[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][linalg] Pack matmul pass (PR #89782)
Adam Siemieniuk
llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue May 7 06:48:58 PDT 2024
https://github.com/adam-smnk updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/89782
>From ad5de2b01b364733483475a3238f22da7a2a2707 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 18:21:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/22] [mlir][linalg] Pack matmul pass
Pack a matmul MxNxK operation into blocked layout
as: [MB][NB][mb][nb] += [MB][KB][mb][kb] * [NB][KB][kb][nb].
The result is unpacked back to the original layout.
Matmul packing splits the operands into smaller blocks (inner dimensions)
and then block-transposes the block sub-groups (outer dimensions).
This data arrangement minimizes distance between consecutive blocks
which improves spacial locality and cache behavior.
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td | 20 ++
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h | 4 +
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp | 177 ++++++++++++++++++
mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir | 140 ++++++++++++++
5 files changed, 342 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
create mode 100644 mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
index 85f11c66d29a73..d4361c70468bdb 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
@@ -141,4 +141,24 @@ def LinalgDetensorizePass : InterfacePass<"linalg-detensorize", "FunctionOpInter
+def LinalgPackMatmul : Pass<"linalg-pack-matmul"> {
+ let summary = "Convert linalg matmul ops to block layout and back";
+ let description = [{
+ Pack a matmul MxNxK operation into blocked layout
+ as: [MB][NB][mb][nb] += [MB][KB][mb][kb] * [NB][KB][kb][nb].
+ The result is unpacked back to the original layout.
+ Matmul packing splits the operands into smaller blocks (inner dimensions)
+ and then block-transposes the block sub-groups (outer dimensions).
+ This data arrangement minimizes distance between consecutive blocks
+ which improves spacial locality and cache behavior.
+ }];
+ let dependentDialects = ["linalg::LinalgDialect", "tensor::TensorDialect"];
+ let options = [
+ ListOption<"blockFactors", "block-factors", "int64_t",
+ "Block factors (mb, nb, kb) for relayout">
+ ];
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index 5ecf84fa9c7012..2bb9277cc7b27e 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -1628,6 +1628,10 @@ void populateSplitReductionPattern(
void populateTransposeMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
bool transposeLHS = true);
+/// Patterns to pack Linalg matmul ops.
+void populatePackMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+ ArrayRef<int64_t> blockingFactors);
} // namespace linalg
} // namespace mlir
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt
index ee6e391d0cc682..e9b104ea5aeb58 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ add_mlir_dialect_library(MLIRLinalgTransforms
+ PackMatmul.cpp
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..304de03a343fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+//===- PackMatmul.cpp - Linalg matmul packing -----------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/IR/Linalg.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Utils/Utils.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
+#include "mlir/Transforms/GreedyPatternRewriteDriver.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
+#include <optional>
+namespace mlir {
+#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.h.inc"
+} // namespace mlir
+using namespace mlir;
+using namespace mlir::linalg;
+static std::optional<int64_t> getConstantRange(const Range &range) {
+ std::optional<int64_t> stride = getConstantIntValue(range.stride);
+ if (!stride || *stride != 1)
+ return std::nullopt;
+ std::optional<int64_t> offset = getConstantIntValue(range.offset);
+ if (!offset)
+ return std::nullopt;
+ std::optional<int64_t> size = getConstantIntValue(range.size);
+ if (!size)
+ return std::nullopt;
+ return (*size - *offset);
+static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(TilingInterface tileOp,
+ ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> tiles,
+ ArrayRef<size_t> dims) {
+ if (dims.size() != tiles.size() || tiles.empty())
+ return false;
+ OpBuilder builder(tileOp);
+ OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
+ SmallVector<Range> iterationDomain =
+ cast<TilingInterface>(tileOp.getOperation()).getIterationDomain(builder);
+ for (auto dim : llvm::enumerate(dims)) {
+ if (dim.value() >= iterationDomain.size())
+ return false;
+ auto tileSize = getConstantIntValue(tiles[dim.index()]);
+ auto rangeOnDim = getConstantRange(iterationDomain[dim.value()]);
+ // If the tile factor or the range are non-constant, the tile size is
+ // considered to be invalid.
+ if (!tileSize || !rangeOnDim)
+ return false;
+ // The dimension must be fully divisible by the tile.
+ if (*rangeOnDim % *tileSize != 0)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static FailureOr<linalg::LinalgOp>
+packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+ ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> mnkTiles) {
+ if (!(isa<linalg::MatmulOp>(matmulOp) ||
+ isa<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>(matmulOp))) {
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "not a matmul-like operation");
+ }
+ if (mnkTiles.size() != 3)
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require 3 tile factors");
+ if (matmulOp.hasDynamicShape())
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require static shape");
+ if (matmulOp.hasPureBufferSemantics())
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require tensor semantics");
+ SmallVector<size_t, 3> dims{0, 1, 2};
+ // Skip the batch dimension if present.
+ bool isBatchMatmulOp = isa<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>(matmulOp);
+ if (isBatchMatmulOp)
+ dims = {1, 2, 3};
+ if (!validateFullTilesOnDims(cast<TilingInterface>(matmulOp.getOperation()),
+ mnkTiles, dims)) {
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp,
+ "expect packing full tiles only");
+ }
+ OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(rewriter);
+ // The op is replaced, we need to set the insertion point after it.
+ rewriter.setInsertionPointAfter(matmulOp);
+ auto packedCanonicalMatmul = packMatmulGreedily(
+ rewriter, matmulOp, mnkTiles, /*mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf=*/{},
+ /*mnkOrder=*/{0, 1, 2});
+ if (failed(packedCanonicalMatmul))
+ return failure();
+ assert(packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps.size() == 3 && "failed matmul packing");
+ assert(packedCanonicalMatmul->unPackOps.size() == 1 &&
+ "failed matmul unpacking");
+ SmallVector<int64_t> innerPerm = {1, 0};
+ SmallVector<int64_t> outerPerm = {1, 0};
+ // Leave the batch dimension as is.
+ if (isBatchMatmulOp)
+ outerPerm = {0, 2, 1};
+ auto packedMatmul =
+ packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1],
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp,
+ /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, outerPerm, innerPerm);
+ if (failed(packedMatmul))
+ return failure();
+ return packedMatmul->transposedLinalgOp;
+namespace {
+template <typename OpTy>
+struct PackMatmul : public OpRewritePattern<OpTy> {
+ PackMatmul(MLIRContext *context, ArrayRef<int64_t> blockFactors,
+ PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
+ : OpRewritePattern<OpTy>(context, benefit), blockFactors(blockFactors) {}
+ LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(OpTy matmulOp,
+ PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
+ if (blockFactors.empty())
+ return failure();
+ auto packedMatmul =
+ packMatmulOp(rewriter, matmulOp,
+ getAsOpFoldResult(rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(blockFactors)));
+ if (failed(packedMatmul))
+ return failure();
+ return success();
+ }
+ SmallVector<int64_t> blockFactors;
+// Entry point for packing matmul operations.
+// Pack MatmulOp as following:
+// [MB][NB][mb][nb] += [MB][KB][mb][kb] * [NB][KB][kb][nb]
+// Pack a BatchMatmulOp as following:
+// [B][MB][NB][mb][nb] += [B][MB][KB][mb][kb] * [B][NB][KB][kb][nb]
+struct LinalgPackMatmul : public impl::LinalgPackMatmulBase<LinalgPackMatmul> {
+ using LinalgPackMatmulBase::LinalgPackMatmulBase;
+ void runOnOperation() override {
+ Operation *op = getOperation();
+ RewritePatternSet patterns(&getContext());
+ linalg::populatePackMatmulPatterns(patterns, blockFactors);
+ if (failed(applyPatternsAndFoldGreedily(op, std::move(patterns))))
+ return signalPassFailure();
+ }
+} // namespace
+void linalg::populatePackMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+ ArrayRef<int64_t> blockFactors) {
+ patterns.add<PackMatmul<linalg::MatmulOp>, PackMatmul<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>>(
+ patterns.getContext(), blockFactors);
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..d7023cfc30559b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -linalg-pack-matmul=block-factors=32,16,64 -canonicalize -split-input-file | FileCheck %s
+func.func @block_matmul(
+ %arg0: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg1: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg2: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%arg0, %arg1 : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
+ outs(%arg2 : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d5, d4)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG1:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG2:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[BUF0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK0:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF0]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[BUF1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK1:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG1]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF1]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[BUF2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK2:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG2]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF2]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[PACK0]], %[[PACK1]] : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[PACK2]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[OUT:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[VAL]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[ARG2]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[OUT]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// -----
+func.func @block_matmul_with_constant(
+ %arg0: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg1: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
+ %cst = arith.constant dense<0.0> : tensor<128x128xf32>
+ %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%arg0, %arg1 : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
+ outs(%cst : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_with_constant(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG1:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[BUF_RES:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[BUF_OUT:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: ins({{.*}} : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[BUF_RES]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[OUT:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[VAL]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF_OUT]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[OUT]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// -----
+func.func @block_matmul_with_producer(
+ %arg0: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg1: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg2: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
+ %cst = arith.constant 0.0 : f32
+ %0 = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%arg2 : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ %1 = linalg.matmul ins(%arg0, %arg1 : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
+ outs(%0 : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ return %1 : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_with_producer(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG1:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG2:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[C0:.+]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
+// CHECK: %[[BUF_RES:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[FILL:.+]] = linalg.fill ins(%[[C0]] : f32) outs(%[[BUF_RES]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>) -> tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: ins({{.*}} : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[FILL]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[OUT:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[VAL]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[ARG2]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[OUT]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// -----
+func.func @block_matmul_with_consumer(
+ %arg0: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg1: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg2: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg3: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
+ %0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<128x128xf32>
+ %1 = linalg.matmul ins(%arg0, %arg1 : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
+ outs(%arg2 : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ %2 = linalg.add ins(%1, %arg3 : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
+ outs(%0 : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ return %2 : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_with_consumer(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG1:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG2:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG3:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[BUF:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: outs({{.*}} : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[UNPACK:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[VAL]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[ARG2]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[OUT:.+]] = linalg.add
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[UNPACK]], %[[ARG3]] : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>) outs(%[[BUF]] : tensor<128x128xf32>)
+// CHECK: return %[[OUT]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// -----
+func.func @block_batch_matmul(
+ %arg0: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %arg1: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %arg2: tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32> {
+ %0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+ %1 = linalg.batch_matmul ins(%arg0, %arg1 : tensor<512x64x128xf32>, tensor<512x128x64xf32>)
+ outs(%arg2 : tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+ return %1 : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4, d6)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d2, d3, d6, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d2, d4, d5)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_batch_matmul(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.+]]: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %[[ARG1:.+]]: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %[[ARG2:.+]]: tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[BUF0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK0:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF0]] : tensor<512x64x128xf32> -> tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[BUF1:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK1:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG1]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 2, 1] inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF1]] : tensor<512x128x64xf32> -> tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[BUF2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK2:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG2]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF2]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32> -> tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]]
+// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[PACK0]], %[[PACK1]] : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[PACK2]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[OUT:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[VAL]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[ARG2]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[OUT]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
>From b2f7ab4158dbe5b2364de3ea9dc914ddaaa6055f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 13:06:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/22] Improve test naming
mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir | 144 +++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir
index d7023cfc30559b..c704d0fb7d4fa5 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
// RUN: mlir-opt %s -linalg-pack-matmul=block-factors=32,16,64 -canonicalize -split-input-file | FileCheck %s
func.func @block_matmul(
- %arg0: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg1: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg2: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
- %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%arg0, %arg1 : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
- outs(%arg2 : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ %A: tensor<128x128xf32>, %B: tensor<128x128xf32>, %C: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
return %0 : tensor<128x128xf32>
@@ -12,103 +12,103 @@ func.func @block_matmul(
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul(
-// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG1:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG2:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[BUF0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK0:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF0]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[BUF1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK1:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG1]]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF1]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[BUF2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK2:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG2]]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF2]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
-// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[PACK0]], %[[PACK1]] : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[PACK2]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
-// CHECK: %[[OUT:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[VAL]]
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[ARG2]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
-// CHECK: return %[[OUT]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
// -----
func.func @block_matmul_with_constant(
- %arg0: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg1: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
- %cst = arith.constant dense<0.0> : tensor<128x128xf32>
- %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%arg0, %arg1 : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
- outs(%cst : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ %A: tensor<128x128xf32>, %B: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
+ %cst_acc = arith.constant dense<0.0> : tensor<128x128xf32>
+ %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
+ outs(%cst_acc : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
return %0 : tensor<128x128xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_with_constant(
-// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG1:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG: %[[BUF_RES:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG: %[[BUF_OUT:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<128x128xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = linalg.generic
-// CHECK-SAME: ins({{.*}} : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[BUF_RES]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
-// CHECK: %[[OUT:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[VAL]]
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[CST_ACC_PACKED:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[RES_DST:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: ins({{.*}} : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[CST_ACC_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF_OUT]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
-// CHECK: return %[[OUT]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[RES_DST]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
// -----
func.func @block_matmul_with_producer(
- %arg0: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg1: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg2: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
+ %A: tensor<128x128xf32>, %B: tensor<128x128xf32>, %C: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
%cst = arith.constant 0.0 : f32
- %0 = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%arg2 : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
- %1 = linalg.matmul ins(%arg0, %arg1 : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
- outs(%0 : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ %acc = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%C : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ %1 = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
+ outs(%acc : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
return %1 : tensor<128x128xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_with_producer(
-// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG1:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG2:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
// CHECK-DAG: %[[C0:.+]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
-// CHECK: %[[BUF_RES:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[FILL:.+]] = linalg.fill ins(%[[C0]] : f32) outs(%[[BUF_RES]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>) -> tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = linalg.generic
-// CHECK-SAME: ins({{.*}} : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[FILL]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
-// CHECK: %[[OUT:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[VAL]]
+// CHECK: %[[FILL_DST_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[ACC_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.fill ins(%[[C0]] : f32) outs(%[[FILL_DST_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>) -> tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: ins({{.*}} : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[ACC_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[ARG2]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
-// CHECK: return %[[OUT]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
// -----
func.func @block_matmul_with_consumer(
- %arg0: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg1: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg2: tensor<128x128xf32>, %arg3: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
+ %A: tensor<128x128xf32>, %B: tensor<128x128xf32>, %C: tensor<128x128xf32>, %D: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<128x128xf32>
- %1 = linalg.matmul ins(%arg0, %arg1 : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
- outs(%arg2 : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
- %2 = linalg.add ins(%1, %arg3 : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
+ %1 = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ %2 = linalg.add ins(%1, %D : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
outs(%0 : tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32>
return %2 : tensor<128x128xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_with_consumer(
-// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG1:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG2:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[ARG3:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG: %[[BUF:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<128x128xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[D:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[RES_DST:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
// CHECK-SAME: outs({{.*}} : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
-// CHECK: %[[UNPACK:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[VAL]]
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[ARG2]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[OUT:.+]] = linalg.add
-// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[UNPACK]], %[[ARG3]] : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>) outs(%[[BUF]] : tensor<128x128xf32>)
-// CHECK: return %[[OUT]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[ADD_RES:.+]] = linalg.add
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[RES_UNPACKED]], %[[D]] : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>) outs(%[[RES_DST]] : tensor<128x128xf32>)
+// CHECK: return %[[ADD_RES]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
// -----
func.func @block_batch_matmul(
- %arg0: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %arg1: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %arg2: tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32> {
+ %A: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %B: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %C: tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32> {
%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
- %1 = linalg.batch_matmul ins(%arg0, %arg1 : tensor<512x64x128xf32>, tensor<512x128x64xf32>)
- outs(%arg2 : tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+ %1 = linalg.batch_matmul ins(%A, %B : tensor<512x64x128xf32>, tensor<512x128x64xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
return %1 : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
@@ -117,24 +117,24 @@ func.func @block_batch_matmul(
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d2, d4, d5)>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_batch_matmul(
-// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.+]]: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %[[ARG1:.+]]: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %[[ARG2:.+]]: tensor<512x64x64xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[BUF0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK0:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG0]]
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.+]]: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %[[B:.+]]: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %[[C:.+]]: tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF0]] : tensor<512x64x128xf32> -> tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[BUF1:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK1:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG1]]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<512x64x128xf32> -> tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 2, 1] inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF1]] : tensor<512x128x64xf32> -> tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[BUF2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK2:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[ARG2]]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<512x128x64xf32> -> tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[BUF2]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32> -> tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32> -> tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]]
// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]
-// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[PACK0]], %[[PACK1]] : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[PACK2]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>)
-// CHECK: %[[OUT:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[VAL]]
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[ARG2]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
-// CHECK: return %[[OUT]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
>From e2ad091d54a879fd042d9b67bc453fc8e533104a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 13:58:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/22] Improve description
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td | 39 +++++++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
index d4361c70468bdb..907ebb2f9c4be1 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
@@ -144,15 +144,36 @@ def LinalgDetensorizePass : InterfacePass<"linalg-detensorize", "FunctionOpInter
def LinalgPackMatmul : Pass<"linalg-pack-matmul"> {
let summary = "Convert linalg matmul ops to block layout and back";
let description = [{
- Pack a matmul MxNxK operation into blocked layout
- as: [MB][NB][mb][nb] += [MB][KB][mb][kb] * [NB][KB][kb][nb].
