[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] [linalg] Add pattern to swap transpose with broadcast (PR #97063)

Mehdi Amini llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Fri Jul 19 03:02:48 PDT 2024

@@ -51,6 +56,60 @@ Some important things to think about w.r.t. canonicalization patterns:
 *   It is always good to eliminate operations entirely when possible, e.g. by
     folding known identities (like "x + 0 = x").
+*   Canonicalize isn't a great place to put pattens with expensive compile time
+    (i.e. have O(n) complexity) or complicated cost models.
+*   Canonicalize shouldn't drop the semantic of original operation.
+For example, a pattern that transform
+  %res = vector.transpose %0, [1, 0] : vector<nx1x<eltty>> to vector<1xnx<elty>>
+  %res = vector.shape_cast %0 : vector<nx1x<eltty>> to vector<1xnx<elty>>
+is not a good canonicalize pattern because it drops the transpose semantic.
joker-eph wrote:

This is a bit vague of an example, if we want to go there we should find a more obvious example to explain I think.


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