[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][emitc] Lower arith.index_cast, arith.index_castui, arith.shli, arith.shrui, arith.shrsi (PR #95795)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Jun 19 00:24:41 PDT 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Corentin Ferry (cferry-AMD)


This PR makes use of the newly introduced EmitC types, and it is now possible to lower:
* ops dealing with index types (`index_cast`, `index_castui`),
* ops where `size_t` is used as part of the lowering (`shli`, `shrui`, `shrsi`).

For the `shli`, `shrui`, `shrsi` operations, we have to check for overflow, as overflow is UB per C99 specification, and gives a poison value in the MLIR world. Where the bitwidth is not known (i.e. for variables of type `index`), the check is performed using `sizeof`. It is then up to the target compiler to optimize it away and perform constant propagation.


Patch is 23.88 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/95795.diff

4 Files Affected:

- (modified) mlir/lib/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/ArithToEmitC.cpp (+128-12) 
- (modified) mlir/lib/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/CMakeLists.txt (+1) 
- (modified) mlir/test/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/arith-to-emitc-unsupported.mlir (+24) 
- (modified) mlir/test/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/arith-to-emitc.mlir (+189-8) 

diff --git a/mlir/lib/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/ArithToEmitC.cpp b/mlir/lib/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/ArithToEmitC.cpp
index 93717e3b02ef0..b0c9d083ddd88 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/ArithToEmitC.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/ArithToEmitC.cpp
@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@
 #include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/IR/Arith.h"
 #include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/IR/EmitC.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/EmitC/Transforms/TypeConversions.h"
 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/Region.h"
 #include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
 #include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
@@ -36,8 +38,11 @@ class ArithConstantOpConversionPattern
   matchAndRewrite(arith::ConstantOp arithConst,
                   arith::ConstantOp::Adaptor adaptor,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<emitc::ConstantOp>(
-        arithConst, arithConst.getType(), adaptor.getValue());
+    Type newTy = this->getTypeConverter()->convertType(arithConst.getType());
+    if (!newTy)
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(arithConst, "type conversion failed");
+    rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<emitc::ConstantOp>(arithConst, newTy,
+                                                   adaptor.getValue());
     return success();
@@ -52,6 +57,12 @@ Type adaptIntegralTypeSignedness(Type ty, bool needsUnsigned) {
       return IntegerType::get(ty.getContext(), ty.getIntOrFloatBitWidth(),
+  } else if (emitc::isPointerWideType(ty)) {
+    if (isa<emitc::SizeTType>(ty) != needsUnsigned) {
+      if (needsUnsigned)
+        return emitc::SizeTType::get(ty.getContext());
+      return emitc::PtrDiffTType::get(ty.getContext());
+    }
   return ty;
@@ -264,8 +275,9 @@ class CmpIOpConversion : public OpConversionPattern<arith::CmpIOp> {
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
     Type type = adaptor.getLhs().getType();
-    if (!isa_and_nonnull<IntegerType, IndexType>(type)) {
-      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "expected integer or index type");
+    if (!type || !(isa<IntegerType>(type) || emitc::isPointerWideType(type))) {
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+          op, "expected integer or size_t/ssize_t/ptrdiff_t type");
     bool needsUnsigned = needsUnsignedCmp(op.getPredicate());
@@ -318,8 +330,10 @@ class CastConversion : public OpConversionPattern<ArithOp> {
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
     Type opReturnType = this->getTypeConverter()->convertType(op.getType());
-    if (!isa_and_nonnull<IntegerType>(opReturnType))
-      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "expected integer result type");
+    if (!opReturnType || !(isa<IntegerType>(opReturnType) ||
+                           emitc::isPointerWideType(opReturnType)))
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+          op, "expected integer or size_t/ssize_t/ptrdiff_t result type");
     if (adaptor.getOperands().size() != 1) {
       return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
@@ -327,8 +341,10 @@ class CastConversion : public OpConversionPattern<ArithOp> {
     Type operandType = adaptor.getIn().getType();
-    if (!isa_and_nonnull<IntegerType>(operandType))
-      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "expected integer operand type");
+    if (!operandType || !(isa<IntegerType>(operandType) ||
+                          emitc::isPointerWideType(operandType)))
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+          op, "expected integer or size_t/ssize_t/ptrdiff_t operand type");
     // Signed (sign-extending) casts from i1 are not supported.
