[Mlir-commits] [mlir] Reimplementing target description concept using DLTI attribute (PR #92138)
Niranjan Hasabnis
llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed May 29 23:58:25 PDT 2024
@@ -194,6 +194,162 @@ def DataLayoutSpecInterface : AttrInterface<"DataLayoutSpecInterface"> {
+def TargetDeviceDescSpecInterface : AttrInterface<"TargetDeviceDescSpecInterface"> {
+ let cppNamespace = "::mlir";
+ let description = [{
+ Attribute interface describing a target device description specification.
+ A target device description specification is a list of device properties (key)
+ and their values for a specific device. The device is identified using "device_id"
+ (as a key and ui32 value) and "device_type" key which must have a string value.
+ Both "device_id" and "device_type" are mandatory keys. As an example, L1 cache
+ size could be a device property, and its value would be a device specific size.
+ A target device description specification is attached to a module as a module level
+ attribute.
+ }];
+ let methods = [
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the list of layout entries.",
+ /*retTy=*/"::mlir::DataLayoutEntryListRef",
+ /*methodName=*/"getEntries",
+ /*args=*/(ins)
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the entry related to the given identifier, if "
+ "present.",
+ /*retTy=*/"::mlir::DataLayoutEntryInterface",
+ /*methodName=*/"getSpecForIdentifier",
+ /*args=*/(ins "::mlir::StringAttr":$identifier),
+ /*methodBody=*/"",
+ /*defaultImplementation=*/[{
+ return ::mlir::detail::filterEntryForIdentifier($_attr.getEntries(),
+ identifier);
+ }]
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Checks that the entry is well-formed, reports errors "
+ "at the provided location.",
+ /*retTy=*/"::mlir::LogicalResult",
+ /*methodName=*/"verifyEntry",
+ /*args=*/(ins "::mlir::Location":$loc),
+ /*methodBody=*/"",
+ /*defaultImplementation=*/[{ return ::mlir::success(); }]
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the device ID identifier.",
+ /*retTy=*/"::mlir::StringAttr",
+ /*methodName=*/"getDeviceIDIdentifier",
+ /*args=*/(ins)
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the device type identifier.",
+ /*retTy=*/"::mlir::StringAttr",
+ /*methodName=*/"getDeviceTypeIdentifier",
+ /*args=*/(ins)
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the L1 cache size identifier.",
+ /*retTy=*/"::mlir::StringAttr",
+ /*methodName=*/"getL1CacheSizeInBytesIdentifier",
+ /*args=*/(ins)
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the max vector op width identifier.",
+ /*retTy=*/"::mlir::StringAttr",
+ /*methodName=*/"getMaxVectorOpWidthIdentifier",
+ /*args=*/(ins)
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the entry related to Device ID. The function"
+ "will crash if the entry is missing.",
+ /*retTy=*/"::mlir::DataLayoutEntryInterface",
+ /*methodName=*/"getSpecForDeviceID",
+ /*args=*/(ins)
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the entry related to the given identifier. "
+ "The function will crash if the entry is missing.",
+ /*retTy=*/"::mlir::DataLayoutEntryInterface",
+ /*methodName=*/"getSpecForDeviceType",
+ /*args=*/(ins)
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the entry related to the given identifier, if "
+ "present. Otherwise, return empty spec.",
+ /*retTy=*/"::mlir::DataLayoutEntryInterface",
+ /*methodName=*/"getSpecForMaxVectorOpWidth",
+ /*args=*/(ins)
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the entry related to the given identifier, if "
+ "present. Otherwise, return empty spec.",
+ /*retTy=*/"::mlir::DataLayoutEntryInterface",
+ /*methodName=*/"getSpecForL1CacheSizeInBytes",
+ /*args=*/(ins)
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the entry related to the given identifier, if "
+ "present.",
+ /*retTy=*/"uint32_t",
+ /*methodName=*/"getDeviceID",
+ /*args=*/(ins)
+ >,
+ ];
+ let extraClassDeclaration = [{
+ using DeviceID = uint32_t;
+ }];
+def TargetSystemDescSpecInterface : AttrInterface<"TargetSystemDescSpecInterface"> {
+ let cppNamespace = "::mlir";
+ let description = [{
+ Attribute interface describing a target system description specification.
+ A target system description specification is a list of target device
+ specifications, with one device specification for a device in the system. As
+ such, a target system description specification allows specifying a heterogenous
+ system, with devices of different types (e.g., CPU, GPU, etc.)
+ The only requirement on a valid target system description specification is that
+ the "device_id" in every target device description specification needs to be
+ unique. This is because, ultimately, this "device_id" is used by the user to
+ query a value of a device property.
+ }];
+ let methods = [
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the list of layout entries.",
+ /*retTy=*/"llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::TargetDeviceDescSpecInterface>",
+ /*methodName=*/"getEntries",
+ /*args=*/(ins)
+ >,
+ InterfaceMethod<
+ /*description=*/"Returns the device description spec for given device "
+ "ID",
+ /*retTy=*/"std::optional<::mlir::TargetDeviceDescSpecInterface>",
+ /*methodName=*/"getDeviceDescForDeviceID",
+ /*args=*/(ins "int":$deviceID)
nhasabni wrote:
Sure, I can change the DeviceID to `uint64_t`.
Not sure I understand. A system can contain multiple devices, so IMO a dictionary-like API makes more sense on `TargetDeviceDescSpecInterface`(which is the case in the current implementation).
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