[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir] add a chapter on matchers to the transform dialect tutorial (PR #76725)

Andrzej Warzyński llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Jan 4 04:49:28 PST 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+# Chapter 4: Matching Payload with Transform Operations
+Up until now, we were applying transform dialect scripts under the assumption
+that specific payload operations are identified by the caller when the transform
+dialect interpreter is invoked. This may be seen as contrary to the idea of
+driving transformations from a dialect since the transformation targets must be
+identified by the caller in C++. It also adds practical overhead due to
+increased interaction with the interpreter in C++, and cognitive overhead of
+manipulating two interfaces at once. To remedy this, Transform dialect proposes
+a subset of operations for _matching_ payload operations that need to be
+_Match_ operations are simply transform operations with some additional
+guarantees. In particular, they are not expected to modify the payload IR and
+are expected to fail if their operands (typically payload operation handles) are
+not associated with payload IR objects having desired properties, such as
+operation names or kinds of arguments. Using simple combinator operations, it
+becomes possible to set up a higher-level match and rewrite infrastructure
+directly within the transform dialect.
+## Simple match
+Let us reconsider the “fully connected layer” example from Chapter 1, reproduced
+below for convenience.
+// Original function to optimize.
+func.func @fc_relu(%lhs: tensor<512x512xf32>, %rhs: tensor<512x512xf32>,
+                   %bias: tensor<512x512xf32>, %output: tensor<512x512xf32>)
+                   -> tensor<512x512xf32> {
+  // Matrix-matrix multiplication.
+  %matmul = linalg.matmul
+            ins(%lhs, %rhs: tensor<512x512xf32>, tensor<512x512xf32>)
+            outs(%output: tensor<512x512xf32>) -> tensor<512x512xf32>
+  // Elementwise addition.
+  %biased = linalg.elemwise_binary { fun = #linalg.binary_fn<add> }
+    ins(%matmul, %bias : tensor<512x512xf32>, tensor<512x512xf32>)
+    outs(%output : tensor<512x512xf32>) -> tensor<512x512xf32>
+  // Elementwise max with 0 (ReLU).
+  %c0f = arith.constant 0.0 : f32
+  %relued = linalg.elemwise_binary { fun = #linalg.binary_fn<max_signed> }
+    ins(%biased, %c0f : tensor<512x512xf32>, f32)
+    outs(%output : tensor<512x512xf32>) -> tensor<512x512xf32>
+  func.return %relued : tensor<512x512xf32>
+In Chapter 1, we were calling the test transform interpreter pass with
+additional arguments, `bind-first-extra-to-ops=linalg.matmul
+bind-second-extra-to-ops=linalg.elemwise_binary`, to provide initial
+associations for operation handles. Instead, we can use match operations to
+discover relevant operations in the payload IR. Match operations can be combined
+with “regular” transform operations using, e.g., the
+`transform.collect_matching` combinator operation that leverages the concept of
+named sequences to organize matchers.
+// The module containing named sequences must have an attribute allowing them
+// to enable verification.
+module @transforms attributes { transform.with_named_sequence } {
+  // Entry point. This takes as the only argument the root operation (typically
+  // pass root) given to the transform interpreter.
+  transform.named_sequence @__transform_main(
+      %root: !transform.any_op {transform.readonly}) {
+    // Collect operations that match the criteria specified in named named
banach-space wrote:

    // Collect operations that match the criteria specified in named


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