[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][ArmSME] Support 2-way widening outer products (PR #78975)

Benjamin Maxwell llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Jan 25 10:11:36 PST 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+//===- OuterProductWidening.cpp - Widen 'arm_sme.outerproduct' ops --------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file implements rewrites that fold 'arm_sme.outerproduct' operations
+// into the 2-way or 4-way widening outerproduct operations.
+#include "mlir/Dialect/ArmSME/IR/ArmSME.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/ArmSME/Transforms/Passes.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/ArmSME/Transforms/Transforms.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/ArmSVE/IR/ArmSVEDialect.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
+#include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/LLVMDialect.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
+#include "mlir/Transforms/GreedyPatternRewriteDriver.h"
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "arm-sme-outerproduct-widening"
+namespace mlir::arm_sme {
+#include "mlir/Dialect/ArmSME/Transforms/Passes.h.inc"
+} // namespace mlir::arm_sme
+using namespace mlir;
+using namespace mlir::arm_sme;
+namespace {
+// Fold two 'arm_sme.outerproduct' operations that are chained via the
+// accumulator into 2-way outer product operation.
+// For example:
+//  %a0_ext = arith.extf %a0 : vector<[4]xf16> to vector<[4]xf32>
+//  %b0_ext = arith.extf %b0 : vector<[4]xf16> to vector<[4]xf32>
+//  %0 = arm_sme.outerproduct %a0_ext, %b0_ext : vector<[4]xf32>,
+//                                               vector<[4]xf32>
+//  %a1_ext = arith.extf %a1 : vector<[4]xf16> to vector<[4]xf32>
+//  %b1_ext = arith.extf %b1 : vector<[4]xf16> to vector<[4]xf32>
+//  %1 = arm_sme.outerproduct %a1_ext, %b1_ext, %0 : vector<[4]xf32>,
+//                                                   vector<[4]xf32>
+// Becomes:
+//  %a_packed = arm_sve.zip %a0, %a1 : vector<[8]xf16> to vector<[8]xf16>
+//  %b_packed = arm_sve.zip %b0, %b1 : vector<[8]xf16> to vector<[8]xf16>
+//  %0 = arm_sme.fmopa_wide_2way %a_packed, %b_packed : vector<[8]xf16>,
+//                                                      vector<[4]xf32>
+class OuterProduct2WayWidening
+    : public OpRewritePattern<arm_sme::OuterProductOp> {
+  using OpRewritePattern::OpRewritePattern;
+  LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(arm_sme::OuterProductOp op,
+                                PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
+    Value acc = op.getAcc();
+    if (!acc)
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "no accumulator operand");
+    arm_sme::OuterProductOp op1 = acc.getDefiningOp<arm_sme::OuterProductOp>();
+    arm_sme::OuterProductOp op2 = op;
+    if (!op1)
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op,
+                                         "defining op of accumulator operand "
+                                         "must be an 'arm_sme.outerproduct'");
+    if (op1.getKind() != op2.getKind())
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+          op, "combining kind (add or sub) of outer products must match");
+    if (!llvm::hasSingleElement(op1->getUses())) {
+      // We could still widen, but if the first outer product has an
+      // accumulator it will be used as the root for tile allocation and since
+      // the widening outer product uses the same accumulator it will get
+      // assigned the same tile ID, resulting in 3 outer products and incorrect
+      // results. No accumulator would be ok, but it's simpler to prevent this
+      // altogether, since it has no benefit.
+      return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+          op, "first outer product is not single use and cannot be removed, "
+              "no benefit to widening");
+    }
+    auto nxnxv4i32 =
+        VectorType::get({4, 4}, rewriter.getI32Type(), {true, true});
+    auto nxnxv4f32 =
+        VectorType::get({4, 4}, rewriter.getF32Type(), {true, true});
+    auto nxv4i16 = VectorType::get({4}, rewriter.getI16Type(), true);
+    auto nxv4f16 = VectorType::get({4}, rewriter.getF16Type(), true);
+    auto nxv4bf16 = VectorType::get({4}, rewriter.getBF16Type(), true);
+    if ((failed(
