[Mlir-commits] [mlir] 0d72fe9 - [mlir] Fix FunctionOpInterface extraSharedClassDeclaration to be fully namespace qualified (#82682)

llvmlistbot at llvm.org llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Thu Feb 22 21:27:05 PST 2024

Author: shkoo
Date: 2024-02-22T21:27:01-08:00
New Revision: 0d72fe9777e7c131dfb50c172b944d64437e2ece

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/0d72fe9777e7c131dfb50c172b944d64437e2ece
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/0d72fe9777e7c131dfb50c172b944d64437e2ece.diff

LOG: [mlir] Fix FunctionOpInterface extraSharedClassDeclaration to be fully namespace qualified (#82682)

`extraSharedClassDeclaration` of `FunctionOpInterface` can be inherited
by other `OpInterfaces` into foreign namespaces, thus types must be
fully qualified to prevent compiler errors, for example:

    def MyFunc : OpInterface<"MyFunc", [FunctionOpInterface]> {
        let cppNamespace = "::MyNamespace";




diff  --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Interfaces/FunctionInterfaces.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Interfaces/FunctionInterfaces.td
index 98e002565cf192..970a781c998b98 100644
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Interfaces/FunctionInterfaces.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Interfaces/FunctionInterfaces.td
@@ -147,12 +147,12 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
   let extraSharedClassDeclaration = [{
     /// Block list iterator types.
-    using BlockListType = Region::BlockListType;
+    using BlockListType = ::mlir::Region::BlockListType;
     using iterator = BlockListType::iterator;
     using reverse_iterator = BlockListType::reverse_iterator;
     /// Block argument iterator types.
-    using BlockArgListType = Region::BlockArgListType;
+    using BlockArgListType = ::mlir::Region::BlockArgListType;
     using args_iterator = BlockArgListType::iterator;
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
     bool isExternal() { return empty(); }
     /// Return the region containing the body of this function.
-    Region &getFunctionBody() { return $_op->getRegion(0); }
+    ::mlir::Region &getFunctionBody() { return $_op->getRegion(0); }
     /// Delete all blocks from this function.
     void eraseBody() {
@@ -183,39 +183,39 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
     bool empty() { return getFunctionBody().empty(); }
     /// Push a new block to the back of the body region.
-    void push_back(Block *block) { getFunctionBody().push_back(block); }
+    void push_back(::mlir::Block *block) { getFunctionBody().push_back(block); }
     /// Push a new block to the front of the body region.
-    void push_front(Block *block) { getFunctionBody().push_front(block); }
+    void push_front(::mlir::Block *block) { getFunctionBody().push_front(block); }
     /// Return the last block in the body region.
-    Block &back() { return getFunctionBody().back(); }
+    ::mlir::Block &back() { return getFunctionBody().back(); }
     /// Return the first block in the body region.
-    Block &front() { return getFunctionBody().front(); }
+    ::mlir::Block &front() { return getFunctionBody().front(); }
     /// Add an entry block to an empty function, and set up the block arguments
     /// to match the signature of the function. The newly inserted entry block
     /// is returned.
-    Block *addEntryBlock() {
+    ::mlir::Block *addEntryBlock() {
       assert(empty() && "function already has an entry block");
-      Block *entry = new Block();
+      ::mlir::Block *entry = new ::mlir::Block();
       // FIXME: Allow for passing in locations for these arguments instead of using
       // the operations location.
-      ArrayRef<Type> inputTypes = $_op.getArgumentTypes();
-      SmallVector<Location> locations(inputTypes.size(),
-                                      $_op.getOperation()->getLoc());
+      ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Type> inputTypes = $_op.getArgumentTypes();
+      ::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Location> locations(inputTypes.size(),
+                                              $_op.getOperation()->getLoc());
       entry->addArguments(inputTypes, locations);
       return entry;
     /// Add a normal block to the end of the function's block list. The function
     /// should at least already have an entry block.
-    Block *addBlock() {
+    ::mlir::Block *addBlock() {
       assert(!empty() && "function should at least have an entry block");
-      push_back(new Block());
+      push_back(new ::mlir::Block());
       return &back();
@@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
     ///  - the argument/result attributes may need an update: if the new type
     ///    has less parameters we drop the extra attributes, if there are more
     ///    parameters they won't have any attributes.
