[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR] Implement emulation of static indexing subbyte type vector stores (PR #115922)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Nov 14 12:11:58 PST 2024

https://github.com/lialan updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/115922

>From 1430e8458aaad35256f55a43013e4bf99040c454 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ubuntu <450283+lialan at users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 15:19:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Implement vector stores

 .../Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp    | 212 +++++++++++++++---
 .../vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned.mlir | 133 +++++++++++
 2 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp
index e5f2a847994aee..ef9298fc09d739 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/LogicalResult.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
 #include <cstdint>
@@ -157,13 +158,10 @@ static FailureOr<Operation *> getCompressedMaskOp(OpBuilder &rewriter,
 /// Extracts 1-D subvector from a 1-D vector. It is a wrapper function for
 /// emitting `vector.extract_strided_slice`.
 static Value staticallyExtractSubvector(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc,
-                                        VectorType extractType, Value source,
-                                        int64_t frontOffset,
+                                        Value source, int64_t frontOffset,
                                         int64_t subvecSize) {
   auto vectorType = cast<VectorType>(source.getType());
-  assert((vectorType.getRank() == 1 && extractType.getRank() == 1) &&
-         "expected 1-D source and destination types");
-  (void)vectorType;
+  assert(vectorType.getRank() == 1 && "expected 1-D source types");
   assert(frontOffset + subvecSize <= vectorType.getNumElements() &&
          "subvector out of bounds");
@@ -174,9 +172,12 @@ static Value staticallyExtractSubvector(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc,
   auto offsets = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({frontOffset});
   auto sizes = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({subvecSize});
   auto strides = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({1});
+  auto resultVectorType =
+      VectorType::get({subvecSize}, vectorType.getElementType());
   return rewriter
-      .create<vector::ExtractStridedSliceOp>(loc, extractType, source, offsets,
-                                             sizes, strides)
+      .create<vector::ExtractStridedSliceOp>(loc, resultVectorType, source,
+                                             offsets, sizes, strides)
@@ -185,12 +186,10 @@ static Value staticallyExtractSubvector(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc,
 /// `vector.insert_strided_slice`.
 static Value staticallyInsertSubvector(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc,
                                        Value src, Value dest, int64_t offset) {
-  auto srcType = cast<VectorType>(src.getType());
-  auto destType = cast<VectorType>(dest.getType());
+  [[maybe_unused]] auto srcType = cast<VectorType>(src.getType());
+  [[maybe_unused]] auto destType = cast<VectorType>(dest.getType());
   assert(srcType.getRank() == 1 && destType.getRank() == 1 &&
          "expected source and dest to be vector type");
-  (void)srcType;
-  (void)destType;
   auto offsets = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({offset});
   auto strides = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({1});
   return rewriter.create<vector::InsertStridedSliceOp>(loc, dest.getType(), src,
@@ -257,6 +256,63 @@ emulatedVectorLoad(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc, Value base,
+static void nonAtomicStore(ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter, Location loc,
+                           Value memref, Value index, Value value) {
+  auto originType = dyn_cast<VectorType>(value.getType());
+  auto memrefElemType = dyn_cast<MemRefType>(memref.getType()).getElementType();
+  auto scale = memrefElemType.getIntOrFloatBitWidth() /
+               originType.getElementType().getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
+  auto storeType =
+      VectorType::get({originType.getNumElements() / scale}, memrefElemType);
+  auto bitCast = rewriter.create<vector::BitCastOp>(loc, storeType, value);
+  rewriter.create<vector::StoreOp>(loc, bitCast.getResult(), memref, index);
+/// atomically store a subbyte-sized value to memory, with a mask.
+static Value atomicStore(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc,
+                         Value emulatedMemref, Value emulatedIndex,
+                         TypedValue<VectorType> value, Value mask,
+                         int64_t scale) {
+  auto atomicOp = rewriter.create<memref::GenericAtomicRMWOp>(
+      loc, emulatedMemref, ValueRange{emulatedIndex});
+  OpBuilder builder =
+      OpBuilder::atBlockEnd(atomicOp.getBody(), rewriter.getListener());
+  Value origValue = atomicOp.getCurrentValue();
+  // i8 -> vector type <1xi8> then <1xi8> -> <scale x i.>
+  auto oneVectorType = VectorType::get({1}, origValue.getType());
+  auto fromElem = builder.create<vector::FromElementsOp>(loc, oneVectorType,
+                                                         ValueRange{origValue});
+  auto vectorBitCast =
+      builder.create<vector::BitCastOp>(loc, value.getType(), fromElem);
+  auto select =
+      builder.create<arith::SelectOp>(loc, mask, value, vectorBitCast);
+  auto bitcast2 = builder.create<vector::BitCastOp>(loc, oneVectorType, select);
+  auto extract = builder.create<vector::ExtractOp>(loc, bitcast2, 0);
+  builder.create<memref::AtomicYieldOp>(loc, extract.getResult());
+  return atomicOp;
+// Extract a slice of a vector, and insert it into a byte vector.