- The result is unpacked back to the original layout.
- Matmul packing splits the operands into smaller blocks (inner dimensions)
- and then block-transposes the block sub-groups (outer dimensions).
- This data arrangement minimizes distance between consecutive blocks
- which improves spacial locality and cache behavior.
+ Pack a matmul operation into blocked layout with two levels of subdivision:
+ - major 2D blocks - outer dimensions, consist of minor blocks
+ - minor 2D blocks - inner dimensions, consist of scalar elements
+ A 2D matmul MxNxK gets reshaped into blocked 4D representation
+ as: [MB][NB][mb][nb] += [MB][KB][mb][kb] * [NB][KB][kb][nb]
+ where the (MB, NB, KB) dimensions represent the major blocks,
+ and the (mb, nb, kb) are the minor blocks of their respective
+ original 2D dimensions (M, N, K).
+ As a part of packing strategy, the RHS operand gets 'block transposed'
+ i.e., the major blocks [KB][NB] get transposed to [NB][KB] layout.
+ The minor blocks remain unchanged.
+ The final result is unpacked back to the original layout.
+ Given a matmul operation:
+ ```mlir
+ %res = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B) outs(%C)
+ ```
+ the traformation can be represented as:
+ ```mlir
+ %A_packed = pack %A : 2D -> 4D
+ %B_packed = pack %B : 2D -> 4D #block_transposed
+ %C_packed = pack %C : 2D -> 4D
+ %res_packed = linalg.mmt4d ins(%A_packed, %B_packed) outs(%C_packed)
+ %res = unpack %res_packed : 4D -> 2D
+ ```
+ This packed data arrangement minimizes distance between consecutive
+ blocks which improves spacial locality and cache behavior.
let dependentDialects = ["linalg::LinalgDialect", "tensor::TensorDialect"];
let options = [
>From 5e6aff876ddda70d67c456b249a1744cf4cbe5a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:56:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 04/22] Pack options
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td | 9 +-
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h | 22 +++-
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp | 111 ++++++++++++------
3 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
index 907ebb2f9c4be1..e9fd990c38ab7b 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
@@ -178,7 +178,14 @@ def LinalgPackMatmul : Pass<"linalg-pack-matmul"> {
let dependentDialects = ["linalg::LinalgDialect", "tensor::TensorDialect"];
let options = [
ListOption<"blockFactors", "block-factors", "int64_t",
- "Block factors (mb, nb, kb) for relayout">
+ "Block factors (mb, nb, kb) for relayout">,
+ ListOption<"mnkOrder", "mnk-order", "int64_t",
+ "Permutation of (mb, nb, kb) dimensions order">,
+ ListOption<"mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf", "mnk-padded-multiples", "int64_t",
+ "Packing sizes next multiple">,
+ Option<"allowPadding", "allow-padding", "bool",
+ /*default=*/"true",
+ "Allow packing padding">
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index 2bb9277cc7b27e..299cbd80768900 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -1162,6 +1162,26 @@ packMatmulGreedily(RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp,
ArrayRef<int64_t> mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf,
ArrayRef<int64_t> mnkOrder);
+struct PackMatmulOptions {
+ /// Minor block factors for packing relayout in the 'mnkOrder'.
+ SmallVector<int64_t, 3> blockFactors;
+ /// Order of packed dimensions (mb, nb, kb) - permutation of the default
+ /// order.
+ SmallVector<int64_t, 3> mnkOrder = {0, 1, 2};
+ SmallVector<int64_t, 3> mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf;
+ bool allowPadding = true;
+/// Function type which is used to control matmul block packing.
+/// It is expected to return valid packing configuration for each operation.
+/// Lack of options indicates no valid configuration could be assigned and
+/// will prevent any packing from occuring.
+using ControlPackMatmulFn =
+ std::function<std::optional<PackMatmulOptions>(linalg::LinalgOp)>;
+packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+ const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul);
/// Rewrite tensor.from_elements to linalg.generic.
FailureOr<Operation *>
rewriteInDestinationPassingStyle(RewriterBase &rewriter,
@@ -1630,7 +1650,7 @@ void populateTransposeMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
/// Patterns to pack Linalg matmul ops.
void populatePackMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
- ArrayRef<int64_t> blockingFactors);
+ const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlFn);
} // namespace linalg
} // namespace mlir
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
index 304de03a343fdc..befd6dc7b2cdff 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ static std::optional<int64_t> getConstantRange(const Range &range) {
static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(TilingInterface tileOp,
ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> tiles,
- ArrayRef<size_t> dims) {
+ ArrayRef<int64_t> dims) {
if (dims.size() != tiles.size() || tiles.empty())
return false;
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(TilingInterface tileOp,
for (auto dim : llvm::enumerate(dims)) {
- if (dim.value() >= iterationDomain.size())
+ if (dim.value() >= static_cast<int64_t>(iterationDomain.size()))
return false;
auto tileSize = getConstantIntValue(tiles[dim.index()]);
@@ -70,42 +70,62 @@ static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(TilingInterface tileOp,
return true;
-static FailureOr<linalg::LinalgOp>
-packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
- ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> mnkTiles) {
+linalg::packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+ const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul) {
if (!(isa<linalg::MatmulOp>(matmulOp) ||
- isa<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>(matmulOp))) {
+ isa<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>(matmulOp) ||
+ isa<linalg::MatmulTransposeAOp>(matmulOp) ||
+ isa<linalg::MatmulTransposeBOp>(matmulOp) ||
+ isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeAOp>(matmulOp) ||
+ isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeBOp>(matmulOp))) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "not a matmul-like operation");
- if (mnkTiles.size() != 3)
- return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require 3 tile factors");
if (matmulOp.hasDynamicShape())
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require static shape");
if (matmulOp.hasPureBufferSemantics())
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require tensor semantics");
- SmallVector<size_t, 3> dims{0, 1, 2};
+ std::optional<PackMatmulOptions> options = controlPackMatmul(matmulOp);
+ if (!options)
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "invalid packing options");
+ if (options->blockFactors.size() != 3)
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require 3 tile factors");
+ auto mnkTiles =
+ getAsOpFoldResult(rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(options->blockFactors));
+ SmallVector<int64_t, 3> dims{options->mnkOrder};
// Skip the batch dimension if present.
- bool isBatchMatmulOp = isa<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>(matmulOp);
- if (isBatchMatmulOp)
- dims = {1, 2, 3};
+ bool isBatchMatmulOp = isa<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>(matmulOp) ||
+ isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeAOp>(matmulOp) ||
+ isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeBOp>(matmulOp);
+ if (isBatchMatmulOp) {
+ // Offset all dimensions.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
+ ++dims[i];
+ }
- if (!validateFullTilesOnDims(cast<TilingInterface>(matmulOp.getOperation()),
+ if (!options->allowPadding &&
+ !validateFullTilesOnDims(cast<TilingInterface>(matmulOp.getOperation()),
mnkTiles, dims)) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp,
"expect packing full tiles only");
+ bool isTransposedRhs = isa<linalg::MatmulTransposeBOp>(matmulOp) ||
+ isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeBOp>(matmulOp);
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(rewriter);
// The op is replaced, we need to set the insertion point after it.
auto packedCanonicalMatmul = packMatmulGreedily(
- rewriter, matmulOp, mnkTiles, /*mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf=*/{},
- /*mnkOrder=*/{0, 1, 2});
+ rewriter, matmulOp, mnkTiles, options->mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf,
+ options->mnkOrder);
if (failed(packedCanonicalMatmul))
return failure();
@@ -113,11 +133,21 @@ packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
assert(packedCanonicalMatmul->unPackOps.size() == 1 &&
"failed matmul unpacking");
- SmallVector<int64_t> innerPerm = {1, 0};
- SmallVector<int64_t> outerPerm = {1, 0};
+ SmallVector<int64_t> innerPerm{1, 0};
+ SmallVector<int64_t> outerPerm{1, 0};
+ // No need to block transpose if the RHS matrix is already transposed.
+ if (isTransposedRhs)
+ outerPerm = {0, 1};
// Leave the batch dimension as is.
- if (isBatchMatmulOp)
- outerPerm = {0, 2, 1};
+ if (isBatchMatmulOp) {
+ // Account for the batch dimension.
+ SmallVector<int64_t> newOuterPerms{0};
+ // Offset all permutations.
+ for (auto perm : outerPerm)
+ newOuterPerms.push_back(++perm);
+ outerPerm = newOuterPerms;
+ }
auto packedMatmul =
packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1],
@@ -126,30 +156,28 @@ packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
if (failed(packedMatmul))
return failure();
- return packedMatmul->transposedLinalgOp;
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedMatmul->transposedLinalgOp;
+ return packedCanonicalMatmul;
namespace {
template <typename OpTy>
struct PackMatmul : public OpRewritePattern<OpTy> {
- PackMatmul(MLIRContext *context, ArrayRef<int64_t> blockFactors,
+ PackMatmul(MLIRContext *context, ControlPackMatmulFn fun,
PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
- : OpRewritePattern<OpTy>(context, benefit), blockFactors(blockFactors) {}
+ : OpRewritePattern<OpTy>(context, benefit), controlFn(std::move(fun)) {}
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(OpTy matmulOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
- if (blockFactors.empty())
- return failure();
- auto packedMatmul =
- packMatmulOp(rewriter, matmulOp,
- getAsOpFoldResult(rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(blockFactors)));
+ auto packedMatmul = packMatmulOp(rewriter, matmulOp, controlFn);
if (failed(packedMatmul))
return failure();
return success();
- SmallVector<int64_t> blockFactors;
+ ControlPackMatmulFn controlFn;
// Entry point for packing matmul operations.
@@ -163,7 +191,20 @@ struct LinalgPackMatmul : public impl::LinalgPackMatmulBase<LinalgPackMatmul> {
void runOnOperation() override {
Operation *op = getOperation();
RewritePatternSet patterns(&getContext());
- linalg::populatePackMatmulPatterns(patterns, blockFactors);
+ ControlPackMatmulFn controlFn =
+ [&](linalg::LinalgOp op) -> PackMatmulOptions {
+ PackMatmulOptions options;
+ options.blockFactors = SmallVector<int64_t>{*blockFactors};
+ if (!mnkOrder.empty())
+ options.mnkOrder = SmallVector<int64_t>{*mnkOrder};
+ options.mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf =
+ SmallVector<int64_t>{*mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf};
+ options.allowPadding = allowPadding;
+ return options;
+ };
+ linalg::populatePackMatmulPatterns(patterns, controlFn);
if (failed(applyPatternsAndFoldGreedily(op, std::move(patterns))))
return signalPassFailure();
@@ -171,7 +212,11 @@ struct LinalgPackMatmul : public impl::LinalgPackMatmulBase<LinalgPackMatmul> {
} // namespace
void linalg::populatePackMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
- ArrayRef<int64_t> blockFactors) {
- patterns.add<PackMatmul<linalg::MatmulOp>, PackMatmul<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>>(
- patterns.getContext(), blockFactors);
+ const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlFn) {
+ patterns.add<PackMatmul<linalg::MatmulOp>, PackMatmul<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>,
+ PackMatmul<linalg::MatmulTransposeAOp>,
+ PackMatmul<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeAOp>,
+ PackMatmul<linalg::MatmulTransposeBOp>,
+ PackMatmul<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeBOp>>(
+ patterns.getContext(), controlFn);
>From 80b1aae4c0ffd3eda87c745a5a949601701da9a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 11:46:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/22] Comments
mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp | 7 +++++++
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
index befd6dc7b2cdff..e36c689fa193d7 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
@@ -123,6 +123,10 @@ linalg::packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
// The op is replaced, we need to set the insertion point after it.
