[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [NFC] Parser: Include the unrecognized dialect in errors. (PR #96676)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Jun 26 09:37:37 PDT 2024

@@ -1416,9 +1416,13 @@ Operation *OperationParser::parseGenericOperation() {
       if (!getContext()->allowsUnregisteredDialects()) {
         // Emit an error if the dialect couldn't be loaded (i.e., it was not
         // registered) and unregistered dialects aren't allowed.
-        emitError("operation being parsed with an unregistered dialect. If "
-                  "this is intended, please use -allow-unregistered-dialect "
-                  "with the MLIR tool used");
+        std::string message;
+        llvm::raw_string_ostream os(message);
+        os << "operation being parsed with an unregistered dialect "
+           << dialectName
+           << "If this is intended, please use -allow-unregistered-dialect "
+              "with the MLIR tool used";
+        emitError(message);
pizzud wrote:

I didn't realize emitError supported streaming. :)


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