works correctly</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single, omp task firstprivate</ompts:dependences>
+      INCLUDE "omp_my_sleep.f"
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_shared</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        external my_sleep
+        INTEGER i
+        COMMON /orphvars/ i
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER rslt
+        INTEGER k
+        i = 0
+        k = 0
+        rslt = 0
+!$omp parallel private(k) shared(i)
+!$omp single
+        do k=1, NUM_TASKS
+        <ompts:orphan>
+!$omp task <ompts:crosscheck>firstprivate(i)</ompts:crosscheck>
+!$omp+     <ompts:check>shared(i)</ompts:check>
+!$omp atomic
+            i = i + 1
+!$omp end task
+        </ompts:orphan>
+        end do
+!$omp end single
+!$omp end parallel
+        rslt = i
+        if (rslt .eq. NUM_TASKS) then
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        else
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        end if

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_untied.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_untied.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_untied.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_task_untied.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test for untied clause. First generate a set of tasks and pause it immediately. Then we resume half of them and check whether they are scheduled by different threads</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp task untied</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp taskwait</ompts:dependences>
+      INCLUDE "omp_my_sleep.f"
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_task_untied</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        EXTERNAL my_sleep
+        INTEGER omp_get_num_threads, omp_get_thread_num
+        INTEGER myj
+        INTEGER i,j
+        INTEGER cnt
+        INTEGER start_tid(NUM_TASKS)
+        INTEGER current_tid(NUM_TASKS)
+        COMMON /orphvars/ j, cnt, start_tid, current_tid
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        cnt = 0
+        do i = 1, NUM_TASKS
+          start_tid(i) = 0
+          current_tid(i) = 0
+        end do
+!$omp parallel private(myj) shared(j)
+!$omp single
+        do i=1, NUM_TASKS
+        j = i
+        <ompts:orphan>
+        myj = j
+!$omp task <ompts:check>untied</ompts:check>
+          call my_sleep(SLEEPTIME)
+          start_tid(myj) = omp_get_thread_num()
+!$omp taskwait
+      <ompts:check>if (MOD(start_tid(myj),2) .ne. 0) then</ompts:check>
+        call my_sleep(SLEEPTIME)
+        current_tid(myj) = omp_get_thread_num()
+      <ompts:check>
+       else
+        current_tid(myj) = omp_get_thread_num()
+       end if</ompts:check>
+!$omp end task
+        </ompts:orphan>
+        end do
+!$omp end single
+!$omp end parallel
+        <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        ! check if at least one untied task switched threads
+        do i=1, NUM_TASKS
+          if (current_tid(i) .ne. start_tid(i)) then
+               <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+          end if
+        end do

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_taskwait.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_taskwait.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_taskwait.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_taskwait.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp taskwait directive. First we generate a set of tasks, which set the elements of an array to a specific value. Then we do a taskwait and check if all tasks finished meaning all array elements contain the right value. Then we generate a second set setting the array elements to another value. After the parallel region we check if all tasks of the second set finished and were executed after the tasks of the first set.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp taskwait</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp single,omp task</ompts:dependences>
+      INCLUDE "omp_my_sleep.f"
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_taskwait</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        INTEGER result1, result2
+        INTEGER array(NUM_TASKS)
+        INTEGER i, myi
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        external my_sleep
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        result1 = 0
+        result2 = 0
+        ! fill array
+        do i = 1, NUM_TASKS
+          array(i) = 0
+        end do
+!$omp parallel shared(i) private(myi)
+!$omp single
+        do i=1, NUM_TASKS
+         ! First we have to store the value of the loop index in a new variable
+         ! which will be private for each task because otherwise it will be
+         ! overwritten if the execution of the task takes longer than the time
+         ! which is needed to enter the next step of the loop!
+         myi = i
+!$omp task
+          call my_sleep(SLEEPTIME)
+          array(myi) = 1
+!$omp end task
+        end do
+        <ompts:orphan>
+        <ompts:check>
+!$omp taskwait
+        </ompts:check>
+        </ompts:orphan>
+        ! check if all tasks were finished
+        do i=1, NUM_TASKS
+          if (array(i) .ne. 1) then
+              result1 = result1 + 1
+          end if
+        end do
+        ! generate some more tasks which now shall overwrite the valuesin the
+        ! array
+        do i=1, NUM_TASKS
+          myi = i
+!$omp task
+          array(myi) = 2
+!$omp end task
+        end do
+!$omp end single
+!$omp end parallel
+        ! final check, if all array elements contain the right values
+        do i=1, NUM_TASKS
+          if (array(i) .ne. 2) then
+            result2 = result2 + 1
+          end if
+        end do
+        if ( (result1 .eq. 0) .and. (result2 .eq. 0) ) then
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        else
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        end if

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_test_nest_lock.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_test_nest_lock.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_test_nest_lock.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_test_nest_lock.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_test_nest_lock function.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_test_nest_lock</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER result
+!result is:
+!      0 -- if the test fails
+!      1 -- if the test succeeds
+        INTEGER nr_threads_in_single
+        INTEGER nr_iterations
+        INTEGER i
+            <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        include "omp_lib.h"
+        COMMON /orphvars/ lock
+            </ompts:orphan:vars>
+!        INTEGER  lck
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        nr_iterations=0
+        nr_threads_in_single=0
+        CALL OMP_INIT_NEST_LOCK(lock)
+        result=0
+!$omp parallel shared(lock,nr_threads_in_single,nr_iterations,result)
+!$omp do
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+                  <ompts:orphan>
+                  <ompts:check>
+          DO WHILE(OMP_TEST_NEST_LOCK(lock) .EQ. 0)
+          END DO
+                  </ompts:check>
+                  </ompts:orphan>
+!$omp flush
+          nr_threads_in_single=nr_threads_in_single+1
+!$omp flush
+          nr_iterations=nr_iterations+1
+          nr_threads_in_single=nr_threads_in_single-1
+          result=result+nr_threads_in_single
+                  <ompts:orphan>
+                  <ompts:check>
+          CALL OMP_UNSET_NEST_LOCK(lock)
+                  </ompts:check>
+                  </ompts:orphan>
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        CALL omp_destroy_nest_lock(lock)
+!               print *, result, nr_iterations
+        IF(result.EQ.0 .AND. nr_iterations .EQ. LOOPCOUNT) THEN
+              <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=1
+        ELSE
+              <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=0
+        ENDIF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_testlock.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_testlock.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_testlock.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_testlock.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_testlock function. The test counts the threads entering and exiting a single region which is build with a test_lock in an endless loop.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:dependences>omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_testlock</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER result
+        INTEGER nr_threads_in_single
+        INTEGER nr_iterations
+        INTEGER i
+              <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        include "omp_lib.h"
+        COMMON /orphvars/ lock
+              </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        nr_iterations=0
+        nr_threads_in_single=0
+        CALL OMP_INIT_LOCK(lock)
+        result=0
+!$omp parallel shared(lock,nr_threads_in_single,nr_iterations,result)
+!$omp do
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+                  <ompts:orphan>
+                  <ompts:check>
+          DO WHILE (.NOT. OMP_TEST_LOCK(lock))
+          END DO
+                  </ompts:check>
+                  </ompts:orphan>
+!$omp flush
+          nr_threads_in_single=nr_threads_in_single+1
+!$omp flush
+          nr_iterations=nr_iterations+1
+          nr_threads_in_single=nr_threads_in_single-1
+          result=result+nr_threads_in_single
+                  <ompts:orphan>
+                  <ompts:check>
+          CALL OMP_UNSET_LOCK(lock)
+                  </ompts:check>
+                  </ompts:orphan>
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp end parallel
+        CALL OMP_DESTROY_LOCK(lock)
+!               print *, result, nr_iterations
+        IF(result.EQ.0 .AND. nr_iterations .EQ. LOOPCOUNT) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=0
+        ENDIF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_testsuite.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_testsuite.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_testsuite.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_testsuite.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+	integer LOOPCOUNT
+	parameter (LOOPCOUNT=1000)

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_threadprivate.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_threadprivate.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_threadprivate.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_threadprivate.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp threadprivate directive by filling an array with random numbers in an parallelised region. Each thread generates one number of the array and saves this in a temporary threadprivate variable. In a second parallelised region the test controls, that the temporary variable contains still the former value by comparing it with the one in the array.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp threadprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp_set_dynamic,omp_get_num_threads,omp master</ompts:dependences>
+!Yi Wen modified this function from his own understanding of the semantics
+!of C version at 05042004
+!The undeestanding is that sum0 and myvalue can be local static variables
+!of the chk_omp_threadprivate function. There is no need to use common
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_threadprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum, known_sum, i , iter, rank,size, failed
+        INTEGER omp_get_num_threads, omp_get_thread_num
+        REAL my_random
+        REAL, ALLOCATABLE:: data(:)
+        INTEGER random_size
+        INTRINSIC random_number
+        INTRINSIC random_seed
+        EXTERNAL omp_set_dynamic
+!Yi Wen modified at 05042004 : add "save"
+        INTEGER, SAVE:: sum0
+        REAL, SAVE::myvalue
+!Yi Wen commented two common blocks
+!	common/csum0/ sum0
+!	common/cmyvalue/ myvalue
+!!!!!!!!!!$omp threadprivate(/csum0/,/cmyvalue/)
+		<ompts:check>
+!$omp threadprivate(sum0,myvalue)
+		</ompts:check>
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        sum = 0
+        failed = 0
+        sum0=0
+        myvalue=0
+        random_size=45
+        CALL omp_set_dynamic(.FALSE.)
+!$omp parallel
+        sum0 = 0
+!$omp do
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel
+        known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2
+        IF ( known_sum .NE. sum ) THEN
+          PRINT *, ' known_sum =', known_sum, ', sum =',sum
+        END IF
+        CALL omp_set_dynamic(.FALSE.)
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp master
+        size = omp_get_num_threads()
+        ALLOCATE ( data(size) )
+!$omp end master
+!$omp end parallel
+        CALL RANDOM_SEED(SIZE=random_size)
+        DO iter = 0, 99
+          CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(HARVEST=my_random)
+!$omp parallel private(rank)
+          rank = omp_get_thread_num()+1
+          myvalue = my_random + rank
+          data(rank) = myvalue
+!$omp end parallel
+!$omp parallel private(rank)
+          rank = omp_get_thread_num()+1
+          IF ( myvalue .NE. data(rank) ) THEN
+            failed = failed + 1
+            PRINT *, ' myvalue =',myvalue,' data(rank)=', data(rank)
+          END IF
+!$omp end parallel
+        END DO
+        DEALLOCATE( data)
+        IF ( (known_sum .EQ. sum) .AND. (failed .NE. 1) ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        else
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0 
+        end if
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_workshare.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_workshare.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_workshare.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_workshare.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks if WORKSHARE is present.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp workshare</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+! Function: omp_workshare
+! by Chunhua Liao, University of Houston
+! Oct. 2005 - First version
+! The idea for the test is that if WORKSHARE is not present,
+! the array assignment in PARALLEL region will be executed by each 
+! thread and then wrongfully repeated several times.
+! TODO:Do we need test for WHERE and FORALL?
+! A simple test for WHERE and FORALL is added by Zhenying Liu
+        INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_workshare</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER result,i
+        INTEGER scalar02,scalar12,scalar22,scalar32,count
+        REAL, DIMENSION(1000)::FF
+        INTEGER scalar0,scalar1,scalar2,scalar3
+        REAL, DIMENSION(1000)::DD
+        COMMON /orphvars/ scalar0,scalar1,scalar2,scalar3,
+     &      AA,BB,CC,DD
+        result=0
+        scalar0=0
+        scalar02=0
+        scalar1=0
+        scalar12=0
+        scalar2=0
+        scalar22=0
+        scalar3=0
+        scalar32=0
+        count = 0
+        AA=0
+        BB=0
+        do i=1,1000
+          CC(i) = i
+          FF(i) = 1.0/i
+        end do
+<ompts:check>!$OMP   WORKSHARE</ompts:check>
+! test if work is divided or not for array assignment
+        AA=AA+1
+! test if scalar assignment is treated as a single unit of work
+        scalar0=scalar0+1 
+! test if atomic is treated as a single unit of work
+        scalar1=scalar1+1 
+! test if critical is treated as a single unit of work
+        scalar2=scalar2+1
+! test if PARALLEL is treated as a single unit of work
+        scalar3=scalar3+1
+        WHERE ( CC .ne. 0 ) DD = 1.0/CC
+        FORALL (I=1:1000) CC(i) = -i
+<ompts:check>!$OMP   END WORKSHARE</ompts:check>
+!sequential equivalent statements for comparison 
+       BB=BB+1
+       scalar02=scalar02+1
+       scalar12=scalar12+1
+       scalar22=scalar22+1
+       scalar32=scalar32+1
+!      write (1,*) "ck:sum of AA is",SUM(AA)," sum of BB is ",sum(BB)
+       if (SUM(AA)/=SUM(BB)) then
+            write(1,*) "Array assignment has some problem"
+            result=result +1
+       endif
+       if (scalar0/=scalar02) then
+          write(1,*) "Scalar assignment has some problem"
+          result = result +1
+       endif
+       if (scalar1/=scalar12) then
+          write(1,*) "Atomic inside WORKSHARE has some problem"
+         result = result +1
+       endif
+       if (scalar2/=scalar22) then
+          write(1,*) "CRITICAL inside WORKSHARE has some problem"
+         result = result +1
+       endif
+       if (scalar3/=scalar32) then
+           write(1,*) "PARALLEL inside WORKSHARE has some problem"
+           result = result +1
+       endif
+       do i=1,1000
+         if ( abs( DD(i)- FF(i)) .gt. 1.0E-4 ) then
+	    count = count + 1
+         end if
+       end do
+       if ( count .ne. 0 ) then
+           result = result + 1
+           write(1,*) "WHERE has some problem"
+       end if
+       count = 0
+       do i=1,1000
+         if ( CC(i) .ne. -i ) then
+            count = count + 1
+         end if
+       end do
+       if ( count .ne. 0 ) then
+           result = result + 1
+           write(1,*) "FORALL has some problem"
+       end if
+!if anything is wrong, set return value to 0
+       if (result==0) then
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+       else
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+       end if
+       end