-    void setType(Type newType) {
-      function_interface_impl::setFunctionType($_op, newType);
+    void setType(::mlir::Type newType) {
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::setFunctionType($_op, newType);
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
     unsigned getNumResults() { return $_op.getResultTypes().size(); }
     /// Returns the entry block function argument at the given index.
-    BlockArgument getArgument(unsigned idx) {
+    ::mlir::BlockArgument getArgument(unsigned idx) {
       return getFunctionBody().getArgument(idx);
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
     /// Insert a single argument of type `argType` with attributes `argAttrs` and
     /// location `argLoc` at `argIndex`.
-    void insertArgument(unsigned argIndex, Type argType, DictionaryAttr argAttrs,
-                        Location argLoc) {
+    void insertArgument(unsigned argIndex, ::mlir::Type argType, ::mlir::DictionaryAttr argAttrs,
+                        ::mlir::Location argLoc) {
       insertArguments({argIndex}, {argType}, {argAttrs}, {argLoc});
@@ -265,20 +265,20 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
     /// listed indices. `argIndices` must be sorted. Arguments are inserted in the
     /// order they are listed, such that arguments with identical index will
     /// appear in the same order that they were listed here.
-    void insertArguments(ArrayRef<unsigned> argIndices, TypeRange argTypes,
-                        ArrayRef<DictionaryAttr> argAttrs,
-                        ArrayRef<Location> argLocs) {
+    void insertArguments(::llvm::ArrayRef<unsigned> argIndices, ::mlir::TypeRange argTypes,
+                        ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::DictionaryAttr> argAttrs,
+                        ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Location> argLocs) {
       unsigned originalNumArgs = $_op.getNumArguments();
-      Type newType = $_op.getTypeWithArgsAndResults(
+      ::mlir::Type newType = $_op.getTypeWithArgsAndResults(
           argIndices, argTypes, /*resultIndices=*/{}, /*resultTypes=*/{});
-      function_interface_impl::insertFunctionArguments(
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::insertFunctionArguments(
           $_op, argIndices, argTypes, argAttrs, argLocs,
           originalNumArgs, newType);
     /// Insert a single result of type `resultType` at `resultIndex`.
-    void insertResult(unsigned resultIndex, Type resultType,
-                      DictionaryAttr resultAttrs) {
+    void insertResult(unsigned resultIndex, ::mlir::Type resultType,
+                      ::mlir::DictionaryAttr resultAttrs) {
       insertResults({resultIndex}, {resultType}, {resultAttrs});
@@ -286,41 +286,41 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
     /// `resultIndices` must be sorted. Results are inserted in the order they are
     /// listed, such that results with identical index will appear in the same
     /// order that they were listed here.
-    void insertResults(ArrayRef<unsigned> resultIndices, TypeRange resultTypes,
-                      ArrayRef<DictionaryAttr> resultAttrs) {
+    void insertResults(::llvm::ArrayRef<unsigned> resultIndices, ::mlir::TypeRange resultTypes,
+                       ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::DictionaryAttr> resultAttrs) {
       unsigned originalNumResults = $_op.getNumResults();
-      Type newType = $_op.getTypeWithArgsAndResults(
+      ::mlir::Type newType = $_op.getTypeWithArgsAndResults(
         /*argIndices=*/{}, /*argTypes=*/{}, resultIndices, resultTypes);
-      function_interface_impl::insertFunctionResults(
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::insertFunctionResults(
           $_op, resultIndices, resultTypes, resultAttrs,
           originalNumResults, newType);
     /// Erase a single argument at `argIndex`.
     void eraseArgument(unsigned argIndex) {
-      BitVector argsToErase($_op.getNumArguments());
+      ::llvm::BitVector argsToErase($_op.getNumArguments());
     /// Erases the arguments listed in `argIndices`.