     if (operandType.isInteger(1) && !castToUnsigned)
@@ -339,8 +355,11 @@ class CastConversion : public OpConversionPattern<ArithOp> {
     // equivalent to (v != 0). Implementing as (bool)(v & 0x01) gives
     // truncation.
     if (opReturnType.isInteger(1)) {
+      Type attrType = (emitc::isPointerWideType(operandType))
+                          ? rewriter.getIndexType()
+                          : operandType;
       auto constOne = rewriter.create<emitc::ConstantOp>(
-          op.getLoc(), operandType, rewriter.getIntegerAttr(operandType, 1));
+          op.getLoc(), operandType, rewriter.getIntegerAttr(attrType, 1));
       auto oneAndOperand = rewriter.create<emitc::BitwiseAndOp>(
           op.getLoc(), operandType, adaptor.getIn(), constOne);
       rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<emitc::CastOp>(op, opReturnType,
@@ -393,7 +412,11 @@ class ArithOpConversion final : public OpConversionPattern<ArithOp> {
   matchAndRewrite(ArithOp arithOp, typename ArithOp::Adaptor adaptor,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    rewriter.template replaceOpWithNewOp<EmitCOp>(arithOp, arithOp.getType(),
+    Type newTy = this->getTypeConverter()->convertType(arithOp.getType());
+    if (!newTy)
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(arithOp,
+                                         "converting result type failed");
+    rewriter.template replaceOpWithNewOp<EmitCOp>(arithOp, newTy,
     return success();
@@ -410,8 +433,10 @@ class IntegerOpConversion final : public OpConversionPattern<ArithOp> {
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
     Type type = this->getTypeConverter()->convertType(op.getType());
-    if (!isa_and_nonnull<IntegerType, IndexType>(type)) {
-      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "expected integer type");
+    if (!type || !(isa_and_nonnull<IntegerType>(type) ||
+                   emitc::isPointerWideType(type))) {
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+          op, "expected integer or size_t/ssize_t/ptrdiff_t type");
     if (type.isInteger(1)) {
@@ -482,6 +507,90 @@ class BitwiseOpConversion : public OpConversionPattern<ArithOp> {
+template <typename ArithOp, typename EmitCOp, bool isUnsignedOp>
+class ShiftOpConversion : public OpConversionPattern<ArithOp> {
+  using OpConversionPattern<ArithOp>::OpConversionPattern;
+  LogicalResult
+  matchAndRewrite(ArithOp op, typename ArithOp::Adaptor adaptor,
+                  ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
+    Type type = this->getTypeConverter()->convertType(op.getType());
+    if (!type || !(isa_and_nonnull<IntegerType>(type) ||
+                   emitc::isPointerWideType(type))) {
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+          op, "expected integer or size_t/ssize_t/ptrdiff_t type");
+    }
+    if (type.isInteger(1)) {
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "i1 type is not implemented");
+    }
+    Type arithmeticType = adaptIntegralTypeSignedness(type, isUnsignedOp);
+    Value lhs = adaptValueType(adaptor.getLhs(), rewriter, arithmeticType);
+    // Shift amount interpreted as unsigned per Arith dialect spec.