+ // Pack the matmul operation into blocked layout with two levels of
+ // subdivision:
+ // - major 2D blocks - outer dimensions, consist of minor blocks
+ // - minor 2D blocks - inner dimensions, consist of scalar elements
auto packedCanonicalMatmul = packMatmulGreedily(
rewriter, matmulOp, mnkTiles, options->mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf,
@@ -149,6 +153,9 @@ linalg::packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
outerPerm = newOuterPerms;
+ // Block transpose the packed matmul i.e., transpose the outer dimensions
+ // layout of the RHS matrix. The inner dimensions (minor blocks) remain
+ // unchanged.
auto packedMatmul =
packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1],
>From 13bc86a2a3cbc5db924d47aa291f0f2d3aa40af3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 11:48:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/22] Expand autos
mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp | 14 ++++++++------
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
index e36c689fa193d7..ca7e4287020992 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
@@ -54,8 +54,9 @@ static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(TilingInterface tileOp,
if (dim.value() >= static_cast<int64_t>(iterationDomain.size()))
return false;
- auto tileSize = getConstantIntValue(tiles[dim.index()]);
- auto rangeOnDim = getConstantRange(iterationDomain[dim.value()]);
+ std::optional<int64_t> tileSize = getConstantIntValue(tiles[dim.index()]);
+ std::optional<int64_t> rangeOnDim =
+ getConstantRange(iterationDomain[dim.value()]);
// If the tile factor or the range are non-constant, the tile size is
// considered to be invalid.
@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ linalg::packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
if (options->blockFactors.size() != 3)
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require 3 tile factors");
- auto mnkTiles =
+ SmallVector<OpFoldResult> mnkTiles =
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> dims{options->mnkOrder};
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ linalg::packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
// subdivision:
// - major 2D blocks - outer dimensions, consist of minor blocks
// - minor 2D blocks - inner dimensions, consist of scalar elements
- auto packedCanonicalMatmul = packMatmulGreedily(
+ FailureOr<PackResult> packedCanonicalMatmul = packMatmulGreedily(
rewriter, matmulOp, mnkTiles, options->mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf,
if (failed(packedCanonicalMatmul))
@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ linalg::packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
// Block transpose the packed matmul i.e., transpose the outer dimensions
// layout of the RHS matrix. The inner dimensions (minor blocks) remain
// unchanged.
- auto packedMatmul =
+ FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedMatmul =
packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1],
/*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, outerPerm, innerPerm);
@@ -177,7 +178,8 @@ struct PackMatmul : public OpRewritePattern<OpTy> {
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(OpTy matmulOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
- auto packedMatmul = packMatmulOp(rewriter, matmulOp, controlFn);
+ FailureOr<PackResult> packedMatmul =
+ packMatmulOp(rewriter, matmulOp, controlFn);
if (failed(packedMatmul))
return failure();
return success();
>From f49aaf0b06e211e26d93881733f9986bda9cf6ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 12:24:07 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/22] Docs
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h | 29 +++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index 299cbd80768900..40530e2448114f 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -1165,19 +1165,42 @@ packMatmulGreedily(RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp,
struct PackMatmulOptions {
/// Minor block factors for packing relayout in the 'mnkOrder'.
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> blockFactors;
/// Order of packed dimensions (mb, nb, kb) - permutation of the default
/// order.
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> mnkOrder = {0, 1, 2};
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf;
+ /// If true, allows packing of dimensions that only partially fit into the
+ /// block factors.
bool allowPadding = true;
-/// Function type which is used to control matmul block packing.
+/// Function type which is used to control matmul packing.
/// It is expected to return valid packing configuration for each operation.
-/// Lack of options indicates no valid configuration could be assigned and
-/// will prevent any packing from occuring.
+/// Lack of packing options indicates that no valid configuration could be
+/// assigned and the operation will not be packed.
using ControlPackMatmulFn =
+/// Pack a matmul operation into blocked 4D layout.
+/// Relayout a matmul operation into blocked layout with two levels of
+/// subdivision:
+/// - major 2D blocks - outer dimensions, consist of minor blocks
+/// - minor 2D blocks - inner dimensions, consist of scalar elements
+/// A 2D matmul MxNxK gets reshaped into blocked 4D representation
+/// as: [MB][NB][mb][nb] += [MB][KB][mb][kb] * [NB][KB][kb][nb]
+/// where the (MB, NB, KB) dimensions represent the major blocks,
+/// and the (mb, nb, kb) are the minor blocks of their respective
+/// original 2D dimensions (M, N, K).
+/// As a part of packing strategy, the RHS operand gets 'block transposed'
+/// i.e., the major blocks [KB][NB] get transposed to [NB][KB] layout.
+/// The minor blocks remain unchanged.
+/// The final result is unpacked back to the original layout.
packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul);
>From ef541d7d6662209c43eae78d26ff18cb40e28e1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Fri, 3 May 2024 13:41:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/22] Rename to block pack matmul
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td | 2 +-
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h | 16 +++----
.../{PackMatmul.cpp => BlockPackMatmul.cpp} | 47 ++++++++++---------
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
...ack-matmul.mlir => block-pack-matmul.mlir} | 2 +-
5 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
rename mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/{PackMatmul.cpp => BlockPackMatmul.cpp} (83%)
rename mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/{pack-matmul.mlir => block-pack-matmul.mlir} (98%)
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
index e9fd990c38ab7b..b783f95fbb5538 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ def LinalgDetensorizePass : InterfacePass<"linalg-detensorize", "FunctionOpInter
-def LinalgPackMatmul : Pass<"linalg-pack-matmul"> {
+def LinalgBlockPackMatmul : Pass<"linalg-block-pack-matmul"> {
let summary = "Convert linalg matmul ops to block layout and back";
let description = [{
Pack a matmul operation into blocked layout with two levels of subdivision:
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index 40530e2448114f..684183989fdfb3 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -1163,11 +1163,11 @@ packMatmulGreedily(RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp,
ArrayRef<int64_t> mnkOrder);
struct PackMatmulOptions {
- /// Minor block factors for packing relayout in the 'mnkOrder'.
+ /// Minor block factors (mb, nb, kb) for packing relayout where mb, mn are
+ /// the parallel dimensions and kb is the reduction dimension.
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> blockFactors;
- /// Order of packed dimensions (mb, nb, kb) - permutation of the default
- /// order.
+ /// Order of the packed dimensions (mb, nb, kb).
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> mnkOrder = {0, 1, 2};
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf;
@@ -1202,8 +1202,8 @@ using ControlPackMatmulFn =
/// The minor blocks remain unchanged.
/// The final result is unpacked back to the original layout.
-packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
- const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul);
+blockPackMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+ const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul);
/// Rewrite tensor.from_elements to linalg.generic.
FailureOr<Operation *>
@@ -1671,9 +1671,9 @@ void populateSplitReductionPattern(
void populateTransposeMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
bool transposeLHS = true);
-/// Patterns to pack Linalg matmul ops.
-void populatePackMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
- const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlFn);
+/// Patterns to block pack Linalg matmul ops.
+void populateBlockPackMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
+ const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlFn);
} // namespace linalg
} // namespace mlir
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
similarity index 83%
rename from mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
rename to mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
index ca7e4287020992..c38423b12288ba 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/PackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-//===- PackMatmul.cpp - Linalg matmul packing -----------------------------===//
+//===- BlockPackMatmul.cpp - Linalg matmul block packing ------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
@@ -19,13 +19,14 @@
#include <optional>
namespace mlir {
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.h.inc"
} // namespace mlir
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::linalg;
+/// Return constant range span or nullopt, otherwise.
static std::optional<int64_t> getConstantRange(const Range &range) {
std::optional<int64_t> stride = getConstantIntValue(range.stride);
if (!stride || *stride != 1)
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ static std::optional<int64_t> getConstantRange(const Range &range) {
return (*size - *offset);
+/// Return true if all dimensions are fully divisible by the respective tiles.
static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(TilingInterface tileOp,
ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> tiles,
ArrayRef<int64_t> dims) {
@@ -71,9 +73,10 @@ static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(TilingInterface tileOp,
return true;
+/// Pack a matmul operation into blocked 4D layout.
-linalg::packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
- const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul) {
+linalg::blockPackMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+ const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul) {
if (!(isa<linalg::MatmulOp>(matmulOp) ||
isa<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>(matmulOp) ||
isa<linalg::MatmulTransposeAOp>(matmulOp) ||
@@ -171,15 +174,15 @@ linalg::packMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
namespace {
template <typename OpTy>
-struct PackMatmul : public OpRewritePattern<OpTy> {
- PackMatmul(MLIRContext *context, ControlPackMatmulFn fun,
- PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
+struct BlockPackMatmul : public OpRewritePattern<OpTy> {
+ BlockPackMatmul(MLIRContext *context, ControlPackMatmulFn fun,
+ PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
: OpRewritePattern<OpTy>(context, benefit), controlFn(std::move(fun)) {}
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(OpTy matmulOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
FailureOr<PackResult> packedMatmul =
- packMatmulOp(rewriter, matmulOp, controlFn);
+ blockPackMatmulOp(rewriter, matmulOp, controlFn);
if (failed(packedMatmul))
return failure();
return success();
@@ -189,13 +192,10 @@ struct PackMatmul : public OpRewritePattern<OpTy> {
ControlPackMatmulFn controlFn;
-// Entry point for packing matmul operations.
-// Pack MatmulOp as following:
-// [MB][NB][mb][nb] += [MB][KB][mb][kb] * [NB][KB][kb][nb]
-// Pack a BatchMatmulOp as following:
-// [B][MB][NB][mb][nb] += [B][MB][KB][mb][kb] * [B][NB][KB][kb][nb]
-struct LinalgPackMatmul : public impl::LinalgPackMatmulBase<LinalgPackMatmul> {
- using LinalgPackMatmulBase::LinalgPackMatmulBase;
+/// Convert linalg matmul ops to block layout and back.
+struct LinalgBlockPackMatmul
+ : public impl::LinalgBlockPackMatmulBase<LinalgBlockPackMatmul> {
+ using LinalgBlockPackMatmulBase::LinalgBlockPackMatmulBase;
void runOnOperation() override {
Operation *op = getOperation();
@@ -213,19 +213,20 @@ struct LinalgPackMatmul : public impl::LinalgPackMatmulBase<LinalgPackMatmul> {
return options;
- linalg::populatePackMatmulPatterns(patterns, controlFn);
+ linalg::populateBlockPackMatmulPatterns(patterns, controlFn);
if (failed(applyPatternsAndFoldGreedily(op, std::move(patterns))))
return signalPassFailure();
} // namespace
-void linalg::populatePackMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
- const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlFn) {
- patterns.add<PackMatmul<linalg::MatmulOp>, PackMatmul<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>,
- PackMatmul<linalg::MatmulTransposeAOp>,
- PackMatmul<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeAOp>,
- PackMatmul<linalg::MatmulTransposeBOp>,
- PackMatmul<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeBOp>>(
+void linalg::populateBlockPackMatmulPatterns(
+ RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlFn) {
+ patterns.add<BlockPackMatmul<linalg::MatmulOp>,
+ BlockPackMatmul<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>,
+ BlockPackMatmul<linalg::MatmulTransposeAOp>,
+ BlockPackMatmul<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeAOp>,
+ BlockPackMatmul<linalg::MatmulTransposeBOp>,
+ BlockPackMatmul<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeBOp>>(
patterns.getContext(), controlFn);
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt
index e9b104ea5aeb58..5a45859e27d626 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ add_mlir_dialect_library(MLIRLinalgTransforms
- PackMatmul.cpp
+ BlockPackMatmul.cpp
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
similarity index 98%
rename from mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir
rename to mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
index c704d0fb7d4fa5..46062198b69930 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/pack-matmul.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// RUN: mlir-opt %s -linalg-pack-matmul=block-factors=32,16,64 -canonicalize -split-input-file | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -linalg-block-pack-matmul=block-factors=32,16,64 -canonicalize -split-input-file | FileCheck %s
func.func @block_matmul(
%A: tensor<128x128xf32>, %B: tensor<128x128xf32>, %C: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
>From ce2238d0a1a4d6f4d133ee65ca9012b4cf820caa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Fri, 3 May 2024 14:18:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/22] Add test cases
.../Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir | 144 ++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 144 insertions(+)
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
index 46062198b69930..481c018f5876a8 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
@@ -138,3 +138,147 @@ func.func @block_batch_matmul(
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// -----
+func.func @block_matmul_transpose_a(
+ %A: tensor<128x64xf32>, %B: tensor<128x64xf32>, %C: tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.matmul_transpose_a ins(%A, %B : tensor<128x64xf32>, tensor<128x64xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d2, d0, d3, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d5, d4)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_transpose_a(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x64xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x64xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<128x64xf32> -> tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<128x64xf32> -> tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<64x64xf32> -> tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<64x64xf32>
+// -----
+func.func @block_batch_matmul_transpose_a(
+ %A: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %B: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %C: tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.batch_matmul_transpose_a ins(%A, %B : tensor<512x128x64xf32>, tensor<512x128x64xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d3, d1, d4, d6)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d2, d3, d6, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d2, d4, d5)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_batch_matmul_transpose_a(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.+]]: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %[[B:.+]]: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %[[C:.+]]: tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [2, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<512x128x64xf32> -> tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 2, 1] inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<512x128x64xf32> -> tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32> -> tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]]
+// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// -----
+func.func @block_matmul_transpose_b(
+ %A: tensor<64x128xf32>, %B: tensor<64x128xf32>, %C: tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.matmul_transpose_b ins(%A, %B : tensor<64x128xf32>, tensor<64x128xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d5, d4)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_transpose_b(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x128xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x128xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<64x128xf32> -> tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<64x128xf32> -> tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<64x64xf32> -> tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<64x64xf32>
+// -----
+func.func @block_batch_matmul_transpose_b(
+ %A: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %B: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %C: tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.batch_matmul_transpose_b ins(%A, %B : tensor<512x64x128xf32>, tensor<512x64x128xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4, d6)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d2, d3, d6, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d2, d4, d5)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_batch_matmul_transpose_b(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.+]]: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %[[B:.+]]: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %[[C:.+]]: tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<512x64x128xf32> -> tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1, 2] inner_dims_pos = [2, 1] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<512x64x128xf32> -> tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32> -> tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]]
+// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
>From 204f379114476452ca589a58c8a24dda2168e705 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Fri, 3 May 2024 18:00:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/22] Formatting
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td | 4 ++--
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h | 5 ++---
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
index b783f95fbb5538..fa0cdc70a97eb9 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ def LinalgBlockPackMatmul : Pass<"linalg-block-pack-matmul"> {
The minor blocks remain unchanged.
