[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][gpu] Add Support for Cluster of Thread Blocks in `gpu.launch` (PR #76924)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Jan 4 01:04:34 PST 2024

llvmbot wrote:



Author: Guray Ozen (grypp)


This PR improves `gpu.launch` to handle a new feature called cga cluster. Now, when using `gpu.launch`, one can include a cluster size, although it's optional. If provided, the outliner will transform `gpu.launch` with the cluster size into `gpu.launch_func`.

Previously, PR #<!-- -->72871 introduced the required support for clusters in the MLIR compiler and its CUDA runtime. This PR builds upon that work.


Patch is 24.14 KiB, truncated to 20.00 KiB below, full version: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/76924.diff

6 Files Affected:

- (modified) mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUOps.td (+48-6) 
- (modified) mlir/lib/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUDialect.cpp (+70-9) 
- (modified) mlir/lib/Dialect/GPU/Transforms/KernelOutlining.cpp (+15-5) 
- (modified) mlir/test/Conversion/SCFToGPU/no_blocks_no_threads.mlir (+2-2) 
- (modified) mlir/test/Dialect/GPU/invalid.mlir (+1-1) 
- (modified) mlir/test/Dialect/GPU/outlining.mlir (+74) 

diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUOps.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUOps.td
index efef61b5c6e712..a816d663596169 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUOps.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUOps.td
@@ -676,8 +676,11 @@ def GPU_LaunchOp : GPU_Op<"launch", [
     Arguments<(ins Variadic<GPU_AsyncToken>:$asyncDependencies,
-               Index:$gridSizeX, Index:$gridSizeY, Index:$gridSizeZ,
+               Index:$gridSizeX, Index:$gridSizeY, Index:$gridSizeZ,               
                Index:$blockSizeX, Index:$blockSizeY, Index:$blockSizeZ,
+               Optional<Index>:$clusterSizeX, 
+               Optional<Index>:$clusterSizeY, 
+               Optional<Index>:$clusterSizeZ,
     Results<(outs Optional<GPU_AsyncToken>:$asyncToken)> {
   let summary = "GPU kernel launch operation";
@@ -700,8 +703,11 @@ def GPU_LaunchOp : GPU_Op<"launch", [
     to the amount of dynamic shared memory a kernel's workgroup should be
     allocated; when this operand is not present, a zero size is assumed.
-    The body region has at least _twelve_ arguments, grouped as follows:
+    The body region has at least _twelve_ arguments, or _eighteen_ if cluster 
+    dimensions are present, grouped as follows:
+    -   three optional arguments that contain cluster identifiers along x,y,z
+        dimensions;
     -   three arguments that contain block identifiers along x,y,z dimensions;
     -   three arguments that contain thread identifiers along x,y,z dimensions;
     -   operands of the `gpu.launch` operation as is (i.e. the operands for
@@ -713,6 +719,7 @@ def GPU_LaunchOp : GPU_Op<"launch", [
     operation ::= `gpu.launch` (`async` (`[` ssa-id-list `]`)? )?
+                             ( `clusters` `(` ssa-id-list `)` `in` ssa-reassignment )?
                              `blocks` `(` ssa-id-list `)` `in` ssa-reassignment
                              `threads` `(` ssa-id-list `)` `in` ssa-reassignment
                              (dynamic_shared_memory_size ssa-use)?
@@ -763,6 +770,16 @@ def GPU_LaunchOp : GPU_Op<"launch", [
       // Assuming %val1 is defined outside the gpu.launch region.
       %42 = load %workgroup[%bx] : memref<32xf32, 3>
+    // Launch with clusters.
+    gpu.launch clusters(%cx, %cy, %cz) in (%sz_cx = %0, %sz_cy = %1, %sz_cz = %2)
+               blocks(%bx, %by, %bz) in (%sz_bx = %3, %sz_by = %4, %sz_bz = %5)
+               threads(%tx, %ty, %tz) in (%sz_tx = %6, %sz_ty = %7, %sz_tz = %8)
+    {
+      // Cluster, block and thread identifiers, as well as cluster/block/grid 
+      // sizes are immediately usable inside body region.
+      "some_op"(%cx, %bx, %tx) : (index, index, index) -> ()
+    }
     Rationale: using operation/block arguments gives analyses a clear way of
@@ -784,7 +801,10 @@ def GPU_LaunchOp : GPU_Op<"launch", [
       CArg<"Type", "nullptr">:$asyncTokenType,
       CArg<"ValueRange", "{}">:$asyncDependencies,