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_workshare_default.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_workshare_default.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_workshare_default.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_workshare_default.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp master directive by counting up a variable in a omp master section.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp workshare default</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_workshare_default</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum
+        INTEGER known_sum
+        INTEGER mysum
+        INTEGER i
+        known_sum = 999*1000/2
+!$omp parallel default(private) shared(sum)
+!$omp do 
+        DO i = 1, 999
+           mysum = mysum + i
+        END DO
+!$omp end do 
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + mysum
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( (known_sum .EQ. sum) ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_wtime.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_wtime.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_wtime.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/omp_wtime.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp_get_wtime function. It compares the time with which is called a sleep function with the time it took by messuring the difference between the call of the sleep function and its end.</ompts:testdescription>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>omp_wtime</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        DOUBLE PRECISION start
+        DOUBLE PRECISION endtime
+        COMMON start, endtime
+        include "omp_lib.h"
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER wait_time
+        DOUBLE PRECISION measured_time
+        INTEGER fileunit
+        wait_time=1
+        start = 0;
+        endtime = 0;
+                <ompts:orphan>
+                <ompts:check>
+        start=omp_get_wtime()
+                </ompts:check>
+                </ompts:orphan>
+        CALL sleep(wait_time)
+                <ompts:orphan>
+                <ompts:check>
+        endtime=omp_get_wtime()
+                </ompts:check>
+                </ompts:orphan>
+        measured_time=endtime-start
+        WRITE(1,*) "work took",measured_time,"sec. time."
+        IF(measured_time.GT.0.99*wait_time .AND.
+     & measured_time .LT. 1.01*wait_time) THEN
+              <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=1
+        ELSE
+              <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_firstprivate.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_firstprivate.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_firstprivate.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_firstprivate.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel do firstprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel for firstprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>par do reduction,par do private</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>par_do_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum,known_sum, i2, i
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        sum =0
+        i2 = 3
+!$omp parallel do <ompts:check>firstprivate(i2)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(i2)</ompts:crosscheck> reduction(+:sum)
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          sum = sum + ( i+ i2)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2+3*LOOPCOUNT
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_if.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_if.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_if.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_if.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel for if directive. Needs at least two threads.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel do if</ompts:directive>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>par_do_if</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER omp_get_num_threads
+        INTEGER sum,known_sum, i, num_threads
+        INTEGER control
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        sum = 0
+        control = 0
+!$omp parallel do <ompts:check>if (control == 1)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          sum = sum + i
+          num_threads = omp_get_num_threads ()
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        WRITE (1,*) "Number of threads determined by:"\
+                    "omg_get_num_threasd:", num_threads
+        known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum .AND. num_threads .EQ. 1) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_lastprivate.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_lastprivate.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_lastprivate.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_lastprivate.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel do lastprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel do lastprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>par do reduction, par do private</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>par_do_lastprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum, known_sum, i , i0
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        sum = 0
+        i0 = -1
+!$omp parallel do reduction(+:sum) schedule(static,7) <ompts:check>lastprivate(i0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(i0)</ompts:crosscheck>
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          sum = sum + i
+          i0 = i
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2
+        IF ( (known_sum .EQ. sum) .AND. (i0 .EQ. LOOPCOUNT) ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END   

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_ordered.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_ordered.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_ordered.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_ordered.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel do ordered directive</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel do ordered</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>par schedule stat</ompts:dependences>
+! **********************************************************
+! Helper function is_larger
+! **********************************************************
+      INTEGER FUNCTION i_islarger2(i)
+        INTEGER i
+        INTEGER last_i,islarger
+        COMMON /com/ last_i
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+!        print *, "last_i",last_i, "i", i
+! last_i is a global variable
+        IF ( i .GT. last_i ) THEN
+          islarger = 1
+        ELSE
+          islarger = 0
+        END IF
+        last_i = i
+        i_islarger2 = islarger
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>par_do_ordered</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        COMMON /com/ last_i
+        INTEGER known_sum,i, last_i
+        INTEGER is_larger,sum,i_islarger2
+        COMMON /orphvars/ is_larger,sum,i
+        sum=0
+        is_larger=1
+        last_i=0
+!$omp parallel do schedule(static, 1) ordered
+        DO i=1, 99
+                <ompts:orphan>
+		<ompts:check>
+!$omp ordered
+		</ompts:check>
+        IF( i_islarger2(i) .EQ. 1 .AND. is_larger .EQ. 1 ) THEN  
+          is_larger = 1
+        ELSE
+          is_larger = 0
+        END IF
+        sum = sum + i
+		<ompts:check>
+!$omp end ordered
+		</ompts:check>
+                </ompts:orphan>
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        known_sum = (99*100)/2
+!Yi Wen; Sun compiler will fail sometimes
+!        print *, "sum", sum, "ks", known_sum, "la", is_larger
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum .AND. is_larger .EQ. 1 ) THEN
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_private.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_private.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_private.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_private.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel do private directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel do private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>par do reduction,omp flush</ompts:dependences>
+      SUBROUTINE do_some_work2()
+        REAL i
+        INTRINSIC sqrt
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        sum = 0.0
+        i = 0
+        DO WHILE (i < LOOPCOUNT)
+           sum = sum + sqrt(i)
+           i = i + 1
+        END DO
+      END
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>par_do_private</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum,known_sum, i, i2, i3
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        sum = 0
+!$omp parallel do reduction(+:sum) <ompts:check>private(i2)</ompts:check> schedule(static,1)
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          i2 = i
+!$omp flush
+          CALL do_some_work2()
+!$omp flush
+          sum = sum + i2
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+          known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT*(LOOPCOUNT+1))/2
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_reduction.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_reduction.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_reduction.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_do_reduction.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel do reduction directive with all its options.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel do reduction</ompts:directive>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>par_do_reduction</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum, sum2, known_sum, i, i2,diff
+        INTEGER product,known_product,int_const
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dsum,dknown_sum,dt,dpt
+        DOUBLE PRECISION rounding_error, ddiff
+        INTEGER double_DIGITS
+        LOGICAL logic_and, logic_or, logic_eqv,logic_neqv
+        INTEGER bit_and, bit_or
+        INTEGER exclusiv_bit_or
+        INTEGER min_value, max_value
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dmin, dmax
+        INTEGER result
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        LOGICAL logics(LOOPCOUNT)
+        INTEGER int_array(LOOPCOUNT)
+        PARAMETER (int_const=10,known_product=3628800)
+        PARAMETER (double_DIGITS=20,MAX_FACTOR=10)
+        PARAMETER (rounding_error=1.E-6)
+        dt = 1./3.
+        known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2
+        product = 1
+        sum2 = 0
+        sum = 0
+        dsum = 0.
+        result =0 
+        logic_and = .true.
+        logic_or = .false.
+        bit_and = 1
+        bit_or = 0
+        exclusiv_bit_or = 0
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic, 1) <ompts:check>reduction(+:sum)</ompts:check>
+        DO i =1, LOOPCOUNT
+          sum = sum + i
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF (known_sum .NE. sum) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in sum with integers: Result was ",
+     &       sum,"instead of ", known_sum
+        END IF
+        diff = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic, 1) <ompts:check>reduction (-: diff)</ompts:check>
+        DO i =1, LOOPCOUNT
+          diff = diff - i
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( diff .NE. 0 ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in difference with integers: Result was ",
+     &       sum,"instead of 0."
+        END IF
+!... Test for doubles
+        dsum =0.
+        dpt = 1
+        DO i=1, DOUBLE_DIGITS
+          dpt= dpt * dt
+        END DO
+        dknown_sum = (1-dpt)/(1-dt)
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(+:dsum)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=0,DOUBLE_DIGITS-1
+              dsum = dsum + dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF(dsum .NE. dknown_sum .AND. 
+     &    abs(dsum - dknown_sum) .GT. rounding_error ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          write(1,*) "Error in sum with doubles: Result was ",
+     &      dsum,"instead of ",dknown_sum,"(Difference: ",
+     &      dsum - dknown_sum,")"
+        END IF
+        dpt = 1
+        DO i=1, DOUBLE_DIGITS
+          dpt = dpt*dt
+        END DO
+        ddiff = ( 1-dpt)/(1-dt)
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(-:ddiff)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=0, DOUBLE_DIGITS-1
+          ddiff = ddiff - dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( ABS(ddiff) .GT. rounding_error ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Difference with doubles: Result was ",
+     &       ddiff,"instead of 0.0"
+        END IF
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(*:product)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,MAX_FACTOR
+           product = product * i
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF (known_product .NE. product) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in Product with integers: Result was ",
+     &       product," instead of",known_product 
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          logics(i) = .TRUE.
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.AND.:logic_and)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF (.NOT. logic_and) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic AND part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_and = .TRUE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.AND.:logic_and)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF (logic_and) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic AND pass 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .FALSE.
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.OR.:logic_or)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_or = logic_or .or. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF (logic_or) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic OR part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_or = .FALSE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.OR.:logic_or)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( .NOT. logic_or ) THEn
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic OR part 2"
+        END IF
+!... Test logic EQV, unique in Fortran
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .TRUE.
+        END DO
+        logic_eqv = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.EQV.:logic_eqv)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF (.NOT. logic_eqv) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic EQV part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_eqv = .TRUE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.EQV.:logic_eqv)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( logic_eqv ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic EQV part 2"
+        END IF
+!... Test logic NEQV, which is unique in Fortran
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .FALSE.
+        END DO
+        logic_neqv = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.NEQV.:logic_neqv)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF (logic_neqv) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic NEQV part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_neqv = .FALSE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(.NEQV.:logic_neqv)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .neqv. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( .NOT. logic_neqv ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic NEQV part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+           int_array(i) = 1
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(IAND:bit_and)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+!... iand(I,J): Returns value resulting from boolean AND of 
+!... pair of bits in each of I and J. 
+          bit_and = IAND(bit_and,int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( bit_and .LT. 1 ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in IAND part 1"
+        END IF
+        bit_and = 1
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 0
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(IAND:bit_and)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          bit_and = IAND ( bit_and, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF( bit_and .GE. 1) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in IAND part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 0
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) reduction(IOR:bit_or)
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+!... Ior(I,J): Returns value resulting from boolean OR of 
+!... pair of bits in each of I and J. 
+          bit_or = IOR(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( bit_or .GE. 1) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ior part 1"
+        END IF
+        bit_or = 0
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 1
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(IOR:bit_or)</ompts:check>
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          bit_or = IOR(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( bit_or .LE. 0) then
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ior part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 0
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(IEOR:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+          exclusiv_bit_or = ieor(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( exclusiv_bit_or .GE. 1) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ieor part 1"
+        END IF
+        exclusiv_bit_or = 0
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 1
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(IEOR:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+            exclusiv_bit_or = IEOR(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( exclusiv_bit_or .le. 0) then
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ieor part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           int_array(i) = 10 - i
+        END DO
+        min_value = 65535
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(MIN:min_value)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+            min_value = MIN(min_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( min_value .GT. (10-LOOPCOUNT) )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in integer MIN"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           int_array(i) = i
+        END DO
+        max_value = -32768
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(MAX:max_value)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+            max_value = MAX(max_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( max_value .LT. LOOPCOUNT )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in integer MAX"
+        END IF
+!... test double min, max
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          d_array(i) = 10 - i*dt
+        END DO
+        dmin = 2**10
+        dt = 0.5
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(MIN:dmin)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+          dmin= MIN(dmin,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( dmin .GT. (10-dt) )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in double MIN"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           d_array(i) = i * dt
+        END DO
+        dmax= - (2**10)
+!$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic,1) <ompts:check>reduction(max:dmax)</ompts:check>
+        DO i = 1, LOOPCOUNT
+          dmax= max(dmax,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
+        IF ( dmax .LT. LOOPCOUNT*dt )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in double MAX"
+        END IF
+        IF ( result .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> =  1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> =  0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_firstprivate.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_firstprivate.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_firstprivate.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_firstprivate.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel sections firstprivate clause.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel sections firstprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>par_section_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum, sum0, known_sum
+        sum = 7
+        sum0 = 11
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>firstprivate(sum0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(sum0)</ompts:crosscheck>  
+!$omp section
+!$omp critical 
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+<ompts:crosscheck>!$omp section</ompts:crosscheck>
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+<ompts:crosscheck>!$omp section</ompts:crosscheck>
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        known_sum = 11*3 + 7
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END 

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_lastprivate.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_lastprivate.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_lastprivate.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_lastprivate.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel sections lastprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel sections lastprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp parallel sections private</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>par_section_lastprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum, sum0, known_sum, i ,i0
+        sum = 0
+        sum0 = 0
+        i0 = -1
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>lastprivate(i0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(i0)</ompts:crosscheck> private(i,sum0)
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=1, 399
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+          i0=i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=400, 699
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+          i0 = i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=700, 999
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+          i0 = i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        known_sum = (999*1000)/2
+!        print *, "sum", sum, "ks", known_sum, i0
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum .AND. i0 .EQ. 999 ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_private.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_private.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_private.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_private.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the parallel section private clause.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel section private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>par_section_private</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum, sum0, known_sum, i
+        sum = 7
+        sum0 = 0
+!$omp parallel sections<ompts:check>private(sum0,i)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(i)</ompts:crosscheck>
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=1, 399
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+          sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=400, 699
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=700, 999
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+          sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        known_sum = (999*1000)/2+7
+        IF ( known_sum .eq. sum ) then
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END 
+        integer function crschk_par_section_private()
+        implicit none
+        integer sum, sum0, known_sum, i
+        sum = 7
+        sum0 = 0
+!$omp parallel sections private(i)
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        do i=1, 399
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+        end do
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        do i=400, 699
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+        end do
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        do i=700, 999
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+        end do
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        known_sum = (999*1000)/2+7
+        if ( known_sum .eq. sum ) then
+          crschk_par_section_private = 1
+        else
+          crschk_par_section_private = 0
+        end if
+        end