+static Value extractSliceIntoByte(ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter,
+                                  Location loc, TypedValue<VectorType> vector,
+                                  int64_t sliceOffset, int64_t sliceNumElements,
+                                  int64_t byteOffset) {
+  auto vectorElementType = vector.getType().getElementType();
+  assert(8 % vectorElementType.getIntOrFloatBitWidth() == 0 &&
+         "vector element must be a valid sub-byte type");
+  auto scale = 8 / vectorElementType.getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
+  auto emptyByteVector = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
+      loc, VectorType::get({scale}, vectorElementType),
+      rewriter.getZeroAttr(VectorType::get({scale}, vectorElementType)));
+  auto extracted = staticallyExtractSubvector(rewriter, loc, vector,
+                                              sliceOffset, sliceNumElements);
+  auto inserted = staticallyInsertSubvector(rewriter, loc, extracted,
+                                            emptyByteVector, byteOffset);
+  return inserted;
 namespace {
@@ -277,7 +333,8 @@ struct ConvertVectorStore final : OpConversionPattern<vector::StoreOp> {
     auto loc = op.getLoc();
     auto convertedType = cast<MemRefType>(adaptor.getBase().getType());
-    Type oldElementType = op.getValueToStore().getType().getElementType();
+    auto valueToStore = op.getValueToStore();
+    Type oldElementType = valueToStore.getType().getElementType();
     Type newElementType = convertedType.getElementType();
     int srcBits = oldElementType.getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
     int dstBits = newElementType.getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
@@ -301,15 +358,15 @@ struct ConvertVectorStore final : OpConversionPattern<vector::StoreOp> {
     // vector.store %bitcast, %alloc[%linear_index] : memref<16xi8>,
     // vector<4xi8>
-    auto origElements = op.getValueToStore().getType().getNumElements();
-    if (origElements % scale != 0)
-      return failure();
+    auto origElements = valueToStore.getType().getNumElements();
+    bool isUnalignedEmulation = origElements % scale != 0;
     auto stridedMetadata =
         rewriter.create<memref::ExtractStridedMetadataOp>(loc, op.getBase());
     OpFoldResult linearizedIndices;
-    std::tie(std::ignore, linearizedIndices) =
+    memref::LinearizedMemRefInfo linearizedInfo;
+    std::tie(linearizedInfo, linearizedIndices) =
             rewriter, loc, srcBits, dstBits,
@@ -317,14 +374,108 @@ struct ConvertVectorStore final : OpConversionPattern<vector::StoreOp> {
-    auto numElements = origElements / scale;
-    auto bitCast = rewriter.create<vector::BitCastOp>(
-        loc, VectorType::get(numElements, newElementType),
-        op.getValueToStore());
+    auto foldedIntraVectorOffset =
+        isUnalignedEmulation
+            ? getConstantIntValue(linearizedInfo.intraDataOffset)
+            : 0;
+    if (!foldedIntraVectorOffset) {
+      // unimplemented case for dynamic front padding size
+      return failure();
+    }
+    // conditions when atomic stores and all that are not needed:
+    // 1. The source vector size is multiple of byte size
+    // 2. The address of the store is byte aligned
+    if (!isUnalignedEmulation && *foldedIntraVectorOffset == 0) {
+      auto numElements = origElements / scale;
+      auto bitCast = rewriter.create<vector::BitCastOp>(
+          loc, VectorType::get(numElements, newElementType),
+          op.getValueToStore());
+      rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<vector::StoreOp>(
+          op, bitCast.getResult(), adaptor.getBase(),
+          getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(rewriter, loc, linearizedIndices));
+      return llvm::success();
+    }
+    Value emulatedMemref = adaptor.getBase();
+    // the index into the target memref we are storing to
+    Value currentDestIndex =
+        getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(rewriter, loc, linearizedIndices);
+    auto constantOne = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1);
+    auto atomicMaskType = VectorType::get({scale}, rewriter.getI1Type());
+    // the index into the source vector we are currently processing
+    auto currentSourceIndex = 0;
+    // 1. atomic store for the first byte
+    auto frontAtomicStoreElem = (scale - *foldedIntraVectorOffset) % scale;
+    if (frontAtomicStoreElem != 0) {
+      auto frontMaskValues = llvm::SmallVector<bool>(scale, false);
+      if (*foldedIntraVectorOffset + origElements < scale) {
+        std::fill_n(frontMaskValues.begin() + *foldedIntraVectorOffset,
+                    origElements, true);
+        frontAtomicStoreElem = origElements;
+      } else {
+        std::fill_n(frontMaskValues.end() - frontAtomicStoreElem,
+                    *foldedIntraVectorOffset, true);
+      }
+      auto frontMask = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
+          loc, DenseElementsAttr::get(atomicMaskType, frontMaskValues));
+      currentSourceIndex = scale - (*foldedIntraVectorOffset);
+      auto value = extractSliceIntoByte(
+          rewriter, loc, cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(valueToStore), 0,
+          frontAtomicStoreElem, *foldedIntraVectorOffset);
+      atomicStore(rewriter, loc, emulatedMemref, currentDestIndex,
+                  cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(value), frontMask.getResult(),
+                  scale);
+      currentDestIndex = rewriter.create<arith::AddIOp>(
+          loc, rewriter.getIndexType(), currentDestIndex, constantOne);
+    }
+    if (currentSourceIndex >= origElements) {
+      rewriter.eraseOp(op);
+      return success();
+    }
+    // 2. non-atomic store
+    int64_t nonAtomicStoreSize = (origElements - currentSourceIndex) / scale;
+    int64_t numNonAtomicElements = nonAtomicStoreSize * scale;
+    if (nonAtomicStoreSize != 0) {
+      auto nonAtomicStorePart = staticallyExtractSubvector(
+          rewriter, loc, cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(valueToStore),
+          currentSourceIndex, numNonAtomicElements);
+      nonAtomicStore(rewriter, loc, emulatedMemref, currentDestIndex,
+                     nonAtomicStorePart);
+      currentSourceIndex += numNonAtomicElements;
+      currentDestIndex = rewriter.create<arith::AddIOp>(
+          loc, rewriter.getIndexType(), currentDestIndex,
+          rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, nonAtomicStoreSize));
+    }
+    // 3. atomic store for the last byte
+    auto remainingElements = origElements - currentSourceIndex;
+    if (remainingElements != 0) {
+      auto atomicStorePart = extractSliceIntoByte(
+          rewriter, loc, cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(valueToStore),
