[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR] Implement emulation of static indexing subbyte type vector stores (PR #115922)

Andrzej WarzyƄski llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Jan 9 07:04:40 PST 2025

@@ -292,6 +297,106 @@ emulatedVectorLoad(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc, Value base,
+/// Emits `memref.generic_atomic_rmw` op to store a subbyte-sized value to a
+/// byte in memory, with a mask. The `valueToStore` is a vector of subbyte-sized
+/// elements, with size of 8 bits, and the mask is used to select which elements
+/// to store.
+/// Inputs:
+///   linearizedMemref = |2|2|2|2| : <4xi2> (<1xi8>)
+///   linearizedIndex = 2
+///   valueToStore = |3|3|3|3| : vector<4xi2>
+///   mask = |0|0|1|1| : vector<4xi1>
+/// Result:
+///   linearizedMemref = |2|2|3|3| : <4xi2> (<1xi8>)
+static void atomicStore(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
+                        MemRefValue linearizedMemref, Value linearizedIndex,
+                        VectorValue valueToStore, Value mask) {
+  assert(valueToStore.getType().getRank() == 1 && "expected 1-D vector");
+  // Create an atomic load-modify-write region using
+  // `memref.generic_atomic_rmw`.
+  auto atomicOp = builder.create<memref::GenericAtomicRMWOp>(
+      loc, linearizedMemref, ValueRange{linearizedIndex});
+  Value origValue = atomicOp.getCurrentValue();
+  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
+  builder.setInsertionPointToStart(atomicOp.getBody());
+  // Load the original value from memory, and cast it to the original element
+  // type.
+  auto oneElemVecType = VectorType::get({1}, origValue.getType());
+  Value origVecValue = builder.create<vector::FromElementsOp>(
+      loc, oneElemVecType, ValueRange{origValue});
+  origVecValue = builder.create<vector::BitCastOp>(loc, valueToStore.getType(),
+                                                   origVecValue);
+  // Construct the final masked value and yield it.
+  Value maskedValue =
+      builder.create<arith::SelectOp>(loc, mask, valueToStore, origVecValue);
+  maskedValue =
+      builder.create<vector::BitCastOp>(loc, oneElemVecType, maskedValue);
banach-space wrote:

This code is repeated in `rmwStore`, could you extract it into a helper function?

In principle, I expect `atomicStore` and `rmwStore` to be near identical and the differences clearly documented/highlighted. Also, aren't both methods generating RMW stores? However, one of them is atomic and the other is not?


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