[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR] Add continuous tiling to TileUsingForOp (PR #82792)
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Mon May 13 05:02:22 PDT 2024
muneebkhan85 wrote:
@ftynse @MaheshRavishankar I have re-purposed this PR in line with our earlier discussion here and my latest commits (1) introduce a continuous tiling operation (`structured.continuous_tile_sizes`) that computes the various tile sizes and split points along the given dimension of a traget linalg op, and (2) enabling multiway splitting in SplitOp `transform.structured.split` that allows for the target op to be split at multiple points along the given dimension. (3) I have also inlcuded a test that also serves as an example on how to use results from `structured.continuous_tile_sizes` with multiway split op.
The third part of the proposal was to modify `transform.foreach` as described in the comment above, also accessible here
@rolfmorel is currently working with that and will submit it as a separate PR.
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