+          currentSourceIndex, remainingElements, 0);
+      // back mask
+      auto maskValues = llvm::SmallVector<bool>(scale, 0);
+      std::fill_n(maskValues.begin(), remainingElements, 1);
+      auto backMask = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
+          loc, DenseElementsAttr::get(atomicMaskType, maskValues));
+      atomicStore(rewriter, loc, emulatedMemref, currentDestIndex,
+                  cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(atomicStorePart),
+                  backMask.getResult(), scale);
+    }
-    rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<vector::StoreOp>(
-        op, bitCast.getResult(), adaptor.getBase(),
-        getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(rewriter, loc, linearizedIndices));
+    rewriter.eraseOp(op);
     return success();
@@ -532,9 +683,8 @@ struct ConvertVectorLoad final : OpConversionPattern<vector::LoadOp> {
           rewriter, loc, dyn_cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(result), resultVector,
           linearizedInfo.intraDataOffset, origElements);
     } else if (isUnalignedEmulation) {
-      result =
-          staticallyExtractSubvector(rewriter, loc, op.getType(), result,
-                                     *foldedIntraVectorOffset, origElements);
+      result = staticallyExtractSubvector(
+          rewriter, loc, result, *foldedIntraVectorOffset, origElements);
     rewriter.replaceOp(op, result);
     return success();
@@ -693,9 +843,8 @@ struct ConvertVectorMaskedLoad final
           rewriter, loc, dyn_cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(result),
           op.getPassThru(), linearizedInfo.intraDataOffset, origElements);
     } else if (isUnalignedEmulation) {
-      result =
-          staticallyExtractSubvector(rewriter, loc, op.getType(), result,
-                                     *foldedIntraVectorOffset, origElements);
+      result = staticallyExtractSubvector(
+          rewriter, loc, result, *foldedIntraVectorOffset, origElements);
     rewriter.replaceOp(op, result);
@@ -778,9 +927,8 @@ struct ConvertVectorTransferRead final
     } else if (isUnalignedEmulation) {
-      result =
-          staticallyExtractSubvector(rewriter, loc, op.getType(), result,
-                                     *foldedIntraVectorOffset, origElements);
+      result = staticallyExtractSubvector(
+          rewriter, loc, result, *foldedIntraVectorOffset, origElements);
     rewriter.replaceOp(op, result);
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned.mlir
index 7ed75ff7f1579c..0a007a7a26f559 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned.mlir
@@ -249,3 +249,136 @@ func.func @vector_maskedload_i2_dynamic_indexing_mixed(%passthru: vector<3xi2>,
 // CHECK: %[[IN8:.+]] = vector.insert %[[EX8]], %[[IN7]] [1] : i2 into vector<3xi2>
 // CHECK: %[[EX9:.+]] = vector.extract %[[SELECT]][%[[INCIDX2]]] : i2 from vector<8xi2>
 // CHECK: %[[IN9:.+]] = vector.insert %[[EX9]], %[[IN8]] [2] : i2 into vector<3xi2>
+// -----
+func.func @vector_store_i2_const(%arg0: vector<3xi2>) {
+    %0 = memref.alloc() : memref<3x3xi2>
+    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+    %c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
+    vector.store %arg0, %0[%c2, %c0] :memref<3x3xi2>, vector<3xi2>
+    return
+// in this example, emit 2 atomic stores, with the first storing 1 element and the second storing 2 elements.
+// CHECK: func @vector_store_i2_const(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.+]]: vector<3xi2>)
+// CHECK: %[[ALLOC:.+]] = memref.alloc() : memref<3xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[C1:.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+// atomic store of the first byte
+// CHECK: %[[CST:.+]] = arith.constant dense<[false, false, true, true]> : vector<4xi1>
+// CHECK: %[[CST0:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [0], sizes = [2], strides = [1]} : vector<3xi2> to vector<2xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[INSERT:.+]] = vector.insert_strided_slice %[[EXTRACT]], %[[CST0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [2], strides = [1]} : vector<2xi2> into vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[ATOMIC_RMW:.+]] = memref.generic_atomic_rmw %[[ALLOC]][%[[C1]]] : memref<3xi8> {
+// CHECK: %[[ARG:.+]]: i8):
+// CHECK: %[[FROM_ELEM:.+]] = vector.from_elements %[[ARG]] : vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[FROM_ELEM]] : vector<1xi8> to vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[SELECT:.+]] = arith.select %[[CST]], %[[INSERT]], %[[BITCAST]] : vector<4xi1>, vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST2:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[SELECT]] : vector<4xi2> to vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT2:.+]] = vector.extract %[[BITCAST2]][0] : i8 from vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: memref.atomic_yield %[[EXTRACT2]] : i8
+// atomic store of the second byte
+// CHECK: %[[ADDI:.+]] = arith.addi %[[C1]], %[[C1]] : index
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT2:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [2], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<3xi2> to vector<1xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[INSERT2:.+]] = vector.insert_strided_slice %[[EXTRACT2]], %[[CST0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [0], strides = [1]} : vector<1xi2> into vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[ATOMIC_RMW2:.+]] = memref.generic_atomic_rmw %[[ALLOC]][%[[ADDI]]] : memref<3xi8> {
+// CHECK: %[[ARG2:.+]]: i8):
+// CHECK: %[[FROM_ELEM2:.+]] = vector.from_elements %[[ARG2]] : vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST3:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[FROM_ELEM2]] : vector<1xi8> to vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[SELECT2:.+]] = arith.select %[[CST1]], %[[INSERT2]], %[[BITCAST3]] : vector<4xi1>, vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST4:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[SELECT2]] : vector<4xi2> to vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT3:.+]] = vector.extract %[[BITCAST4]][0] : i8 from vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: memref.atomic_yield %[[EXTRACT3]] : i8
+// -----
+func.func @vector_store_i8_2(%arg0: vector<7xi2>) {
+    %0 = memref.alloc() : memref<3x7xi2>
+    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
+    vector.store %arg0, %0[%c1, %c0] :memref<3x7xi2>, vector<7xi2>
+    return
+// in this example, emit 2 atomic stores and 1 non-atomic store
+// CHECK: func @vector_store_i8_2(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.+]]: vector<7xi2>)
