[Mlir-commits] [flang] [mlir] [flang][openacc][openmp] Support implicit casting on the atomic interface (PR #114390)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Oct 31 04:31:32 PDT 2024

khaki3 wrote:

Probably, instead of this PR, we should put temps around the capture so that

  real :: n
  integer :: x
  !$acc atomic capture
  n = x
  x = n * n
  !$acc end atomic


  real :: n
  integer :: x, n_tmp
  %0 = float(n_tmp)
  %1 = %0 * %0
  !$acc atomic capture
  n_tmp = x
  x = %0
  !$acc end atomic
  n = n_tmp

Closing this PR.


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