[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][xegpu] Improve XeGPU op verification logic for SIMT flavor and update tests. (PR #127920)

Charitha Saumya llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Feb 20 14:32:10 PST 2025

@@ -610,20 +620,61 @@ void UpdateOffsetOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state,
 LogicalResult DpasOp::verify() {
   int64_t lhsRank = getLhsType().getRank();
   int64_t rhsRank = getRhsType().getRank();
-  if (lhsRank != 2 || (rhsRank != 2 && rhsRank != 3))
-    return emitOpError("expecting lhs to be a 2D vector, and rhs to be either "
-                       "2D or 3D (packed) vector.");
+  int64_t resultRank = getResultType().getRank();
   auto lhsShape = getLhsType().getShape();
   auto rhsShape = getRhsType().getShape();
-  auto bK = rhsRank == 3 ? rhsShape[0] * rhsShape[2] : rhsShape[0];
-  if (bK != lhsShape[1])
+  auto resultShape = getResultType().getShape();
+  auto sgMapA = (*this)->getAttrOfType<xegpu::SGMapAttr>("sg_map_a");
+  auto sgMapB = (*this)->getAttrOfType<xegpu::SGMapAttr>("sg_map_b");
+  auto sgMapC = (*this)->getAttrOfType<xegpu::SGMapAttr>("sg_map_c");
+  // If sg_maps are not present, then the operation is in VC mode.
+  if (!sgMapA && !sgMapB && !sgMapC) {
+    if (lhsRank != 2 || (rhsRank != 2 && rhsRank != 3) || resultRank != 2)
+      return emitOpError(
+          "expecting lhs and result to be a 2D vector, and rhs to be either "
+          "2D or 3D (packed) vector.");
+    auto bK = rhsRank == 3 ? rhsShape[0] * rhsShape[2] : rhsShape[0];
+    if (bK != lhsShape[1])
+      return emitOpError("K-dimension mismatch.");
+    if (lhsShape[0] != resultShape[0])
+      return emitOpError("M-dimension mismatch.");
+    if (rhsShape[1] != resultShape[1])
+      return emitOpError("N-dimension mismatch.");
+    return success();
+  }
+  // Otherwise, in SIMT mode we expect sg_map attributes for all operands and
+  // result of DPAS operation.
+  if (!sgMapA || !sgMapB || !sgMapC)
+    return emitOpError("sg_map attributes for all operands and outputs are "
+                       "expected in SIMT xegpu::Dpas operation");
+  // In SIMT mode, All data fragments must be 2D
charithaintc wrote:

In SIMT all shapes are 2D. the inner dimension represent packing. everything is linearized in the outer dimension.
RFC: https://github.com/intel/mlir-extensions/pull/1021

For SIMD, 3D representation is still needed to represent the packing dimension even though this could be absorbed by some pass as an internal implementation detail (no need to expose in op def.)


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