       CArg<"TypeRange", "{}">:$workgroupAttributions,
-      CArg<"TypeRange", "{}">:$privateAttributions)>
+      CArg<"TypeRange", "{}">:$privateAttributions,
+      CArg<"Value", "nullptr">:$clusterSizeX,
+      CArg<"Value", "nullptr">:$clusterSizeY,
+      CArg<"Value", "nullptr">:$clusterSizeZ)>
   let extraClassDeclaration = [{
@@ -792,17 +812,24 @@ def GPU_LaunchOp : GPU_Op<"launch", [
     KernelDim3 getBlockIds();
     /// Get the SSA values corresponding to kernel thread identifiers.
     KernelDim3 getThreadIds();
+    /// Get the SSA values corresponding to kernel cluster identifiers.
+    std::optional<KernelDim3> getClusterIds();
     /// Get the SSA values corresponding to kernel grid size.
     KernelDim3 getGridSize();
     /// Get the SSA values corresponding to kernel block size.
     KernelDim3 getBlockSize();
+    /// Get the SSA values corresponding to kernel cluster size.
+    std::optional<KernelDim3> getClusterSize();
     /// Get the SSA values passed as operands to specify the grid size.
     KernelDim3 getGridSizeOperandValues();
     /// Get the SSA values passed as operands to specify the block size.
     KernelDim3 getBlockSizeOperandValues();
+    /// Get the SSA values passed as operands to specify the cluster size.
+    std::optional<KernelDim3> getClusterSizeOperandValues();
     static StringRef getBlocksKeyword() { return "blocks"; }
+    static StringRef getClustersKeyword() { return "clusters"; }
     static StringRef getThreadsKeyword() { return "threads"; }
     static StringRef getDynamicSharedMemorySizeKeyword() {
       return "dynamic_shared_memory_size";
@@ -816,6 +843,21 @@ def GPU_LaunchOp : GPU_Op<"launch", [
     /// placed in the leading positions of the argument list.
     static constexpr unsigned kNumConfigRegionAttributes = 12;
+    /// Returns true if cluster size is specified.
+    bool hasClusterSize() {
+      if (getClusterSizeX() && getClusterSizeY() && getClusterSizeZ())
+        return true;
+      return false;
+    }
+    /// Returns the number of operands including cluster size
+    unsigned getNumConfigOperands() {
+      return kNumConfigOperands + (hasClusterSize() ? 3 : 0);
+    }
+    /// Returns the number of region attributes including cluster size 
+    unsigned getNumConfigRegionAttributes() {
+      return kNumConfigRegionAttributes + (hasClusterSize() ? 6 : 0);
+    }
     /// Returns the keywords used in the custom syntax for this Op.
     static StringRef getWorkgroupKeyword() { return "workgroup"; }
     static StringRef getPrivateKeyword() { return "private"; }
@@ -831,7 +873,7 @@ def GPU_LaunchOp : GPU_Op<"launch", [
     /// the workgroup memory
     ArrayRef<BlockArgument> getWorkgroupAttributions() {
       auto begin =
-          std::next(getBody().args_begin(), kNumConfigRegionAttributes);
+          std::next(getBody().args_begin(), getNumConfigRegionAttributes());
       auto end = std::next(begin, getNumWorkgroupAttributions());
       return {begin, end};
@@ -842,7 +884,7 @@ def GPU_LaunchOp : GPU_Op<"launch", [
     /// Returns the number of buffers located in the private memory.
     unsigned getNumPrivateAttributions() {
-      return getBody().getNumArguments() - kNumConfigRegionAttributes -
+      return getBody().getNumArguments() - getNumConfigRegionAttributes() -
@@ -853,7 +895,7 @@ def GPU_LaunchOp : GPU_Op<"launch", [
       // memory.
       auto begin =
-                    kNumConfigRegionAttributes + getNumWorkgroupAttributions());
+                    getNumConfigRegionAttributes() + getNumWorkgroupAttributions());
       return {begin, getBody().args_end()};
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUDialect.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUDialect.cpp
index dd482f305fcbc8..459b93cf033a0e 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUDialect.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUDialect.cpp
@@ -646,7 +646,8 @@ void LaunchOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
                      Value getBlockSizeZ, Value dynamicSharedMemorySize,
                      Type asyncTokenType, ValueRange asyncDependencies,
                      TypeRange workgroupAttributions,
