[Mlir-commits] [mlir] Strenghten bytecode roundtrip test (PR #82946)

Mehdi Amini llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Sun Feb 25 17:04:38 PST 2024

@@ -266,18 +266,62 @@ static LogicalResult doVerifyRoundTrip(Operation *op,
                                        const MlirOptMainConfig &config,
                                        bool useBytecode) {
   // We use a new context to avoid resource handle renaming issue in the diff.
+  auto initializeNewContext = [&](MLIRContext &newContext) -> LogicalResult {
+    OwningOpRef<Operation *> roundtripModule;
+    newContext.appendDialectRegistry(op->getContext()->getDialectRegistry());
+    if (op->getContext()->allowsUnregisteredDialects())
+      newContext.allowUnregisteredDialects();
+    StringRef irdlFile = config.getIrdlFile();
+    if (!irdlFile.empty() && failed(loadIRDLDialects(irdlFile, newContext)))
+      return failure();
+    return success();
+  };
   MLIRContext roundtripContext;
-  OwningOpRef<Operation *> roundtripModule;
-  roundtripContext.appendDialectRegistry(
-      op->getContext()->getDialectRegistry());
-  if (op->getContext()->allowsUnregisteredDialects())
-    roundtripContext.allowUnregisteredDialects();
-  StringRef irdlFile = config.getIrdlFile();
-  if (!irdlFile.empty() && failed(loadIRDLDialects(irdlFile, roundtripContext)))
+  if (failed(initializeNewContext(roundtripContext)))
     return failure();
+  auto parseMLIRString = [&](const std::string &stringBuffer,
+                             MLIRContext &context) -> OwningOpRef<Operation *> {
+    FallbackAsmResourceMap fallbackResourceMap;
+    ParserConfig parseConfig(&context, /*verifyAfterParse=*/true,
+                             &fallbackResourceMap);
+    OwningOpRef<Operation *> roundtripModule =
+        parseSourceString<Operation *>(stringBuffer, parseConfig);
+    return roundtripModule;
+  };
+  // Print the operation to string. If we are going to verify the roundtrip to
+  // bytecode, make sure first that a roundtrip to text of the same IR is
+  // possible.
+  std::string reference;
+  {
+    llvm::raw_string_ostream ostream(reference);
+    op->print(ostream,
+              OpPrintingFlags().printGenericOpForm().enableDebugInfo());
+    // When testing a bytecode roundtrip, we don't want to report failure if the
+    // textual roundtrip also fails.
joker-eph wrote:

Why don't we just do both test, and report the failure independently.

That is we exit with an error if either of them fails, but we always print the result for both.


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