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_reduct.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_reduct.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_reduct.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/par_section_reduct.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp parallel sections reduction directive with all its option.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel sections reduction</ompts:directive>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>par_section_reduct</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum, sum2, known_sum, i, i2,diff
+        INTEGER product,known_product,int_const
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dsum,dknown_sum,dt,dpt
+        DOUBLE PRECISION rounding_error, ddiff
+        LOGICAL logic_and, logic_or, logic_eqv,logic_neqv
+        INTEGER bit_and, bit_or
+        INTEGER exclusiv_bit_or
+        INTEGER min_value, max_value
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dmin, dmax
+        INTEGER result
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        LOGICAL logics(LOOPCOUNT)
+        INTEGER int_array(LOOPCOUNT)
+        PARAMETER (int_const=10,known_product=3628800)
+        PARAMETER (rounding_error=1.E-6)
+        INTEGER cut1, cut2, cut3, cut4
+        dt = 1./3.
+        known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2
+        product = 1
+        sum2 = 0
+        sum = 0
+        dsum = 0.
+        result =0 
+        logic_and = .TRUE.
+        logic_or = .FALSE.
+        bit_and = 1
+        bit_or = 0
+        exclusiv_bit_or = 0
+        cut1 = NINT(LOOPCOUNT / 3.)
+        cut2 = cut1 + 1
+        cut3 = 2 * cut1
+        cut4 = cut3 + 1
+!$omp parallel sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(+:sum)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i =1, cut1
+          sum = sum + i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i =cut2, cut3
+          sum = sum + i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i =cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          sum = sum + i
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF (known_sum .NE. sum) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in sum with integers: Result was ",
+     &       sum,"instead of ", known_sum
+        END IF
+        diff = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction (-: diff)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i =1, cut1
+          diff = diff - i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i =cut2, cut3
+          diff = diff - i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i =cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          diff = diff - i
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( diff .NE. 0 ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in difference with integers: Result was ",
+     &       sum,"instead of 0."
+        END IF
+!... Test for doubles
+        dsum =0.
+        dpt = 1
+        DO i=1, DOUBLE_DIGITS
+          dpt= dpt * dt
+        END DO
+        dknown_sum = (1-dpt)/(1-dt)
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(+:dsum)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=0,6
+           dsum = dsum + dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=7,12
+           dsum = dsum + dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=13,DOUBLE_DIGITS-1
+           dsum = dsum + dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF(dsum .NE. dknown_sum .AND. 
+     &     ABS(dsum - dknown_sum) .GT. rounding_error ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in sum with doubles: Result was ",
+     &       dsum,"instead of ",dknown_sum,"(Difference: ",
+     &       dsum - dknown_sum,")"
+        END IF
+        dpt = 1
+        DO i=1, DOUBLE_DIGITS
+           dpt = dpt*dt
+        END DO
+        ddiff = ( 1-dpt)/(1-dt)
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(-:ddiff)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=0, 6
+          ddiff = ddiff - dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=7, 12
+          ddiff = ddiff - dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=13, DOUBLE_DIGITS-1
+          ddiff = ddiff - dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( ABS(ddiff) .GT. rounding_error ) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in Difference with doubles: Result was ",
+     &       ddiff,"instead of 0.0"
+        END IF
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(*:product)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,3
+           product = product * i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=4,6
+           product = product * i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=7,10
+           product = product * i
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF (known_product .NE. product) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in Product with integers: Result was ",
+     &       product," instead of",known_product 
+         END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          logics(i) = .TRUE.
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(.AND.:logic_and)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,cut1
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2,cut3
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4,LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        if (.not. logic_and) then
+          result = result + 1
+          write(1,*) "Error in logic AND part 1"
+        end if
+        logic_and = .TRUE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(.AND.:logic_and)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,cut1
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2,cut3
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4,LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF (logic_and) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic AND pass 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          logics(i) = .FALSE.
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(.OR.:logic_or)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+          logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+          logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF (logic_or) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic OR part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_or = .FALSE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(.OR.:logic_or)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,cut1
+          logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2,cut3
+          logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4,LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( .NOT. logic_or ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic OR part 2"
+        END IF
+!... Test logic EQV, unique in Fortran
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          logics(i) = .TRUE.
+        END DO
+        logic_eqv = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(.EQV.:logic_eqv)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF (.NOT. logic_eqv) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic EQV part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_eqv = .TRUE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(.EQV.:logic_eqv)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,cut1
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2,cut3
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4,LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( logic_eqv ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic EQV part 2"
+        END IF
+!... Test logic NEQV, which is unique in Fortran
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          logics(i) = .FALSE.
+        END DO
+        logic_neqv = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(.NEQV.:logic_neqv)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+          logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+          logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF (logic_neqv) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic NEQV part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_neqv = .FALSE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(.NEQV.:logic_neqv)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,cut1
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2,cut3
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4,LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( .NOT. logic_neqv ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic NEQV part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 1
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(IAND:bit_and)</ompts:check>
+!... iand(I,J): Returns value resulting from boolean AND of
+!... pair of bits in each of I and J.
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1, cut1
+          bit_and = IAND(bit_and,int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2, cut3
+          bit_and = IAND(bit_and,int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          bit_and = IAND(bit_and,int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( bit_and .LT. 1 ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in IAND part 1"
+        END IF
+        bit_and = 1
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 0
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(IAND:bit_and)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1, cut1
+          bit_and = IAND ( bit_and, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2, cut3
+          bit_and = IAND ( bit_and, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          bit_and = IAND ( bit_and, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF( bit_and .GE. 1) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in IAND part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 0
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(IOR:bit_or)</ompts:check>
+!... Ior(I,J): Returns value resulting from boolean OR of
+!... pair of bits in each of I and J.
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1, cut1
+          bit_or = IOR(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2, cut3
+          bit_or = IOR(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          bit_or = IOR(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( bit_or .GE. 1) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ior part 1"
+        END IF
+        bit_or = 0
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 1
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(IOR:bit_or)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1, cut1
+          bit_or = IOR(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2, cut3
+          bit_or = IOR(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          bit_or = IOR(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( bit_or .LE. 0) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ior part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 0
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(IEOR:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+          exclusiv_bit_or = IEOR(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+          exclusiv_bit_or = IEOR(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          exclusiv_bit_or = IEOR(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( exclusiv_bit_or .GE. 1) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ieor part 1"
+        END IF
+        exclusiv_bit_or = 0
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 1
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(IEOR:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+          exclusiv_bit_or = IEOR(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+          exclusiv_bit_or = IEOR(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          exclusiv_bit_or = IEOR(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( exclusiv_bit_or .LE. 0) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ieor part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 10 - i
+        END DO
+        min_value = 65535
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(MIN:min_value)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+          min_value = MIN(min_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+          min_value = MIN(min_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          min_value = MIN(min_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( min_value .GT. (10-LOOPCOUNT) )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in integer MIN"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = i
+        END DO
+        max_value = -32768
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(MAX:max_value)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+          max_value = MAX(max_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+          max_value = MAX(max_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          max_value = MAX(max_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( max_value .LT. LOOPCOUNT )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in integer MAX"
+        END IF
+!... test double min, max
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          d_array(i) = 10 - i*dt
+        END DO
+        dmin = 2**10
+        dt = 0.5
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(MIN:dmin)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+          dmin= MIN(dmin,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+          dmin= MIN(dmin,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          dmin= MIN(dmin,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( dmin .GT. (10-dt) )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in double MIN"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          d_array(i) = i * dt
+        END DO
+        dmax= - (2**10)
+!$omp parallel sections <ompts:check>reduction(MAX:dmax)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+          dmax= MAX(dmax,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+          dmax= MAX(dmax,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          dmax= MAX(dmax,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel sections
+        IF ( dmax .lt. LOOPCOUNT*dt )THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          write(1,*) "Error in double MAX"
+        END IF
+        IF ( result .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> =  1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> =  0
+        END IF
+        CLOSE(2)

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_firstprivate.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_firstprivate.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_firstprivate.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_firstprivate.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp section firstprivate directive by adding a variable which is defined before the parallel region.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp firstprivate</ompts:directive>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>section_firstprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER known_sum
+        INTEGER sum,sum0
+        COMMON /orphvars/ sum,sum0
+        sum = 7
+        sum0 = 11
+!$omp parallel
+        <ompts:orphan>
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>firstprivate(sum0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(sum0)</ompts:crosscheck>
+!$omp section
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end sections
+        </ompts:orphan>
+!$omp end parallel
+        known_sum = 11*3+7
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_lastprivate.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_lastprivate.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_lastprivate.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_lastprivate.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp section lastprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp section lastprivate</ompts:directive>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>section_lastprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER known_sum
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER i, i0, sum, sum0
+        COMMON /orphvars/ i,i0,sum
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        sum = 0
+        sum0 = 0
+        i0 = -1
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>lastprivate(i0)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(i0)</ompts:crosscheck> private(i,sum0)
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=1, 399
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+          i0 = i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=400, 699
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+          i0 = i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=700, 999
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+          i0 = i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end sections
+!$omp end parallel
+        known_sum = (999*1000)/2
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum .AND. i0 .EQ. 999 ) THEN
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_private.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_private.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_private.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_private.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the parallel section private clause.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp parallel section private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>section_private</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER known_sum
+        INTEGER sum,sum0,i
+        COMMON /orphvars/ sum,sum0,i
+        sum = 7
+        sum0 = 0
+!$omp parallel
+        <ompts:orphan>
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>private(sum0,i)</ompts:check><ompts:crosscheck>private(i)</ompts:crosscheck>
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=1, 399
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=400, 699
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp section
+        sum0 = 0
+        DO i=700, 999
+          sum0 = sum0 + i
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        sum = sum + sum0
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end sections
+        </ompts:orphan>
+!$omp end parallel
+        known_sum = (999*1000)/2+7
+        IF ( known_sum .EQ. sum) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_reduction.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_reduction.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_reduction.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/section_reduction.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp sections reduction directive with all its options.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp sections reduction</ompts:directive>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>section_reduction</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER sum2, known_sum, i2
+        INTEGER known_product,int_const
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dknown_sum,dpt
+        INTEGER result
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        PARAMETER (int_const=10,known_product=3628800)
+        <ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER i,dummy
+        INTEGER sum, dIFf
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dsum, ddIFf
+        INTEGER product
+        LOGICAL logics(LOOPCOUNT)
+        INTEGER int_array(LOOPCOUNT)
+        LOGICAL logic_and, logic_or, logic_eqv,logic_neqv
+        INTEGER bit_and, bit_or
+        INTEGER exclusiv_bit_or
+        INTEGER min_value, max_value
+        DOUBLE PRECISION dmin, dmax
+        INTEGER cut1, cut2, cut3, cut4
+        DOUBLE PRECISION rounding_error
+        PARAMETER (rounding_error=1.E-6)
+        COMMON /orphvars/ i,sum,dIFf,product,dt,dsum,ddIFf,logic_and,
+     &    logic_or,logic_eqv,logic_neqv,logics,int_array,bit_and,bit_or,
+     &    exclusiv_bit_or,min_value,dmin,dmax,d_array,max_value
+        cut1 = NINT(LOOPCOUNT / 3.3)
+        cut2 = cut1 + 1
+        cut3 = cut1 * 2
+        cut4 = cut3 + 1
+        </ompts:orphan:vars>
+        dt = 1./3.
+        known_sum = (LOOPCOUNT * (LOOPCOUNT + 1)) / 2
+        product = 1
+        sum2 = 0
+        sum = 0
+        dsum = 0.
+        result =0 
+        logic_and = .true.
+        logic_or = .false.
+        bit_and = 1
+        bit_or = 0
+        exclusiv_bit_or = 0
+        cut1 = NINT(LOOPCOUNT / 3.3)
+        cut2 = cut1 + 1
+        cut3 = cut1 * 2
+        cut4 = cut3 + 1
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections private(i) <ompts:check>reduction(+:sum)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i =1, cut1
+          sum = sum + i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i =cut2, cut3
+          sum = sum + i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i =cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          sum = sum + i
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF (known_sum .NE. sum) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+        WRITE(1,*) "Error in sum with integers: Result was ",
+     &    sum,"instead of ", known_sum
+        END IF
+        dIFf = known_sum
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction (-: dIFf)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i =1, cut1
+          dIFf = dIFf - i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i =cut2, cut3
+          dIFf = dIFf - i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i =cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          dIFf = dIFf - i
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( dIFf .NE. 0 ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+        WRITE(1,*) "Error in dIFference with integers: Result was ",
+     &    sum,"instead of 0."
+        END IF
+!   Test for DOubles
+        dsum = 0.
+        dpt = 1
+        DO i=1, DOUBLE_DIGITS
+          dpt= dpt * dt
+        END DO
+        dknown_sum = (1-dpt)/(1-dt)
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(+:dsum)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=0,6
+              dsum = dsum + dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=7,12
+              dsum = dsum + dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=13,DOUBLE_DIGITS-1
+              dsum = dsum + dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF (dsum .NE. dknown_sum .AND. 
+     &    abs(dsum - dknown_sum) .GT. rounding_error ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in sum with DOubles: Result was ",
+     &      dsum,"instead of ",dknown_sum,"(DIFference: ",
+     &      dsum - dknown_sum,")"
+        END IF
+        dpt = 1
+        DO i=1, DOUBLE_DIGITS
+          dpt = dpt*dt
+        END DO
+        ddIFf = ( 1-dpt)/(1-dt)
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(-:ddIFf)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=0, 6
+          ddIFf = ddIFf - dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=7, 12
+          ddIFf = ddIFf - dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=13, DOUBLE_DIGITS-1
+          ddIFf = ddIFf - dt**i
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( abs(ddIFf) .GT. rounding_error ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in DIFference with DOubles: Result was ",
+     &      ddIFf,"instead of 0.0"
+        END IF
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(*:product)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,3
+          product = product * i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=4,6
+          product = product * i
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=7,10
+          product = product * i
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF (known_product .NE. product) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Product with integers: Result was ",
+     &      product," instead of",known_product 
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+          logics(i) = .TRUE.
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(.and.:logic_and)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,cut1
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2,cut3
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4,LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF (.NOT. logic_and) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic AND part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_and = .TRUE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(.and.:logic_and)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,cut1
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2,cut3
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4,LOOPCOUNT
+          logic_and = logic_and .AND. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF (logic_and) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic AND pass 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .FALSE.
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(.or.:logic_or)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+           logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+           logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF (logic_or) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic OR part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_or = .FALSE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(.or.:logic_or)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,cut1
+           logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2,cut3
+           logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4,LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_or = logic_or .OR. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( .NOT. logic_or ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic OR part 2"
+        END IF
+!... Test logic EQV, unique in Fortran
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .TRUE.
+        END DO
+        logic_eqv = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(.eqv.:logic_eqv)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF (.NOT. logic_eqv) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic EQV part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_eqv = .TRUE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .FALSE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(.eqv.:logic_eqv)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,cut1
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .EQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2,cut3
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .eqv. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4,LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_eqv = logic_eqv .eqv. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( logic_eqv ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic EQV part 2"
+        END IF
+!... Test logic NEQV, which is unique in Fortran
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+         logics(i) = .false.
+        END DO
+        logic_neqv = .false.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(.neqv.:logic_neqv)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF (logic_neqv) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in logic NEQV part 1"
+        END IF
+        logic_neqv = .FALSE.
+        logics(LOOPCOUNT/2) = .TRUE.
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(.neqv.:logic_neqv)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1,cut1
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2,cut3
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4,LOOPCOUNT
+           logic_neqv = logic_neqv .NEQV. logics(i)
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( .NOT. logic_neqv ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          write(1,*) "Error in logic NEQV part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+           int_array(i) = 1
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(iand:bit_and)</ompts:check>
+!... iand(I,J): Returns value resulting from boolean AND of
+!... pair of bits in each of I and J.
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1, cut1
+         bit_and = iand(bit_and,int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2, cut3
+         bit_and = iand(bit_and,int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+         bit_and = iand(bit_and,int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( bit_and .lt. 1 ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          write(1,*) "Error in IAND part 1"
+        END IF
+        bit_and = 1
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 0
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(iand:bit_and)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1, cut1
+          bit_and = iand ( bit_and, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2, cut3
+          bit_and = iand ( bit_and, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          bit_and = iand ( bit_and, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF( bit_and .GE. 1) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in IAND part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 0
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(ior:bit_or)</ompts:check>
+!... Ior(I,J): Returns value resulting from boolean OR of
+!... pair of bits in each of I and J.
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1, cut1
+          bit_or = ior(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2, cut3
+          bit_or = ior(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          bit_or = ior(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( bit_or .GE. 1) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ior part 1"
+        END IF
+        bit_or = 0
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 1
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(ior:bit_or)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i=1, cut1
+          bit_or = Ior(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut2, cut3
+          bit_or = Ior(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i=cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+          bit_or = Ior(bit_or, int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( bit_or .LE. 0) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ior part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1, LOOPCOUNT
+          int_array(i) = 0
+        END DO
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(ieor:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+            exclusiv_bit_or = ieor(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+            exclusiv_bit_or = ieor(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+            exclusiv_bit_or = ieor(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( exclusiv_bit_or .GE. 1) THEN
+           result = result + 1
+           WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ieor part 1"
+        END IF
+        exclusiv_bit_or = 0
+        int_array(LOOPCOUNT/2) = 1
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(ieor:exclusiv_bit_or)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+            exclusiv_bit_or = ieor(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+            exclusiv_bit_or = ieor(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+            exclusiv_bit_or = ieor(exclusiv_bit_or, int_array(i))
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( exclusiv_bit_or .LE. 0) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in Ieor part 2"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           int_array(i) = 10 - i
+        END DO
+        min_value = 65535
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(min:min_value)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+            min_value = min(min_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+            min_value = min(min_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+            min_value = min(min_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( min_value .GT. (10-LOOPCOUNT) ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in integer MIN"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           int_array(i) = i
+        END DO
+        max_value = -32768
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(max:max_value)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+            max_value = max(max_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+            max_value = max(max_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+            max_value = max(max_value,int_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( max_value .LT. LOOPCOUNT ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in integer MAX"
+        END IF
+!... test DOuble min, max
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           d_array(i) = 10 - i*dt
+        END DO
+        dmin = 2**10
+        dt = 0.5
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(min:dmin)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+            dmin= min(dmin,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+            dmin= min(dmin,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+            dmin= min(dmin,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( dmin .GT. (10-dt) ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in DOuble MIN"
+        END IF
+        DO i=1,LOOPCOUNT
+           d_array(i) = i * dt
+        END DO
+        dmax= - (2**10)
+!$omp parallel
+!$omp sections <ompts:check>reduction(max:dmax)</ompts:check>
+!$omp section
+        DO i = 1, cut1
+            dmax= max(dmax,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut2, cut3
+            dmax= max(dmax,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp section
+        DO i = cut4, LOOPCOUNT
+            dmax= max(dmax,d_array(i) )
+        END DO
+!$omp END sections
+!$omp END parallel
+        IF ( dmax .LT. LOOPCOUNT*dt ) THEN
+          result = result + 1
+          WRITE(1,*) "Error in DOuble MAX"
+        END IF
+        IF ( result .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> =  1
+        ELSE
+           <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> =  0
+        END IF
+        CLOSE(2)

