[Mlir-commits] [libc] [clang-tools-extra] [mlir] [lldb] [flang] [compiler-rt] [libcxx] [llvm] [libunwind] [clang] [lld] Reland: [libc++][format] P2637R3: Member visit (std::basic_format_arg) #76449 (PR #79032)

Mark de Wever llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Sun Jan 28 10:48:21 PST 2024

mordante wrote:

> @mordante I guess the PR missed LLVM18 release. I'll update the release notes accordingly. Is that OK?

Yes. It would have been nice to get this in LLVM 18, but I don't feel it's critical to backport it. (Especially since it's a C++26 only feature and I expect very few people are already using it.)


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