[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][spirv] Split conditional basic blocks during deserialization (PR #127639)

Jakub Kuderski llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Feb 19 06:45:59 PST 2025

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+; RUN: %if spirv-tools %{ spirv-as --target-env spv1.0 %s -o - | mlir-translate --deserialize-spirv - -o - | FileCheck %s %}
+; COM: The purpose of this test is to check that a variable (in this case %color) that
+; COM: is defined before a selection region and used both in the selection region and
+; COM: after it, is not sunk into that selection region by the deserializer. If the
+; COM: variable is sunk, then it cannot be accessed outside the region and causes
+; COM: control-flow structurization to fail.
+; CHECK: spirv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spirv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []>
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %2 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %colorOut
+               OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+               OpDecorate %colorOut Location 0
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %4 = OpTypeFunction %void
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+    %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%fun_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+    %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
+    %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
+         %13 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_1 %float_0 %float_0 %float_1
+%out_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+   %colorOut = OpVariable %out_v4float Output   
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+  %out_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
+       %bool = OpTypeBool
+         %25 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_1 %float_1 %float_0 %float_1
+; CHECK: spirv.func @main() "None" {
kuhar wrote:

Could you put these checks in a separate block, either before or after the spirv module? I find it hard to leave when it's interleaved like this


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