The final result is unpacked back to the original layout.
- Given a matmul operation:
+ For example, given a matmul operation:
%res = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B) outs(%C)
- the traformation can be represented as:
+ the transformation result can be represented as:
%A_packed = pack %A : 2D -> 4D
%B_packed = pack %B : 2D -> 4D #block_transposed
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index 684183989fdfb3..719786f241a9ec 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -1197,9 +1197,8 @@ using ControlPackMatmulFn =
/// and the (mb, nb, kb) are the minor blocks of their respective
/// original 2D dimensions (M, N, K).
-/// As a part of packing strategy, the RHS operand gets 'block transposed'
-/// i.e., the major blocks [KB][NB] get transposed to [NB][KB] layout.
-/// The minor blocks remain unchanged.
+/// The RHS operand gets 'block transposed' i.e., the major blocks [KB][NB]
+/// get transposed to [NB][KB] layout. The minor blocks remain unchanged.
/// The final result is unpacked back to the original layout.
blockPackMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
>From 6003bddcf572735925c5448a23c3cdcc510f1c9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Fri, 3 May 2024 18:00:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/22] Fix transposition for matmul variants
.../Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp | 59 ++++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
index c38423b12288ba..7bad2d5c4b6a7a 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
@@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ linalg::blockPackMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
"expect packing full tiles only");
+ bool isTransposedLhs = isa<linalg::MatmulTransposeAOp>(matmulOp) ||
+ isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeAOp>(matmulOp);
bool isTransposedRhs = isa<linalg::MatmulTransposeBOp>(matmulOp) ||
@@ -141,32 +143,57 @@ linalg::blockPackMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
assert(packedCanonicalMatmul->unPackOps.size() == 1 &&
"failed matmul unpacking");
- SmallVector<int64_t> innerPerm{1, 0};
- SmallVector<int64_t> outerPerm{1, 0};
- // No need to block transpose if the RHS matrix is already transposed.
- if (isTransposedRhs)
- outerPerm = {0, 1};
- // Leave the batch dimension as is.
- if (isBatchMatmulOp) {
+ auto applyBatchDim = [&](ArrayRef<int64_t> perms) -> SmallVector<int64_t> {
// Account for the batch dimension.
- SmallVector<int64_t> newOuterPerms{0};
+ SmallVector<int64_t> newPerms{0};
// Offset all permutations.
- for (auto perm : outerPerm)
- newOuterPerms.push_back(++perm);
- outerPerm = newOuterPerms;
+ for (auto perm : perms)
+ newPerms.push_back(++perm);
+ return newPerms;
+ };
+ // If needed, block transpose the packed matmul i.e., transpose the outer
+ // dimensions. The inner dimensions (minor blocks) remain unchanged.
+ if (isTransposedLhs) {
+ // The inner blocks' layout is already correctly enforced by the initial
+ // packing.
+ SmallVector<int64_t> lhsInnerPerm{0, 1};
+ // Only block transpose the outer dimensions for LHS matrix.
+ SmallVector<int64_t> lhsOuterPerm{1, 0};
+ // Leave the batch dimension as is.
+ if (isBatchMatmulOp)
+ lhsOuterPerm = applyBatchDim(lhsOuterPerm);
+ FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedMatmul =
+ packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0],
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp,
+ /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, lhsOuterPerm, lhsInnerPerm);
+ if (failed(packedMatmul))
+ return failure();
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0] = packedMatmul->transposedPackOp;
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedMatmul->transposedLinalgOp;
- // Block transpose the packed matmul i.e., transpose the outer dimensions
- // layout of the RHS matrix. The inner dimensions (minor blocks) remain
- // unchanged.
+ // Transpose the layout of the inner dimension (minor blocks).
+ SmallVector<int64_t> rhsInnerPerm{1, 0};
+ // Block transpose the RHS matrix i.e., transpose the outer dimensions.
+ SmallVector<int64_t> rhsOuterPerm{1, 0};
+ // No need to block transpose if the RHS matrix is already transposed.
+ if (isTransposedRhs)
+ rhsOuterPerm = {0, 1};
+ // Leave the batch dimension as is.
+ if (isBatchMatmulOp)
+ rhsOuterPerm = applyBatchDim(rhsOuterPerm);
FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedMatmul =
packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1],
- /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, outerPerm, innerPerm);
+ /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, rhsOuterPerm, rhsInnerPerm);
if (failed(packedMatmul))
return failure();
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1] = packedMatmul->transposedPackOp;
packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedMatmul->transposedLinalgOp;
return packedCanonicalMatmul;
>From cf6ca57c3539f53ab8bac3512d3e767da53db2a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 16:42:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/22] Cleanup test
mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir | 5 ++---
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
index 481c018f5876a8..6f134a494e8d0c 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
@@ -106,10 +106,9 @@ func.func @block_matmul_with_consumer(
func.func @block_batch_matmul(
%A: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %B: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %C: tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32> {
- %0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
- %1 = linalg.batch_matmul ins(%A, %B : tensor<512x64x128xf32>, tensor<512x128x64xf32>)
+ %0 = linalg.batch_matmul ins(%A, %B : tensor<512x64x128xf32>, tensor<512x128x64xf32>)
outs(%C : tensor<512x64x64xf32>) -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
- return %1 : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4, d6)>
>From 22069e21fc94295f1017b0f2abc81f34b29d66fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 16:43:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/22] WIP better options
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td | 22 ++-
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h | 22 ++-
.../Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp | 186 ++++++++++++++----
3 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
index fa0cdc70a97eb9..60d8b5bdec0947 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
@@ -179,13 +179,25 @@ def LinalgBlockPackMatmul : Pass<"linalg-block-pack-matmul"> {
let options = [
ListOption<"blockFactors", "block-factors", "int64_t",
"Block factors (mb, nb, kb) for relayout">,
- ListOption<"mnkOrder", "mnk-order", "int64_t",
- "Permutation of (mb, nb, kb) dimensions order">,
- ListOption<"mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf", "mnk-padded-multiples", "int64_t",
- "Packing sizes next multiple">,
Option<"allowPadding", "allow-padding", "bool",
- "Allow packing padding">
+ "Allow packing padding">,
+ ListOption<"mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf", "mnk-padded-multiples", "int64_t",
+ "Next multiple of the packing sizes">,
+ ListOption<"mnkOrder", "mnk-order", "int64_t",
+ "Permutation of matmul (M, N, K) dimensions order">,
+ Option<"lhsTransposeOuterBlocks", "lhs-transpose-outer-blocks", "bool",
+ /*default=*/"false",
+ "Transpose LHS outer block layout [MB][KB] -> [KB][MB]">,
+ Option<"lhsTransposeInnerBlocks", "lhs-transpose-inner-blocks", "bool",
+ /*default=*/"false",
+ "Transpose LHS inner block layout [mb][kb] -> [kb][mb]">,
+ Option<"rhsTransposeOuterBlocks", "rhs-transpose-outer-blocks", "bool",
+ /*default=*/"true",
+ "Transpose RHS outer block layout [KB][NB] -> [NB][KB]">,
+ Option<"rhsTransposeInnerBlocks", "rhs-transpose-inner-blocks", "bool",
+ /*default=*/"true",
+ "Transpose RHS inner block layout [kb][nb] -> [nb][kb]">,
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index 719786f241a9ec..c63422f2b14800 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -1167,14 +1167,26 @@ struct PackMatmulOptions {
/// the parallel dimensions and kb is the reduction dimension.
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> blockFactors;
- /// Order of the packed dimensions (mb, nb, kb).
- SmallVector<int64_t, 3> mnkOrder = {0, 1, 2};
- SmallVector<int64_t, 3> mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf;
/// If true, allows packing of dimensions that only partially fit into the
/// block factors.
bool allowPadding = true;
+ SmallVector<int64_t, 3> mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf;
+ /// Permutation of matmul (M, N, K) dimensions order.
+ SmallVector<int64_t, 3> mnkOrder = {0, 1, 2};
+ /// Transpose LHS outer block layout [MB][KB] -> [KB][MB].
+ bool lhsTransposeOuterBlocks = false;
+ /// Transpose LHS inner block layout [mb][kb] -> [kb][mb].
+ bool lhsTransposeInnerBlocks = false;
+ /// Transpose RHS outer block layout [KB][NB] -> [NB][KB].
+ bool rhsTransposeOuterBlocks = true;
+ /// Transpose RHS inner block layout [kb][nb] -> [nb][kb].
+ bool rhsTransposeInnerBlocks = true;
/// Function type which is used to control matmul packing.
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
index 7bad2d5c4b6a7a..d3074677ff59c2 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
@@ -143,58 +143,170 @@ linalg::blockPackMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
assert(packedCanonicalMatmul->unPackOps.size() == 1 &&
"failed matmul unpacking");
+ FailureOr<ContractionDimensions> maybeDimensions =
+ inferContractionDims(packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp);
+ if (failed(maybeDimensions)) {
+ llvm::errs() << "Failed to infer contraction dims\n";
+ } else {
+ llvm::errs() << "batch: ";
+ for (auto dim : maybeDimensions->batch)
+ llvm::errs() << dim << " ";
+ llvm::errs() << "\n";
+ llvm::errs() << "m: ";
+ for (auto dim : maybeDimensions->m)
+ llvm::errs() << dim << " ";
+ llvm::errs() << "\n";
+ llvm::errs() << "n: ";
+ for (auto dim : maybeDimensions->n)
+ llvm::errs() << dim << " ";
+ llvm::errs() << "\n";
+ llvm::errs() << "k: ";
+ for (auto dim : maybeDimensions->k)
+ llvm::errs() << dim << " ";
+ llvm::errs() << "\n";
+ }
+ auto genericOp = dyn_cast<linalg::GenericOp>(
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp.getOperation());
+ SmallVector<AffineMap> maps = genericOp.getIndexingMapsArray();
+ AffineMap lhsMap = maps[0];
+ llvm::errs() << "m pos:" << maybeDimensions->m.end()[-2] << "\n";
+ llvm::errs() << "A mat m map: "
+ << lhsMap.getDimPosition(0 + maybeDimensions->batch.size())
+ << "\n";
+ llvm::errs() << "k pos:" << maybeDimensions->k.end()[-2] << "\n";
+ llvm::errs() << "A mat k dim: "
+ << lhsMap.getDimPosition(1 + maybeDimensions->batch.size())
+ << "\n";
+ unsigned int batchOffset = maybeDimensions->batch.size();
+ bool isLhsOuterTransposed =
+ lhsMap.getDimPosition(0 + batchOffset) != maybeDimensions->m.end()[-2];
+ bool isLhsInnerTransposed =
+ lhsMap.getDimPosition(2 + batchOffset) != maybeDimensions->m.back();
auto applyBatchDim = [&](ArrayRef<int64_t> perms) -> SmallVector<int64_t> {
// Account for the batch dimension.
- SmallVector<int64_t> newPerms{0};
+ SmallVector<int64_t> newPerms;
+ for (auto i : llvm::seq<unsigned>(0, batchOffset))
+ newPerms.push_back(0);
// Offset all permutations.
for (auto perm : perms)
- newPerms.push_back(++perm);
+ newPerms.push_back(perm + batchOffset);
return newPerms;
// If needed, block transpose the packed matmul i.e., transpose the outer
// dimensions. The inner dimensions (minor blocks) remain unchanged.
- if (isTransposedLhs) {
- // The inner blocks' layout is already correctly enforced by the initial
- // packing.
- SmallVector<int64_t> lhsInnerPerm{0, 1};
- // Only block transpose the outer dimensions for LHS matrix.
- SmallVector<int64_t> lhsOuterPerm{1, 0};
- // Leave the batch dimension as is.
- if (isBatchMatmulOp)
- lhsOuterPerm = applyBatchDim(lhsOuterPerm);
- FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedMatmul =
- packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0],
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp,
- /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, lhsOuterPerm, lhsInnerPerm);
- if (failed(packedMatmul))
- return failure();
+ // The inner blocks' layout is already correctly enforced by the initial
+ // packing.
+ SmallVector<int64_t> lhsInnerPerm{0, 1};
+ if (isLhsInnerTransposed != options->lhsTransposeInnerBlocks)
+ lhsInnerPerm = {1, 0};
+ // Only block transpose the outer dimensions for LHS matrix.
+ SmallVector<int64_t> lhsOuterPerm{0, 1};
+ if (isLhsOuterTransposed != options->lhsTransposeOuterBlocks)
+ lhsOuterPerm = {1, 0};
+ // Leave the batch dimension as is.
+ if (isBatchMatmulOp)
+ lhsOuterPerm = applyBatchDim(lhsOuterPerm);
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0] = packedMatmul->transposedPackOp;
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedMatmul->transposedLinalgOp;
- }
+ FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedLhs =
+ packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0],
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp,
+ /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, lhsOuterPerm, lhsInnerPerm);
+ if (failed(packedLhs))
+ return failure();
- // Transpose the layout of the inner dimension (minor blocks).
- SmallVector<int64_t> rhsInnerPerm{1, 0};
- // Block transpose the RHS matrix i.e., transpose the outer dimensions.
- SmallVector<int64_t> rhsOuterPerm{1, 0};
- // No need to block transpose if the RHS matrix is already transposed.
