[Mlir-commits] [mlir] Reimplementing target description concept using DLTI attribute (PR #92138)

Oleksandr Alex Zinenko llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue May 14 12:05:37 PDT 2024

@@ -124,6 +126,150 @@ class DataLayoutSpecAttr
   static constexpr StringLiteral name = "builtin.data_layout_spec";
+// TargetSystemDescSpecAttr
+/// A system description attribute is a list of device descriptors, each
+/// having a unique device ID
+class TargetSystemDescSpecAttr
+    : public Attribute::AttrBase<TargetSystemDescSpecAttr, Attribute,
+                                 impl::TargetSystemDescSpecAttrStorage,
+                                 TargetSystemDescSpecInterface::Trait> {
+  using Base::Base;
+  /// The keyword used for this attribute in custom syntax.
+  constexpr const static StringLiteral kAttrKeyword = "tsd_spec";
+  /// Returns a system descriptor attribute from the given system descriptor
+  static TargetSystemDescSpecAttr
+  get(MLIRContext *context, ArrayRef<TargetDeviceDescSpecInterface> entries);
+  /// Returns the list of entries.
+  TargetDeviceDescSpecListRef getEntries() const;
+  /// Return the device descriptor that matches the given device ID
+  TargetDeviceDescSpecInterface getDeviceDescForDeviceID(uint32_t deviceID);
+  /// Returns the specification containing the given list of keys. If the list
+  /// contains duplicate keys or is otherwise invalid, reports errors using the
+  /// given callback and returns null.
+  static TargetSystemDescSpecAttr
+  getChecked(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError, MLIRContext *context,
+             ArrayRef<TargetDeviceDescSpecInterface> entries);
+  /// Checks that the given list of entries does not contain duplicate keys.
+  static LogicalResult verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
+                              ArrayRef<TargetDeviceDescSpecInterface> entries);
+  /// Parses an instance of this attribute.
+  static TargetSystemDescSpecAttr parse(AsmParser &parser);
+  /// Prints this attribute.
+  void print(AsmPrinter &os) const;
+  static constexpr StringLiteral name = "builtin.target_system_description";
+// TargetDeviceDescSpecAttr
+class TargetDeviceDescSpecAttr
ftynse wrote:

Any chance this can be implemented in ODS instead: https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/DefiningDialects/AttributesAndTypes/ ?  The existing attributes most likely predate the possibility to define attributes in ODS and should not be used as a blueprint.


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