+    Type rhsType = adaptIntegralTypeSignedness(adaptor.getRhs().getType(),
+                                               /*needsUnsigned=*/true);
+    Value rhs = adaptValueType(adaptor.getRhs(), rewriter, rhsType);
+    // Add a runtime check for overflow
+    Value width;
+    if (emitc::isPointerWideType(type)) {
+      Value eight = rewriter.create<emitc::ConstantOp>(
+          op.getLoc(), rhsType, rewriter.getIndexAttr(8));
+      emitc::CallOpaqueOp sizeOfCall = rewriter.create<emitc::CallOpaqueOp>(
+          op.getLoc(), rhsType, "sizeof", SmallVector<Value, 1>({eight}));
+      width = rewriter.create<emitc::MulOp>(op.getLoc(), rhsType, eight,
+                                            sizeOfCall.getResult(0));
+    } else {
+      width = rewriter.create<emitc::ConstantOp>(
+          op.getLoc(), rhsType,
+          rewriter.getIntegerAttr(rhsType, type.getIntOrFloatBitWidth()));
+    }
+    Value excessCheck = rewriter.create<emitc::CmpOp>(
+        op.getLoc(), rewriter.getI1Type(), emitc::CmpPredicate::lt, rhs, width);
+    // Any concrete value is a valid refinement of poison.
+    Value poison = rewriter.create<emitc::ConstantOp>(
+        op.getLoc(), arithmeticType,
+        (isa<IntegerType>(arithmeticType)
+             ? rewriter.getIntegerAttr(arithmeticType, 0)
+             : rewriter.getIndexAttr(0)));
+    emitc::ExpressionOp ternary = rewriter.create<emitc::ExpressionOp>(
+        op.getLoc(), arithmeticType, /*do_not_inline=*/false);
+    Block &bodyBlock = ternary.getBodyRegion().emplaceBlock();
+    auto currentPoint = rewriter.getInsertionPoint();
+    rewriter.setInsertionPointToStart(&bodyBlock);
+    Value arithmeticResult =
+        rewriter.create<EmitCOp>(op.getLoc(), arithmeticType, lhs, rhs);
+    Value resultOrPoison = rewriter.create<emitc::ConditionalOp>(
+        op.getLoc(), arithmeticType, excessCheck, arithmeticResult, poison);
+    rewriter.create<emitc::YieldOp>(op.getLoc(), resultOrPoison);
+    rewriter.setInsertionPoint(op->getBlock(), currentPoint);
+    Value result = adaptValueType(ternary, rewriter, type);
+    rewriter.replaceOp(op, result);
+    return success();
+  }
+template <typename ArithOp, typename EmitCOp>
+class SignedShiftOpConversion final
+    : public ShiftOpConversion<ArithOp, EmitCOp, false> {
+  using ShiftOpConversion<ArithOp, EmitCOp, false>::ShiftOpConversion;
+template <typename ArithOp, typename EmitCOp>
+class UnsignedShiftOpConversion final
+    : public ShiftOpConversion<ArithOp, EmitCOp, true> {
+  using ShiftOpConversion<ArithOp, EmitCOp, true>::ShiftOpConversion;
 class SelectOpConversion : public OpConversionPattern<arith::SelectOp> {
   using OpConversionPattern<arith::SelectOp>::OpConversionPattern;
@@ -606,6 +715,8 @@ void mlir::populateArithToEmitCPatterns(TypeConverter &typeConverter,
                                         RewritePatternSet &patterns) {
   MLIRContext *ctx = patterns.getContext();
+  mlir::populateEmitCSizeTTypeConversions(typeConverter);
   // clang-format off
@@ -621,6 +732,9 @@ void mlir::populateArithToEmitCPatterns(TypeConverter &typeConverter,
     BitwiseOpConversion<arith::AndIOp, emitc::BitwiseAndOp>,
     BitwiseOpConversion<arith::OrIOp, emitc::BitwiseOrOp>,
     BitwiseOpConversion<arith::XOrIOp, emitc::BitwiseXorOp>,
+    UnsignedShiftOpConversion<arith::ShLIOp, emitc::BitwiseLeftShiftOp>,
+    SignedShiftOpConversion<arith::ShRSIOp, emitc::BitwiseRightShiftOp>,
+    UnsignedShiftOpConversion<arith::ShRUIOp, emitc::BitwiseRightShiftOp>,
@@ -629,6 +743,8 @@ void mlir::populateArithToEmitCPatterns(TypeConverter &typeConverter,
+    SignedCastConversion<arith::IndexCastOp>,
+    UnsignedCastConversion<arith::IndexCastUIOp>,
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/CMakeLists.txt b/mlir/lib/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/CMakeLists.txt