-                     TypeRange privateAttributions) {
+                     TypeRange privateAttributions, Value clusterSizeX,
+                     Value clusterSizeY, Value clusterSizeZ) {
   // Add a WorkGroup attribution attribute. This attribute is required to
   // identify private attributions in the list of block argguments.
@@ -660,6 +661,8 @@ void LaunchOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
   // Add grid and block sizes as op operands, followed by the data operands.
   result.addOperands({gridSizeX, gridSizeY, gridSizeZ, getBlockSizeX,
                       getBlockSizeY, getBlockSizeZ});
+  if (clusterSizeX && clusterSizeY && clusterSizeZ)
+    result.addOperands({clusterSizeX, clusterSizeY, clusterSizeZ});
   if (dynamicSharedMemorySize)
@@ -678,9 +681,14 @@ void LaunchOp::build(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,
     body->addArgument(argTy, result.location);
   // Fill OperandSegmentSize Attribute.
-  SmallVector<int32_t, 8> segmentSizes(8, 1);
+  SmallVector<int32_t, 11> segmentSizes(11, 1);
   segmentSizes.front() = asyncDependencies.size();
   segmentSizes.back() = dynamicSharedMemorySize ? 1 : 0;
+  if (!clusterSizeX) {
+    segmentSizes[7] = 0;
+    segmentSizes[8] = 0;
+    segmentSizes[9] = 0;
+  }
@@ -709,6 +717,22 @@ KernelDim3 LaunchOp::getBlockSize() {
   return KernelDim3{args[9], args[10], args[11]};
+std::optional<KernelDim3> LaunchOp::getClusterIds() {
+  assert(!getBody().empty() && "LaunchOp body must not be empty.");
+  if (!hasClusterSize())
+    return std::nullopt;
+  auto args = getBody().getArguments();
+  return KernelDim3{args[12], args[13], args[14]};
+std::optional<KernelDim3> LaunchOp::getClusterSize() {
+  assert(!getBody().empty() && "LaunchOp body must not be empty.");
+  if (!hasClusterSize())
+    return std::nullopt;
+  auto args = getBody().getArguments();
+  return KernelDim3{args[15], args[16], args[17]};
 KernelDim3 LaunchOp::getGridSizeOperandValues() {
   auto operands = getOperands().drop_front(getAsyncDependencies().size());
   return KernelDim3{operands[0], operands[1], operands[2]};
@@ -719,6 +743,13 @@ KernelDim3 LaunchOp::getBlockSizeOperandValues() {
   return KernelDim3{operands[3], operands[4], operands[5]};
+std::optional<KernelDim3> LaunchOp::getClusterSizeOperandValues() {
+  auto operands = getOperands().drop_front(getAsyncDependencies().size());
+  if (!hasClusterSize())
+    return std::nullopt;
+  return KernelDim3{operands[6], operands[7], operands[8]};
 LogicalResult LaunchOp::verifyRegions() {
   // Kernel launch takes kNumConfigOperands leading operands for grid/block
   // sizes and transforms them into kNumConfigRegionAttributes region arguments
@@ -778,6 +809,12 @@ void LaunchOp::print(OpAsmPrinter &p) {
       p << " [" << getAsyncDependencies() << ']';
   // Print the launch configuration.
+  if (getClusterSizeX()) {
+    p << ' ' << getClustersKeyword();
+    printSizeAssignment(p, getClusterSize().value(),
+                        getClusterSizeOperandValues().value(),
+                        getClusterIds().value());
+  }
   p << ' ' << getBlocksKeyword();
   printSizeAssignment(p, getGridSize(), getGridSizeOperandValues(),
@@ -831,6 +868,7 @@ parseSizeAssignment(OpAsmParser &parser,
 /// Parses a Launch operation.
 /// operation ::= `gpu.launch` (`async` `[` ssa-id-list `]`)?
+///       `clusters` `(` ssa-id-list `)` `in` ssa-reassignment (Optional)
 ///       `blocks` `(` ssa-id-list `)` `in` ssa-reassignment
 ///       `threads` `(` ssa-id-list `)` `in` ssa-reassignment
 ///       memory-attribution
@@ -840,7 +878,6 @@ ParseResult LaunchOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
   // Sizes of the grid and block.
   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand, LaunchOp::kNumConfigOperands>
-  MutableArrayRef<OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand> sizesRef(sizes);
   // Actual (data) operands passed to the kernel.
   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand, 4> dataOperands;
@@ -848,7 +885,6 @@ ParseResult LaunchOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
   // Region arguments to be created.
   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand, 16> regionArgs(
