[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][VectorOps] Add deinterleave operation to vector dialect (PR #92409)

Benjamin Maxwell llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu May 16 08:07:13 PDT 2024

@@ -543,6 +543,82 @@ def Vector_InterleaveOp :
+class ResultIsHalfSourceVectorType<string result> : TypesMatchWith<
+  "type of 'input' is double the width of results",
+  "input", result,
+  [{
+    [&]() -> ::mlir::VectorType {
+      auto vectorType = ::llvm::cast<mlir::VectorType>($_self);
+      ::mlir::VectorType::Builder builder(vectorType);
+      auto lastDim = vectorType.getRank() - 1;
+      auto newDimSize = vectorType.getDimSize(lastDim) / 2;;
+      if (newDimSize <= 0)
+         return vectorType; // (invalid input type)
+      return builder.setDim(lastDim, newDimSize);
+    }()
+  }]
+def Vector_DeinterleaveOp :
+  Vector_Op<"deinterleave", [Pure,
+    PredOpTrait<"trailing dimension of input vector must be an even number",
+    CPred<[{
+      [&](){
+        auto srcVec = getSourceVectorType();
+        return srcVec.getDimSize(srcVec.getRank() - 1) % 2 == 0;
+      }()
+    }]>>,
+    ResultIsHalfSourceVectorType<"res1">,
+    ResultIsHalfSourceVectorType<"res2">,
+    AllTypesMatch<["res1", "res2"]>
+    ]> {
+      let summary = "constructs two vectors by deinterleaving an input vector";
+      let description = [{
+        The deinterleave operation constructs two vectors from a single input
+        vector. Each new vector is the collection of even and odd elements
+        from the input, respectively. This is essentially the inverse of an
MacDue wrote:

I think this could be clear:
        vector. The first result vector contains the elements from even 
        lanes of the input, and the second contains elements from odd lanes.


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