+// CHECK: %[[ALLOC]] = memref.alloc() : memref<6xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[C1:.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+// CHECK: %[[CST:.+]] = arith.constant dense<[false, false, false, true]> : vector<4xi1>
+// CHECK: %[[CST0:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<4xi2>
+// first atomic store
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [0], sizes = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<7xi2> to vector<1xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[INSERT:.+]] = vector.insert_strided_slice %[[EXTRACT]], %[[CST0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [3], strides = [1]} : vector<1xi2> into vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[ATOMIC_RMW:.+]] = memref.generic_atomic_rmw %[[ALLOC]][%[[C1]]] : memref<6xi8> {
+// CHECK: %[[ARG:.+]]: i8):
+// CHECK: %[[FROM_ELEM:.+]] = vector.from_elements %[[ARG]] : vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[FROM_ELEM]] : vector<1xi8> to vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[SELECT:.+]] = arith.select %[[CST]], %[[INSERT]], %[[BITCAST]] : vector<4xi1>, vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST2:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[SELECT]] : vector<4xi2> to vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT2:.+]] = vector.extract %[[BITCAST2]][0] : i8 from vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: memref.atomic_yield %[[EXTRACT2]] : i8
+// non atomic store part
+// CHECK: %[[ADDR:.+]] = arith.addi %[[C1]], %[[C1]] : index
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT2:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [1], sizes = [4], strides = [1]} : vector<7xi2> to vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST3:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[EXTRACT2]] : vector<4xi2> to vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: vector.store %[[BITCAST3]], %[[ALLOC]][%[[ADDR]]] : memref<6xi8>, vector<1xi8>
+// second atomic store
+// CHECK: %[[ADDR2:.+]] = arith.addi %[[ADDR]], %[[C1]] : index
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT3:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [5], sizes = [2], strides = [1]} : vector<7xi2> to vector<2xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[INSERT2:.+]] = vector.insert_strided_slice %[[EXTRACT3]], %[[CST0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [0], strides = [1]} : vector<2xi2> into vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[ATOMIC_RMW2:.+]] = memref.generic_atomic_rmw %[[ALLOC]][%[[ADDR2]]] : memref<6xi8> {
+// CHECK: %[[ARG2:.+]]: i8):
+// CHECK: %[[FROM_ELEM2:.+]] = vector.from_elements %[[ARG2]] : vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST4:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[FROM_ELEM2]] : vector<1xi8> to vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[SELECT2:.+]] = arith.select %[[CST1]], %[[INSERT2]], %[[BITCAST4]] :
+// CHECK-SAME: vector<4xi1>, vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST5:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[SELECT2]] : vector<4xi2> to vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT4:.+]] = vector.extract %[[BITCAST5]][0] : i8 from vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: memref.atomic_yield %[[EXTRACT4]] : i8    
+// -----
+func.func @vector_store_i2_single_atomic(%arg0: vector<1xi2>) {
+    %0 = memref.alloc() : memref<4x1xi2>
+    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
+    vector.store %arg0, %0[%c1, %c0] :memref<4x1xi2>, vector<1xi2>
+    return
+// in this example, only emit 1 atomic store
+// CHECK: func @vector_store_i2_single_atomic(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.+]]: vector<1xi2>)
+// CHECK: %[[ALLOC:.+]] = memref.alloc() : memref<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[C0:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+// CHECK: %[[C1:.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+// CHECK: %[[CST:.+]] = arith.constant dense<[false, true, false, false]> : vector<4xi1>
+// CHECK: %[[CST0:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[INSERT:.+]] = vector.insert_strided_slice %[[ARG0]], %[[CST0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<1xi2> into vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[ATOMIC_RMW:.+]] = memref.generic_atomic_rmw %[[ALLOC]][%[[C0]]] : memref<1xi8> {
+// CHECK: %[[ARG:.+]]: i8):
+// CHECK: %[[FROM_ELEM:.+]] = vector.from_elements %[[ARG]] : vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[FROM_ELEM]] : vector<1xi8> to vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[SELECT:.+]] = arith.select %[[CST]], %[[INSERT]], %[[BITCAST]] : vector<4xi1>, vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST2:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[SELECT]] : vector<4xi2> to vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT2:.+]] = vector.extract %[[BITCAST2]][0] : i8 from vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: memref.atomic_yield %[[EXTRACT2]] : i8

>From b46f01e8987c034fe029a3894a51ac2d08edf16f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Li <me at alanli.org>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 12:10:15 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add support to avoid atomic operations.

 .../Vector/Transforms/VectorRewritePatterns.h |   5 +-
 .../Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp    | 190 +++++++++++-------
 ...tor-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned-rmw.mlir | 104 ++++++++++
 .../vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned.mlir |   4 +-
 .../Dialect/MemRef/TestEmulateNarrowType.cpp  |   8 +-
 5 files changed, 235 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned-rmw.mlir

diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorRewritePatterns.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorRewritePatterns.h
index a59f06f3c1ef1b..64bb3a2204cfdc 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorRewritePatterns.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorRewritePatterns.h
@@ -364,10 +364,11 @@ void populateVectorMaskMaterializationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
                                                PatternBenefit benefit = 1);
 /// Appends patterns for emulating vector operations over narrow types with ops
-/// over wider types.
+/// over wider types. `useAtomicWrites` indicates whether to use atomic
+/// operations in the places where thread contention is possible.
 void populateVectorNarrowTypeEmulationPatterns(
     const arith::NarrowTypeEmulationConverter &typeConverter,
-    RewritePatternSet &patterns);
+    RewritePatternSet &patterns, bool useAtomicWrites = true);
 /// Rewrite a vector `bitcast(trunci)` to use a more efficient sequence of
 /// vector operations comprising `shuffle` and `bitwise` ops.
