[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] Add apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization TD Op (PR #112504)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Oct 16 02:02:51 PDT 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Andrzej WarzyƄski (banach-space)


This PR simply wraps `populatePadOpVectorizationPatterns` into a new
Transform Dialect Op: `apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization`.

This change makes it possible to run (and test) the corresponding
patterns without:


Note that the Op above only supports non-masked vectorisation (i.e. when
the inputs are static), so, effectively, only fixed-width vectorisation
(as opposed to scalable vectorisation). As such, this change is required
to construct vectorization pipelines for tensor.pad targeting scalable

To test the new Op and the corresponding patterns, I added
"vectorization-pad-patterns.mlir" - most tests have been extracted from

As a side note, I feel that we should move
`GenericPadOpVectorizationPattern` out of
`populatePadOpVectorizationPatterns` as that's a "lower tensor.pad"
rather than a "vectorize tensor.pad" pattern. I am leaving that as a


Patch is 22.25 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/112504.diff

5 Files Affected:

- (modified) mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.td (+17) 
- (modified) mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.cpp (+5) 
- (modified) mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Vectorization.cpp (+1-1) 
- (added) mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization-pad-patterns.mlir (+272) 
- (modified) mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization-with-patterns.mlir (-143) 

diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.td
index 98b9151381222d..a12d4b43223e47 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.td
@@ -84,6 +84,23 @@ def ApplyFoldAddIntoDestPatternsOp : Op<Transform_Dialect,
   let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
+def ApplyPadVectorizationPatternsOp : Op<Transform_Dialect,
+    "apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization",
+    [DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<PatternDescriptorOpInterface>]> {
+  let description = [{
+    Apply patterns that take tensor.pad and rewrites it as
+    vector.transfer_read/vector.transfer_write Ops.
+    These patterns will either fold tensor.pad with an existing
+    vector.transfer_read or vector.transfer_write producer/consumers (requires
+    other surrounding Ops to be already vectorised) or rewrite it, together
+    with tensor.insert_slice consumer, as a vector.transfer_read +
+    vector.transfer_write pair.
+  }];
+  let assemblyFormat = "attr-dict";
 // BufferizeToAllocationOp
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.cpp
index ad72b5d7beccde..55e9f88a0046f2 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/TransformOps/LinalgTransformOps.cpp
@@ -253,6 +253,11 @@ void transform::ApplyFoldAddIntoDestPatternsOp::populatePatterns(
+void transform::ApplyPadVectorizationPatternsOp::populatePatterns(
+    RewritePatternSet &patterns) {
+  linalg::populatePadOpVectorizationPatterns(patterns);
 // BufferizeToAllocationOp
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Vectorization.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Vectorization.cpp
index 09c6b2683b4388..1f5f500a6245f6 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Vectorization.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Vectorization.cpp
@@ -2285,7 +2285,7 @@ static SmallVector<Value> ofrToIndexValues(RewriterBase &rewriter, Location loc,
   return result;
-/// Rewrite a tensor::PadOp into a sequence of EmptyOp, FillOp and
+/// Rewrite a tensor::PadOp into a sequence of EmptyOp, FillOp/GenerateOp and
 /// InsertSliceOp. For now, only constant padding values are supported.
 /// If there is enough static type information, TransferReadOps and
 /// TransferWriteOps may be generated instead of InsertSliceOps.
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization-pad-patterns.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization-pad-patterns.mlir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..76cd7d7b0721f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization-pad-patterns.mlir
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -transform-interpreter -split-input-file | FileCheck %s
+/// [Pattern: PadOpVectorizationWithTransferReadPattern]
