[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] Add direct vectorization lowering for `tensor.pack` ops (PR #78660)
Han-Chung Wang
llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Jan 18 23:55:59 PST 2024
@@ -1393,6 +1399,121 @@ vectorizeAsLinalgGeneric(RewriterBase &rewriter, VectorizationState &state,
return success();
+/// Given a tensor::PackOp, return the permutation from the "tiled"
+/// shape to the "packed" shape, defined as the following:
+/// The "packed" shape is the same as the `dest` shape of the pack op.
+/// The "tiled" shape is a permutation of the `dest` shape such that
+/// each outer dimension is in the original `source` order, and the
+/// inner_tile dimensions immediately follow their corresponding outer
+/// dimension.
+/// i.e. for the following tensor.pack:
+/// ```mlir
+/// %pack = tensor.pack %0 padding_value(%1)
+/// outer_dims_perm = [0, 2, 1]
+/// inner_dims_pos = [2, 1]
+/// inner_tiles = [16, 2]
+/// into %2 : tensor<32x8x16> -> tensor<32x1x4x16x2>
+/// ```
+/// The "packed" shape is `32x1x4x16x2`
+/// The "tiled" shape is `32x(4x2)x(1x16)`
+static SmallVector<int64_t>
+getTiledShapeToPackedShapePerm(tensor::PackOp packOp) {
+ auto innerTiles = packOp.getInnerTiles();
+ int64_t srcRank = packOp.getSourceRank();
+ auto innerDimsPos = packOp.getInnerDimsPos();
+ if (innerDimsPos.empty())
+ innerDimsPos = to_vector(llvm::seq<int64_t>(innerTiles.size()));
+ auto outerDimsPerm = packOp.getOuterDimsPerm();
+ if (outerDimsPerm.empty())
+ outerDimsPerm = to_vector(llvm::seq<int64_t>(srcRank));
+ auto packedIdxToTiledIdx = [&](int64_t idx) -> int64_t {
+ int64_t srcIdx;
+ if (idx >= srcRank)
+ srcIdx = innerDimsPos[idx - srcRank];
+ else
+ srcIdx = outerDimsPerm[idx];
+ int64_t tiledIdx = srcIdx;
+ for (int64_t pos : innerDimsPos)
+ if (pos < srcIdx)
+ tiledIdx++;
+ if (idx >= srcRank)
+ tiledIdx++;
+ return tiledIdx;
+ };
+ SmallVector<int64_t> perm;
+ for (int i = 0; i < packOp.getDestRank(); i++)
+ perm.push_back(packedIdxToTiledIdx(i));
+ return perm;
+/// Given a tensor::PackOp, return the "tiled" `dest` shape as described
+/// above in `getTiledShapeToPackedShapePerm`.
+static SmallVector<int64_t> getTiledPackShape(tensor::PackOp packOp) {
+ auto perm = getTiledShapeToPackedShapePerm(packOp);
+ auto destShape = packOp.getDestType().getShape();
+ return applyPermutation(destShape, invertPermutationVector(perm));
hanhanW wrote:
please add a doc
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