index a3784f47c3bc2..730a4b341673d 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mlir/lib/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ add_mlir_conversion_library(MLIRArithToEmitC
+  MLIREmitCTransforms
diff --git a/mlir/test/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/arith-to-emitc-unsupported.mlir b/mlir/test/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/arith-to-emitc-unsupported.mlir
index caef04052aa8c..766ad4039335e 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/arith-to-emitc-unsupported.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/arith-to-emitc-unsupported.mlir
@@ -110,3 +110,27 @@ func.func @arith_extsi_i1_to_i32(%arg0: i1) {
   %idx = arith.extsi %arg0 : i1 to i32
+// -----
+func.func @arith_shli_i1(%arg0: i1, %arg1: i1) {
+  // expected-error @+1 {{failed to legalize operation 'arith.shli'}}
+  %shli = arith.shli %arg0, %arg1 : i1
+  return
+// -----
+func.func @arith_shrsi_i1(%arg0: i1, %arg1: i1) {
+  // expected-error @+1 {{failed to legalize operation 'arith.shrsi'}}
+  %shrsi = arith.shrsi %arg0, %arg1 : i1
+  return
+// -----
+func.func @arith_shrui_i1(%arg0: i1, %arg1: i1) {
+  // expected-error @+1 {{failed to legalize operation 'arith.shrui'}}
+  %shrui = arith.shrui %arg0, %arg1 : i1
+  return
diff --git a/mlir/test/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/arith-to-emitc.mlir b/mlir/test/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/arith-to-emitc.mlir
index 0289b7dc0728f..858ccd1171445 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/arith-to-emitc.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Conversion/ArithToEmitC/arith-to-emitc.mlir
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 // CHECK-LABEL: arith_constants
 func.func @arith_constants() {
   // CHECK: emitc.constant
-  // CHECK-SAME: value = 0 : index
+  // CHECK-SAME: value = 0
+  // CHECK-SAME: () -> !emitc.size_t
   %c_index = arith.constant 0 : index
   // CHECK: emitc.constant
   // CHECK-SAME: value = 0 : i32
@@ -75,13 +76,18 @@ func.func @arith_integer_ops_signed_nsw(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i32) {
 // -----
 // CHECK-LABEL: arith_index
-func.func @arith_index(%arg0: index, %arg1: index) {
-  // CHECK: emitc.add %arg0, %arg1 : (index, index) -> index
-  %0 = arith.addi %arg0, %arg1 : index
-  // CHECK: emitc.sub %arg0, %arg1 : (index, index) -> index
-  %1 = arith.subi %arg0, %arg1 : index
-  // CHECK: emitc.mul %arg0, %arg1 : (index, index) -> index
-  %2 = arith.muli %arg0, %arg1 : index
+func.func @arith_index(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i32) {
+  // CHECK: %[[CST0:.*]] = emitc.cast %{{.*}} : {{.*}} to !emitc.size_t
+  %cst0 = arith.index_cast %arg0 : i32 to index
+  // CHECK: %[[CST1:.*]] = emitc.cast %{{.*}} : {{.*}} to !emitc.size_t
+  %cst1 = arith.index_cast %arg1 : i32 to index
+  // CHECK: emitc.add %[[CST0]], %[[CST1]] : (!emitc.size_t, !emitc.size_t) -> !emitc.size_t
+  %0 = arith.addi %cst0, %cst1 : index
+  // CHECK: emitc.sub %[[CST0]], %[[CST1]] : (!emitc.size_t, !emitc.size_t) -> !emitc.size_t
+  %1 = arith.subi %cst0, %cst1 : index
+  // CHECK: emitc.mul %[[CST0]], %[[CST1]] : (!emitc.size_t, !emitc.size_t) -> !emitc.size_t
+  %2 = arith.muli %cst0, %cst1 : index
@@ -138,6 +144,116 @@ func.func @arith_signed_integer_div_rem(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i32) {
 // -----
+// CHECK-LABEL: arith_shift_left
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.*]]: i32, %[[ARG1:.*]]: i32
+func.func @arith_shift_left(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i32) {
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[C1:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cast %[[ARG0]] : i32 to ui32
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[C2:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cast %[[ARG1]] : i32 to ui32
