[Mlir-commits] [mlir] 21ba7ae - [mlir][vector][nfc] Update `alignedConversionPrecondition` (#122136)

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Thu Jan 9 07:14:38 PST 2025

Author: Andrzej WarzyƄski
Date: 2025-01-09T15:14:34Z
New Revision: 21ba7aef3bb98aa02cf98b67f4cdea1e2fc4ce99

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/21ba7aef3bb98aa02cf98b67f4cdea1e2fc4ce99
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/21ba7aef3bb98aa02cf98b67f4cdea1e2fc4ce99.diff

LOG: [mlir][vector][nfc] Update `alignedConversionPrecondition` (#122136)

Adds some comments and re-name variables to clarify the usage.




diff  --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp
index 181c394edc1d20..d04f302200519e 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp
@@ -1069,19 +1069,25 @@ LogicalResult BitCastRewriter::commonPrecondition(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
   return commonConversionPrecondition(rewriter, preconditionType, op);
-/// Verify that source and destination element types meet the precondition for
-/// the supported aligned conversion cases. Alignment means that the either the
-/// source element type is multiple of the destination element type or the other
-/// way around.
+/// Verify that `subByteVecType` and `dstType` are aligned. Alignment
+/// means that:
+///   1. The `dstType` element type is a multiple of the
+///   `srcVectorOfSubByteType` element type (e.g. i4 vs i8 is OK, but i3 vs i8
+///   is not supported). Let this multiple be `N`.
+///   2. The number of the (trailing) elements in `srcVectorOfSubByteType` is a
+///   multiple of `N` from 1. (e.g., when targetting i8, 2xi4 is OK, but 3xi4 is
+///   not supported).
-/// NOTE: This method assumes that common conversion preconditions are met.
+/// NOTE: This method assumes that common conversion preconditions are met. In
+/// particular, the element type of `dstType` is assumed to be a multi-byte
+/// type (e.g. i8, i16, i32).
 static LogicalResult alignedConversionPrecondition(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
-                                                   VectorType srcType,
+                                                   VectorType subByteVecType,
                                                    VectorType dstType,
                                                    Operation *op) {
-  if (!srcType || !dstType)
+  if (!subByteVecType || !dstType)
     return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "Not a supported aligned case");
-  unsigned srcElemBitwidth = srcType.getElementTypeBitWidth();
+  unsigned srcElemBitwidth = subByteVecType.getElementTypeBitWidth();
   unsigned dstElemBitwidth = dstType.getElementTypeBitWidth();
   // Only {s}i4 -> (size_of({{s}i/f}) >= 8) are supported for now.
@@ -1089,7 +1095,8 @@ static LogicalResult alignedConversionPrecondition(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
       (dstElemBitwidth % srcElemBitwidth) != 0)
     return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "Not a supported aligned case");
-  if ((srcType.getShape().back() % 2) != 0)
+  const int numSrcElemsPerDestElem = dstElemBitwidth / srcElemBitwidth;
+  if ((subByteVecType.getShape().back() % numSrcElemsPerDestElem) != 0)
     return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
         op, "Not an even number of i4 elements in trailing dim");


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