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp
index ef9298fc09d739..c5cfb0c7e3d451 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Vector/Transforms/VectorEmulateNarrowType.cpp
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ static FailureOr<Operation *> getCompressedMaskOp(OpBuilder &rewriter,
                                                   int numSrcElemsPerDest,
                                                   int numFrontPadElems = 0) {
-  assert(numFrontPadElems < numSrcElemsPerDest && "intraDataOffset must be less than scale");
+  assert(numFrontPadElems < numSrcElemsPerDest &&
+         "intraDataOffset must be less than scale");
   auto numElements = (numFrontPadElems + numSrcElems + numSrcElemsPerDest - 1) /
@@ -256,23 +257,11 @@ emulatedVectorLoad(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc, Value base,
-static void nonAtomicStore(ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter, Location loc,
-                           Value memref, Value index, Value value) {
-  auto originType = dyn_cast<VectorType>(value.getType());
-  auto memrefElemType = dyn_cast<MemRefType>(memref.getType()).getElementType();
-  auto scale = memrefElemType.getIntOrFloatBitWidth() /
-               originType.getElementType().getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
-  auto storeType =
-      VectorType::get({originType.getNumElements() / scale}, memrefElemType);
-  auto bitCast = rewriter.create<vector::BitCastOp>(loc, storeType, value);
-  rewriter.create<vector::StoreOp>(loc, bitCast.getResult(), memref, index);
-/// atomically store a subbyte-sized value to memory, with a mask.
-static Value atomicStore(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc,
-                         Value emulatedMemref, Value emulatedIndex,
-                         TypedValue<VectorType> value, Value mask,
-                         int64_t scale) {
+/// Atomically store a subbyte-sized value to memory, with a mask.
+static void atomicStore(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc,
+                        TypedValue<MemRefType> emulatedMemref,
+                        Value emulatedIndex, TypedValue<VectorType> value,
+                        Value mask, int64_t scale) {
   auto atomicOp = rewriter.create<memref::GenericAtomicRMWOp>(
       loc, emulatedMemref, ValueRange{emulatedIndex});
   OpBuilder builder =
@@ -291,9 +280,31 @@ static Value atomicStore(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc,
   auto bitcast2 = builder.create<vector::BitCastOp>(loc, oneVectorType, select);
   auto extract = builder.create<vector::ExtractOp>(loc, bitcast2, 0);
   builder.create<memref::AtomicYieldOp>(loc, extract.getResult());
-  return atomicOp;
+/// Generate a non-atomic read-modify-write sequence for subbyte storing.
+static void rmwStore(OpBuilder &rewriter, Location loc,
+                     TypedValue<MemRefType> emulatedMemref, Value emulatedIndex,
+                     TypedValue<VectorType> value, Value mask,
+                     int64_t numSrcElemsPerDest) {
+  auto emulatedIOType =
+      VectorType::get({1}, emulatedMemref.getType().getElementType());
+  auto elemLoad = rewriter.create<vector::LoadOp>(
+      loc, emulatedIOType, emulatedMemref, ValueRange{emulatedIndex});
+  auto fromBitcast = rewriter.create<vector::BitCastOp>(
+      loc,
+      VectorType::get({numSrcElemsPerDest}, value.getType().getElementType()),
+      elemLoad);
+  auto select = rewriter.create<arith::SelectOp>(loc, mask, fromBitcast, value);
+  auto toBitcast =
+      rewriter.create<vector::BitCastOp>(loc, emulatedIOType, select);
+  rewriter.create<vector::StoreOp>(loc, toBitcast, emulatedMemref,
+                                   emulatedIndex);
+static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(atomicStore), decltype(rmwStore)> &&
+              "`atomicStore` and `rmwStore` must have same function type.");
 // Extract a slice of a vector, and insert it into a byte vector.
 static Value extractSliceIntoByte(ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter,
                                   Location loc, TypedValue<VectorType> vector,
@@ -322,6 +333,10 @@ namespace {
 struct ConvertVectorStore final : OpConversionPattern<vector::StoreOp> {
   using OpConversionPattern::OpConversionPattern;
+  ConvertVectorStore(MLIRContext *context, bool useAtomicWrites)
+      : OpConversionPattern<vector::StoreOp>(context),
+        useAtomicWrites_(useAtomicWrites) {}
   matchAndRewrite(vector::StoreOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
@@ -343,7 +358,7 @@ struct ConvertVectorStore final : OpConversionPattern<vector::StoreOp> {
       return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
           op, "only dstBits % srcBits == 0 supported");
-    int scale = dstBits / srcBits;
+    int numSrcElemsPerDest = dstBits / srcBits;
     // Adjust the number of elements to store when emulating narrow types.