- if (isTransposedRhs)
- rhsOuterPerm = {0, 1};
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0] = packedLhs->transposedPackOp;
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedLhs->transposedLinalgOp;
+ AffineMap rhsMap = maps[1];
+ bool isRhsOuterTransposed =
+ rhsMap.getDimPosition(0 + batchOffset) != maybeDimensions->k.end()[-2];
+ bool isRhsInnerTransposed =
+ rhsMap.getDimPosition(2 + batchOffset) != maybeDimensions->k.back();
+ SmallVector<int64_t> rhsInnerPerm{0, 1};
+ if (isRhsInnerTransposed != options->rhsTransposeInnerBlocks)
+ rhsInnerPerm = {1, 0};
+ // Only block transpose the outer dimensions for LHS matrix.
+ SmallVector<int64_t> rhsOuterPerm{0, 1};
+ if (isRhsOuterTransposed != options->rhsTransposeOuterBlocks)
+ rhsOuterPerm = {1, 0};
// Leave the batch dimension as is.
if (isBatchMatmulOp)
rhsOuterPerm = applyBatchDim(rhsOuterPerm);
- FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedMatmul =
+ FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedRhs =
packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1],
/*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, rhsOuterPerm, rhsInnerPerm);
- if (failed(packedMatmul))
+ if (failed(packedRhs))
return failure();
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1] = packedMatmul->transposedPackOp;
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedMatmul->transposedLinalgOp;
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1] = packedRhs->transposedPackOp;
+ packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedRhs->transposedLinalgOp;
+ // auto applyBatchDim = [&](ArrayRef<int64_t> perms) -> SmallVector<int64_t>
+ // {
+ // // Account for the batch dimension.
+ // SmallVector<int64_t> newPerms{0};
+ // // Offset all permutations.
+ // for (auto perm : perms)
+ // newPerms.push_back(++perm);
+ // return newPerms;
+ // };
+ // // If needed, block transpose the packed matmul i.e., transpose the outer
+ // // dimensions. The inner dimensions (minor blocks) remain unchanged.
+ // if (isTransposedLhs) {
+ // // The inner blocks' layout is already correctly enforced by the
+ // initial
+ // // packing.
+ // SmallVector<int64_t> lhsInnerPerm{0, 1};
+ // // Only block transpose the outer dimensions for LHS matrix.
+ // SmallVector<int64_t> lhsOuterPerm{1, 0};
+ // // Leave the batch dimension as is.
+ // if (isBatchMatmulOp)
+ // lhsOuterPerm = applyBatchDim(lhsOuterPerm);
+ // FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedMatmul =
+ // packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0],
+ // packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp,
+ // /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, lhsOuterPerm,
+ // lhsInnerPerm);
+ // if (failed(packedMatmul))
+ // return failure();
+ // packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0] = packedMatmul->transposedPackOp;
+ // packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp =
+ // packedMatmul->transposedLinalgOp;
+ // }
+ // // Transpose the layout of the inner dimension (minor blocks).
+ // SmallVector<int64_t> rhsInnerPerm{1, 0};
+ // // Block transpose the RHS matrix i.e., transpose the outer dimensions.
+ // SmallVector<int64_t> rhsOuterPerm{1, 0};
+ // // No need to block transpose if the RHS matrix is already transposed.
+ // if (isTransposedRhs)
+ // rhsOuterPerm = {0, 1};
+ // // Leave the batch dimension as is.
+ // if (isBatchMatmulOp)
+ // rhsOuterPerm = applyBatchDim(rhsOuterPerm);
+ // FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedMatmul =
+ // packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1],
+ // packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp,
+ // /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, rhsOuterPerm, rhsInnerPerm);
+ // if (failed(packedMatmul))
+ // return failure();
+ // packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1] = packedMatmul->transposedPackOp;
+ // packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedMatmul->transposedLinalgOp;
return packedCanonicalMatmul;
@@ -232,11 +344,15 @@ struct LinalgBlockPackMatmul
[&](linalg::LinalgOp op) -> PackMatmulOptions {
PackMatmulOptions options;
options.blockFactors = SmallVector<int64_t>{*blockFactors};
- if (!mnkOrder.empty())
- options.mnkOrder = SmallVector<int64_t>{*mnkOrder};
+ options.allowPadding = allowPadding;
options.mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf =
- options.allowPadding = allowPadding;
+ if (!mnkOrder.empty())
+ options.mnkOrder = SmallVector<int64_t>{*mnkOrder};
+ options.lhsTransposeOuterBlocks = lhsTransposeOuterBlocks;
+ options.lhsTransposeInnerBlocks = lhsTransposeInnerBlocks;
+ options.rhsTransposeOuterBlocks = rhsTransposeOuterBlocks;
+ options.rhsTransposeInnerBlocks = rhsTransposeInnerBlocks;
return options;
>From 825228a41e2d315f419ff1fee11356044f860806 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 21:06:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 14/22] WIP better options 2
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td | 2 +-
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h | 5 +-
.../Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp | 301 ++++++------------
3 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
index 60d8b5bdec0947..cb942570caa533 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ def LinalgBlockPackMatmul : Pass<"linalg-block-pack-matmul"> {
"Allow packing padding">,
ListOption<"mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf", "mnk-padded-multiples", "int64_t",
- "Next multiple of the packing sizes">,
+ "Next multiples of the packing sizes">,
ListOption<"mnkOrder", "mnk-order", "int64_t",
"Permutation of matmul (M, N, K) dimensions order">,
Option<"lhsTransposeOuterBlocks", "lhs-transpose-outer-blocks", "bool",
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index c63422f2b14800..beb904066940f4 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -1171,6 +1171,7 @@ struct PackMatmulOptions {
/// block factors.
bool allowPadding = true;
+ /// Next multiples of the packing sizes.
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf;
/// Permutation of matmul (M, N, K) dimensions order.
@@ -1213,8 +1214,8 @@ using ControlPackMatmulFn =
/// get transposed to [NB][KB] layout. The minor blocks remain unchanged.
/// The final result is unpacked back to the original layout.
-blockPackMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
- const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul);
+blockPackMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+ const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul);
/// Rewrite tensor.from_elements to linalg.generic.
FailureOr<Operation *>
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
index d3074677ff59c2..33073ace3fa0b5 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
@@ -41,18 +41,30 @@ static std::optional<int64_t> getConstantRange(const Range &range) {
/// Return true if all dimensions are fully divisible by the respective tiles.
-static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(TilingInterface tileOp,
+static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> tiles,
ArrayRef<int64_t> dims) {
if (dims.size() != tiles.size() || tiles.empty())
return false;
+ FailureOr<ContractionDimensions> contractDims =
+ inferContractionDims(matmulOp);
+ if (failed(contractDims))
+ return false;
+ unsigned batchDimsOffset = contractDims->batch.size();
+ // Skip the batch dimension if present.
+ // Offset all dimensions accordingly.
+ SmallVector<int64_t, 3> offsetDims{dims};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < offsetDims.size(); i++)
+ offsetDims[i] += batchDimsOffset;
+ auto tileOp = cast<TilingInterface>(matmulOp.getOperation());
OpBuilder builder(tileOp);
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
- SmallVector<Range> iterationDomain =
- cast<TilingInterface>(tileOp.getOperation()).getIterationDomain(builder);
+ SmallVector<Range> iterationDomain = tileOp.getIterationDomain(builder);
- for (auto dim : llvm::enumerate(dims)) {
+ for (auto dim : llvm::enumerate(offsetDims)) {
if (dim.value() >= static_cast<int64_t>(iterationDomain.size()))
return false;
@@ -73,19 +85,60 @@ static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(TilingInterface tileOp,
return true;
+/// Return failure or packed matmul with one of its operands tranposed.
+static FailureOr<PackTransposeResult>
+transposePackedMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+ tensor::PackOp packOp, AffineMap operandMap,
+ ArrayRef<unsigned> blocksStartDimPos,
+ bool transposeOuterBlocks, bool transposeInnerBlocks,
+ unsigned outerDimsOffset = 0) {
+ assert(operandMap.getNumDims() >= 4 &&
+ "expected at least 4D prepacked matmul");
+ assert(blocksStartDimPos.size() == 2 &&
+ "expected starting outer and inner block positions");
+ // Base dimension positions in 4D packed matmul.
+ unsigned outerBlockPos = 0;
+ unsigned innerBlockPos = 2;
+ // Transpose control options define the desired block and element layout.
+ // Block transposition (outer dimensions) or element transposition (inner
+ // dimensions) may not be necessary depending on the original matmul data
+ // layout.
+ bool isOuterTransposed =
+ operandMap.getDimPosition(outerBlockPos + outerDimsOffset) !=
+ blocksStartDimPos.end()[-2];
+ bool isInnerTransposed =
+ operandMap.getDimPosition(innerBlockPos + outerDimsOffset) !=
+ blocksStartDimPos.back();
+ // Transpose only the dimensions that need that to conform to the provided
+ // transpotion settings.
+ SmallVector<int64_t> innerPerm{0, 1};
+ if (isInnerTransposed != transposeInnerBlocks)
+ innerPerm = {1, 0};
+ SmallVector<int64_t> outerPerm{0, 1};
+ if (isOuterTransposed != transposeOuterBlocks)
+ outerPerm = {1, 0};
+ // Leave the outer dimensions, like batch, unchanged by offsetting all
+ // outer dimensions permutations.
+ SmallVector<int64_t> offsetPerms(outerDimsOffset, 0);
+ for (auto perm : outerPerm)
+ offsetPerms.push_back(perm + outerDimsOffset);
+ outerPerm = offsetPerms;
+ FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packTransposedMatmul =
+ packTranspose(rewriter, packOp, matmulOp,
+ /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, outerPerm, innerPerm);
+ return packTransposedMatmul;
/// Pack a matmul operation into blocked 4D layout.
-linalg::blockPackMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
- const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul) {
- if (!(isa<linalg::MatmulOp>(matmulOp) ||
- isa<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>(matmulOp) ||
- isa<linalg::MatmulTransposeAOp>(matmulOp) ||
- isa<linalg::MatmulTransposeBOp>(matmulOp) ||
- isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeAOp>(matmulOp) ||
- isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeBOp>(matmulOp))) {
- return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "not a matmul-like operation");
- }
+linalg::blockPackMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+ const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul) {
if (matmulOp.hasDynamicShape())
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require static shape");
@@ -102,29 +155,13 @@ linalg::blockPackMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
SmallVector<OpFoldResult> mnkTiles =
- SmallVector<int64_t, 3> dims{options->mnkOrder};
- // Skip the batch dimension if present.
- bool isBatchMatmulOp = isa<linalg::BatchMatmulOp>(matmulOp) ||
- isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeAOp>(matmulOp) ||
- isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeBOp>(matmulOp);
- if (isBatchMatmulOp) {
- // Offset all dimensions.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
- ++dims[i];
- }
+ // If padding is disabled, make sure that dimensions can be packed cleanly.
if (!options->allowPadding &&
- !validateFullTilesOnDims(cast<TilingInterface>(matmulOp.getOperation()),
- mnkTiles, dims)) {
+ !validateFullTilesOnDims(matmulOp, mnkTiles, options->mnkOrder)) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp,
"expect packing full tiles only");
- bool isTransposedLhs = isa<linalg::MatmulTransposeAOp>(matmulOp) ||
- isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeAOp>(matmulOp);
- bool isTransposedRhs = isa<linalg::MatmulTransposeBOp>(matmulOp) ||
- isa<linalg::BatchMatmulTransposeBOp>(matmulOp);
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(rewriter);
// The op is replaced, we need to set the insertion point after it.
@@ -133,182 +170,52 @@ linalg::blockPackMatmulOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
// subdivision:
// - major 2D blocks - outer dimensions, consist of minor blocks
// - minor 2D blocks - inner dimensions, consist of scalar elements
- FailureOr<PackResult> packedCanonicalMatmul = packMatmulGreedily(
+ FailureOr<PackResult> packedMatmul = packMatmulGreedily(
rewriter, matmulOp, mnkTiles, options->mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf,
- if (failed(packedCanonicalMatmul))
+ if (failed(packedMatmul))
return failure();
- assert(packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps.size() == 3 && "failed matmul packing");
- assert(packedCanonicalMatmul->unPackOps.size() == 1 &&
- "failed matmul unpacking");
- FailureOr<ContractionDimensions> maybeDimensions =
- inferContractionDims(packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp);
- if (failed(maybeDimensions)) {
- llvm::errs() << "Failed to infer contraction dims\n";
- } else {
- llvm::errs() << "batch: ";
- for (auto dim : maybeDimensions->batch)
- llvm::errs() << dim << " ";
- llvm::errs() << "\n";
- llvm::errs() << "m: ";
- for (auto dim : maybeDimensions->m)
- llvm::errs() << dim << " ";
- llvm::errs() << "\n";
- llvm::errs() << "n: ";
- for (auto dim : maybeDimensions->n)
- llvm::errs() << dim << " ";
- llvm::errs() << "\n";
- llvm::errs() << "k: ";
- for (auto dim : maybeDimensions->k)
- llvm::errs() << dim << " ";
- llvm::errs() << "\n";
- }
+ assert(packedMatmul->packOps.size() == 3 &&
+ "invalid number of pack ops after matmul packing");
+ assert(packedMatmul->unPackOps.size() == 1 &&
+ "invalid number of unpack ops after matmul packing");
- auto genericOp = dyn_cast<linalg::GenericOp>(
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp.getOperation());
+ FailureOr<ContractionDimensions> contractDims =
+ inferContractionDims(packedMatmul->packedLinalgOp);
+ if (failed(contractDims))
+ return failure();
+ unsigned batchDimsOffset = contractDims->batch.size();
+ auto genericOp =
+ dyn_cast<linalg::GenericOp>(packedMatmul->packedLinalgOp.getOperation());
SmallVector<AffineMap> maps = genericOp.getIndexingMapsArray();
- AffineMap lhsMap = maps[0];
- llvm::errs() << "m pos:" << maybeDimensions->m.end()[-2] << "\n";
- llvm::errs() << "A mat m map: "
- << lhsMap.getDimPosition(0 + maybeDimensions->batch.size())
- << "\n";
- llvm::errs() << "k pos:" << maybeDimensions->k.end()[-2] << "\n";
- llvm::errs() << "A mat k dim: "
- << lhsMap.getDimPosition(1 + maybeDimensions->batch.size())
- << "\n";
- unsigned int batchOffset = maybeDimensions->batch.size();
- bool isLhsOuterTransposed =
- lhsMap.getDimPosition(0 + batchOffset) != maybeDimensions->m.end()[-2];
- bool isLhsInnerTransposed =
- lhsMap.getDimPosition(2 + batchOffset) != maybeDimensions->m.back();
- auto applyBatchDim = [&](ArrayRef<int64_t> perms) -> SmallVector<int64_t> {
- // Account for the batch dimension.