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_copyprivate.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_copyprivate.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_copyprivate.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_copyprivate.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp single copyprivate directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp single copyprivate</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp parllel,omp critical</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>single_copyprivate</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER omp_get_thread_num
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        INTEGER i,j,thread,nr_iterations,result
+        COMMON /orphvars/ nr_iterations,result
+        result=0
+        nr_iterations=0
+!$omp parallel private(i,j,thread)
+        <ompts:orphan>
+        DO i=0,LOOPCOUNT-1
+          thread=OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM()
+!$omp single 
+          nr_iterations=nr_iterations+1
+          j=i
+!$omp end single <ompts:check>copyprivate(j)</ompts:check>
+!$omp critical
+          result=result+j-i;
+!$omp end critical
+        END DO
+        </ompts:orphan>
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF(result .EQ. 0 .AND. 
+     &     nr_iterations .EQ. LOOPCOUNT) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>=0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_nowait.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_nowait.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_nowait.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_nowait.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<ompts:directive>omp single nowait</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp atomic</ompts:dependences>
+      INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>single_nowait</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER result, total_iterations, my_iterations,i
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        INTEGER nr_iterations
+        COMMON /orphvars/ nr_iterations
+        result=0
+        nr_iterations=0
+        total_iterations=0
+        my_iterations=0
+!$omp parallel private(i)
+        DO i=0, LOOPCOUNT -1
+        <ompts:orphan>
+<ompts:check>!$omp single</ompts:check>
+!$omp atomic
+          nr_iterations = nr_iterations + 1
+<ompts:check>!$omp end single nowait</ompts:check>
+        </ompts:orphan>
+        END DO
+!$omp end parallel
+!$omp parallel private(i,my_iterations)
+        my_iterations = 0
+        DO i=0, LOOPCOUNT -1
+<ompts:check>!$omp single</ompts:check>
+          my_iterations = my_iterations + 1
+<ompts:check>!$omp end single nowait</ompts:check>
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        total_iterations = total_iterations + my_iterations
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel
+        IF ( nr_iterations .EQ. LOOPCOUNT .AND.
+     &     total_iterations .EQ. LOOPCOUNT ) THEN
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+            <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_private.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_private.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_private.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/single_private.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<ompts:testdescription>Test which checks the omp single private directive.</ompts:testdescription>
+<ompts:directive>omp singel private</ompts:directive>
+<ompts:dependences>omp critical,omp flush,omp single nowait</ompts:dependences>
+        INTEGER FUNCTION <ompts:testcode:functionname>single_private</ompts:testcode:functionname>()
+        INTEGER nr_iterations, i
+		<ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INTEGER result
+        INTEGER nr_threads_in_single, myresult, myit
+        COMMON /orphvars/ result,nr_iterations
+		</ompts:orphan:vars>
+        INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+        nr_threads_in_single=0
+        result=0
+        myresult=0
+        myit=0
+        nr_iterations=0
+!$omp parallel private(i, myresult, myit)
+        myresult = 0
+        myit = 0
+        nr_threads_in_single=0
+!$omp barrier
+        DO i=0, LOOPCOUNT -1
+!$omp single <ompts:check>private(nr_threads_in_single)</ompts:check>
+          nr_threads_in_single = 0
+!$omp flush
+          nr_threads_in_single = nr_threads_in_single + 1
+!$omp flush
+          myit = myit + 1
+          myresult = myresult + nr_threads_in_single
+!$omp end single nowait
+        END DO
+!$omp critical
+        result = result + nr_threads_in_single
+        nr_iterations = nr_iterations + myit
+!$omp end critical
+!$omp end parallel
+        WRITE(1,*) "result is",result,"nr_it is",nr_iterations
+        IF ( result .EQ. 0 .AND. nr_iterations .EQ. LOOPCOUNT) THEN
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 1
+        ELSE
+          <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> = 0
+        END IF
+      END

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/testlist-f.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/testlist-f.txt?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/testlist-f.txt (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/fortran/testlist-f.txt Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_my_sleep.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_my_sleep.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_my_sleep.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_my_sleep.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+! Utility functions to have a sleep function with better resolution and
+! which only stops one thread.
+      subroutine my_sleep(sleeptime)
+        implicit none
+        double precision :: sleeptime
+        integer :: u
+        integer :: t(8)
+        integer :: ms1, ms2
+        integer :: cnt
+        u = sleeptime * 1000
+        call date_and_time(values=t)
+        ! calculate start time in ms
+        ms1 = t(8) + t(7)*1000 + t(6)*60000 + t(5)*3600000
+        ms2 = ms1
+        cnt = 0
+        do while ( (ms2 - ms1) < u)
+            call date_and_time(values=t)
+            ms2 = t(8) + t(7)*1000 + t(6)*60000 + t(5)*3600000
+            cnt = cnt+1
+        end do
+      end subroutine

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_my_sleep.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_my_sleep.h?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_my_sleep.h (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_my_sleep.h Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#ifndef MY_SLEEP_H
+#define MY_SLEEP_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/times.h> 
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+/*! Utility function to have a sleep function with better resolution and which only stops one thread. */
+static void my_sleep(double sleeptime){
+  struct timeval tv;
+  struct timezone tzp;
+  double start;
+  double real;
+  if(gettimeofday(&tv,&tzp)!=0) {
+    perror("get_time: ");
+    exit(-1);
+  }
+  start = (double)tv.tv_sec + ((double)tv.tv_usec/1000000.0);
+  real=start;
+  while( (real-start)<sleeptime){
+    if(gettimeofday(&tv,&tzp)!=0) {
+      perror("get_time: ");
+      exit(-1);
+    }
+    real = (double)tv.tv_sec + ((double)tv.tv_usec/1000000.0);
+  }

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_testsuite.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_testsuite.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_testsuite.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_testsuite.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+      INTEGER N !The number of times each test is run
+      PARAMETER (N=1)
+      INTEGER LOOPCOUNT !The number of times each loop is run

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_testsuite.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_testsuite.h?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_testsuite.h (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/omp_testsuite.h Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+/* Global headerfile of the OpenMP Testsuite */
+/* This file was created with the ompts_makeHeader.pl script using the following opions: */
+/* -f=ompts-c.conf -t=c  */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <omp.h>
+/* Version info                                           */
+#define OMPTS_VERSION "3.0a"
+/* General                                                */
+#define LOOPCOUNT 	1000
+#define REPETITIONS 	  20
+/* following times are in seconds */
+#define SLEEPTIME	 0.01
+#define SLEEPTIME_LONG	 0.5
+/* Definitions for tasks                                  */
+#define NUM_TASKS              25
+#define MAX_TASKS_PER_THREAD    5
+int test_omp_nested(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp_nested */
+int crosstest_omp_nested(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp_nested */
+int test_omp_nest_lock(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp_nest_lock */
+int crosstest_omp_nest_lock(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp_nest_lock */
+int test_omp_task_if(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp task if */
+int crosstest_omp_task_if(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp task if */
+int test_omp_parallel_shared(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel shared */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_shared(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel shared */
+int test_omp_single(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp single */
+int crosstest_omp_single(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp single */
+int test_omp_parallel_sections_reduction(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel sections reduction */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_sections_reduction(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel sections reduction */
+int test_omp_for_schedule_dynamic(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp for schedule(dynamic) */
+int crosstest_omp_for_schedule_dynamic(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp for schedule(dynamic) */
+int test_has_openmp(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for _OPENMP */
+int crosstest_has_openmp(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for _OPENMP */
+int test_omp_taskwait(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp taskwait */
+int crosstest_omp_taskwait(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp taskwait */
+int test_omp_parallel_for_lastprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel for lastprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_for_lastprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel for lastprivate */
+int test_omp_for_schedule_static_3(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp for schedule(static) */
+int crosstest_omp_for_schedule_static_3(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp for schedule(static) */
+int test_omp_critical(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp critical */
+int crosstest_omp_critical(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp critical */
+int test_omp_parallel_sections_lastprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel sections lastprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_sections_lastprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel sections lastprivate */
+int test_omp_parallel_num_threads(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parellel num_threads */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_num_threads(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parellel num_threads */
+int test_omp_sections_reduction(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp sections reduction */
+int crosstest_omp_sections_reduction(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp sections reduction */
+int test_omp_parallel_if(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel if */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_if(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel if */
+int test_omp_task_imp_shared(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp task */
+int crosstest_omp_task_imp_shared(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp task */
+int test_omp_section_lastprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp section lastprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_section_lastprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp section lastprivate */
+int test_omp_for_collapse(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp for collapse */
+int crosstest_omp_for_collapse(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp for collapse */
+int test_omp_parallel_for_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel for firstprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_for_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel for firstprivate */
+int test_omp_parallel_copyin(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel copyin */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_copyin(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel copyin */
+int test_omp_test_nest_lock(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp_test_nest_lock */
+int crosstest_omp_test_nest_lock(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp_test_nest_lock */
+int test_omp_for_ordered(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp for ordered */
+int crosstest_omp_for_ordered(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp for ordered */
+int test_omp_parallel_reduction(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel reduction */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_reduction(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel reduction */
+int test_omp_get_wtick(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp_get_wtick */
+int crosstest_omp_get_wtick(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp_get_wtick */
+int test_omp_taskyield(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp taskyield */
+int crosstest_omp_taskyield(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp taskyield */
+int test_omp_for_schedule_static(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp for schedule(static) */
+int crosstest_omp_for_schedule_static(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp for schedule(static) */
+int test_omp_single_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp singel private */
+int crosstest_omp_single_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp singel private */
+int test_omp_for_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp for firstprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_for_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp for firstprivate */
+int test_omp_parallel_for_reduction(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel for reduction */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_for_reduction(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel for reduction */
+int test_omp_parallel_for_if(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel for if */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_for_if(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel for if */
+int test_omp_single_nowait(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp single nowait */
+int crosstest_omp_single_nowait(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp single nowait */
+int test_omp_task_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp task firstprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_task_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp task firstprivate */
+int test_omp_for_nowait(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel for nowait */
+int crosstest_omp_for_nowait(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel for nowait */
+int test_omp_task_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp task private */
+int crosstest_omp_task_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp task private */
+int test_omp_test_lock(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp_test_lock */
+int crosstest_omp_test_lock(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp_test_lock */
+int test_omp_get_wtime(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp_get_wtime */
+int crosstest_omp_get_wtime(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp_get_wtime */
+int test_omp_task_imp_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp task */
+int crosstest_omp_task_imp_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp task */
+int test_omp_atomic(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp atomic */
+int crosstest_omp_atomic(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp atomic */
+int test_omp_threadprivate_for(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp threadprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_threadprivate_for(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp threadprivate */
+int test_omp_single_copyprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp single copyprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_single_copyprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp single copyprivate */
+int test_omp_master(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp master */
+int crosstest_omp_master(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp master */
+int test_omp_parallel_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel firstprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel firstprivate */
+int test_omp_parallel_for_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel for private */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_for_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel for private */
+int test_omp_parallel_default(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel default */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_default(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel default */
+int test_omp_parallel_for_ordered(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel for ordered */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_for_ordered(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel for ordered */
+int test_omp_for_lastprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp for lastprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_for_lastprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp for lastprivate */
+int test_omp_lock(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp_lock */
+int crosstest_omp_lock(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp_lock */
+int test_omp_barrier(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp barrier */
+int crosstest_omp_barrier(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp barrier */
+int test_omp_sections_nowait(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel sections nowait */
+int crosstest_omp_sections_nowait(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel sections nowait */
+int test_omp_master_3(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp master */
+int crosstest_omp_master_3(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp master */
+int test_omp_task_untied(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp task untied */
+int crosstest_omp_task_untied(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp task untied */
+int test_omp_task(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp task */
+int crosstest_omp_task(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp task */
+int test_omp_in_parallel(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp_in_parallel */
+int crosstest_omp_in_parallel(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp_in_parallel */
+int test_omp_parallel_sections_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel sections firstprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_sections_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel sections firstprivate */
+int test_omp_for_auto(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp for auto */
+int crosstest_omp_for_auto(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp for auto */
+int test_omp_task_final(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp task final */
+int crosstest_omp_task_final(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp task final */
+int test_omp_section_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp section private */
+int crosstest_omp_section_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp section private */
+int test_omp_parallel_sections_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel sections private */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_sections_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel sections private */
+int test_omp_for_reduction(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp for reduction */
+int crosstest_omp_for_reduction(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp for reduction */
+int test_omp_for_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp for private */
+int crosstest_omp_for_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp for private */
+int test_omp_flush(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp flush */
+int crosstest_omp_flush(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp flush */
+int test_omp_parallel_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp parallel private */
+int crosstest_omp_parallel_private(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp parallel private */
+int test_omp_threadprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp threadprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_threadprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp threadprivate */
+int test_omp_section_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp firstprivate */
+int crosstest_omp_section_firstprivate(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp firstprivate */
+int test_omp_for_schedule_guided(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp for schedule(guided) */
+int crosstest_omp_for_schedule_guided(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp for schedule(guided) */
+int test_omp_get_num_threads(FILE * logfile);  /* Test for omp_get_num_threads */
+int crosstest_omp_get_num_threads(FILE * logfile);  /* Crosstest for omp_get_num_threads */