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @pad_and_transfer_read
+//  CHECK-SAME:     %[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<5x6xf32>
+//   CHECK-NOT:   tensor.pad
+//   CHECK-DAG:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+//   CHECK-DAG:   %[[C5:.*]] = arith.constant 5.0
+//       CHECK:   %[[RESULT:.*]] = vector.transfer_read %[[ARG0]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]]], %[[C5]] : tensor<5x6xf32>, vector<7x9xf32>
+//       CHECK:   return %[[RESULT]]
+func.func @pad_and_transfer_read(%arg0: tensor<5x6xf32>) -> vector<7x9xf32> {
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %c5 = arith.constant 5.0 : f32
+  %c6 = arith.constant 6.0 : f32
+  %0 = tensor.pad %arg0 low[0, 0] high[5, 7] {
+    ^bb0(%arg1: index, %arg2: index):
+      tensor.yield %c5 : f32
+  } : tensor<5x6xf32> to tensor<10x13xf32>
+  %1 = vector.transfer_read %0[%c0, %c0], %c6
+      : tensor<10x13xf32>, vector<7x9xf32>
+  return %1 : vector<7x9xf32>
+module attributes {transform.with_named_sequence} {
+  transform.named_sequence @__transform_main(%arg1: !transform.any_op {transform.readonly}) {
+    %func_op = transform.structured.match ops{["func.func"]} in %arg1 : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.apply_patterns to %func_op {
+      transform.apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization
+    } : !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.yield
+  }
+// -----
+/// [Pattern: PadOpVectorizationWithTransferReadPattern
+func.func private @make_vector() -> vector<7x9xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @pad_and_transfer_write_static
+//  CHECK-SAME:     %[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<5x6xf32>
+//   CHECK-NOT:   tensor.pad
+//       CHECK:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+//       CHECK:   %[[VEC0:.*]] = call @make_vector() : () -> vector<7x9xf32>
+//       CHECK:   %[[RESULT:.*]] = vector.transfer_write %[[VEC0]], %[[ARG0]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]]] : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<5x6xf32>
+//       CHECK:   return %[[RESULT]]
+func.func @pad_and_transfer_write_static(
+    %arg0: tensor<5x6xf32>) -> tensor<5x6xf32> {
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %c5 = arith.constant 5.0 : f32
+  %0 = tensor.pad %arg0 low[0, 0] high[5, 7] {
+    ^bb0(%arg2: index, %arg3: index):
+      tensor.yield %c5 : f32
+  } : tensor<5x6xf32> to tensor<10x13xf32>
+  %1 = call @make_vector() : () -> vector<7x9xf32>
+  %2 = vector.transfer_write %1, %0[%c0, %c0]
+      : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<10x13xf32>
+  %3 = tensor.extract_slice %2[0, 0] [5, 6] [1, 1] : tensor<10x13xf32> to tensor<5x6xf32>
+  return %3 : tensor<5x6xf32>
+module attributes {transform.with_named_sequence} {
+  transform.named_sequence @__transform_main(%arg1: !transform.any_op {transform.readonly}) {
+    %func_op = transform.structured.match ops{["func.func"]} in %arg1 : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.apply_patterns to %func_op {
+      transform.apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization
+    } : !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.yield
+  }
+// -----
+func.func private @make_vector() -> vector<7x9xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @pad_and_transfer_write_dynamic_static
+//  CHECK-SAME:     %[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<?x?xf32>, %[[SIZE:.*]]: index, %[[PADDING:.*]]: index
+//   CHECK-NOT:   tensor.pad
+//       CHECK:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+//       CHECK:   %[[SUB:.*]] = tensor.extract_slice %[[ARG0]][0, 0] [%[[SIZE]], 6] [1, 1] : tensor<?x?xf32> to tensor<?x6xf32>
+//       CHECK:   %[[VEC0:.*]] = call @make_vector() : () -> vector<7x9xf32>
+//       CHECK:   %[[RESULT:.*]] = vector.transfer_write %[[VEC0]], %[[SUB]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]]] : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<?x6xf32>
+//       CHECK:   return %[[RESULT]]
+func.func @pad_and_transfer_write_dynamic_static(
+    %arg0: tensor<?x?xf32>, %size: index, %padding: index) -> tensor<?x6xf32> {
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %c5 = arith.constant 5.0 : f32
+  %s = tensor.extract_slice %arg0[0, 0] [%size, 6] [1, 1]
+      : tensor<?x?xf32> to tensor<?x6xf32>
+  %0 = tensor.pad %s low[0, 0] high[%padding, 7] {
+    ^bb0(%arg2: index, %arg3: index):