     // Here only the 1-D vector store is considered, and the N-D memref types
@@ -359,7 +374,7 @@ struct ConvertVectorStore final : OpConversionPattern<vector::StoreOp> {
     // vector<4xi8>
     auto origElements = valueToStore.getType().getNumElements();
-    bool isUnalignedEmulation = origElements % scale != 0;
+    bool isUnalignedEmulation = origElements % numSrcElemsPerDest != 0;
     auto stridedMetadata =
         rewriter.create<memref::ExtractStridedMetadataOp>(loc, op.getBase());
@@ -374,62 +389,68 @@ struct ConvertVectorStore final : OpConversionPattern<vector::StoreOp> {
-    auto foldedIntraVectorOffset =
+    auto foldedNumFrontPadElems =
             ? getConstantIntValue(linearizedInfo.intraDataOffset)
             : 0;
-    if (!foldedIntraVectorOffset) {
-      // unimplemented case for dynamic front padding size
+    if (!foldedNumFrontPadElems) {
+      // Unimplemented case for dynamic front padding size != 0
       return failure();
-    // conditions when atomic stores and all that are not needed:
+    TypedValue<MemRefType> emulatedMemref =
+        cast<TypedValue<MemRefType>>(adaptor.getBase());
+    // Shortcut: conditions when subbyte store at the front is not needed:
     // 1. The source vector size is multiple of byte size
-    // 2. The address of the store is byte aligned
-    if (!isUnalignedEmulation && *foldedIntraVectorOffset == 0) {
-      auto numElements = origElements / scale;
+    // 2. The address of the store is aligned to the emulated width boundary
+    if (!isUnalignedEmulation && *foldedNumFrontPadElems == 0) {
+      auto numElements = origElements / numSrcElemsPerDest;
       auto bitCast = rewriter.create<vector::BitCastOp>(
           loc, VectorType::get(numElements, newElementType),
-          op, bitCast.getResult(), adaptor.getBase(),
+          op, bitCast.getResult(), emulatedMemref,
           getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(rewriter, loc, linearizedIndices));
       return llvm::success();
-    Value emulatedMemref = adaptor.getBase();
-    // the index into the target memref we are storing to
+    // The index into the target memref we are storing to
     Value currentDestIndex =
         getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(rewriter, loc, linearizedIndices);
     auto constantOne = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1);
-    auto atomicMaskType = VectorType::get({scale}, rewriter.getI1Type());
-    // the index into the source vector we are currently processing
+    auto subWidthStoreMaskType =
+        VectorType::get({numSrcElemsPerDest}, rewriter.getI1Type());
+    // The index into the source vector we are currently processing
     auto currentSourceIndex = 0;
-    // 1. atomic store for the first byte
-    auto frontAtomicStoreElem = (scale - *foldedIntraVectorOffset) % scale;
-    if (frontAtomicStoreElem != 0) {
-      auto frontMaskValues = llvm::SmallVector<bool>(scale, false);
-      if (*foldedIntraVectorOffset + origElements < scale) {
-        std::fill_n(frontMaskValues.begin() + *foldedIntraVectorOffset,
+    // 1. Partial width store for the first byte, when the store address is not
+    // aligned to emulated width boundary, deal with the unaligned part so that
+    // the rest elements are aligned to width boundary.
+    auto frontSubWidthStoreElem =
+        (numSrcElemsPerDest - *foldedNumFrontPadElems) % numSrcElemsPerDest;
+    if (frontSubWidthStoreElem != 0) {
+      auto frontMaskValues = llvm::SmallVector<bool>(numSrcElemsPerDest, false);
+      if (*foldedNumFrontPadElems + origElements < numSrcElemsPerDest) {
+        std::fill_n(frontMaskValues.begin() + *foldedNumFrontPadElems,
                     origElements, true);
-        frontAtomicStoreElem = origElements;
+        frontSubWidthStoreElem = origElements;
       } else {
-        std::fill_n(frontMaskValues.end() - frontAtomicStoreElem,
-                    *foldedIntraVectorOffset, true);
+        std::fill_n(frontMaskValues.end() - frontSubWidthStoreElem,
+                    *foldedNumFrontPadElems, true);
       auto frontMask = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
-          loc, DenseElementsAttr::get(atomicMaskType, frontMaskValues));
+          loc, DenseElementsAttr::get(subWidthStoreMaskType, frontMaskValues));
-      currentSourceIndex = scale - (*foldedIntraVectorOffset);
+      currentSourceIndex = numSrcElemsPerDest - (*foldedNumFrontPadElems);
       auto value = extractSliceIntoByte(
           rewriter, loc, cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(valueToStore), 0,
-          frontAtomicStoreElem, *foldedIntraVectorOffset);
+          frontSubWidthStoreElem, *foldedNumFrontPadElems);
-      atomicStore(rewriter, loc, emulatedMemref, currentDestIndex,
-                  cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(value), frontMask.getResult(),
-                  scale);
+      subEmulatedWidthStore(rewriter, loc, emulatedMemref, currentDestIndex,
+                            cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(value),
+                            frontMask.getResult(), numSrcElemsPerDest);
       currentDestIndex = rewriter.create<arith::AddIOp>(
           loc, rewriter.getIndexType(), currentDestIndex, constantOne);
@@ -440,44 +461,66 @@ struct ConvertVectorStore final : OpConversionPattern<vector::StoreOp> {
       return success();
-    // 2. non-atomic store
-    int64_t nonAtomicStoreSize = (origElements - currentSourceIndex) / scale;
-    int64_t numNonAtomicElements = nonAtomicStoreSize * scale;
-    if (nonAtomicStoreSize != 0) {
-      auto nonAtomicStorePart = staticallyExtractSubvector(
+    // 2. Full width store. After the previous step, the store address is
+    // aligned to the emulated width boundary.
+    int64_t fullWidthStoreSize =
+        (origElements - currentSourceIndex) / numSrcElemsPerDest;
+    int64_t numNonFullWidthElements = fullWidthStoreSize * numSrcElemsPerDest;
+    if (fullWidthStoreSize != 0) {
+      auto fullWidthStorePart = staticallyExtractSubvector(
           rewriter, loc, cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(valueToStore),
-          currentSourceIndex, numNonAtomicElements);
-      nonAtomicStore(rewriter, loc, emulatedMemref, currentDestIndex,
-                     nonAtomicStorePart);
-      currentSourceIndex += numNonAtomicElements;
+          currentSourceIndex, numNonFullWidthElements);
+      auto originType = dyn_cast<VectorType>(fullWidthStorePart.getType());
+      auto memrefElemType =
+          dyn_cast<MemRefType>(emulatedMemref.getType()).getElementType();
+      auto storeType = VectorType::get(
+          {originType.getNumElements() / numSrcElemsPerDest}, memrefElemType);
+      auto bitCast = rewriter.create<vector::BitCastOp>(loc, storeType,
+                                                        fullWidthStorePart);
+      rewriter.create<vector::StoreOp>(loc, bitCast.getResult(), emulatedMemref,
+                                       currentDestIndex);
+      currentSourceIndex += numNonFullWidthElements;
       currentDestIndex = rewriter.create<arith::AddIOp>(
           loc, rewriter.getIndexType(), currentDestIndex,
-          rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, nonAtomicStoreSize));
+          rewriter.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, fullWidthStoreSize));
-    // 3. atomic store for the last byte
+    // 3. Deal with trailing elements that are aligned to the emulated width,
+    // but their length is smaller than the emulated width.