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts-c.conf
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts-c.conf?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts-c.conf (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts-c.conf Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <omp.h>
+/* Version info                                           */
+#define OMPTS_VERSION "3.0a"
+/* General                                                */
+#define LOOPCOUNT 	1000
+#define REPETITIONS 	  20
+/* following times are in seconds */
+#define SLEEPTIME	 0.01
+#define SLEEPTIME_LONG	 0.5
+/* Definitions for tasks                                  */
+#define NUM_TASKS              25
+#define MAX_TASKS_PER_THREAD    5

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts-f.conf
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts-f.conf?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts-f.conf (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts-f.conf Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+!Empty config file

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts.conf
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts.conf?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts.conf (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts.conf Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<envsetthreadscommand>OMP_NUM_THREADS=%n; export OMP_NUM_THREADS;</envsetthreadscommand>

Propchange: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts.conf
    svn:executable = *

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_makeHeader.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_makeHeader.pl?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_makeHeader.pl (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_makeHeader.pl Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# ompts_makeHeader [options] -f=NAME -t=DIR
+# Creats the headerfile for the OpenMP-Testsuite out of the templatefiles 
+# witch are in the default/explicitely specified dir and the settings in the
+# given config file. 
+#	At the moment it builts only a c-headerfile!
+# -f=FILENAME: Using file FILENAME as configfile
+# -t=DIR:	Directory holding the template files
+# options
+# -i=FILENAME: Include other Headerfile. The files to be included must be specified
+# 	after setting this option. (Not implemented yet.)
+# -o=FILENAME: outputfilename (default is "omp_testsuite.h")
+$headerfile = "\/\* Global headerfile of the OpenMP Testsuite \*\/\n\n\/\* This file was created with the ompts_makeHeader.pl script using the following opions:\ *\/\n\/\* ";
+if(@ARGV > 0)
+	foreach $opt (@ARGV)
+	{
+		$headerfile .= "$opt ";
+	}
+	$headerfile .= "No options were specified";
+$headerfile .=" \*\/\n\n\n";
+use Getopt::Long;
+GetOptions("-o=s" => \$outfile, "-f=s" =>\$configfile, "-t=s" => \$templatedir, "-i=s" => \$include);
+$include = "";
+# Getting and verifying the necessary options:
+if(!$configfile) {	
+	die "Config file name is missing.";
+else {
+    if (!(-e $configfile)) {
+	  die "Could not find config file $configfile.";
+	}
+if(!$templatedir) {	
+	die "Directoryname is missing.";
+	$outfile = "omp_testsuite.h";	# setting default value for the headerfile
+#@includefiles;					# list holing extra includefiles specified by the user 
+# generating the head of the includeguard:
+$headerfile .= "\#ifndef OMP_TESTSUITE_H\n\#define OMP_TESTSUITE_H\n\n";
+# inserting general settings out of the configfile:
+open(OMPTS_CONF,$configfile) or die "Could not open the global config file $configfile.";
+	$headerfile .= $_;
+# searching the tests:
+opendir TEMPLATEDIR, $templatedir or die "Could not open dir $templatedir.";
+ at templates = grep /(.*)\.c/, readdir TEMPLATEDIR;
+closedir TEMPLATEDIR;
+# inserting the function declarations:
+foreach $template (@templates){
+	$source = "";
+	open(TEMPLATE,$templatedir."/".$template) or die "Could not open the following sourcefile: ".$templatedir."/".$template;
+	while(<TEMPLATE>){
+		$source .= $_;
+	}
+	close(TEMPLATE);
+	$source =~ /\<ompts\:testcode\:functionname\>(.*)\<\/ompts\:testcode\:functionname\>/;
+	$functionname = $1."(FILE \* logfile);";
+	$source =~ /\<ompts\:directive\>(.*)\<\/ompts\:directive\>/;
+	$directive = $1;
+	$headerfile .= "int test_".$functionname."  /* Test for ".$directive." */\n";
+	$headerfile .= "int crosstest_".$functionname."  /* Crosstest for ".$directive." */\n";
+# inserting the end of the includeguard:
+$headerfile .= "\n#endif";
+# craeting the headerfile:
+open(OUTFILE,">".$outfile) or die "Could not create the haedaerfile ($outfile)";
+print OUTFILE $headerfile."\n";

Propchange: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_makeHeader.pl
    svn:executable = *

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parser.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parser.pl?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parser.pl (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parser.pl Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# ompts_parser [option] SOURCEFILE
+# Creats the tests and the crosstests for the OpenMP-Testsuite out of an templatefiles which are given to the programm.
+# Options:
+# -test: 	make test
+# -crosstest: 	make crosstest
+# -orphan	if possible generate tests using orphan regions (not implemented yet)
+# -lang=LANG	preprocessing for language LANG, where LANG is one of the following languages:
+#		c, fortran
+# -o=FILENAME	outputfile (only when one templatefile is specified)
+# Using Getopt::long to extract the programm options
+use Getopt::Long;
+# Using functions: Set of subroutines to modify the testcode
+use ompts_parserFunctions;
+# Getting given options
+GetOptions("-test" => \$test,"-crosstest" => \$crosstest, "-o=s" => \$outputfile, "-orphan" => \$orphan, "-f!", "-lang=s" => \$language);
+# Remaining arguments are the templatefiles. 
+# Adding these to the list of to be parsed files if they exist.
+foreach $file(@ARGV)
+	if(-e $file){ push(@sourcefiles,$file); }
+	else { print "Error: Unknown Option $file\n"; }
+# Checking if options were valid:
+# preparations and checks for sourcefiles
+if(@sourcefiles == 0){die "No files to parse are specified!";}
+if($outputfile && (@sourcefiles != 1 || ($test && $crosstest) ) ){die "There were multiple files for one outputfiles specified!";} 
+# preparations fopr orphan tests
+if($orphan){ $orphanprefix = "orphaned"; }
+else { $orphanprefix = ""; }
+# preparations for test / crosstest
+# %checks['test']="check";
+# %checks['crosstest']="crosscheck";
+# preparations and checks for language
+if($language eq"c") { $extension = "c";}
+elsif($language eq "fortran" or $language eq "f") { $language = "f"; $extension = "f";}
+else { die "You must specify a valid language!"; }
+# Reading the templates for the tests into @sources
+foreach $srcfile (@sourcefiles)
+	# Reading the content of the current sourcefile	into $src
+	open(TEST,$srcfile) or print "Error: Could not open template $srcfile\n";
+	while(<TEST>){ $src .= $_; }
+	close(TEST);
+	# Adding the content $src to the end of the list @sources
+	push(@sources,$src);
+# Extracting the source for the mainprogramm and saving it in $mainprocsrc
+if($language eq "c") { $mainprocsrc = "ompts_standaloneProc.c"; }
+elsif($language eq "f") { $mainprocsrc = "ompts_standaloneProc.f"; } 
+open(MAINPROC,$mainprocsrc) or die "Could not open the sourcefile for the main program $mainprocsrc";
+	$mainproc .= $_;
+foreach $testtype (@testtypes)
+  foreach $src(@sources)
+  {
+# Some temporary testinformation:
+    ($description) = get_tag_values('ompts:testdescription',$src);
+    ($directive) = get_tag_values('ompts:directive',$src);
+    ($functionname) = get_tag_values('ompts:testcode:functionname',$src);
+    open(OUTFILE,">".$language.$orphanprefix.$testtype."_".$functionname.".".$extension) or die("Could not create the output file for $directive");
+# Creating the source for the test:
+    ($code) = get_tag_values('ompts:testcode',$src);
+# Putting together the functions and the mainprogramm:
+    $code .= $mainproc;
+# get the parameters <ompts:orphan:params> by joon
+# thanks to Dr. Yin Ma in Absoft
+    ($parms) = get_tag_values('ompts:orphan:parms',$code);
+    ($parms) = leave_single_space($parms);
+# to remove parameters tag between 'ompts:orphan:parms' by joon
+    ($code) = replace_tags('ompts:orphan:parms','',$code);
+# Make modifications for the orphaned testversion if necessary:
+    if($orphan)
+    {
+# Get the global variables:
+      @defs = get_tag_values("ompts:orphan:vars",$code);
+      $orphvarsdef = "";
+      foreach $_ (@defs)
+      {
+	#print $_;
+	if(not /^[ ]*$/gs) { $orphvarsdef = join("\n",$orphvarsdef,$_); } 
+	#print "OK\n".$orphvarsdef; 
+      }
+      if($language eq "f")
+      {
+# Generate the orphan subroutines:
+	$orphfuncs = create_orph_fortranfunctions("$testtype_", $code);
+# Replace orphan regions by functioncalls:
+	($code) = orphan_regions2fortranfunctions( "$testtype_", ($code) );
+	($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan:vars','','',($code));
+    ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan:parms','','',($code));
+    #to find orphan call statemetn and add parameters
+# Put all together:
+	$code = $code . $orphfuncs;
+      }
+      elsif($language eq "c")
+      {
+# Generate predeclarations for orpahn functions:
+	$orphfuncsdefs = orph_functions_declarations("$testtype_",$code);
+# Generate the orphan functions:
+	$orphfuncs = create_orph_cfunctions("$testtype_",$code);
+# Repla:e orphan regions by functioncalls:
+	($code) = orphan_regions2cfunctions( "$testtype_", ($code) );
+# Deleting the former declarations of the variables in the orphan regions:
+	($code) = delete_tags('ompts:orphan:vars',($code));
+# Put all together:
+	$code = "#include \"omp_testsuite.h\"\n".$orphvarsdef . $orphfuncsdefs . $code . $orphfuncs;
+      }
+      else {
+	print "An error occured!";
+      }
+    }
+# remove parameters between <ompts:orphan:parms> tags, added by joon
+    ($code)= replace_tags('ompts:orphan:parms',$code);
+# Remove the marks for the orpahn regions and its variables:
+    ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan','','',($code));
+    ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan:vars','','',($code));
+# remove parameters between for orphaned directive parametes, added by joon
+    ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan:parms','','',($code));
+    if($testtype eq "test") {
+# Remove the marks for the testcode and remove the code for the crosstests: 
+      ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:check','','',($code));
+      ($code) = delete_tags('ompts:crosscheck',($code));		
+    }
+    elsif($testtype eq "ctest") {
+# Remove the marks for the crosstestcode and remove the code for the tests: 
+      ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:crosscheck','','',($code));
+      ($code) = delete_tags('ompts:check',($code));		
+    }
+# Making some final modifications:
+    ($code) = replace_tags('testfunctionname',$testtype."_".$functionname,($code));
+    ($code) = replace_tags('directive',$directive,($code));
+    ($code) = replace_tags('description',$description,($code));
+    ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:testcode:functionname',$testtype."_",'',($code) );
+#	$code =  "\#include \"omp_testsuite.h\"\n".$code;
+# Write the result into the file and close it:
+    print OUTFILE $code;
+    close(OUTFILE);
+  }

Propchange: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parser.pl
    svn:executable = *

