[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] Add `arith-int-range-narrowing` pass (PR #112404)
Jakub Kuderski
llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Oct 16 09:41:07 PDT 2024
@@ -184,6 +189,232 @@ struct DeleteTrivialRem : public OpRewritePattern<RemOp> {
DataFlowSolver &solver;
+static Type checkArithType(Type type, unsigned targetBitwidth) {
+ type = getElementTypeOrSelf(type);
+ if (isa<IndexType>(type))
+ return type;
+ if (auto intType = dyn_cast<IntegerType>(type))
+ if (intType.getWidth() > targetBitwidth)
+ return type;
+ return nullptr;
+static Type checkElementwiseOpType(Operation *op, unsigned targetBitwidth) {
+ if (op->getNumOperands() == 0 || op->getNumResults() == 0)
+ return nullptr;
+ Type type;
+ for (auto range :
+ {ValueRange(op->getOperands()), ValueRange(op->getResults())}) {
+ for (Value val : range) {
+ if (!type) {
+ type = val.getType();
+ continue;
+ } else if (type != val.getType()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return checkArithType(type, targetBitwidth);
+static std::optional<ConstantIntRanges> getOperandsRange(DataFlowSolver &solver,
+ ValueRange results) {
+ std::optional<ConstantIntRanges> ret;
+ for (Value value : results) {
+ auto *maybeInferredRange =
+ solver.lookupState<IntegerValueRangeLattice>(value);
+ if (!maybeInferredRange || maybeInferredRange->getValue().isUninitialized())
+ return std::nullopt;
+ const ConstantIntRanges &inferredRange =
+ maybeInferredRange->getValue().getValue();
+ if (!ret) {
+ ret = inferredRange;
+ } else {
+ ret = ret->rangeUnion(inferredRange);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static Type getTargetType(Type srcType, unsigned targetBitwidth) {
+ auto dstType = IntegerType::get(srcType.getContext(), targetBitwidth);
+ if (auto shaped = dyn_cast<ShapedType>(srcType))
+ return shaped.clone(dstType);
+ assert(srcType.isIntOrIndex() && "Invalid src type");
+ return dstType;
+static bool checkRange(const ConstantIntRanges &range, APInt smin, APInt smax,
+ APInt umin, APInt umax) {
+ auto sge = [](APInt val1, APInt val2) -> bool {
+ unsigned width = std::max(val1.getBitWidth(), val2.getBitWidth());
+ val1 = val1.sext(width);
+ val2 = val2.sext(width);
+ return val1.sge(val2);
+ };
+ auto sle = [](APInt val1, APInt val2) -> bool {
+ unsigned width = std::max(val1.getBitWidth(), val2.getBitWidth());
+ val1 = val1.sext(width);
+ val2 = val2.sext(width);
+ return val1.sle(val2);
+ };
+ auto uge = [](APInt val1, APInt val2) -> bool {
+ unsigned width = std::max(val1.getBitWidth(), val2.getBitWidth());
+ val1 = val1.zext(width);
+ val2 = val2.zext(width);
+ return val1.uge(val2);
+ };
+ auto ule = [](APInt val1, APInt val2) -> bool {
+ unsigned width = std::max(val1.getBitWidth(), val2.getBitWidth());
+ val1 = val1.zext(width);
+ val2 = val2.zext(width);
+ return val1.ule(val2);
+ };
+ return sge(range.smin(), smin) && sle(range.smax(), smax) &&
+ uge(range.umin(), umin) && ule(range.umax(), umax);
+static Value doCast(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value src, Type dstType) {
+ Type srcType = src.getType();
+ assert(srcType.isIntOrIndex() && "Invalid src type");
+ assert(dstType.isIntOrIndex() && "Invalid dst type");
+ if (srcType == dstType)
+ return src;
+ if (isa<IndexType>(srcType) || isa<IndexType>(dstType))
+ return builder.create<arith::IndexCastUIOp>(loc, dstType, src);
+ auto srcInt = cast<IntegerType>(srcType);
+ auto dstInt = cast<IntegerType>(dstType);
+ if (dstInt.getWidth() < srcInt.getWidth()) {
+ return builder.create<arith::TruncIOp>(loc, dstType, src);
+ } else {
+ return builder.create<arith::ExtUIOp>(loc, dstType, src);
+ }
+struct NarrowElementwise final
+ : public OpTraitRewritePattern<OpTrait::Elementwise> {
+ NarrowElementwise(MLIRContext *context, DataFlowSolver &s,
+ ArrayRef<unsigned> target)
+ : OpTraitRewritePattern<OpTrait::Elementwise>(context), solver(s),
+ targetBitwidths(target) {}
+ using OpTraitRewritePattern::OpTraitRewritePattern;
+ LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(Operation *op,
+ PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
+ std::optional<ConstantIntRanges> range =
+ getOperandsRange(solver, op->getResults());
+ if (!range)
+ return failure();
+ for (unsigned targetBitwidth : targetBitwidths) {
+ Type srcType = checkElementwiseOpType(op, targetBitwidth);
+ if (!srcType)
+ continue;
+ // We are truncating op args to the desired bitwidth before the op and
+ // then extending op results back to the original width after. extui and
+ // exti will produce different results for negative values, so limit
+ // signed range to non-negative values.
+ auto smin = APInt::getZero(targetBitwidth);
+ auto smax = APInt::getSignedMaxValue(targetBitwidth);
+ auto umin = APInt::getMinValue(targetBitwidth);
+ auto umax = APInt::getMaxValue(targetBitwidth);
+ if (!checkRange(*range, smin, smax, umin, umax))
+ continue;
+ Type targetType = getTargetType(srcType, targetBitwidth);
+ if (targetType == srcType)
+ continue;
+ Location loc = op->getLoc();
+ IRMapping mapping;
+ for (Value arg : op->getOperands()) {
+ Value newArg = doCast(rewriter, loc, arg, targetType);
+ mapping.map(arg, newArg);
+ }
+ Operation *newOp = rewriter.clone(*op, mapping);
+ rewriter.modifyOpInPlace(newOp, [&]() {
+ for (OpResult res : newOp->getResults()) {
+ res.setType(targetType);
+ }
+ });
+ SmallVector<Value> newResults;
+ for (Value res : newOp->getResults())
+ newResults.emplace_back(doCast(rewriter, loc, res, srcType));
kuhar wrote:
nit: you can use `llvm::map_to_vector`
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