+             isWidenable<arith::ExtFOp>(rewriter, op1, nxnxv4f32, nxv4f16)) ||
+         failed(
+             isWidenable<arith::ExtFOp>(rewriter, op2, nxnxv4f32, nxv4f16))) &&
+        (failed(
+             isWidenable<arith::ExtFOp>(rewriter, op1, nxnxv4f32, nxv4bf16)) ||
+         failed(
+             isWidenable<arith::ExtFOp>(rewriter, op2, nxnxv4f32, nxv4bf16))) &&
+        (failed(
+             isWidenable<arith::ExtSIOp>(rewriter, op1, nxnxv4i32, nxv4i16)) ||
+         failed(
+             isWidenable<arith::ExtSIOp>(rewriter, op2, nxnxv4i32, nxv4i16))) &&
+        (failed(
+             isWidenable<arith::ExtUIOp>(rewriter, op1, nxnxv4i32, nxv4i16)) ||
+         failed(
+             isWidenable<arith::ExtUIOp>(rewriter, op2, nxnxv4i32, nxv4i16))))
+      return failure();
+    auto loc = op.getLoc();
+    // zip(lhs, rhs)
+    auto packInputs = [&](VectorType type, Value lhs, Value rhs) {
+      auto undef = rewriter.create<LLVM::UndefOp>(loc, type);
+      auto insertLHS =
+          rewriter.create<vector::ScalableInsertOp>(loc, lhs, undef, 0);
+      auto insertRHS =
+          rewriter.create<vector::ScalableInsertOp>(loc, rhs, undef, 0);
+      return rewriter.create<arm_sve::Zip1IntrOp>(loc, type, insertLHS,
+                                                  insertRHS);
+    };
+    auto extOp = op.getLhs().getDefiningOp();
+    VectorType extSourceVectorType =
+        cast<VectorType>(extOp->getOperand(0).getType());
+    VectorType widenedVectorType =
+        VectorType::Builder(extSourceVectorType)
+            .setDim(0, extSourceVectorType.getShape()[0] * 2);
+    auto lhs = packInputs(widenedVectorType,
+                          op1.getLhs().getDefiningOp()->getOperand(0),
+                          op2.getLhs().getDefiningOp()->getOperand(0));
+    auto rhs = packInputs(widenedVectorType,
+                          op1.getRhs().getDefiningOp()->getOperand(0),
+                          op2.getRhs().getDefiningOp()->getOperand(0));
+    Value lhsMask, rhsMask;
+    if (op1.getLhsMask() || op2.getLhsMask()) {
+      if (!(op1.getLhsMask() && op2.getLhsMask()))
+        return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
+            op, "unsupported masking, either both outerproducts are masked "
+                "or neither");
+      VectorType maskType = VectorType::Builder(widenedVectorType)
+                                .setElementType(rewriter.getI1Type());
+      lhsMask = packInputs(maskType, op1.getLhsMask(), op2.getLhsMask());
+      rhsMask = packInputs(maskType, op1.getRhsMask(), op2.getRhsMask());
+    }
+    arm_sme::CombiningKind kind = op.getKind();
+    assert((kind == arm_sme::CombiningKind::Add ||
+            kind == arm_sme::CombiningKind::Sub) &&
+           "unhandled arm_sme::CombiningKind!");
+    if (isa<arith::ExtFOp>(extOp)) {
+      if (kind == arm_sme::CombiningKind::Add)
+        rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<arm_sme::FMopaWide2WayOp>(
+            op2, op.getResultType(), lhs, rhs, lhsMask, rhsMask, op1.getAcc());
+      else
+        rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<arm_sme::FMopsWide2WayOp>(
+            op2, op.getResultType(), lhs, rhs, lhsMask, rhsMask, op1.getAcc());
+    } else if (isa<arith::ExtSIOp>(extOp)) {
+      if (kind == arm_sme::CombiningKind::Add)
+        rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<arm_sme::SMopaWide2WayOp>(
+            op2, op.getResultType(), lhs, rhs, lhsMask, rhsMask, op1.getAcc());
+      else
+        rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<arm_sme::SMopsWide2WayOp>(
+            op2, op.getResultType(), lhs, rhs, lhsMask, rhsMask, op1.getAcc());
+    } else if (isa<arith::ExtUIOp>(extOp)) {
+      if (kind == arm_sme::CombiningKind::Add)
+        rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<arm_sme::UMopaWide2WayOp>(
+            op2, op.getResultType(), lhs, rhs, lhsMask, rhsMask, op1.getAcc());
+      else
+        rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<arm_sme::UMopsWide2WayOp>(
+            op2, op.getResultType(), lhs, rhs, lhsMask, rhsMask, op1.getAcc());
+    } else
+      llvm_unreachable("unexpected extend op!");
MacDue wrote:

nt: I think it looks odd having a dangling else when the other conditions are in braces. 
    } else {
      llvm_unreachable("unexpected extend op!");


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