[Mlir-commits] [llvm] [mlir] [Python] Develop python bindings for Presburger library (PR #113233)

Maksim Levental llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Nov 8 07:58:17 PST 2024

makslevental wrote:

> This will need some top-level documentation about object ownership. Tableaus are rather large

I don't think that's true? They just hold `MlirPresburgerIntegerRelation` which is our standard opaque-ish pointer thing?

> and I see a bunch of `keep_alive` that are difficult to follow without knowing the overall goal.

There are only two and I believe they're to prevent a use-after-free here:


I made a comment above that it would be simpler to just promote `at64` to `PyPresburgerRelation` itself, which would resolve your qualm as well.


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