     auto remainingElements = origElements - currentSourceIndex;
     if (remainingElements != 0) {
-      auto atomicStorePart = extractSliceIntoByte(
+      auto subWidthStorePart = extractSliceIntoByte(
           rewriter, loc, cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(valueToStore),
           currentSourceIndex, remainingElements, 0);
-      // back mask
-      auto maskValues = llvm::SmallVector<bool>(scale, 0);
+      // Generate back mask
+      auto maskValues = llvm::SmallVector<bool>(numSrcElemsPerDest, 0);
       std::fill_n(maskValues.begin(), remainingElements, 1);
       auto backMask = rewriter.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
-          loc, DenseElementsAttr::get(atomicMaskType, maskValues));
+          loc, DenseElementsAttr::get(subWidthStoreMaskType, maskValues));
-      atomicStore(rewriter, loc, emulatedMemref, currentDestIndex,
-                  cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(atomicStorePart),
-                  backMask.getResult(), scale);
+      subEmulatedWidthStore(rewriter, loc, emulatedMemref, currentDestIndex,
+                            cast<TypedValue<VectorType>>(subWidthStorePart),
+                            backMask.getResult(), numSrcElemsPerDest);
     return success();
+  /// Store a subbyte-sized value to memory, with a mask. Depending on the
+  /// configuration, it could be an atomic store or an RMW sequence.
+  template <typename... Args>
+  void subEmulatedWidthStore(Args &&...args) const {
+    std::function<decltype(atomicStore)> storeFunc =
+        useAtomicWrites_ ? atomicStore : rmwStore;
+    storeFunc(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+  }
+  const bool useAtomicWrites_;
@@ -1673,12 +1716,17 @@ struct RewriteVectorTranspose : OpRewritePattern<vector::TransposeOp> {
 void vector::populateVectorNarrowTypeEmulationPatterns(
     const arith::NarrowTypeEmulationConverter &typeConverter,
-    RewritePatternSet &patterns) {
+    RewritePatternSet &patterns, bool useAtomicWrites) {
-  // Populate `vector.*` conversion patterns.
-  patterns.add<ConvertVectorLoad, ConvertVectorMaskedLoad, ConvertVectorStore,
+  // Populate `vector.*` load conversion patterns.
+  patterns.add<ConvertVectorLoad, ConvertVectorMaskedLoad,
                ConvertVectorMaskedStore, ConvertVectorTransferRead>(
       typeConverter, patterns.getContext());
+  // Populate `vector.*` store conversion patterns. The caller can choose
+  // to avoid emitting atomic operations and reduce it to load-modify-write
+  // sequence for stores if it is known there are no thread contentions.
+  patterns.insert<ConvertVectorStore>(patterns.getContext(), useAtomicWrites);
 void vector::populateVectorNarrowTypeRewritePatterns(
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned-rmw.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned-rmw.mlir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..fa4d9cb5e4d4c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned-rmw.mlir
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// RUN: mlir-opt --test-emulate-narrow-int="arith-compute-bitwidth=1 memref-load-bitwidth=8 atomic-store=false" --cse --split-input-file %s | FileCheck %s
+// TODO: remove memref.alloc() in the tests to eliminate noises.
+// memref.alloc exists here because sub-byte vector data types such as i2
+// are currently not supported as input arguments.
+func.func @vector_store_i2_const_rmw(%arg0: vector<3xi2>) {
+    %0 = memref.alloc() : memref<3x3xi2>
+    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+    %c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
+    vector.store %arg0, %0[%c2, %c0] :memref<3x3xi2>, vector<3xi2>
+    return
+// CHECK: func @vector_store_i2_const_rmw(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.+]]: vector<3xi2>)
+// CHECK: %[[ALLOC:.+]] = memref.alloc() : memref<3xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[C1:.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+// CHECK: %[[CST:.+]] = arith.constant dense<[false, false, true, true]>
+// CHECK: %[[CST0:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [0], sizes = [2], strides = [1]} : vector<3xi2> to vector<2xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[INSERT:.+]] = vector.insert_strided_slice %[[EXTRACT]], %[[CST0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [2], strides = [1]} : vector<2xi2> into vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[LOAD:.+]] = vector.load
+// Actual part to do RMW sequence
+// CHECK: %[[UPCAST:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[LOAD]] : vector<1xi8> to vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[SELECT:.+]] = arith.select %[[CST]], %[[UPCAST]], %[[INSERT]]
+// CHECK: %[[DOWNCAST:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[SELECT]]
+// CHECK: vector.store %[[DOWNCAST]], %[[ALLOC]][%[[C1]]]
+// -----
+func.func @vector_store_i2_atomic(%arg0: vector<7xi2>) {
+    %0 = memref.alloc() : memref<3x7xi2>
+    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
+    vector.store %arg0, %0[%c1, %c0] :memref<3x7xi2>, vector<7xi2>
+    return
+// CHECK: func @vector_store_i2_atomic(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.+]]:
+// CHECK: %[[ALLOC:.+]] = memref.alloc() : memref<6xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[C1:.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+// CHECK: %[[CST:.+]] = arith.constant dense<[false, false, false, true]>