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SizeConstant:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"{{.*}}value = 32
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[CmpNoExcess:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cmp lt, %[[C2]], %[[SizeConstant]] : (ui32, ui32) -> i1
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[Zero:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"{{.*}}value = 0
+  // CHECK: %[[ShiftRes:[^ ]*]] = emitc.expression : ui32
+  // CHECK: %[[SHL:[^ ]*]] = emitc.bitwise_left_shift %[[C1]], %[[C2]] : (ui32, ui32) -> ui32
+  // CHECK: %[[Ternary:[^ ]*]] = emitc.conditional %[[CmpNoExcess]], %[[SHL]], %[[Zero]] : ui32
+  // CHECK: emitc.yield %[[Ternary]] : ui32
+  // CHECK: emitc.cast %[[ShiftRes]] : ui32 to i32
+  %1 = arith.shli %arg0, %arg1 : i32
+  return
+// -----
+// CHECK-LABEL: arith_shift_right
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.*]]: i32, %[[ARG1:.*]]: i32
+func.func @arith_shift_right(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i32) {
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[C1:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cast %[[ARG0]] : i32 to ui32
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[C2:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cast %[[ARG1]] : i32 to ui32
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SizeConstant:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"{{.*}}value = 32{{.*}}ui32
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[CmpNoExcess:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cmp lt, %[[C2]], %[[SizeConstant]] : (ui32, ui32) -> i1
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[Zero:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"{{.*}}value = 0{{.*}}ui32
+  // CHECK: %[[ShiftRes:[^ ]*]] = emitc.expression : ui32
+  // CHECK: %[[SHR:[^ ]*]] = emitc.bitwise_right_shift %[[C1]], %[[C2]] : (ui32, ui32) -> ui32
+  // CHECK: %[[Ternary:[^ ]*]] = emitc.conditional %[[CmpNoExcess]], %[[SHR]], %[[Zero]] : ui32
+  // CHECK: emitc.yield %[[Ternary]] : ui32
+  // CHECK: emitc.cast %[[ShiftRes]] : ui32 to i32
+  %2 = arith.shrui %arg0, %arg1 : i32
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SC2:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cast %[[ARG1]] : i32 to ui32
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SSizeConstant:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"{{.*}}value = 32{{.*}}ui32
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SCmpNoExcess:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cmp lt, %[[SC2]], %[[SSizeConstant]] : (ui32, ui32) -> i1
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SZero:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"{{.*}}value = 0{{.*}}i32
+  // CHECK: %[[SShiftRes:[^ ]*]] = emitc.expression : i32
+  // CHECK: %[[SHRSI:[^ ]*]] = emitc.bitwise_right_shift %[[ARG0]], %[[SC2]] : (i32, ui32) -> i32
+  // CHECK: %[[STernary:[^ ]*]] = emitc.conditional %[[SCmpNoExcess]], %[[SHRSI]], %[[SZero]] : i32
+  // CHECK: emitc.yield %[[STernary]] : i32
+  %3 = arith.shrsi %arg0, %arg1 : i32
+  return
+// -----
+// CHECK-LABEL: arith_shift_left_index
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[AMOUNT:.*]]: i32
+func.func @arith_shift_left_index(%amount: i32) {
+  %cst0 = "arith.constant"() {value = 42 : index} : () -> (index)
+  %cast1 = arith.index_cast %amount : i32 to index
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[C1:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"(){{.*}}value = 42{{.*}}!emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[Cast1:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cast %[[AMOUNT]] : i32 to !emitc.ptrdiff_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[AmountIdx:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cast %[[Cast1]] : !emitc.ptrdiff_t to !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[Byte:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"{{.*}}value = 8{{.*}}index
