[Openmp-commits] New CMAKE code committed

Cownie, James H james.h.cownie at intel.com
Tue Aug 5 02:47:30 PDT 2014

After three iterations of community review, we believe that this new
CMAKE build system should meet everyone's requirements.

Enhanced CMake Build System Commit 

* Supports Linux, Mac, Windows, and Intel(r) Xeon Phi builds
* Supports building with gcc, icc, clang, and Visual Studio compilers
* Supports building "fat" libraries on OS/X with clang
* Details and documentation on how to use build system 
  are in Build_With_CMake.txt
* To use the old CMake build system (corresponds to 
  CMakeLists.txt.old), just rename CMakeLists.txt to
  CMakeLists.txt.other and rename CMakeLists.txt.old to

(The full message with the patch is awaiting list moderation, so I thought I'd send this now so people know about this ASAP).

-- Jim

James Cownie <james.h.cownie at intel.com>
SSG/DPD/TCAR (Technical Computing, Analyzers and Runtimes)
Tel: +44 117 9071438

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