+      tensor.yield %c5 : f32
+  } : tensor<?x6xf32> to tensor<?x13xf32>
+  %1 = call @make_vector() : () -> vector<7x9xf32>
+  %2 = vector.transfer_write %1, %0[%c0, %c0]
+      : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<?x13xf32>
+  %3 = tensor.extract_slice %2[0, 0] [%size, 6] [1, 1] : tensor<?x13xf32> to tensor<?x6xf32>
+  return %3 : tensor<?x6xf32>
+module attributes {transform.with_named_sequence} {
+  transform.named_sequence @__transform_main(%arg1: !transform.any_op {transform.readonly}) {
+    %func_op = transform.structured.match ops{["func.func"]} in %arg1 : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.apply_patterns to %func_op {
+      transform.apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization
+    } : !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.yield
+  }
+// -----
+/// [Pattern: PadOpVectorizationWithInsertSlicePattern]
+func.func private @make_vector() -> tensor<12x13xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @pad_and_insert_slice_source
+//  CHECK-SAME:     %[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<5x6xf32>
+//   CHECK-NOT:   tensor.pad
+//   CHECK-DAG:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+//   CHECK-DAG:   %[[C5:.*]] = arith.constant 5.0
+//       CHECK:   %[[VEC0:.*]] = call @make_vector() : () -> tensor<12x13xf32>
+//       CHECK:   %[[READ:.*]] = vector.transfer_read %[[ARG0]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]]], %[[C5]] : tensor<5x6xf32>, vector<7x9xf32>
+//       CHECK:   %[[WRITE:.*]] = vector.transfer_write %[[READ]], %[[VEC0]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]]] {in_bounds = [true, true]} : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<12x13xf32>
+//       CHECK:   return %[[WRITE]]
+func.func @pad_and_insert_slice_source(
+    %arg0: tensor<5x6xf32>) -> tensor<12x13xf32> {
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %c5 = arith.constant 5.0 : f32
+  %0 = tensor.pad %arg0 low[0, 0] high[2, 3] {
+    ^bb0(%arg2: index, %arg3: index):
+      tensor.yield %c5 : f32
+  } : tensor<5x6xf32> to tensor<7x9xf32>
+  %1 = call @make_vector() : () -> tensor<12x13xf32>
+  %r = tensor.insert_slice %0 into %1[0, 0][7, 9][1, 1] : tensor<7x9xf32> into tensor<12x13xf32>
+  return %r : tensor<12x13xf32>
+module attributes {transform.with_named_sequence} {
+  transform.named_sequence @__transform_main(%arg1: !transform.any_op {transform.readonly}) {
+    %func_op = transform.structured.match ops{["func.func"]} in %arg1 : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.apply_patterns to %func_op {
+      transform.apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization
+    } : !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.yield
+  }
+// -----
+/// tensor::PadOp -> tensor::EmptyOp + linalg::FillOp/tensor::GenerateOp + tensor::InsertSliceOp
+/// [Pattern: GenericPadOpVectorizationPattern]
+func.func private @make_vector() -> tensor<12x13xf32>
+// Same as @pad_and_insert_slice_dest in vectorization-wit-patterns.mlir, but 
+// CHECK-LABEL:   func.func @pad_and_insert_slice_dest(
+// CHECK-SAME:      %[[ARG_0:.*]]: tensor<1x5x6xf32>) -> tensor<1x12x13xf32> {
+//  CHECK-NOT:     tensor.pad
+//  CHECK-DAG:     %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+//  CHECK-DAG:     %[[PAD:.*]] = arith.constant 5.000000e+00 : f32
+//      CHECK:     %[[EMPTY:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<1x12x13xf32>
+//      CHECK:     %[[FILL:.*]] = linalg.fill ins(%[[PAD]] : f32) outs(%[[EMPTY]] : tensor<1x12x13xf32>) -> tensor<1x12x13xf32>
+//      CHECK:     %[[READ:.*]] = vector.transfer_read %[[ARG_0]]{{\[}}%[[C0]], %[[C0]], %[[C0]]], %[[PAD]] {in_bounds = [true, true, true]} : tensor<1x5x6xf32>, vector<1x5x6xf32>
+//      CHECK:     %[[WRITE:.*]] = vector.transfer_write %[[READ]], %[[FILL]]{{\[}}%[[C0]], %[[C0]], %[[C0]]] {in_bounds = [true, true, true]} : vector<1x5x6xf32>, tensor<1x12x13xf32>
+//      CHECK:     %[[VEC:.*]] = call @make_vector() : () -> tensor<12x13xf32>
+//      CHECK:     %[[RES:.*]] = tensor.insert_slice %[[VEC]] into %[[WRITE]][0, 0, 0] [1, 12, 13] [1, 1, 1] : tensor<12x13xf32> into tensor<1x12x13xf32>
+//      CHECK:     return %[[RES]] : tensor<1x12x13xf32>
+func.func @pad_and_insert_slice_dest(
+    %arg0: tensor<1x5x6xf32>) -> tensor<1x12x13xf32> {
+  %c5 = arith.constant 5.0 : f32
+  %0 = tensor.pad %arg0 low[0, 0, 0] high[0, 7, 7] {
+    ^bb0(%arg2: index, %arg3: index, %arg4: index):
