[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][Target] Improve ROCDL gpu serialization API (PR #95456)

Krzysztof Drewniak llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Jun 13 13:59:28 PDT 2024

@@ -27,6 +27,62 @@ namespace ROCDL {
 /// 5. Returns an empty string.
 StringRef getROCMPath();
+/// Helper class for specifying the AMD GCN device libraries required for
+/// compilation.
+class AMDGCNLibraryList {
+  typedef enum : uint32_t {
+    None = 0,
+    Ockl = 1,
+    Ocml = 2,
+    OpenCL = 4,
+    Hip = 8,
+    LastLib = Hip,
+    All = (LastLib << 1) - 1
+  } Library;
+  explicit AMDGCNLibraryList(uint32_t libs = All) : libList(All & libs) {}
+  /// Return a list with no libraries.
+  static AMDGCNLibraryList getEmpty() { return AMDGCNLibraryList(None); }
+  /// Return the libraries needed for compiling code with OpenCL calls.
+  static AMDGCNLibraryList getOpenCL() {
+    return AMDGCNLibraryList(Ockl | Ocml | OpenCL);
+  }
+  /// Returns true if the list is empty.
+  bool isEmpty() const { return libList == None; }
+  /// Adds a library to the list.
+  AMDGCNLibraryList addLibrary(Library lib) {
+    libList = libList | lib;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Adds all the libraries in `list` to the library list.
+  AMDGCNLibraryList addList(AMDGCNLibraryList list) {
krzysz00 wrote:

For instance, this is `bitEnumSet()` or some similarly-phrased function


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