-    void eraseArguments(const BitVector &argIndices) {
-      Type newType = $_op.getTypeWithoutArgs(argIndices);
-      function_interface_impl::eraseFunctionArguments(
+    void eraseArguments(const ::llvm::BitVector &argIndices) {
+      ::mlir::Type newType = $_op.getTypeWithoutArgs(argIndices);
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::eraseFunctionArguments(
         $_op, argIndices, newType);
     /// Erase a single result at `resultIndex`.
     void eraseResult(unsigned resultIndex) {
-      BitVector resultsToErase($_op.getNumResults());
+      ::llvm::BitVector resultsToErase($_op.getNumResults());
     /// Erases the results listed in `resultIndices`.
-    void eraseResults(const BitVector &resultIndices) {
-      Type newType = $_op.getTypeWithoutResults(resultIndices);
-      function_interface_impl::eraseFunctionResults(
+    void eraseResults(const ::llvm::BitVector &resultIndices) {
+      ::mlir::Type newType = $_op.getTypeWithoutResults(resultIndices);
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::eraseFunctionResults(
           $_op, resultIndices, newType);
@@ -328,13 +328,13 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
     /// results inserted. This is used to update the function's signature in
     /// the `insertArguments` and `insertResults` methods. The arrays must be
     /// sorted by increasing index.
-    Type getTypeWithArgsAndResults(
-      ArrayRef<unsigned> argIndices, TypeRange argTypes,
-      ArrayRef<unsigned> resultIndices, TypeRange resultTypes) {
-      SmallVector<Type> argStorage, resultStorage;
-      TypeRange newArgTypes = insertTypesInto(
+    ::mlir::Type getTypeWithArgsAndResults(
+      ::llvm::ArrayRef<unsigned> argIndices, ::mlir::TypeRange argTypes,
+      ::llvm::ArrayRef<unsigned> resultIndices, ::mlir::TypeRange resultTypes) {
+      ::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Type> argStorage, resultStorage;
+      ::mlir::TypeRange newArgTypes = insertTypesInto(
           $_op.getArgumentTypes(), argIndices, argTypes, argStorage);
-      TypeRange newResultTypes = insertTypesInto(
+      ::mlir::TypeRange newResultTypes = insertTypesInto(
           $_op.getResultTypes(), resultIndices, resultTypes, resultStorage);
       return $_op.cloneTypeWith(newArgTypes, newResultTypes);
@@ -342,24 +342,24 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
     /// Return the type of this function without the specified arguments and
     /// results. This is used to update the function's signature in the
     /// `eraseArguments` and `eraseResults` methods.
-    Type getTypeWithoutArgsAndResults(
-      const BitVector &argIndices, const BitVector &resultIndices) {
-      SmallVector<Type> argStorage, resultStorage;
-      TypeRange newArgTypes = filterTypesOut(
+    ::mlir::Type getTypeWithoutArgsAndResults(
+      const ::llvm::BitVector &argIndices, const ::llvm::BitVector &resultIndices) {
+      ::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Type> argStorage, resultStorage;
+      ::mlir::TypeRange newArgTypes = filterTypesOut(
           $_op.getArgumentTypes(), argIndices, argStorage);
-      TypeRange newResultTypes = filterTypesOut(
+      ::mlir::TypeRange newResultTypes = filterTypesOut(
           $_op.getResultTypes(), resultIndices, resultStorage);
       return $_op.cloneTypeWith(newArgTypes, newResultTypes);
-    Type getTypeWithoutArgs(const BitVector &argIndices) {
-      SmallVector<Type> argStorage;
-      TypeRange newArgTypes = filterTypesOut(
+    ::mlir::Type getTypeWithoutArgs(const ::llvm::BitVector &argIndices) {
+      ::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Type> argStorage;
+      ::mlir::TypeRange newArgTypes = filterTypesOut(
           $_op.getArgumentTypes(), argIndices, argStorage);
       return $_op.cloneTypeWith(newArgTypes, $_op.getResultTypes());
-    Type getTypeWithoutResults(const BitVector &resultIndices) {
-      SmallVector<Type> resultStorage;
-      TypeRange newResultTypes = filterTypesOut(
+    ::mlir::Type getTypeWithoutResults(const ::llvm::BitVector &resultIndices) {
+      ::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Type> resultStorage;
+      ::mlir::TypeRange newResultTypes = filterTypesOut(
           $_op.getResultTypes(), resultIndices, resultStorage);
       return $_op.cloneTypeWith($_op.getArgumentTypes(), newResultTypes);
@@ -369,88 +369,88 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
     /// Return all of the attributes for the argument at 'index'.