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parserFunctions.pm
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parserFunctions.pm?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parserFunctions.pm (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parserFunctions.pm Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# functions.pm
+# This package contains a set of subroutines to modify the templates for the openMP Testuite.
+# subroutines to extract, modify or delete tags from the template
+# LIST get_tag_values( $tagname, $string )
+# subrutine to get the text encloded by a tag.
+# Returns a list containing the inner texts of the found tags
+sub get_tag_values
+	my ( $tagname, $string );
+	( $tagname, $string ) = @_;
+	my (@tmp, at tmp2);
+   	@tmp = split(/\<$tagname\>/,$string); 
+	foreach $_(@tmp){
+		push(@tmp2,split(/\<\/$tagname\>/));
+	}
+	my(@result,$i);
+	$i=1; # couter to get only every second item
+	foreach $_(@tmp2){
+		if($i%2 eq 0){
+			push(@result,$_);
+		}
+		$i++;
+	}
+	return @result;
+# LIST replace_tags( $tagname, $replacestring, @list )
+# subrutine to replace tags by a replacestring. 
+# Returns a list of the srings after conversion.
+sub replace_tags
+	my ($tagname, $replacestring, @stringlist, @result);
+	($tagname, $replacestring, @stringlist) = @_;
+	foreach $_(@stringlist) {
+		s#\<$tagname\>(.*?)\<\/$tagname\>#$replacestring#gs;
+		push(@result,$_);
+	}
+	return @result;
+# LIST enlarge_tags( $tagname, $before, $after, @list )
+# subrutine to replace tags by the tags added by a string before and after. 
+# Returns a list of the srings after conversion.
+sub enlarge_tags
+	my ($tagname, $before, $after, @stringlist, at result);
+	($tagname, $before, $after, @stringlist) = @_;
+	foreach $_(@stringlist) {
+		s#\<$tagname\>(.*?)\<\/$tagname\>#$before$1$after#gs;
+		push(@result,$_);
+	}
+	return @result;
+# LIST delete_tags( $tagname, @list )
+# subrutine to delete tags in a string. 
+# Returns a list of the cleared strings
+sub delete_tags
+	my($tagname, at stringlist);
+	($tagname, @stringlist) = @_;
+	my(@result);
+	foreach $_(@stringlist) {
+		s#\<$tagname\>(.*?)\<\/$tagname\>##gs;
+		push(@result,$_);
+	}
+	return @result;
+# subroutines for generating "orpahned" tests 					
+# SCALAR create_orph_cfunctions( $prefix, $code )
+# returns a string containing the definitions of the functions for the 
+# orphan regions.
+sub create_orph_cfunctions
+	my ($code, at defs);
+	($code) = @_;
+	@defs = get_tag_values('ompts:orphan',$code);
+	($functionname) = get_tag_values('ompts:testcode:functionname',$code);
+	my ( @result,$functionsrc, $i);
+	$functionsrc =  "\n/* Automatically generated definitions of the orphan functions */\n";
+	$i = 1;
+	foreach (@defs) {
+		$functionsrc .= "\nvoid orph$i\_$functionname (FILE * logFile) {";
+		$functionsrc .= $_;
+		$functionsrc .= "\n}\n";
+		$i++;
+	}
+	$functionsrc .= "/* End of automatically generated definitions */\n";
+	return $functionsrc;
+# SCALAR create_orph_fortranfunctions( $prefix, $code )
+# returns a string containing the definitions of the functions for the 
+# orphan regions.
+sub create_orph_fortranfunctions
+	my ($prefix,$code, at defs,$orphan_parms);
+	($prefix,$code,$orphan_parms) = @_;
+	@defs = get_tag_values('ompts:orphan',$code);
+    #to remove space and put a single space
+    if($orphan_parms ne "")
+    {
+      $orphan_parms =~ s/[ \t]+//sg;
+      $orphan_parms =~ s/[ \t]+\n/\n/sg;
+    }
+	($orphanvarsdefs) = get_tag_values('ompts:orphan:vars',$code);
+	foreach (@varsdef) {
+		if (not /[^ \n$]*/){ $orphanvarsdefs = join("\n",$orphanvarsdef,$_);}
+	}
+	($functionname) = get_tag_values('ompts:testcode:functionname',$code);
+	my ( @result,$functionsrc, $i);
+	$functionsrc =  "\n! Definitions of the orphan functions\n";
+	$i = 1;
+	foreach $_(@defs)
+	{
+		$functionsrc .= "\n      SUBROUTINE orph$i\_$prefix\_$functionname\($orphan_parms\)\n      ";
+        $functionsrc .= "INCLUDE \"omp_testsuite.f\"\n";
+		$functionsrc .= $orphanvarsdefs."\n";
+		$functionsrc .= $_;
+		$functionsrc .= "\n";
+		$functionsrc .= "      END SUBROUTINE\n! End of definition\n\n";
+		$i++;
+	}
+	return $functionsrc;
+# LIST orphan_regions2cfunctions( $prefix, @code )
+# replaces orphan regions by functioncalls in C/C++.
+sub orphan_regions2cfunctions
+	my ($code, $i, $functionname);
+	($code) = @_;
+	$i = 1;
+	($functionname) = get_tag_values('ompts:testcode:functionname',$code);
+        while( /\<ompts\:orphan\>(.*)\<\/ompts\:orphan\>/s) {
+            s#\<ompts\:orphan\>(.*?)\<\/ompts\:orphan\>#orph$i\_$functionname (logFile);#s;
+            $i++;
+        }
+	return $code;
+# LIST orphan_regions2fortranfunctions( $prefix, @code )
+# replaces orphan regions by functioncalls in fortran
+sub orphan_regions2fortranfunctions
+	my ( $prefix, @code, $my_parms, $i, $functionname);
+	($prefix, ($code), $my_parms) = @_;
+	$i = 1;
+	($functionname) = get_tag_values('ompts:testcode:functionname',$code);
+	foreach $_(($code))
+	{
+		while( /\<ompts\:orphan\>(.*)\<\/ompts\:orphan\>/s)
+		{
+			s#\<ompts\:orphan\>(.*?)\<\/ompts\:orphan\>#      CALL orph$i\_$prefix\_$functionname\($my_parms\);#s;
+			$i++;
+		}
+	}
+	return ($code);
+# SCALAR orph_functions_declarations( $prefix, $code )
+# returns a sring including the declaration of the functions used 
+# in the orphan regions. The function names are generated using 
+# the $prefix as prefix for the functionname.
+sub orph_functions_declarations
+	my ($prefix, $code);
+	($prefix, $code) = @_;
+	my ( @defs, $result );
+	# creating declarations for later used functions
+	$result .= "\n\n/* Declaration of the functions containing the code for the orphan regions */\n#include <stdio.h>\n";
+	@defs = get_tag_values('ompts:orphan',$code);
+	my ($functionname,$i);
+	($functionname) = get_tag_values('ompts:testcode:functionname',$code);
+	$i = 1;
+	foreach $_(@defs) {
+		$result .= "\nvoid orph$i\_$prefix\_$functionname ( FILE * logFile );";
+		$i++;
+	}
+	$result .= "\n\n/* End of declaration */\n\n";
+	return $result;
+# SCALAR make_global_vars_definition( $code )
+# returns a sring including the declaration for the vars needed to
+# be declared global for the orphan region.
+sub make_global_vars_def
+	my ( $code );
+	($code) = @_;
+	my ( @defs, $result, @tmp, @tmp2 ,$predefinitions);
+	# creating global declarations for the variables.
+	$result  = "\n\n/* Declaration of the variables used in the orphan region. */\n";
+	# get all tags containing the variable definitions
+	@defs = get_tag_values('ompts:orphan:vars',$code);
+	foreach $_(@defs)
+	{
+		# cutting the different declarations in the same tag by the ';' as cuttmark
+		@tmp = split(/;/,$_);
+		foreach $_(@tmp)
+		{
+			# replacing newlines and double spaces
+			s/\n//gs;
+			s/  //gs;
+			# put the new declaration at the end of $result
+			if($_ ne ""){ $result .= "\n $_;"; }
+		}
+	}
+	$result .= "\n\n/* End of declaration. */\n\n";
+	return $result;
+# SCALAR extern_vars_definition( $code )
+# returns a sring including the declaration for the vars needed to
+# be declared extern for the orphan region.
+sub extern_vars_def
+	my ( $code );
+	($code) = @_;
+	my ( @defs, $result, @tmp, @tmp2 ,$predefinitions);
+	# creating declarations for the extern variables.
+	$result  = "\n\n/* Declaration of the extern variables used in the orphan region. */\n";
+	# $result .= "\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <omp.h>\n";
+	$result .= "\nextern FILE * logFile;";
+	# get all tags containing the variable definitions
+	@defs = get_tag_values('ompts:orphan:vars',$code);
+	foreach $_(@defs)
+	{
+		# cutting the different declarations in the same tag by the ';' as cuttmark
+		@tmp = split(/;/,$_);
+		foreach $_(@tmp)
+		{
+			# replacing newlines and double spaces
+			s/\n//gs;
+			s/  //gs;
+			# cutting off definitions
+			@tmp2 = split("=",$_);
+			# put the new declaration at the end of $result
+			$result .= "\nextern $tmp2[0];";
+		}
+	}
+	$result .= "\n\n/* End of declaration. */\n\n";
+	return $result;
+sub leave_single_space
+  my($str);
+  ($str)=@_;
+  if($str ne "")
+  {
+    $str =~ s/^[ \t]+/ /;
+    $str =~ s/[ \t]+\n$/\n/;
+    $str =~ s/[ \t]+//g;
+  }
+  return $str;
+return 1;

Propchange: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_parserFunctions.pm
    svn:executable = *

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_standaloneProc.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_standaloneProc.c?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_standaloneProc.c (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_standaloneProc.c Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+int main()
+	int i;			/* Loop index */
+	int result;		/* return value of the program */
+	int failed=0; 		/* Number of failed tests */
+	int success=0;		/* number of succeeded tests */
+	static FILE * logFile;	/* pointer onto the logfile */
+	static const char * logFileName = "bin/c/<testfunctionname></testfunctionname>.log";	/* name of the logfile */
+	/* Open a new Logfile or overwrite the existing one. */
+	logFile = fopen(logFileName,"w+");
+	printf("######## OpenMP Validation Suite V %s ######\n", OMPTS_VERSION );
+	printf("## Repetitions: %3d                       ####\n",REPETITIONS);
+	printf("## Loop Count : %6d                    ####\n",LOOPCOUNT);
+	printf("##############################################\n");
+	printf("Testing <directive></directive>\n\n");
+	fprintf(logFile,"######## OpenMP Validation Suite V %s ######\n", OMPTS_VERSION );
+	fprintf(logFile,"## Repetitions: %3d                       ####\n",REPETITIONS);
+	fprintf(logFile,"## Loop Count : %6d                    ####\n",LOOPCOUNT);
+	fprintf(logFile,"##############################################\n");
+	fprintf(logFile,"Testing <directive></directive>\n\n");
+	for ( i = 0; i < REPETITIONS; i++ ) {
+		fprintf (logFile, "\n\n%d. run of <testfunctionname></testfunctionname> out of %d\n\n",i+1,REPETITIONS);
+		if(<testfunctionname></testfunctionname>(logFile)){
+			fprintf(logFile,"Test successful.\n");
+			success++;
+		}
+		else {
+			fprintf(logFile,"Error: Test failed.\n");
+			printf("Error: Test failed.\n");
+			failed++;
+		}
+	}
+    if(failed==0){
+		fprintf(logFile,"\nDirective worked without errors.\n");
+		printf("Directive worked without errors.\n");
+		result=0;
+	}
+	else{
+		fprintf(logFile,"\nDirective failed the test %i times out of %i. %i were successful\n",failed,REPETITIONS,success);
+		printf("Directive failed the test %i times out of %i.\n%i test(s) were successful\n",failed,REPETITIONS,success);
+		result = (int) (((double) failed / (double) REPETITIONS ) * 100 );
+	}
+	printf ("Result: %i\n", result);
+	return result;

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_standaloneProc.f
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_standaloneProc.f?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_standaloneProc.f (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/ompts_standaloneProc.f Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+!This is the main driver to invoke different test functions
+      PROGRAM <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>_main
+      INTEGER failed, success !Number of failed/succeeded tests
+      INTEGER num_tests,crosschecked, crossfailed, j
+      INTEGER temp,temp1
+      INCLUDE "omp_testsuite.f"
+      INTEGER <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>
+      CHARACTER*50 logfilename !Pointer to logfile
+      INTEGER result 
+      num_tests = 0
+      crosschecked = 0
+      crossfailed = 0
+      result = 1
+      failed = 0
+      !Open a new logfile or overwrite the existing one.
+      logfilename = "bin/fortran/<testfunctionname></testfunctionname>.log"
+!      WRITE (*,*) "Enter logFilename:" 
+!      READ  (*,*) logfilename
+      OPEN (1, FILE = logfilename)
+      WRITE (*,*) "######## OpenMP Validation Suite V 3.0a ######"
+      WRITE (*,*) "## Repetitions:", N 
+      WRITE (*,*) "## Loop Count :", LOOPCOUNT
+      WRITE (*,*) "##############################################"
+      WRITE (*,*)
+      crossfailed=0
+      result=1
+      WRITE (1,*) "--------------------------------------------------"
+      WRITE (1,*) "Testing <directive></directive>"
+      WRITE (1,*) "--------------------------------------------------"
+      WRITE (1,*) 
+      WRITE (1,*) "testname: <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>"
+      WRITE (1,*) "(Crosstests should fail)"
+      WRITE (1,*)
+      DO j = 1, N
+        temp =  <testfunctionname></testfunctionname>()
+        IF (temp .EQ. 1) THEN
+          WRITE (1,*)  j, ". test successfull."
+          success = success + 1
+        ELSE
+          WRITE (1,*) "Error: ",j, ". test failed."
+          failed = failed + 1
+        ENDIF
+      END DO
+      IF (failed .EQ. 0) THEN
+        WRITE (1,*) "Directive worked without errors."
+        WRITE (*,*) "Directive worked without errors."
+        result = 0
+        WRITE (*,*) "Result:",result
+      ELSE
+        WRITE (1,*) "Directive failed the test ", failed, " times."
+        WRITE (*,*) "Directive failed the test ", failed, " times."
+        result = failed * 100 / N
+        WRITE (*,*) "Result:",result
+      ENDIF
+      CALL EXIT (result)

