[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [MLIR][LLVM] Add `llvm.experimental.constrained.fptrunc` operation (PR #86260)

Tobias Gysi llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Mon Mar 25 10:37:12 PDT 2024

@@ -311,6 +311,93 @@ def LLVM_InvariantEndOp : LLVM_ZeroResultIntrOp<"invariant.end", [2],
+// Constrained Floating-Point Intrinsics
+class LLVM_ConstrainedIntr<string mnem, int numArgs,
+                           bit overloadedResult, list<int> overloadedOperands,
+                           bit hasRoundingMode>
+    : LLVM_OneResultIntrOp<"experimental.constrained." # mnem,
+                           /*overloadedResults=*/
+                           !cond(!gt(overloadedResult, 0) : [0],
+                                 true : []),
+                           overloadedOperands,
+                           /*traits=*/[Pure, DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<FPExceptionBehaviorOpInterface>]
+                           # !cond(
+                               !gt(hasRoundingMode, 0) : [DeclareOpInterfaceMethods<RoundingModeOpInterface>],
+                               true : []),
+                           /*requiresFastmath=*/0,
+                           /*immArgPositions=*/[],
+                           /*immArgAttrNames=*/[]> {
+  dag regularArgs = !dag(ins, !listsplat(LLVM_Type, numArgs), !foreach(i, !range(numArgs), "arg_" #i));
+  dag attrArgs = !con(!cond(!gt(hasRoundingMode, 0) : (ins ValidRoundingModeAttr:$roundingmode),
+                            true : (ins)),
+                      (ins FPExceptionBehaviorAttr:$fpExceptionBehavior));
+  let arguments = !con(regularArgs, attrArgs);
+  let llvmBuilder = [{
+    SmallVector<llvm::Value *> args =
+      moduleTranslation.lookupValues(opInst.getOperands());
+    SmallVector<llvm::Type *> overloadedTypes; }] #
+    !cond(!gt(overloadedResult, 0) : [{
+    // Take into account overloaded result type
+    overloadedTypes.push_back($_resultType); }],
+    // No overloaded result type
+          true : "") # [{
+    llvm::transform(ArrayRef<unsigned>}] # overloadedOperandsCpp # [{,
+                    std::back_inserter(overloadedTypes),
+                    [&args](unsigned index) { return args[index]->getType(); });
+    llvm::Module *module = builder.GetInsertBlock()->getModule();
+    llvm::Function *callee =
+      llvm::Intrinsic::getDeclaration(module,
+        llvm::Intrinsic::experimental_constrained_}] #
+    mnem # [{, overloadedTypes); }] #
+    !cond(!gt(hasRoundingMode, 0) : [{
+    // Get rounding mode using interface
+    llvm::RoundingMode rounding =
+        moduleTranslation.translateRoundingMode($roundingmode); }],
+          true : [{
+    // No rounding mode
+    std::optional<llvm::RoundingMode> rounding; }]) # [{
+    llvm::fp::ExceptionBehavior except =
+      moduleTranslation.translateFPExceptionBehavior($fpExceptionBehavior);
+    $res = builder.CreateConstrainedFPCall(callee, args, "", rounding, except);
+  }];
+  let mlirBuilder = [{
+    SmallVector<Value> mlirOperands;
+    SmallVector<NamedAttribute> mlirAttrs;
+    if (failed(moduleImport.convertIntrinsicArguments(
+        llvmOperands.take_front( }] # numArgs # [{),
+        {}, {}, mlirOperands, mlirAttrs))) {
+      return failure();
+    }
+    FPExceptionBehaviorAttr fpExceptionBehaviorAttr =
+        $_fpExceptionBehavior_attr($fpExceptionBehavior);
+    assert(fpExceptionBehaviorAttr && "Expecting FP exception behavior");
gysit wrote:

nit: I would move the two asserts (for the exception and rounding attribute) into the ModuleImport.cpp similar to `matchFloatAttr` etc.


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