-    ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> getArgAttrs(unsigned index) {
-      return function_interface_impl::getArgAttrs($_op, index);
+    ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::NamedAttribute> getArgAttrs(unsigned index) {
+      return ::mlir::function_interface_impl::getArgAttrs($_op, index);
     /// Return an ArrayAttr containing all argument attribute dictionaries of
     /// this function, or nullptr if no arguments have attributes.
-    ArrayAttr getAllArgAttrs() { return $_op.getArgAttrsAttr(); }
+    ::mlir::ArrayAttr getAllArgAttrs() { return $_op.getArgAttrsAttr(); }
     /// Return all argument attributes of this function.
-    void getAllArgAttrs(SmallVectorImpl<DictionaryAttr> &result) {
-      if (ArrayAttr argAttrs = getAllArgAttrs()) {
-        auto argAttrRange = argAttrs.template getAsRange<DictionaryAttr>();
+    void getAllArgAttrs(::llvm::SmallVectorImpl<::mlir::DictionaryAttr> &result) {
+      if (::mlir::ArrayAttr argAttrs = getAllArgAttrs()) {
+        auto argAttrRange = argAttrs.template getAsRange<::mlir::DictionaryAttr>();
         result.append(argAttrRange.begin(), argAttrRange.end());
       } else {
-                      DictionaryAttr::get(this->getOperation()->getContext()));
+                      ::mlir::DictionaryAttr::get(this->getOperation()->getContext()));
     /// Return the specified attribute, if present, for the argument at 'index',
     /// null otherwise.
-    Attribute getArgAttr(unsigned index, StringAttr name) {
+    ::mlir::Attribute getArgAttr(unsigned index, ::mlir::StringAttr name) {
       auto argDict = getArgAttrDict(index);
       return argDict ? argDict.get(name) : nullptr;
-    Attribute getArgAttr(unsigned index, StringRef name) {
+    ::mlir::Attribute getArgAttr(unsigned index, ::llvm::StringRef name) {
       auto argDict = getArgAttrDict(index);
       return argDict ? argDict.get(name) : nullptr;
     template <typename AttrClass>
-    AttrClass getArgAttrOfType(unsigned index, StringAttr name) {
+    AttrClass getArgAttrOfType(unsigned index, ::mlir::StringAttr name) {
       return ::llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<AttrClass>(getArgAttr(index, name));
     template <typename AttrClass>
-    AttrClass getArgAttrOfType(unsigned index, StringRef name) {
+    AttrClass getArgAttrOfType(unsigned index, ::llvm::StringRef name) {
       return ::llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<AttrClass>(getArgAttr(index, name));
     /// Set the attributes held by the argument at 'index'.
-    void setArgAttrs(unsigned index, ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes) {
-      function_interface_impl::setArgAttrs($_op, index, attributes);
+    void setArgAttrs(unsigned index, ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::NamedAttribute> attributes) {
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::setArgAttrs($_op, index, attributes);
     /// Set the attributes held by the argument at 'index'. `attributes` may be
     /// null, in which case any existing argument attributes are removed.
-    void setArgAttrs(unsigned index, DictionaryAttr attributes) {
-      function_interface_impl::setArgAttrs($_op, index, attributes);
+    void setArgAttrs(unsigned index, ::mlir::DictionaryAttr attributes) {
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::setArgAttrs($_op, index, attributes);
-    void setAllArgAttrs(ArrayRef<DictionaryAttr> attributes) {
+    void setAllArgAttrs(::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::DictionaryAttr> attributes) {
       assert(attributes.size() == $_op.getNumArguments());
-      function_interface_impl::setAllArgAttrDicts($_op, attributes);
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::setAllArgAttrDicts($_op, attributes);
-    void setAllArgAttrs(ArrayRef<Attribute> attributes) {
+    void setAllArgAttrs(::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Attribute> attributes) {
       assert(attributes.size() == $_op.getNumArguments());
-      function_interface_impl::setAllArgAttrDicts($_op, attributes);
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::setAllArgAttrDicts($_op, attributes);
-    void setAllArgAttrs(ArrayAttr attributes) {
+    void setAllArgAttrs(::mlir::ArrayAttr attributes) {
       assert(attributes.size() == $_op.getNumArguments());
     /// If the an attribute exists with the specified name, change it to the new
     /// value. Otherwise, add a new attribute with the specified name/value.
