[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][xegpu] Improve XeGPU op verification logic for SIMT flavor and update tests. (PR #127920)

Adam Siemieniuk llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Feb 20 08:36:33 PST 2025

@@ -610,20 +620,61 @@ void UpdateOffsetOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &state,
 LogicalResult DpasOp::verify() {
   int64_t lhsRank = getLhsType().getRank();
   int64_t rhsRank = getRhsType().getRank();
-  if (lhsRank != 2 || (rhsRank != 2 && rhsRank != 3))
-    return emitOpError("expecting lhs to be a 2D vector, and rhs to be either "
-                       "2D or 3D (packed) vector.");
+  int64_t resultRank = getResultType().getRank();
   auto lhsShape = getLhsType().getShape();
   auto rhsShape = getRhsType().getShape();
-  auto bK = rhsRank == 3 ? rhsShape[0] * rhsShape[2] : rhsShape[0];
-  if (bK != lhsShape[1])
+  auto resultShape = getResultType().getShape();
+  auto sgMapA = (*this)->getAttrOfType<xegpu::SGMapAttr>("sg_map_a");
+  auto sgMapB = (*this)->getAttrOfType<xegpu::SGMapAttr>("sg_map_b");
+  auto sgMapC = (*this)->getAttrOfType<xegpu::SGMapAttr>("sg_map_c");
+  // If sg_maps are not present, then the operation is in VC mode.
+  if (!sgMapA && !sgMapB && !sgMapC) {
+    if (lhsRank != 2 || (rhsRank != 2 && rhsRank != 3) || resultRank != 2)
+      return emitOpError(
+          "expecting lhs and result to be a 2D vector, and rhs to be either "
+          "2D or 3D (packed) vector.");
+    auto bK = rhsRank == 3 ? rhsShape[0] * rhsShape[2] : rhsShape[0];
+    if (bK != lhsShape[1])
+      return emitOpError("K-dimension mismatch.");
+    if (lhsShape[0] != resultShape[0])
+      return emitOpError("M-dimension mismatch.");
+    if (rhsShape[1] != resultShape[1])
+      return emitOpError("N-dimension mismatch.");
+    return success();
+  }
+  // Otherwise, in SIMT mode we expect sg_map attributes for all operands and
+  // result of DPAS operation.
+  if (!sgMapA || !sgMapB || !sgMapC)
+    return emitOpError("sg_map attributes for all operands and outputs are "
+                       "expected in SIMT xegpu::Dpas operation");
+  // In SIMT mode, All data fragments must be 2D
adam-smnk wrote:

Do these vnni transformation don't happen on XeGPU ops but further down the stack, right?

If we don't really need 3D representation in `xegpu.dpas` that could simplify shape verification, lowering choices etc. 


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