- SmallVector<int64_t> newPerms;
- for (auto i : llvm::seq<unsigned>(0, batchOffset))
- newPerms.push_back(0);
- // Offset all permutations.
- for (auto perm : perms)
- newPerms.push_back(perm + batchOffset);
- return newPerms;
- };
- // If needed, block transpose the packed matmul i.e., transpose the outer
- // dimensions. The inner dimensions (minor blocks) remain unchanged.
- // The inner blocks' layout is already correctly enforced by the initial
- // packing.
- SmallVector<int64_t> lhsInnerPerm{0, 1};
- if (isLhsInnerTransposed != options->lhsTransposeInnerBlocks)
- lhsInnerPerm = {1, 0};
- // Only block transpose the outer dimensions for LHS matrix.
- SmallVector<int64_t> lhsOuterPerm{0, 1};
- if (isLhsOuterTransposed != options->lhsTransposeOuterBlocks)
- lhsOuterPerm = {1, 0};
- // Leave the batch dimension as is.
- if (isBatchMatmulOp)
- lhsOuterPerm = applyBatchDim(lhsOuterPerm);
- FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedLhs =
- packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0],
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp,
- /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, lhsOuterPerm, lhsInnerPerm);
+ // Transpose LHS matrix according to the options.
+ FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedLhs = transposePackedMatmul(
+ rewriter, packedMatmul->packedLinalgOp, packedMatmul->packOps[0], maps[0],
+ contractDims->m, options->lhsTransposeOuterBlocks,
+ options->lhsTransposeInnerBlocks, batchDimsOffset);
if (failed(packedLhs))
return failure();
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0] = packedLhs->transposedPackOp;
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedLhs->transposedLinalgOp;
- AffineMap rhsMap = maps[1];
- bool isRhsOuterTransposed =
- rhsMap.getDimPosition(0 + batchOffset) != maybeDimensions->k.end()[-2];
- bool isRhsInnerTransposed =
- rhsMap.getDimPosition(2 + batchOffset) != maybeDimensions->k.back();
- SmallVector<int64_t> rhsInnerPerm{0, 1};
- if (isRhsInnerTransposed != options->rhsTransposeInnerBlocks)
- rhsInnerPerm = {1, 0};
- // Only block transpose the outer dimensions for LHS matrix.
- SmallVector<int64_t> rhsOuterPerm{0, 1};
- if (isRhsOuterTransposed != options->rhsTransposeOuterBlocks)
- rhsOuterPerm = {1, 0};
- // Leave the batch dimension as is.
- if (isBatchMatmulOp)
- rhsOuterPerm = applyBatchDim(rhsOuterPerm);
- FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedRhs =
- packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1],
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp,
- /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, rhsOuterPerm, rhsInnerPerm);
+ // Update results.
+ packedMatmul->packOps[0] = packedLhs->transposedPackOp;
+ packedMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedLhs->transposedLinalgOp;
+ // Transpose RHS matrix according to the options.
+ FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedRhs = transposePackedMatmul(
+ rewriter, packedMatmul->packedLinalgOp, packedMatmul->packOps[1], maps[1],
+ contractDims->k, options->rhsTransposeOuterBlocks,
+ options->rhsTransposeInnerBlocks, batchDimsOffset);
if (failed(packedRhs))
return failure();
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1] = packedRhs->transposedPackOp;
- packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedRhs->transposedLinalgOp;
- // auto applyBatchDim = [&](ArrayRef<int64_t> perms) -> SmallVector<int64_t>
- // {
- // // Account for the batch dimension.
- // SmallVector<int64_t> newPerms{0};
- // // Offset all permutations.
- // for (auto perm : perms)
- // newPerms.push_back(++perm);
- // return newPerms;
- // };
- // // If needed, block transpose the packed matmul i.e., transpose the outer
- // // dimensions. The inner dimensions (minor blocks) remain unchanged.
- // if (isTransposedLhs) {
- // // The inner blocks' layout is already correctly enforced by the
- // initial
- // // packing.
- // SmallVector<int64_t> lhsInnerPerm{0, 1};
- // // Only block transpose the outer dimensions for LHS matrix.
- // SmallVector<int64_t> lhsOuterPerm{1, 0};
- // // Leave the batch dimension as is.
- // if (isBatchMatmulOp)
- // lhsOuterPerm = applyBatchDim(lhsOuterPerm);
- // FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedMatmul =
- // packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0],
- // packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp,
- // /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, lhsOuterPerm,
- // lhsInnerPerm);
- // if (failed(packedMatmul))
- // return failure();
- // packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[0] = packedMatmul->transposedPackOp;
- // packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp =
- // packedMatmul->transposedLinalgOp;
- // }
- // // Transpose the layout of the inner dimension (minor blocks).
- // SmallVector<int64_t> rhsInnerPerm{1, 0};
- // // Block transpose the RHS matrix i.e., transpose the outer dimensions.
- // SmallVector<int64_t> rhsOuterPerm{1, 0};
- // // No need to block transpose if the RHS matrix is already transposed.
- // if (isTransposedRhs)
- // rhsOuterPerm = {0, 1};
- // // Leave the batch dimension as is.
- // if (isBatchMatmulOp)
- // rhsOuterPerm = applyBatchDim(rhsOuterPerm);
- // FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packedMatmul =
- // packTranspose(rewriter, packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1],
- // packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp,
- // /*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, rhsOuterPerm, rhsInnerPerm);
- // if (failed(packedMatmul))
- // return failure();
- // packedCanonicalMatmul->packOps[1] = packedMatmul->transposedPackOp;
- // packedCanonicalMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedMatmul->transposedLinalgOp;
- return packedCanonicalMatmul;
+ // Update results.
+ packedMatmul->packOps[1] = packedRhs->transposedPackOp;
+ packedMatmul->packedLinalgOp = packedRhs->transposedLinalgOp;
+ return packedMatmul;
namespace {
@@ -321,7 +228,7 @@ struct BlockPackMatmul : public OpRewritePattern<OpTy> {
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(OpTy matmulOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
FailureOr<PackResult> packedMatmul =
- blockPackMatmulOp(rewriter, matmulOp, controlFn);
+ blockPackMatmul(rewriter, matmulOp, controlFn);
if (failed(packedMatmul))
return failure();
return success();
>From ac9b8a3a8cb834dbcdc8fd84bc6106e556e52b1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 22:57:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 15/22] Update tests
.../Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir | 80 +++++++++----------
1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
index 6f134a494e8d0c..e855b42f732558 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ func.func @block_matmul(
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d5, d4)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d4, d5)>
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
-// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<8x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
-// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [16, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<8x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ func.func @block_matmul(
// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
-// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func.func @block_matmul_with_constant(
// CHECK-DAG: %[[CST_ACC_PACKED:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
// CHECK-DAG: %[[RES_DST:.+]] = arith.constant dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<128x128xf32>
// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
-// CHECK-SAME: ins({{.*}} : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[CST_ACC_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK-SAME: ins({{.*}} : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[CST_ACC_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[RES_DST]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func.func @block_matmul_with_producer(
// CHECK: %[[FILL_DST_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[ACC_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.fill ins(%[[C0]] : f32) outs(%[[FILL_DST_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>) -> tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
-// CHECK-SAME: ins({{.*}} : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[ACC_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK-SAME: ins({{.*}} : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[ACC_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
@@ -112,19 +112,19 @@ func.func @block_batch_matmul(
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4, d6)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d2, d3, d6, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5, d6)>
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d2, d4, d5)>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_batch_matmul(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.+]]: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %[[B:.+]]: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %[[C:.+]]: tensor<512x64x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
-// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1, 2] inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<512x64x128xf32> -> tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x4x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
-// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 2, 1] inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<512x128x64xf32> -> tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 2, 1] inner_dims_pos = [2, 1] inner_tiles = [16, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<512x128x64xf32> -> tensor<512x4x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func.func @block_batch_matmul(
// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]]
// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]
-// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<512x4x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
@@ -147,20 +147,20 @@ func.func @block_matmul_transpose_a(
return %0 : tensor<64x64xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d2, d0, d3, d5)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d5, d4)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d4, d5)>
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_transpose_a(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x64xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x64xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
-// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<128x64xf32> -> tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
-// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<128x64xf32> -> tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [16, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<128x64xf32> -> tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ func.func @block_matmul_transpose_a(
// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
-// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<64x64xf32>
@@ -183,20 +183,20 @@ func.func @block_batch_matmul_transpose_a(
return %0 : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d3, d1, d4, d6)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d2, d3, d6, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4, d6)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5, d6)>
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d2, d4, d5)>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_batch_matmul_transpose_a(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.+]]: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %[[B:.+]]: tensor<512x128x64xf32>, %[[C:.+]]: tensor<512x64x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
-// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [2, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 2, 1] inner_dims_pos = [2, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<512x128x64xf32> -> tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x4x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
-// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 2, 1] inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<512x128x64xf32> -> tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 2, 1] inner_dims_pos = [2, 1] inner_tiles = [16, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<512x128x64xf32> -> tensor<512x4x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ func.func @block_batch_matmul_transpose_a(
// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]]
// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]
-// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<512x4x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
@@ -220,19 +220,19 @@ func.func @block_matmul_transpose_b(
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d5, d4)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d4, d5)>
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_transpose_b(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x128xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x128xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
-// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<64x128xf32> -> tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
-// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<64x128xf32> -> tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [16, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<64x128xf32> -> tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ func.func @block_matmul_transpose_b(
// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
-// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<64x64xf32>
@@ -256,19 +256,19 @@ func.func @block_batch_matmul_transpose_b(
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4, d6)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d2, d3, d6, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5, d6)>
// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) -> (d0, d1, d2, d4, d5)>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_batch_matmul_transpose_b(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:.+]]: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %[[B:.+]]: tensor<512x64x128xf32>, %[[C:.+]]: tensor<512x64x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
-// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1, 2] inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<512x64x128xf32> -> tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>
-// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x4x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
-// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1, 2] inner_dims_pos = [2, 1] inner_tiles = [64, 16]
-// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<512x64x128xf32> -> tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1, 2] inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [16, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<512x64x128xf32> -> tensor<512x4x2x16x64xf32>
// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ func.func @block_batch_matmul_transpose_b(
// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]]
// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]
-// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<512x4x2x64x16xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<512x4x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
>From 91be9091a4f2634ffba248ec667307603846aa52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 23:19:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 16/22] Update descriptions
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td | 27 +++++++++----------
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h | 23 +++++++++-------
.../Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp | 10 +++----
3 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
index cb942570caa533..ccc6baa8256404 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
@@ -149,31 +149,30 @@ def LinalgBlockPackMatmul : Pass<"linalg-block-pack-matmul"> {
- minor 2D blocks - inner dimensions, consist of scalar elements
A 2D matmul MxNxK gets reshaped into blocked 4D representation
- as: [MB][NB][mb][nb] += [MB][KB][mb][kb] * [NB][KB][kb][nb]
+ as: [MB][NB][mb][nb] += [MB][KB][mb][kb] * [NB][KB][nb][kb]
where the (MB, NB, KB) dimensions represent the major blocks,
and the (mb, nb, kb) are the minor blocks of their respective
original 2D dimensions (M, N, K).
- As a part of packing strategy, the RHS operand gets 'block transposed'
- i.e., the major blocks [KB][NB] get transposed to [NB][KB] layout.
- The minor blocks remain unchanged.
- The final result is unpacked back to the original layout.
+ Depending on the initial operands' data layout and the specified
+ packing options, both the major blocks dimensions might get transposed
+ e.g., [MB][KB] -> [KB][MB]. The minor blocks can also be transposed
+ e.g., [mb][kb] -> [kb][mb].
+ Any present batch dimensions remain unchanged.
+ The final result is unpacked back to the original shape.
For example, given a matmul operation:
%res = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B) outs(%C)
- the transformation result can be represented as:
+ the default transformation result can be represented as:
- %A_packed = pack %A : 2D -> 4D
- %B_packed = pack %B : 2D -> 4D #block_transposed
- %C_packed = pack %C : 2D -> 4D
+ %A_packed = pack %A : 2D <MxK> -> 4D <MBxKBxmbxkb>
+ %B_packed = pack %B : 2D <KxN> -> 4D <NBxKBxnbxkb>
+ %C_packed = pack %C : 2D <MxN> -> 4D <MBxNBxmbxnb>
%res_packed = linalg.mmt4d ins(%A_packed, %B_packed) outs(%C_packed)
- %res = unpack %res_packed : 4D -> 2D
+ %res = unpack %res_packed : 4D <MBxNBxmbxnb> -> 2D <MxN>
- This packed data arrangement minimizes distance between consecutive
- blocks which improves spacial locality and cache behavior.
let dependentDialects = ["linalg::LinalgDialect", "tensor::TensorDialect"];
let options = [
@@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ def LinalgBlockPackMatmul : Pass<"linalg-block-pack-matmul"> {
"Transpose RHS outer block layout [KB][NB] -> [NB][KB]">,
Option<"rhsTransposeInnerBlocks", "rhs-transpose-inner-blocks", "bool",
- "Transpose RHS inner block layout [kb][nb] -> [nb][kb]">,
+ "Transpose RHS inner block layout [kb][nb] -> [nb][kb]">
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index beb904066940f4..9e0a5cb01a8604 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ packMatmulGreedily(RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp,
ArrayRef<int64_t> mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf,
ArrayRef<int64_t> mnkOrder);
-struct PackMatmulOptions {
+struct BlockPackMatmulOptions {
/// Minor block factors (mb, nb, kb) for packing relayout where mb, mn are
/// the parallel dimensions and kb is the reduction dimension.
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> blockFactors;
@@ -1194,8 +1194,8 @@ struct PackMatmulOptions {
/// It is expected to return valid packing configuration for each operation.