+      tensor.yield %c5 : f32
+  } : tensor<1x5x6xf32> to tensor<1x12x13xf32>
+  %1 = call @make_vector() : () -> tensor<12x13xf32>
+  %r = tensor.insert_slice %1 into %0[0, 0, 0][1, 12, 13][1, 1, 1] : tensor<12x13xf32> into tensor<1x12x13xf32>
+  return %r : tensor<1x12x13xf32>
+module attributes {transform.with_named_sequence} {
+  transform.named_sequence @__transform_main(%arg1: !transform.any_op {transform.readonly}) {
+    %func_op = transform.structured.match ops{["func.func"]} in %arg1 : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.apply_patterns to %func_op {
+      transform.apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization
+    } : !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.yield
+  }
+// -----
+func.func private @make_vector() -> vector<7x9xf32>
+// Variant of @pad_and_transfer_write_static
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @pad_and_transfer_write_static_non_zero_low_pad
+//   CHECK-NOT:   tensor.pad
+//       CHECK:   linalg.fill
+func.func @pad_and_transfer_write_static_non_zero_low_pad(
+    %arg0: tensor<5x6xf32>) -> tensor<5x6xf32> {
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %c5 = arith.constant 5.0 : f32
+  %0 = tensor.pad %arg0 low[0, 1] high[5, 6] {
+    ^bb0(%arg2: index, %arg3: index):
+      tensor.yield %c5 : f32
+  } : tensor<5x6xf32> to tensor<10x13xf32>
+  %1 = call @make_vector() : () -> vector<7x9xf32>
+  %2 = vector.transfer_write %1, %0[%c0, %c0]
+      : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<10x13xf32>
+  %3 = tensor.extract_slice %2[0, 0] [5, 6] [1, 1] : tensor<10x13xf32> to tensor<5x6xf32>
+  return %3 : tensor<5x6xf32>
+module attributes {transform.with_named_sequence} {
+  transform.named_sequence @__transform_main(%arg1: !transform.any_op {transform.readonly}) {
+    %func_op = transform.structured.match ops{["func.func"]} in %arg1 : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.apply_patterns to %func_op {
+      transform.apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization
+    } : !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.yield
+  }
+// -----
+func.func private @make_vector() -> vector<7x9xf32>
+// Variant of @pad_and_transfer_write_static
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @pad_and_transfer_write_static_non_zero_offset
+//   CHECK-NOT:   tensor.pad
+//       CHECK:   linalg.fill
+func.func @pad_and_transfer_write_static_non_zero_offset(
+    %arg0: tensor<5x6xf32>) -> tensor<5x6xf32> {
+  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+  %c5 = arith.constant 5.0 : f32
+  %0 = tensor.pad %arg0 low[0, 1] high[5, 6] {
+    ^bb0(%arg2: index, %arg3: index):
+      tensor.yield %c5 : f32
+  } : tensor<5x6xf32> to tensor<10x13xf32>
+  %1 = call @make_vector() : () -> vector<7x9xf32>
+  %2 = vector.transfer_write %1, %0[%c0, %c0]
+      : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<10x13xf32>
+  %3 = tensor.extract_slice %2[0, 1] [5, 6] [1, 1] : tensor<10x13xf32> to tensor<5x6xf32>
+  return %3 : tensor<5x6xf32>
+module attributes {transform.with_named_sequence} {
+  transform.named_sequence @__transform_main(%arg1: !transform.any_op {transform.readonly}) {
+    %func_op = transform.structured.match ops{["func.func"]} in %arg1 : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.apply_patterns to %func_op {
+      transform.apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization
+    } : !transform.op<"func.func">
+    transform.yield
+  }
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization-with-patterns.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization-with-patterns.mlir
index 1c6a786bfa436d..189507d97d6dc2 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization-with-patterns.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/vectorization-with-patterns.mlir
@@ -935,149 +935,6 @@ module attributes {transform.with_named_sequence} {
-// -----
-// CHECK-LABEL: func @pad_and_transfer_read
-//  CHECK-SAME:     %[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<5x6xf32>
-//   CHECK-NOT:   tensor.pad
-//   CHECK-DAG:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
-//   CHECK-DAG:   %[[C5:.*]] = arith.constant 5.0
-//       CHECK:   %[[RESULT:.*]] = vector.transfer_read %[[ARG0]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]]], %[[C5]] : tensor<5x6xf32>, vector<7x9xf32>
-//       CHECK:   return %[[RESULT]]
-func.func @pad_and_transfer_read(%arg0: tensor<5x6xf32>) -> vector<7x9xf32> {