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/runtest.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/runtest.pl?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/runtest.pl (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/runtest.pl Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# runtest [options] FILENAME
+# Read the file FILENAME. Each line contains a test.
+# Convert template to test and crosstest.
+# If possilble generate orphaned testversions, too.
+# Use make to compile the test
+# Global configuration options for the runtestscript itself:
+# name of the global configuration file for the testsuite:
+$config_file    = "ompts.conf";
+$logfile        = "ompts.log"; # overwriteable by value in config file
+$env_set_threads_command = 'OMP_NUM_THREADS=%n; export OMP_NUM_THREADS;';
+$debug_mode     = 0;
+# After this line the script part begins! Do not edit anithing below
+# Namespaces:
+use Getopt::Long;
+#use Unix::PID;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use ompts_parserFunctions;
+# Extracting given options
+      "listlanguages",
+      "lang=s",
+      "list",
+      "testinfo=s",
+      "numthreads=i",
+      "test=s",
+      "compile!",
+      "run!",
+      "orphan!",
+      "resultfile=s"
+      );
+# Get global configuratino options from config file:
+if(! -e $config_file){ error ("Could not find config file $config_file\n", 1);}
+open (CONFIG, "<$config_file") or error ("Could not open config file $config_file\n", 2);
+while (<CONFIG>) { $config .= $_; }
+close (CONFIG);
+($logfile) = get_tag_values ("logfile", $config);
+($timeout) = get_tag_values ("singletesttimeout", $config);
+($display_errors) = get_tag_values("displayerrors", $config);
+($display_warnings) = get_tag_values ("displaywarnings", $config);
+($numthreads) = get_tag_values ("numthreads", $config);
+($env_set_threads_command) = get_tag_values("envsetthreadscommand",$config);
+$env_set_threads_command =~ s/\%n/$numthreads/g;
+ at languages = get_tag_values ("language", $config);
+if (!defined($opt_compile)) {$opt_compile = 1;}
+if (!defined($opt_run))     {$opt_run = 1;}
+if (!defined($opt_orphan)) {$opt_orphan = 1;}
+if (!defined($opt_resultsfile)) {($opt_resultsfile) = get_tag_values("resultsfile", $config);}
+if ( defined($opt_numthreads) && ($opt_numthreads > 0)) {$numthreads = $opt_numthreads;}
+if ($debug_mode) {
+print <<EOF;
+Testsuite configuration:
+Logfile = $logfile
+Timeout = $timeout seconds
+Language:  $opt_lang
+Display errors:   $display_errors
+Display warnings: $display_warnings
+Resultsfile:      $opt_resultsfile
+Numthreads: $numthreads
+$num_construcs    = 0;
+$num_tests        = 0;
+$num_failed_tests = 0;
+$num_successful_tests   = 0;
+$num_verified_tests     = 0;
+$num_failed_compilation = 0;
+$num_normal_tests_failed = 0;
+$num_normal_tests_compile_error = 0;
+$num_normal_tests_timed_out = 0;
+$num_normal_tests_successful = 0;
+$num_normal_tests_verified = 0;
+$num_orphaned_tests_failed = 0;
+$num_orphaned_tests_compile_error = 0;
+$num_orphaned_tests_timed_out = 0;
+$num_orphaned_tests_successful = 0;
+$num_orphaned_tests_verified = 0;
+if ($opt_help)         { print_help_text ();   exit 0; }
+if ($opt_listlanguages){ print_avail_langs (); exit 0; }
+if ($opt_list)     { print_avail_tests ();   exit 0; }
+if ($opt_testinfo) { print_testinfo ();      exit 0; }
+if ($opt_test)     { write_result_file_head();
+                     execute_single_test (); exit 0; }
+if (-e $ARGV[0])   { write_result_file_head();
+                     execute_testlist($ARGV[0]); print_results();
+                     result_summary(); exit 0;}
+# sub function definitions
+# Function which prints the results file
+sub print_results
+    system("echo; cat $opt_resultsfile; echo;");
+# Function which prints a summary of all test
+sub result_summary
+    my $num_directives = @test_results;
+    print <<EOF;
+S Number of tested Open MP constructs: $num_constructs
+S Number of used tests:                $num_tests
+S Number of failed tests:              $num_failed_tests
+S Number of successful tests:          $num_successful_tests
+S + from this were verified:           $num_verified_tests
+Normal tests:
+N Number of failed tests:              $num_normal_tests_failed
+N + from this fail compilation:        $num_normal_tests_compile_error
+N + from this timed out                $num_normal_tests_timed_out
+N Number of successful tests:          $num_normal_tests_successful
+N + from this were verified:           $num_normal_tests_verified
+Orphaned tests:
+O Number of failed tests:              $num_orphaned_tests_failed
+O + from this fail compilation:        $num_orphaned_tests_compile_error
+O + from this timed out                $num_orphaned_tests_timed_out
+O Number of successful tests:          $num_orphaned_tests_successful
+O + from this were verified:           $num_orphaned_tests_verified
+# Function that executest the tests specified in the given list
+sub execute_testlist
+    my ($filename) = @_;
+    # opening testlist
+    open(TESTS,$filename) or error ("Could not open  $filename\n", 1);
+TEST: while (<TESTS>) {
+        if (/^\s*#/) {next TEST;}
+        if (/^\s*$/) {next TEST;}
+        $opt_test = $_;
+        chomp ($opt_test);
+        execute_single_test ();
+    }
+# print Dumper(@test_results);
+# Function that executes a system command but takes care of the global timeout
+# If command did not finish inbetween returns '-' otherwise the exit status of
+# the system command
+sub timed_sys_command
+    my ($command) = @_;
+    my $exit_status = '-';
+# set up the timeout for the command
+    eval {
+        local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {die "alarm\n"};
+        alarm $timeout;
+        log_message_add ("Starting command \"$command\"");
+        $exit_status = system ($command);
+        alarm 0;
+    };
+# check if command finished during the maximum execution time
+    if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
+# test timed out
+#		my $pid = Unix::PID->new();
+#		$pid->get_pidof($command, 1);
+#		$pid->kill();
+        if ($debug_mode) {
+	    log_message_add ("Command \"$command\" reached max execution time.\n");
+        }
+        return "TO";
+    }
+# test finished
+    return $exit_status;
+# Function that runs the tests given as a array containing the testnames
+# Returns an array containing the percent values of the passed tests and the
+# successful crosstests.
+sub run_test
+    my ($testname, $orphan) = @_;
+    my $bin_name, $cbin_name;
+    my $cmd, $exit_status, $failed;
+    my $resulttest, $resultctest;
+# path to test and crosstest either in normal or in orphaned version
+    if ($orphan) {
+        $bin_name  = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_test_$testname";
+        $cbin_name = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_ctest_$testname";
+    } else {
+        $bin_name  = "bin/$opt_lang/test_$testname";
+        $cbin_name = "bin/$opt_lang/ctest_$testname";
+    }
+# Check if executables exist
+    if (! -e $bin_name) {
+        test_error ("Could not find executable \"$bin_name\".");
+        return ('test' => '-', 'crosstest' => '-');
+    }
+# run the test
+    $cmd = "$env_set_threads_command ./$bin_name >$bin_name.out";
+    print "Running test with $numthreads threads .";
+    $exit_status = timed_sys_command ($cmd);
+# Check if test finished within max execution time
+    if ($exit_status eq 'TO') {
+        print ".... failed (timeout)\n";
+        return ('test' => 'TO', 'crosstest' => '-')
+    }
+# check if all tests were successful
+    $failed = $exit_status >> 8;
+    if ($failed < 0 or $failed > 100) { $failed = 100; }
+    $resulttest = 100 - $failed;
+    if ($resulttest eq 100) {
+        print ".... success ...";
+    } else {
+        print ".... failed $failed\% of the tests\n";
+        return ('test' => $resulttest, 'crosstest' => '-');
+    }
+# do crosstest
+# check if executable exist
+    if (! -e $cbin_name) {
+        test_error ("Could not find executable \"$cbin_name\".");
+        print "... not verified (crosstest missing)\n";
+        return ('test' => $resulttest, 'crosstest' => '-');
+    }
+# run crosstest
+# Test was successful, so it makes sense to run the crosstest
+    $cmd = "$env_set_threads_command ./$cbin_name > $cbin_name.out";
+    $exit_status = timed_sys_command ($cmd);
+# Check if crosstest finished within max execution time
+    if ($exit_status eq 'TO') {
+        print "... not verified (timeout)\n";
+        return ('test' => $result, 'crosstest' => 'TO');
+    }
+# test if crosstests failed as expected
+    $resultctest = $exit_status >> 8;
+    if ($resultctest > 0) {
+        print "... and verified with $resultctest\% certainty\n";
+    } else {
+        print "... but might be lucky\n";
+    }
+    return ('test' => $resulttest, 'crosstest' => $resultctest);
+# Function that generates the test binaries out of the sourcecode
+sub compile_src
+    my ($testname, $orphan) = @_;
+    print "Compiling soures ............";
+    if ($orphan) {
+# Make orphaned tests
+        $exec_name     = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_test_$testname";
+        $crossexe_name = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_ctest_$testname";
+        $resulttest  = system ("make $exec_name > $exec_name\_compile.log" );
+        $resultctest = system ("make $crossexe_name > $crossexe_name\_compile.log" );
+    } else {
+# Make test
+        $exec_name     = "bin/$opt_lang/test_$testname";
+        $crossexe_name = "bin/$opt_lang/ctest_$testname";
+        $resulttest  = system ("make $exec_name > $exec_name\_compile.log" );
+        $resultctest = system ("make $crossexe_name > $crossexe_name\_compile.log" );
+    }
+    if ($resulttest) { test_error ("Compilation of the test failed."); }
+    if ($resultctest){ test_error ("Compilation of the crosstest failed."); }
+    if ($resulttest or $resultctest) {
+        print ".... failed\n";
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+        print ".... success\n";
+        return 1;
+    }
+# Function which prepare the directory structure:
+sub init_directory_structure
+    my ($language) = @_;
+    if (-e "bin" && -d "bin") { warning ("Old binary directory detected!");}
+    else { system ("mkdir bin"); }
+    if (-e "bin/$language" && -d "bin/$language") {
+        warning ("Old binary directory for language $language found.");}
+    else { system ("mkdir bin/$language"); }
+# Function that generates the sourcecode for the given test
+sub make_src
+    my ($testname, $orphan) = @_;
+    my $template_file;
+    my $src_name;
+    $template_file = "$dir/$testname.$extension";
+    if (!-e $template_file) { test_error ("Could not find template for \"$testname\""); }
+    print "Generating sources ..........";
+    if ($orphan) {
+# Make orphaned tests
+        $src_name = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_test_$testname.$extension";
+        $resulttest = system ("./$templateparsername --test --orphan $template_file $src_name");
+        $src_name = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_ctest_$testname.$extension";
+        $resultctest = system ("./$templateparsername --crosstest --orphan $template_file $src_name");
+    } else {
+# Make test
+        $src_name = "bin/$opt_lang/test_$testname.$extension";
+        $resulttest = system ("./$templateparsername --test --noorphan $template_file $src_name");
+        $src_name = "bin/$opt_lang/ctest_$testname.$extension";
+        $resultctest = system ("./$templateparsername --crosstest --noorphan $template_file $src_name");
+    }
+    if ($resulttest) { test_error ("Generation of sourcecode for the test failed."); }
+    if ($resultctest){ test_error ("Generation of sourcecode for the crosstest failed."); }
+    if ($resulttest or $resultctest) {
+        print ".... failed\n";
+       return 0;
+    } else {
+       print ".... success\n";
+       return 1;
+    }
+# Function which checks if a given test is orphanable
+sub test_is_orphanable
+    my ($testname) = @_;
+    my $src;
+    my $file = "$dir/$testname.$extension";
+    if(! -e $file){ test_error ("Could not find test file $file\n");}
+    open (TEST, "<$file") or test_error ("Could not open test file $file\n");
+    while (<TEST>) { $src .= $_; }
+    close (TEST);
+    return $src =~/ompts:orphan/;
+sub write_result_file_head
+    open (RESULTS, ">$opt_resultsfile") or error ("Could not open file '$opt_resultsfile' to write results.", 1);
+    $resultline = sprintf "%-25s %-s\n", "#Tested Directive", "\tt\tct\tot\toct";
+    print RESULTS $resultline;
+# Function which adds a result to the list of results
+sub add_result
+    my ($testname, $result) = @_;
+#	print Dumper(@{$result});
+    $num_constructs++;
+    open (RESULTS, ">>$opt_resultsfile") or error ("Could not open file '$opt_resultsfile' to write results.", 1);
+    if (${$result}[0][0]) {
+		$num_tests ++;}
+	if ($opt_compile and ${$result}[0][1] eq 0) {
+		${$result}[0][2]{test}      = 'ce';
+		${$result}[0][2]{crosstest} = '-';
+		$num_normal_tests_compile_error++;
+	    $num_normal_tests_failed++;
+	}
+    if ($opt_run and ${$result}[0][2] and ${$result}[0][2]{test} ne 'ce') {
+        if (${$result}[0][2]{test} == 100) {
+            $num_normal_tests_successful++;
+            if (${$result}[0][2]{crosstest} == 100){
+				$num_normal_tests_verified++;}
+		} elsif (${$result}[0][2]{test} eq 'TO'){
+			$num_normal_tests_timed_out++;
+			$num_normal_tests_failed++;
+		} else {
+			$num_normal_tests_failed++;
+		}
+    }
+    $resultline = "${$result}[0][2]{test}\t${$result}[0][2]{crosstest}\t";
+    if (${$result}[1][0]) {
+		$num_tests ++;}
+    else { $resultline .= "-\t-\n"; }
+    if ($opt_compile and ${$result}[1][1] eq 0) {
+		${$result}[1][2]{test}      = 'ce';
+		${$result}[1][2]{crosstest} = '-';
+		$num_orphaned_tests_compile_error++;
+		$num_orphaned_tests_failed++;
+	}
+    if ($opt_run and ${$result}[1][2] and ${$result}[1][2]{test} ne 'ce') {
+        if (${$result}[1][2]{test} == 100) {
+            $num_orphaned_tests_successful++;
+            if (${$result}[1][2]{crosstest} == 100){
+				$num_orphaned_tests_verified++;}
+		} elsif (${$result}[1][2]{test} eq 'TO'){
+			$num_orphaned_tests_timed_out++;
+			$num_orphaned_tests_failed++;
+        } else {
+			$num_orphaned_tests_failed++;
+		}
+    }
+    $resultline .= "${$result}[1][2]{test}\t${$result}[1][2]{crosstest}\n";
+    $num_failed_tests = $num_normal_tests_failed + $num_orphaned_tests_failed;
+	$num_failed_compilation = $num_normal_tests_compile_error + $num_orphaned_tests_compile_error;
+	$num_successful_tests = $num_normal_tests_successful + $num_orphaned_tests_successful;
+	$num_verified_tests = $num_normal_tests_verified + $num_orphaned_tests_verified;
+    $resultline2 = sprintf "%-25s %-s", "$testname", "\t$resultline";
+    print RESULTS $resultline2;
+# Function which executes a single test
+sub execute_single_test
+    my @result;
+    init_language_settings ($opt_lang);
+    init_directory_structure ($opt_lang);
+    log_message_add ("Testing for \"$opt_test\":");
+    print "Testing for \"$opt_test\":\n";
+# tests in normal mode
+    if ($opt_compile){ $result[0][0] = make_src ($opt_test, 0);
+                       $result[0][1] = compile_src ($opt_test, 0);}
+    if ($opt_run && $result[0][1] == 1) {
+                       $result[0][2] = {run_test ($opt_test, 0)};}
+# tests in orphaned mode
+    if ($opt_orphan && test_is_orphanable($opt_test)){
+        log_message_add ("Testing for \"$opt_test\" in orphaned mode:");
+        print "+ orphaned mode:\n";
+        if ($opt_compile) { $result[1][0] = make_src ($opt_test, 1);
+                            $result[1][1] = compile_src ($opt_test, 1);}
+        if ($opt_run && $result[1][1] == 1) {
+                            $result[1][2] = {run_test ($opt_test, 1)};}
+    }
+    add_result($opt_test, \@result);
+# Function that prints info about a given test
+sub print_testinfo
+    init_language_settings($opt_lang);
+    my $doc = "";
+    my $file = $dir."/".$opt_testinfo.".".$extension;
+    if (! -e $file) {error ("Could not find template for test $opt_testinfo", 5);}
+    open (TEST,"<$file") or error ("Could not open template file \"$file\" for test $opt_testinfo", 6);
+    while (<TEST>) {$doc .= $_;}
+    close (TEST);
+    (my $omp_version) = get_tag_values ("ompts:ompversion", $doc);
+    (my $dependences) = get_tag_values ("ompts:dependences", $doc);
+    (my $description) = get_tag_values ("ompts:testdescription", $doc);
+    my $orphanable = 'no';
+    if ($doc =~ /ompts:orphan/) {$orphanable = 'yes';}
+    print <<EOF;
+Info for test $opt_testinfo:
+Open MP standard: $omp_version
+Orphaned mode: $orphanable
+Dependencies:  $dependences
+Description:   $description
+# Function that initializes the settings for the given language
+sub init_language_settings
+    my ($language) = @_;
+    foreach my $lang (@languages) {
+        (my $name) = get_tag_values ("languagename", $lang);
+        if ($name eq $language) {
+            ($extension) = get_tag_values ("fileextension", $lang);
+            ($dir)       = get_tag_values ("dir", $lang);
+            ($templateparsername) = get_tag_values ("templateparsername", $lang);
+            last;
+        }
+    }
+    # Check if we found the specified language in the config file
+    if (!$extension and !$dir) {
+      error ("Language $language could not be found.\n", 3);
+    }
+# Function that prints all available tests for the given language
+sub print_avail_tests
+    init_language_settings($opt_lang);
+    my @tests;
+    opendir(DIR,"$dir") or error ("Could not open directory $dir", 4);
+    while($_ = readdir(DIR)) { if (/\.$extension$/) {s/\.$extension//; push (@tests, $_);}}
+    closedir(DIR);
+    print "Found ".(@tests)." tests:\n". "-" x 30 . "\n";
+    foreach (@tests) { print $_."\n";}
+# Function that prints all available tests for the given language
+sub print_avail_langs
+    if (@languages > 0) {
+        print "Available languages:\n";
+        foreach (@languages) {
+            (my $name) = get_tag_values ("languagename", $_);
+            print "$name\n";
+        }
+    } else {
+        print "No languages available\n";
+    }
+# Function that prints the error message
+sub print_help_text
+    print <<EOF;
+runtest.pl [options] [FILE]
+Executes the tests listed in FILE. FILE has to contain the names of the tests,
+one test per line. Lines starting with '#' will be ignored.
+A language has to be specified for all commands except --help and --listlanguages.
+  --help            displays this help message
+  --listlanguages   lists all available languages
+  --lang=s          select language
+  --list            list available tests for a language
+  --testinfo=NAME   show info for test NAME
+  --numthreads=NUM  set number of threads (overwrites config file settings)
+  --test=NAME       execute single test NAME
+  --nocompile       do not compile tests
+  --norun           do not run tests
+  --noorphan        switch of orphaned tests
+  --resultfile=NAME use NAME as resultfile (overwrites config file settings)
+# Function that writes an error message for a failed test / part of a test
+sub test_error
+   my ($message) = @_;
+   log_message_add ("ERROR: $message");
+   if ($display_errors eq 1) { print STDERR "ERROR: $message\n"; }
+# Function that returns an warning message
+sub warning {
+  my ($message) = @_;
+  if ($display_warnings eq 1) { print "Warniong: $message\n"; }
+  log_message_add ("Warning: $message");
+# Function that returns an error message and exits with the specified error code
+sub error {
+  my ($message, $error_code) = @_;
+  if ($display_errors eq 1) { print STDERR "ERROR: $message\n"; }
+  log_message_add ("ERROR: $message");
+  exit ($error_code);
+# Function which adds an new entry into the logfile together with a timestamp
+sub log_message_add
+    (my $message) = @_;
+    ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$ydat,$isdst) = localtime();
+    if(length($hour) == 1) { $hour="0$hour"; }
+    if(length($min) == 1)  { $min="0$min";   }
+    if(length($sec) == 1)  { $sec="0$sec";   }
+    $mon=$mon+1;
+    $year=$year+1900;
+    open (LOGFILE,">>$logfile") or die "ERROR: Could not create $logfile\n";
+    print LOGFILE "$mday/$mon/$year $hour.$min.$sec: $message\n";

