[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][affine] fix the issue of celidiv mul ceildiv expression not satisfying commutative (PR #109382)

Johannes Reifferscheid llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Sep 30 01:15:49 PDT 2024

@@ -362,54 +363,151 @@ static bool isDivisibleBySymbol(AffineExpr expr, unsigned symbolPos,
   assert((opKind == AffineExprKind::Mod || opKind == AffineExprKind::FloorDiv ||
           opKind == AffineExprKind::CeilDiv) &&
          "unexpected opKind");
-  switch (expr.getKind()) {
-  case AffineExprKind::Constant:
-    return cast<AffineConstantExpr>(expr).getValue() == 0;
-  case AffineExprKind::DimId:
-    return false;
-  case AffineExprKind::SymbolId:
-    return (cast<AffineSymbolExpr>(expr).getPosition() == symbolPos);
-  // Checks divisibility by the given symbol for both operands.
-  case AffineExprKind::Add: {
-    AffineBinaryOpExpr binaryExpr = cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>(expr);
-    return isDivisibleBySymbol(binaryExpr.getLHS(), symbolPos, opKind) &&
-           isDivisibleBySymbol(binaryExpr.getRHS(), symbolPos, opKind);
-  }
-  // Checks divisibility by the given symbol for both operands. Consider the
-  // expression `(((s1*s0) floordiv w) mod ((s1 * s2) floordiv p)) floordiv s1`,
-  // this is a division by s1 and both the operands of modulo are divisible by
-  // s1 but it is not divisible by s1 always. The third argument is
-  // `AffineExprKind::Mod` for this reason.
-  case AffineExprKind::Mod: {
-    AffineBinaryOpExpr binaryExpr = cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>(expr);
-    return isDivisibleBySymbol(binaryExpr.getLHS(), symbolPos,
-                               AffineExprKind::Mod) &&
-           isDivisibleBySymbol(binaryExpr.getRHS(), symbolPos,
-                               AffineExprKind::Mod);
-  }
-  // Checks if any of the operand divisible by the given symbol.
-  case AffineExprKind::Mul: {
-    AffineBinaryOpExpr binaryExpr = cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>(expr);
-    return isDivisibleBySymbol(binaryExpr.getLHS(), symbolPos, opKind) ||
-           isDivisibleBySymbol(binaryExpr.getRHS(), symbolPos, opKind);
-  }
-  // Floordiv and ceildiv are divisible by the given symbol when the first
-  // operand is divisible, and the affine expression kind of the argument expr
-  // is same as the argument `opKind`. This can be inferred from commutative
-  // property of floordiv and ceildiv operations and are as follow:
-  // (exp1 floordiv exp2) floordiv exp3 = (exp1 floordiv exp3) floordiv exp2
-  // (exp1 ceildiv exp2) ceildiv exp3 = (exp1 ceildiv exp3) ceildiv expr2
-  // It will fail if operations are not same. For example:
-  // (exps1 ceildiv exp2) floordiv exp3 can not be simplified.
-  case AffineExprKind::FloorDiv:
-  case AffineExprKind::CeilDiv: {
-    AffineBinaryOpExpr binaryExpr = cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>(expr);
-    if (opKind != expr.getKind())
-      return false;
-    return isDivisibleBySymbol(binaryExpr.getLHS(), symbolPos, expr.getKind());
-  }
+  SmallVector<std::tuple<AffineExpr, unsigned, AffineExprKind,
+                         llvm::detail::scope_exit<std::function<void(void)>>>>
jreiffers wrote:

I must admit I find this mechanism (a stack of scope_exits) very hard to reason about. Is there a simpler way to achieve this? If not, let's at least have a long comment explaining what's going on (the entire algorith, that's implemented here).


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