[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR] Add continuous tiling to TileUsingForOp (PR #82792)
llvmlistbot at llvm.org
llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu May 23 05:12:37 PDT 2024
@@ -107,6 +107,139 @@ static void emitIsPositiveIndexAssertion(ImplicitLocOpBuilder &b,
b.getStringAttr("expected strictly positive tile size and divisor"));
+mlir::linalg::computeStaticContinuousTileSizes(LinalgOp op, unsigned dimension,
+ unsigned targetSize) {
+ assert(!op.hasDynamicShape() &&
+ "cannot compute static multi-tile sizes for an op with dynamic shape");
+ assert(targetSize > 0 && "target size must be non-negative");
+ assert(dimension < op.getNumLoops() && "dimension overflow");
+ StaticContinuousTileSizeSpecification spec;
+ int64_t loopRange = op.getStaticLoopRanges()[dimension];
+ int64_t tripCount = loopRange / targetSize;
+ unsigned tileSize = targetSize;
+ spec.tileSizes.push_back(tileSize);
+ spec.tripCounts.push_back(tripCount);
+ int64_t remainderChunk = loopRange % targetSize;
+ while (tileSize > 1 && remainderChunk != 0) {
+ uint64_t maxPower = llvm::bit_floor(tileSize);
+ tileSize = maxPower == tileSize ? maxPower >> 1 : maxPower;
+ tripCount = remainderChunk / tileSize;
+ if (tripCount > 0) {
+ spec.tileSizes.push_back(tileSize);
+ spec.tripCounts.push_back(tripCount);
+ }
+ remainderChunk = remainderChunk % tileSize;
+ }
+ auto tripCountCheck = [&](SmallVector<int64_t> tileSizes,
+ SmallVector<int64_t> tripCounts,
+ int64_t range) -> bool {
+ int64_t computedRange = 0;
+ for (auto [tileSize, tripCount] : llvm::zip(tileSizes, tripCounts))
+ computedRange += tileSize * tripCount;
+ return range == computedRange;
+ };
+ if (!tripCountCheck(spec.tileSizes, spec.tripCounts, loopRange))
+ return failure();
+ return spec;
+mlir::linalg::computeContinuousTileSizes(OpBuilder &builder, LinalgOp op,
+ unsigned dimension,
+ OpFoldResult targetSize,
+ bool emitAssertions) {
+ // Bail out on dimension overflow.
+ if (dimension >= op.getNumLoops())
+ return failure();
+ // The code below works only on values.
+ Location loc = op.getLoc();
+ ImplicitLocOpBuilder b(loc, builder);
+ if (emitAssertions) {
+ emitIsPositiveIndexAssertion(b, targetSize);
+ }
+ Value targetSizeValue =
+ getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(builder, loc, targetSize);
+ // Find the trip count of the iteration space dimension for which the tile
+ // sizes are computed.
+ SmallVector<OpFoldResult> allShapes =
+ op.createFlatListOfOperandDims(b, b.getLoc());
+ AffineMap shapesToLoops = op.getShapesToLoopsMap();
+ SmallVector<OpFoldResult> loopRanges =
+ makeComposedFoldedMultiResultAffineApply(b, op.getLoc(), shapesToLoops,
+ allShapes);
+ Value loopRange =
+ getValueOrCreateConstantIndexOp(b, op.getLoc(), loopRanges[dimension]);
muneebkhan85 wrote:
I have adapted the dynamic case `computeContinuousTileSizes` to entirely use TilingInterface. For consistency, I have modified the static case `computeStaticContinuousTileSizes` to take a TilingInterface op, but it still relies on a casted LinalgOp for use internally.
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