[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][arith] Add shift regression tests (PR #98183)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Tue Jul 9 09:05:31 PDT 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Jacob Yu (pingshiyu)


Shift left/right regression tests, from the original larger PR that has been broken down: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/92272

Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/98183.diff

1 Files Affected:

- (added) mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Arith/CPU/shifts.mlir (+160) 

diff --git a/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Arith/CPU/shifts.mlir b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Arith/CPU/shifts.mlir
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..519ecaf210812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mlir/test/Integration/Dialect/Arith/CPU/shifts.mlir
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+// RUN: mlir-opt %s --test-lower-to-llvm | \
+// RUN:   mlir-cpu-runner -e entry -entry-point-result=void \
+// RUN:                   --shared-libs=%mlir_c_runner_utils | \
+// RUN:   FileCheck %s --match-full-lines
+func.func @shrsi_i8(%v1 : i8, %v2 : i8) {
+  vector.print str "@shrsi_i8\n"
+  %res = arith.shrsi %v1, %v2 : i8
+  vector.print %res : i8
+  return
+func.func @shrui_i8(%v1 : i8, %v2 : i8) {
+  vector.print str "@shrui_i8\n"
+  %res = arith.shrui %v1, %v2 : i8
+  vector.print %res : i8
+  return
+func.func @shli_i8(%v1 : i8, %v2 : i8) {
+  vector.print str "@shli_i8\n"
+  %res = arith.shli %v1, %v2 : i8
+  vector.print %res : i8
+  return
+func.func @shrsi_i1(%v1 : i1, %v2 : i1) {
+  vector.print str "@shrsi_i1\n"
+  %res = arith.shrsi %v1, %v2 : i1
+  vector.print %res : i1
+  return
+func.func @shrui_i1(%v1 : i1, %v2 : i1) {
+  vector.print str "@shrui_i1\n"
+  %res = arith.shrui %v1, %v2 : i1
+  vector.print %res : i1
+  return
+func.func @shli_i1(%v1 : i1, %v2 : i1) {
+  vector.print str "@shli_i1\n"
+  %res = arith.shli %v1, %v2 : i1
+  vector.print %res : i1
+  return
+func.func @shrsi() {
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    // Test i1
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    %false = arith.constant 0 : i1
+    // shift by zero : i1 should be non poison
+    // shrsi 0 0 : i1 = 0
+    // CHECK-LABEL: @shrsi_i1
+    // CHECK-NEXT:  0
+    func.call @shrsi_i1(%false, %false) : (i1, i1) -> ()
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    // Test i8
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    %c7 = arith.constant 7 : i8
+    %cn10 = arith.constant -10 : i8
+    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : i8
+    // shrsi preserves signs
+    // shrsi -10 7 : i8 = -1
+    // CHECK-LABEL: @shrsi_i8
+    // CHECK-NEXT:  -1
+    func.call @shrsi_i8(%cn10, %c7) : (i8, i8) -> ()
+    // shift on zero is identity
+    // shrsi 7 0 : i8 = 7
+    // CHECK-LABEL: @shrsi_i8
+    // CHECK-NEXT:  7
+    func.call @shrsi_i8(%c7, %c0) : (i8, i8) -> ()
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    // TODO: Test i16, i32 etc..
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    return
+func.func @shrui() {
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    // Test i1
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    %false = arith.constant 0 : i1
+    // shift by zero : i1 should be non poison
+    // shrui 0 0 : i1 = 0
+    // CHECK-LABEL: @shrui_i1
+    // CHECK-NEXT:  0
+    func.call @shrui_i1(%false, %false) : (i1, i1) -> ()
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    // Test i8
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    %cn10 = arith.constant -10 : i8
+    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : i8
+    // shift on zero is identity
+    // shrsi -10 0 : i8 = -10
+    // CHECK-LABEL: @shrui_i8
+    // CHECK-NEXT:  -10
+    func.call @shrui_i8(%cn10, %c0) : (i8, i8) -> ()
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    // TODO: Test i16, i32 etc..
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    return
+func.func @shli() {
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    // Test i1
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    %false = arith.constant 0 : i1
+    // shift by zero : i1 should be non poison
+    // shli 0 0 : i1 = 0
+    // CHECK-LABEL: @shli_i1
+    // CHECK-NEXT:  0
+    func.call @shli_i1(%false, %false) : (i1, i1) -> ()
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    // Test i8
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    %c7 = arith.constant 7 : i8
+    %c0 = arith.constant 0 : i8
+    %cn100 = arith.constant -100 : i8
+    // shift on zero is identity
+    // shli 7 0 : i8 = 7
+    // CHECK-LABEL: @shli_i8
+    // CHECK-NEXT:  7
+    func.call @shli_i8(%c7, %c0) : (i8, i8) -> ()
+    // shli on i8, value goes off into the void (overflow/modulus needed)
+    // shli (-100), 7
+    // CHECK-LABEL: @shli_i8
+    // CHECK-NEXT:  0
+    func.call @shli_i8(%cn100, %c7) : (i8, i8) -> ()
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    // TODO: Test i16, i32 etc..
+    // ------------------------------------------------
+    return
+func.func @entry() {
+    func.call @shrsi() : () -> ()
+    func.call @shrui() : () -> ()
+    func.call @shli() : () -> ()
+    return




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