-    void setArgAttr(unsigned index, StringAttr name, Attribute value) {
-      function_interface_impl::setArgAttr($_op, index, name, value);
+    void setArgAttr(unsigned index, ::mlir::StringAttr name, ::mlir::Attribute value) {
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::setArgAttr($_op, index, name, value);
-    void setArgAttr(unsigned index, StringRef name, Attribute value) {
+    void setArgAttr(unsigned index, ::llvm::StringRef name, ::mlir::Attribute value) {
-                 StringAttr::get(this->getOperation()->getContext(), name),
+                 ::mlir::StringAttr::get(this->getOperation()->getContext(), name),
     /// Remove the attribute 'name' from the argument at 'index'. Return the
     /// attribute that was erased, or nullptr if there was no attribute with
     /// such name.
-    Attribute removeArgAttr(unsigned index, StringAttr name) {
-      return function_interface_impl::removeArgAttr($_op, index, name);
+    ::mlir::Attribute removeArgAttr(unsigned index, ::mlir::StringAttr name) {
+      return ::mlir::function_interface_impl::removeArgAttr($_op, index, name);
-    Attribute removeArgAttr(unsigned index, StringRef name) {
+    ::mlir::Attribute removeArgAttr(unsigned index, ::llvm::StringRef name) {
       return removeArgAttr(
-          index, StringAttr::get(this->getOperation()->getContext(), name));
+          index, ::mlir::StringAttr::get(this->getOperation()->getContext(), name));
@@ -458,102 +458,102 @@ def FunctionOpInterface : OpInterface<"FunctionOpInterface", [
     /// Return all of the attributes for the result at 'index'.
-    ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> getResultAttrs(unsigned index) {
-      return function_interface_impl::getResultAttrs($_op, index);
+    ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::NamedAttribute> getResultAttrs(unsigned index) {
+      return ::mlir::function_interface_impl::getResultAttrs($_op, index);
     /// Return an ArrayAttr containing all result attribute dictionaries of this
     /// function, or nullptr if no result have attributes.
-    ArrayAttr getAllResultAttrs() { return $_op.getResAttrsAttr(); }
+    ::mlir::ArrayAttr getAllResultAttrs() { return $_op.getResAttrsAttr(); }
     /// Return all result attributes of this function.
-    void getAllResultAttrs(SmallVectorImpl<DictionaryAttr> &result) {
-      if (ArrayAttr argAttrs = getAllResultAttrs()) {
-        auto argAttrRange = argAttrs.template getAsRange<DictionaryAttr>();
+    void getAllResultAttrs(::llvm::SmallVectorImpl<::mlir::DictionaryAttr> &result) {
+      if (::mlir::ArrayAttr argAttrs = getAllResultAttrs()) {
+        auto argAttrRange = argAttrs.template getAsRange<::mlir::DictionaryAttr>();
         result.append(argAttrRange.begin(), argAttrRange.end());
       } else {
-                      DictionaryAttr::get(this->getOperation()->getContext()));
+                      ::mlir::DictionaryAttr::get(this->getOperation()->getContext()));
     /// Return the specified attribute, if present, for the result at 'index',
     /// null otherwise.
-    Attribute getResultAttr(unsigned index, StringAttr name) {
+    ::mlir::Attribute getResultAttr(unsigned index, ::mlir::StringAttr name) {
       auto argDict = getResultAttrDict(index);
       return argDict ? argDict.get(name) : nullptr;
-    Attribute getResultAttr(unsigned index, StringRef name) {
+    ::mlir::Attribute getResultAttr(unsigned index, ::llvm::StringRef name) {
       auto argDict = getResultAttrDict(index);
       return argDict ? argDict.get(name) : nullptr;
     template <typename AttrClass>
-    AttrClass getResultAttrOfType(unsigned index, StringAttr name) {
+    AttrClass getResultAttrOfType(unsigned index, ::mlir::StringAttr name) {
       return ::llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<AttrClass>(getResultAttr(index, name));
     template <typename AttrClass>
-    AttrClass getResultAttrOfType(unsigned index, StringRef name) {
+    AttrClass getResultAttrOfType(unsigned index, ::llvm::StringRef name) {
       return ::llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<AttrClass>(getResultAttr(index, name));
     /// Set the attributes held by the result at 'index'.
