[Mlir-commits] [mlir] [mlir][python] expose LLVMStructType API (PR #81672)

Nicolas Vasilache llvmlistbot at llvm.org
Wed Feb 14 01:39:35 PST 2024

@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+//===- DialectLLVM.cpp - Pybind module for LLVM dialect API support -------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "mlir-c/Diagnostics.h"
+#include "mlir-c/Dialect/LLVM.h"
+#include "mlir-c/IR.h"
+#include "mlir-c/Support.h"
+#include "mlir/Bindings/Python/PybindAdaptors.h"
+#include <string>
+namespace py = pybind11;
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace mlir;
+using namespace mlir::python;
+using namespace mlir::python::adaptors;
+namespace {
+/// Standalone RAII scope guard. We don't want to depend on the LLVM support
+/// library here to simplify build.
+template <typename FnTy>
+class OnScopeExit {
+  OnScopeExit(FnTy &&fn) : callback(std::forward<FnTy>(fn)) {}
+  ~OnScopeExit() { callback(); }
+  FnTy callback;
+template <typename FnTy>
+OnScopeExit(FnTy &&fn) -> OnScopeExit<FnTy>;
+} // namespace
+void populateDialectLLVMSubmodule(const pybind11::module &m) {
+  auto llvmStructType =
+      mlir_type_subclass(m, "StructType", mlirTypeIsALLVMStructType);
+  llvmStructType.def_classmethod(
+      "get_literal",
+      [](py::object cls, const std::vector<MlirType> &elements, bool packed,
+         MlirLocation loc) {
+        std::string errorMessage = "";
+        auto handler = +[](MlirDiagnostic diag, void *data) {
+          auto printer = +[](MlirStringRef message, void *data) {
+            *static_cast<std::string *>(data) +=
+                StringRef(message.data, message.length);
+          };
+          mlirDiagnosticPrint(diag, printer, data);
+          return mlirLogicalResultSuccess();
+        };
+        MlirContext context = mlirLocationGetContext(loc);
+        MlirDiagnosticHandlerID diagID = mlirContextAttachDiagnosticHandler(
+            context, handler, &errorMessage, nullptr);
+        OnScopeExit scopeGuard(
+            [&]() { mlirContextDetachDiagnosticHandler(context, diagID); });
+        MlirType type = mlirLLVMStructTypeLiteralGetChecked(
+            loc, elements.size(), elements.data(), packed);
+        if (mlirTypeIsNull(type)) {
+          throw py::value_error(errorMessage);
+        }
+        return cls(type);
+      },
+      py::arg("cls"), py::arg("elements"), py::kw_only(),
+      py::arg("packed") = false, py::arg("loc") = py::none());
+  llvmStructType.def_classmethod(
+      "get_identified",
+      [](py::object cls, const std::string &name, MlirContext context) {
+        return cls(mlirLLVMStructTypeIdentifiedGet(
+            context, mlirStringRefCreate(name.data(), name.size())));
+      },
+      py::arg("cls"), py::arg("name"), py::kw_only(),
+      py::arg("context") = py::none());
+  llvmStructType.def_classmethod(
+      "get_opaque",
+      [](py::object cls, const std::string &name, MlirContext context) {
+        return cls(mlirLLVMStructTypeOpaqueGet(
+            context, mlirStringRefCreate(name.data(), name.size())));
+      }, py::arg("cls"), py::arg("name"), py::arg("context") = py::none());
+  llvmStructType.def(
+      "set_body",
+      [](MlirType self, const std::vector<MlirType> &elements, bool packed) {
+        MlirLogicalResult result = mlirLLVMStructTypeSetBody(
+            self, elements.size(), elements.data(), packed);
+        if (!mlirLogicalResultIsSuccess(result)) {
+          throw py::value_error(
+              "Struct body already set to different content.");
+        }
+      },
+      py::arg("elements"), py::kw_only(), py::arg("packed") = false);
+  llvmStructType.def_classmethod(
+      "new_identified",
+      [](py::object cls, const std::string &name,
+         const std::vector<MlirType> &elements, bool packed, MlirContext ctx) {
+        return cls(mlirLLVMStructTypeIdentifiedNewGet(
+            ctx, mlirStringRefCreate(name.data(), name.length()),
+            elements.size(), elements.data(), packed));
+      },
+      py::arg("cls"), py::arg("name"), py::arg("elements"), py::kw_only(),
+      py::arg("packed") = false, py::arg("context") = py::none());
+  llvmStructType.def_property_readonly(
+      "name", [](MlirType type) -> std::optional<std::string> {
+        if (mlirLLVMStructTypeIsLiteral(type))
+          return std::nullopt;
+        MlirStringRef stringRef = mlirLLVMStructTypeGetIdentifier(type);
+        return StringRef(stringRef.data, stringRef.length).str();
+      });
+  llvmStructType.def_property_readonly("body", [](MlirType type) -> py::object {
+    // Don't crash in absence of a body.
+    if (mlirLLVMStructTypeIsOpaque(type))
+      return py::none();
+    py::list body;
+    for (intptr_t i = 0, e = mlirLLVMStructTypeGetNumElementTypes(type); i < e;
+         ++i) {
+      body.append(mlirLLVMStructTypeGetElementType(type, i));
+    }
+    return body;
+  });
+  llvmStructType.def_property_readonly(
+      "packed", [](MlirType type) { return mlirLLVMStructTypeIsPacked(type); });
+  llvmStructType.def_property_readonly(
+      "opaque", [](MlirType type) { return mlirLLVMStructTypeIsOpaque(type); });
+PYBIND11_MODULE(_mlirDialectsLLVM, m) {
+  m.doc() = "MLIR LLVM Dialect";
+  populateDialectLLVMSubmodule(m);
nicolasvasilache wrote:



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