-  MutableArrayRef<OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand> regionArgsRef(regionArgs);
   // Parse optional async dependencies.
   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand, 4> asyncDependencies;
@@ -861,6 +897,24 @@ ParseResult LaunchOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
   if (parser.getNumResults() > 0)
+  bool hasCluster = false;
+  if (succeeded(
+          parser.parseOptionalKeyword(LaunchOp::getClustersKeyword().data()))) {
+    hasCluster = true;
+    sizes.resize(9);
+    regionArgs.resize(18);
+  }
+  MutableArrayRef<OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand> sizesRef(sizes);
+  MutableArrayRef<OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand> regionArgsRef(regionArgs);
+  // Last three segment assigns the cluster size. In the region argument
+  // list, this is last 6 arguments.
+  if (hasCluster) {
+    if (parseSizeAssignment(parser, sizesRef.drop_front(6),
+                            regionArgsRef.slice(15, 3),
+                            regionArgsRef.slice(12, 3)))
+      return failure();
+  }
   // Parse the size assignment segments: the first segment assigns grid sizes
   // and defines values for block identifiers; the second segment assigns block
   // sizes and defines values for thread identifiers.  In the region argument
@@ -898,7 +952,7 @@ ParseResult LaunchOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
   // LaunchOp::getNumWorkgroupAttributionsAttrName().
   Type index = parser.getBuilder().getIndexType();
   SmallVector<Type, LaunchOp::kNumConfigRegionAttributes> dataTypes(
-      LaunchOp::kNumConfigRegionAttributes, index);
+      LaunchOp::kNumConfigRegionAttributes + 6, index);
   SmallVector<OpAsmParser::Argument> regionArguments;
   for (auto ssaValueAndType : llvm::zip(regionArgs, dataTypes)) {
@@ -916,8 +970,9 @@ ParseResult LaunchOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
   // Store the number of operands we just parsed as the number of workgroup
   // memory attributions.
-  unsigned numWorkgroupAttrs =
-      regionArguments.size() - LaunchOp::kNumConfigRegionAttributes;
+  unsigned numWorkgroupAttrs = regionArguments.size() -
+                               LaunchOp::kNumConfigRegionAttributes -
+                               (hasCluster ? 6 : 0);
@@ -934,8 +989,14 @@ ParseResult LaunchOp::parse(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
     return failure();
-  SmallVector<int32_t, 8> segmentSizes(8, 1);
+  SmallVector<int32_t, 11> segmentSizes(11, 1);
   segmentSizes.front() = asyncDependencies.size();
+  if (!hasCluster) {
+    segmentSizes[7] = 0;
+    segmentSizes[8] = 0;
+    segmentSizes[9] = 0;
+  }
   segmentSizes.back() = hasDynamicSharedMemorySize ? 1 : 0;
@@ -992,7 +1053,7 @@ BlockArgument LaunchOp::addWorkgroupAttribution(Type type, Location loc) {
                    IntegerAttr::get(attr.getType(), attr.getValue() + 1));
   return getBody().insertArgument(
-      LaunchOp::kNumConfigRegionAttributes + attr.getInt(), type, loc);
+      LaunchOp::getNumConfigRegionAttributes() + attr.getInt(), type, loc);
 /// Adds a new block argument that corresponds to buffers located in
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/GPU/Transforms/KernelOutlining.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/GPU/Transforms/KernelOutlining.cpp
index 7432a58f18b442..2436113dc4239c 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/GPU/Transforms/KernelOutlining.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/GPU/Transforms/KernelOutlining.cpp
@@ -49,15 +49,21 @@ static void createForAllDimensions(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
 /// entry block of `launchOpBody`, to the corresponding result value of the
 /// added operations.
 static void injectGpuIndexOperations(Location loc, Region &launchFuncOpBody,
-                                     Region &launchOpBody, IRMapping &map) {
+                                     Region &launchOpBody, IRMapping &map,
+                                     bool hasCluster = false) {
   OpBuilder builder(loc->getContext());
   Block &firstBlock = launchOpBody.front();