/// Lack of packing options indicates that no valid configuration could be
/// assigned and the operation will not be packed.
-using ControlPackMatmulFn =
- std::function<std::optional<PackMatmulOptions>(linalg::LinalgOp)>;
+using ControlBlockPackMatmulFn =
+ std::function<std::optional<BlockPackMatmulOptions>(linalg::LinalgOp)>;
/// Pack a matmul operation into blocked 4D layout.
@@ -1205,17 +1205,22 @@ using ControlPackMatmulFn =
/// - minor 2D blocks - inner dimensions, consist of scalar elements
/// A 2D matmul MxNxK gets reshaped into blocked 4D representation
-/// as: [MB][NB][mb][nb] += [MB][KB][mb][kb] * [NB][KB][kb][nb]
+/// as: [MB][NB][mb][nb] += [MB][KB][mb][kb] * [NB][KB][nb][kb]
/// where the (MB, NB, KB) dimensions represent the major blocks,
/// and the (mb, nb, kb) are the minor blocks of their respective
/// original 2D dimensions (M, N, K).
-/// The RHS operand gets 'block transposed' i.e., the major blocks [KB][NB]
-/// get transposed to [NB][KB] layout. The minor blocks remain unchanged.
-/// The final result is unpacked back to the original layout.
+/// Depending on the initial operands' data layout and the specified
+/// packing options, both the major blocks dimensions might get transposed
+/// e.g., [MB][KB] -> [KB][MB]. The minor blocks can also be transposed
+/// e.g., [mb][kb] -> [kb][mb].
+/// Any present batch dimensions remain unchanged.
+/// The final result is unpacked back to the original shape.
+/// Return failure if no valid packing options are provided.
blockPackMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
- const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul);
+ const ControlBlockPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul);
/// Rewrite tensor.from_elements to linalg.generic.
FailureOr<Operation *>
@@ -1685,7 +1690,7 @@ void populateTransposeMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
/// Patterns to block pack Linalg matmul ops.
void populateBlockPackMatmulPatterns(RewritePatternSet &patterns,
- const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlFn);
+ const ControlBlockPackMatmulFn &controlFn);
} // namespace linalg
} // namespace mlir
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
index 33073ace3fa0b5..23a25e1d23f88d 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ linalg::blockPackMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
if (matmulOp.hasPureBufferSemantics())
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require tensor semantics");
- std::optional<PackMatmulOptions> options = controlPackMatmul(matmulOp);
+ std::optional<BlockPackMatmulOptions> options = controlPackMatmul(matmulOp);
if (!options)
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "invalid packing options");
@@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ struct LinalgBlockPackMatmul
Operation *op = getOperation();
RewritePatternSet patterns(&getContext());
- ControlPackMatmulFn controlFn =
- [&](linalg::LinalgOp op) -> PackMatmulOptions {
- PackMatmulOptions options;
+ ControlBlockPackMatmulFn controlFn =
+ [&](linalg::LinalgOp op) -> BlockPackMatmulOptions {
+ BlockPackMatmulOptions options;
options.blockFactors = SmallVector<int64_t>{*blockFactors};
options.allowPadding = allowPadding;
options.mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf =
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ struct LinalgBlockPackMatmul
} // namespace
void linalg::populateBlockPackMatmulPatterns(
- RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlFn) {
+ RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlBlockPackMatmulFn &controlFn) {
>From 2c4752144388b9ff2da7ea577fe6a81364aa0318 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 23:29:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 17/22] Refactor
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td | 2 +-
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h | 2 +-
mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp | 6 +++---
3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
index ccc6baa8256404..0a4ce8953136dd 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.td
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ def LinalgBlockPackMatmul : Pass<"linalg-block-pack-matmul"> {
original 2D dimensions (M, N, K).
Depending on the initial operands' data layout and the specified
- packing options, both the major blocks dimensions might get transposed
+ packing options, the major blocks dimensions might get transposed
e.g., [MB][KB] -> [KB][MB]. The minor blocks can also be transposed
e.g., [mb][kb] -> [kb][mb].
Any present batch dimensions remain unchanged.
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index 9e0a5cb01a8604..472524c99e7f7e 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ using ControlBlockPackMatmulFn =
/// original 2D dimensions (M, N, K).
/// Depending on the initial operands' data layout and the specified
-/// packing options, both the major blocks dimensions might get transposed
+/// packing options, the major blocks dimensions might get transposed
/// e.g., [MB][KB] -> [KB][MB]. The minor blocks can also be transposed
/// e.g., [mb][kb] -> [kb][mb].
/// Any present batch dimensions remain unchanged.
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
index 23a25e1d23f88d..41f58a2cc47f21 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ transposePackedMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
/// Pack a matmul operation into blocked 4D layout.
linalg::blockPackMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
- const ControlPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul) {
+ const ControlBlockPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul) {
if (matmulOp.hasDynamicShape())
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require static shape");
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ linalg::blockPackMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
namespace {
template <typename OpTy>
struct BlockPackMatmul : public OpRewritePattern<OpTy> {
- BlockPackMatmul(MLIRContext *context, ControlPackMatmulFn fun,
+ BlockPackMatmul(MLIRContext *context, ControlBlockPackMatmulFn fun,
PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
: OpRewritePattern<OpTy>(context, benefit), controlFn(std::move(fun)) {}
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ struct BlockPackMatmul : public OpRewritePattern<OpTy> {
- ControlPackMatmulFn controlFn;
+ ControlBlockPackMatmulFn controlFn;
/// Convert linalg matmul ops to block layout and back.
>From 9bf77ead15f7cb7392faf88935f6a975eeff26e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 10:19:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 18/22] Refactor
.../Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h | 2 +-
.../Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp | 38 +++++++++----------
2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
index 472524c99e7f7e..f77c19ed0fcce9 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/Transforms.h
@@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@ using ControlBlockPackMatmulFn =
/// Return failure if no valid packing options are provided.
-blockPackMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+blockPackMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
const ControlBlockPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul);
/// Rewrite tensor.from_elements to linalg.generic.
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
index 41f58a2cc47f21..076da215b15dd6 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ static std::optional<int64_t> getConstantRange(const Range &range) {
/// Return true if all dimensions are fully divisible by the respective tiles.
-static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> tiles,
ArrayRef<int64_t> dims) {
if (dims.size() != tiles.size() || tiles.empty())
return false;
FailureOr<ContractionDimensions> contractDims =
- inferContractionDims(matmulOp);
+ inferContractionDims(linalgOp);
if (failed(contractDims))
return false;
unsigned batchDimsOffset = contractDims->batch.size();
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
for (size_t i = 0; i < offsetDims.size(); i++)
offsetDims[i] += batchDimsOffset;
- auto tileOp = cast<TilingInterface>(matmulOp.getOperation());
+ auto tileOp = cast<TilingInterface>(linalgOp.getOperation());
OpBuilder builder(tileOp);
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
SmallVector<Range> iterationDomain = tileOp.getIterationDomain(builder);
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
/// Return failure or packed matmul with one of its operands tranposed.
static FailureOr<PackTransposeResult>
-transposePackedMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+transposePackedMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
tensor::PackOp packOp, AffineMap operandMap,
ArrayRef<unsigned> blocksStartDimPos,
bool transposeOuterBlocks, bool transposeInnerBlocks,
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ transposePackedMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
outerPerm = offsetPerms;
FailureOr<PackTransposeResult> packTransposedMatmul =
- packTranspose(rewriter, packOp, matmulOp,
+ packTranspose(rewriter, packOp, linalgOp,
/*maybeUnPackOp=*/nullptr, outerPerm, innerPerm);
return packTransposedMatmul;
@@ -137,41 +137,41 @@ transposePackedMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
/// Pack a matmul operation into blocked 4D layout.
-linalg::blockPackMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp matmulOp,
+linalg::blockPackMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
const ControlBlockPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul) {
- if (matmulOp.hasDynamicShape())
- return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require static shape");
+ if (linalgOp.hasDynamicShape())
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "require static shape");
- if (matmulOp.hasPureBufferSemantics())
- return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require tensor semantics");
+ if (linalgOp.hasPureBufferSemantics())
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "require tensor semantics");
- std::optional<BlockPackMatmulOptions> options = controlPackMatmul(matmulOp);
+ std::optional<BlockPackMatmulOptions> options = controlPackMatmul(linalgOp);
if (!options)
- return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "invalid packing options");
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "invalid packing options");
if (options->blockFactors.size() != 3)
- return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp, "require 3 tile factors");
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "require 3 tile factors");
SmallVector<OpFoldResult> mnkTiles =
// If padding is disabled, make sure that dimensions can be packed cleanly.
if (!options->allowPadding &&
- !validateFullTilesOnDims(matmulOp, mnkTiles, options->mnkOrder)) {
- return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(matmulOp,
+ !validateFullTilesOnDims(linalgOp, mnkTiles, options->mnkOrder)) {
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp,
"expect packing full tiles only");
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(rewriter);
// The op is replaced, we need to set the insertion point after it.
- rewriter.setInsertionPointAfter(matmulOp);
+ rewriter.setInsertionPointAfter(linalgOp);
// Pack the matmul operation into blocked layout with two levels of
// subdivision:
// - major 2D blocks - outer dimensions, consist of minor blocks
// - minor 2D blocks - inner dimensions, consist of scalar elements
FailureOr<PackResult> packedMatmul = packMatmulGreedily(
- rewriter, matmulOp, mnkTiles, options->mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf,
+ rewriter, linalgOp, mnkTiles, options->mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf,
if (failed(packedMatmul))
return failure();
@@ -225,10 +225,10 @@ struct BlockPackMatmul : public OpRewritePattern<OpTy> {
PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
: OpRewritePattern<OpTy>(context, benefit), controlFn(std::move(fun)) {}
- LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(OpTy matmulOp,
+ LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(OpTy linalgOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
FailureOr<PackResult> packedMatmul =
- blockPackMatmul(rewriter, matmulOp, controlFn);
+ blockPackMatmul(rewriter, linalgOp, controlFn);
if (failed(packedMatmul))
return failure();
return success();
>From 8c97c6ace69069328932be7389a172f332bf44e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 13:11:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 19/22] More tests
.../Linalg/block-pack-matmul-layout.mlir | 101 ++++++++++++++++++
.../Linalg/block-pack-matmul-padding.mlir | 82 ++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 183 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul-layout.mlir
create mode 100644 mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul-padding.mlir
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul-layout.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul-layout.mlir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..f740dbf31255c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul-layout.mlir
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -linalg-block-pack-matmul="block-factors=32,16,64 \
+// RUN: lhs-transpose-outer-blocks=false lhs-transpose-inner-blocks=false \
+// RUN: rhs-transpose-outer-blocks=true rhs-transpose-inner-blocks=true" \
+// RUN: -canonicalize | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MMT4D
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -linalg-block-pack-matmul="block-factors=32,16,64 \
+// RUN: lhs-transpose-outer-blocks=false lhs-transpose-inner-blocks=false \
+// RUN: rhs-transpose-outer-blocks=false rhs-transpose-inner-blocks=false" \
+// RUN: -canonicalize | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MM4D
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -linalg-block-pack-matmul="block-factors=32,16,64 \
+// RUN: lhs-transpose-outer-blocks=true lhs-transpose-inner-blocks=true \
+// RUN: rhs-transpose-outer-blocks=false rhs-transpose-inner-blocks=false" \
+// RUN: -canonicalize | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MTM4D
+func.func @block_matmul(
+ %A: tensor<64x128xf32>, %B: tensor<128x64xf32>, %C: tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B : tensor<64x128xf32>, tensor<128x64xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<64x64xf32>
+func.func @block_matmul_transpose_a(
+ %A: tensor<128x64xf32>, %B: tensor<128x64xf32>, %C: tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.matmul_transpose_a ins(%A, %B : tensor<128x64xf32>, tensor<128x64xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<64x64xf32>
+func.func @block_matmul_transpose_b(
+ %A: tensor<64x128xf32>, %B: tensor<64x128xf32>, %C: tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.matmul_transpose_b ins(%A, %B : tensor<64x128xf32>, tensor<64x128xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<64x64xf32>
+// MMT4D-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
+// MMT4D-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d4, d5)>
+// MMT4D-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// MMT4D-LABEL: func @block_matmul
+// MMT4D-COUNT-3: tensor.pack
+// MMT4D: linalg.generic
+// MMT4D-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// MMT4D-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// MMT4D-COUNT-1: tensor.unpack
+// MMT4D-LABEL: func @block_matmul_transpose_a
+// MMT4D-COUNT-3: tensor.pack
+// MMT4D: linalg.generic
+// MMT4D-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// MMT4D-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// MMT4D-COUNT-1: tensor.unpack
+// MMT4D-LABEL: func @block_matmul_transpose_b
+// MMT4D-COUNT-3: tensor.pack
+// MMT4D: linalg.generic
+// MMT4D-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// MMT4D-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// MMT4D-COUNT-1: tensor.unpack
+// MM4D-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
+// MM4D-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d2, d1, d5, d4)>
+// MM4D-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// MM4D-LABEL: func @block_matmul
+// MM4D-COUNT-3: tensor.pack
+// MM4D: linalg.generic
+// MM4D-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// MM4D-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// MM4D-COUNT-1: tensor.unpack
+// MM4D-LABEL: func @block_matmul_transpose_a
+// MM4D-COUNT-3: tensor.pack
+// MM4D: linalg.generic
+// MM4D-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// MM4D-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// MM4D-COUNT-1: tensor.unpack
+// MM4D-LABEL: func @block_matmul_transpose_b
+// MM4D-COUNT-3: tensor.pack
+// MM4D: linalg.generic
+// MM4D-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// MM4D-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// MM4D-COUNT-1: tensor.unpack
+// MTM4D-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d2, d0, d5, d3)>
+// MTM4D-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d2, d1, d5, d4)>
+// MTM4D-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// MTM4D-LABEL: func @block_matmul
+// MTM4D-COUNT-3: tensor.pack
+// MTM4D: linalg.generic
+// MTM4D-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// MTM4D-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// MTM4D-COUNT-1: tensor.unpack
+// MTM4D-LABEL: func @block_matmul_transpose_a
+// MTM4D-COUNT-3: tensor.pack
+// MTM4D: linalg.generic
+// MTM4D-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// MTM4D-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// MTM4D-COUNT-1: tensor.unpack
+// MTM4D-LABEL: func @block_matmul_transpose_b
+// MTM4D-COUNT-3: tensor.pack
+// MTM4D: linalg.generic
+// MTM4D-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// MTM4D-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// MTM4D-COUNT-1: tensor.unpack
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul-padding.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul-padding.mlir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..75defd8b884192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul-padding.mlir
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -linalg-block-pack-matmul="block-factors=32,16,64 allow-padding=1" \
+// RUN: -canonicalize | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -linalg-block-pack-matmul="block-factors=32,16,64 allow-padding=0" \
+// RUN: -canonicalize | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NOPAD