Propchange: openmp/trunk/testsuite/runtest.pl
    svn:executable = *

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_c.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_c.pl?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_c.pl (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_c.pl Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# ompts_parser [option] INFILE OUTFILE
+# Creats the tests and the crosstests for the OpenMP-Testsuite out of an templatefiles which are given to the programm.
+# Options:
+# --test: 	make test
+# --crosstest: 	make crosstest
+# --orphan	if possible generate tests using orphan 
+# Return:
+#       Succes:                 0
+#       Template not found      -1
+# Using Getopt::long to extract the programm options
+use Getopt::Long;
+# Using functions: Set of subroutines to modify the testcode
+use ompts_parserFunctions;
+# Getting given options
+GetOptions("test" => \$test,"crosstest" => \$crosstest, "orphan!" => \$orphan);
+# Remaining arguments are the templatefiles. 
+# Adding these to the list of to be parsed files if they exist.
+my $templatefile;
+my $sourcefile;
+my $mainprocsrc = "ompts_standaloneProc.c"; 
+$templatefile = $ARGV[0];
+$outfile = $ARGV[1];
+if (!-e $templatefile) {
+    print "Temaplte file not found";
+    exit -1;
+# Checking if options were valid:
+# preparations and checks for sourcefiles
+# Reading the template for the tests 
+open(TEST,$templatefile) or die "Error: Could not open template $srcfile\n";
+while(<TEST>){ $src .= $_; }
+# Extracting the source for the mainprogramm and saving it in $mainprocsrc
+open(MAINPROC,$mainprocsrc) or die "Could not open the sourcefile for the main program $mainprocsrc";
+while(<MAINPROC>){ $mainproc .= $_; }
+close (MAINPROC);
+# Some temporary testinformation:
+my ($description)  = get_tag_values ('ompts:testdescription',$src);
+my ($directive)    = get_tag_values ('ompts:directive',$src);
+my ($functionname) = get_tag_values ('ompts:testcode:functionname',$src);
+open (OUTFILE,">$outfile") or die "Could not create the output file for $directive";
+# Creating the source for the test:
+my ($code) = get_tag_values('ompts:testcode',$src);
+# Putting together the functions and the mainprogramm:
+$code .= $mainproc;
+my $testprefix = "";
+# Make modifications for the orphaned testversion if necessary:
+if ($orphan) {
+# Get the global variables:
+    @defs = get_tag_values("ompts:orphan:vars",$code);
+    $orphvarsdef = "";
+    foreach (@defs) {
+        $orphvarsdef = join("\n",$orphvarsdef,$_); 
+    }
+# Generate predeclarations for orpahn functions:
+    $orphfuncsdefs = orph_functions_declarations($code);
+# Generate the orphan functions:
+    $orphfuncs = create_orph_cfunctions($code);
+# Repla:e orphan regions by functioncalls:
+    $code = orphan_regions2cfunctions($code);
+# Deleting the former declarations of the variables in the orphan regions:
+    ($code) = delete_tags('ompts:orphan:vars',($code));
+# Put all together:
+    $code = "#include \"omp_testsuite.h\"\n" . $orphvarsdef . $orphfuncsdefs . $code . $orphfuncs;
+    $testprefix .= "orph_";
+# Remove remaining marks for the orpahn regions and its variables:
+($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan','','',($code));
+($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan:vars','','',($code));
+if($test) {
+# Remove the marks for the testcode and remove the code for the crosstests: 
+    ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:check','','',($code));
+    ($code) = delete_tags('ompts:crosscheck',($code));		
+    $testprefix .= "test_";
+elsif($crosstest) {
+# Remove the marks for the crosstestcode and remove the code for the tests: 
+    ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:crosscheck','','',($code));
+    ($code) = delete_tags('ompts:check',($code));		
+    $testprefix .= "ctest_";
+# Making some final modifications:
+($code) = replace_tags('testfunctionname',$testprefix.$functionname,($code));
+($code) = replace_tags('directive',$directive,($code));
+($code) = replace_tags('description',$description,($code));
+($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:testcode:functionname',$testprefix,'',($code) );
+#	$code =  "\#include \"omp_testsuite.h\"\n".$code;
+# Write the result into the file and close it:
+print OUTFILE $code;

Propchange: openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_c.pl
    svn:executable = *

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_fortran.pl
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_fortran.pl?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_fortran.pl (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_fortran.pl Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# ompts_parser [option] INFILE OUTFILE
+# Creats the tests and the crosstests for the OpenMP-Testsuite out of an templatefiles which are given to the programm.
+# Options:
+# --test: 	make test
+# --crosstest: 	make crosstest
+# --orphan	if possible generate tests using orphan 
+# Return:
+#       Succes:                 0
+#       Template not found      -1
+# Using Getopt::long to extract the programm options
+use Getopt::Long;
+# Using functions: Set of subroutines to modify the testcode
+use ompts_parserFunctions;
+# Getting given options
+GetOptions("test" => \$test,"crosstest" => \$crosstest, "orphan!" => \$orphan);
+# Remaining arguments are the templatefiles. 
+# Adding these to the list of to be parsed files if they exist.
+my $templatefile;
+my $sourcefile;
+my $mainprocsrc = "ompts_standaloneProc.f"; 
+$templatefile = $ARGV[0];
+$outfile = $ARGV[1];
+if (!-e $templatefile) {
+    print "Temaplte file not found";
+    exit -1;
+# Checking if options were valid:
+# preparations and checks for sourcefiles
+# Reading the template for the tests 
+open(TEST,$templatefile) or die "Error: Could not open template $srcfile\n";
+while(<TEST>){ $src .= $_; }
+# Extracting the source for the mainprogramm and saving it in $mainprocsrc
+open(MAINPROC,$mainprocsrc) or die "Could not open the sourcefile for the main program $mainprocsrc";
+while(<MAINPROC>){ $mainproc .= $_; }
+close (MAINPROC);
+# Some temporary testinformation:
+($description)  = get_tag_values ('ompts:testdescription',$src);
+($directive)    = get_tag_values ('ompts:directive',$src);
+($functionname) = get_tag_values ('ompts:testcode:functionname',$src);
+open (OUTFILE,">$outfile") or die "Could not create the output file for $directive";
+# Creating the source for the test:
+($code) = get_tag_values('ompts:testcode',$src);
+# Putting together the functions and the mainprogramm:
+$code .= $mainproc;
+#thanks to Dr. Yin Ma in Absoft, get the parameters <ompts:orphan:params> by joon
+ ($parms) = get_tag_values('ompts:orphan:parms',($code));
+ ($parms) = leave_single_space($parms);
+ ($code) = replace_tags('ompts:orphan:parms','',$code);
+# Make modifications for the orphaned testversion if necessary:
+if ($orphan) {
+# Get the global variables:
+    @defs = get_tag_values("ompts:orphan:vars",$code);
+    $orphvarsdef = "";
+    foreach (@defs) {
+        if (not /^[ ]*$/gs) { $orphvarsdef = join("\n",$orphvarsdef,$_); } 
+    }
+# Generate the orphan subroutines:
+        $orphfuncs = create_orph_fortranfunctions ("", ($code),($parms));
+# Replace orphan regions by functioncalls:
+        ($code) = orphan_regions2fortranfunctions ("", ($code),($parms));
+        ($code) = enlarge_tags ('ompts:orphan:vars','','',($code));
+# to find orphan call statement and add parameters, by joon
+        ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan:parms','','',($code));
+# Put all together:
+        $code = $code . $orphfuncs;
+# Remove remaining marks for the orpahn regions and its variables:
+($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan','','',($code));
+($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan:vars','','',($code));
+# remove parameters between for orphaned directive parametes, added byjoon
+($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:orphan:parms','','',($code));
+if($test) {
+# Remove the marks for the testcode and remove the code for the crosstests: 
+    ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:check','','',($code));
+    ($code) = delete_tags('ompts:crosscheck',($code));		
+elsif($crosstest) {
+# Remove the marks for the crosstestcode and remove the code for the tests: 
+    ($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:crosscheck','','',($code));
+    ($code) = delete_tags('ompts:check',($code));		
+# Making some final modifications:
+($code) = replace_tags('testfunctionname',"test_".$functionname,($code));
+($code) = replace_tags('directive',$directive,($code));
+($code) = replace_tags('description',$description,($code));
+($code) = enlarge_tags('ompts:testcode:functionname',"test_",'',($code) );
+#	$code =  "\#include \"omp_testsuite.h\"\n".$code;
+# Write the result into the file and close it:
+print OUTFILE $code;

Propchange: openmp/trunk/testsuite/template_parser_fortran.pl
    svn:executable = *

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/testlist-c.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/testlist-c.txt?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/testlist-c.txt (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/testlist-c.txt Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# List containing the tests of the OpenMPValidaion Suite available to check
+# the c implementation.
+# New tests for OpenMP 3.0
+# New tests for OpenMP 3.1

Added: openmp/trunk/testsuite/testlist-f.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/testsuite/testlist-f.txt?rev=208472&view=auto
--- openmp/trunk/testsuite/testlist-f.txt (added)
+++ openmp/trunk/testsuite/testlist-f.txt Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# List containing the tests of the OpenMPValidaion Suite available to check
+# the fortan implementation.
+### Braucht man den oder obigen erweitern?
+# New tests for OpenMP 3.0
+# New tests for OpenMP 3.1

Modified: openmp/trunk/www/index.html
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/openmp/trunk/www/index.html?rev=208472&r1=208471&r2=208472&view=diff
--- openmp/trunk/www/index.html (original)
+++ openmp/trunk/www/index.html Sat May 10 12:02:09 2014
@@ -61,10 +61,6 @@
   directory describes how to build the offload library.
-  <p>We are, however, still missing test code. Any contributions in
-    that area would be greatly appreciated!
-  </p>
   <p>All of the code here is <a
      href="http://llvm.org/docs/DeveloperPolicy.html#license">dual licensed</a>
      under the MIT license and the UIUC License (a BSD-like license).
@@ -84,7 +80,10 @@
         <li>High performance.</li>
         <li>ABI compatibility with <a href="http://gcc.gnu.org">Gcc</a> and
         <a href="http://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-compilers">Intel's
-        existing OpenMP compilers.</a>
+        existing OpenMP compilers.</a> 
+        However, we are not currently (May 2014) compatible with gcc 4.9, since
+        it has introduced new entrypoints with which we have not yet
+        caught up... 
@@ -114,10 +113,19 @@
   <h2 id="dir-structure">Status</h2>
-   <p>Currently the runtime is built with either gcc or icc. Obviously
-   it would also be good to build with Clang.
+   <p>The runtime can be built with gcc, icc or clang. However, note
+   that a runtime built with clang cannot be guaranteed to work with
+   OpenMP code compiled by the other compilers, since clang does not support
+   a 128-bit float type, and cannot therefore generate the code used
+   for reductions of that type (which may occur in user code compiled
+   by the other compilers).
+   <p>The University of Houston has kindly contributed their test
+   suite (in the "testsuite" directory). Integration and use of this
+   for automatic testing remain to be done, but now the code is here
+   work can begin.
+   </p>
   <h2>Get it and get involved!</h2>

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