-  SmallVector<Value, 12> indexOps;
+  SmallVector<Value> indexOps;
+  // The order is important here, as it must match the order of the arguments
   createForAllDimensions<gpu::BlockIdOp>(builder, loc, indexOps);
   createForAllDimensions<gpu::ThreadIdOp>(builder, loc, indexOps);
   createForAllDimensions<gpu::GridDimOp>(builder, loc, indexOps);
   createForAllDimensions<gpu::BlockDimOp>(builder, loc, indexOps);
+  if (hasCluster) {
+    createForAllDimensions<gpu::ClusterIdOp>(builder, loc, indexOps);
+    createForAllDimensions<gpu::ClusterDimOp>(builder, loc, indexOps);
+  }
   // Replace the leading 12 function args with the respective thread/block index
   // operations. Iterate backwards since args are erased and indices change.
   for (const auto &indexOp : enumerate(indexOps))
@@ -212,9 +218,11 @@ static gpu::GPUFuncOp outlineKernelFuncImpl(gpu::LaunchOp launchOp,
   IRMapping map;
   // Map the arguments corresponding to the launch parameters like blockIdx,
-  // threadIdx, etc.
+  // threadIdx, etc. If cluster is present, then we also generate clusterIdx and
+  // clusterDim.
   Region &outlinedFuncBody = outlinedFunc.getBody();
-  injectGpuIndexOperations(loc, outlinedFuncBody, launchOpBody, map);
+  injectGpuIndexOperations(loc, outlinedFuncBody, launchOpBody, map,
+                           launchOp.hasClusterSize());
   // Map memory attributions from the LaunOp op to the GPUFuncOp attributions.
   for (const auto &[launchArg, funcArg] :
@@ -278,12 +286,14 @@ static void convertToLaunchFuncOp(gpu::LaunchOp launchOp,
   // The launch op has an optional dynamic shared memory size. If it doesn't
   // exist, we use zero.
   Value asyncToken = launchOp.getAsyncToken();
+  std::optional<gpu::KernelDim3> clusterSize =
+      launchOp.getClusterSizeOperandValues();
   auto launchFunc = builder.create<gpu::LaunchFuncOp>(
       launchOp.getLoc(), kernelFunc, launchOp.getGridSizeOperandValues(),
       launchOp.getDynamicSharedMemorySize(), operands,
       asyncToken ? asyncToken.getType() : nullptr,
-      launchOp.getAsyncDependencies());
+      launchOp.getAsyncDependencies(), clusterSize);
diff --git a/mlir/test/Conversion/SCFToGPU/no_blocks_no_threads.mlir b/mlir/test/Conversion/SCFToGPU/no_blocks_no_threads.mlir
index a058365a104a1f..79eef8ae7eb856 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Conversion/SCFToGPU/no_blocks_no_threads.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Conversion/SCFToGPU/no_blocks_no_threads.mlir
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ func.func @one_d_loop(%A : memref<?xf32>, %B : memref<?xf32>) {
   // CHECK-BLOCKS-NEXT: %{{.*}} = arith.constant 1 : index
   // CHECK-BLOCKS-NEXT: %[[ONE:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
-  // CHECK-THREADS-NEXT: gpu.launch blocks(%[[B0:.*]], %[[B1:.*]], %[[B2:.*]]) in (%{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}}0 = %[[ONE]]) threads(%[[T0:.*]], %[[T1:.*]], %[[T2:.*]]) in (%{{.*}} = %[[BOUND]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]])
-  // CHECK-BLOCKS-NEXT: gpu.launch blocks(%[[B0:.*]], %[[B1:.*]], %[[B2:.*]]) in (%{{.*}} = %[[BOUND]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}}0 = %[[ONE]]) threads(%[[T0:.*]], %[[T1:.*]], %[[T2:.*]]) in (%{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]])
+  // CHECK-THREADS-NEXT: gpu.launch blocks(%[[B0:.*]], %[[B1:.*]], %[[B2:.*]]) in (%{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]]) threads(%[[T0:.*]], %[[T1:.*]], %[[T2:.*]]) in (%{{.*}} = %[[BOUND]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]])
+  // CHECK-BLOCKS-NEXT: gpu.launch blocks(%[[B0:.*]], %[[B1:.*]], %[[B2:.*]]) in (%{{.*}} = %[[BOUND]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]]) threads(%[[T0:.*]], %[[T1:.*]], %[[T2:.*]]) in (%{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]], %{{.*}} = %[[ONE]])
   affine.for %i = 0 to 42 {
   // CHECK-THREADS-NEXT: %[[INDEX:.*]] = arith.addi %{{.*}}, %[[T0]]
   // CHECK-THREADS-NEXT: memref.load %{{.*}}[%[[INDEX]]]
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/GPU/invalid.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/GPU/invalid.mlir
index 8a3...




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