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SizeOf:[^ ]*]] = emitc.call_opaque "sizeof"(%[[Byte]]) : (!emitc.size_t) -> !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SizeConstant:[^ ]*]] = emitc.mul %[[Byte]], %[[SizeOf]] : (!emitc.size_t, !emitc.size_t) -> !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[CmpNoExcess:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cmp lt, %[[AmountIdx]], %[[SizeConstant]] : (!emitc.size_t, !emitc.size_t) -> i1
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[Zero:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"{{.*}}value = 0
+  // CHECK: %[[ShiftRes:[^ ]*]] = emitc.expression : !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK: %[[SHL:[^ ]*]] = emitc.bitwise_left_shift %[[C1]], %[[AmountIdx]] : (!emitc.size_t, !emitc.size_t) -> !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK: %[[Ternary:[^ ]*]] = emitc.conditional %[[CmpNoExcess]], %[[SHL]], %[[Zero]] : !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK: emitc.yield %[[Ternary]] : !emitc.size_t
+  %1 = arith.shli %cst0, %cast1 : index
+  return
+// -----
+// CHECK-LABEL: arith_shift_right_index
+// CHECK-SAME: %[[AMOUNT:.*]]: i32
+func.func @arith_shift_right_index(%amount: i32) {
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[C1:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"(){{.*}}value = 42{{.*}}!emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[Cast1:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cast %[[AMOUNT]] : i32 to !emitc.ptrdiff_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[AmountIdx:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cast %[[Cast1]] : !emitc.ptrdiff_t to !emitc.size_t
+  %arg0 = "arith.constant"() {value = 42 : index} : () -> (index)
+  %arg1 = arith.index_cast %amount : i32 to index
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[Byte:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"{{.*}}value = 8{{.*}}index
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SizeOf:[^ ]*]] = emitc.call_opaque "sizeof"(%[[Byte]]) : (!emitc.size_t) -> !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SizeConstant:[^ ]*]] = emitc.mul %[[Byte]], %[[SizeOf]] : (!emitc.size_t, !emitc.size_t) -> !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[CmpNoExcess:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cmp lt, %[[AmountIdx]], %[[SizeConstant]] : (!emitc.size_t, !emitc.size_t) -> i1
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[Zero:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"{{.*}}value = 0{{.*}}!emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK: %[[ShiftRes:[^ ]*]] = emitc.expression : !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK: %[[SHR:[^ ]*]] = emitc.bitwise_right_shift %[[C1]], %[[AmountIdx]] : (!emitc.size_t, !emitc.size_t) -> !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK: %[[Ternary:[^ ]*]] = emitc.conditional %[[CmpNoExcess]], %[[SHR]], %[[Zero]] : !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK: emitc.yield %[[Ternary]] : !emitc.size_t
+  %2 = arith.shrui %arg0, %arg1 : index
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SC1:[^ ]*]] = emitc.cast %[[C1]] : !emitc.size_t to !emitc.ptrdiff_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SByte:[^ ]*]] = "emitc.constant"{{.*}}value = 8{{.*}}index{{.*}}!emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SSizeOf:[^ ]*]] = emitc.call_opaque "sizeof"(%[[SByte]]) : (!emitc.size_t) -> !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SSizeConstant:[^ ]*]] = emitc.mul %[[SByte]], %[[SSizeOf]] : (!emitc.size_t, !emitc.size_t) -> !emitc.size_t
+  // CHECK-DAG: %[[SCmpNoExcess:[^ ]*]] = emi...




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