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s -linalg-block-pack-matmul="block-factors=32,16,64 allow-padding=1 mnk-padded-multiples=256,512,384" \
+// RUN: -canonicalize | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=PAD-MULT
+func.func @block_matmul_padding(
+ %A: tensor<123x125xf32>, %B: tensor<125x124xf32>, %C: tensor<123x124xf32>) -> tensor<123x124xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B : tensor<123x125xf32>, tensor<125x124xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<123x124xf32>) -> tensor<123x124xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<123x124xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d4, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_padding(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<123x125xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<125x124xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<123x124xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[ZERO:.+]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
+// CHECK-SAME: padding_value(%[[ZERO]] : f32)
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<123x125xf32> -> tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<8x2x16x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
+// CHECK-SAME: padding_value(%[[ZERO]] : f32)
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [16, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<125x124xf32> -> tensor<8x2x16x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
+// CHECK-SAME: padding_value(%[[ZERO]] : f32)
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<123x124xf32> -> tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<123x124xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<123x124xf32>
+// NOPAD-LABEL: func @block_matmul_padding(
+// NOPAD-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<123x125xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<125x124xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<123x124xf32>
+// NOPAD-NOT: tensor.pack
+// NOPAD: linalg.matmul ins(%[[A]], %[[B]] : tensor<123x125xf32>, tensor<125x124xf32>)
+// NOPAD-SAME: outs(%[[C]] : tensor<123x124xf32>) -> tensor<123x124xf32>
+// NOPAD-NOT: tensor.unpack
+// PAD-MULT-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
+// PAD-MULT-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d4, d5)>
+// PAD-MULT-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// PAD-MULT-LABEL: func @block_matmul_padding(
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<123x125xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<125x124xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<123x124xf32>
+// PAD-MULT-DAG: %[[ZERO:.+]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
+// PAD-MULT: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<1x1x256x384xf32>
+// PAD-MULT: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: padding_value(%[[ZERO]] : f32)
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [256, 384]
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<123x125xf32> -> tensor<1x1x256x384xf32>
+// PAD-MULT: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<1x1x512x384xf32>
+// PAD-MULT: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: padding_value(%[[ZERO]] : f32)
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [512, 384]
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<125x124xf32> -> tensor<1x1x512x384xf32>
+// PAD-MULT: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<1x1x256x512xf32>
+// PAD-MULT: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: padding_value(%[[ZERO]] : f32)
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [256, 512]
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<123x124xf32> -> tensor<1x1x256x512xf32>
+// PAD-MULT: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<1x1x256x384xf32>, tensor<1x1x512x384xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<1x1x256x512xf32>)
+// PAD-MULT: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [256, 512]
+// PAD-MULT-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<1x1x256x512xf32> -> tensor<123x124xf32>
+// PAD-MULT: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<123x124xf32>
>From 5d8dead6764fe5474d1b19f28970d98e5e034bf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 13:27:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 20/22] Allow dynamic shapes
.../Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp | 3 -
.../Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir | 57 +++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
index 076da215b15dd6..d3f3f99b92196b 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
@@ -139,9 +139,6 @@ transposePackedMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
linalg::blockPackMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
const ControlBlockPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul) {
- if (linalgOp.hasDynamicShape())
- return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "require static shape");
if (linalgOp.hasPureBufferSemantics())
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "require tensor semantics");
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
index e855b42f732558..b9e5f1c774df80 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
@@ -36,6 +36,63 @@ func.func @block_matmul(
// -----
+func.func @block_matmul_dynamic(
+ %A: tensor<?x?xf32>, %B: tensor<?x?xf32>, %C: tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B : tensor<?x?xf32>, tensor<?x?xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<?x?xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP_M:.*]] = affine_map<()[s0] -> (s0 ceildiv 32)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP_K:.*]] = affine_map<()[s0] -> (s0 ceildiv 64)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP_N:.*]] = affine_map<()[s0] -> (s0 ceildiv 16)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d4, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_matmul_dynamic(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<?x?xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<?x?xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<?x?xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[C0:.+]] = arith.constant 0 : index
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[C1:.+]] = arith.constant 1 : index
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[ZERO:.+]] = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[A_M:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[A]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?x?xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[A_K:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[A]], %[[C1]] : tensor<?x?xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[A_OUTER_TILE_M:.+]] = affine.apply #[[MAP_M]]()[%[[A_M]]]
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[A_OUTER_TILE_K:.+]] = affine.apply #[[MAP_K]]()[%[[A_K]]]
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty(%[[A_OUTER_TILE_M]], %[[A_OUTER_TILE_K]]) : tensor<?x?x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
+// CHECK-SAME: padding_value(%[[ZERO]] : f32)
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<?x?xf32> -> tensor<?x?x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[B_K:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[B]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?x?xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[B_N:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[B]], %[[C1]] : tensor<?x?xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[B_OUTER_TILE_K:.+]] = affine.apply #[[MAP_K]]()[%[[B_K]]]
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[B_OUTER_TILE_N:.+]] = affine.apply #[[MAP_N]]()[%[[B_N]]]
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty(%[[B_OUTER_TILE_N]], %[[B_OUTER_TILE_K]]) : tensor<?x?x16x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
+// CHECK-SAME: padding_value(%[[ZERO]] : f32)
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [16, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<?x?xf32> -> tensor<?x?x16x64xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[C_M:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[C]], %[[C0]] : tensor<?x?xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[C_N:.+]] = tensor.dim %[[C]], %[[C1]] : tensor<?x?xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[C_OUTER_TILE_M:.+]] = affine.apply #[[MAP_M]]()[%[[C_M]]]
+// CHECK-DAG: %[[C_OUTER_TILE_N:.+]] = affine.apply #[[MAP_N]]()[%[[C_N]]]
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty(%[[C_OUTER_TILE_M]], %[[C_OUTER_TILE_N]]) : tensor<?x?x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
+// CHECK-SAME: padding_value(%[[ZERO]] : f32)
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<?x?xf32> -> tensor<?x?x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<?x?x32x64xf32>, tensor<?x?x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<?x?x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<?x?x32x16xf32> -> tensor<?x?xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<?x?xf32>
+// -----
func.func @block_matmul_with_constant(
%A: tensor<128x128xf32>, %B: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
%cst_acc = arith.constant dense<0.0> : tensor<128x128xf32>
>From 94e4fb77b9e45609e4286117d3b6e0b753cf6146 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 14:21:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 21/22] Support simple generics
.../Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp | 46 +++++-
.../Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir | 138 ++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
index d3f3f99b92196b..654d4a0129be44 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
@@ -235,6 +235,49 @@ struct BlockPackMatmul : public OpRewritePattern<OpTy> {
ControlBlockPackMatmulFn controlFn;
+template <>
+struct BlockPackMatmul<linalg::GenericOp>
+ : public OpRewritePattern<linalg::GenericOp> {
+ BlockPackMatmul(MLIRContext *context, ControlBlockPackMatmulFn fun,
+ PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
+ : OpRewritePattern<linalg::GenericOp>(context, benefit),
+ controlFn(std::move(fun)) {}
+ LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(linalg::GenericOp linalgOp,
+ PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
+ // Match suitable generics.
+ if (failed(linalg::detail::verifyContractionInterface(
+ linalgOp.getOperation()))) {
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "not a contraction");
+ }
+ using MapList = ArrayRef<ArrayRef<AffineExpr>>;
+ auto infer = [&](MapList m) {
+ return AffineMap::inferFromExprList(m, linalgOp.getContext());
+ };
+ AffineExpr i, j, k;
+ bindDims(linalgOp->getContext(), i, j, k);
+ SmallVector<AffineMap> maps = linalgOp.getIndexingMapsArray();
+ // For now, only match simple matmuls.
+ if (!(maps == infer({{i, k}, {k, j}, {i, j}}) ||
+ maps == infer({{k, i}, {k, j}, {i, j}}) ||
+ maps == infer({{i, k}, {j, k}, {i, j}}))) {
+ return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(linalgOp, "not a suitable matmul");
+ }
+ FailureOr<PackResult> packedMatmul =
+ blockPackMatmul(rewriter, linalgOp, controlFn);
+ if (failed(packedMatmul))
+ return failure();
+ return success();
+ }
+ ControlBlockPackMatmulFn controlFn;
/// Convert linalg matmul ops to block layout and back.
struct LinalgBlockPackMatmul
: public impl::LinalgBlockPackMatmulBase<LinalgBlockPackMatmul> {
@@ -269,7 +312,8 @@ struct LinalgBlockPackMatmul
void linalg::populateBlockPackMatmulPatterns(
RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlBlockPackMatmulFn &controlFn) {
- patterns.add<BlockPackMatmul<linalg::MatmulOp>,
+ patterns.add<BlockPackMatmul<linalg::GenericOp>,
+ BlockPackMatmul<linalg::MatmulOp>,
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
index b9e5f1c774df80..769bf71d3ef304 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/block-pack-matmul.mlir
@@ -338,3 +338,141 @@ func.func @block_batch_matmul_transpose_b(
// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [1, 2] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<512x2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<512x64x64xf32>
// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<512x64x64xf32>
+// -----
+#map = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d2)>
+#map1 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d2, d1)>
+#map2 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)>
+func.func @block_generic_matmul(
+ %A: tensor<128x128xf32>, %B: tensor<128x128xf32>, %C: tensor<128x128xf32>) -> tensor<128x128xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map, #map1, #map2], iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+ ins(%A, %B : tensor<128x128xf32>, tensor<128x128xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<128x128xf32>) {
+ ^bb0(%in: f32, %in_0: f32, %out: f32):
+ %1 = arith.mulf %in, %in_0 : f32
+ %2 = arith.addf %out, %1 : f32
+ linalg.yield %2 : f32
+ } -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d4, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_generic_matmul(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<8x2x16x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [16, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<8x2x16x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<128x128xf32> -> tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<4x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<8x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<4x8x32x16xf32> -> tensor<128x128xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<128x128xf32>
+// -----
+#map = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d2, d0)>
+#map1 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d2, d1)>
+#map2 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)>
+func.func @block_generic_matmul_transpose_a(
+ %A: tensor<128x64xf32>, %B: tensor<128x64xf32>, %C: tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map, #map1, #map2], iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+ ins(%A, %B : tensor<128x64xf32>, tensor<128x64xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<64x64xf32>) {
+ ^bb0(%in: f32, %in_0: f32, %out: f32):
+ %1 = arith.mulf %in, %in_0 : f32
+ %2 = arith.addf %out, %1 : f32
+ linalg.yield %2 : f32
+ } -> tensor<64x64xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d4, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_generic_matmul_transpose_a(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x64xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<128x64xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<128x64xf32> -> tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [1, 0] inner_dims_pos = [1, 0] inner_tiles = [16, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<128x64xf32> -> tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<64x64xf32> -> tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<64x64xf32>
+// -----
+#map = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d2)>
+#map1 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d1, d2)>
+#map2 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)>
+func.func @block_generic_matmul_transpose_b(
+ %A: tensor<64x128xf32>, %B: tensor<64x128xf32>, %C: tensor<64x64xf32>) -> tensor<64x64xf32> {
+ %0 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map, #map1, #map2], iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+ ins(%A, %B : tensor<64x128xf32>, tensor<64x128xf32>)
+ outs(%C : tensor<64x64xf32>) {
+ ^bb0(%in: f32, %in_0: f32, %out: f32):
+ %1 = arith.mulf %in, %in_0 : f32
+ %2 = arith.addf %out, %1 : f32
+ linalg.yield %2 : f32
+ } -> tensor<64x64xf32>
+ return %0 : tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d1, d2, d4, d5)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[MAP2:.*]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @block_generic_matmul_transpose_b(
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[A:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x128xf32>, %[[B:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x128xf32>, %[[C:[0-9a-z]+]]: tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_0:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[A_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[A]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_0]] : tensor<64x128xf32> -> tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_1:.*]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[B_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[B]]
+// CHECK-SAME: outer_dims_perm = [0, 1] inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [16, 64]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_1]] : tensor<64x128xf32> -> tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[PACK_DST_2:.+]] = tensor.empty() : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[C_PACKED:.+]] = tensor.pack %[[C]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[PACK_DST_2]] : tensor<64x64xf32> -> tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>
+// CHECK: %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED:.+]] = linalg.generic
+// CHECK-SAME: indexing_maps = [#[[MAP]], #[[MAP1]], #[[MAP2]]],
+// CHECK-SAME: iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
+// CHECK-SAME: ins(%[[A_PACKED]], %[[B_PACKED]] : tensor<2x2x32x64xf32>, tensor<4x2x16x64xf32>) outs(%[[C_PACKED]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32>)
+// CHECK: %[[RES_UNPACKED:.+]] = tensor.unpack %[[GEMM_RES_PACKED]]
+// CHECK-SAME: inner_dims_pos = [0, 1] inner_tiles = [32, 16]
+// CHECK-SAME: into %[[C]] : tensor<2x4x32x16xf32> -> tensor<64x64xf32>
+// CHECK: return %[[RES_UNPACKED]] : tensor<64x64xf32>
>From 6598369fc782981f71ffe5eeb38b737548b3f8d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adam Siemieniuk <adam.siemieniuk at intel.com>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 15:05:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 22/22] Typo
mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
index 654d4a0129be44..e1e254dcb25a03 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/BlockPackMatmul.cpp
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static bool validateFullTilesOnDims(linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
return true;
-/// Return failure or packed matmul with one of its operands tranposed.
+/// Return failure or packed matmul with one of its operands transposed.
static FailureOr<PackTransposeResult>
transposePackedMatmul(RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp,
tensor::PackOp packOp, AffineMap operandMap,
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