-  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
-  %c5 = arith.constant 5.0 : f32
-  %c6 = arith.constant 6.0 : f32
-  %0 = tensor.pad %arg0 low[0, 0] high[5, 7] {
-    ^bb0(%arg1: index, %arg2: index):
-      tensor.yield %c5 : f32
-  } : tensor<5x6xf32> to tensor<10x13xf32>
-  %1 = vector.transfer_read %0[%c0, %c0], %c6
-      : tensor<10x13xf32>, vector<7x9xf32>
-  return %1 : vector<7x9xf32>
-module attributes {transform.with_named_sequence} {
-  transform.named_sequence @__transform_main(%arg1: !transform.any_op {transform.readonly}) {
-    %0 = transform.structured.match ops{["tensor.pad"]} in %arg1 : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.any_op
-    %1 = transform.get_parent_op %0 {isolated_from_above} : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.any_op
-    %2 = transform.structured.vectorize_children_and_apply_patterns %1 { vectorize_padding } : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.any_op
-    transform.yield
-  }
-// -----
-func.func private @make_vector() -> vector<7x9xf32>
-// CHECK-LABEL: func @pad_and_transfer_write_static
-//  CHECK-SAME:     %[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<5x6xf32>
-//   CHECK-NOT:   tensor.pad
-//       CHECK:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
-//       CHECK:   %[[VEC0:.*]] = call @make_vector() : () -> vector<7x9xf32>
-//       CHECK:   %[[RESULT:.*]] = vector.transfer_write %[[VEC0]], %[[ARG0]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]]] : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<5x6xf32>
-//       CHECK:   return %[[RESULT]]
-func.func @pad_and_transfer_write_static(
-    %arg0: tensor<5x6xf32>) -> tensor<5x6xf32> {
-  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
-  %c5 = arith.constant 5.0 : f32
-  %0 = tensor.pad %arg0 low[0, 0] high[5, 7] {
-    ^bb0(%arg2: index, %arg3: index):
-      tensor.yield %c5 : f32
-  } : tensor<5x6xf32> to tensor<10x13xf32>
-  %1 = call @make_vector() : () -> vector<7x9xf32>
-  %2 = vector.transfer_write %1, %0[%c0, %c0]
-      : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<10x13xf32>
-  %3 = tensor.extract_slice %2[0, 0] [5, 6] [1, 1] : tensor<10x13xf32> to tensor<5x6xf32>
-  return %3 : tensor<5x6xf32>
-module attributes {transform.with_named_sequence} {
-  transform.named_sequence @__transform_main(%arg1: !transform.any_op {transform.readonly}) {
-    %3 = transform.structured.match ops{["tensor.pad"]} in %arg1 : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.any_op
-    %4 = transform.get_parent_op %3 {isolated_from_above} : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.any_op
-    %5 = transform.structured.vectorize_children_and_apply_patterns %4  { vectorize_padding } : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.any_op
-    transform.yield
-  }
-// -----
-func.func private @make_vector() -> vector<7x9xf32>
-// CHECK-LABEL: func @pad_and_transfer_write_dynamic_static
-//  CHECK-SAME:     %[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<?x?xf32>, %[[SIZE:.*]]: index, %[[PADDING:.*]]: index
-//   CHECK-NOT:   tensor.pad
-//       CHECK:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
-//       CHECK:   %[[SUB:.*]] = tensor.extract_slice %[[ARG0]][0, 0] [%[[SIZE]], 6] [1, 1] : tensor<?x?xf32> to tensor<?x6xf32>
-//       CHECK:   %[[VEC0:.*]] = call @make_vector() : () -> vector<7x9xf32>
-//       CHECK:   %[[RESULT:.*]] = vector.transfer_write %[[VEC0]], %[[SUB]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]]] : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<?x6xf32>
-//       CHECK:   return %[[RESULT]]
-func.func @pad_and_transfer_write_dynamic_static(
-    %arg0: tensor<?x?xf32>, %size: index, %padding: index) -> tensor<?x6xf32> {
-  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
-  %c5 = arith.constant 5.0 : f32
-  %s = tensor.extract_slice %arg0[0, 0] [%size, 6] [1, 1]
-      : tensor<?x?xf32> to tensor<?x6xf32>
-  %0 = tensor.pad %s low[0, 0] high[%padding, 7] {
-    ^bb0(%arg2: index, %arg3: index):
-      tensor.yield %c5 : f32
-  } : tensor<?x6xf32> to tensor<?x13xf32>
-  %1 = call @make_vector() : () -> vector<7x9xf32>
-  %2 = vector.transfer_write %1, %0[%c0, %c0]
-      : vector<7x9xf32>, tensor<?x13xf32>
-  %3 = tensor.extract_slice %2[0, 0] [%size, 6] [1, 1] : tensor<?x13xf32> to tensor<?x6xf32>
-  return %3 : tensor<?x6xf32>
-module attributes {transform.with_named_...




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