-    void setResultAttrs(unsigned index, ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attributes) {
-      function_interface_impl::setResultAttrs($_op, index, attributes);
+    void setResultAttrs(unsigned index, ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::NamedAttribute> attributes) {
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::setResultAttrs($_op, index, attributes);
     /// Set the attributes held by the result at 'index'. `attributes` may be
     /// null, in which case any existing argument attributes are removed.
-    void setResultAttrs(unsigned index, DictionaryAttr attributes) {
-      function_interface_impl::setResultAttrs($_op, index, attributes);
+    void setResultAttrs(unsigned index, ::mlir::DictionaryAttr attributes) {
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::setResultAttrs($_op, index, attributes);
-    void setAllResultAttrs(ArrayRef<DictionaryAttr> attributes) {
+    void setAllResultAttrs(::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::DictionaryAttr> attributes) {
       assert(attributes.size() == $_op.getNumResults());
-      function_interface_impl::setAllResultAttrDicts(
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::setAllResultAttrDicts(
         $_op, attributes);
-    void setAllResultAttrs(ArrayRef<Attribute> attributes) {
+    void setAllResultAttrs(::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Attribute> attributes) {
       assert(attributes.size() == $_op.getNumResults());
-      function_interface_impl::setAllResultAttrDicts(
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::setAllResultAttrDicts(
         $_op, attributes);
-    void setAllResultAttrs(ArrayAttr attributes) {
+    void setAllResultAttrs(::mlir::ArrayAttr attributes) {
       assert(attributes.size() == $_op.getNumResults());
     /// If the an attribute exists with the specified name, change it to the new
     /// value. Otherwise, add a new attribute with the specified name/value.
-    void setResultAttr(unsigned index, StringAttr name, Attribute value) {
-      function_interface_impl::setResultAttr($_op, index, name, value);
+    void setResultAttr(unsigned index, ::mlir::StringAttr name, ::mlir::Attribute value) {
+      ::mlir::function_interface_impl::setResultAttr($_op, index, name, value);
-    void setResultAttr(unsigned index, StringRef name, Attribute value) {
+    void setResultAttr(unsigned index, ::llvm::StringRef name, ::mlir::Attribute value) {
-                    StringAttr::get(this->getOperation()->getContext(), name),
+                    ::mlir::StringAttr::get(this->getOperation()->getContext(), name),
     /// Remove the attribute 'name' from the result at 'index'. Return the
     /// attribute that was erased, or nullptr if there was no attribute with
     /// such name.
-    Attribute removeResultAttr(unsigned index, StringAttr name) {
-      return function_interface_impl::removeResultAttr($_op, index, name);
+    ::mlir::Attribute removeResultAttr(unsigned index, ::mlir::StringAttr name) {
+      return ::mlir::function_interface_impl::removeResultAttr($_op, index, name);
     /// Returns the dictionary attribute corresponding to the argument at
     /// 'index'. If there are no argument attributes at 'index', a null
     /// attribute is returned.
-    DictionaryAttr getArgAttrDict(unsigned index) {
+    ::mlir::DictionaryAttr getArgAttrDict(unsigned index) {
       assert(index < $_op.getNumArguments() && "invalid argument number");
-      return function_interface_impl::getArgAttrDict($_op, index);
+      return ::mlir::function_interface_impl::getArgAttrDict($_op, index);
     /// Returns the dictionary attribute corresponding to the result at 'index'.
     /// If there are no result attributes at 'index', a null attribute is
     /// returned.
-    DictionaryAttr getResultAttrDict(unsigned index) {
+    ::mlir::DictionaryAttr getResultAttrDict(unsigned index) {
       assert(index < $_op.getNumResults() && "invalid result number");
-      return function_interface_impl::getResultAttrDict($_op, index);
+      return ::mlir::function_interface_impl::getResultAttrDict($_op, index);


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