+// CHECK: %[[CST0:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [0], sizes = [1], strides = [1]}
+// CHECK: %[[INSERT:.+]] = vector.insert_strided_slice %[[EXTRACT]], %[[CST0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [3], strides = [1]}
+// First sub-width RMW:
+// CHECK: %[[LOAD:.+]] = vector.load %[[ALLOC]][%[[C1]]]
+// CHECK: %[[UPCAST:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[LOAD]] : vector<1xi8> to vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[SELECT:.+]] = arith.select %[[CST]], %[[UPCAST]], %[[INSERT]]
+// CHECK: %[[DOWNCAST:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[SELECT]]
+// CHECK: vector.store %[[DOWNCAST]], %[[ALLOC]][%[[C1]]]
+// Full-width store:
+// CHECK: %[[INDEX:.+]] = arith.addi %[[C1]], %[[C1]]
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT1:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [1], sizes = [4], strides = [1]}
+// CHECK: %[[BITCAST:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[EXTRACT1]]
+// CHECK: vector.store %[[BITCAST]], %[[ALLOC]][%[[INDEX]]]
+// Second sub-width RMW:
+// CHECK: %[[INDEX2:.+]] = arith.addi %[[INDEX]], %[[C1]]
+// CHECK: %[[EXTRACT2:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [5], sizes = [2], strides = [1]}
+// CHECK: %[[INSERT2:.+]] = vector.insert_strided_slice %[[EXTRACT2]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [0], strides = [1]}
+// CHECK: %[[CST1:.+]] = arith.constant dense<[true, true, false, false]>
+// CHECK: %[[LOAD1:.+]] = vector.load %[[ALLOC]][%[[INDEX2]]]
+// CHECK: %[[UPCAST1:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[LOAD1]]
+// CHECK: %[[SELECT1:.+]] = arith.select %[[CST1]], %[[UPCAST1]], %[[INSERT2]]
+// CHECK: %[[DOWNCAST1:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[SELECT1]]
+// CHECK: vector.store %[[DOWNCAST1]], %[[ALLOC]][%[[INDEX2]]]
+// -----
+func.func @vector_store_i2_single_rmw(%arg0: vector<1xi2>) {
+    %0 = memref.alloc() : memref<4x1xi2>
+    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
+    %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
+    vector.store %arg0, %0[%c1, %c0] :memref<4x1xi2>, vector<1xi2>
+    return
+// in this test, only emit 1 rmw store
+// CHECK: func @vector_store_i2_single_rmw(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.+]]: vector<1xi2>)
+// CHECK: %[[ALLOC:.+]] = memref.alloc() : memref<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[C0:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+// CHECK: %[[C1:.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+// CHECK: %[[CST:.+]] = arith.constant dense<[false, true, false, false]>
+// CHECK: %[[CST0:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[INSERT:.+]] = vector.insert_strided_slice %[[ARG0]], %[[CST0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: {offsets = [1], strides = [1]} : vector<1xi2> into vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[LOAD:.+]] = vector.load %[[ALLOC]][%[[C0]]] : memref<1xi8>, vector<1xi8>
+// CHECK: %[[UPCAST:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[LOAD]] : vector<1xi8> to vector<4xi2>
+// CHECK: %[[SELECT:.+]] = arith.select %[[CST]], %[[UPCAST]], %[[INSERT]]
+// CHECK: %[[DOWNCAST:.+]] = vector.bitcast %[[SELECT]]
+// CHECK: vector.store %[[DOWNCAST]], %[[ALLOC]][%[[C0]]]
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned.mlir
index 0a007a7a26f559..5bdb3863556ab7 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Vector/vector-emulate-narrow-type-unaligned.mlir
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ func.func @vector_store_i2_const(%arg0: vector<3xi2>) {
 // -----
-func.func @vector_store_i8_2(%arg0: vector<7xi2>) {
+func.func @vector_store_i2_atomic(%arg0: vector<7xi2>) {
     %0 = memref.alloc() : memref<3x7xi2>
     %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
     %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ func.func @vector_store_i8_2(%arg0: vector<7xi2>) {
 // in this example, emit 2 atomic stores and 1 non-atomic store
-// CHECK: func @vector_store_i8_2(
+// CHECK: func @vector_store_i2_atomic(
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.+]]: vector<7xi2>)
 // CHECK: %[[ALLOC]] = memref.alloc() : memref<6xi8>
 // CHECK: %[[C1:.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
diff --git a/mlir/test/lib/Dialect/MemRef/TestEmulateNarrowType.cpp b/mlir/test/lib/Dialect/MemRef/TestEmulateNarrowType.cpp
index 7401e470ed4f2c..9a3fac623fbd7d 100644
--- a/mlir/test/lib/Dialect/MemRef/TestEmulateNarrowType.cpp
+++ b/mlir/test/lib/Dialect/MemRef/TestEmulateNarrowType.cpp
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ struct TestEmulateNarrowTypePass
     arith::populateArithNarrowTypeEmulationPatterns(typeConverter, patterns);
     memref::populateMemRefNarrowTypeEmulationPatterns(typeConverter, patterns);
-    vector::populateVectorNarrowTypeEmulationPatterns(typeConverter, patterns);
+    vector::populateVectorNarrowTypeEmulationPatterns(typeConverter, patterns,
+                                                      atomicStore);
     if (failed(applyPartialConversion(op, target, std::move(patterns))))
@@ -118,6 +119,11 @@ struct TestEmulateNarrowTypePass
       *this, "skip-memref-type-conversion",
       llvm::cl::desc("disable memref type conversion (to test failures)"),
+  Option<bool> atomicStore{
+      *this, "atomic-store",
+      llvm::cl::desc("use atomic store instead of load-modify-write"),
+      llvm::cl::init(true)};
 } // namespace

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